She's making a purchasing decision and finds something really silly and the intent of the creator really obvious regardless of his sugar coating, and is disappointed because she hoped for something that would deliver on the promise of depth in depicting various things in a videogame because she thought that'd be cool and is expressing this information to other people who may also be concerned so that they can make an informed purchasing decision.

Oh, how very over sensitive. I bet she's crying in a pillow right now, rather than just talking about stuff and having over sensitive dudes knee jerk response to her so hard they don't even read her post they're responding to completely.
Dude, I seriously do not care.
Wait... there's no creepy-ass sexual-familial bullshit that drives all their actions? That's weird, because Kojima's female characters kept getting more and more Freudian the longer the series went on. Which pisses me off because of how that infected Best Character Strangelove.

What am I talking about? Of course Quiet has that shit. The goofy skin moisture stuff just sounds like an alibi.

Whereas you wanna keep drawing attention.

Acting like a weiner over someone not liking something you like isn't any less annoying than the vice versa.
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Whereas you wanna keep drawing attention.

No, I actually have opinions I'd like to express and possibly discuss rather than nebulous "attention" seeking, but this back and forth is just off topic now.

We could discuss the content in the game of course, be in story elements, characters, design, or even mechanics. I wanted to do that, rather than the whole "no you" "no you" thing. So, let's get back to that, shall we?

Your opinion seemed to be that you don't like my opinion. Do you have any further take on the subject of the opinion or why you think it's a good or not silly character design, from a Doylist or even Watsonian perspective? I found it to fall very short in both.

Wait... there's no creepy-ass sexual-familial bullshit that drives all their actions? That's weird, because Kojima's female characters kept getting more and more Freudian the longer the series went on. Which pisses me off because of how that infect Best Character Strangelove.

What am I talking about? Of course Quiet has that shit. The goofy skin moisture stuff just sounds like an alibi.

I never played Peacewalker, so, what was it about Strangelove? I skimmed the wiki page a bit a while ago, so I have a few ideas of what it could be I suppose.

I've not yet seen much creepy familial stuff stuff with Quiet as of yet. I have seen images of the Boss peeping on her with her top hanging off sun bathing on the base, and generally being in suggestive poses while sniping if you look at her. So, creepy stalker imagery.

On a non-sexual imagery stuff note, I find this kind of funny. So, she can turn invisible and run super fast. She's a sniper. In game, rather than being invisible while sniping, she does it while running around so fast she creates giant dust clouds that show something is up much more than if she just snuck around while visible but with camo. That makes anti-sense for her to use the powers like that.
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I never played Peacewalker, so, what was it about Strangelove? I skimmed the wiki page a bit a while ago, so I have a few ideas of what it could be I suppose.

Apparently she locked herself in Metal Gear's Mammal Pod over a disagreement with Huey and died from asphyxiation, because Otacon can have no happiness.
Apparently she locked herself in Metal Gear's Mammal Pod over a disagreement with Huey and died from asphyxiation, because Otacon can have no happiness.
...Why the FUCK would you make a CPU area airtight? That's fucking retarded. You are ASKING for cooked metal if you do that. Ugh.
I don't think there's anything particularly wrong with Quiet being a make or break in a purchase decision, but could we possibly just hold off on the huge, exhausting fight about her until after the game comes out? Please?
I'm now thinking my idea of Quiet being part Jin kinda made more sense. Oh well.

88 hours to download start! (Better finish and then delete hardline.)
I'm now thinking my idea of Quiet being part Jin kinda made more sense. Oh well.

88 hours to download start! (Better finish and then delete hardline.)
Oh this reminds me, we should start organizing friendslists for the whole Forward Operating Base deal, especially since apparently we can actually choose to attack friends if they're online . So at the very least we can set up times so we can play fair FOB matches if the general playerbase ends up turning the mechanic into a shitshow ala GTA Online on PC. :V
Oh this reminds me, we should start organizing friendslists for the whole Forward Operating Base deal, especially since apparently we can actually choose to attack friends if they're online . So at the very least we can set up times so we can play fair FOB matches if the general playerbase ends up turning the mechanic into a shitshow ala GTA Online on PC. :V
While I would be interested in trying FOB< Im honestly more interested in the classic MGO.

Also I just want to get this out there before the game comes out so you can all look back on this and bask in how right I am.

The final sequence will be you playing as Solid Snake, infiltrating your Mother Base in the style of the FOB multiplayer, and finally engaging in a Big final Boss battle.

EDIT: And I'm pretty sure I've already said that in this thread but FUCK IT.
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...Why the FUCK would you make a CPU area airtight? That's fucking retarded. You are ASKING for cooked metal if you do that. Ugh.

To be fair, the leaks say that the disagreement is Strangelove wants Otacon to pilot the giant robot metal gear. Also, the leaks say Stranglove doesn't really love Huey, but just wanted a child to pass on the Boss' ideals to. In her mind, Otacon is the Boss and Strangelove's child, and Huey is just a whiny sperm donor.
Why is every so obsess with Boss and Big Boss? Mark my words the next Metal Gear game we find out that Raiden is mixed clone of Boss and Big Boss.
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Rather than stocking my FOB with supplies and other gear I'm just to put animals on it. I'll divide it into sections and create a zoo in the middle of the ocean. If I could create a bear army as well to defend my zoo then that'll just add to the fun.
