Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

Aight people, voting will close in another 10 hours. If y'all want to plan and propose, now is the last step.
[X] Plan: (not) A Coup!
-[X] Short duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request IRG assistance

I'm a little reluctant to try and have my cake and eat it, but that lead will go somewhere, even if it's a trap, and I'd prefer to have another pair of hands with us when we do it. And this will hopefully make the IRG trust us more. Hopefully.
My paranoia level regarding counter-intelligence is large, so;

[X] Plan (Don't) Spring The Trap
-[X] Long Duration
-[X] Thorough Vetting
-[X] Request IRG assistance

Bluntly; the obvious bait can go hang. I'm more concerned with getting a decent expansion to our team without letting a blob of possibly intel leaks in. (Besides, "This is not a coup" may be accurate but a coup is an option we should probably keep in our proverbial hand, because the Empire is looking increasingly headass as we get more exposition :V)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Jan 1, 2021 at 8:42 PM, finished with 30 posts and 18 votes.
Alright, voting is done. Thanks to everyone who's voted, expect the next update before CNY at the most. Gotta go and get the suspicious lump on my back checked out.
I hope that it turns out to be a benign cyst or something instead of a malignant one, Whiskey.
I mean this is all fine and dandy until you realise that the previous emperess decided to just assassinate her own officers.
I hope that it turns out to be a benign cyst or something instead of a malignant one, Whiskey.
Hopefully. Best case its just a sebaceous cyst that got inflamed.

I mean this is all fine and dandy until you realise that the previous emperess decided to just assassinate her own officers.

memo to self, i really should not try to drop subtle hints and worldbuilding in between the lewds, things get unnoticed that way :V

Ngl tho, I'm a little surprised that the voters went for the IRG, who have no personal connection to Yui, instead of Yui and Daniel's Navy friends, but emergent storytelling ho!
@Whiskey Golf that's why I picked the navy over the IRG, we have more personal contacts there than the IRG thus more people we can trust. It is also why I asked if we could do both.
Well, you both raise good points about the Navy, but I personally would like to have the IRG explored further in-story.
I mean, I'm just surprised is all, I wasn't expecting this haha, not after the issues I'd raised about the IRG, and the theme I'd tried to raise in previous updates about personal loyalty. The IRG as an intitution might be less sus (wellllll for a given value of sus :V) but there's nobody there who's personally loyal to you; the Navy as an institution might be more sus, but you have personal connections within it.

On the other hand, working with people who don't know youm or think you're sus, is indeed part of life! The downside of being an oldtimer at my job, especially with this project to document the Marketing department's non-existent process flows, where like 2/3rds of Marketing are like, less than 2 years, way too fucking many of them are under 6 months in the department, and all of them think I'm a sus weirdo who's disturbing their legit work. I have to keep throwing the cards of "The CEO and the Group Chief Marketing Officer want me doing this work, stfu and coperate or i raise roadblock :V"
On the other hand, working with people who don't know youm or think you're sus, is indeed part of life! The downside of being an oldtimer at my job, especially with this project to document the Marketing department's non-existent process flows, where like 2/3rds of Marketing are like, less than 2 years, way too fucking many of them are under 6 months in the department, and all of them think I'm a sus weirdo who's disturbing their legit work. I have to keep throwing the cards of "The CEO and the Group Chief Marketing Officer want me doing this work, stfu and coperate or i raise roadblock :V"
That's so weird to hear about, personally, as I tend to consider myself the junior of my programmer team despite having been at the company for 2 yrs now; in comparison we've got two members who signed up sometime in 2020, so one's even less than six months into the job. Don't your fellow employee listen to more experienced folk much?
Didn't you know? Millenials know everything about everything. They come out of High School knowing everything, college is just there to give them a sheet of paper saying so.

No, I haven't had to deal with the little know-it-alls.
That's so weird to hear about, personally, as I tend to consider myself the junior of my programmer team despite having been at the company for 2 yrs now; in comparison we've got two members who signed up sometime in 2020, so one's even less than six months into the job. Don't your fellow employee listen to more experienced folk much?
I'm operations, not Marketing. *shrug*

I continue to be amazed at how many people with Bachelor's and Master's degrees are unable to answer the question of "What do you do?" and answer me for "How do you do this?"

Who knows? Maybe it'll be a learning lesson for us as well :)
I mean, it's not wrong, it's just different, haha

Otoh we're getting Gerak Khas Macha as a candidate, which we would have never gotten from our Navy kakis
Didn't you know? Millenials know everything about everything. They come out of High School knowing everything, college is just there to give them a sheet of paper saying so.

No, I haven't had to deal with the little know-it-alls.

As this thread deals with a broad enough range of perceived character maturity levels, where many of the shipgirl types likely broach Millenial stereotypes while their superiors running the show are older...

I want to caution that perhaps the newly-graduated-from-highschool types, having absorbed all the factoids from an accelerated learning environment, see the workplace as a chance to hone that oft-repeated insistence to outperform. It drills in them not so much self-reliance, but a need to out-finagle the senior staff who are just as culpable in this. We tend to get caught up in other people's foibles when they remind us of our own foolishness.