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[X] Navigate the labyrinth. Scan occasionally to try to avoid being ambushed.
Ceiling said:Structural weakness detected near right wall junction. Power bomb equivalent ordinance will be required to damage it.
[X] Go back through the opening you made and kill holtzes as they funnel into it. Once they're dead or stop trying to rush you through there, go back up, kill the nahime, and finish any remaining holtzes.
-[X] Use Power Bombs liberally. Even if you run out, surely having to come back after saving won't be as expensive as fighting the boss was?
Well! I found this, and found it fun. I like the lore quite a lot, particularly Chozo Ridley, and even with my distaste for the Prime trilogy I like the 'world-devil' stuff. I also think we should try the VR hookup (it's probably just a minigame), the Throne (we've been told the Patrician will shield us) and probably the Psi-Amplifier, because the antidote should protect us, and I'm quite sure it's going to give us interesting lore. Also, if we can, I want to try talking to one of the infected satellite-selves before we cure it. It shouldn't be too hard reach one with acceptably high health - we do have the Crystal Flash by now, right?
Gameplay-wise, I need to check the World Map again, because I think there are a few plausible spots for goodies which we haven't checked yet. I might need to wait until I have access to a desktop again, though.
I also find it odd that we're so liberal with Super Missiles, but rarely use Power Bombs except for mobility. We actually carry more of the bombs than of the missiles-with-superior-DPS-to-the-beam-cannon, and they seem considerably more useful than they were in Fusion, where the damage was rarely worth their deployment time.
(As a side note, it always bothered me that you do more damage with a basic charge shot than with a Diffusion Missile, in Fusion - it was admittedly difficult to run out of ammo, but the fact that you <i>can</i>, let alone the fact that you got it after the last beam upgrade, made its lower damage remarkably unintuitive. @Leila Hann, please tell me there's a use for regular micromissiles in the late-game?)
One last nitpick. Why have all the bosses we've fought been labeled 'miniboss'? I may be misremembering, but some of those seemed pretty proper-boss level.
Overall, good show. I hope it continues, and I'm sorry the original version fell through.
Mmm, so the Mass Spawner is going to be a common enemy?What's this? Interest? Well, I'll be!
Will update sometime soon. Maybe I'll actually get to finish this after all.
You don't have the crystal flash.
I'm using "miniboss" for the bosses because pretty much all of them (with one exception that it would be weird to call attention to) become recurring enemies after their initial boss-style encounters. Hence, I decided to reserve the "boss" title for the final battle alone.
The weirdness in terms of damage per second vs. ammo limits between missiles and charge beams was one of the reasons I decided to get rid of the charge beam altogether for this quest. In Super Metroid, missiles were only useful in the late game because of arbitrary resistances that some enemies had to the beams (and arbitrary resistances are something I've tried to avoid, for the most part). In Metroid Fusion, they had to outright replace missiles with super missiles after a certain point in order to keep them relevant. Even were it not for the fact that this is a quest rather than an actual Metroid game (in which charge-time would be a quantifiable factor to use in weapon balance), I'd probably consider axing the charge beam.
As for the utility of micromissiles versus super missiles and power bombs in this game: basically, the players have done a REALLY good job at finding items. Part of this might be due to me not being good enough at hiding things, but I think much more of it is down to the fact that we have multiple people all making suggestions about where to look, which results in a much more thorough search than I'd expect any one first time player to make. Consequently, you HAVE a lot more super missiles and power bombs at your disposal right now than I expected you would, which means you aren't being forced to conserve them as much. Still, I suspect you will still get a good deal of use out of micro-missiles during the final run if nowhere else.
Glad you like the lore. As I said before, this game represents my attempt at streamlining the Metroid mythos as best I can with a minimum of plotholes and discontinuity; I mostly liked the Prime trilogy, but damn is it hard to reconcile some of it with the original series. In the years since the actual fangame project fell through, its also sort of morphed into my personal counterpoint to Other M (both in terms of how Samus is characterized, and in acknowledging that "raised by aliens" is in fact a much more interesting part of her identity to explore than "is female").