i assume Snape shot first, Mcgonagal is tending to her and was about to wake her up and Snape is about to have a broke nose.
Oh shit indeed. Alexis had better talk fast or the walls will gain a lovely blood colored hue.
For both of these - it depends significantly on how fast Alexis can get Atregos to stop, and how combat trained the two attackers are. If they're Aurors or Death Eaters, then they might be good enough that Atregos feels he has to take them down as hard as it takes to be safe; if they're teachers or older students then they might be terrible enough in combat that he can disable them fairly gently even when half-panicked and half-enraged.
They're probably not sufficiently combat-trained to push Atregos to go for killing blows, and if they are Alexis will probably have plenty of time to intervene.

Best case scenario is probably if Alexis convinces them to surrender or, much more likely, to listen to her without making any hostile movements while Atregos also doesn't make any hostile movements. Well, besides what both sides have already done.
Much more likely is that Atregos takes them down violently but non-lethally (at least partway; Alexis might manage to stop things quickly but not before the fight breaks out at all.) Thankfully, between wizarding durability and the local healing magic, they'd probably suffer only temporary wounds.
There's also a chance that they actually get Atregos with a stunner or two and it works. Potterverse magic is usually quite fast and reasonably powerful in short-range, low-target situations - they might manage to be that lucky surprise knife-in-the-gut that gets in before Atregos can get proper defenses prepared while he's in a more vulnerable form.

That last case is, in the short term, likely to be pretty good for them unless they do something silly like try to kill or Obliviate anyone. In the long term, making a bad impression on Planeswalkers and dragons - even one as simple as, 'Huh, this society has really bigoted and trigger happy law enforcement, also I am embarrassed and would prefer to blame them for this, maybe I should see if my MASSIVE COSMIC POWER can fix that' - is, well. It can lead to lost opportunities or... interesting times. It doesn't only apply to the Wizarding World, but... bad first impressions.

(I don't think they're likely to end up splatters on the wall, though, unless things go really, horribly wrong.)
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Um. Am I the only one who is sitting here calling, "BULLSHIT!" in my head? No battle sounds came from the hallway, which means that either the offices/teachers quarters are very very soundproof (unlikely, they need to be able to hear commotions outside), or Zrazta, an extremely powerfully magical being was stunned by a single spell to the back. A Dragon. Even in human form, even as a young Dragon, barely old enough to take mortal form, a single stunner would be less than effective, to say nothing about whatever protective spells and trinkets Atreus has given her. WTF is going on?
Um. Am I the only one who is sitting here calling, "BULLSHIT!" in my head? No battle sounds came from the hallway, which means that either the offices/teachers quarters are very very soundproof (unlikely, they need to be able to hear commotions outside), or Zrazta, an extremely powerfully magical being was stunned by a single spell to the back. A Dragon. Even in human form, even as a young Dragon, barely old enough to take mortal form, a single stunner would be less than effective, to say nothing about whatever protective spells and trinkets Atreus has given her. WTF is going on?
Human form is quite vulnerable, for dragons - magically, they're somewhat resistant still but not as much as in their dragon form if I recall correctly. If these are powerful Aurors and they co-ordinated stunners, it might well work.
It's a large part of why Atregos insists on Planeswalking in dragon form; he doesn't want to be physically and magically vulnerable, while also being magically drained... all when entering a Plane he can't check before he gets there.

And of course, there's a slight chance of the Abra Kadabra killing curse. Given all the magic systems Atregos has access to, he probably can defend against it in one way or another - but that spell works by flinging lots of power across a metaphysical vector usually undefended. Atregos might be able to create a way to block it... But it takes work he hasn't tried yet. (And probably some Black mana, though White or Blue might work from the right angles.)

(Since Zrazta didn't autoresurrect from a soulstone and roast the hallway, they probably did not do that. Probably.)
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Learn what traffic lights is and such.

There's also a chance that they actually get Atregos with a stunner or two and it works. Potterverse magic is usually quite fast and reasonably powerful in short-range, low-target situations - they might manage to be that lucky surprise knife-in-the-gut that gets in before Atregos can get proper defenses prepared while he's in a more vulnerable form.

Human form is quite vulnerable, for dragons - magically, they're somewhat resistant still but not as much as in their dragon form if I recall correctly.
I was going to point out that in the Potterverse, both dragons and Giants (and even half-giants like Hagrid) are quite resistant to magic, but aetherialDawn makes a good point about Atregos and Zrazta being more vulnerable in human form.

as to why they didn't hear anything, stone walls and silencing charms, the teachers don't want to listen to hordes of kids tromping past when they are trying to grade homework.
This is amazing and I, too, want to know where it is from. I was just being silly about the incantation but I do not regret it because I got to see this.

Whats the top speed of the AK again?
and of Atregos?
Avada Kedavra is projectile-fast, though on the level of a thrown object or crossbow bolt - at least as far as is implied by the books.
Atregos, meanwhile, is more along the lines of vehicle-fast. That's a pretty big range of speeds... but...

I think - Atregos would probably lose a race, but with any warning he might have enough time for a counterspell. (Not guaranteed, but maybe.)
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Who ever they are, they meddled in the affairs of a very powerful intelligent dragon.
I'm a bit confused by everyone assuming Snape is somehow involved here? Castle (the TV series) takes place in current-day Earth (2012+) while the canon Harry Potter book series has Harry starting his First Year in 1991. Severus Snape is long-dead by now, if the Harry Potter timeline wasn't bumped up by ~20 years and canon events went off as-normal.
I'm a bit confused by everyone assuming Snape is somehow involved here? Castle (the TV series) takes place in current-day Earth (2012+) while the canon Harry Potter book series has Harry starting his First Year in 1991. Severus Snape is long-dead by now, if the Harry Potter timeline wasn't bumped up by ~20 years and canon events went off as-normal.
We are not entirely sure that the events haven't been bumped up, and other than speculating on 'Snape and McGonagall, the characters we know' we would otherwise, with the current descriptions, be stuck with thinking, 'Maybe a couple of unknown Aurors?'

Also, the idea of the Wizarding World continuing as we saw in the books for twenty years seems unlikely, though potentially canon. (And it isn't like we've seen too much of it yet... though what we have seen, well, it makes a bad impression. On the other hand, we've got waaaaay more time to pick this scene apart than the scene is actually going to last, too, so...)

In case anyone is wondering, this comes from this video.

Also, thank you for this, Malbutorius!
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Alexis quickly moved to stand before me, her hands up. "Hey, easy. Calm."

I flicked my eyes down to her and she looked back at me.

"Let's figure this out first. I think they are Aurors. Law enforcement. Don't want to make it worse. Let me fix this."

I fought past the urge to push her to the side and move on them and forced my hand away from my weapon. I trusted Alexis.

"Do it."

She quickly nodded and led the way over there. "Hey! What's going on here?"

The man with the red hair pulled a badge from his pocket. "Ronald Weasley and Daphne Greengrass, Aurors. You are?"

"Professor Alexis Castle. What exactly do you think you are doing?" she asked with a scowl.

"We got a report that there were two unknown people in Hogwarts," the woman, Greengrass said and looked over at us. "And there is the other one. He fits the description."

"They are my guests," Alexis sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Surprise visit, they are foreign, they didn't know they needed to sign in and I didn't think to tell them. We were going to this morning."

I nodded. "Now if you would be so kind as to release my wife?" I asked, crossing my arms. I left the 'or do I have to feed you your eyes?' left unsaid.

Weasley looked at me. "And you are?"

"Atreus. That is my wife Sarah, we are visiting Alexis."

"Where are you from?" He asked, his focus still aimed at the floor. "I'm not recognizing your accent." If he aimed it in my direction, I'd stop him. Violently.

"Various places. Now, I would appreciate it if you would?" I said and motioned towards Zrazta.

Greengrass glanced at Weasley who finally nodded at her. Removing the shackles, she stepped back and then aimed her focus at Zrazta, hitting her with a small bolt of light.

Zrazta groaned and stirred and I quickly moved up to her. "You were attacked. Relax, you are safe," I whispered into her ear. "Play along."

I carefully helped her up. "What did you do?" I asked the woman.

Greengrass frowned. "Stunner. When confronted, she tried to run. With what is going on, we didn't feel like taking chances."

Zrazta glared at her. "Two people in dark robes walk around the corner and aim their foci at you randomly, what would you do!?"

The Aurors shared a quick glance before Weasley shrugged. "Fair enough. If you are really guests, we'll clear it up with the Headmistress. But we do need to you to turn over your wands and other weapons until then."

Like hell I would let them get their hands on my weapon!

Wand? They were carrying wands. They expected me to have one.

"I don't have my wand," I said, resting my hand on my dagger. "I lost it."

That got me a dubious look from both of them. "You lost your wand?" the woman asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm very clumsy."

"And you?" she then asked, looking at Zrazta. "I didn't find one on you."

"She's a squib," Alexis said quickly. "She doesn't have one."

Weasley nodded. "Very well. Your dagger, if you please?" he then asked, holding out his free hand towards me.

Like hell you will! I may be able to summon it to me from anywhere on a Plane, but there is no way I'm letting it into his hands!

"I can take it." Alexis quickly interjected, moving between us. "That'll work, right? I'm a member of the staff," she quickly added, looking at the Aurors.

Weasley nodded. "Very well."

I trusted Alexis. Unstrapping the sheath, I handed it and the dagger over to her, not taking my eyes off the aurors. Alexis gave me a small smile and a wink, putting the entire thing in a pocket in her robes before turning to the Aurors, "There, see? No problems. Let's just get this cleared up, okay? I have classes to prepare for and I didn't get much sleep as it is."

Weasley nodded. "Lead the way, Professor. It's been a couple of years since I was here last."

Alexis smiled and motioned down the corridor. "This way," she said. "I did assume you were a Hogwarts graduate, what house were you?"

"You don't know who I am?" Weasley asked with a frown as he walked next to her. I took Zrazta's hand and followed, not failing to notice that the woman auror took up the rear. At least she had put her 'wand' away.

Zrazta glanced back at her before looking at me with a frown.

I shot her a small smile and then slipped my arm around her waist, leaning in to whisper. "It'll be fine. Trust me, things usually go a lot worse. Alexis will be able to clear this up without any violence."

Zrazta growled softly under her breath before she finally nodded. She didn't seem too happy about having been rescued.

AN// Big thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
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Well, we have a pretty solid grasp of the timeline now compared to before... And Alexis is saving the day! Saving the day for everyone.
Nobody is getting stabbed, or frozen by dragon-breath, or sent to have their soul destroyed by demons that spread despair!


An interesting facet is that Ron and Daphne Greengrass are partners - that implies that the individual people have gotten over some of their House-based hatreds. The fact that Daphne is working as an Auror could also mean good things about Slytherin; old!Slytherin's representation in law enforcement was pretty much exclusively Death Eaters, after all. Daphne might still be a dirty cop, potentially, but I should hope not.

On the other hand... We'll have to wait and see if Goblins and Veela are allowed wands yet, won't we?


The most important thing to me is definitely this:
Do wizards still believe that the soul exists, believe that the soul is sacred and good, believe that Dementors harm and destroy it, and choose to use Dementors on people anyway?
(If they didn't believe in the soul and used Dementors, that would be one thing. If they didn't believe that the soul was sacred and that it should be protected at any remotely reasonable cost, that would be another thing. But even Dumbledore brought all four aspects together - he was eager to try and work with Fudge even when Fudge had someone 'disappeared' by Dementor's Kiss right in front of him.)

(I have a bit of a grudge against some of the British Wizarding Society's decisions, yes. Most individuals aren't terribly responsible for it, but Aurors probably are. I believe my opinions are fairly reasonable... but they're strong opinions, for a fictional work. So take them with a grain of salt.)


The most important thing for Atregos and Zrazta in the next scene is probably going to be, "Are you going to make problems for us?" and the answer could really go either way; during the time of the books, the fact that they aren't Pureblood/Halfblood Wizards is probably enough to cause serious issues, let alone how wizards treat non-human sapients (goblins, veela, werewolves, centaurs...)
But twenty years? That's plenty of time for things to change. (Though, I am an American; the joke says that Americans think a hundred years is a long time, so perhaps I've got the wrong perspective?)
Voldemort died. Dumbledore died.
Dumbledore's no-kill policy may have left a lot of Death Eaters alive, but did they get political office back like last time?
Without Voldemort (stubbornly evil) and Dumbledore (good but nonetheless over a hundred years old and very rarely listens to new ideas) polarizing the British wizarding world between "We should be extremely racist in an overtly bigoted fashion and kill the Muggles, also kill the Muggleborn" and "We should be moderately racist in a condescending fashion and wipe the memories of the Muggles, also leave the Muggleborn be but cut them off from most of their parental support" something else may have come about.
Alexis seems to be okay with it, which is a good start.


Ron and Daphne don't seem to realize that Alexis's friends might not use wands, too. Do they not know that she doesn't use a wand? I should go and re-read some of the recent chapters for more detail...
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Ron and Daphne don't seem to realize that Alexis's friends might not use wands, too. Do they not know that she doesn't use a wand? I should go and re-read some of the recent chapters for more detail...
They didn't even know she was a new professor at first.
Well, that answers my question. They don't know at all. Thank you!

She also has been in the wizarding world for months. She probably already has a wand.
I wonder how much the meanings of "Meddle not..." are going to come into play...
'Meddle not in the affairs of dragons' and 'Meddle not in the affairs of wizards' are both traditional. But it occurs to me that Atregos and consorts have sometimes had disagreements (with others or among themselves) with regards to 'Meddle not in the affairs of mortals'.

I could see the Wizarding World making a bad enough impression to tempt Atregos to meddle (part helpfulness, part sympathy for the non-wizards they once oppressed/still oppress, and of course part spite) and then... the meddling blows up in his face. Harms him, doesn't really help anyone. Maybe leaves bad blood with regards to Planeswalkers for the wizards of this world.
On the other hand... heeding such warnings too far was why the WUG members of the Gatewatch would have left Azeroth - and the other worlds of that plane - to burn. The opposing pressures to not meddle and to intercede rightly are a source of conflict, not answered simply.
Do wizards still believe that the soul exists, believe that the soul is sacred and good, believe that Dementors harm and destroy it, and choose to use Dementors on people anyway?
(If they didn't believe in the soul and used Dementors, that would be one thing. If they didn't believe that the soul was sacred and that it should be protected at any remotely reasonable cost, that would be another thing. But even Dumbledore brought all four aspects together - he was eager to try and work with Fudge even when Fudge had someone 'disappeared' by Dementor's Kiss right in front of him.)
They never believed that. Remove? Yes. Devour and destroy? No. That's fanon.* They're still clearly horrible though.

*to clarify: It has never once been stated, by any character in canon, what happens to the soul after it comes out.
The most important thing to me is definitely this:
Do wizards still believe that the soul exists, believe that the soul is sacred and good, believe that Dementors harm and destroy it, and choose to use Dementors on people anyway?
(If they didn't believe in the soul and used Dementors, that would be one thing. If they didn't believe that the soul was sacred and that it should be protected at any remotely reasonable cost, that would be another thing. But even Dumbledore brought all four aspects together - he was eager to try and work with Fudge even when Fudge had someone 'disappeared' by Dementor's Kiss right in front of him.)

(I have a bit of a grudge against some of the British Wizarding Society's decisions, yes. Most individuals aren't terribly responsible for it, but Aurors probably are. I believe my opinions are fairly reasonable... but they're strong opinions, for a fictional work. So take them with a grain of salt.)
Didn't they canonically get rid of the dementors after the war?
They never believed that. Remove? Yes. Devour and destroy? No. That's fanon.* They're still clearly horrible though.

*to clarify: It has never once been stated, by any character in canon, what happens to the soul after it comes out.
There has to be some reason why Dementors do what they do, and it's either this -- them gaining a form of sustenance -- or they're a terror weapon.

I'd believe either one, honestly, but it's not hard to see why a lot of readers believe they eat souls.