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Character Sheet
Maid to Love You
A Clockwork Romance

Miss Jane Eleanor Polestar
The player character. An 18 (nearly 19!) year old woman, next in line to the County of Polaris, wandering the galaxy in search of love aboard MSY Mercury. You vote on her actions, but her perspective here is limited.

Mark Butler
Miss Polestar's robotic butler, and head of the servant staff. He is tasked primarily with management, but also acts as valet to any male visitors.

Marie Lady's Maid
The viewpoint character. A newly activated robotic servant who acts as Miss Polestar's lady's maid. Though witty and sharp, some quirk of her construction has intensified both her physical and emotional sensitivity. Is inexplicably French.

Pierre Chef
Miss Polestar's robotic cook, responsible for the kitchen and larder. He is noted to have loose association with many lovers in many ports.

Tom Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handyman, who also helps to maintain the other machines.

Tessa Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handywoman, who is hired later in the story. She has greatly modified her own body, and has a complicated history.

Hans Messenger
Miss Polestar's robotic messenger, who manages the mail, prints newspapers, delivers messages, and manages the property of guests. Is inexplicably German.

Amber Housemaid
Miss Polestar's robotic housemaid, who keeps MSY Mercury clean and tidy. Noted to have two large, orange headlamp eyes. Is inexplicably American.

Polly Kitchen Maid
Miss Polestar's robotic kitchen maid, who assists Pierre in making food. Also the head of the serving staff's union, a position she does not take very seriously.

Content Warning
This quest is an erotic romance. There will be sexual content, and it will not be separated from the main text or spoiler tagged. You have been warned.
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[X] Right, of course.

Gold and gems? Clearly a trap. Besides, our heroines aren't here for mere wealth or plunder. They're adventurers!
[X] Right, of course.

The real treasure is knowledge and friends we made along the way blah blah blah.

Plus, we actually need to somehow motivate 'Janet' and 'Mary' to be useless at each other, and this seems like the way to do it.
"It's a mechanical storyteller! It's a clever little tabulator with a voice synthesizer that'll read you a story that you can make choices in. It does get a bit predictable after a while, but it's still fun. Or, I remember it being fun." she explained. "Want to give it a try?"

"That does sound interesting." I admitted, "Though… a story where you make choices? That seems rather strange. I think I'd prefer if the author had a plan from the start, you know?"
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym

I really love how this setting makes a strange kind of sense. Like you've taken concepts (and terms) that have meanings in modern technology, and re-interpreted them from the perspective of the setting, so we as readers can relate to them but simultaneously it's very different (the anti-virus being a literal injection in the last chapter, for example).

[X] Right, of course.
[X] Let us turn back.

They're tired, and their battery is low! Also, it's fun in games to try and reject the premise and see what happens, or do silly things and see how the system reacts.
Ooh, meta. Fun!

I want to see how the machine reacts to players who refuse to engage with the game. The best thing about an automated quest is that you can do stuff like that without annoying a real QM.

[X] Let us turn back.
[X] Right, of course.

Left has shinies, we're clearly meant to go that way which means right is Optional Content. The laws state you must attempt to clear the optional content before engaging with the critical path.
For those curious about what THE GLITTERING TOMB OF KOPERNICUS VI looks like, imagine a box maybe a foot across, made entirely out of that clear plastic some old gameboys had. The ones you can see the guts of. The hologram itself, and the game, really, were largely inspired by the game World of Horror, which you can find on steam, though with more of a (kid friendly) fantasy bent to it, obviously.
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It was a small rectangular device with a display screen and an array of buttons, as well as a small microphone. It was encased in coloured glass, transparent but distinctly purple, such that you could see the circuitry and delicate brass gears working under it.
Ah, it's a GBA!

Anyway, while everyone doing the video game thing of "Ah, clearly this is the way we're *meant* to go, so let's go the other way first!" is hilarious, I'm going to be contrarian for the sake of it:

[X] Left, of course.
[X] Right, of course.

aaa text adventure, I love it
[X] Left, of course.

It's a trap, of course, so we must see what it does!
And I believe this means we're on a quest in a quest; how enjoyably recursive.
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