Mirrior Universe Nui Quest (Kill la Kill)

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As the title may suggest to you, you are a mirror universe version of Nui Harime, everyone's...
Character Generation Part 1
As the title may suggest to you, you are a mirror universe version of Nui Harime, everyone's favorite psycho life fiber hybrid from Kill la kill.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, first we have to get a few details ironed out.

What is your name?
[x] Nui Harime
[x] Iun Emirah
[x] Write in

Where did you end up?
[x] An underground base full of naked people…..you like it!
[x] Some kind of Academy.
[x] Some corporate place.
[x] In a random Japanese city.
[x] In an industrial wasteland.

When do you show up?
[x] A few years before cannon.
[x] One year before cannon.
[x] The start of cannon.
[x] Right before that whole tournament thing.

What are you best at?
[x] Direct combat!
[x] Making clothing of course!
[x] Sneaking around!
[x] You know all sorts of nifty tricks with your life fibers!
[x] Actually you're pretty ok at everything.

OOC: Also if you guy's could agree on an appearance for opposite Nui, that would be great.
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Industrial Wastland
[x] Industrial Wasteland


You hit the ground with a loud thud. Stupid portal device, this is the last time you trust in the power of insane science to do anything good!

Next time you need to get somewhere in a hurry you'll just take the practical rout and shoot yourself out of a giant cannon!

A look at the city around you……reveals a very ugly city.

All around you the buildings are decrypt, or in some cases nothing but rubble. The writing on the few signs you catch sight of is horribly mangled you can't even tell what language it's supposed to be in. Even worse is the sky which is so full of soot that it's raining acid, thank goodness for the fact that you're a life fiber hybrid and not a whole human, because if you were a whole human you would be in horrible agony right about now.

It's practically Takarada the hobo king's dream come true in here.

Also it's infested with giant scorpions, did the apocalypse happen while you were being transported through space or something? You hope not, the idea of being the only actual person alive on the planet is not an attractive one by any stretch of imagination.



You turn to investigate a sudden noise.

What you see is pretty horrific.

It appears to have been a human child at some point, or at least something that's ancestors were human. The poor child's skin seems to have fallen off, as exposed muscles squirm all over his surface. His left arm is almost entirely covered by eyeballs, several of which are bloodshot and crazed. The right arm has several organic plates like some sort of bug. Thankfully the face actually looks pretty normal except for the missing skin, and the kid's cloths cover the rest of his body.

Still that sight…………….ew, you don't even bother trying to stop it from fleeing out of your sight.

So gross.

Well no point in staying put, you aren't a stupid tree after all.

What do you do?
[x] Head further into the depths of the city.
[x] Exit the city and explore the nearby wilderness, there should be too many mutant abominations nearby right?
[x] Exit the city and go see if there is a city nearby were society hasn't totally collapsed. It shouldn't be to hard right?
[x] Write in

OOC: Anyway small heads up, don't expect me to let the wasteland arc to go on to long, I really don't want to repeat AI quests extremely long prologue if I can help it.
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[x] Deeper in

You decide to travel deeper into the wasteland. Even if the place is pretty creepy, it couldn't be that bad right?


Only about fifteen minutes after you get moving you stumble upon a trio of dead bodies.

They seem to be wearing clothing life fiber enhanced clothing, but the life fibers that make them up are so horrible that you want to tear the cloths right off them. Only your respect for the dead keeps you from following through with that thought.

Still, these cloths are about 20% life fibers, whatever killed these guys must have been no joke.


Before you can examine the bodies any further you here a buzzing sound.

Not being a total idiot you divert your attention to see around seven to ten insects fast approaching. They look are shaped like wasps, are blue to black in color, have orange wings, and look like they're about ready to murder the fuck out of you.

What do you do?
[x] Run away!
[x] Throw something at them!
[x] Try and smack them away with life fiber threads.
[x] Go look for a weapon.
[x] Write in

OOC: You guy's rolled a 26 for your encounter.
[x] Pain

Well, judging from the aura of pure bloodlust emanating from those wasps, you'd have to guess that letting them close in on you would be a very bad idea. Thank goodness you have these corpses around for you to use as makeshift projectiles.



The first corps you throw manages to hit one of the bugs, smashing it into the ground with enough force to squash it flat.



The second corpse you throw hits dead on just like the first one. Scratch two five more to go.



Unfortunately they dodge the last one.



Agggggggggggh one of them hits you dead on in the arm and it hurts like hell. You've lost your actual arm before and it hurt less than this! What are these things!?


You only just narrowly dodge out of the way of another one of the wasps, and you can feel your body slowing down from the venom. Whatever this bugs are, they're some of the most lethal things you've ever encountered, and there are still five of them trying to get at you.

Well…………………they say that discretion is the better part of valor.


Another one only just misses you, whizzing past you as you dodge out of the way.

Ahahahahha! No! You've had enough of this!





Extending your life fibers you spin rapidly to create a veritable cyclone of wind, dust, and large debris.

Thankfully it's enough to make the wasps lose sight of you, as they struggle to stay in the air in the face of the massive whirlwind.

Now it's time to make your escape!

Swiftly and as quietly as you can you slip away from the horde of bugs, not stopping until you feel that you're a good distance away.

You feel tired for some reason.

Really tired.

"…..uuuug" You groan in pain as the poison gets to work on your stomach. Who knew that just two stings could do so much?

You….you just need to take a quick rest.

Just enough for your life fibers adjust that's all.


Ah that hits the spot.

What greets you when you wake up?
[x] A bunch of orphans!
[x] A pack of weirdo's led by a girl with the EVIL stamped on her forehead.
[x] A bunch of disgusting hippies!
[x] Nothing, just more wasteland.
Stupid Hippies
[x] Stupid Hippies.

You wake up to the smell of……….well actually you don't know what that smell is, but you don't like it!

A quick look around shows that you're in a tent that looks as bad as it smells. Seriously the walls in this place look like a giant rainbow monster decided to throw up in here. It's a miracle your eyes aren't bleeding from the raw ugly of the entire thing!

From what you can tell by looking outside of the opening that passes for a door in this abomination the rest of the camp doesn't look any better. Multi colored tents dotted the grassy landscape like some kind horrible blight spreading across the planet. It was almost painful to see this once peaceful land tainted by such a vile and inherently evil presence.

The people moving around the camp don't fill you with any sort of hope. All of them wear extremely weird cloths, and half of them seem to be out of tune with reality. It's like some sort of cult that worships stupidity itself.

You……..think you liked the wasteland better.

"Hello sleepyhead." A blond haired hippy woman with an infuriating voice greets you as she enters the tent. "I see your still alive, and pink haired."

"Hello" you say resisting the urge to insult the filthy disgusting hippie in the process "Where am I."

She takes about a minute to process your question………idiot.

"Uuuuuuuuuuh." She drawls "I think were outside Detroit somewhere, or one of those big citys."

Detroit? The portal sent you to America? And since when did the States have such a rampant hippy infestation?

You narrow your eyes at the hippy "So what are you guys doing anyway."

"Meditating on the cosmic forces of the universe, looking at mankinds folly, that kind of stuff." The woman reply's clearly still partially out of it. "We found you with some stings from those big nasty bugs…yer lucky we found you. The orphans in Detroit would like totally have eaten you alive………stupid meat eaters."

Funny how she seems more disgusting with the meat eating part than with the cannibal part.

Stupid hippies.

You honestly think you'd be much happier if you'd been taken by a horde of cannibal orphans.

Or with a stereotypical evil villain.

At least ether of those two wouldn't be stoned out of their minds.

When you look back at the woman you see that her eyes have glazed over, and that she's drooling like a stupid dog.

See kids? This is why you don't do drugs.

Stupid hippies.

Oh well at least you can move again.

What do you do?
[x] Bust out of this camp and head to the nearest city. You can't take this stupidity anymore.
[x] Go harass some hippies, that's always good for a laugh.
[x] Go look for something to ready, you want some books!
[x] Write in.
[x] Breakout

Well you've had enough of this malarkey.

You're not even going to wait till sundown to blow this joint, especially not when your jailer is completely stoned out of her mind.

"Oooooooh." Your hippie guard says "why are there like forty of you?"

"I'm magic" You reply to her astonishment before simply walking out the door.


The escape from the hippie's camp is less an escape and more you walking out as the hippies try and fail to stop you.

Mostly because they are all quite literally tripping over each other in their attempts to get in your way. It's kind of fun to watch them tangle themselves into writhing masses of pure drug abusing stupidity. Like watching a car wreck except without the guilt of knowing that people of value are dying.

"Wait st-OFFFFFFFFFFF!" A hippie call out as she tries to tackle you only to strip and fall right in front of you.

Awwww………that's so pathetic you can't actually bring yourself to step on her as you leave.

So you step over her instead.

See? No harm no foul.


"Our drugs!"


"Why! Why! Whyyyyyyyyy!"

"How am I supposed to shirk my responsibility now!?"

Well ok, you blowing up that drug stash might have been a little harmful to anyone too close to the blast, but it was for the greater good.

After all, you want to help these hippies.

It just so happens that the best way to help a hippie is to make them stop being a hippie.

And the first step to turn a hippie into a normal person is to deprive them of drugs.


It takes you a bit of time to find a normal city.

Well ok a mostly normal city. For some reason some part of you wants to rip everyone's cloths off, and not just the sexy mailmen like you normally do.

The life fibers in their cloths just feel…….wrong to you.

So fucking wrong.

Oh…..oh you hope for your sake the cloths won't be like this everywhere you go.

What do you do?
[x] Look for an airport, you should have enough to pay for a trip back to Japan.
[x] Look for someone whose cloths don't make your eyes bleed and……uuuuh follow them around you guess?
[x] Get a job and rent a place to stay.
[x] Write in
Meeting with an Old dude
[x] Meeting with an old dude.

You decide that it's probably best that you head back to Japan. After all if the States are in this horrible of a shape, with a hippie population this bad, you can only imagine the apocalypse Japan is going through. Never mind that if this weird place is anything like your world, all those eye bleeding life fibers probably came from Japan too.

Now all you need to do is get on an airplane.

The cramped unpleasant airplane.

For more than one hour.

Uuuuuuug…………this is gunna suck.


"Die die die!" you scream as you stab at a sentient blob of airplane food.


The food doesn't good down without a fight, screeching and flailing at you with massive noodle like tentacles as you try to slay it.

"Come and get me!" you call out to the abomination made of food "I'll have you dead by landing!"

The beast charges, and battle is joined.


After killing the food beast you wound up having to fight pirates for some reason, and then after that you had to go up against a school of giant mutated flying fish.

It was the best plane ride of your life.


Arriving at the airport unfortunately had turned out to be the same painful and boring experience it always was.

Get off airplane, pass security, get luggage, have your visit interrupted by a shootout, and then leave.


The stupid airport wasn't even on fire when you left!

Oh well at least you haven't seen filthy hippies yet. You've already seen more than enough hippies to last a lifetime.

Shame the life fibers here are just as bad as the ones you found in America, your eyes really could have used the break from the horribleness.


You spend the next few hours wondering aimlessly throughout the city. No particular goal in mind just aimless wondering as the city goes about its life. It really is odd how lockstep it is, and this universes version of Revocs seems to have quite the monopoly.

How revolting, everyone knows a monopoly is rarely a good thing, at least these Takarada guys are putting up some kind of fight.

Still not good not all at……


You're interrupted from your thoughts as you bump into somebody knocking them over.

"I'm so sorry!" you say leaning down to help them up "I should have been looking where I was going."

"Oh its fine!" the old man waves you off. "It will take more than that to bring me down!"

He's kind of weird looking now that you have a good line of sigh. Having an eye patch over one of his eyes and a mouse on his shoulder. The hunchback and massive beard don't make him any less conspectus. So yeah weird, but also kind of cool in its own way. Still you can't shake the feeling that something's up with him.

What do you do?
[x] "Say would you happen to know where I could get a job around here?"
[x] Something feels weird about him. Disengage and follow him covertly.
[x] Just apologize and get back to your life, you're not interested in this right now.
[x] Write in.
Get a job
[x] Get a job

You rub the back of your head awkwardly as the old man dusts himself off. It might have been an accident, but you still feel kind of bad about knocking him over, even if he just brushes it off himself.

Well ether way, you suppose this guy is as good a guy to ask about possible places to work as any.

"Well" you begin "While I have your attention would you happen to know anywhere around here where a young lady can get a job?"

The old man closes his eyes in thought for a few seconds before answering. "Well, I don't know about the city itself, but I am looking to hire someone to clean around the house."

"Oh." You say "Well would you mind if I make an application? I'm Emirah Iun by the way."

The old man gives you what you think is a smile. It's kind of hard to tell with just his eyes, especially since is awesome beard pretty much covers his entire face. "Well than Emirah Iun it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Isshin Matoi."


A few talks later and you end up getting a job at the Matoi residence as a housekeeper, or was it cleaner? Well whatever the general gist of it is that you help keep the house in shape.

There are a lot of producers to follow, like no non-approved outside clothing allowed within the residence. You can actually understand why given the local life fibers, but you don't let him know that. Still you're thankful for the fact that as a flawed hybrid you can't actually wear life fibers, it meant that your normal clothing was ok for use during work.


The Matoi residence is a rather big place all things considered with an ancient feel to it that you can't quite shake.

It's also extremely well defended, at least as far as life fibers are concerned. The plants growing in the front yard are of an exotic type that emit a particular type of pollen that is known to damage life fibers. Further in the 'heater' is also a device known to disrupt life fibers, and there are all sorts of detection devices based around weaseling out any of the local parasitic clothing.

Again a conventional force using life fibers, this place would be a death trap.

………………….thankfully as a hybrid made from a type of life fibers alien to this place your immune to all of this!

Welp! Whatever the case it's time to get cleaning!

What interrupts your first day?
[x] A little black haired girl.
[x] A strange guy in life fiber clothing hovering around the premises.
[x] A secret passage was open up!
[x] A fight between some highschool punks broke out in front of the mansion.

OOC: Good thing you got this encounter on a high roll, you honestly only needed a 10 or above to get a good result on this.
Little black haired girl
[x] Little black haired girl

The better part of your day cleaning is uneventful. Just dust furniture and more dust to deal with. In fact if it weren't for all the anti-life fiber equipment you wouldn't have been able to tell the place apart from a normal spooky mansion.

Sure theirs the occasional odd thing going on in the street outside but for the most part your day was a very long and boring one.

Not that it's not nice to calm down once and a while, but still.

Little did you know was fact that you'd have company before the day was up.



You hear the door to the mansion open up with a really annoying screeching out. Matoi must use it as some kind of covert alarm system, because they're no way anyone in the house could miss that thing opening.

"Hello?" you here a child's voice ask "Is anyone in here?"

Oh, that must be Isshin's kid Ryuko. You'd better go introduce yourself before she gets the wrong idea.

A quick peak around the corner reveals a young girl in a black uniform. Her hair like her uniform is black, and she has a streak of red running down her hair. So this is what this universes Ryuko is like. You have to say she looks much less evil than her counterpart back home, even if something tells you she still has the massive anger problems of the one you know. The black eye was a real giveaway on that front all things considered.

Well here goes nothing.

"Yes." You say as you walk up to the little version of Ryuko. "I'm Emirah Iun, your father hired me to help around the house."

She looks you over before grunting. "So you're a fucking maid then?"

"Well actually." You begin…..before realizing that she pretty accurately summarized things……in more ways than one. "Well actually yeah, I'm pretty much a fucking maid."

Ryuko blinks "Well……………your awfully not stuck up for a maid or whatever." She still eyeing you as if she was preparing to make a judgment.

You just shrug "What do you expect from me? You clearly don't care about that sort of thing, and I'm not one to put on an act like that if I can help it."

"Oh" She says before looking to the side "I can understand not wanting to act out all that prissy junk."

The two of you end up sitting there in silence for about fifteen minutes straight.

Well……………………this is awkward, and your shifts pretty much over at this point too.

What do you do?
[x] "So……….you get into a lot of fights?"
[x] "Well since your home………I do have permission to cook using the ingredients around here if I felt the need. Want something to eat?"
[x] "I'll got get an ice pack."
[x] "Well my shifts over………..have a good night."
OOC: Sorry about the shortness, got finals to prep for.
[x] Icepack

"So" you begin taking a look at her black eye "I'll go get you an ice pack."

She just scowls at the, but doesn't question you as you go fetch and ice pack and hand it to her.

"Thanks" she says grudgingly "I could have gotten it myself though."

"True" you admit giving her the point "So how'd you get that thing anyway?"

"I get into a fight." She mumbles out, clearly hoping that you didn't actually understand any of it.

Too bad for her you have near perfect hearing. "Ah…..that explains it. I remember all the fights I used to get into when I was your age."

Ironically that actually seems to get her interest.

"You used to get into fights?" She asks now curious "You don't look like much of a fighter."

"Of course I don't look like a fighter," you say back "It means when I actually start fighting the other guy won't see it coming when I break his legs."

She blinks at your casual mentioning of breaking someone legs "………..you're crazy."

"Eh" you shrug "Everyone's crazy to some degree or another, I'm actually the sane one amongst my sisters."

"Sounds like you have terribly sisters." She replies, her tone a deadpan "I mean if you're the normal one I can't imagine how bad the others are."

You let out a somewhat rueful chuckle "You wouldn't know the half of it."

She also wouldn't know that you referring to an alternate version of her…………………..and now you've just realized that your counterpart here is probably as crazy as the sisters back home.

Well that realization just ruined you week, there's probably an even more disturbing one regarding another counterpart, but you seem to be repressing it for the sake of your own sanity.

"Hey" the girl's voice breaks you out of your thoughts "Why are you a fucking maid anyway? Don't you have any better jobs you could be doing?"

A frustrated look crosses your face. "Let's just say I've been having a really bad week, and that I'm desperate enough to be happy to even be doing this."

She fills in the blanks herself, although whatever she's thinking is probably far from the truth given the outlandish nature of your 'bad week'.

Whatever is was though it must have been horrible given the look on her face.

"Oh" she begins "I'm sorry I brought it up."

You shrug "I'm still alive, sometimes all you can do is take what life gives you, roll with it, and then plot your eventual vengeance on life for screwing you over like that."

Ryuko just rubs the back of her head at your proclamation. She probably thinks you comparison is weird or something but you don't mind.

Well ether way, it's about time for you to go, so you tell her goodbye and make you leave.

Now where have you taken up residence again?
[x] An old house you manage to buy for a shockingly low price.
[x] An apartment.
[x] A carbored box! There are many like it but this box is yours!
[x] Actually you're staying at Matoi's mansion….fun times!
[x] Who needs sleep!? You just wander around aimlessly in your spare time!

You have some time off tomorrow, what do you do with it?
[x] Go randomly beat up thugs.
[x] Wander around aimlessly (Given freely if you don't live in a set location)
[x] Hang out with Ryuko (only if you're staying at the mansion)
[x] Spend time at an arcade.
[x] Look for another job…..you might be a bit of a workaholic.
[x] Go randomly harass thugs (Which is like beating them up, but more annoying)
[x] Try and find out more about these strange life fibers.
[x] Take a nap.