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Character Sheet
Maid to Love You
A Clockwork Romance

Miss Jane Eleanor Polestar
The player character. An 18 (nearly 19!) year old woman, next in line to the County of Polaris, wandering the galaxy in search of love aboard MSY Mercury. You vote on her actions, but her perspective here is limited.

Mark Butler
Miss Polestar's robotic butler, and head of the servant staff. He is tasked primarily with management, but also acts as valet to any male visitors.

Marie Lady's Maid
The viewpoint character. A newly activated robotic servant who acts as Miss Polestar's lady's maid. Though witty and sharp, some quirk of her construction has intensified both her physical and emotional sensitivity. Is inexplicably French.

Pierre Chef
Miss Polestar's robotic cook, responsible for the kitchen and larder. He is noted to have loose association with many lovers in many ports.

Tom Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handyman, who also helps to maintain the other machines.

Tessa Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handywoman, who is hired later in the story. She has greatly modified her own body, and has a complicated history.

Hans Messenger
Miss Polestar's robotic messenger, who manages the mail, prints newspapers, delivers messages, and manages the property of guests. Is inexplicably German.

Amber Housemaid
Miss Polestar's robotic housemaid, who keeps MSY Mercury clean and tidy. Noted to have two large, orange headlamp eyes. Is inexplicably American.

Polly Kitchen Maid
Miss Polestar's robotic kitchen maid, who assists Pierre in making food. Also the head of the serving staff's union, a position she does not take very seriously.

Content Warning
This quest is an erotic romance. There will be sexual content, and it will not be separated from the main text or spoiler tagged. You have been warned.
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[X] People can sew in bed, so working on making some costumes together will be a great distraction. And, a nurse outfit *will* look cute, you're sure of it. Time to make one! It can't be that hard, right?
I'm not entirely sure we should be handing people pointy stabbing implements when they're sick and disoriented.

[] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.
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[X] For Chrismas one year, you were given an origami set, complete with sizable supply of colorful folding paper and an instruction book. You've always intended to make use of it, but you've been distracted by one thing or another. It's been sitting in your closet, unused until now. You're certain this will take some time for Marie to get the hang of it and keep her occupied. You might try to fold one of those colorful paper flowers you've seen in the book!
Mechanical Storyteller is amazing.
Agreed! It gets my vote.

[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.
It's top 2 votes (or maybe top 3), so I encourage people to be creative?

Does Miss Polestar play an instrument? She may not be able to give Marie chickensoup to drink, but maybe the Chicken Dance works as an alternative.
[X] You set up a blanket underneath the 'skylight' and go space watching, making up constellations as they move by and pointing out the shapes of colorful nebulas. You used to do it all the time as a kid whenever you had to go on trips with your family. It's a little immature but it's your ship and you can do as you like!

I don't know if there are actually any 'skylights' on the Mercury but I can't imagine a flying space mansion not having any.
Just distract her with smooches and cuddles smh

[X] You definitely have a set of playing cards somewhere around here. Let's see if her manual was right about her coming to love games of cards, and whether she's any good at poker!

[X] Nurse Polestar is mid-shift when Miss Polestar is called to the bridge to handle a minor situation. Nurse Polestar returns having gotten quite the ribbing from the crew.

[X] The crew starts exchanging letters with Marie, reasoning that she needs some company and advice even if she's quarantined.
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[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.
[x] While mental rehabilitation is the main focus, one mustn't forget the physical side of health as well! You aren't sure if this translates exactly for robots, but you do have a basic manual for humans- make sure Marie has sensitivity and flexibility where she should!

(A little inspired by the 10x10 game Dragon and Defiant played in Worm- touch a spot, your partner tells you how well they can feel and how intense it is on a 1-10 scale)
[X] Because of the virus, Marie needs to move to restore her kinesthetic sense so Jane ends up teaching her ballroom dance.

Gah! So much cute! 😭

[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.

Hacking a procedural story generator to tell more 'mature' stories. This can only go wrong! 😍
[X] You set up a blanket underneath the 'skylight' and go space watching, making up constellations as they move by and pointing out the shapes of colorful nebulas. You used to do it all the time as a kid whenever you had to go on trips with your family. It's a little immature but it's yourship and you can do as you like!

[X] Nurse Polestar is mid-shift when Miss Polestar is called to the bridge to handle a minor situation. Nurse Polestar returns having gotten quite the ribbing from the crew.

[X] Handholding.
[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.
Hacking a procedural story generator to tell more 'mature' stories. This can only go wrong! 😍
you mean that this can only go RIGHT. :D

Also, now that I'm back at a real computer:
she lacks the ability to communicate through electrochemical impulses.
rubber gloves firmly on.

Machines can communicate by touching each other?

There is one maybe-memory that I most desperately hope was real, my head lying on Jane's lap as she scribbled in a codebook, presumably installing the antivirus software that Tessa had procured from somewhere. I can't imagine it's true, surely, it was done in a workshop by one of the mechanics. Right?
Lol Marie. None of the other machines are allowed near you, reeeeemember? And they certainly wouldn't be able to do any delicate computer work with big rubber gloves on. Nope, that was definitely all Nurse Polestar's work. :V
"How much longer, then?" I asked, and in response she walked over to a toolbox which seems to have been left in her room and returned with a glass tube in her hand connected by a small wire. She indicated to my neck, and I turned my head weakly so she could more easily access my charging port, shuddering as she unplugged my power cable and plugged the device in, holding it so I could read it.

A piston moved inside the device, drawing a blue liquid up along the tube until it stopped. 22%. As I watched, the piston slowly, almost imperceptibly moved toward 23%.

(it actually never left)

[X] Nurse Polestar is mid-shift when Miss Polestar is called to the bridge to handle a minor situation. Nurse Polestar returns having gotten quite the ribbing from the crew.
[x] While mental rehabilitation is the main focus, one mustn't forget the physical side of health as well! You aren't sure if this translates exactly for robots, but you do have a basic manual for humans- make sure Marie has sensitivity and flexibility where she should!

Adding this vote because it's perfect
[X] You set up a blanket underneath the 'skylight' and go space watching, making up constellations as they move by and pointing out the shapes of colorful nebulas. You used to do it all the time as a kid whenever you had to go on trips with your family. It's a little immature but it's your ship and you can do as you like!

[x] While mental rehabilitation is the main focus, one mustn't forget the physical side of health as well! You aren't sure if this translates exactly for robots, but you do have a basic manual for humans- make sure Marie has sensitivity and flexibility where she should!
[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.
[X] Nurse Polestar is mid-shift when Miss Polestar is called to the bridge to handle a minor situation. Nurse Polestar returns having gotten quite the ribbing from the crew.
[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.

[X] You set up a blanket underneath the 'skylight' and go space watching, making up constellations as they move by and pointing out the shapes of colorful nebulas. You used to do it all the time as a kid whenever you had to go on trips with your family. It's a little immature but it's yourship and you can do as you like!

[X] The crew starts exchanging letters with Marie, reasoning that she needs some company and advice even if she's quarantined.
[x] While mental rehabilitation is the main focus, one mustn't forget the physical side of health as well! You aren't sure if this translates exactly for robots, but you do have a basic manual for humans- make sure Marie has sensitivity and flexibility where she should!
[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.

[X] You set up a blanket underneath the 'skylight' and go space watching, making up constellations as they move by and pointing out the shapes of colorful nebulas. You used to do it all the time as a kid whenever you had to go on trips with your family. It's a little immature but it's yourship and you can do as you like!

[x] While mental rehabilitation is the main focus, one mustn't forget the physical side of health as well! You aren't sure if this translates exactly for robots, but you do have a basic manual for humans- make sure Marie has sensitivity and flexibility where she should!


All of this is stupid cute.
[X] You found your old Mechanical Storyteller. It's a children's toy really, a primitive machine which by means of multiple interlocking recording canisters tells an infinite variety of interactive stories. You don't know how it got onboard the ship, but it should be simple enough to be immune to the virus, and you're pretty sure that with Marie's aid you can reprogram the tables to get it to generate some more mature stories than simple children's tales.

[x] While mental rehabilitation is the main focus, one mustn't forget the physical side of health as well! You aren't sure if this translates exactly for robots, but you do have a basic manual for humans- make sure Marie has sensitivity and flexibility where she should!

Of course, this opportunity must be used to encourage the gay as much as possible. It's only right.
Eventually, as the program did it's work, things did start to make sense again, and this morning I found myself slowly coming to, staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.
"Though I did feel like a 14 year old boy for a little while, for no reason I could discern. And somewhat depressed."

[X] People can sew in bed, so working on making some costumes together will be a great distraction. And, a nurse outfit *will* look cute, you're sure of it. Time to make one! It can't be that hard, right?

[X] The library on the ship has a strangely large collection of the works of Sappho. Reading some has gotten them interested in writing their own poems back and forth.
The first few attempts at distraction did run into some problems, to be sure. Chess, her first choice, had the issue that us machines have had chess solved for nearly two hundred years, a fact I was personally unaware of until I'd won my fifth game against her in a row despite my addled state.

We switched to cards, which was a little more fair, though I think Miss Polestar was surprised by how good I'd become over the past few weeks. It was a more even contest to be sure, but I've learned that Jane has a few very distinct tells. That said, my inability to hold the cards without trembling (thus dropping them more than once) did complicate matters.

We also talked, quite a bit, and over the hours this soon became our primary distraction. We talked about our adventure and how very well it was going up until that point, and to my surprise I found myself quite enthused at the prospect of more, after a recovery period. That topic exhausted, and still not quite with my wits about me, I found myself gossipping about the other members of the staff, which Miss Polestar found very amusing.

"And it seems that your new mechanic is currently courting the affections of no less than three members of the household and crew."

"No!" Jane was appropriately scandalised, though she leaned in conspiratorially and gestured for me to continue.

"It's true."I could feel my cheeks beginning to glow as I tried to soldier past my embarrassment discussing such… intimate matters. "Truthfully, I have no idea how she manages to maintain such affections."

"Well her resume does say that she was first activated in the 1880s… Which would mean she's third generation. I suppose she's quite practiced." Jane said, looking off wistfully. "What about you, Marie? How's your prospects looking?"

Oh dear.

"I… I haven't quite…" I stumbled, suddenly finding the words quite difficult. "I've not exactly, well, not with any of the crew…"

"Heh, my apologies Marie, I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that." Jane said, then she pointed at my cheek. "You're doing the bweeeuu again. I find it fascinating that of all the capabilities they decided to give you to express yourself, it's that you can blush. You can't smile or frown or wrinkle your nose, but you can blush."

"I- I guess that's true." I said, "I haven't a clue why."

"Probably because it's very cute." Jane said. "Let's move to a topic that has you less embarrassed, then…. To which university do you think we should give explorer rights?"


I spent quite a bit of that day, and the next, in sleep mode: the antivirus took something of a toll on my virtual memory, and besides, it was simply the easiest way to pass the time while Miss was busy with other things. She did her best to keep my distracted, of course, but she still needed to eat and sleep and shower and such, and other times I simply couldn't keep my eyes open.

Every time I awoke, though, I found myself tucked into the sheets carefully, charging cable plugged in and my things carefully arranged on the bedside table. I'll admit, I can't imagine that the Miss Polestar I'd met when I'd first activated would have been nearly so dutiful, but it had been a long month for the both of us.

By day three, though, I had quite thoroughly run out of distractions. We'd played every game we had, talked about everything I had the energy to talk about, and I even managed to finish my book, though it took me quite a few sittings. I was healing, glitching out less and feeling energy coming back, I even managed to take a few steps around the room, but I felt shaky and unbalanced throughout.

Miss Polestar left that evening to get food and contact the University of Proxima Centauri, one of the oldest institutions in the Concert (and internationally funded!). I could see the massive signal light blinking from outside the window, visible through the curtains like lightning flashing outside. Once that faded, and Miss Polestar didn't return immediately, I admit I was rather despondent. Restless. I hadn't done anything productive in days.

But then she returned, carrying in her hands a curious device and smiling brightly.

"You'll never guess what I found while I was looking for the university contact codes! Apparently, I or one of the machines back home had the foresight to pack it, but I haven't seen this since I was a child… ooh, this should be fun!"

"What is it?" I asked, as she sat in the chair she'd dragged to the bedside on the first day and presented the object. It was a small rectangular device with a display screen and an array of buttons, as well as a small microphone. It was encased in coloured glass, transparent but distinctly purple, such that you could see the circuitry and delicate brass gears working under it.

"It's a mechanical storyteller! It's a clever little tabulator with a voice synthesizer that'll read you a story that you can make choices in. It does get a bit predictable after a while, but it's still fun. Or, I remember it being fun." she explained. "Want to give it a try?"

"That does sound interesting." I admitted, "Though… a story where you make choices? That seems rather strange. I think I'd prefer if the author had a plan from the start, you know?"

"Well, it's a sort of a game too, if you can think of it that way." Jane said, and she flipped the switch on the side. "Last time I used this, I was maybe ten, perhaps eleven, and I was playing it with Tabby… we used to make adventure stories with us as the heroines, two best friends against the world! It was great fun."

A logo flickered into existence above the display, and I could tell instantly that this was an older device, perhaps older than Jane. The hologram was blocky and there was some awful holotearing, and only one colour other than white. Then, the logo was replaced with a list of text, titles and timestamps. The last was dated January 6th, 2161.

"So what kind of story should we try?" she asked, pressing the buttons on the device to start a new story. "This one can tell frontier adventure stories, Earth fantasy, and some childish sort of romances, I think? I never bothered with that one, it's sappy and awful."

"Adventure, for certain." I said, "It seems relevant, doesn't it?"

"Alright… now, characters. We get to make two. I suppose we should both make one?"

"Does it have machine characters?" I asked, and she nodded.

"Of course! Here…"

We guided the machine through the setup for a story and its basic characters. A coreward adventure featuring a plucky adventress named Janet and her loyal aide Mary braving a mysterious alien tomb on an overgrown jungle world. When the game offered to create a love interest, we both laughed and skipped that option.

"Alright, so the way the adventure works is that there will be at least five randomised challenges that we need to face with all of our pluck and skill before we arrive at the tomb proper." Jane explained to me as the elderly mechanism compiled the adventure before us, the mechanism clicking and clacking.

"And how well we face those challenges informs the difficulty of the final parts of the adventure?"

"Exactly! If we mess up a lot, I imagine we'll be in rather poor condition when we arrive at our destination. Equipment lost and clothing torn and such." she said. The story began, but I could barely hear the tinny speaker, and eventually Jane climbed up onto the bed so she could hold it close enough for both of us to hear.

"- for high in orbit above a strange planet, there is a ship, and aboard this ship are TWO HEROINES…"


JANET and MARY stand before the entrance of the LEGENDARY GLITTERING TOMB OF KOPERNICUS VI, ragged and exhausted. Their journey has been long and hard, and they have faced many adversaries and challenges which have taken a toll. JANET leans heavily on MARY, and she does not know if she has the will to go on. MARY eyes her low battery with CONCERN, and would not press on if JANET did not still need her.
The door of the tomb swings wide, the darkness within beckoning, and JANET and MARY are presented with a choice. Down the LEFT path, they can see the glittering of GOLD and GEMS, wealth beyond imagining. Down the RIGHT path, there is only DARKNESS, and they do not know what lies within.
Dear reader… what path do they take?

[ ] Right, of course.​
[ ] Left, of course.​
[ ] Let us turn back.​
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