[X] Snapshot the Nahime, freeze or Super Missile - whichever is faster. Then engage the Holtzes.
-[X] Then go save, because you want to be at full health before you talk to the Gardener.


(rolled 59, 58, 67, 68)

Unfortunately, the namihe manages to snapshot you just as quickly. Your super missile demolishes it, but its plasma blast knocks you back off the little ledge you've made and into the spikes, where the holtzes are on you in a second. With your visor snowed out and the spikes already pushing you off balance, the holtzes are able to land multiple hits before you manage to freeze, missile, or screw attack them all. Worse, the spikes make it impossible to recover any materials without just getting hit again. (ENERGY 531/800, MISSILES 135/190, SUPER MISSILES 6/15)

You hover back onto the platform and think for a moment. You'd like to try and communicate with the corrupted satellite before purging it this time, and you'd rather have your suit batteries close to full when you do that. However, returning to the nearest save point and recharging might give the enemy time to reinforce this position by the time you get back, in which case you might not have made much of a difference. It could work out in your favor, but there's no guarantee.

[] Go back to the nearest save room, recharge, and come back, and hope there won't be too many reinforcements.
[] Push onward and hope you'll still have enough energy by the time you reach the Gardener.

A/N: If you choose the latter, I will be making a "response check" for the enemy forces. If they roll badly, you'll be able to save and come back before reinforcements arrive. If they roll well, you'll have to fight your way back through.
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[X] Go back to the nearest save room, recharge, and come back, and hope there won't be too many reinforcements.
[X] Go back to the nearest save room, recharge, and come back, and hope there won't be too many reinforcements.


(rolled 46, 26, 50)

Conjuring up the layout of the rooms leading back to Save Station 2-A in your HUD and prepping yourself for speed, you fly back the way you came and then disengage it over the shaft, letting yourself freefall all the way back down to the floor of the bladed maze's initial tube with a resounding clang. You retreat back into the Mass Spawning input, wait a moment on the doorstep above the floating, half-disintegrated biomass for the repulser to recharge, and then fly back up to the entry corridor, make a spinning leap across the smaller pool, and then climb up the Arcology Hub to get back to the Habitat and its restoration booth.

Fortunately, nothing impedes you on your way there; you probably have the holtzes in the Central Garden to thank for that.

You close your eyes and force yourself to remain calm and patient as the device goes through its recharge and reload cycle, and then dash back out to get back to the Arcology. Unfortunately, the instant you drop from the Decontamination Room into the Arcology Hub, a dozen grezzen detatch from under the platforms and swarm you. Fortunately, with the help of the thermal visor you are able to see them at the same time that they see you, and your reflexes are better (rolled 41).

(rolled 76, 62, 47)

Unfortunately, they still have the advantage of coming at you from all sides at once, and their rapid movements as they strafe you make it hard to get a lock. You only manage to kill one with a volley of stacked plasma beam shots before the others land a series of their own plasma beam shots, and two even manage to bite you and force you to screw attack yourself free. (ENERGY 732/800)

(rolled 1, 50)

Fortunately, once you manage to break yourself lose, switching to missiles and using preemptive screw attacks against any others that attempt to close into melee lets you finish the swarm with only minimal additional damage. During your return through the Mass Spawning Input, you overtake a small flight of holtzes that must have been scrambling to reinforce the Bladed Maze. (rolled 80, -13, 53) While most of them evade your initial missile and ice beam barrage, you dodge their own attacks without getting hit a single time, and then finish them off one by one while still moving forward save to grab some missile materials. (ENERGY 727/800, MISSILES 183/190)

When you fly back up into the bladed maze, however, you are showered with energy bombs (rolled 44, 69); most you manage to fly out of the way of, but the last couple catch you and knock you into the spikes (ENERGY 706/800). Flying up quickly to meet your attackers before they can drop more bombs, you are just in time to see the pair of gunzus flit back into the far left side of the corridor you exposed most recently, taking cover behind the spiked wall and waiting for you to follow them into the line of sight of the final namihe.

This part is going to be tricky. You'll need a plan.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 706/800

MISSILES: 183/190



A/N: those gunzus were already up here, to be clear. They're not reinforcements; you did fairly well at staying ahead of those.​
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[X] scan the walls. Look for weakpoints that we can blow away with a power bomb and clear our lines of fire.
Oh yeah, metroid. That's a thing we can do.
[X] Break the wall, kill the nahime, then the gunzu. Try to get in spin attack range of them.
-[X] Unless the passage just leads up to the Gardener. Skipping the fight would also work.
So once we're done with the current mission, I think we should scan the bottom of the Garden Crossway, because those rockleeches that overlapped the Malbolges seemed interesting, and also suspicious. I do suspect we'll be there pretty soon if we explore properly, though, because I expect to see a pathway leftwards from the Gardener. (Not least because I think I see the exit from that path, right below the suspicious unmapped area.)
Also, I think we can get into several places if we try exploding all the Malbolges, but the water area with the pink barriers and the spot to the left of the sleeping quarters seem especially likely.
Also, if we can finish exploring the Launch Tube without opening the Phazon area, I'd quite like to do that.
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[X] Break the wall, kill the nahime, then the gunzu. Try to get in spin attack range of them.
-[X] Unless the passage just leads up to the Gardener. Skipping the fight would also work.
Gardener Gauntlet: Penultimate
[X] Break the wall, kill the nahime, then the gunzu. Try to get in spin attack range of them.


Repulser recharged, you flit into the crevice you've opened and roll into the morph ball to fit into its still-hot end. There, you charge a power bomb, and unmorph and reengage the repulser as soon as the blast has been released.

(rolled 21)

Success. You unmorph and catch yourself in midair just before the metal beneath you finishes giving way from the blast, leaving you untouched by the spikes below and with a clean shot at the enemies before they can react to the changing battlefield. (POWER BOMBS 17/18)

(rolled 17, 40, 2, 57)

Your super missile slides between the namihe's opening hemispheric plates and slams into the creature's head before it can even properly extend, sending bits of dome flying and pulverizing everything behind it. The gunzus fire, but don't have time to lock their missiles onto you, and all of them miss.

Of course, now the element of surprise is over, and you will have to engage the gunzus in a battlefield that favors them considerably. Fortunately, you do have a screw attack module now.

(rolled 75, 78, 28, 31, 40)

Unfortunately, screw attacking toward them gives them ample opportunities to shoot, and now their missiles are fully locked. Three of the micro-warheads explode against you, but you still manage to retain enough foreward momentum to get above one of them and screw attack-drop straight into it, knocking a chunk of armor off and damaging internals before catching yourself with the repulser before hitting the spikes and avoiding the wounded gunzu's shower of bombs. (ENERGY 670/800)

(rolled 55, 93, 48, 23, 40)

Next, they each load their super missiles, and fire. One pair you manage to trick into hitting a pair of outcropping spikes...but the other two hit you fully, slamming you into the same. Fortunately, when the wounded gunzu flies overhead to try to drop bombs on your stunned and battered self, you recover more quickly than it calculated and screw attack right up through its body, passing out the other side and flying away before it can try to catch you in its self destruct explosion. (ENERGY 568/800)

(rolled 44, 22, 6, 57, 4, 109)

The second tries desperately to stay out of your reach while firing its micromissiles, but you corner it, staying above it to avoid bomb showers, and manage to fall on it twice in quick succession with the screw attack. Unfortunately, this one manages to trigger its self destruct quicker as you're landing the final blow, and you are once again blasted against the spikes. (ENERGY 508/800)

Picking yourself quickly off the blades, you fly up to where the namihe once was and manage to stick to the surface after only dropping and spiking yourself one more time (rolled 43). Another power bomb, and the ceiling section gives way to much older, much less bladed, walls. (ENERGY 505/800, POWER BOMBS 16/18)

The Gadora is already deployed and charged, and greets you with a plasma blast as soon as you rise into its line of sight. You dodge it easily, and reciprocate with a pair of super missiles that catch it before it can blink, clearing the door (rolled 30, 36). (SUPER MISSILES 12/15)

The path ahead is clear. Of course, you've already decided you're going to try and talk to the corrupted Gardener before curing it, and you think you have enough energy to withstand its barrage for at least a short time. How will you approach it?

[] How will you try to talk down the hostile Gardener? What will you say? What's the threshold for giving up and just purging the corruption? (write in)


ENERGY: 508/800

MISSILES: 183/190


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[] How will you try to talk down the hostile Gardener? What will you say? What's the threshold for giving up and just purging the corruption? (write in)
[X] Hail it both verbally and telepathically. Ask for ceasefire and parley, then ask its name and what it wants. If it doesn't respond to either, threaten to destroy the brain unit with Super Missiles. If it doesn't respond to that, threaten to transmit the purge, and if it still doesn't respond, purge it.
-[X] If it starts cooperating at any point (and we should give it a bit of leeway for reaction time, because talking may be difficult for it), don't threaten it. Ask where it came from, who and what it's affiliated with, and what it knows about the Infection Lab. If the 'what it wants' question didn't cover what it's doing to the facility, ask about that.
-[X] Try to stay aware of your Energy and your surroundings, however. You don't want to take a dozen Super Missiles to the back because it stalled for time, and you've destroyed all the Nahime you saw, so even if you upload the purge quickly you may not have much in the way of backup. If it cooperates but you start to doubt your ability to leave, tell it you will return shortly, and go save down in 3-A.

[X] Scan the chamber outside the Gardener's chamber, in case there's a tunnel exit you could use.
Include a hard limit of 250 energy and i will vote for your plan
Honestly, I doubt that's high enough. If reinforcements are actually a serious problem, we might end up having to fight our way through something like half the remaining Gunzu in the facility. I have a strong reason for wanting to scan that wall, even beyond the several collectables I expect to find there. Also, I trust Samus' judgement.
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