Mandate of Heaven (Three Kingdom Quest)

I don't want to interfere in the choices, but @Gaz most of your chosen accomplishments are bound to the position of the prefect and with a dead prefect...well do you get what I mean? Respect for the father is not equal to respecting the young son. The retainers are one thing, but the others...will be uphill battles.

Fully intentional. I want us to re-win the trust our father earned, and then surpass it ourselves. Might mean we start at a bit of a disadvantage, but hey, some people do have long memories and I want us to hopefully use the sympathy card as well.

Of course if people realise this now the QM has hinted, they're free to change their votes and make a different plan where the father is alive. Stickin' to my stubborn guns myself, though
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Hey qm can our father teach us some of his skills in INT and CHA and so on?
I am not quite sure what you mean with skills. His high CHA in combination with the one of your mother was turned into a family trait. He himself can help tutor you in raising these stats. Tutoring provides more XP for raising a stat and the tutor needs a higher stat to do the tutoring.
For skills, traits would likely be the equivalent for this in this quest and there he could help to upgrade some but this takes time and depending on your life choices you will not be close enough, geographically, for him to do that. If you do stand out during the YTR, it is likely for you to go to Luoyang as Filial and Incorrupt or join one of the military campaigns next year. Liang Rebellion or Black Mountain Bandits.
Fully intentional. I want us to re-win the trust our father earned, and then surpass it ourselves. Might mean we start at a bit of a disadvantage, but hey, some people do have long memories and I want us to hopefully use the sympathy card as well.

Of course if people realise this now the QM has hinted, they're free to change their votes and make a different plan where the father is alive. Stickin' to my stubborn guns myself, though
Just wanted to make sure it is understood. Felt kind of uneasy about it. To make clear they are still a bonus, but just with a dead father harder to take advantage off.
Just wanted to make sure it is understood. Felt kind of uneasy about it. To make clear they are still a bonus, but just with a dead father harder to take advantage off.

Yup, I'm seeing it as kinda a long term thing, where if we return to Nanyang ourselves later, people will remember our father and give us help. Or, at some point, one of the other prefects might throw us a bone or do us a favour politically.
[X] Plan Living Father
-[X] Charismatic Figure: Some people are born with a special light or fire that draws people in. You are among those. When you enter a room, people turn towards you. While others try to make friends, everyone wants to become yours. (Unlocks Trait Personal Magnetism: Provides a Bonus of +5 on all personal interactions with other persons like talking to a person, recruiting someone or increasing their bond etc.)
-[X] Martial Education: From an early age you pursued the study of the military classics and learned what you could about leading men in times of war. The Six Secret Teachings, the Methods of the Sima, the Wuzi and Wei Liaozi became your daily companions. Hours and days spent discussing and learning their teachings. All to prepare you for a military post. (Unlocks Trait Martial Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher military post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the military from commanding armies to organizing them.)
-[X] Vain: You were always mindful of your appearance and the appearance of others. With the rank of your family came certain expectations and you deemed your meticulous appearance to be one that was utterly necessary to be upheld.
-[X] Clan of Officials: Your mother comes from a long-line of officials. Her family has had grand administrators, inspectors and even one minister among their ranks. ( Unlocks Trait Familial Connection increasing Guanxi gains by 5%, Two Scholarly Items as presents)
-[X] Father is alive: Your father was nominated as filial and incorrupt some time ago and has even gotten a post as prefect. He is currently in the process of organizing the defenses of the county against the rising rebellion of the so-called Yellow Turbans. The warning has come before anything horrible could happen and he has already called for troops to gather to face this menace.
-[X] Last Stand: Nanyang was another centre of Yellow Turban activity in the South. Here the uprising was planned meticulously and executed without fail. Officials slain, villages burned and the administrative centre conquered. The Yellow Turbans resisted regardless how often their leaders fell. They truly fought till the last. Your father's county is a distance away from the main fighting centres, but still in danger.(Normal Difficulty)
-[X] Respected by fellow prefects. During his tenure he coordinated more than once with his fellow prefects to better help each other, be it through battling bandits together or coordinating the trade in the region.
-[X] A group of loyal and able retainers make up the higher echelons of the county. All of them are sworn to your family and proven to be skilled in fulfilling their given duty.
-[X] Promises of support from the local families. Most of them look to the prefect for leadership.

Basically @Gaz but out father lives so we can both take advantage of the boons and get training from him
Yup, fully understand and support people changing their vote to this after the QM's clarification
Well that and the very good stats our father has makes it oh so tempting to try and get him to tutor us in those areas to get some nice growth going. 93 CHA is big if he can help us increase our own stat in that area and 80s for INT and POL are going to be useful as well for tutor actions.
Well that and the very good stats our father has makes it oh so tempting to try and get him to tutor us in those areas to get some nice growth going. 93 CHA is big if he can help us increase our own stat in that area and 80s for INT and POL are going to be useful as well for tutor actions.

Yeah those stats are ridiculously good. If I had made my plan after seeing the roll we got for father, I likely would have kept him alive, haha. Still, I am a stubborn, fuddy duddy of a man, and I will not be swayed by the shiny!
[X] Plan Living Father

Alright yeah changing my vote so both so we can actually use our father accomplishments and It would be nice to have a three kingdom quest where the father is alive from the start.
I don't want to interfere in the choices, but @Gaz most of your chosen accomplishments are bound to the position of the prefect and with a dead prefect...well do you get what I mean? Respect for the father is not equal to respecting the young son. The retainers are one thing, but the others...will be uphill battles.
That's why he has a CHA build, to charm his way to the top.

If the man has everything handed to him with a living father, his story will be a bit more boring. It's conflict that drives a story, don't go out of your way for conflict, but don't shy away from having conflict be part of the character.
[X] Plan: Solitary Strategist
-[X] Clever Mind: Quick witted and gifted with a cleverness rarely seen, you were always able to think or talk your way out of most situations. (Unlocks Trait Sound of Mind: Provides a Bonus of +5 on debates, schemes or plots etc.)
-[X] Martial Education: From an early age you pursued the study of the military classics and learned what you could about leading men in times of war. The Six Secret Teachings, the Methods of the Sima, the Wuzi and Wei Liaozi became your daily companions. Hours and days spent discussing and learning their teachings. All to prepare you for a military post. (Unlocks Trait Martial Education: Prerequisite to earn a higher military post. Provides a bonus of +2 to all actions concerning the military from commanding armies to organizing them.)
-[X] Unsocial and sheltered: You never liked going outside the mansion or leaving the room. Talking to people was a chore and proved to not be your forte. (Incompatible with Charismatic Figure!!)
-[X] Clan of Officers and Generals: Your mother comes from a long-line of military officers. Her father, brother, uncle and cousins all have served or serve in the Northern Army or in one of the frontier garrisons. (Upgrades Military Education to Extensive Military Education increasing the bonus to 4, One Military Item as present)
-[X] Father is alive: Your father was nominated as filial and incorrupt some time ago and has even gotten a post as prefect. He is currently in the process of organizing the defenses of the county against the rising rebellion of the so-called Yellow Turbans. The warning has come before anything horrible could happen and he has already called for troops to gather to face this menace.
-[X] Last Stand: Nanyang was another centre of Yellow Turban activity in the South. Here the uprising was planned meticulously and executed without fail. Officials slain, villages burned and the administrative centre conquered. The Yellow Turbans resisted regardless how often their leaders fell. They truly fought till the last. Your father's county is a distance away from the main fighting centres, but still in danger.(Normal Difficulty)
-[X] A group of loyal and able retainers make up the higher echelons of the county. All of them are sworn to your family and proven to be skilled in fulfilling their given duty.
-[X] Strong Walls were built during the tenure of your father to protect the seat of the country and showcase the promise of protection.
-[X] Gratitude and admiration of the people inside the county. The people love and respect your father.

While our father is charismatic... we are not.
Fortunately, he's still alive to cover for our weakness, and to teach us until we can mitigate/overcome our poor CHA.
The people of the county respect our father; because he governs well, and protects the people. (loyal & able retainers + strong walls).
Regardless, my hope for our stats is we raise WAR every chance we get have basically enough WAR so we don't have to worry about dying from a colder-than-normal-winter, or at least enough to survive getting attacked before aid arrives, and we use our overwhelming charm, political power and influence to just sway things to our side without having to get our own hands dirty.
Yup, I'm seeing it as kinda a long term thing, where if we return to Nanyang ourselves later, people will remember our father and give us help. Or, at some point, one of the other prefects might throw us a bone or do us a favour politically.
Nanyang is a great region and going by history it is actually quite open to be taken after Yuan Shu goes away. I mean Zhang Xiu took over without any kind of local roots.

BTW saw that about your father if it helps, the stat allocation will be this way. It will be the last part of character creation.

All stats start at 50, and you have 80 points to allocate. Important to note from 60-80 every increase costs one point, then two points from 81-90 and lastly three from 91-100. You can make one stat 100, but this would incredibly imbalance your character. Most balanced is putting all stats at 66.
Simple Table:
51-80: 1 Point per +1; altogether 30
81-90: 2 Points per +1; altogether 20
91-100: 3 Points per +1; altogether 30

Anyhoo, I wonder if we can conquer Nanzhong from Wu?
Wu does not exist at the moment and I think you mean Shu. Considering where your clan is located and who you are it is easily possible to "steal" Sun Jian's accomplishments and force him into another path. Then when we come to the warlord stage, and you are an independent one, you will get to decide your target area. If you have Sichuan and the later Shu territory you can try to expand into Nanzhong.
That's why he has a CHA build, to charm his way to the top.

If the man has everything handed to him with a living father, his story will be a bit more boring. It's conflict that drives a story, don't go out of your way for conflict, but don't shy away from having conflict be part of the character.
The thing is your situation is bad even with the most focused military accomplishments. Not as bad as in Runan, but in Nanyang they fought from start to finish all-year long. An inner county is less martially inclined as a frontier one and with the father dead, the commander dead and a substantial part of the troops he had also dead. I think there is challenge enough there. Just the death of your father will incite conflict between you and your half-brother. I know the numbers I have planned, I don't really intend to change them and that you will be able to make the conflict go away would be a truly weird assumption. The only way to get away from this would be to flee. I have something planned for this, but I would honestly say I would be utterly surprised if I see such a course of action taken. SV does not do such things.

I wanted to be sure Gaz knew what his choices entailed, I assumed he did, but wanted to be sure. There was not meant to be any judgement there, just assurance for myself.
I mean Zhang Xiu took over without any kind of local roots.

Well, he was essentially given it by Liu Biao in a vassal/master relationship, but yeah.

For people who don't know, Nanyang was one of the richest regions of the Empire until around 184. Its capital county, Wancheng, was known as the "third capital" of the Han, for both its affluence, and position as the ancestral home city of the royal Liu clan. Unfortunately Nanyang did suffer quite greatly under the Yellow Turban Rebellion, it fell quite quickly at massive embarrassment to the court, and the rebels weren't dislodged from Wancheng for many months.

I wanted to be sure Gaz knew what his choices entailed, I assumed he did, but wanted to be sure.

Tbh I kinda want us to have a power struggle within the clan early on, rather than familial harmony :V
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[X] Plan Living Father

I'd have voted for the dead dad if Liang Shu's father over in To Establish Peace hadn't died against bandits.
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Which is why I'm wondering if it's possible to start out there and invade Nanzhong.
There is the Five Dou of Rice Rebellion with the result of the theocracy in Hanzhong and the later troubles in the South of Sichuan. Would need to look it up if it was in 188 or 189. On these occasions it is possible to be sent there, but it is unlikely that the governor post would come into your hands. Liu name trumps nearly everything. At most a GA post for one of the commanderies and then power struggle with Liu Yan. Conquering it from him or his son would likely be the surer option. I will likely roll for the nominations, if you don't get a patron to influence things in your direction or outright pay for certain posts.
Tbh I kinda want us to have a power struggle within the clan early on, rather than familial harmony
Within the whole Clan or direct family? Problems with your half-siblings are planned, but the Clan itself...honestly depends on you. Your grandfather is ambitious as fuck. He told your father he may have been born the son of a prefect, but wants to die the father of a minister. Prove an obstacle to that and you face trouble. But else it is more personal conflicts, like people may have done things you disliked.
There is the Five Dou of Rice Rebellion with the result of the theocracy in Hanzhong and the later troubles in the South of Sichuan. Would need to look it up if it was in 188 or 189.

I believe it was in 188 when Zhang Lu rebelled against Liu Yan, the same year he was appointed Governor of Yizhou, but correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, there were issues and rebellions before then, from 184-188.

Within the whole Clan or direct family? Problems with your half-siblings are planned, but the Clan itself...honestly depends on you. Your grandfather is ambitious as fuck. He told your father he may have been born the son of a prefect, but wants to die the father of a minister. Prove an obstacle to that and you face trouble. But else it is more personal conflicts, like people may have done things you disliked.

This is interesting to know regarding our grandfather, good to know.
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