[X] Destroy the rockleeches that are trying to seal up the elevator.

[X] Check out what's in the opening at the top of the shaft, exterminating all the geemers on the way up.
-[X] If a dead end is reached, scan the end of the tunnel and check out the top passage of the Upper Hive.
[X] Destroy the rockleeches that are trying to seal up the elevator.

[X] Check out what's in the opening at the top of the shaft, exterminating all the geemers on the way up.
-[X] If a dead end is reached, scan the end of the tunnel and check out the top passage of the Upper Hive.


Behind your visor, your eyes narrow at the creeping red rockleeches. You're not sure how fast they work, but you can't risk the possibility of them sealing up the tunnel behind you. Besides which, you're starting to get the distinct impression that whoever is sending the distress signal would not be pleased by what these creepers have been getting up to. Your first missile tears out the thickest bundle of growths where they're piping minerals into the stone. Your second breaks away a few centimeters of freshly lain rock and metal from around the opening, tearing out more roots in the process. You'd fire a third to enlarge it further, but your ammunition is limited, and a quick visor scan assures you that this should undo at least a few weeks worth of growth.

You return to the industrial shaft, and leap up onto the first platform. Already, you can see the geemers creeping lower still, their crustaceous chittering sending a chorus of tiny echoes around the shaft. You raise your armcannon, ready for them to start raining down in response to your attack.

(rolled 41, 81, 91)

Five minutes later, you stand on the tallest platform. Blood pumping hard, and rich with combat drugs reactively injected by your suit. You've managed to wipe out most of the geemers, you think, but you know that at least a few crept away into their holes, or hid from you behind the platforms until you just got too sick of jumping around and falling into their ambushes. Your suit has sustained over a dozen bites and spike thrusts, and you've recovered only a a fraction of the energy you'd need to compensate for it. (Energy 150/200)

Still, at least the geemers are consistently running away from you now rather than attacking upon your approach. You'll have to finish clearing them out later, but at least this shaft should be safer than it was before now that you've culled the herd.

At the top of the shaft, you leap up to the conspicuous burrow entrance in the ceiling and pull yourself up, shifting into the morph ball. Unfortunately, there are a number of rockleeches blocking the path. According to scans, there's only a thin, weakened layer of rock between the upper part of the burrow and Landing Site Access A that any explosive weapon should be able to destroy. Provided you have one that you can use with the morph ball, or that there's another way you can get back to LSA-A and fire a missile from the other side.

As you drop back out, a solitary geemer emerges from one of the side tunnels and tries to follow you. You carefully disable it with a well-placed shot, and suck out its life. A little better. (Energy 155/200)

After taking a few deep breaths, you return to the Upper Hive and try the vertical tunnel. Fortunately, nothing attacks you this time, and you steer around the meteemers once again (rolled 49, 23).

From the look of things, the geemers thought that this missile expansion might be edible. Its outer casing is badly chewed and scratched, but the vital internals are still intact enough.

(Missile Expansion acquired: missile supply 8/15)

Another narrow tunnel continues to the right, but much like the one below, there's a meteemer blocking the way. You hear more scuffling from beyond it; geemers, and something smaller and more numerous.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 155/200


[X] Go down the elevator

I'm glad that we decided to go back. The tunnel in the industrial shaft was blocked off like I thought, but at least we have it on our map now.
Elevator Platform 1-B
[X] Go down the elevator


Back the way you came. Through the still-hot crevice you enlarged to the elevator pad. Below your feet, from wherever it is deeper beneath the basalt mountains and howling winds that the elevator goes, the distress signal continues to bleed forth. The rectangular hologram rotates in place above the pad, as it has for who knows how many hundreds or thousands of years.

You step into it, and the platform descends.

You ride down through the ceiling of a tall, circular shaft. Terraces ring the walls, some of them covered in the soft, icy-blue light of holodisplays. The metal of the walls is lighter, and cleaner. All is bathed in a pristine blue-white light. The air is cold, just a half dozen degrees above freezing. You can hear machinery inside the walls.

The platform stops in place, hovering in the air a fourth of the way down the shaft. All around you, symbols play and swim across the screens of blue light, and images of throbbing hearts, swelling lungs, and flexing muscle cells flash along beside them. There are two doors below you, one at floor level and one slightly above. Nothing moves save the holodisplays.

The source of the distress signal is very near.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.

[] Create separate maps of each area in addition to the world map.
[] Stick with just the world map for now.


ENERGY: 155/200

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Experimental Nursery
[X] Scan the holodisplays
[X] Go through the door on the right.


The first level of terraced platforms form a ring around the elevator, two annuli of blue light ringing their floor and ceiling with a dizzying array of images and text. Turning around in place on the platform, you let your scan visor make sense of the data.

Upper holodisplay said:
Images and text descriptions of numerous biological systems, both natural and synthetic, of diverse origins. Recognized structures include geemer, rockleech, holtz, autoad, namihe, and ripper organ systems, as well as many unknowns. Text consists largely of genetic and epigenetic ciphers, as well as technical shorthand descriptions of gene-modding and cybernetic augmentation procedures.

Lower holodisplay said:
This hologram appears to be displaying footage from at least seven remote observation sites, overlaid on top of one another according to some unknown sorting algorithm. Numerous organisms and biomechanoid constructs appear to be interacting with one another in a series of diverse synthetic environments.

After looking around for danger, and finding none, you leap down onto the lower platforms and inspect the smaller holoscreens. These ones are far less confusing, displaying only a small block of text each. You can even make out some of the words without the help of your scan visor; its not a dialect you've seen before, but you recognize at least most of the letters.

Our service said:
Our facilities are at your disposal, Lords, Ladies, and vassals. The dreams given shape and detail here assume life; the seeds drawn from the stomachs above, and planted in the wombs below. The spawn of our deep vulvae shall be yours, in form, in function, and in nature, and from this body arise to your service beyond the dead silence.

You remember the "dead silence" from your lessons, as a girl growing up on Zebes. In some archaic chozo writings, it was a euphemism for space.

Our inventory said:
You will have doubtless, Lords and Ladies, perused the living library above. Our cold storage includes samples of all that you have beheld, and many others as well. You have only to ask for a form to fit a needed function, or the function for a given form, and our nuclear self - housed here in our widest skull - will reply.

Error said:

You frown at the final, flickering display. Unfortunately, there's no way to tell how long its been like that. After taking one last look around for any sign of supplies or enemies, you leap onto the small platform above the error message and open the iris door.

Another pristine room, though this one is a bit more cluttered. Two transparent display cases, one beneath the entrance platform below your feet, and another filling the middle of the room. The former is large enough for a human-sized creature. The latter could easily hold an elephant. There is a tall, complicated support frame in the larger tank, like an intricate trellis for a climbing plant.

There are two small holodisplays in the corner, and two doors down below. One blocked off by another force field.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 155/200

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If nothing is said on the matter, should we assume we can't tell if that brought us closer to the distress signal?
Holo scans
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Lab Atrium
[X] Go through the bottom left door.


Through the bottom left door is another tall room with terraced platforms. There are also, in this case, a series of regular handholds on the walls, going up and down through openings in the platforms. You remember the climbing-walls of Zebes, and how much trouble you had had with them as a child, with your human musculature made for running rather than climbing. The next set of gene augs you had received, at age six, had really been a game changer.

There are three more holograms in the room. The central platform above you is sealed off by force fields, as is the opening in the floor down below. However, there are two other doors. One is covered in a red blast shield. The other in an encrustation of live, carbon-bendezium composite coral. In the center of the encrustation, a huge, gelatinous eyeball peers out from its bivalve-like lids, surveying the room.

You've seen these before. Gadora. An eye that sees through cloaks, through armor, and through minds. Armor that repels all but the heaviest of weapons. When its gaze turns disapproving, a beam of white hot plasma is forthcoming.

Before you can even react to the Gadora, it swivels its molten, jelly-like eye up toward you, narrowing as it peers through the platform you're standing on and focuses on the intruder....

...then, it folds itself up and retracts into the wall, leaving a simple iris door. The distress signal is coming from beyond it.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 155/200
