[X] "Do you require a target eliminated or do you need intelligence retrieved from the organization that would seek to stop your mission?"
To think that we spent all that time stalking Senpai when we could have gotten a sweet bow just by exchanging saliva with Negi.Ivara might agree without hesitation if she got told the "free magic gear" part.
Heck yeah, free syandana for being civil to Chachamaru and Eva.You unwrap the cloak. It's a simple, functional hooded cloak made of a slightly weighty and soft midnight blue fabric. You drape it around your shoulders, fastening it together with the sturdy brooch it came with. You take a moment to examine the brooch.
It's an interesting design. Flowing ribbons in brass. Pretty enough, but not too attention-grabbing.
A simple gesture of goodwill from Chachamaru. You feel a little embarrassed that you can't give her something of similar worth in return.
"It's very well-made. Thank you Chachamaru."