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Play as a Viking as you raid and pillage across a High Fantasy Earth to gain fame and fortune.
Southampton, Great Britain
This is going to be a viking quest where your character goes around raiding and pillaging places so he can get loot and gain prestige to grow stronger. He will be something of a villain protagonist or at least morally grey because people are complex and I'm aiming for the Norse in this quest to be neither the good guys or the bad guys, but people with their virtues and their flaws. It doesn't mean they won't be monsters, but they won't be pure evil about it.

Sometimes the vote will be what evil thing you are going to do like a choice of raiding targets. Other times, it will be the aftermath of an evil deed like choosing what loot you get from pillaging a village rather than whether or not to raid the village in the first place. You won't always have to be a bad guy and you won't be some moustache-twirling villain who kicks puppies for fun, but this is a quest about playing a raider who goes out and attacks people with deadly force so he can still their stuff.

Now with that disclaimer/warning out of the way.


You are Torvald Sigurdrsson, younger son of Sigrudr Torsensson. Your father is a nobleman in Agdir in the lands of Nordvegr and an infamous viking, known across the lands for his many raids.

The Christians in lands overseas call him the Princess-Taker, a monster known for his habit of targeting women of the highest birth and claiming them as his concubines. Your fellow Norse respect him, envying his legendary might and admiring his vast collection of wealth and treasure.

You will know him as your loving father, born to him via his wife, the daughter of a thane in Gotland. You won't be his firstborn and you may not follow in his footsteps as a nobleman, but you will follow his path in becoming a viking. Should you have your way, you will be famous across all lands for your unstoppable raids by the time the Valkyries come to bring you to Valhalla.

You will garner prestige to strengthen your body and piety to empower your mind. You will gain steadfast companions to serve as your hird. You will become a mighty warrior whose legend will be told for all eternity until Ragnarok itself comes to end the world.

No plan voting.

What title does Sigrudr Torsensson the Princesstaker hold?
[ ] Your father is a chief under the Jarl of Agdir. Hard Difficulty.
[ ] Your father is a high chief under the Jarl of Agdir. Medium Difficulty.
[ ] Your father is the Jarl of Agdir. Easy Difficulty.

What traits do you inherit from your father? Pick 2 Options.
[ ] Strong. You have a degree of innate strength from your father, allowing you to get more out of your muscles no matter how weak or great they are. Gain Advantage on Strength.
[ ] Tough. You are just tougher than most, able to take more of a hit pound for pound than the majority of people out there. Gain Advantage on Constitution.
[ ] Swift. You are just naturally speedy, able to run a little faster and react in time just a little quicker. Gain Advantage on Agility.
[ ] Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
[ ] Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
[ ] Handsome. You just have something inherently attractive about you, a spark that draws the attention of others. Gain Advantage on Presence.


This setting is a mixture of CK2 and D&D where I have got inspiration from playing a Norse king in CK2 who likes to raid rich and/or vulnerable lands overseas. I wanted something a bit more magical for the setting so I took some ideas from D&D-like games and settings to turn this world from a low fantasy one into a high fantasy one. I also drew a bit on Mutants & Masterminds as the RPG system I know the best.

Anyway, the magic of the setting is simple. You get prestige and piety from doing deeds and what deeds count depends on your culture/religion. Prestige lets you improve your body while piety improves your mind. At certain breakpoints, you unlock traits that let you stand out from the rest or specialise down a certain path. Magic works by drawing upon your mind stats.

Onto the vote, the difficulty you are choosing is how much prestige you start with from being the son of your father. A more powerful father means more prestige and more opportunities for you growing up.

For your traits, the system works on D20s and having an Advantage on a stat lets you roll two D20s and pick the highest when making a check using that stat. Strength, Constitution and Agility are Body stats while Will, Intellect and Presence are Mind Stats. Additionally, which traits you pick here will narratively influence your protagonist's character and choices as someone who is Strong and Handsome will be different personality wise to someone who is Stubborn and Clever.

The world will also have a bunch of anachronisms and fantastical elements in it as I will be including what I consider to be cool or interesting for the setting. Such as the knights in plate armour will be running about while the British Isles will contain the Kingdom of Wessex, the Kingdom of Jorvik and the Kingdom of Camelot all fighting for dominance over England.

There will also be monsters and mythical creatures running about like dragons, trolls, griffons, giants and so on. Some will be animals while others will be sapient. Some of them will exist naturally as mundane animals whilst others are created via supernatural means.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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Basic Stats
There are two main stats called Body and Mind, which are further divided into three sub-stats. Body is upgraded via Prestige, which you gain from earning glory, doing notable feats or just being a well-known figure in society such as a noble. Mind is upgraded by Piety which is gained being virtuous according to your religious beliefs.

Strength is about how physically strong you are and how much physical damage you can dish out.
Constitution is about how tough you are and taking physical damage.
Agility is about speed and reflexes. With the right build, you use in the place of both Strength and Constitution, but someone relying on Agility tends to be fragile and something of a glass cannon.

Will is about how determined you are and the stat used for resisting magic used on you.
Intellect is about how smart you are and the stat used for understanding and learning magic.
Presence is about how charismatic you are and the stat used for casting spells and actually using your magic.
All Mind Stats increase your magic reserves aka how much magic you can use before running dry.

At certain break points for each stat, you gain a Trait, which is related to either your physical aspects or your metaphysical aspects. Aka your Body and Mind. Body Traits are upgradable with large amounts of Prestige. Mind Traits are upgradable with large amounts of Piety. Traits are what makes you stand out and give you a unique touch. They are also primarily used as a foundation for learning spells such as getting fire-based magic or rainbow-based magic or bear-based magic.

Bloodlines and Epithets are basically super-traits and you can only get one of each. Your bloodline is determined at birth unless you do something very special. Epithets are earnt by doing stuff to earn a notable nickname and while you can only have one, you can change it and get a new Epithet. The PC's father has a bloodline from being descended from Thor and his Epithet gives him bonuses to fighting anyone of royal or lower social status, bonuses against women and a bonus to breaking his prisoners.
[X] Your father is a high chief under the Jarl of Agdir. Medium Difficulty.
[X] Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
[X] Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.

Your father is a high chief under the Jarl of Agdir. The town he directly rules over has several hundred free men and women living in it and many more living out in the countryside. There are three chiefs serving directly under him, each one ruling over a small town of only a few hundred people and the surrounding countryside.

When it comes to your father's children, you swiftly go from being the youngest to being in the middle of the pack. One amongst many, your father does spend some time with you, but between his raids, ruling his lands and just how many of you there are, what time you do have is limited and often spent alongside at least one of your siblings.

But what time you did get was something that you valued greatly.

"You see, Torvald," says your tall, broad shouldered father as he strokes his beard of red hair, "Nordvegr has very few people compared to other lands. Svitjod and Danmork both have twice as many people than us. Places like Wessex and Camelot have smaller lands, but far more people. A town over there needs to have over a thousand people before it is considered such."

"That's a lot," you say, your six year old mind attempting to remember how much a thousand is.

You think it is over a hundred. Yeah, a thousand is more than a hundred. Like two whole hundreds.

"Just wait until you hear about the other Christian lands," says Father with a hearty laugh, "Francia, Iberia, Rome and the Roman Empire, those lands are vast, plentiful and full of people. They have grand cities with tens of thousands of people living within them and plenty of loot to claim. Of course, claiming that loot is a chore that's made difficult by their many defenders, but the fight is half of a good adventure. When I sacked Constantinople, I had to rally over a dozen warbands to my cause and even then, I had to wait until the majority of their forces were away on campaign."

You can only follow half of the words, but you are enjoying yourself, just spending time with him and listening to him telling you tales of glory. Even if you don't understand all of it, Father is enjoying telling them and that means you are enjoying them.


1d20 = 7
"Torvald!" calls your father and you eagerly make your way over to him, where he stands with two of his huscarls and a young woman in a plain dress and a metal collar around her neck.

"This is Wulfwynn Rosegarden, a former knight errant from England," says Father as he grabs the woman roughly and shoves her forward, "She'll be your thrall, to serve you as needed."

"May the Devil take you, monster!" snaps the woman and Father just laughs before smacking her in the face.

"Hah!" exclaims Father, "Lass, you'll do better as a maid to my son than as a woman warrior. Maybe if you're lucky, you'll be allowed to make some children of your own."

Father and his huscarls just laugh while the woman looks at him with disgust. For your part, you just wonder what is going on.

"The runes on her slave collar will keep her from hurting or disobeying you, Torvald," says Father, "Don't worry about breaking her. I don't mind having to replace a thrall every now and again."

That last part is said to both you and the woman and she just glares at your father even harder. You just nod your acknowledgement to your father, resolving to not let things come to that. You don't want to be the sort of child that breaks things. Father might be willing to replace what you bring, but if you make him fed up with replacing stuff, he won't get you new stuff. And you like getting new stuff.

Unfortunately for you, it seems that Father was only here to deliver your new thrall as he soon departs with both of his huscarls, leaving Wulfwynn behind. The woman glares at you before prodding at the iron collar around her neck. Watching her, you decide that you know what you want out of her.

"Sit on the bed," you tell her, making her glare at you again before her body begins to move and she jerkily makes her way over to your bed.

Once she is sat down, you attempt to make your way onto her lap. She tries to move to a different spot on the bed until you tell her to stop.

"Now tell me a story," you demand with all the imperiousness of a six year old after you have gotten yourself suitably settled on her lap.

Wulfwynn looks murderous as she looks down at you and you think she is going to refuse for a moment. When she opens her mouth, you are expecting a rebuke when the beginning of a story comes out instead. Wulfwynn looks rather upset, but you don't care as she tells you a story, one of a man called Adam and a woman called Eve. It involves a divine garden, its godly ruler, a treacherous snake and ends with Adam and Eve being exiled for breaking their word.

You don't really get why Adam and Eve were dumb enough to be dishonourable like that, but a new story is a new story and it turns out that Wulfwynn has loads of new stories to tell you. This is going to be great!


1d20 = 19
You don't know what to think of the new girl. Astrid Bjornsdottir is the new daughter of your father's best thane, Bjorn Ragnarsson the Knightslayer, and despite being your age, you have only met her recently.

Father explained it to you, but he didn't really go into detail. All he told you was that Astrid used to live with her mother, but then her mother had to go on a big adventure so now Astrid lives with her father. And her father is going to make her a proper woman.

You have mixed feelings about Astrid. You think she is really cute with golden hair and blue eyes. Father says that's because she has Freyja as an ancestor like how you have Thor as an ancestor. But she is also really powerful. You can put up with the older kids being more powerful than you because they're older, but Astrid is your age. You're the son of Sigurdr the Princess-Taker! Astrid would be weaker than you, not stronger.

You should probably like her. Astrid is always friendly with you when you aren't teasing her And she has cool magic bird wings that she can use to fly. Father says she inherited them from her mother and Astrid's mother got them from meeting a Valkyrja. A shame that nobody knows that story, not even Astrid. You would like to hear it.

No plan voting for skills
What skills do you focus on? Pick three.
[ ] Swordsmanship. Father wants to teach you how to use a sword because it is the only weapon fit for a son of his.
[ ] Lighting Magic. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Lightning Magic.
[ ] Thunder Magic. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Thunder Magic.
[ ] Storm Magic. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Storm Magic.
[ ] Writing (Runes). Mother says that every noble should know their runes.
[ ] Athletics. You like to play and race with the other kids.
[ ] Stealth. You can get around without being spotted by the older kids.
[ ] Persuasion. You like to make friends with the other kids.
[ ] Deception. You can get away with more if you could lie better.
[ ] Intimidation. Father says that all real warriors need to be scary.
[ ] Nature. There is a lot of dangerous stuff out there and knowing what is dangerous and what isn't is important.
[ ] Perception. Every warrior needs to keep an eye out, whether it is for enemies sneaking up on them or valuable loot to take.

Use plan voting for siblings.

What is your relationship with your siblings? Pick two to be friends with and one to enemies with.

[ ] Torsten Sigurdrsson
Torsten is your full-brother and the firstborn of Sigrudr Torsensson. Your father is personally grooming him to be his successor and Torsten is excelling at it. While Torsten lacks anything he is especially good at, there is also nothing he is especially bad at. He is also your father's favourite child.

[ ] Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir
Born to the princess that your father captured from the Kingdom of Camelot, your older sister Brunhildr is a proper young noblewoman who will make her future husband very happy. She knows exactly how to run a household and will be an expert at the game of politics.

[ ] Brandr Sigurdrsson
Your older brother Brandr is born to a Roman Princess taken from a raid on Constantinople and like you, he wishes to sail to lands overseas. Unlike you, he has the intention of peaceful trade rather than violent raiding as your brother has aspirations of a merchant empire. Given how good he is at getting a good deal, it isn't out of the realm of possibility.

[ ] Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir
Your father made one voyage into the Land of the Fairies, he took one of their princesses, who has given him your younger sister Sigrid. Sigrid is a craftswoman and enchantress with dreams of making legendary armaments for legendary warriors. She is also something of a prankster.

[ ] Gunnar Sigurdrsson
Your younger brother Gunnar is born to a Dane princess with a Jotun bloodline. An extraordinary large figure, Gunnar has simple aspirations in his life, merely desiring a good fight and challenging foes.


I'm planning to have three/four parts to the character creation. First is the birth where you pick your traits and difficulty. The second is when Torvald is six years old and you are determining his relationships with his siblings and his earliest training. The next couple of updates will be when Torvald is ten or twelve and will cover a childhood adventure or two to characterise him a bit before we reach sixteen, where you will get regular turns and such. There will also be further training so what you pick here is just what you start out with, not what you are locked into.

Also Torvald's father is both a loving father and a horrible monster.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[X] Plan Our Sisters Like Us
-[X] Friends
--[X] Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir
--[X] Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir
-[X] Enemy
--[X] Gunnar Sigurdrsson
[X] Lightning Seidr. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Lightning Seidr.
[X] Writing (Runes). Mother says that every noble should know their runes.
[X] Persuasion. You like to make friends with the other kids.

"Brunhildr," you approach your elder sister as the golden-haired girl as she practises her magic, "What's a Flygia?"

"Surely you know what a Fylgia is?" inquires Brunhildr as she pauses to give you a look, "We're all born with one."

"Well yeah," you reply, "But that doesn't tell me that they do. Father or Mother haven't told me so I don't know what they are."

"Hmm," muses Brunhildr thoughtfully, "Given your age, you should really know by now and I do know how Fylgia work. Alright, Torvald, follow me. I'm going to show you my Fylgia, but we need to go outside. Mine is a bit big to fit inside."

And with that, Brunhildr walks off and you hurry after her. Your graceful older sister deftly makes her way out of the longhouse and you trail in her wake. Once you have reached an empty training field in your father's fort, Brunhildr comes to a halt and turns to face you with a grin on her face.

"This is my Fylgia!" declares Brunhildr proudly and before your eyes, a massive bear with snow-white fur materialises before you.

"Is that a bear?" you ask eagerly.

"In a manner of speaking," answers Brunhildr as she begins to stroke the back of the bear, "My Fylgia is an Ice Bear, which is distinct from a Bear Fylgia like what Gunnar has."

"What's the difference?" you demand.

"Each Fylgia grants a different benefit depending on what form it takes," explains Brunhildr, "My Ice Bear makes it easier to improve my Presence while Gunnar's Bear lets him do the same with his Strength. He isn't the strongest of us just because he has the blood of the Jotun in his veins. His Fylgia plays a good part in why he is already as strong as an adult."

"What do other Fylgias do?" you ask.

"Sigrid and your friend Astrid both have a Cat as their Flygia, which deepens their magical reserves, letting them cast more spells each day and craft more potent enchantments," answers Brunhildr, "Father and Torsten both have Wolf Fylgias which provide them with some extra protection against being harmed. Mother has a Raven that strengthens her connection to the Norns over time and Brandr has a Snake that makes it easier for him to find things of value."

"Right," you say.

"I also know that it works differently in other cultures," continues Brunhildr, "While everyone has something like a Fylgia, only us Norse have Fylgias. The Christians have their own animal companion, but they have to claim one as they aren't born with one like us. Don't ask me why as I don't know. Perhaps their God isn't as generous as our Gods? Now, Torvald, I've shown you my Fylgia so why don't you show me yours?"

"Okay!" you agree without hesitation and you call forth the spiritual animal companion that you have had since birth.

What is Torvald's Fylgia?
[ ] Bear. A Bear Flygia makes your Strength easier to improve.
[ ] Wolf. A Wolf Flygia makes you resistant to harm.
[ ] Owl. An Owl Flygia makes your Intellect easier to improve.
[ ] Eagle. An Eagle Flygia makes your Will easier to improve.
[ ] Cat. A Cat Flygia deepens your magical reserves.
[ ] Lynx. A Lynx Flygia makes your spells more powerful
[ ] Raven. A Raven Flygia grants you good fortune over time.
[ ] Rabbit. A Rabbit Flygia grants you twice as much health.

As a bit of background detail, I meant to give you this vote in the precious update, but I forgot to do so.


As someone who has their shared ancestry with Thor as their Bloodline, you have an innate access to lightning seidr. Most others will need a suitable trait to build their seidr around unless they are fortunate enough like you to be born with a Bloodline that comes with inherent seidr.

As the years go by, you learn a handful of basic spells, built around the concept of lightning. The first is the ability to survive being hit by lightning and upon casting, for the following hour, the next time harm dealt to you from lightning will be reduced.

The second spell is the ability to replicate the flash that occurs when lightning takes place. It does no damage on its own, but for a crucial moment, it can blind an enemy with its flash. Alternatively, you could use the flash to illuminate the area around you, also for just a moment.

The third spell you learnt is the ability to toss lightning from your hands. It is a mere shadow of what Thor himself is capable of, but it does let you strike your foes from afar. And it is pretty awesome to see bolts of lightning from the palm of your hand towards your chosen target of the day.


"My father is an absolute arse!" exclaims Astrid as she slams her wooden stick against the training target.

The force of the blow is enough to snap it in two, but only for a moment as Astrid casts a spell to reverse her personal time by a few seconds. Her stick is once again intact and you envy how she is able to casually use spells. Especially since this is the fifth time she has used that spell in this venting session.

Astrid has started the process of becoming a woman and it shows. While you don't really see it yourself, Brunhildr and Torsten both assure you that Astrid's beauty is rapidly going from cute to sexy as she shoots up in height while her bosom and hips both grow in size. In fact, none of her old clothes fit her at all any more, much to your friend's consternation.

"Maybe he is just trying to help?" you offer only for Astrid to turn her glare on you.

"He is and that makes it worse!" shouts Astrid as she swings at you and you barely avoid her stick with a yelp, "He really thinks that making me into a good traditional housewife for my future husband is the best thing for me. He refuses to acknowledge I am going to be a shieldmaiden like my mother! I wish she would finish her stupid quest so I could go back to her. Ever since I started growing these dumb boobs, Father has been refusing to let me do anything cool."

"Perhaps you could try going along with it?" you suggest and you find yourself dodging another swipe of her stick, "What I mean is that if he thinks you are doing what he wants, you'll be able to do more in secret. He won't be paying as much attention to you if he thinks you are being well behaved."

"You might have a point," concedes Astrid.

What does Astrid do?
[ ] She plays along with her father and trains in secret.
[ ] She defies her father and continues to train whenever she can.
[ ] (Friendship with Brunhildr) Brunhildr helps her with her lessons.

On another note, I found myself wanting to cover more of Torvald's childhood than what can be covered in a couple of updates. But I promised the thread there would be raiding so I'm going to give you the choice of choosing to do some childhood adventures or skip ahead to his coming of age and his raid. And if you do want childhood adventures, you want to choose what adventure hooks you follow or would you rather determine what adventures you go on via dice roll?

Childhood Adventures?
[ ] Yes to childhood adventures and let the thread pick them.
[ ] Yes to childhood adventures and choose them by dice roll.
[ ] No to childhood adventures, do backgrounds rolls and skip ahead to the raiding.

No plan voting.

What skills do you focus on? Pick two.
[ ] Swordsmanship. Father wants to teach you how to use a sword because it is the only weapon fit for a son of his.
[ ] Lightning Seidr. Continue learning to master the art of lightning seidr.
[ ] Thunder Seidr. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Thunder Seidr.
[ ] Storm Seidr. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Storm Seidr.
[ ] Writing (Runes). You have begun to learn your runes.
[ ] Language (English). You will get Wulfwynn to teach you the words of her people.
[ ] Athletics. You like to play and race with the other kids.
[ ] Stealth. You can get around without being spotted by the older kids.
[ ] Persuasion. Keep at making friends with the other kids.
[ ] Deception. You can get away with more if you could lie better.
[ ] Intimidation. Father says that all real warriors need to be scary.
[ ] Blacksmithing. Learn how to make metal items with a forge and hammer.
[ ] Nature. There is a lot of dangerous stuff out there and knowing what is dangerous and what isn't is important.
[ ] Perception. Every warrior needs to keep an eye out, whether it is for enemies sneaking up on them or valuable loot to take.


First of all, no plan voting. Now with that out of the way, I've already covered the Fylgia and Childhood Adventure votes earlier in the post so I won't go over them again. I sort of have the character sheet ready, but it is waiting on the Fylgia vote and incidentally, me trying to find Torvald's Fylgia to finish the character sheet is what made me realise you hadn't chosen it yet.

I have also started using some Norse terminology for flavouring. Mechanically, everything is the same, but Familiars are now Fylgia, Body is Hamr, Mind is Hugr, Magic is Seidr and so on.

Lastly, feel free to suggest skills. I won't promise to include everything and I tried to include everything relevant I could think of, but something useful might have slipped my mind.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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First Adventure
[X] Lynx. A Lynx Flygia makes your spells more powerful
[X] (Friendship with Brunhildr) Brunhildr helps her with her lessons.
[X] Yes to childhood adventures and let the thread pick them.
[X] Yes to childhood adventures and choose them by dice roll.
[X] Writing (Runes). You have begun to learn your runes.
[X] Lightning Seidr. Continue learning to master the art of lightning seidr.
[X] Perception. Every warrior needs to keep an eye out, whether it is for enemies sneaking up on them or valuable loot to take.

1d6 = 6

"Torvald!" cries Astrid as your best friend marches up to you and begins to drag you off to a secluded part of the fort.

"Uhh," you say as you look at her, your eyes straying to her flicking cat tail poking out from underneath her dress and where her regular ears have been replaced with those of a cat.

"Sigrid," says Astrid as she notices where your eyes are looking, which shouldn't be an explanation and yet somehow is.

"So what is it that you want?" you inquire when Astrid doesn't elaborate on her previous answer.

"Father got word that there is a wyrm of some sort nearby," says Astrid excitedly in a low voice as to avoid being overheard, "I want to find it first."

You stare at Astrid, which is an easy thing to do as the girl is beautiful with golden locks of hair, sky-blue eyes and an impressive figure that is still blooming when it comes to both her muscles and her curves. Her beauty is even more apparent since Brunhildr started helping Astrid with her lessons and these days, Astrid walks around with the air and demeanour of a refined noblewoman. And yet it is not her godly beauty that draws your attention, but the audacity of what she is proposing.

"Are you insane?" you demand, but you make sure to keep your voice quiet for now, "Astrid, I know you are strong, but you aren't strong enough to fight a dragon."

"I don't want to fight it, I am no fool," replies Astrid as she gives you a roll of her eyes, "I just want to see it, to get the experience. I'm on the verge of a breakthrough with my Constitution. I could get my first Trait from it right now if I wanted, but I'm holding off so I can see if I can get something from encountering the wyrm."

"That's more reasonable," you concede, "But still, a wyrm, Astrid."

"I can fly, control time and have a Cat for my Fylgia," answers Astrid, "I can take a hit or two or more if things go badly and still get out of there in one piece."

That's a valid point. You don't like to dwell on how much Astrid is better than you, but her time-based seidr will make her a pain and a half to fight. She can rewind time to undo injuries and unwanted effects and pause a spell mid-flight or a weapon mid-swing with just a glance. Those on their own would be a pain to deal with, but Astrid has a lot of seidr reserves

"So you the two of us want to sneak out, find the wyrm and then get a Trait from your Constitution," you summarise.

"It doesn't have to be just the two of us," says Astrid, "I was thinking of inviting one or both of your sisters along. Maybe Wulfwynn too."

Use plan voting for the adventure vote.

Who do you bring along on your adventure?
[ ] Invite Brunhildr to come along.
[ ] Invite Sigrid to come along.
[ ] Order Wulfwynn to come along.
[ ] Nobody.


"Alright, Torvald, you're getting old enough that we need to start thinking about when you are a man," says Father as he guides you to the armoury, the longhouse that contains his assorted weapons and armour that he has collected over his lifetime.

"I am going to get a weapon?" you ask eagerly with a grin on your face.

"Aye, lad," confirms your father and your smile just gets wider, "You won't be allowed any of the good stuff yet, but I'll let you pick out your first sword. A couple of other bits too. Some might forsake their armour or consider it an afterthought, but they're fools in my book. Obviously you have those whose traits and seidr make wearing armour more harmful than helpful, but they are a rarity and I know you aren't one of them."

"What about Gunnar?" you inquire, "Does he not need armour?"

He certainly boasts about it, claiming that his giant's blood means his strength and toughness outweighs the need for armour.

"Your brother is one of those fools and I'll beat it out of him if I have to," answers Father, a frown flickering across his face for a moment, "Aye, it is true that his Bloodline makes him need armour less than others and armour needs to be specifically made for a lad of his stature, but that's no excuse. I have Wolf for my Fylgia and I still wear armour because I'm not a fool. You heard of arrogance, Torvald?"

"That's when you take pride too far," you answer confidently, remembering that lesson that Father made sure to impart with you.

"That's right, lad," says Father, "Pride is one thing, but too much of it will get you killed. I may not need armour, but I certainly won't go into battle without it. Not by choice."

As exciting as it is to be in a whole longhouse of weapons and armour from across the world, your father doesn't let you do more than gaze upon them as he guides you over a table. Upon the table is a selection of items, a sword with wolf-styled engraving, a iron helmet, a pair of leather gloves and boots, a freshly made gambeson and a round shield, made of wood and lined with metal.

"These are weapons and armour fit for a young lad like yourself," says Father as he gives you a hearty pat on the back, "And as your father, I shall provide you with them for free. And also as your father, I shall teach you about being careful with choosing your equipment by only letting you claim three of them. So choose wisely."

Nodding your acknowledgement, your mind begins to race as you review the various items. A sword seems obvious though you do have your lightning bolt is potent enough you might be able to rely upon it in battle. That said, you aren't Astrid or Sigrid with their Cat Fylgias and your seidr reserves are much lighter, perhaps not enough for seidr to be your weapon of choice in battle even if you make up for it in more powerful spells.

The gambeson will provide the most overall protection, but the helmet is what will keep your head from harm. Likewise, the boots and gloves would aid in keeping your hands and feet from harm. As for the shield, it would work well with either a sword or your lightning bolt though you couldn't use it with both at the same time.

Use plan voting for the item vote.

Which three items do you claim?
[ ] The Sword.
[ ] The Helmet.
[ ] The Boots & Gloves.
[ ] The Gambeson.
[ ] The Shield.


As you put Prestige into your Strength, you find yourself reaching a breakpoint. Father, Astrid and others had taught you about this, but it is the first time that you have experienced it for yourself. Like all things relating to the improvement of your Hamr and Hugr, it is something that you must do on your own and no one else can aid or hinder you in it.

Because you got this Trait from your Strength, it is going to be related to your Hamr. It will improve your physical form and possibly change it too. As Astrid has told you, you can feel three choices and you know that you only be able to pick one.

The first is an acknowledgement of the fact all of your closest friends are girls or in the case of Wulfwynn, a woman The second is from your desire to follow in your father's footsteps as a viking. The final choice is an acknowledgement of you learning your Lightning Seidr, something that originates with your bloodline.

No plan voting for the trait vote.

Choose your Trait.
[ ] Female Friendship. You get along easily with girls and women. +2 to all non-Combat rolls involving a straight woman.
[ ] Warrior Path. You have chosen to walk the path of a warrior. +1 to all Combat rolls.
[ ] Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 12)
Unspent Prestige = 38
Unspent Piety = 0

Hit Points = 3
Hamingja (Fate) = 0

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. +2 to Strength. +1 Prestige per month & +1 Piety per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = None.

Hamr (Body) = 3 (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Strength = 3 (5) (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Constitution = 2 (60 Prestige to upgrade)
-Agility = 1 (30 Prestige to upgrade)

Hugr (Mind) = 2 (60 Piety to upgrade)
-Will = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)
-Intellect = 3 (100 Piety to upgrade)
-Presence = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.

Items of Note
Currently none.

History/Norse (Intellect) = 10 (+2)
Lightning Seidr (Intellect) = 15 (+2.5)
Perception (Will) = 5 (+1.1)
Persuasion (Presence) = 10 (+1.6)
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = 20 (+3)
Swordsmanship (Strength) = 5 (+2.1)
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = 20 (+3)

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = 9

Lightning Seidr
Anti-Lightning Ward
-Level 1 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the hour by 2. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Bolt
-Level 1 = Deal 2 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Deal 4 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 2 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Flash
-Level 1 = Blind a single target within line of sight for several seconds. Alternatively, use it to make a momentary burst of light. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Travel
-Level 1 = Travel to anywhere within your line of sight as a lightning bolt. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker (5/10) = Your father and ruler of Torstenby.
Ingrid Goodwife (4/0) = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstenby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir (5/10) = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir (5/10) = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson (-5/10) = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden (-2/10) = Your thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir (5/10) = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer (2/10) = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


Okay, on the tied votes, I decided to split the difference. You will get one rolled adventure followed by being able to choose a plot hook. I wanted to do both at the same time, but there were other things I wanted to cover in Torvald's childhood and this way, stuff having in the earlier adventure will be able to affect stuff in later adventures.

Speaking of later adventures, I'm planning to do one adventure a year until Torvald is sixteen and goes on his first raid. So one adventure will be rolled at twelve and fourteen while you will pick Torvald's adventures when he is thirteen and fifteen.

Otherwise, you have unlocked your first Trait. You get a new Trait whenever one of your stats reaches a multiple of five. You also have the character now since I was able to finish that with your Fylgia chosen.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Last edited:
Wyrm Search
[X] Plan Bring Our Sisters
-[X] Invite Brunhildr to come along.
-[X] Invite Sigrid to come along.
[X] Plan Basic Gear
-[X] The Sword.
-[X] The Helmet.
-[X] The Gambeson.
[X] Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

"This is a foolish idea," complains Brunhildr as the four of you make your way through the countryside, "A wyrm is dangerous, even for a grown warrior. And we are just girls, except for Torvald."

"I'm a shieldmaiden," retorts Astrid.

"Sneaking out to hit practice dummies with an axe does not make you a shieldmaiden," counters Brunhildr, but your sister's heart isn't in it.

"It makes me enough of one," says Astrid confidently, "Let's fight anyone else my age and I'll kick their butts."

"That is because you are unfairly powerful for your age," points out Brunhildr.

"Life isn't fair," scoffs Astrid, "I didn't choose to be powerful and you didn't choose to be a rich and educated lady. Neither of us earnt it either, but that's life for you. You make do with the hand that you've been given."

"Wow, Assy," says Sigrid, your shape-shifting sister deciding to join the others today with blue eyes and blonde hair to accompany her pointed ears, "That's awfully smart of you."

"Don't call me that," says Astrid.

"Agreed," adds Brunhildr, "That is not an appropriate nickname for Astrid."

"Well, Triddie is pretty powerful if she is getting her second Hamr Trait," says Sigrid, waving off the rebukes of the older girls.

"This is your second Hamr Trait?" exclaims Brunhildr as your sister

"Yeah, I got one from Hamr proper and I've got enough Prestige saved up to get my first trait from Constitution," answers Astrid proudly.

"Most people only get one Trait from each area," says Brunhildr just a little sourly.

"I am not most people," replies Astrid confidently as she holds her head high.

"Have you gotten your second Hamr Trait yet?" inquires Sigrid as she looks at her sister, "I haven't got my first one yet."

"I still only have Gold," admits Brunhildr and for a second, the golden allure coating her body becomes just a little stronger, "I should be able to get one from my Agility within the year, but I'm not that prestigious yet."

"We should be approaching the wyrm's nest shortly," you say, speaking up for the first time in a while after making the wise decision to stay out of the bickering between the girls, "Father's reports said it was in the area.

"Okay, we go in close enough for Astrid to get a good look for her Trait and we leave," says Brunhildr.

"Screw that, I want to get up close," says Astrid with an eager gleam in her eyes, "More Prestige from getting closer and we might be able to find some scales or something."

"Prestige and loot mean little if we are dead," argues Brunhildr, "This is a wyrm, Astrid. A wyrm."

"And we're Norsewomen!" retorts Astrid as she rounds on the older girl, "Courage is rewarded by the Gods."

"And so is wisdom," counters Brunhildr.

As the two girls argue, Sigrid turns to you, waiting for you to wait in on the argument.

No plan voting.

What does Torvald argue for?
[ ] Argue for getting closer. (Greater Prestige gains & a chance of loot, but greater risk of danger)
[ ] Argue for staying at a distance. (Lesser Prestige gains, but reduced chance of danger)


As your merry band makes its way towards the wyrm's nest, you have an option to talk with one of the girls accompanying you in greater depth.

No plan voting.

Who does Torvald socialise with?
[ ] Astrid
[ ] Brunhildr
[ ] Sigrid

Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 12)
Unspent Prestige = 38
Unspent Piety = 0

Hit Points = 3
Hamingja (Fate) = 0

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. +2 to Strength. +1 Prestige per month & +1 Piety per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = None.

Hamr (Body) = 3 (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Strength = 3 (5) (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Constitution = 2 (60 Prestige to upgrade)
-Agility = 1 (30 Prestige to upgrade)

Hugr (Mind) = 2 (60 Piety to upgrade)
-Will = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)
-Intellect = 3 (100 Piety to upgrade)
-Presence = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

Items of Note
Iron Sword (Decent) = +1 to Attack rolls, Deals 3 Damage.
Iron Helmet (Decent) = +1 to Defence Rolls, Blocks 1 Critical Hit
Gambeson (Decent) = +3 to Defence Rolls

History/Norse (Intellect) = 10 (+2)
Lightning Seidr (Intellect) = 15 (+2.5)
Perception (Will) = 5 (+1.1)
Persuasion (Presence) = 10 (+1.6)
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = 20 (+3)
Swordsmanship (Strength) = 5 (+2.1)
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = 20 (+3)

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = 9

Lightning Seidr
Anti-Lightning Ward
-Level 1 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the hour by 2. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Bolt
-Level 1 = Deal 2 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Deal 4 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 2 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Flash
-Level 1 = Blind a single target within line of sight for several seconds. Alternatively, use it to make a momentary burst of light. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Travel
-Level 1 = Travel to anywhere within your line of sight as a lightning bolt. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker (5/10) = Your father and ruler of Torstenby.
Ingrid Goodwife (4/0) = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstenby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir (5/10) = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir (5/10) = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson (-5/10) = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden (-2/10) = Your thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir (5/10) = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer (2/10) = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


First of all, no plan voting. Secondly, sorry about how long this short update took. I got it half-written last night and planned to get it done earlier today except I had an unexpected family outing. So it took longer than it should have.

Anyway, a social vote and your first childhood adventure.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Boldness Rewarded
[X] Argue for getting closer. (Greater Prestige gains & a chance of loot, but greater risk of danger)
[X] Astrid

"I hear you're getting along better with your father?" you ask Astrid, following up behind her as she marches ahead of you.

You try not to ogle her swaying butt as you walk behind her. Over the past few months, you have begun to notice the fairer sex and of those your age, Astrid is easily the best looking one.

"Brunhildr helped," says Astrid, "She knows how to make the lessons interesting and the work appealing much better than my father can. At this point, Father has practically handed my education off to Brunhildr, which to be fair, it should be another woman and not a man teaching me to a girl."

"So you're basically her apprentice," you note.

"And her friend," adds Astrid, "She teaches me to be a lady, but I help her out of our friendship not for repayment. She gets Piety out of being generous."

"Really?" you inquire.

"Yeah, the Gods approve of her being gracious when it comes to teaching me how to be a proper woman," says Astrid, "And we apparently get Piety out of being a proper lady and housewife. It isn't much, but Piety is Piety, you know?"

"Yeah, I only get extra Piety from the blots," you say, "I wonder what the equivalent for men is."

"Going your job well and honourably is what Brunnie told me," replies Astrid, "In your case, I guess that means conducting yourself honourable in respectable fights."

"So are you going to be a housewife rather than a shieldmaiden now?" you inquire and apparently that is a mistake because it gets Astrid rounding on you.

"Absolutely not!" exclaims Astrid as she jabs a finger into your chest, "I'm still doing my training and I'm actually getting more of it done now."

"Really?" you ask, more out of distracting Astrid than anything else.

"Yeah, Brunhildr spoke to her father, which is to say your father and he spoke to my father," says Astrid, "So now as long as I complete my lessons and prove myself able at being a proper lady, Father turns a blind eye to my other lessons."

"That's nice of them," you say.

"Yes, it is," agrees Astrid, "My magic helps. Being able to control time, even as limited as it is for me, is a massive boon. You know my Speed Up spell?"

"That's the one that lets you do things twice as quickly?" you inquire.

"That's the one," confirms Astrid, "My improved version of it lets for the whole hour and not just until the task is done. And my Cat Fylgia gives enough Seidr reserves that I can cast every waking hour of the day. So I do great in my lessons because I can just do everything faster. Brunnie is jealous, but she gets jealous of me often."

"It's your own fault for being so…so you," says Brunhildr, "Now come on, this was your idea Astrid and you are the one holding us up."

Giving one last look, Astrid turns around again and your conversation ends as your walk towards the wyrm's nest resumes.


"I am going with Astrid," you declare.

"Tell me you aren't siding with her because she is prettier," snaps Brunhildr.

"I'm siding with her because I agree with her that the Gods favour the courageous," you shoot back, "I'm going to be a viking like Father and that means being old. Besides, we're all going to die someday."

"I for one would like to live long enough to meet my grandkids," retorts Brunhildr, but as she looks between you and Astrid, she can see a losing battle, "You are going to go ahead and do this anyway?"

"Yes," answers Astrid.

"Maybe," you tell her.

"Fine," says Brunhildr as she throws up hands in frustration, "Sigrid, use a shapeshifting spell to turn me into something small and speedy. I don't want to be spotted by the wyrm."

"Sure!" says Sigrid excitedly as she darts over and touches Brunhildr's arm.

A moment later and in place of your sisters are a couple of small birds. The one with a golden sheen to it takes flight and lands on your shoulder.

"I'll tell Father what has happened if you get yourself killed," says Brunhildr's voice as the bird speaks into your ear, "But please try to avoid dying. I do love you, little brother."

"Don't worry, I have my Lightning Blood," you assure her.

Brunhildr gives your ear an affectionate nip and with that, Brunhildr takes to the sky with Sigrid joining her.

"Are you ready to go?" asks Astrid with a gleam in her eye.

"As ready as I'll ever be," you answer and the two of you set off with a couple of friendly birds following you.

It doesn't take long to reach the wyrm's nest, where it is built into the side of a cliff. The wyrm itself is home and even at a distance, you can tell it is a mighty beast that is beyond you and Astrid. Even Father, the greatest warrior in all of Agdir, would think twice before crossing a wyrm as while he can slaughter the younger ones, even the middling wyrms are still enough to legitimately threaten him with death.

"Still want to get close?" you whisper to Astrid.

"Yes," she whispers back before making her way through the forest towards the nest.

With a slight tremble, you follow her after, wondering if you made the right call after all. This is your first brush with real danger and it honestly scares you, but you push through it. It is like what Father has taught you, courage isn't not feeling any fear at all, but the ability to act despite your fear.

As you follow Astrid closer, the wyrm suddenly shifts and you both freeze. Raising its neck, the wyrm looks around before spreading a pair of wings and taking to the sky with loud flaps. Astrid throws herself into undergrowth and you do the same, activating your lightning blood to ensure that you succeed in your action as your very survival depends on it.

You stay very still as you watch the shadow pass over you. It is a couple of minutes before you are sure the beast is gone and you dare to move again. You glance over at Astrid and the two of you share a look of fear mixed with the sheer thrill of staring down death and making it out alive.

"That was awesome," says Astrid, "Terrifying, but awesome."

"Yeah, it was," you agree, "Now what?"

"We loot the nest!" exclaims Astrid as she runs forward only for both of you to pause in terror as the wyrm returns, landing in front of you.

You wonder if you are about to die only for the beast to start laughing. As you notice the golden gleam to the monster, a suspicion of what is going on comes to you.

"I told you I was close to getting a second Hamr Trait!" declares the golden wyrm with Brunhildr's voice as Sigrid, still in bird form, lands on her shoulder, "You were right, this was worth it. Come on, let's loot the nest before the real wyrm gets back."

Gain 20 Prestige
Gain 2 Piety
Gain 1 Hamingja.

No plan voting.

What loot do you collect from the nest? Pick three.
[ ] A wyrm egg.
[ ] A pile of coins.
[ ] Three bars of silver and a bar of gold.
[ ] A sword that gleams with magic.
[ ] A pile of gemstones.
[ ] A golden armband with runes.
[ ] A dented helmet that feels powerful.
[ ] A set of two pieces of shaped metal.
[ ] A chunk of blue-white metal.

Torvald/Stealth, DC20 = Autopass with Lightning Blood.
Astrid/Stealth, DC20 = 3+2.4 (5.4).
-Re-roll = 18+2.4 (20.4)
Brunhildr/Stealth, DC10 = 13+2 (15)
Sigrid/Stealth, DC10 = 10+4 (14)

Loot? = 16
Loot Quality = 20
Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 12)
Unspent Prestige = 58
Unspent Piety = 2

Hit Points = 3
Hamingja (Fate) = 1

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. +2 to Strength. +1 Prestige per month & +1 Piety per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = None.

Hamr (Body) = 3 (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Strength = 3 (5) (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Constitution = 2 (60 Prestige to upgrade)
-Agility = 1 (30 Prestige to upgrade)

Hugr (Mind) = 2 (60 Piety to upgrade)
-Will = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)
-Intellect = 3 (100 Piety to upgrade)
-Presence = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

Items of Note
Iron Sword (Decent) = +1 to Attack rolls, Deals 3 Damage.
Iron Helmet (Decent) = +1 to Defence Rolls, Blocks 1 Critical Hit
Gambeson (Decent) = +3 to Defence Rolls

History/Norse (Intellect) = 10 (+2)
Lightning Seidr (Intellect) = 15 (+2.5)
Perception (Will) = 5 (+1.1)
Persuasion (Presence) = 10 (+1.6)
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = 20 (+3)
Swordsmanship (Strength) = 5 (+2.1)
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = 20 (+3)

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = 9

Lightning Seidr
Anti-Lightning Ward
-Level 1 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the hour by 2. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Bolt
-Level 1 = Deal 2 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Deal 4 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 2 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Flash
-Level 1 = Blind a single target within line of sight for several seconds. Alternatively, use it to make a momentary burst of light. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Travel
-Level 1 = Travel to anywhere within your line of sight as a lightning bolt. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker (5/10) = Your father and ruler of Torstenby.
Ingrid Goodwife (4/0) = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstenby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson (-5/10) = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden (-2/10) = Your thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir (6/10) = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer (2/10) = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


I'll be honest, I wasn't planning for things to go this well. My initial expectations would be that you and Astrid would get spotted, resulting in Astrid having to use her Rewind spell and Valkyrja Wings a few times to distract the dragon while Torvald and the others got away. You would find a single piece of loot as you fled and then the wyrm would grow bored of Astrid when she kept not dying, letting her also flee.

Then you picked Lightning Blood and got some good rolls so yeah, that happened. Anyway, your adventure was successful and you get to choose your spoils. Please note that you aren't choosing between what is there in the vote, but choosing what is there. If you don't pick any option, it was never in the nest.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Triumphant Homecoming
[X] A wyrm egg.
[X] A golden armband with runes.
[X] A chunk of blue-white metal.

Your return home is a triumphant one with arms full of loot. Despite initially rebuking you for your foolishness, Father also praises all four of you and throws a feast in your honour to celebrate your first adventure.

With the vast riches of his hoard, your father hasn't held back with the foods on offer, something you are grateful for as you bite down on honey-glazed pork. You and the others are sitting at the high table with Father as the guests of honour. Astrid and Brunhildr both look especially pleased with themselves, partially because of their respective personalities and partially because they both came out of this adventure with a wyrm-based Trait.

Or as your father puts it, a wyvern-based Trait.

"There's a difference between different types of wyrms, Torvald," explains Father cheerfully over the loud festivities of the longhouse, "Wyrms have wings, but no limbs. What you faced was a wyvern. You can tell by the hindlegs."

"So wyrms with limbs are wyverns," you say, brows furrowed in thought.

"Not quite, lad," says Father, "Wyverns have hind legs, but no forelegs. Dragons have both hind legs and forelegs."

"So wyrms have no legs, wyverns have two legs and dragons have four legs, Chief," concludes Astrid from the side of you.

"That's right, lass, but all of them have wings," replies Father, "You see, there are also drakes, which have four legs like a dragon, but unlike all of the others, a drake has no wings."

"So what was the wyvern doing?" you inquire.

"It likely came here to claim the land as territory for its hunting," says Father, "Sounds like a young mother from the fact it had eggs and what the reports on its size. Here's another lesson for you kids, the older a wyrm or one of its cousins, the larger and more powerful it is. Always be careful about one of them, but be especially wary if the beastie is a big 'un."

"What happens now?" asks Astrid eagerly.

"We enjoy the feast tonight and then in the morning, aspiring warriors and hunters will hunt down the beast for regents, Prestige and meat," says Father, "And before you ask, none of you will be amongst them. You'll be attending your lessons, chores and sorting out your loot. I presume that both of you will want to hatch those eggs of yours?"

While you claimed one of the two eggs found in the next, Astrid decided to claim the second as both of your sisters were more interested in material treasures. Beyond her egg, Astrid grabbed an axe with runes carved into its metal head and a silver armband when you grabbed the golden one.

As for the loot of your sisters, Brunhildr claimed the gold ring with a sapphire for herself before carrying as many coins and gems as she could. Sigrid also went for the gemstones that Brunhildr couldn't carry in addition for a few metal ingots to for crafting materials. Your younger sister also took the gleaming sword after both you and Astrid turned it down in the hopes of studying to improve her own craft.

"That's right," says Astrid, "I'm going to have my own pet wyrm, Chief. Or wyvern, I guess."

"In that case, I'll have some extra lessons taught to the both of you," says Father before laughing as both of you groan.

"Father!" exclaims Brunhildr from the other side of your father, "I'm Brunhildr Goldwyrm now!"

"Ah, your first Kenning," says Father with a chuckle, "Your first adventure is a good way to get it."

"What does that mean?" you ask.

"Kennings have power, Torvald," explains Father as he glances back at you for a moment, "A man or woman may only have one at a time, but they empower us like a Trait only greater. A good Kenning can be equal to an upgraded Trait. And speaking of a Kenning, what does Goldwyrn give you, daughter?"

"The ability to transform back and forth at will rather than being limited to an hour of transformation for every sunrise," answers Brunhildr after a moment, "It also boosts my Bloodline."

"Ah, that doesn't surprise me," says Father with a hearty chuckle, "The girl with a Pendragon Bloodline being empowered by a draconic Kenning. I'll work out some training for you and these two."

"Father?" says Brunhildr, sounding confused.

"My daughter can turn into a wyrm and I have two budding wyrmriders here," says Father, "I'll have a saddle made for you and you can help your brother and Astrid learn how to ride their future wyverns."

Brunhildr just grimaces at the thought, causing your father to burst out laughing and after a moment, you and Astrid both join him.


"So I had Solvieg give that armband a look over," says Father in the morning as he gives you a lesson in swordsmanship, "According to her, it is some of the highest quality craftsmanship that she has had the honour of laying eyes upon. Not the best, but certainly worth a small ship and whoever made it was without a doubt an expert at their craft."

"Whoa," you say before yelping as Father pokes you in the side.

"Pay attention, lad, you won't get to slack off in a real fight," rebukes your father, "As I was saying, it was made by a real master. The runes are powerful enough that unless they had a Trait or something to enhance their enchantments, whoever did this would be more powerful than me."

"But what does it do?" you insist even as your mind boggles at the idea of someone being more powerful than Father.

"Maylogir protect þú fran hottestinn ór flames," proclaims Father, "Or 'May Logi protect you from the hottest of flames'. It will mostly do that. The hottest flames will still burn you, but even then, this armband will do a great deal to quench their heat. I've seen greater treasures, but for a boy of your youth? Treasure this armband greatly, Torvald."

"Of course, Father!" you promise him.

You get through a few routines with Father before you remember what he didn't bring up.

"Wait, what did Volva Solvieg say about the metal chunk?"

"Oh, I didn't need to show that to her,"replies Father, "I can recognise Adamantine when I see it with my own two eyes."

"Adamantine?" you inquire.

"One of the greatest metals out there," answers Father, "Almost unbreakable and highly resistant to seidr . Extremely difficult to smelt and even harder to enchant, but honestly, Adamantine is practically seidr in its own right. From what you brought back, you have enough that I could have it turned into a sword or helm for you. Maybe a shield if I have Hakon stretch it to its limits. Or perhaps you would like to turn it into an axe for that young shieldmaiden of yours. I don't think I have noticed how Astrid has started to draw your gaze, lad."

No plan voting.

What does Torvald do with his Adamantine?
[ ] He has it forged into a sword.
[ ] He has it forged into an axe for Astrid. (+1 Romance with Astrid)
[ ] He has it forged into a helmet.
[ ] He has it forged into A shield.
[ ] He has it put to one side for future use.

What childhood adventure does Torvald go on as a thirteen year old?
[ ] Escorting Sigrid as she collects materials.
[ ] Investigating the rumours of bandits on the road.
[ ] Running into trouble whilst exploring the countryside.
[ ] Investigating the rumours of a nearby seer.
[ ] The Jarl of Adgir is visiting with his children.
[ ] Checking out an old burial mound.
[ ] A tournament is being held for the youths of Torstenby.
[ ] Astrid and Brunhildr have both been acting odd.

What skills does Torvlad focus on? Pick two.
[ ] Swordsmanship. Focus on your sword lessons with your father.
[ ] Lightning Seidr. Continue learning to master the art of lightning seidr.
[ ] Thunder Seidr. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Thunder Seidr.
[ ] Storm Seidr. You are descended from Thor and have the potential for Storm Seidr.
[ ] Enchantments (Runes). Learn how to imbue your runes with seidr.
[ ] Language (English). You will get Wulfwynn to teach you the words of her people.
[ ] Athletics. You like to play and race with the other kids.
[ ] Stealth. You can get around without being spotted by the older kids.
[ ] Persuasion. Keep at making friends with the other kids.
[ ] Deception. You can get away with more if you could lie better.
[ ] Intimidation. Father says that all real warriors need to be scary.
[ ] Blacksmithing. Learn how to make metal items with a forge and hammer.
[ ] Nature. There is a lot of dangerous stuff out there and knowing what is dangerous and what isn't is important.
[ ] Perception. Every warrior needs to keep an eye out, whether it is for enemies sneaking up on them or valuable loot to take.

Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 12)
Unspent Prestige = 58
Unspent Piety = 2

Hit Points = 3
Hamingja (Fate) = 1

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. +2 to Strength. +1 Prestige per month & +1 Piety per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = None.

Hamr (Body) = 3 (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Strength = 3 (5) (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Constitution = 2 (60 Prestige to upgrade)
-Agility = 1 (30 Prestige to upgrade)

Hugr (Mind) = 2 (60 Piety to upgrade)
-Will = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)
-Intellect = 3 (100 Piety to upgrade)
-Presence = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

Items of Note
Iron Sword (Decent) = +1 to Attack rolls, Deals 3 Damage.
Iron Helmet (Decent) = +1 to Defence Rolls, Blocks 1 Critical Hit
Gambeson (Decent) = +3 to Defence Rolls
Golden Armband of Fire Resistance (Excellent) = Reduces fire damage taken by 5.

Chunk of Adamantine = Can be used to create an Adamantine item.
Wyvern Egg = ???

Athletics (Strength) = 5 (+2.1)
History/Norse (Intellect) = 10 (+2)
Lightning Seidr (Intellect) = 15 (+2.5)
Perception (Will) = 5 (+1.1)
Persuasion (Presence) = 10 (+1.6)
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = 20 (+3)
Swordsmanship (Strength) = 5 (+2.1)
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = 20 (+3)

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = 9

Lightning Seidr
Anti-Lightning Ward
-Level 1 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the hour by 2. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Bolt
-Level 1 = Deal 2 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Deal 4 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 2 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Flash
-Level 1 = Blind a single target within line of sight for several seconds. Alternatively, use it to make a momentary burst of light. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Travel
-Level 1 = Travel to anywhere within your line of sight as a lightning bolt. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker (5/10) = Your father and ruler of Torstenby.
Ingrid Goodwife (4/0) = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstenby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson (-5/10) = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden (-2/10) = Your thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir (6/10) = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer (2/10) = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


This is the end of your first adventure as you sort out your loot. Next up is the next round of skill training plus picking your next adventure because as I said, you will be picking Torvald's adventure when he is thirteen.

By the way, I used this website for the translation of the Runes: It was the best I could find so apologies if the translation is inaccurate.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Oddly Acting Girls
[X] He has it forged into a sword.
[X] Astrid and Brunhildr have both been acting odd.
[X] Swordsmanship. Focus on your sword lessons with your father.
[X] Lightning Seidr. Continue learning to master the art of lightning seidr.

1d20 = 19

While you briefly consider an axe for Astrid, you settle on a sword for yourself and let Father take your Adamantine to Hakon Forgefire, his personal blacksmith. You eagerly await your new weapon despite only getting your first sword less than a year ago. As much as you want to get it as soon as possible, you are aware that the forging of your new sword will take days rather than hours.

Which is why it was a rather unwelcome shock to learn from Father, that the forging of your sword would take at least a month, maybe even as long as two months. While a cheap sword could be done in a day or two and a good quality one in a week, the problem is when the Adamantine comes into play.

Even for a talented and experienced blacksmith like Hakon, Adamantine is a troublesome material to work with. That alone would drag out the forging process, but Father has got Hakon to add runes to your future weapon. A simple enchantment would increase the time to create a weapon, but Adamantine's resistance to seidr makes it especially difficult to enchant. Such a feat can only be done when the Adamantine item in question is being forged.

So despite your initial hopes, you settle down for a long wait. Honestly, you're lucky to have someone of Hakon Forgefire's talent around. Most blacksmiths couldn't work with Adamantine and only a few of those that can are also able to enchant it.

But in the end, the wait is worth it.


"Here you go, lad," says Father cheerfully as he presents you with your freshly forged sword after little over two months of waiting, "A weapon worthy of lasting you a lifetime."

The sword looks like your typical sword except the blade is made of blue-white Adamantine rather than your standard iron. It is engraved with lightning patterns along the blade while the pommel is shaped after Mjolnir. It looks like a masterpiece and you have no doubt its incredible appearance will be matched by its deadliness in battle.

"This blade is well-balanced and will cut through most things," continues your father as you stare at your new weapon in awe, "It won't kill any adult man with any Constitution to his name in a single blow, but it will kill most warriors in two. Even I could only take three or four blows from it before going down. Speaking of which, you aren't allowed to spar with this blade. It is too powerful for that to be used for anything, but trying to kill your opponent."

"So powerful then," you say, the awe you feel slipping out into your voice.

"Aye, Torvald," agrees Father as he clamps a friendly hand onto your shoulder, "I wasn't joking when I said it is a weapon worthy of lasting you a lifetime. Most people will go their entire lives without touching a weapon of this quality. The last thing you should know about it is the enchantment. The anti-seidr nature of Adamantine limited what Hakon could do, but he enchanted the sword with swiftness. You'll be able to attack twice as fast with this blade, which is no small thing."

"Of course," you say as you bend down to pick it up.

The sword isn't light, but neither is it heavy. It feels balanced in your grip and has an aura of steady deadliness to it. It feels fitting, like being held in your hand is where it belongs.


"Gods!" exclaims Astrid as you strike her with one of your newest lightning bolts, "Those hurt you know."

"That's kind of the point," you point out.

For a brief moment, Astrid looks terrible. Her golden locks are singed while her dress is burnt and smoking from the lighting. Her flesh is in equally bad shape with several burns that look rather painful. But it only lasts for a moment as Astrid rewinds the damage done as a sharp reminder of just how much better she is than you.

You can only cast your strongest lightning bolt three times a day, but Astrid can use Rewind dozens of times. You might have lynx as your Fylgia and claim Thor as an ancestor, but Astrid has a cat for her Fylgia and Freyja as one of her ancestors and the difference shows.

Still, your lightning seidr is becoming more and more powerful. Your lightning bolts can now be powerful enough to kill most people your age and even Astrid can barely withstand them. If only you could improve your seidr reserves, but that can only be done by improving your Hamr and Hugr or by getting a suitable Kenning or Trait.

"Still really hurts," complains Astrid.

"You just healed up," you reply.

"I still remember the pain," Astrid argues back, "Ugh, why did I agree to this?"

"Because I offered to be your sparring partner in return," you inform her.

"Ah yes, that," says Astrid as she perks up, "Speaking of which…"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll go and fetch my sword and shield," you reply.


"Astrid, are you okay?" you inquire, "You've been acting odd for…well, it has been a while now."

"W-what do you mean?" snaps Astrid, sounding startled at the question.

"It has been days since you last agreed to do training with me," you point out, "I mean, I get declining to be the target practice for my lightning seidr anymore, but you haven't done any shieldmaiden training. That's not like you."

"Maybe I just changed my mind about things?" suggests Astrid and you scoff at the weakness of the reply.

"Yeah, right," you retort, "I've known you for over half my life, Astrid. That isn't going to fly with me. What is going on?"

"None of your business!" barks Astrid before running off leaving you behind, bewildered by how this conversation has gone down.

What does Torvald do?
[ ] Try to speak with Astrid again about what is going on.
[ ] Speak with Brunhildr, who also started acting oddly about the same time that Astrid did.
[ ] Ask Sigrid if she has any idea what is going on.
[ ] Raise your concerns with your father about both Astrid and Brunhildr acting oddly.
[ ] Speak to your mother about your concerns regarding Astrid and Brunhildr acting oddly.
[ ] Speak with Volva Solvieg to see if she can provide any information or wisdom regarding the matter.

Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 13)
Unspent Prestige = 82
Unspent Piety = 26

Hit Points = 4
Hamingja (Fate) = 1

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. +2 to Strength. +1 Prestige per month & +1 Piety per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = None.

Hamr (Body) = 3 (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Strength = 3 (5) (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Constitution = 2 (60 Prestige to upgrade)
-Agility = 1 (30 Prestige to upgrade)

Hugr (Mind) = 2 (60 Piety to upgrade)
-Will = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)
-Intellect = 3 (100 Piety to upgrade)
-Presence = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

Items of Note
Adamantine Sword of Swiftness (Excellent) = +3 to Attack rolls, Deals 7 Damage. Anti-Magic effect allows it to bypass weak magic and reduce moderate or stronger magic. Enchanted to grant a free additional attack for every attack made with targets having Disadvantage to defend against the additional attack.
Iron Helmet (Decent) = +1 to Defence Rolls, Blocks 1 Critical Hit
Gambeson (Decent) = +3 to Defence Rolls
Golden Armband of Fire Resistance (Excellent) = Reduces fire damage taken by 5.

Wyvern Egg = ???

Athletics (Strength) = 7 (+2.3)
History/Norse (Intellect) = 12 (+2.2)
Lightning Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = 25 (+3.5)
Lightning Seidr Casting (Presence) = 25 (+3.1)
Perception (Will) = 5 (+1.1)
Persuasion (Presence) = 10 (+1.6)
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = 22 (+3.2)
Swordsmanship (Strength) = 17 (+3.3)
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = 22 (+3.2)

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = 9

Lightning Seidr
Anti-Lightning Ward
-Level 1 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the hour by 3. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the next day by 3. Costs 2 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Bolt
-Level 1 = Deal 3 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Deal 5 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 2 Spell Points to cast.
-Level 3 = Deal 7 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 3 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Flash
-Level 1 = Blind a single target within line of sight for several seconds. Alternatively, use it to make a momentary burst of light. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Travel
-Level 1 = Travel to anywhere within your line of sight as a lightning bolt up to three chained teleportations. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Pull
-Level 1 = Use lightning to summon up to three holdable metal items within line of sight to you. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker (6/10) = Your father and ruler of Torstenby.
Ingrid Goodwife (4/0) = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson (1/10) = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstenby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson (-5/10) = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden (-2/10) = Your thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir (6/10) = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer (2/10) = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


First of all, I think I made your Adamatine sword too powerful. As said in the update, it is good enough to last Torvald for the rest of his life. In hindsight, I wouldn't have offered such a powerful option, but I'm not going to secretly nerf it after doing so. That said, I'm not giving Torvald the chance to get any other overpowered items until he is an adult aka sixteen.

Anyway, onto the next childhood adventure. This one is more solving a mystery than anything action related so feel free to speculate on what is up with Astrid and Brunhildr.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
Motherly Advice
[X] Speak to your mother about your concerns regarding Astrid and Brunhildr acting oddly.

If two of the main girls in your life are acting weirdly, who better to go to for advice than your mother? Mother should have some good insights as unlike you, she is a woman like Astrid and Brunhildr are.

Ingrid Goodwife is an excellent example of a Norsewoman as exemplified by her Kenning. While the least impressive heritage wise of the women that Father sleeps with, Mother is easily the only one he truly loves. When Father married Mother, it was out of love while every woman he has taken as a concubine is nothing more than a prize in his eyes.

While commoner women are generally expected to do everything themselves with only the aid of their daughters or thralls, Mother is a noblewoman and as the wife of a man who rules over a city, much of her time is spent organising others. Her responsibility isn't to cook dinner or weave new clothes, but to manage the multitude of lesser women who do that on the behalf of the entire household.

Nonetheless, she does take it upon herself to occasionally make a meal for Father and the rest of you or to weave some clothing for you, clothing that you treasure amongst your most valuable possessions. And she always makes time for you when you need it, something you are counting upon now.

Mother isn't a great beauty like Astrid is growing up to be or many of Father's concubines. Plain brown hair, soft brown eyes and the slender figure of someone who spends their time managing others over performing their own labour. Her attractiveness is a homely one, a faithful and reliable wife who will tend to your hearth whilst you are out doing business.

"Mother," you say as you approach her one evening, "There is something I want to speak with you about."

"That something wouldn't happen to be young Astrid, would it?" inquires your mother with a knowing smile.

"Yes, her and Brunhildr," you confirm, "You noticed something about them too?"

"I've noticed how you've been looking at her and I don't blame you," says Mother with some amusement, "You're both still young, but you are around the age that you start to notice the other sex. And Astrid is quite the looker."

"What are you talking about?" you ask, genuinely confused at what Mother is talking about because this is not what you had in mind.

"Young love," answers Mother with a grin.

"Oh, I was talking about how weird Astrid has been acting recently," you explain hastily, "She has been really odd lately."

"Torvald, she is a girl who is becoming a woman," says Mother, "Behaving differently is normal for someone of her age."

"But she has given up her secret shieldmaiden training and we don't help each other practice our seidr anymore!" you protest.

"Maybe she has chosen to follow a new path for her adulthood?" suggests Mother, but her belief in her words sounds weak.

"I've known Astrid for almost my entire life," you say, "She wouldn't just change like that. And it isn't just her either, Brunhildr has been acting odd. She keeps watching the warriors spar and she actually follows what they are up to. She behaves almost like Astrid should be acting."

""I suspect that it might have something to do with your father's correspondence with the Jarl," says Mother, "There has been discussion about marriages between Torsten and Brunhildr with the Jarl's children. If Brunhildr has caught word of that, it might be the cause behind her change in behaviour. I suppose I could mention it to your father or Solvieg, but perhaps you should just speak with them.

"I'v tried, but Astrid just brushed me off," you tell her.

"Then perhaps try with Brunhildr?" suggests Mother.


That night, you notice that Astrid and Brunhildr aren't around. A quick check in with Sigrid reveals that both girls left shortly after they finished eating. That bit of news causes you to frown upon hearing it. That is also unlike them. Brunhildr loves to socialise and Astrid usually hangs about with you though she has been doing that increasingly less so for the last several days.

Thanking Sigrid for her help, you make your own exit as you look for Astrid or Brunhildr. Wondering if Astrid might have gone back to her secret training, you check some of her usual haunts and to your surprise, you hear the sounds of people at one of them.

Calling upon your Lightning Blood, you sneak upon them. If it is someone other than Astrid and Brunhildr, you'll just move on with and leave them to their business, but if it is…

As you sneak closer, you hear the voices of Brunhildr giving instruction to Astrid. Your eyes widen as you finally get within sight of Brunhildr and Astrid sparring with each other. No, not sparring, but Brunhildr teaching Astrid how to fight? What in the name of the Gods is going on here?

No plan voting.

What does Torvald do?
[ ] He confronts both girls here and now about what is going on.
[ ] He waits until morning to talk with Astrid about why she is training with Brunhildr, but not you.
[ ] He waits until morning to speak with Brunhildr about her own odd behaviour.
[ ] Ask Sigrid if she has any idea what is going on.
[ ] Raise your concerns with your father about both Astrid and Brunhildr acting oddly.
[ ] Speak with Volva Solvieg to see if she can provide any information or wisdom regarding the matter.

What does Torvald think is going on? Aka the voters attempt to solve the mystery.
[ ] Write-in.

Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 13)

Unspent Prestige = 82
Unspent Piety = 26

Hit Points = 4
Hamingja (Fate) = 1

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. +2 to Strength. +1 Prestige per month & +1 Piety per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = None.

Hamr (Body) = 3 (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Strength = 3 (5) (100 Prestige to upgrade)
-Constitution = 2 (60 Prestige to upgrade)
-Agility = 1 (30 Prestige to upgrade)

Hugr (Mind) = 2 (60 Piety to upgrade)
-Will = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)
-Intellect = 3 (100 Piety to upgrade)
-Presence = 1 (30 Piety to upgrade)

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1. 500 Piety to upgrade.
Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.

Items of Note
Adamantine Sword of Swiftness (Excellent) = +3 to Attack rolls, Deals 7 Damage. Anti-Magic effect allows it to bypass weak magic and reduce moderate or stronger magic. Enchanted to grant a free additional attack for every attack made with targets having Disadvantage to defend against the additional attack.
Iron Helmet (Decent) = +1 to Defence Rolls, Blocks 1 Critical Hit
Gambeson (Decent) = +3 to Defence Rolls
Golden Armband of Fire Resistance (Excellent) = Reduces fire damage taken by 5.

Wyvern Egg = ???

Athletics (Strength) = 7 (+2.3)
History/Norse (Intellect) = 12 (+2.2)
Lightning Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = 25 (+3.5)
Lightning Seidr Casting (Presence) = 25 (+3.1)
Perception (Will) = 5 (+1.1)
Persuasion (Presence) = 10 (+1.6)
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = 22 (+3.2)
Swordsmanship (Strength) = 17 (+3.3)
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = 22 (+3.2)

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = 9

Lightning Seidr
Anti-Lightning Ward
-Level 1 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the hour by 3. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Reduce the next lightning damage taken within the next day by 3. Costs 2 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Bolt
-Level 1 = Deal 3 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 1 Spell Point to cast.
-Level 2 = Deal 5 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 2 Spell Points to cast.
-Level 3 = Deal 7 points of ranged lightning damage. Requires one free hand and 3 Spell Points to cast.
Lightning Flash
-Level 1 = Blind a single target within line of sight for several seconds. Alternatively, use it to make a momentary burst of light. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Travel
-Level 1 = Travel to anywhere within your line of sight as a lightning bolt up to three chained teleportations. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.
Lightning Pull
-Level 1 = Use lightning to summon up to three holdable metal items within line of sight to you. Costs 1 Spell Point to cast.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker (6/10) = Your father and ruler of Torstenby.
Ingrid Goodwife (4/0) = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson (1/10) = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstenby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson (0/10) = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir (6/10) = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson (-5/10) = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden (-2/10) = Your thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir (6/10) = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer (2/10) = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


I feel like I should apologise for how late this update is because I meant to get it out yesterday, but honestly? It has only been a couple of days so not actually that late. Anyway, Torvald's mother proves to be less helpful than predicted and you get another clue for the mystery. I'm only going to give you another couple of chances to do so before wrapping up this year of Torvald's childhood. If you succeed in solving the mystery, you get rewards. If you don't, well, I might give you conciliatory prize depending on how well you do.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.