[x] Industrial Wasteland
You hit the ground with a loud thud. Stupid portal device, this is the last time you trust in the power of insane science to do anything good!
Next time you need to get somewhere in a hurry you'll just take the practical rout and shoot yourself out of a giant cannon!
A look at the city around you……reveals a very ugly city.
All around you the buildings are decrypt, or in some cases nothing but rubble. The writing on the few signs you catch sight of is horribly mangled you can't even tell what language it's supposed to be in. Even worse is the sky which is so full of soot that it's raining acid, thank goodness for the fact that you're a life fiber hybrid and not a whole human, because if you were a whole human you would be in horrible agony right about now.
It's practically Takarada the hobo king's dream come true in here.
Also it's infested with giant scorpions, did the apocalypse happen while you were being transported through space or something? You hope not, the idea of being the only actual person alive on the planet is not an attractive one by any stretch of imagination.
You turn to investigate a sudden noise.
What you see is pretty horrific.
It appears to have been a human child at some point, or at least something that's ancestors were human. The poor child's skin seems to have fallen off, as exposed muscles squirm all over his surface. His left arm is almost entirely covered by eyeballs, several of which are bloodshot and crazed. The right arm has several organic plates like some sort of bug. Thankfully the face actually looks pretty normal except for the missing skin, and the kid's cloths cover the rest of his body.
Still that sight…………….ew, you don't even bother trying to stop it from fleeing out of your sight.
So gross.
Well no point in staying put, you aren't a stupid tree after all.
What do you do?
[x] Head further into the depths of the city.
[x] Exit the city and explore the nearby wilderness, there should be too many mutant abominations nearby right?
[x] Exit the city and go see if there is a city nearby were society hasn't totally collapsed. It shouldn't be to hard right?
[x] Write in
OOC: Anyway small heads up, don't expect me to let the wasteland arc to go on to long, I really don't want to repeat AI quests extremely long prologue if I can help it.