[x] Timeskip
You let out a yawn. Building these twins wasn't easy, but you're sure that it'll end up worth it in the end.
Blue life fibers can't be stubborn little bastards, but they're at least safe to work with, and are potent weapons once you get them to actually do their job. Not equivalent to things like the scissor blades of either world of course, but they'll hurt a life fiber hybrid better than just about anything else, and can do assorted nasty things to red life fibers in general.
Now……you just need to name them. Let's see the first one seems like a quite thinker. It's Philosophical to an extent that you could never hope to match. This is a knife that looks at the consequences of its actions, and carefully considers the ramifications of the death it causes, ever reflecting on the morality of being a killing machine.
You shall name him…………….Stabby!
Awww Stabby likes his new name, you can tell from his stunned silence!
Now it's time to name the other one. This one is fierce, savage, unrelenting, and completely devoted to crushing its enemies. Its bloodlust is far beyond that of its kin. Yes there is one name that will fit this one perfectly. You shall name it after the cyborg zombie warlock you fought in your home dimension.
From this day forward this knife shall be known as Ronald Reagan!
Ooooooh it's so happy it's at a loss for words. You knew Ronald would like his name!
The three of you will have so much fun together!
You stretch out and yawn as you enter the Matoi mansions backyard. You'd only just woken up recently so you were still rather sleepy.
"Hey Ryuko!" you great your charge as you walk into the yard.
Ryuko herself has changed a bit over the years. No longer the little twerp she used to be she's grown to be about your height, so you can't call her tiny any more, which is a shame because you loved calling her that. She's also start gaining all the other characteristic of a young women, you can tell because when the two of you go out some of the guys give her some looks instead of just focusing on you. Good for her, she won't have any trouble getting a boyfriend if she puts her mind to it. Well unless her personality ruins it for her for some reason, Stabby says that can have a pretty big impact on a relationship.
"Hey Emirah" She replies "Your up late, usually you've been up for hours by the time I wake up."
"Yeah" you yawn "Sorry about that, I've been very busy these last few days."
Ryuko shrugs it off "It's…….I mean it's not like your gone all the time……..unlike some people."
Oh my, theirs that resentment towards her father boiling up again.
"Ryuko" your voice is much softer than normal. "I know it doesn't seem like it at times, but your father is doing his best, it's just that circumstances these days make it very hard for him to set that time aside."
"I know" She grumbles "Doesn't make me feel any better though."
You wave her off "its fine if you're feeling a bit salty, I know I've held a bit of pepper towards my own parents for a long time, I just wanted to make sure you go the point."
"I got it." Ryuko relents "What have you been doing recently anyway."
"Just a few meetings I've had to attend." You say "I've had to deal with a lot sticks in the mud into the late hours of the night, I'm lucky I'm so even tempered or I'd probably have done something I'd regret."
Almost immediately Ryuko breaks out into laughter "Pfffffffffft hahahahahahahahaha! You even tempered? I'm sorry Emirah but I've seen you get angry, and it isn't pretty."
Hey!" you say "I'm even tempered when it counts!"
"Really?" Ryuko leans in with a mischievous smile on her face "What about the time when"
"TURN! OFF THAT ******** MUSIC!" You scream brandishing a set of bagpipes in an old discount store "TURN IT OFF OR YOUR EARS WILL SUFFER ETERNAL TORMENT!"
"YOU THINK YOU NOTHER*****'s CAN THREATEN MY CHARGE!" You scream as you bust into a Yakuza warehouse brandishing a sledge hammer "YOU ***** ARE IN FOR IT NOW!!"
From that day forward the local Yakuza would become known as the wheelchair gang, because not a single one of them ever walked again.
"I'LL SHOW YOU DISCONNECTED YOU DAMNED DIRTY MACHINE!" You shout uprooting an old pay phone from the sidewalk in anger.
"Ok, that first that second instance was totally justified" you say looking at Ryuko who has raised one eyebrow. "Two I said even tempered when it comes to things that matter, none of that really mattered except for the second one, which was justified."
Ryuko just crosses her arms "Doesn't make you any less erratic with your temper." She says staring you down. "How can you just wave off someone dropping a fucking safe on you and then fly into a berserk rage at the sight of someone dressing like a hippy."
"Hippies are an evil cult of evil people who like being smug about their evil ways, of course they send me into a berserk fury." You reply as a matter of factly "Also do you really need to swear so much??"
Ryuko gains a sly smile "What? Dose my fucking swearing bother you?"
"Oh I guess I just won't bitch about things so much then."
"Hahahahaha very funny now please stop."
"Alright I'll make damn sure that I stop swearing."
"Uuuuug you're starting to remind me of myself."
Naturally as a mirror counterpart to this universes counter part of you, you find it in your best interests to track down your native copy and learn all you can about her. Mostly because as your opposite that means that she's probably evil, or even worse like's hippies, so you want to know just how she fights. That way when the two of you get into an actual fight, you have an unfair advantage because you know her moves, and everyone knows that you should always have an unfair advantage if you can get it. Playing fair is for suckers after all.
Needless to say you learn many things about your counterpart from you little campaign of espionage against her.
First and foremost you learn that she's a murder happy murderfiend who likes to murder people for no reason, with extra murder. Mostly because she killed you when you walking along the street. Well you were in disguise as a little old lady at the time but still, you weren't even trying to spy on her at time! You just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time…….while disguised as a little old lady. Normally killing you, even in a disguise like that would be brushed off, but she was way too happy for that to just be professionalism. Thank goodness she doesn't have anything capable of actually damaging a life fiber hybrid, all you needed to do was play dead for a little bit and she left……….sucker.
Second is that she doesn't like bacon…………………….does her evil know no bounds?
Third is that she's way too confident in the fact that nobody can permanently hurt her. Apparently anti-life fiber weaponry is much less advanced on this planet because of the whole life fibers messing with everyone's mind to make then less opposed to REVOCS. So your counterpart has less experience dealing with anything that can do permanent damage. You wonder if she shares you assimilation ability, but you decide you can test that later when you actually fight, besides you'll probably have to disarm her if you ever need to interrogate her anyway.
Fourth is that she's a life fiber hybrid, while that normally would be a given considering that your one too, it was in your best interests to make sure.
Finally you've got a good measure on her fighting style. It's pretty formidable in its own right, and pretty decent against peer level opponent but it's got a few weakness you think you can exploit. She also seems to have traded the brute force of your fiber in exchange for some kind of mental stitching' ability, powerful against groups, but your immune and yours is better one on one. You think you might actually have the edge in a one on one fight.
Overall she's a deeply unpleasant person whom you already hate and want to destroy with every fiber of your being.
…………………………..this is going to be fun!
You begin working on the 20% blue life fiber uniform. It actually takes a big longer then you'd like due to the blue life fibers stubborn nature and a lack of proper facilities, but you manage it. Still you hate working with blue life fibers; even the ones in your own body will not stop arguing with each other for hours on end……….it never stops!
Honestly it's a wonder you haven't gone crazy or something.
Anyway 20% uniforms tend to have customized abilities, but since you don't really have anyone in mind to wear it right now, you'll have to wait until you can find someone suitable before you make any further modifications.
Satsuki's new academy is an imposing thing. Standing tall above the surrounding city with massive walls it truly is more of a fortress then an actual school. Needless so day no in the city has any illusions about this being anything other than just another part of the oppression they've already been dealing with. Oh well at least Satsuki is honest about it., even if you do kind of want to tear it down yourself.
As you look around the room you note that it's a very good thing your teacher disguise worked. Infiltrating this place the old fashioned way might actually have been a bother for you, although you could still pull it off. Well brut forcing this place would probably be easy since almost no one here but Satsuki herself can come close to matching you in a fight, but just barging in defeats the point of things.
The other teachers are mostly nothing special. The vast majority of the teachers in question have weak personalities and are easily cowed, although that might just be because the students here are so threatening, and because Satsuki owns the place, so you suppose they have their reasons. The other major group of teachers seem to be more like drill instructors meant to discipline the low ranking students then anything else, your disguised self fits into this later group. However one teacher stands out to your senses as different from these two groups. This teacher's a blue haired one, unassuming at first, he was about as average as you could possible hope to be. You probably wouldn't have thought to separate him from the easily cowed group of teachers if you hadn't noticed his steady calm, and hidden muscle mass. Well that and some of his more…….unsightly features are also part of a disguise as well.
Well anyway it looks like you'll have to keep an eye on this one.
You return to the mansion late one night at a heavy day at work. Work was hard but it'll be nice to-
What the! Is that you counterpart leaving the mansion!?
What do you do?
[x] Rush inside of course! Ryuko could still be in their!
[x] Chase after your counterpart, she isn't getting away!