Maybe the wizards found Alexis and were like "EEP super powerful witch that goes wandless and has enough power to level the planet EEP, send her to Azkaban for our own safety EEP"! Sounds like something the corrupt ministry would do.
Omblivated? Azkaban for breaking the statute of secrecy? Either way someon will burn.

On the funny side... I'd like to see someone try putting atregos into a dragon reservation.
Thank you
I like Pi!

Rasberry Pi that is. I want to thank the patreons for this, part of the patreon money this time went into a Rasberry Pi 3B and a portable harddrive. It will be my onsite backup solution. All my writing is in dropbox, but I also want a onsite one that's not constantly connected to my system. The plan is to set up a Samba server and once a day have my computer run a scrip that create a folded with today's date and then copy my dropbox folded into it. As it won't have the same credentials as my PC, ransomware and such will not have any access.

As a bonus, it will also be my networks DNS server using Pi-hole®: A black hole for Internet advertisements to filter out over a hundred thousand add domains.

Thank you everyone that donate. You help keep my stories safe.

(Though, admittedly, it would likely have been smarter to take that money and put into an Azure Backup subscription. But nowhere near as fun! :p)
(Though, admittedly, it would likely have been smarter to take that money and put into an Azure Backup subscription. But nowhere near as fun! :p)

Bah! Personal explorations of science are worth more than robust solutions sold by faceless companies!

Edit: Didn't know the pi was up to 3, tho. Last I saw was 2.
Well if the MoM did do something to Alexis, they've likely hit a bit of a no-no, given they did it to a magic-weilding citizen of a foreign country (the US) that has its own magical government. Especially since its a (kinda) self-taught nigh unique magical talent that had literally no idea magical beings other than itself existed.
I'm just waiting for the casual wandless magic to surprise them.

...speaking of wands, you think they would do anything for other magic users?
like, as an amplifier/focus?
I'm just waiting for the casual wandless magic to surprise them.

...speaking of wands, you think they would do anything for other magic users?
like, as an amplifier/focus?
A number of people have suggested this, but... once a young wizard picks up their wand for the first time, there are some colorful effects, the implication of bonding, and their incidence of accidental magic drops to almost nothing. Considering this, what do you think the chances are that HP wizards don't naturally require wands? That they traditionally bind their magic to wands to make it more effective and easier to use, and as a result wandless magic is considered a feat of incredible skill instead of "basic spellcasting", ensuring it stays underdeveloped?

What if, upon picking up a wand, Atregos discovers he needs to practically break a curse to use magic without the wand again?
A number of people have suggested this, but... once a young wizard picks up their wand for the first time, there are some colorful effects, the implication of bonding, and their incidence of accidental magic drops to almost nothing. Considering this, what do you think the chances are that HP wizards don't naturally require wands? That they traditionally bind their magic to wands to make it more effective and easier to use, and as a result wandless magic is considered a feat of incredible skill instead of "basic spellcasting", ensuring it stays underdeveloped?

What if, upon picking up a wand, Atregos discovers he needs to practically break a curse to use magic without the wand again?
Highly unlikely, even if the binding magic thing is within Hiver's vision of the series in the first place.

For a start, wands are a thing for the local, human magic users, who are using a different sort of magic than either of his besides. HP wizards are a kind of mutation of the human species (seeing as they can interbreed with Muggles, and that Muggle-born are a thing) that allows them to use magic. Even putting aside that Atregos is an innately-magical dragon/planeswalker, he uses MtG/Land Magic... which any magic user seems able to pick up on provided they are shown how... and Warcraft Arcane magic, which from what I've found requires actual study and learning to be able to use in the first place, aside from some small but ubiquitous racial talents here and there. Heck, World of Warcraft actually has magic wands as equippable weapons (albeit ones that have been phased out/abandoned by the last three expansions), so it's not like they're a complete unknown.

If Atregos, or any dragon for that matter, were to pick up a HP wand I'd expect them to overload it rather than be limited by it.

Also, HP wizards seem to use an inner reserve of energy to cast their spells, while MtG/WoW magic requires tapping into another source of energy (arcane, nature, fel, colored, etc...) and using that to cast. Another difference in methodologies there.
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We slowly made our way along the alley, going into every single store on the way. Not trying to buy something, just watching and listening while not trying to stand out.

It's actually quite easy to do, even if you aren't dressed exactly like the locals. There were enough people around in 'normal' clothes to not stand out that way, so no need risking any illusions.

So, blending in in this case simply meant walking along, holding hands while 'shopping'. Once I got over the entire 'why the fuck does this exist!?' I started to quite enjoy myself.

Zrazta grinned as we exited the potion store, "Did you see that?!"

"I did," I agreed with a smile, slipping my arm around her waist, "Well, I know what to get you for Winter Veil."

An entire store with brand new, exotic ingredients, new instruments, new text books, new… everything of what she loves. Zrazta was as fascinated in potions as I was enchantments.

Now I know how I looked to Alexis when we were at Kaladesh. Of course, I wasn't anywhere near as attractive as Zrazta which likely detracted from how adorable it was.

She spun to me and grinned, "I'm starting to see the point of Sheila's cultural holiday."

I smirked down at her, "You know, you act almost like a Blue…"

That earned me a poke at the chest, "I do not! You take that back!"

Laughing, I nodded, "I stand corrected!"

"Don't you forget it!"

And with that, she lead the way towards the next store. I couldn't help but smile as I followed her despite the nagging worry about Alexis.

If she really was moving around, she was likely alive and well, but it might be under duress. She couldn't Walk as easily as I could, she needed to run, preferably through a forest.

Even so, the first step to finding her was exploring this place and finding out as much as we possibly could.

We already learned a ton of things.

These people were 'wizards' and 'witches'. They paid for goods and services using gold, silver and copper coins. So far, I had not seen any magic not using a magical focus out of wood. They seemed to have very little direct interaction with the world outside of their society, with the rest of the humanity.

They all used magic.

Even so, how the fuck did these people stay hidden!? This entire street was in the middle of London!

Shaking my head, I entered the next store with Zrazta and now it was my time to be extra excited! Books! It's filled with books!

Zrazta shot me an amused look, "Just a quick look," she reminded me playfully, "We are just looking, remember?"

She then giggled at the look I shot her back, before she moved over to pull a book from a shelf to leaf through.

I knew she was right though, but… books! Usually we needed to set up a Consortium Branch and slowly filter in information as tomes and scrolls to be traded in for gold, sold for knowledge. Unless we went out and just tracked it down ourselves.

Sure, some places have stores with books, Tamriel was an example. But very, very few places had outright book stores.

…Bookstores selling books filled with MAGIC!?

No. Didn't exist anywhere else. The occasional book, yes, but not even Azeroth had stores filled with nothing but books of magic.

Transfiguration, Defense, Charms, Hexes…

I couldn't help but grin as I walked through the store. What to start with…


Creation of magical artifacts. What else?

Pulling a book from a shelf close to the back, I turned to the first page and started reading. Five minutes later, I couldn't put it down. It was completely different to how I did it! Completely different to ANY of the ways I did it!

From what I was able to gather, it involved working energy into an object, but not as spells or enchantments, but as concepts of what you wanted it to do.

Okay, this book was clearly not for beginners so it assumed you already knew how to do stuff, but still.

Even just reading the foreword and parts of the first chapter gave me ideas. It might even be possible to do with the Azerothian magical system… well, not easily and they wouldn't last, they would be closer to spells tied to an object than a real enchantment, but it would be a very flexible way to do it, if limited in power. Inefficient.


"Hmm?" I asked and turned the page before Zrazta took the book as she looked amused.

"It's been half an hour. We should continue."

Sighing, I then nodded and took the book, closing it and putting it back. I could come back and continue later. Buying it even, just need to get some local currency.

"When we finish with the shops, what then?" she asked as we exited the store back into the sunlight, "Do we leave and head towards Alexis?"

I looked down the street and frowned before I nodded, "I think we might have to, if we don't find the portal or whatever she used to move hundreds of kilometres in moments."

As it turned out, we didn't finish the stores before they started to close for the night.

AN/ Many thanks to Drunkenvalley for betaing this section.
Awww, just some more walking around. When are they going to actually interact with a 'local'? :D

Also, Castle is going to chew them out for getting distracted.

Castle: You took a 5 hour detour to rescue Alexis?!

Asterous: It was an entire magical society hidden in London.

Castle:.... Ok that actually is a very good distraction.
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"Plus, just as we were getting close, she went and teleported a couple hundred miles away. I'm still trying to figure out how." stop magic snackfood?

chocolate frogs, a little bit of enchanting and they run towards you!

Fizzing Whizzbees? good for crossing muck without touching it/emergency parachute? depending on how useful a few inches of hight is...
Self flossing Mints are handy (if they are canon)
Ton-Tongue Toffee could be useful...
Toothflossing Stringmints could save time...
Exploding Bonbons could be good depending on how many you eat..
Pensieves are useful...
Even so, how the fuck did these people stay hidden!?
Depending on how realistically one runs the setting, very poorly and relying extensively on mind-raping anyone that sees them (potentially causing extensive mental issues for the people having their memories ripped away).*

And that's even before one includes the hundreds of non-memory based ways of storing images, videos and information that the wizards are 150% ignorant of.

*Let's not even get into the sheer level of abuse the wizards can do with the obliviate charm.
I hung up the phone with a frown, putting it in my satchel.

"Well?" Zrazta asked, sipping at her milkshake.

I just gave Mister Castle a basic report on how things were going. I didn't tell him about the hidden society of magic users. They have kept hidden somehow, for all I knew they were monitoring the phones.

There has to be something they are doing to keep hidden, perhaps even disappearing people. I didn't want to put him in danger by telling him everything before we knew, at least not over the phone.

Shaking my head, I looked at my half-eaten burger, "Now, we use what local currency we have and make our way north. As much as possible using local transportation, I don't want to be picked up by sensors."

Zrazta frowned slightly but nodded, "From what you told me about the weapons here, I rather not be hit by one. Even with the armour you made me."

"I never felt like trying it," I answered and shrugged, "But it should stand up against most common things fairly well."

Armour or not, I had no intention of getting hit with a missile if I could possibly help it. Zrazta was a larger target as well. No way I'm putting her in that kind of risk!

"Mmm," she agreed and stole one of my crisps, "We will travel by…" she started to say before she frowned, "Ship?" she guessed.

"Likely train," I said and picked the burger up again, "Can't do flight, trains don't have the same checks… I think. Should even be able to sneak onboard."

Zrazta nodded and looked out the window to the sidewalk outside, "Like when we got inside the plane?"

I nodded, "Yeah. But when inside, we hide somewhere. It's a public way of transport, you'll see."

She nodded again and stole another crisp, "…Are all your trips like this?"

Grinning, I nodded, "No, this is rather different," I admitted, "But they are always interesting."

"…Do you wish Sheila and Rengosa were here?"

Smiling, I reached to take her hand, "Yeah, I wish they were here with us. Do I wish they were here instead of you? No. I love that you decided to come with me."

That got me a bit of a brighter smile and she stole another crisp, "These root things are quite good. Not like those on Azeroth."

I just nodded in agreement, "Just not very good for you," I said and then let go of her hand to reach into my satchel to pull out a map to spread out on the table before taking off my tracking necklace.

She watched and nodded, trying yet another of the dipping sauces. I bought one of each, because why not.

The way she stuck her tongue out at the taste almost broke my concentration so I quickly closed my eyes and focused on weaving the spell. Luckily, we were in one of the corner booths and it was out of direct sight from the counter.

Besides, not like this was very flashy.

The connection finished and I felt the link form and I started to channel the spell into the crystal.

Finishing the spell, I opened my eyes and the crystal flew from my hand, bouncing off the map and rolling onto the table, onto the seat next to Zrazta.

She leaned forward and twisted the map slightly to read the text, "Somewhere in 'Scotland'`?" she asked and tilted her head in question, "What is a Scot? I thought humans were the only people on this Plane?"

Don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh…

From the look I earned I apparently didn't hide it well enough. Annoyed the Consort, annoyed the Consort! Abort! Abort!

I cleared my throat, "Ah, yes. Just humans, it's a semi separate… state I suppose. Or was before they were integrated into the British Empire?" I said and frowned, "To be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure, I don't really remember any details from before I arrived on Azeroth. All I know is that they are part of the entire Great Britain area."

Zrazta frowned at me but relaxed again as she nodded, "I see, so when do we leave?"

"We can go now if we are done," I said and folded the map up.

Shouldering her bag, Zrazta got up and then smiled at me, "We'll find her."

Sighing, I got up, drinking down the last of the coke before I picked up our trays to dispose of, "I know. Just worried."

"Don't be. Alexis is strong."


She was right. But still, I couldn't help it, she was my friend and I had the right to be worried, damn it!

Dumping the trash, I walked outside into the darkening evening with Zrazta and then looked around, "…And I just realized, I have no idea how to get to the train station."

"Could ask someone?"

"…Yeah, I guess that works." I admitted and looked around. Who to ask…

Pausing, I facepalmed and turned around, walking back into the restaurant. Why make it more difficult than it needed to be?

AN// Big thanks to Seonor for betaing this section. Sorry for late post, this was meant to go up earlier but I got distracted.