[x] Take her yourself
You take some time to go track Ryuko down, but it takes you a while to actually find her. That little scamp made it a good distance out before actually being knocked out by all the damage her body took.
She's a real fighter you'll give her that.
"Well Ryuko, you beat your first obstacle." You say picking up her sleeping form up bridle style. "You're going to end up real strong one day, you just wait."
You turn to see the Weasel with her little brother and some fat guy approaching.
"Hey!" You greet them "What are all you up too?"
Before you can say anything the Weasel is in your face blabbing. Heh she's kind of funny, just the sound of her voice going on and on in a line of thought that makes absently no sort of logical sense. ……………………………………….You like it.
Still you're going to have to honest here "I did not understand a word of what you just said."
The Weasel opening her mouth to start blabbing again before her brother steps up to speak. "What my sister means to say is that our dad is a doctor………..he might be able to help her if you take her back to our place."
You raise an eyebrow "A doctor aye? Well, ok fine, but I'm comming with you to make sure noting happens, I've had more than one run with people of that profession." Stupid made scientists and their stupid Ph'D's.
"Of course!" the fat man steps up "I can perfectly understand your concern for you friend! "I can perfectly understand your concern for your friend! I wouldn't want to leave Mako alone in the care of a bunch of people off the street either!"
Well, good to know he gets where you coming from.
Thankfully the visit wasn't interesting in the panicking about Ryuko's fate sense of the word. It's pretty clear that she's mostly just exhausted, and too the amazement of you back ally friend none of her wounds were important in the life threatening, or even temporarily crippling sense.
You know it's because she's a life fiber hybrid, and life fiber hybrids are just awesome like that, but to the Weasel and her family things are pretty awesome.
Anyway they've offered to let you stay at their home while you're in city.
What do you do?
[x] Accept
[x] Refuse (Will not affect Ryuko's ability to stay though)
Anyway what do you do tomorrow?
[x] Go to work in your teacher disguise.
[x] Follow Ryuko around.
[x] Stalk that sexy spy that's been trying to disguise himself as a teacher.
[x] Go cause trouble for the Academy, they probably know your affiliated with Ryuko by now and are thus an enemy, might as well have fun with it.
[x] Go beat up on of the three stars, hey if you want to cause trouble its go big or go home! It will draw quite a bit of heat though.
[x] Go kick the snot out Satsuki herself, it'll draw major heat for sure though, and you can be sure she'll immediately go looking for a Kamui to use against you if you do so.
[x] Look for a boyfriend!
[x] Help the mom around the house, she could probably need it. (Only if you accept)
[x] Go look for a place to live, even if you aren't living with Ryuko you still want to be in the same city. (Only if you refuse)
[x] Go find a box to live in………….boxes are the best.
OOC: Alright boys you have some pretty good leeway with what you can do. Remember as intelligent as Mirror Nui is she's still pretty nutty, she's going to enjoy some of these options more than she's going to like other. Just something to keep in mind, especially with how things have been trending. Just remember that Ryuko isn't going to just flat out die the moment you take your eyes off her.