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Character Sheet
Maid to Love You
A Clockwork Romance

Miss Jane Eleanor Polestar
The player character. An 18 (nearly 19!) year old woman, next in line to the County of Polaris, wandering the galaxy in search of love aboard MSY Mercury. You vote on her actions, but her perspective here is limited.

Mark Butler
Miss Polestar's robotic butler, and head of the servant staff. He is tasked primarily with management, but also acts as valet to any male visitors.

Marie Lady's Maid
The viewpoint character. A newly activated robotic servant who acts as Miss Polestar's lady's maid. Though witty and sharp, some quirk of her construction has intensified both her physical and emotional sensitivity. Is inexplicably French.

Pierre Chef
Miss Polestar's robotic cook, responsible for the kitchen and larder. He is noted to have loose association with many lovers in many ports.

Tom Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handyman, who also helps to maintain the other machines.

Tessa Mechanic
Miss Polestar's robotic handywoman, who is hired later in the story. She has greatly modified her own body, and has a complicated history.

Hans Messenger
Miss Polestar's robotic messenger, who manages the mail, prints newspapers, delivers messages, and manages the property of guests. Is inexplicably German.

Amber Housemaid
Miss Polestar's robotic housemaid, who keeps MSY Mercury clean and tidy. Noted to have two large, orange headlamp eyes. Is inexplicably American.

Polly Kitchen Maid
Miss Polestar's robotic kitchen maid, who assists Pierre in making food. Also the head of the serving staff's union, a position she does not take very seriously.

Content Warning
This quest is an erotic romance. There will be sexual content, and it will not be separated from the main text or spoiler tagged. You have been warned.
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[ ] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

Ooooh! Ancient alien wreck? Let's all go put on some nice red jumpers, pop right in, and see what's going on!
Any facehuggers they find would be out of luck, what with Marie's designs on the only biological mouth around.
Huh. For reference, how much would an epee, a foil and a saber cost? Curious how much this is in practical terms. Or other items like sewing fabrics or needles.
Is it wrong that I quite like the idea of Marie buying a sword to protect her charge? Not sure if society would let her carry it around, though...

edit: "This is in case any gentlemen turn out to be less gentle than is desirable and I must protect Jane's purity. And in case any gentlemen turn out to be more desirable than is safe and I must protect Jane's purity. You know how it goes."
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[X] The star you selected was one that, in your telescope, looked just a little brighter than the others. Now that you've arrived, it is surprisingly warm, far closer to home than the chill of the ancient stars around. Is it a young star, migrating out from the core at some impossible velocity, or is something more complex afoot? Perhaps the answer lies on the forested moon...

"Petite bourgeoisie." Is my new favourite phrase
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

We didn't came to the end of the universe to get warm.
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

Amateur xeno-archaeology is a go!
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

We did all of the equipping with cold weather outfits, I want to wear them!
Huh. For reference, how much would an epee, a foil and a saber cost? Curious how much this is in practical terms. Or other items like sewing fabrics or needles.
The answer is giant IDK, but basically they all live in a post-scarcity world. Like a week of Marie's pay bought a silver, gem-encrusted hairpin. Marie shouldn't have any trouble getting whatever she wants, though she may have to save a bit for larger expenses.

Machines tend to be frugal sorts. Their primary hobby is also their job, after all, and most of them get room and board with their jobs. The machines are probably sitting on a vast amount of saved wealth they'll never get around spending, and I imagine the treasury just prints and hands money to the human nobility to keep everyone afloat and combat the resulting deflation lol.
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[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?
[X] The star you selected was one that, in your telescope, looked just a little brighter than the others. Now that you've arrived, it is surprisingly warm, far closer to home than the chill of the ancient stars around. Is it a young star, migrating out from the core at some impossible velocity, or is something more complex afoot? Perhaps the answer lies on the forested moon...
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

Ghosts. The secret that it holds is that it is haunted by its crew. Let's go meet them!
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

Let's raid an alien derelict, that couldn't possibly go badly :V
[X] On a rocky planet, frozen for millions of years, you see just one thing standing out. There's a canyon, dug by some calamity, and at the end the remains of what looks to be an ancient and alien space station, surprisingly intact for the force of the crash. What secrets does it hold?

Ancient Aliens?

Ancient Aliens!

(But this time actually that, instead of terrible TV).
Also, can I just say that that's a great art even just technically? I skimmed over it because I was focused on the implied characterization and scene, but Marie is incredibly expressive, especially given how few features she has to work with. Simplicity is really hard to work with.
I'm not sure how they get much out of work like that, but they make a distinction there between a personal duty to specific humans, and a civic duty to all humans, which these odd setups fall into.
Ooh, that's a clever way of gaming their built-in urge to serve humans. \

Aww, she is absolutely adorable! I get why she'd like to be able to move her lips more, but her face is already very expressive (at least for this particular emotion).

Say hello to Miss Jane Polestar!
Ooh, lovely dress. I know just enough about historical fashion to guess that it's Regency-inspired?

And no, you don't get to see the one where she's not wearing clothes :p
Ah, so we should ask only for robot nudes... aha ha, just kidding... unless...? 🙂
Ooh, that's a clever way of gaming their built-in urge to serve humans. \

Aww, she is absolutely adorable! I get why she'd like to be able to move her lips more, but her face is already very expressive (at least for this particular emotion).

Ooh, lovely dress. I know just enough about historical fashion to guess that it's Regency-inspired?

Ah, so we should ask only for robot nudes... aha ha, just kidding... unless...? 🙂
The setting is generally more Regency than anything else, though it really is a blend of 19th and early 20th century influences, with us picking whatever is more fun. Marie is a Victorian maid because the outfit is more iconic (and frankly cuter), and we use all kinds of debunked scientific ideas from across the era for the odd space worldbuilding and stuff. We also generally write the robots using the language of information-age computers: they have processors and microchips, hard drives for memories, rechargeable batteries, cameras and microphones and LED screens and such. In some of the stuff I've written behind the scenes to explore it, they even have safe & debug boot modes, get sick with computer viruses, and if they get knocked unconscious they crash to a blue screen. Adds to the fun!
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