On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being "We died before collecting the Morph Ball in Zero Mission" and 10 being "We beat the Spider Ball Guardian blindfolded and half-drunk" where do we fall?
Yeah, I'm aware. It just seems like the difficulty curve has been flattened a bit. Normally hard stuff isn't as hard, but fairly routine encounters are more tasking.
The combat experience for us being clunky is to be expected, really, since we don't really understand it and are mostly engaging with it on a macro scale.
I'm assuming the crystal sapphire blue dress gown, or the hairstyle is what you're referencing to (alternate) Peach's and Luigi's daughter, Rosiline(sp?)
We can move while charging, and I'm hoping to knock the Advanced Metroid away from the hole with the blast. Point is, we'd be between one and two hundred energy better off, and we're down to just over a quarter of our health. It's kinda scary.
...Are you saying Peach and Luigi got married in a canonical AU? I'm pretty sure Rosalina is actually unrelated.
We can move while charging, and I'm hoping to knock the Advanced Metroid away from the hole with the blast. Point is, we'd be between one and two hundred energy better off, and we're down to just over a quarter of our health. It's kinda scary.
but he will be right next to us in your plan. that virtually guarantees taking 60 damage from his claws, and maybe getting hit out of power bomb range.
save the crystal flash for after the fight. we will waste resources if we have to come back through that door with him still in here.
and that does not even cover the fact that that fucker can probably chop and blast his way through that door to follow us. he was melting the starship-grade armor pillars. that door is way less strong. and if he catches us while we are flashing we are dead.
but he will be right next to us in your plan. that virtually guarantees taking 60 damage from his claws, and maybe getting hit out of power bomb range.
save the crystal flash for after the fight. we will waste resources if we have to come back through that door with him still in here.
and that does not even cover the fact that that fucker can probably chop and blast his way through that door to follow us. he was melting the starship-grade armor pillars. that door is way less strong. and if he catches us while we are flashing we are dead.
On the one hand, I can see where he's coming from wanting to break off and Crystal Flash before we reengage, given that we did just lose half our health in that last encounter and are down to our last quarter health. On the other hand, we're only facing one enemy now as opposed to four, so if we partition the energy we've lost to this fight accordingly then we're at a much lesser chance of dying than it might initially appear.
I'm fully in accord with you, in that we should wait until after the fight is over before Crystal Flashing.
But what we need right now are good tactics and some solid rolls, and since my idea of "get underneath it and Missile it until it dies" didn't work I'm fresh out of ideas.
But what we need right now are good tactics and some solid rolls, and since my idea of "get underneath it and Missile it until it dies" didn't work I'm fresh out of ideas.
well, we didnt really get a chance to try that idea out. the entire last update was killing the small boys and then we got the "do you want to change tactics" interrupt since we dropped to 1/4 health.
that said, i dont see the need to be stingy with the super missiles here.
well, we didnt really get a chance to try that idea out. the entire last update was killing the small boys and then we got the "do you want to change tactics" interrupt since we dropped to 1/4 health.
that said, i dont see the need to be stingy with the super missiles here.
The only reason I'm hesitant to let fly with our Supers is because I strongly suspect that we'll be facing a boss battle at the end of all this, possibly either a Ridley clone or the Heir Apparent using a body akin to Mother Brain's second form in SM, and I want us to be as prepared for that as possible. Of course, if we refrain from using them when their need is immediate we might not live long enough to make it to that point. We've still got about half our stock; I think we can chance a few to ensure that we have a future to prepare for.
4 Supers; that's all I'm willing to chance on killing this thing before we have to switch back to regular Missiles. If we had a way to reliably recover ammunition I'd say to go crazy and let it have them all, but we don't really have that luxury unless the Heir Apparent has decided to spawn some refill bugs or an ammo refill station.
[x] Get underneath the big Metroid and let him have it. You can spare 4 Supers to deal with this thing, but after that switch back to regular Missiles, in case we still need Supers later on. When it's dead, Crystal Flash, trading Power Bombs for energy.
[x] Get underneath the big Metroid and let him have it. You can spare 4 Supers to deal with this thing, but after that switch back to regular Missiles, in case we still need Supers later on. When it's dead, Crystal Flash, trading Power Bombs for energy.
[x] Get underneath the big Metroid and let him have it. You can spare 4 Supers to deal with this thing, but after that switch back to regular Missiles, in case we still need Supers later on. When it's dead, Crystal Flash, trading Power Bombs for energy.
[x] Get underneath the big Metroid and let him have it. You can spare 4 Supers to deal with this thing, but after that switch back to regular Missiles, in case we still need Supers later on. When it's dead, Crystal Flash, trading Power Bombs for energy.
[x] Get underneath the big Metroid and let him have it. You can spare 4 Supers to deal with this thing, but after that switch back to regular Missiles, in case we still need Supers later on. When it's dead, Crystal Flash, trading Power Bombs for energy.
[x] Get underneath the big Metroid and let him have it. You can spare 4 Supers to deal with this thing, but after that switch back to regular Missiles, in case we still need Supers later on. When it's dead, Crystal Flash, trading Power Bombs for energy.
You fly out over the sea of blazing green, helmet craned back, armcannon raised and hefted as you position yourself beneath the monster. It descends at you, covering its underbelly with its hind limbs as the longer, anterior claws reach downward. Now, to get around its limbs, and then get out of its way...
(rolled 15, 61)
You stay in place perhaps a moment too long, allowing one of its claws to graze you and send you skimming across the surface of the fireblood, but in return you managed to get two super missiles around its protecting legs, sending the first two webs of cracks branching out across its abdominal dome. (ENERGY 353/1,200, SUPER MISSILES 12/30)
(rolled 82, 85, 63, 31, 91, 90, 70)
Its too low over the deadly liquid now for you to hit its underbelly again; you'll need to lure it upward first. You shoot up toward the jagged ceiling, with the metroid not far behind you. Unfortunately, you try to drop down beneath it again just a little too soon, and with a rapid aerial lunge it closes the distance and grabs you with both claws, crushing you brutally and pulling you up into its four, energy-siphoning mandibles. You struggle, beating your armored fists and feet against its hulk and twisting madly in place, but it takes you longer than you'd hoped to get free, and once you do you fall into the fireblood, and the super missile you tried to hit it back with to console yourself goes wide. Then, as you try to fly away again, it clips your leg with a claw yet again. (ENERGY 241/1,200, SUPER MISSILES 11/30)
This is not going well. You decide to concentrate on putting distance for now and try to attack again when you have more room.
(rolled 83, 38, 69, 58)
You throw one missile at it, more to throw it off than in any hopes of actually doing damage, as you push the repulsor to its very limits. You fly back toward the entry platform, then double past it over its head when it tries to pursue, frustrating it as it watches you sail away in the other direction. Just as you'd hopes, it floats up toward the ceiling again and begins charging its metakinetic beam weapon. Giving you a chance to shoot it as well. (MISSILES 88/250)
(rolled 7, 72, 22)
Perfection. Two more super missiles planted. You try to follow those up with some micro missiles, but it adjusts its legs in time to deflect them. You are then forced to retreat behind one of the metal slabs, morphing and sticking to it with the spiderball to give your repulsor a moment of recharge time as the beam rips into the far side of the slab. (SUPER MISSILES 9/30, MISSILES 86/250)
(rolled 34, 39, 40)
You've seen them fire these beams enough time now to perfectly judge when the discharge is about to end, and launch yourself off the slab again to unmorph and reengage flight just as its doing so. You rise over the half-melted top of the slab and meet its advance with four missiles. Two of which strike its underbelly. Then, when its about to slam into you, you drop back behind the slab, catching yourself just above the surface of the fireblood as it crashes into the metal. Before it can pick itself up on its many legs and resume flight, you've shot back over its head and are on your way back to the eastern edge. (MISSILES 82/250)
The cycle repeats, as you lead it back and forth across the room, launching missiles whenever its far enough and high enough before trying to make it overshoot you and double passed it again. Catching a moment of repulsor cooldown whenever you possibly can. Missiles crack into its underbelly, while many others are wasted against its limbs and impenetrable upper body. Twice more, its claws find you before you can get away. Then, finally, when its frustration reaches the point where it tries to use its beam weapon again, you fire the final pair of missiles and rupture its ventral armor, exposing the gelatinous metroid physiology within. (ENERGY 193/1,200, MISSILES 71/250)
(rolled 45, 51, 40, 64, 30)
You let it come closer now. Ice beams streak out all across its lower profile, hitting its legs and spiking in between them to freeze its innards. Then, weaving between its flailing claws, you unload six missiles. One is knocked off course as its claw catches your arm. The remaining five explode against its frozen guts, and ultimately shatter them.
The horror roars and screams as the air itself vibrates around it in unearthly reverberations. Then its nucleii explode in a chain reaction, sending pieces of it raining down into the fireblood all around you. You gratefully harvest its life force from the hailing chunks of armor and exotic ice. (ENERGY 239/1,200, MISSILES 65/250)
Moving to the western side of the room, where the wall opened to release the metroid pack, you look on at what awaits you.
Namihes are still intact and undrained. Heir Apparent must have much better control over the metroids down here than it does upside. Although, you muse, not complete control; it had to wait until its other active drones were gone before it sent that metroid pack at you. You suspect that those namihes would have fared little better had they not been able to hide beneath their domes and suspend their biological processes.
More to the point, a cloud of infant metroids are circling around the shift, squealing senselessly in their high, echoeing voices. At your approach, they begin charging toward you (rolled 33, 15, 43, 4, 5), but your stacked ice beam makes short work of them. (ENERGY 281/1,200) As the last one dies, you see the namihe on the lower left begin to open, and quickly freeze it as well.
You had been planning to convert some power bombs into energy with the crystal flash, but the DEV hints at a superior option.
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[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.
Oh sweet merciful Chozo forefathers, a save station!
[x] Scan the floor and far wall for a breakable section. Once you've found one, freeze the lowermost pair of Namihe, then quickly advance and get to work breaking that section. You don't want to be caught in the open when they defrost.
[X] Scan the thing. Proceed cautiously, not forgetting to look up.
You move out into the shaft, looking upward for any more surprises while keeping the lowest namihe frozen. No mobile hostiles; just a bunch of namihes. Worked into the top of the shaft is another growth apparatus, as well as a holtz-sized service tunnel whose entrance looks bombable. The restoration booth should be accessible through the liberal application of power bombs.
Before destroying the lower pair of namihes with super missiles and blasting your way into the save station, you scan the large, mechanical womb overhead.
Tourizo Creche said:
Biofacturing system designed for the construction of tourizos and similar large, techno-psionic constructs. Creche currently contains a 30% complete tourizo exoskeleton, and is early in the process of synthesizing the extradimensional scaffolding neccessary to anchor the extended "interior" structure. Declining heat emissions indicate that work on this unit ceased within the very recent past.
It must have turned everything off when it sent the metroids through here, to avoid tempting them.
You blast your way into the save station with a pair of power bombs, and then a third flickers the barrier shields out of your way so you can access the booth.
Just to be on the safe side, you unload your super missiles on the rest of the namihes and then double back to save, so you can proceed onward and upward with only a single power bomb short.
(rolled 62)
You spike yourself a little bit while trying to stick to get into the pipe entrance after bombing it open, but not too badly. (ENERGY 1,196/1,200)
Beyond the entrance is, well, this.
As you start to explore the tubes and chambers, a chorus of tiny squeals echoes down from above. Infant metroids, somewhere just above.
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[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.