[X] Kill the autoad
[X] Look around for anything hidden on the roof.


(rolled 54)

You stand on the lip of the tunnel entrance and lock your guidance systems onto the spot that you know hides the hulking armature. You're too far away for the precision ice beam trick, but by the same token you're far out of the drone's own combat range. A few brilliant yellow shots chip deep into the ice, provoking the Autoad to reveal itself. A pair of missiles track its clumsy movements, and bring it down. You grab the vine again and swing over to the now-clear roof. Unfortunately, this notch proves to have been empty.

There's not much left to do in this room with your current equipment.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 180/200

MISSILES: 17/20​
Storage Foundations
[x]Try to morph ball bomb past the vines in cold storage A.


With your expanded module library, you return to the save station and let the petals come down around you. Once again, the sensation that everything in the shaft below you is looking upward, the holograms and scaffolds and Gadora all silently offering their praise. Is it just you, or some kind of subliminal or telepathic effect? Once again, you're not sure quite how you feel about it.

Back in the cold storage chamber, you shift into the morph ball and drop into the open crevice. The first bomb cracks the skin of the obstructing rockleech vine and covers your sphere in red mineral jelly. The second blows out a chunk. The third leaves only a few strands holding it together, and the fourth clears your path. So it goes for the second obstructing vine as well.

You drop out of the ceiling into a tight, dark, ice-encrusted cave full of ice and tangled rockleeches. To the right is another leech-gnawed hole, filled with a mess of both the usual red vines and the rapidly regenerating orange taproots. There is also, you quickly notice, a missile expansion lying discarded beside one of the pylons grown from the rocks below that hold up the ceiling.

Before you can grab the missile expansion, however, the ice all around the room erupts into squirming, aggressive motion. It seems that this little cavern is some kind of haven for the ice polyps; you count at least six, coming from all directions. Getting back up into the hole you fell in through will probably have to involve either climbing the vines, or some careful spring/bomb jumping, neither of which are doable while you're being grabbed by acidic tentacles.

[] Tactics (write in)​
Bomb the polyps
[X] Bombspam


(lots and lots of rolls, with a bonus for good tactics)

There's no way to dodge the sheer number of corrosive, muscular tendrils that close around you at first, but that actually suits you just fine. The morph ball has less surface area to expose to the digestive agent, and your suit has energy to spare while you deposit your first volley of bombs inside the creatures' tight clutches. They don't let go of you so much as lose the limbs that had been doing the grabbing, giving you time to roll up to the nearest pair and drop additional bombs right under their icy shells. Another one grabs you before you can roll away, but it foolishly pulls you right up against its body. You lose only a few units of energy in the time it takes your next pair of bombs to detonate against its shell, pulverizing ice and flesh in a pair of blue bursts.

The next few minutes are spent leading the polyps in a chase around the bases of the pylons, as they run into one bomb after another. You take a bit more damage, but the battle is won before things can get truly serious, and you recover a bit of energy from their remains (Energy 150/200). The missile expansion is yours to claim.

(Missile Expansion acquired: missile supply 25/25)​

You can climb back up the way you came using the rockleeches and springball. The passage to the right is blocked by regenerating orange vines.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 150/200

MISSILES: 25/25​
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In the crate
[x] Clear the Meteemer in the refuelling station. Restock at a save station on your way back up.


There will be more to do in the Patrician's lab structure and the surrounding caves later. For now, its time to clear some obstructions you passed in the upper caves. After another stop at the save station, you ride the elevator back up to the industrial shaft and head left, passing through the save station room whose force fields blink out as you pass beneath and navigating the hive tunnels and coming back up through the launch tube. You avoid the meteemers along the way, and the geemers are either all dead, or avoiding you (rolled 44). However, upon returning to the refueling station, you find that the lesser holtz you destroyed has been replaced by another like it.

(rolled 52, 64)

Its not your best performance ever. Down 1 missiles (you used 2 and recovered 1) and 10 energy points. But there's a save station just a couple of rooms back that you can use. You roll into the open crevice and plant a bomb beside the spine-covered meteemer hulk, rolling back slightly in case it turns out to be not as dead as it looks. The first bomb blasts off the metallic spikes from the nearest side. When there's no reaction, you roll up again and plant another, clearing it entirely.

The radioactive residue on the crate interiors would probably start doing damage if you stayed here longer than a minute, but it takes you only seconds to assimilate the missile expansion.

(Missile Expansion acquired: missile supply 29/30)

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 190/200

MISSILES: 29/30​
Upper hive tunnel
[X] Go through the top passage in the Hive.


Leaping out across the launch tube, you land on the opposite platform and roll into the upper hive. You lose track and spike yourself on a meteemer as you make your way to the upper tunnel (rolled 96), but kill it with a pair of bombs to ensure that it won't be a problem again (Energy 185/200). When you meet the obstructing meteeemer blocking the way, you do the same thing again and proceed.

The tunnel forks. One branch goes upward, to the caves near your landing site. The other downward. Rolling deeper inside, the tunnel widens and opens up, giving you room to stand. You land on your feet after a short drop, and feel something crush and ooze under your armored heels.

You look down. Tiny, sluglike larvae, just beginning to develop fragile, crystaline shells.

You look around. A honeycomb of caverns. Rockleeches grow in and out of the walls, but nearly all have been chewed away to nubs.

Then motion. Everywhere. The tunnel entrances erupt with two dozen geemers and counting, with a trio of slow, malevolent-looking meteemers dragging their bodies behind their smaller cousins. Approaching from all sides, any fear of you they might have learned overwhelmed by your presence in their breeding area.

[] Tactics for the geemer and meteemer swarm (write in)


ENERGY: 185/200

MISSILES: 29/30​
[X] Use your ice beam to freeze as many of them as you can. Then p neroceed to thoroughly exterminate them, although only using missiles on Meteemers or when large groups get too close. When finished go get that missile expansion to the bottom right, kill the Meteemer blocking the other way out and go to the nearby save station to heal before making your way into the passageway in the lower Hive.


(rolled 30, 50, 81)

Power beam switches for ice, and you lay about yourself with practiced speed, freezing the leading geemers in place so that they are forced to swarm past each other and fill the tunnels with their massed bodies. Then three missiles toward each cluster; the first two send clouds of frozen chitin and legs rebounding around the hive, but the third is a second two slow, killing only a pair of geemers while others rush past and swarm you (ENERGY 170/200).

You fall back into the side chamber, heedlessly stepping on more larvae in the process, and clear the angry meteemer inside with a missile before turning to use the choke point. Too slow; the swarm boils up behind you and you dissapear under a wave of deadly spikes and hissing chitin (rolled 99). As your HUD goes crazy, you fire missiles at point blank range, eating a few units of splash damage in order to clear enough of the insects off of you to move again (ENERGY 130/200). You tear off the rest with your free hand, and spray out another ice barrage (rolled 24). A glaring meteemer, mandibles clicking, bowls toward you through its frozen lessers, but with a single missile you crush it and shatter the frozen geemers.

The stragglers continue attacking for some time, and you take a bit more damage, but finally it ends, and you recover some energy (rolled 24, 91,70) (ENERGY 140/200, MISSILES 22/30).

Frustratingly enough, the tunnel to the missile expansion is blocked by orange rockleech roots. Probably the only growths the geemers couldn't chew away.

The path back is no longer blocked, as the meteemer obstructing it has already met its death attacking you in the brood chamber. You return through the lower hive and, after saving, go back and try the lower tunnel, blowing the final meteemer out of your way.

Red and orange rockleeches are covering the machine. Inside of its open access platform, a data storage sphere sits. After searching for danger and finding none, you step forth and assimilate its contents.



Turbo Charge said:
Secondary transdimensional conduit and expanded heat sink have been grown. Rate of fire for beam weapons and bombs increased.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 200/200



AN: the turbo charge replaces the charge beam in this game. There's not really a way for me to properly simulate the charge beam's utility in quest format, and this lets me improve the bombs as well.​
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Missile Expansion Get
[x] Turbo-bomb to the missile expansion in the hive.


The regenerating vines blocking the way cannot stand up to the rapid fire bombs.

(Missile Expansion acquired: missile supply 35/35)

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 200/200

MISSILES: 35/35​
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Landing Access B
[X] Blow open the shortcut between landing access A and the hive/industrial shaft.
[X] Check how long until your ship's thrusters are cooled down enough to take you into that opening above the landing site.


(rolled 43, 56, 5)

The last meteemer of the upper passage is easily blown out of your way before it can attack by rapidly-deployed bombs. As you roll upward toward the junction, you feel the vibrations of another geemer pair advancing from above, and back off while leaving bombs in your wake. Destroying them without taking damage. Soon, you are at the top of the rockleech-overgrown burrow, having blasted the leeches too aside. You lay one last clutch of bombs, and a moment later are bathed in the dim light of a familiar cave.

You gratefully run back along Landing Access A until the sun is shining down on your helmet, and your ship is in front of you, just as you left it. You let out a long, slow sigh of relief. You've been in remote contact with your ship this entire time, of course, but seeing it still in place is nonetheless reassuring. The Delano-8's stealth suite is decent, courtesy of reverse-engineered Space Pirate technology, but its still not quite the Chozo cloaking device on your old Hunter. Stepping onto the pad, you signal the decontamination process to begin, and a minute later you're sitting in the cockpit.

You keep your suit and helmet on. Keeps your concentration going.

The engines aren't cool enough for spacelaunch, but you can definitely hover the thing a few tens of meters off the ground for a couple minutes. You do so, and then exit again after after signaling the ship to descend back to the landing pad once you're clear.

The entrance opens into a long, stalagmite-ridden cave with strange organisms embedded in the floor and ceiling. At the back of it is a rockleech-grown metal wall with a door blocked by a force field, this one blue in color. A module data sphere sits on the platform before the shielded door.

You scan the slowly pulsating, chitin-slick maws that protrude from their pits.

Malbolge said:
Symbiotic organism integrated with subterranean rockleech network. Rockleeches provide mineral elements to construct the malbolge's ionized maldium exoskeleton - impervious to anything short of a super missile - while the rockleech provides a share of its metabolic energy to accelerate the leeches' mineral gel circulation. The malbolge also employs a symbiotic tendril to grab nearby organisms and pull them into its hydraulic jaws, where a combination of powerful corrosive agents and magnetized teeth can wear even well armored prey items back into digestible components.

[] Write in.

[] You may select one or more objects to subject to more intensive scan visor probing before leaving this room.


ENERGY: 200/200

MISSILES: 35/35​
[x] Try freezing a Malbolge.


You fire a quick trio of ice beam shots at the outer jaw of the nearest malbolge. Ice spreads across the maldium shell as the air around it is sucked dry, but it doesn't seem to notice.

Thinking for a moment, you jump upward and angle a shot downward into its open mouth. This time, the malbolge reacts, closing its mouth for a second and twitching violently. It reopens a second later, with no visible damage. However, the interiors at least seem to be somewhat more vulnerable.
Missiles mebbe?
[x] Fire a missile into its mouth


Rolled 1d100=26

You fire a missile down past its jaw. It closes its mouth as soon as it feels the vibrations of the approaching projectile, but not fast enough. The ground shakes as it thrashes against the sides of its burrow.

This time, its mouth remains closed for several seconds before it reopens, fully healed.

(Missiles 34/35)
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