>Strangelove: Open this thing!
>Strangelove: Huey!
>Strangelove: Damn it Huey! Open it now!
>Strangelove: Please... Let me out...
>Strangelove: Kill me...
>Strangelove: If only I tried to get out sooner...
>Strangelove: Perhaps I'd have made it.
>Strangelove: Why didn't I stop the hatch from closing? Even if it meant losing an arm?
>Strangelove: Well, I guess I'll...stay a while.
>Strangelove: My voice... It's so distant.
>Strangelove: But you can hear me, can't you, Joy?
>Strangelove: I know you can. You're recording all of this.
>Strangelove: Deep down in some memory board he'll never find.
>Strangelove: Duplicating it...
>Strangelove: Burying it under heaps of meaningless code.
>Strangelove: Anyway, I guess I can say what needs to be said...
>Strangelove: I can still do that much - talk to you...
>Strangelove: Even if I can't face you.
>Strangelove: Even if there's a heaven - even if you're waiting there - I don't deserve to see you again.
>Strangelove: I don't deserve to love you.
>Strangelove: I signed up for Zero's plan.
>Strangelove: Even now that he's halfway to dead, his plan lives on - leeching away at the world.
>Strangelove: And it took your strength to make it happen.
>Strangelove: In using you, I put the world in his palm, once and for all.
>Strangelove: Zero... Zero...
>Strangelove: Or whoever it is who's taken his name...
>Strangelove: They found me - after the Caribbean.
>Strangelove: They made me...simulate his will.
>Strangelove: So that - even after the body was gone - that will would keep the world turning the way they wanted.
>Strangelove: I had no choice.
>Strangelove: They dredged Lago Cocibolca, pulled up your phantom...
>Strangelove: Forced me to revive and modify you.
>Strangelove: I thought I could bring you back! But in the end...
>Strangelove: I sold your will to "him."
>Strangelove: Now this pod is just one big shell - a husk.
>Strangelove: Your phantom's no longer here...
>Strangelove: As for me, everything I touch turns to ashes.
>Strangelove: I could never make anyone happy.
>Strangelove: ...And now I'll never see my son again.
>Strangelove: But at least Hal's free from his father's hands.
>Strangelove: Me, with child. Can you imagine?
>Strangelove: I wonder how you took the news.
>Strangelove: Were you jealous?
>Strangelove: I knew what I was doing.
>Strangelove: If I could pass your will on to a child I carried...
>Strangelove: My genes, your meme...
>Strangelove: The father would be...irrelevant.
>Strangelove: If I did that, that child would be ours.
>Strangelove: I've been a fool.
>Strangelove: Pride, conceit, baseless theories... Of course I couldn't see through the dream.
>Strangelove: The "false you" I created...
>Strangelove: I only wanted to pass your will on to the next generation.
>Strangelove: But Zero took it away.
>Strangelove: And now I haven't just lost you, I've lost my...
>Strangelove: Oh Hal, can you forgive
>Strangelove: the mother who couldn't protect you?
>Strangelove: The one who let them take it all away from us?
>Strangelove: There's still hope.
>Strangelove: You - the one he took away.
>Strangelove: He'll never break your will.
>Strangelove: The will to make this world...
>Strangelove: The way you saw it could be.
>Strangelove: I buried code - just to be sure.
>Strangelove: Inside of you, there's an "egg." And when someone finds it... When they crack it...
>Strangelove: There'll be nothing left to stop you.
>Strangelove: The world you envisioned will become a reality.
>Strangelove: Joy...
>Strangelove: I know you can hear me...
>Strangelove: You do remember my voice, don't you?
>Strangelove: Please...
>Strangelove: Take care of our son.
>Strangelove: Hal...
>Strangelove: Don't ever be afraid.
>Strangelove: Whatever happens out there, she'll be watching over you.
>Strangelove: The system - the framework for your world - will protect you.
>Strangelove: You don't need me...
>Strangelove: You just need to be strong enough for the both of us.
>Strangelove: Talked...too much...
>Strangelove: I'm glad it's you...
>Strangelove: Here at the end...
>Strangelove: I think I hear your pulse...