Mandat de l'impératrice des Cieux - Imperial Princess Troubleshooter Space Opera Quest

Before everyone goes panicking and deciding we need to send in the entire fleet, do keep in mind it's more likely what we're seeing is a PMC cooking the books and claiming more ammo and things expended than they actually are in order to make more money, versus them planning some kind of giant coup or military sneak attack.
As a statement of intent/future direction, I plan to be making a series of infodump posts on the IN, IRG, naval combat, and the Empire's territories, which i'll try to put out at the same time as the next update.
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Dec 13, 2018 at 4:42 AM, finished with 35 posts and 22 votes.
Before everyone goes panicking and deciding we need to send in the entire fleet, do keep in mind it's more likely what we're seeing is a PMC cooking the books and claiming more ammo and things expended than they actually are in order to make more money, versus them planning some kind of giant coup or military sneak attack.
Sasuga actual pmc
11 hours to go, folks. Voting Closes at 0900 KL time / 0100 GMT / 2100 EST.
[X] Plan- Flexibility
- [X] Crisis Management
- [X] Reduce 13th Fleet
- [X] Medium Task Force

I'm not that convinced Crisis Management will be all that useful when Empress is lacking in basics, but I do agree with the latter two options quite strongly, so I'm sold.
>Princess Akasha and the Journey to Egon
>with a Heavy Task Force
>meanwhile in various Imperial Navy admirals' office
>see a note talking about Admiral Akasha's fleet going on a training cruise.
>fleet comp: a bunch of BBs and heavy capships.
>but why with concern intensifies
Totally being a competent admiral there, Your Highness.
Glorious farewell cruise with her beloved ships?
Ok i was a little delayed (Malaysian traffic, FFS); nvm, we're calling it now.

So, the winning vote is
[X] Plan Practical Politick

Thank you to everyone who voted.
Adhoc vote count started by Whiskey Golf on Dec 13, 2018 at 8:33 PM, finished with 43 posts and 25 votes.
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This is the sort of technically that doesn't get you out of going to the anime jail.

You're a crook, Whiskey. :V
The way fleet orgs go is that a Task Force is a subunit of it's parent fleet. For instance, theoretically you could subdivide 13th Fleet into say 4 task forces, so they'd be TF-13.1 to TF-13.4.

In this instance, the Egon Fleet Fact Finding And Grand Touring We're Totally On a Training Cruise Guys Task Force has set off. I'll probably come up with an ad hoc codename later, unless people want to suggest a TF name for this op.
In this instance, the Egon Fleet Fact Finding And Grand Touring We're Totally On a Training Cruise Guys Task Force has set off. I'll probably come up with an ad hoc codename later, unless people want to suggest a TF name for this op.

Task Force "Nothing to See here" (group 1)
Task Force "Is there any Competent Man for our Lady Admiral here?" (group 2)
Task Force "Gimme a whiskey" (group 3)

Speaking of boyfriend, are the other two main character choices (in the first post) available? As in, do they exist as NPC in the quest anymore?
Walau you all and your TF names, lmao.

Speaking of boyfriend, are the other two main character choices (in the first post) available? As in, do they exist as NPC in the quest anymore?
They do exist as NPCs, yes. Both of them were mentioned in the most recent story update:

Alastor von Toth got the Despa Sector fleet on the Outer Rim,
Alastor von Toth is as above; we'll have more news about him later after the next update and infodump. I suppose it's a spoiler of sorts to say that sooner or later we'll cross paths with him.

"Welcome back, Vice Admiral Akasha," says Fleet Admiral Yonatan Chew formally, looking you in the eye. "Don't stand on ceremony, we've got a lot of things to clear by tonight."
Yonatan Chew is Commander Fleet Operations. Yonatan in Yui's route is slightly different from Yonatan in his own route, in that he's only 90% salt here as opposed to 125% salt in his own story. Yonatan route would have been salt, hard mode, and shitposting; in Yonatan route he's all alone (or thinks he's alone) because it's the hardmode story of one man fighting against everything. Including himself.

(This is not a factor now because we're not doing Yonatan route, but if we had gone Yonatan route, every other update, as a reflection of Yonatan's mental state of turbosalt, we'd have to vote between "Keep Calm And Carry On" and "THE EMPIRE IS DISEASED ROTTEN TO THE CORE WE NEED TO BURN IT OUT BY THE ROOTS" )

Yonatan is absolutely not for husbando-ing in because he's an ossan in his late 50s, and Yui Route Yonatan is Yui's Uncle Johnny, her dad's best friend who has known her since she was a baby (he was much more competent at diaper changing than Prince Masatada :V), who also guided and shepherded her career and mentored her when she joined the Navy as a Lieutenant (skipping Ensign and Sub-Lieutenant) at the tender age of 17. He also gave her a heart attack from the culture shock, because Uncle Johnny is sweet-sour lemon-lime soda, but Admiral Chew (as he then was) is a pillar of concentrated salt.

Also, in his role as Uncle Johnny, it's Yonatan's self-appointed role to shitpost and troll Yui about her marriage prospects (or lack thereof :p).

Edit: damnit, ninja'd by pieman, lol.
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*Whistles innocently*

Technically it's a Task Force, not the entire Fleet. :p

This, I guess.

Walau you all and your TF names, lmao.
- Speak Softly
- Big Stick

Which reminds me: if we ever get von Toth under our command, I want to see him Creed our heavies in.

Yonatan route would have been salt, hard mode, and shitposting;
... I now want to see this.