Gardener Gauntlet X
[X] Navigate the labyrinth. Scan occasionally to try to avoid being ambushed.


You fly upward to get a closer scan of the metallic mess that is this room's twisting, misshapen, blade-covered ceiling.

Ceiling said:
Structural weakness detected near right wall junction. Power bomb equivalent ordinance will be required to damage it.

That does make things harder. You fly to juuuuust below the spikes and try to charge and detonate a power bomb before you fall out of the blast radius.

(rolled 93)

It takes you a couple of tries to get it right, but finally you manage to gather enough upward momentum before morphing to continue your rise for a moment during the power bomb charge, and a section of bladed metallic growth falls away around you in a shower of spikes and rockleech jelly, letting you into the twisting chambers above. After recharging your repulsor, you fly back up and through. (POWER BOMBS 12/18)

Unfortunately, you don't even have a vantage point to scan from before the first bolt of namihe plasma flies right past you, just barely missing your shoulder and helmet (rolled 46). Immediately thereafter, greater holtzes emerge from where they had been hovering in crevices between the massive spikes and attack, trying to herd you into the center of the namihe's firing cone. One of them manages to singe you with its flames (48). (ENERGY 597/800)

There is another namihe on one of the walls above, but you're below its line of sight. Your scans detect another weakness in the crevice at the very top of the chamber you're in, and no more hidden threats.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 597/800

MISSILES: 144/190



A/N: you got a nice bonus to those evasion rolls for specifying caution. The namihe would have hit you otherwise, slamming you into the spikes and giving a hefty bonus to the holtzes.​
[X]Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
[X]Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
[X] Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
-[X] Use Power Bombs liberally. Even if you run out, surely having to come back after saving won't be as expensive as fighting the boss was?

Well! I found this, and found it fun. I like the lore quite a lot, particularly Chozo Ridley, and even with my distaste for the Prime trilogy I like the 'world-devil' stuff. I also think we should try the VR hookup (it's probably just a minigame), the Throne (we've been told the Patrician will shield us) and probably the Psi-Amplifier, because the antidote should protect us, and I'm quite sure it's going to give us interesting lore. Also, if we can, I want to try talking to one of the infected satellite-selves before we cure it. It shouldn't be too hard reach one with acceptably high health - we do have the Crystal Flash by now, right?
Gameplay-wise, I need to check the World Map again, because I think there are a few plausible spots for goodies which we haven't checked yet. I might need to wait until I have access to a desktop again, though.
I also find it odd that we're so liberal with Super Missiles, but rarely use Power Bombs except for mobility. We actually carry more of the bombs than of the missiles-with-superior-DPS-to-the-beam-cannon, and they seem considerably more useful than they were in Fusion, where the damage was rarely worth their deployment time.
(As a side note, it always bothered me that you do more damage with a basic charge shot than with a Diffusion Missile, in Fusion - it was admittedly difficult to run out of ammo, but the fact that you <i>can</i>, let alone the fact that you got it after the last beam upgrade, made its lower damage remarkably unintuitive. @Leila Hann, please tell me there's a use for regular micromissiles in the late-game?)
One last nitpick. Why have all the bosses we've fought been labeled 'miniboss'? I may be misremembering, but some of those seemed pretty proper-boss level.

Overall, good show. I hope it continues, and I'm sorry the original version fell through.
[X] Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
What's this? Interest? Well, I'll be!

Will update sometime soon. Maybe I'll actually get to finish this after all.

[X] Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
-[X] Use Power Bombs liberally. Even if you run out, surely having to come back after saving won't be as expensive as fighting the boss was?

Well! I found this, and found it fun. I like the lore quite a lot, particularly Chozo Ridley, and even with my distaste for the Prime trilogy I like the 'world-devil' stuff. I also think we should try the VR hookup (it's probably just a minigame), the Throne (we've been told the Patrician will shield us) and probably the Psi-Amplifier, because the antidote should protect us, and I'm quite sure it's going to give us interesting lore. Also, if we can, I want to try talking to one of the infected satellite-selves before we cure it. It shouldn't be too hard reach one with acceptably high health - we do have the Crystal Flash by now, right?
Gameplay-wise, I need to check the World Map again, because I think there are a few plausible spots for goodies which we haven't checked yet. I might need to wait until I have access to a desktop again, though.
I also find it odd that we're so liberal with Super Missiles, but rarely use Power Bombs except for mobility. We actually carry more of the bombs than of the missiles-with-superior-DPS-to-the-beam-cannon, and they seem considerably more useful than they were in Fusion, where the damage was rarely worth their deployment time.
(As a side note, it always bothered me that you do more damage with a basic charge shot than with a Diffusion Missile, in Fusion - it was admittedly difficult to run out of ammo, but the fact that you <i>can</i>, let alone the fact that you got it after the last beam upgrade, made its lower damage remarkably unintuitive. @Leila Hann, please tell me there's a use for regular micromissiles in the late-game?)
One last nitpick. Why have all the bosses we've fought been labeled 'miniboss'? I may be misremembering, but some of those seemed pretty proper-boss level.

Overall, good show. I hope it continues, and I'm sorry the original version fell through.

You don't have the crystal flash.

I'm using "miniboss" for the bosses because pretty much all of them (with one exception that it would be weird to call attention to) become recurring enemies after their initial boss-style encounters. Hence, I decided to reserve the "boss" title for the final battle alone.

The weirdness in terms of damage per second vs. ammo limits between missiles and charge beams was one of the reasons I decided to get rid of the charge beam altogether for this quest. In Super Metroid, missiles were only useful in the late game because of arbitrary resistances that some enemies had to the beams (and arbitrary resistances are something I've tried to avoid, for the most part). In Metroid Fusion, they had to outright replace missiles with super missiles after a certain point in order to keep them relevant. Even were it not for the fact that this is a quest rather than an actual Metroid game (in which charge-time would be a quantifiable factor to use in weapon balance), I'd probably consider axing the charge beam.

As for the utility of micromissiles versus super missiles and power bombs in this game: basically, the players have done a REALLY good job at finding items. Part of this might be due to me not being good enough at hiding things, but I think much more of it is down to the fact that we have multiple people all making suggestions about where to look, which results in a much more thorough search than I'd expect any one first time player to make. Consequently, you HAVE a lot more super missiles and power bombs at your disposal right now than I expected you would, which means you aren't being forced to conserve them as much. Still, I suspect you will still get a good deal of use out of micro-missiles during the final run if nowhere else.

Glad you like the lore. As I said before, this game represents my attempt at streamlining the Metroid mythos as best I can with a minimum of plotholes and discontinuity; I mostly liked the Prime trilogy, but damn is it hard to reconcile some of it with the original series. In the years since the actual fangame project fell through, its also sort of morphed into my personal counterpoint to Other M (both in terms of how Samus is characterized, and in acknowledging that "raised by aliens" is in fact a much more interesting part of her identity to explore than "is female").
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[X]Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.

totally forgot about this. pretty sure the last update happened while i was at work and it just slipped my mind
[X] Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
[X] Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
Gardener Gauntlet XI
[X]Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.


You drop back through the opening you blasted in the bladed floor, armcannon held skyward to plant missiles in preparation for the holtzes to swarm after you...but they don't. Instead, you catch brief glimpses of them through the opening overhead, withdrawing back to their positions hidden among the spikes.

Thwarted for the moment, you drop back to the floor far below to recharge the repulser while you come up with another approach.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 597/800

MISSILES: 144/190


[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start being mobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to Power Bomb.
[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start being mobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to Power Bomb.
[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start being mobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to Power Bomb.
[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start being mobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to Power Bomb.
[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start being mobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to Power Bomb.
[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start beingmobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to PowerBomb.
What's this? Interest? Well, I'll be!

Will update sometime soon. Maybe I'll actually get to finish this after all.

You don't have the crystal flash.

I'm using "miniboss" for the bosses because pretty much all of them (with one exception that it would be weird to call attention to) become recurring enemies after their initial boss-style encounters. Hence, I decided to reserve the "boss" title for the final battle alone.

The weirdness in terms of damage per second vs. ammo limits between missiles and charge beams was one of the reasons I decided to get rid of the charge beam altogether for this quest. In Super Metroid, missiles were only useful in the late game because of arbitrary resistances that some enemies had to the beams (and arbitrary resistances are something I've tried to avoid, for the most part). In Metroid Fusion, they had to outright replace missiles with super missiles after a certain point in order to keep them relevant. Even were it not for the fact that this is a quest rather than an actual Metroid game (in which charge-time would be a quantifiable factor to use in weapon balance), I'd probably consider axing the charge beam.

As for the utility of micromissiles versus super missiles and power bombs in this game: basically, the players have done a REALLY good job at finding items. Part of this might be due to me not being good enough at hiding things, but I think much more of it is down to the fact that we have multiple people all making suggestions about where to look, which results in a much more thorough search than I'd expect any one first time player to make. Consequently, you HAVE a lot more super missiles and power bombs at your disposal right now than I expected you would, which means you aren't being forced to conserve them as much. Still, I suspect you will still get a good deal of use out of micro-missiles during the final run if nowhere else.

Glad you like the lore. As I said before, this game represents my attempt at streamlining the Metroid mythos as best I can with a minimum of plotholes and discontinuity; I mostly liked the Prime trilogy, but damn is it hard to reconcile some of it with the original series. In the years since the actual fangame project fell through, its also sort of morphed into my personal counterpoint to Other M (both in terms of how Samus is characterized, and in acknowledging that "raised by aliens" is in fact a much more interesting part of her identity to explore than "is female").
Mmm, so the Mass Spawner is going to be a common enemy? :V
I actually really like the Charge Beam mechanically, but I was disappointed at the lack of utility for charged <i>missiles</i>, which seemed like they should have been a really good way to keep missiles relevant, but instead they... weren't. (I died so many times trying to kill the SA-X with Diffusion Missiles, only to find that it both took much longer and that I actually didn't have enough ammunition.) The more numerous beam upgrades managed to outcompete the missile upgrades, of which the last one was even more recent.
I expect that part of why we've gotten so many more upgrades than you expected is that in quest format, we don't have to spend twice as long for each backtracking powerup grab as it would take for us to just advance the plot. You just gloss over the boring parts of backtracking (well, except for the repetitive combat, which given that we have the Screw Attack shouldn't matter too much anymore), and we have the goodies.
By the way, can we get a current item completion percentage?
[X] Go back up, use a Power Bomb as soon as the Holtzes approach. Missile the Nahime.
-[X] Then go back and save.
Reasoning: I want to try talking to an 'infected' node before curing it, which means having enough health left to tank its shots for a bit. I feel there's still a major plot twist left, and I want to be ahead of it. (Unless we managed to avert that crisis by not opening the Phazon storage, which could mean we actually get to <i>keep</i> this planet.)
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Gardener Gauntler XII
[X]Jump up to the lower side of the hole we made. This position should block immediate LOS from the Namihe. Pop up and fire super missiles at the Namihe till it dies.
-[X]Shoot any Holzes that try to rush our position. Once the Namihe is dead, we can start being mobile.
--[X]If we get swarmed, don't hesitate to PowerBomb.


Once you've recharged your levitation, you fly back up to the gap and pause in the entrance just long enough to get the first namihe in your sites. The holtzes begin swarming down at you...

(rolled 20, 2, 66, 17)

...but they aren't fast enough, or even close. You fire your super missile as soon as you see the green maldium shell, so that it hits after the namihe opens and before it can fire. You then use a combination of stacked ice shots and missiles to eliminate the swarming drones, using your new mobility to keep out of their way so that you only get hit once in return and regain enough energy from your meta-beam hits to compensate and then some. Then, you fire two more super missiles straight upward to crack the second namihe's hemisphere and then its body (ENERGY 601/800, MISSILES 139/190, SUPER MISSILES 7/15).

A scan of the section the higher namihe had been attached to reveals a flat, spike-free area just large enough to spiderball-attach to. And enough weakness for a power bomb to work its magic. (POWER BOMBS 11/18)

Before the debris can even finish settling, however, a bolt of electric blue namihe plasma shoots up at you from the passage you've jut exposed, and hits (rolled 63). Caught in mid-unmorph, you are sufficiently dazed by this that the four more holtzes behind it have time to swoop in and engage their flamethrowers, two of them hitting (rolled 64). (ENERGY 579/800)

You have a feeling that the holtzes will be able to use the abundant space behind them to withdraw out of the blast radius in the time it would take you to charge and detonate another power bomb, not to mention give the namihe time to hit you again at least once.

[] Write in.

[] You may subject one or more objects in this room to more intensive sensor scanning.


ENERGY: 579/800

MISSILES: 139/190


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[X] Just lame it out again I guess. Get cover from the Nahime, suppress the holtzes, and peek and shoot the nahime.
[X] Snapshot the Nahime, freeze or Super Missile - whichever is faster. Then engage the Holtzes.
-[X] Then go save, because you want to be at full health before you talk to the Gardener.
[X] Snapshot the Nahime, freeze or Super Missile - whichever is faster. Then engage the Holtzes.
-[X] Then go save, because you want to be at full health before you talk to the Gardener.
[X] Snapshot the Nahime, freeze or Super Missile - whichever is faster. Then engage the Holtzes.
-[X] Then go save, because you want to be at full health before you talk to the Gardener.