For GET THAT S RANK SOLDIER or side ops, Quiet is best buddy/.
Actually, I find that D-Dog's better for side ops like Prisoner Rescue, Eliminate Heavy Infantry, and Legendary Animal hunts. Especially since unlike Quiet he has a silent way of taking out riot-armored guards.

For going loud though, Quiet with the Sinful Butterfly. And when dealing with Child Soldiers she's also better with Guilty Butterfly since D-Dog can't engage Child Soldiers for some reason.

This is a pretty interesting video on how the Nuclear trailer is made. There are even helpful insights that can be applied to various kinds of media in this unofficial subtitled version of the interview.
Something about making an oil rig like military base just makes me vexed.

I mean a ground based military base is a lot more secure. For one if it gets bombed, the soldiers can still run away from it with their lives. If the soldiers do not manage to get a life boat they'll drown. And an oil rig like base is a lot more vulnerable because you can not build bomb proof parts to it like you can build to ground based bases in the form of bunkers along with a good hurricane being able to take the whole thing down.

All it takes is a single hit to a supporting column and entire platforms, like R&D platform for instance, could go down.

If I was in charge of Diamond Dogs, I would have my base be a ground base, not a vulnerable oil rig like base.

And it has a laughably small amount of staff. A single oil rig houses a hundred people by a quick googling. A maxed out MB/FOB has 28 rigs. So that should be 2800 per base and 14000 total in the MB and four FOBs instead of 3500.
And it has a laughably small amount of staff. A single oil rig houses a hundred people by a quick googling. A maxed out MB/FOB has 28 rigs. So that should be 2800 per base and 14000 total in the MB and four FOBs instead of 3500.

It's called abstraction. Do you think X-COM consists of like . . . twenty five guys and maybe three dozen support staff?

As for the Oil Rig Base, it was a continuation of the 'cool concept' from Peace Walker where MSF was not at first such a glowing target.
But still, an oil rig base is a lot more vulnerable to bombings than a ground based base. Like the lack of bunkers I mentioned, men drowning if they miss the life boats meanwhile a ground based base getting bombed leaves your men still on solid ground able to walk to nearest place with civilization in it. And a submarine could take out the columns that attach the base to the seabed.
Did you actually play any other MGS games Tyzuris or is MGSV your first game? Ypur same arguments against oil rig base appLy to aircraft carrier yknow.

Also bunkers aren't actually as safe from bombing as you think; bunker busters are a thing irl.
All of them.

How? Aircraft carriers are mobile and can dodge attacks instead of sitting ducks.
Honestly, if the Oil Rig bases are where your suspension of disbelief snaps, were you even paying attention to the rest of the series?

... Though, I have to admit, we were using every single inch of space on those rigs (including the bridges) and we still ended up pretty overcrowded most of the time. The men had more than enough after a few years.

Which was why Outer Heaven was centred around a land base.

As for security matters, we mostly hinged on secrecy. Ideally, no team would ever lead an enemy back to Mother Base. Practically, we also relied on being in the Seychelles's territorial waters. Those trying to investigate mostly got a warning from the Seychelles to leave their airspace/territorial waters.

Neither would have worked on a determined assault, but Mother Base was always meant to be a temporary thing. Leaving it was always in the cards.
Then surely you realise the first mother base was given to MSF in lieu of hard cash, and they liked it and made it theirs, and pbviously with this new Mother Base Miller is deliberately trying to recreate what he lost?

How? Aircraft carriers are mobile and can dodge attacks instead of sitting ducks.
If an aircraft carrier is bombed, the sailors aboard will likewise drown if they can't get to lifeboats. And it's a far scare harder to evac an aircraft carrier that's moving yknow - if you're not careful your life rafts might end up in the props.

As for dodging... are you for real. A Nimitz-class carrier is a significantly larger target than the individual platforms. And yet it's still a hard target to find in the search/acquisition stage. Mother Base looks like any random oil rig to satellites - you gonna blow up every oil rig in the wolrd is it?

Lastly, if you're in range of aircraft-launched antiship missiles, there's no way a 30-knot carrier is going to dodge an ASM salvo. Zilch. Nada. For fucks sake nobody expects ships to dodge missiles, let alone carriers: they mount softkill measures - ECM, decoys - and hardkill measures - point defense guns - as their defences.

Oh loop de doo, guess what every platform has? A shitload of antennas and dishes and a ring of PD guns.
Is anyone else disgusted by how much resources FOB #3 needs to complete?

FOB #2 was reasonable with 108k resources needed for final decks, but FOB #3 requires over 200k resources to finish the third fucking deck and nearly 300k for the final fourth deck!

And I saw a screencap of the second deck of FOB #4 Command Platform requiring 225k resources.

These are sadistically high numbers... :(

Who the fuck has the patience to grind for those resources? Which light head came up with these figures? I want them slapped with a dick.
Monetisation yo.

Hmm I really should try to grind MB coins for another FOB I guess.
Not sure if this goes here, but it's a kind of Metal Gear LARP.
So far I have managed to steal four nukes in FOB invasions and dismantle them.

To steal a nuke from someone brings a certain type of gratitude.
I fucking hate Konami's bullshit servers. I just managed to steal someone's nuke and then a rival approaches and blam! Fucking connection error causes me to be pushed out of the FOB match and I didn't even get the nuke I managed to steal! What fucking utter bullshit.

I feel like writing email to Konami and demand they compensate this to me by handing me over a spare nuke to disarm.

The guy on the other end must have been a pathetic lag switch using cheater seeing as this has not happened before to me.
Man I just realized that the banner underneath this thread is pretty old. Although it is already easy to farm mission 29/42 with an LMG so... :V
Been playing FOBs a lot lately and building up my fourth (and final) FOB. The resource demands are off the fucking charts. I mean 450k fuel and 468k common metal/biological material for the final fourth decks per deck and 693600 fuel and minor metal for the final command deck. Fuck! This gonna take a while. I am glad I have at least gotten the fourth deck to support and base development under construction. That still leaves five that are going to take a long while to build. :o