Bah, hard to try and think up tactics when the only Metroid game I've ever played is corruption. Just not sure of how a lot of this stuff works in practice.
Save Station 3-A
[X] Fight the autoads and then proceed to Save Station 3-A.
[X] Screw ground targets up from now on.


(rolled 55, 67, -4, 66, 59, 17, -6)

You launch and tumble straight for the gatecrasher, avoiding its ice beam shots and slamming into it, rebounding off its armor and tearing most of the latter off in the process. The two bombers leap passed, leaking bombs as they go. One manages to hit you with one of its bombs, but the other makes the mistake of ploughing into you mid-spin and instantly shredding itself to scrap metal and masses of pulverized flesh. The gatecrasher manages to land a kick when you push off the opposite wall and shoot back toward it, but the damage it inflicts is little to boast about when it pays for it with the leg in question, and then the rest of its body a moment later. From there, dealing with the final bomber and avoiding its projectiles is a simple matter, and you recover some missile materials from its remains. (ENERGY 111/800, MISSILES 136/190)

You hurry on your way to the save station (rolled 65, 73). Cutting through the upper part of Grotto-A, you are set upon by a quartet of holtzes, but they stand up astonishingly poorly against your missiles and stackbeam; the former knocking off their armor in three perfectly landed shots and the latter allowing you to harvest some much-needed energy while slagging them (rolled 8, 0). The save station room itself, once you fall through the shaft and iris door below it, proves to be inhabited by a trio of baseline autoads that await in the open space beneath the damaged scaffolding of the floor. (50, 5, 39, 42) The screw attack annhilates them before they can land a blow; they virtually feed themselves to you, leaping into the sawblade of energy as you time their jumps with their own. (ENERGY 139/800, MISSILES 135/190)

You step into the restoration booth, half afraid that it'll try to disintegrate you rather than recharge you; the Patrician doesn't yet control the barrier shields in this area, but if that really was him controlling the turrets in the Gardener's room than who knows? Fortunately, the booth reacts normally to your presence, and a few minutes later you are brought up to full energy and full ammunition.

Your life is no longer in immediate danger. But now you need answers.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 800/800

MISSILES: 190/190




A/N: the screw attack and the dice were both vital in saving your ass here.
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[X] Find a Patrician controlled gadora to poke your head out at to see if it shoots you. (un-poke your head before you actually get hit)
[X] Find a Patrician controlled namihe to poke your head out at to see if it shoots you. (un-poke your head before you actually get hit)

Seems like a good first test.
[X] Find a Patrician controlled namihe to poke your head out at to see if it shoots you. (un-poke your head before you actually get hit)
Still cool?
[X] Find a Patrician controlled namihe to poke your head out at to see if it shoots you. (un-poke your head before you actually get hit)


(rolled 63)

Another small group of holtzes have moved into the Arcology Hub since you tore through the autoads; three greaters flitting beneath the platforms, and six lessers crawling to and fro. You take a few hits while putting them down with a combination of missiles and screw attacks (rolled -3, 83), but its not as if they're a serious threat to you at this point. (ENERGY 789/800, MISSILES 186/190)

Rising back through the decontamination room, you shoot the wave beam door open and prepare to leap back aside behind the wall if the namihe just opposite from it attacks you.

It doesn't. You remain faced with a gleaming, maldium-green hemisphere.

Slowly, you step out into the room and approach it. Still nothing.

After hesitating for a moment, armcannon at the ready, you transmit a silent command. The hemisphere slides open, and the namihe extends its armored and many-jointed head, regarding you raptly as it awaits a command. After waiting a moment to see if anything happens, you let it return to its resting state and watch the dome close shut again.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 789/800

MISSILES: 186/190


I don't suppose Samus knows enough about memetic hazards that she might be able to glean anything from taking a closer look at the antidote?
And scan visor, for all that it is, is probably not quite that.
[X] Head back to the Gardener.
May as well finish trying to get its side of the story, I guess, if something else hasn't gone in and killed it already.
*exhales slowly* Well, that was rather all too close for comfort. Okay, guess we go see if the Gardener is still willing to chat.

[X] Head back to the Gardener.
[] Find a Patrician controlled namihe to poke your head out at to see if it shoots you. (un-poke your head before you actually get hit)
-[] The area above the Gardener, as you don't want it to die if that was more than a ploy.
Edit: Oops, that's already done.
[X] Head back to the Gardener.
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Back to the Gardener
[X] Head back to the Gardener.


(rolled 6, 70)

You find a small group of grezzen awaiting you back in the mass spawning input, and - while you take some damage - you manage to plough through it with little lost time and make it back up the bladed maze in advance of any additional attackers (-8, 88, 59, -4, 30, 44, 21). Soon, you are facing the ruined gadora-door that has only barely started to regenerate. (ENERGY 762/800)

Opening the door, you find that the turrets are still opening fire on you, and that the Gardener is still not responding to your speech. The damage to its tank has begun to heal, but is still considerable. And, as before, those cipher-damned turrets roll better than any other enemy in this game (rolled 88, 75). (ENERGY 722/800)

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 722/800

MISSILES: 186/190


[X] Take cover beneath a platform again.
-[X] Ask the Gardener if it wants us to destroy its turrets.
-[X] If it does not respond by the next time something genuinely dangerous arrives, break the tank and scan the brain. Tell it what you're doing first.
So I've done some thinking, and I've decided that if the Gardener was trying to trick us, it would much rather kill us than try to turn us. If so, why?
Also, I've thought of another reason it has to mistrust us. It knows we have the Fusion Suit, and if it didn't know that we hadn't stolen the thing, it probably didn't get enough of our logs to tell where the devil-derived bits came from. It probably thinks we've opened the Phazon Containment Area, and that would make us the posthuman equivalent of a Mysterious Person With Stolen Nukes.
[X] Tell the Gardener about the Metroid Cure.
Not much point. They're below its damage threshold, just like your own beams.
Ah, that's a suspicious clue cleared up then.


Perhaps the infection (which may be the 'security' infomorph, so I really hope Samus has made sure her suit hasn't been broadcasting anything) has made the Gardener unable to recognize the actual Patrician?
So, actually breaking the turrets will be rather ammo intensive, but could we freeze them?
That's been answered already, and the answer is no. We also can't drain health from them.
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Wait, so how did it want us to 'prove' ourselves?

Also, can we eat the health damage and explore irradiated sections to the west?