It seems the kicker is that you don't have to be within line of sight; as long as you have a vague sense of where they are and as long as you're within range it's a guaranteed stun.

Combo this with noctocyanin and you can see how it's pretty broken.

I've stayed away from FOB missions because I heard there's a bunch of cheaters and glitchers on there. Are they worth getting into? Not that it matters too much with MGO being 1 day away apparently.
When I say improvements I mean the kind of expansion of mechanics that would be expected in a jump from handheld to home console. So graphics don't count. The majority of the mechanical changes just add padding or simplify things that really should've been expanded. Like combat deployments for example. Peace Walker let you custom-build your away teams, carefully selecting each individual soldier and their armour support. MGSV lets you choose what you equip your FOB guards with. It's a complete no-brainer to just update Peace Walker's Outer Ops system to let you customize their gear and maybe even tactics too. But nope, instead it just takes a random selection of guys in a certain rank bracket and shoves them out the door with whatever vehicles the mission dictates you Must Have.

I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Konami and Hideo having their Zero-Snake affair over the development of the game.
Don't bother with the whole FOB scene, it's a janky and unbalanced mess taken out of the oven six months too early and tossed in as a side dish. First one or two bites are okay, but the inside is raw and stone cold. You'll probably have to establish one just for the doubled staff capacity, but beyond that just don't bother.
Don't bother with the whole FOB scene, it's a janky and unbalanced mess taken out of the oven six months too early and tossed in as a side dish. First one or two bites are okay, but the inside is raw and stone cold. You'll probably have to establish one just for the doubled staff capacity, but beyond that just don't bother.
Thanks to the fact that MGSV won't stay online for more than a minute for me I don't even have a FOB and am totally satisfied that way. I hope this issue doesn't stay for MGO though, as that looks fun
I've stayed away from FOB missions because I heard there's a bunch of cheaters and glitchers on there. Are they worth getting into? Not that it matters too much with MGO being 1 day away apparently.

Pretty much what Zerban said.

It's fun, but it's really basic. There isn't much replayability and after a few defenses and one or two invasions I'm already over it. Only worth it for the single player bonus, and you can just use direct contract to keep your essential staff out of player hands anyway.

Looks like we'll be getting a FOB update:

The following notification covers the details of an update to METAL GEAR SOLID V: THE PHANTOM PAIN, scheduled for distribution on Tuesday, October 6th, 2015. Many new specifications have been added or improved upon, largely focusing on FOB Missions. This will be an ideal opportunity for newcomers to try their hand at infiltrating FOBs!

New "Event FOB" missions added!

Until now, only the FOBs of rival players could be infiltrated, but following this update you will have access to special "Event FOBs" prepared by the game developers.
In "Event FOB" missions, there is no risk of retaliation (no defending player will invade your base later as revenge), so you can steal materials and abduct staff without fear of repercussions.

Infiltrate your way into an "Event FOB"!

Capture materials and staff without worrying about retaliation

FOB insurance service begins!

Your FOBs are always at risk of coming under attack. Now, you can rest easy with FOB insurance (paid service). If you sign up for insurance, then during the insurance period you will be compensated for any materials and staff lost due to rival infiltrations.
* Staff/materials stolen by the rival will in fact remain on your base, and an identical amount of staff/materials will be handed over to the rival instead.
* MB Coins are purchased with real money, but free MB Coins are also distributed periodically as login bonuses, etc.
* The following are not covered by FOB insurance:
・Staff/items that are not fully your property, such as abducted staff being held in your Brig (FOB)
・Wounded staff (staff lost due to death or extraction will be compensated)
・Staff used by you to deploy in defense of the FOB (neither death nor extraction will be compensated)
・Nuclear weapons

New and improved missions for Combat Deployment (Online)! Rewards also get a huge boost!

Get ready for a broader, more varied range of missions available in Combat Deployment (Online). The rewards will diversify to match!
Some missions may reward you with extremely high-rank soldiers, and others may provide rare medicinal plants such as Haoma and Digitalis (Lutea).
Additionally, the time it takes your units complete their mission can be shortened using MB Coins.
* MB Coins are purchased with real money, but free MB Coins are also distributed periodically as login bonuses, etc.
* Deployment time can only be shortened in Combat Deployment (Online) missions. Normal offline missions cannot be shortened.

New equipment added! A higher level of performance... Grade 7!

New weapons and items are on the way, to give you that added edge in missions. Additionally, where the highest possible grade of equipment was previously Grade 6 (★6), following the update you will have access to development projects of Grade 7 (★7)!
The following are just a few of the new weapons on offer.
S1000 AIR-S[★7]

This Grade 7 pump-action non-lethal shotgun sends enemies flying at close range, with enough power to knock an enemy out cold with a single hit.
Arming your FOB security guards with this will give greater punch to your FOB defenses.

HAIL MGR-4[★7]

A Grade 7 magazine-fed grenade launcher. Using a drum magazine gives this upgraded weapon a much higher ammo capacity.
This is an ideal choice for quick tactical decisions during a firefight; use it to suppress (or take out!) multiple enemies with quick blasts over a large area, or punish enemies hiding in cover.
A versatile launcher that can be used for assault, diversions, or FOB defenses.


Upgraded to Grade 7, this 7.62mm semi-automatic sniper rifle provides greater power and accuracy than before.
An additional option slot provides extra customizability, so any user can adapt the weapon to a range of scenarios. Equipping your FOB security guards with this is a surefire way to send invaders back with their tail between their legs.

Night vision equipment can now be developed for your Security Team staff!

You will now be able to develop special NVGs for your security guards, to give them an advantage against night-time invaders and vision-restricting tactics such as smoke grenades. Don't miss this opportunity to maximize the abilities of your Security Team.

Develop NVGs for use by your security guards

Infiltrate without leaving a trace!

If you avoid being spotted by enemies, and refrain from killing/extracting staff and damaging/extracting containers and equipment, you can now play all the way through an FOB infiltration without the rival player being notified.
Enjoy this added thrill to your FOB Missions!

FOB expansion time reduction now available!

Constructing new platforms for your FOBs takes a long time, but now you can use MB Coins (paid service) to purchase time reduction and speed things up!
The more platforms on your FOB, the more difficult it will be for a rival to infiltrate unseen.
* MB Coins are purchased with real money, but free MB Coins are also distributed periodically as login bonuses, etc.

Improvements to on-screen UI elements and point scoring!

Following the update, there will be certain improvements to the way data is displayed on menus such as the Controls and Results screens; for example, detailed breakdowns of espionage points earned or damage suffered due to your FOB being infiltrated. Look forward to a tighter, more refined FOB Mission experience.

View breakdowns of the espionage points you earn

GMP and materials limits are greatly increased online!

Following this update, the maximum amounts of GMP and materials you can possess will be much higher than before, as additional amounts can now be stored online by the server.
* You will need to be online to make use of GMP or materials amounts that exceed the local limit (the limit when playing offline).
* While offline, you will not be able to make use of GMP or materials stored on the server.

Other changes

Improvements have also been made to other elements, including PF Rating, which indicates the strength of your Mother Base, and sort functions on the mission deployment prep screen.
Also, for auto-assigning staff to units, an option for prioritizing the Security Team has been added, to make FOB Missions even easier to enjoy. Various balance adjustments and bug fixes have been implemented as well.

Addition of "Security Team Prioritized" to staff assignment methods

Sort staff by combat ability or skills
Huh, that gives people more incentive to go nonlethal.

I'm digging the beanbag shotty, btw.
I saw the drum. But it's worth more points if i put the fob defenders to sleep and extract them instead of splattering them all over the walls.
seeing as the gas persists, how many do you need at one time?
personally I go URAGAN AIR-S and shield
UN-ARC NL with stun launcher for emergencies
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seeing as the gas persists, how many do you need at one time?
personally I go URAGAN AIR-S and shield
UN-ARC NL with stun launcher for emergencies
Well you only get 14 grenades on a single underslung launcher. So if they don't bunch up, you smoke about 14 guys?
There is a petition to bring Quiet back in
Post Merged AHOY!
Kojima wasted a shitload of money making the Fox Engine
Strictly speaking, the fox engine shouldn't be included as the expense for the game as it's largely a capital asset. So long as Konami uses it for any other game (or even license it), then you're going to split it's development cost across however many profit making stuff you use it in. In that way for 80 million dollars Konami gained two assets.

That said we don't actually know the line items so judging Kojima on account of his expense is difficult to do as the Fox Engine can be a vital thing used over many profitable courses of actions.
No worries, this is sorta my thing. :p I admit it gets a little mad, because 8 ships is a division, while 8 tanks is 2 platoons and 8 dudes is either an overstrength squad or an understrength section. Counting things be crazy. :p

Basically, go on missions with DD, and whenver you get the chance, pet him and praise him and go good dog and just keep doing missions and let him mark stuff. before you know it, your bond's at max level.

Honestly I'm pretty biased because I love dogs to start with, but DD is pretty much the best buddy and there are times I favor him over Quiet. Disregard sniper, acquire BEST DOGE.
Best Doge I like for pure sneaking/S rank missions.

For GET THAT S RANK SOLDIER or side ops, Quiet is best buddy/.
I think the major problem with The Phantom Pain is that unlike the other titles in the franchise - where one can fairly blame Kojima for digging himself into a narrative hole and having to write a whole lot of prequels to justify increasingly ridiculous plot twists - The Phantom Pain eventually involved a lot of corporate politics and executive meddling, and Konami didn't give nearly enough support or budget for the game, ultimately involving an entire chapter that wasn't made, stuff that didn't make it into the final build of the game, and other little shortcomings. ^_^;
Dreamteam=Kojima + A competent editor that he can't ignore.


And I'm not kidding when I say that the gameplay is non-gimmicky, that in the vast majority of the game, you can do anything that the game allows you to do at any given time. There is a mini-boss squad that result in traditional HP sink battles; in a game that offers you a great deal of tactical freedom, in the freedom of choice to approach your problems, the mini-boss squad devolves gameplay into a shooting match for which stealth no longer plays a critical role. For many other players, it's a massive weak link in the gameplay. Then I discovered that you can fight those same mini-boss battles using your very own mini-mecha - the same mini-mecha that you can summon almost anywhere once you develop it - and suddenly a battle of attrition turned into a high-speed fast-maneuvering supernatural mecha chain gun zombie ninja dogfight straight out of Code Geass, and one of the best gameplay moments in the game that I had. The Phantom Pain allows you to change the way you play parts of the game that you don't like, and that's absolutely great.
While the Skulls are in the honey bee mission can't be stealthed, the skulls in the Traitor's Caravan can be stealthed though I Grant that you need to take them out in the first shot.

Effectively you need a rocket, C4, and mines. Booby trap an area, trigger the skulls and lure them to the C4/mine then kill them with a rocket.

Or alternatively just sniped teh Mines on your own.

But I do agree with the you can do it your way that MGSV has. It's remarkably flexible all things considered
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