Check. I assume the listed ones are level 1? Would a level 2 enchantment allow for, say, a dress that makes you invisible? What would level 3 do?
The listed ones are more examples of concepts rather than specific levels of enchantments. Lightning Speed is using Lightning Seidr to move superhumanly fast while Deceptive Appearance is using Deception Seidr to play tricks with your appearance whilst Steel Strength is using Metal Seidr to improve strength using the concept of steel being strong. What each one does and how strong they are depends on how much power is put into the enchantment.

Just look at Torvald's list of Seidr and come up with an idea involving one of them and then decide how many points you want to put into it.

[X] Lightning Speed.

[X] Write-in.
-[X] Invisibility. lvl 2
-[X] Deceptive Appearance. lvl 1

This version of the dress leans heavy into Deception Seidr, but level 1 seems enough for 'change what the wearer and dress look like' and invisibility is a sweet ability to have access to with an item. We can probably do both already, but that's true of whatever abilities we choose (since all are based on Torvald's own seidr).
[X] Lightning Speed.

[X] Write-in.
-[X] Deception Seidr 3: "Not a danger/threat" effect
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"Still haven't told her about Torvald, Torhild?" asks Lady Loki teasingly once Erika is out of earshot and you grimace.

"It is an awkward subject that hasn't come up yet," you answer evasively.
Yeah he should really get to telling her.

There are a few rules to the art of enchanting items. The first is that the power of your enchantments is limited by your Hugr and Presence with a certain amount of the two being required to make even a simple enchantment. While you have exceeded the minimum requirement, someone like Erika would fall short though your huskarl is close to meeting the lowest benchmark.

The next is that you can only make a single enchanted item per month. Sometimes a Bloodline, Kenning or Trait can improve upon that timeframe, but you lack any of those so you have to wait an entire month between enchantments.

The third rule is that you must have the Seidr access to the nature of the enchantments you are making. Given the wide variety of Seidrs you have, it isn't much of a problem for you, but things like fire-based enchantments or wood-based enchantments are beyond you as you lack any Seidr for such things.
The limit by Hugr and Presence makes sense given those govern Sedir use, thankfully the MC's stats for those is very high.

Emotion Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Proficient
Anti-Magic Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Proficient
Emotion Seidr Spells (Level 1)
Metal Seidr Spells (Level 1)
Anti-Magic Seidr Spells (Level 1)
So I'm guessing those are from the Anti-Magic trait, Metal Kenning and Emotional Control trait.

[X] Lightning Speed.
Going down the road of dodge tank is smart given the lack of constitution.

[X] Write-in.
-[X] Invisibility. lvl 2
-[X] Deceptive Appearance. lvl 1

The Seersilk is the magic user gear so having it inclined towards trickster stuff makes sense.
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So I'm guessing those are from the Ant-Magic trait, Metal Kenning and Emotional Control trait.

Access is probably the traits and kenning...actually gaining the seidr is because we gained them while Loki was teaching us magic. As we saw with Deception, gaining potential access and getting the training are different.

But we're a very versatile magic-user at this point, which is good and should be useful going forward. Several are particularly useful for a ruler, in fact...
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[X] Lightning Speed.

[X] Write-in
-[X] Deception Seidr 3: "Not a danger/threat" effect

Lightning Speed works good for our combat equipment, but for our Seer Dress, I think the effect we want is a noncombat utility, and I don't think Invisibility is quite there. Instead, a subtle 'Torhild/Torvald isn't dangerous to you' seems like the best route here, as it's usable all the time and has all kinds of interesting possibilities!
I would argue Invisibility is not as good as other options. Invisibility is mostly when you are forcefully sneaking around. Even for tricksters, a lot of their stuff are done in the open in plain sight. Specifically, Invisibility is an effect you typically want some of the time and can generally 'prep' to use it effectively. An enchanted magic item can be active all the time - So Seidr that is good to have active all the time is disproportionately more valuable on an enchanted item compared to other types of Seidr.

Adhoc vote count started by LawsOfRobotics on Mar 27, 2024 at 3:44 AM, finished with 12 posts and 7 votes.

e: If you find my argument persuasive vote pls
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Vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Apr 23, 2024 at 7:13 AM, finished with 17 posts and 9 votes.
Invisibility & Dream
[X] Lightning Speed.
[X] Write-in.
-[X] Invisibility. lvl 2
-[X] Deceptive Appearance. lvl 1

Your gambeson is now one of lightning speed, enchanted with lighting seidr to grant faster movement and swifter reaction times. It isn't the near-godly speed of your Lightning Blood, but it is enough to give you a slight edge against an opponent of equal Agility or hold your own against a foe with greater Agility.

Your Seersilk Dress will be something else. The dress itself is a masterpiece, an embroidered kirtle of purple and gold, the soft silk humming with magical power, waiting to empower its wearer even without any enchantments. And you certainly make sure to enchant it.


"Invisibility and a deceptive appearance are an interesting choice," says your teacher thoughtfully, "Being able to take on a different appearance has its clear benefits, especially if you are using an enchanted item to do so freely instead of relying on limited spell slots. Yes, that would work quite well with your distinctive look if you wish to avoid standing out or go unnoticed. As for invisibility, that also has its benefits and I'm not sure any of the straightforward methods would work for you."

"What do you mean?" you ask with a frown as invisibility is invisibility after all.

"Invisibility is basically going unseen and unnoticed, Torhild," replies Lady Loki, "Most folk just go for not being seen by eyes, but that leaves you vulnerable to heard or smelled. And it is fairly common to have anti-invisibility in spells or traits that boost eyesight."

"Really/" you inquire.

"Yes, people don't like to be snuck up on and being able to see invisible people is a common way to avoid that," says Lady Loki, "That or something to boost one's ears or nose to detect those they cannot see. People always think of direct invisibility when going unseen, but what about that which is seen yet ignored?"

"What do you mean?" you ask again.

"How many nobles ignore their servants, treating them like furniture?" says Lady Loki with a grin on her face, "Or how many drunks think nothing of a comely barmaid getting their empty mugs? Or another warrior in the army? Invisibility can be fitting in and getting ignored as a consequence of that. And all of that can be done with mundane skill and no seidr involved. When spells and enchantments do get involved? You can get your run of a castle or camp with nobody stopping you. Sometimes they can even help you out, thinking that they are aiding a comrade. "

"Huh, I never thought of that," you say.

"Few do unless they are taught it or find themselves on the receiving end," your teacher tells you with a wink, "You grew up the son of a high chief, Torhild, so tell me, how often did you pay attention to the servants? Remember their names and faces or did you just take their presence for granted?"

That's…that is kind of concerning when you think about it. Outside of Wulfwynn, you never paid attention to the thralls and servants.

"The look on your face says it all," continues Lady Loki, "Invisibility by seen and heard without being seen or heard is something few know of. If it wasn't for your distinctive appearance, Torhild, I would be willing to bet on you being able to pull off that kind of deception without using any seidr."

"Thank you," you say, accepting the compliment for what it is.


Gods, you love the feel of the dress, a soft silky touch on your skin with the power of your garment flowing into you. Invisibility by being ignored and dismissed. How did you not see that without your teacher pointing it out?

Lady Loki is right. If it wasn't for your Kenning, you could pull it off without any seidr. As things are, your new dress will be excellent for that. While there are limits to how much you can diverge, being able to change your appearance on the fly is oddly freeing. No longer will your metallic body draw looks whenever you walk into the room or down the path. That said, the changes feel a little more than just cosmetic.

"How much of an illusion is this supposed to be?" you ask as you prod your arm, it feeling like the flesh and blood

"Illusion is a relative thing," replies Lady Loki, "How deep it goes, that depends on the caster."

"It certainly feels like it isn't metal," says Erika as your huskarl takes your hand and inspects it, allowing you to feel the steel skin of her body on your apparently fleshy body.

"And in my case specifically?" you inquire, used to this around way of answering questions from your teacher.

"The illusion would break if anything hurt you enough that the toughness of your true body would come into play," says Lady Loki, "If someone touches you, your flesh and blood body would be real for all intents and purposes, but if they stabbed you or tried to break a limb? Then the illusion would fall away to reveal your body of living Adamantine."

"And the invisibility aspect?" you inquire.

"Works better the more plausible it is," answers your teacher, "Another shieldmaiden in a large army would go unnoticed better than one trying to force their way into a tight knit group. Likewise, a maid would draw less notice than a princess, especially if people cannot remember that princess after she has left their presence. The less inconsistencies or leaps of logic, the better the deception will work. At least if you want to go unnoticed long term.
"There is nothing wrong in tricking others into thinking you are a leader to learn their secrets so long you don't expect your trickery to remain unspotted. And be careful around Christians. Some of their lot can be rather good at seeing through trickery, supernatural or otherwise. Lastly, some entities out there might just be able to see through it. You might be able to fool an oaf like Thor with your deception, but someone like myself or my blood brother would easily see through it."

"Could Torhild improve it with her seidr?" asks Erika.

"Of course, she can," replies Lady Loki, "The effects of enchanted items can be enhanced by spells or act as foundations to boost the effects of spells beyond what they are normally capable of. It would be trivial for her to use her dress as a foundation to make a deception spell greater than what it should be."

"That's cool," says Erika wistfully, "I wish I could do seidr like that."

"Torhild can teach you," says Lady Loki as the Jotunn casually volunteers for you, "It would be good for her to get experience at passing on her knowledge and expertise."

"Does she have the Traits for it?" you ask sceptically, "No offence, Erika."

"Traits are needed for innate seidr, but someone who knows a seidr can pass on their knowledge of it even if their student lacks the ability to learn it on their own," explains your teacher.

You begin to nod your acknowledgement of the point before the implications hit you.

"Wait a moment," you say slowly, "Does that mean you could have taught me seidr beyond what my Traits allow?"

"Of course, I could and still can," replies Lady Loki as your teacher gives you a pleased look, "The question is why should I?"

"Do you have something in mind?" you ask cautiously.

"I certainly do," answers the deity with a smirk, "Though telling you ahead of time would ruin some of the fun. Perhaps you have an alternative in mind? Just make it worth my time."

"Which means make it amusing for you," you note dryly.

"Exactly," agrees your teacher readily and without shame.

How do you respond to Loki's offer?
[ ] Accept the mysterious offer of your teacher.
[ ] Write-in your own alternative idea.
[ ] Decline.

If you accept the offer, choose what type of seidr you would like to learn.
[ ] Write-in.


After giving Lady Loki your answer, you find yourself having a dreamful sleep. You are not just a young man in your dreams, but one with years of experience. You fight with Astrid on one side of you and Erika on the other, your wife and concubine aiding in battle against the Christians. Or is it your fellow Norsemen? The dream blurs just who your foes are as you, the sovereign of your own kingdom, conquers new land for your domain.

Astrid wields a mighty battle axe as she strikes down a Christian Knight, cracking open the plate armour with a powerful blow from the enchanted weapon. Erika guts a Norseman with her sword, empowering the blade with her Metal Seidr.

As for yourself…

How do you kill your enemies?
[ ] Your hands crackle with lightning as you slay down the Knights/Vikings with your seidr.
[ ] Your hands firmly grip your Adamantine Sword as you cut down the Vikings/Knights.


Torvald Sigurdrsson (Age 16)

Hamingja (Fate) = 4

Bloodline = Descendent of Thor (Unlocks access to Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Provides a boost to all Lightning, Thunder and Storm magic. Moderate Bonus to Strength. Minor Prestige Gain per month & Minor Piety Gain per month. You have red hair.)
Kenning (Epithet) = Adamantine-Beauty (Your body is made of living Adamantine. Major Boost to Presence).

Hamr (Body) = Olympic
-Strength = Olympic
-Constitution = Average
-Agility = Olympic

Hugr (Mind) = Olympic
-Will = Below Average
-Intellect = Olympic
-Presence = Peak Human

Fylgia (Familiar) = Lynx. (Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful)

Hugr/Stubborn. You have a raw determination that refuses to be beaten without a fight, no matter how long the odds. Gain Advantage on Will.
-Tier 1.
Hugr/Clever. You are quick witted, just able to grasp and see things that elude most others, no matter how intelligent they are. Gain Advantage on Intellect.
-Tier 1.
Hamr/Lightning Blood. Lightning travels through your veins. Pass or win on a single Agility roll per Encounter or Fight.
-Tier 1.
Hugr/Boon of Loki. The Jotunn Loki Laufeyjarson has granted you a boon, giving you an innate advantage to decisive others. Gain Advantage on Deception Checks.
-Tier 1.
Hamr/Seer Body. Your body is well-suited for channelling seidr. Your Hugr contributes twice as much to Spell Slots.
-Tier 1.
Hugr/Loki's Favour. You have earnt the positive favour of Loki. Minor Hamingja Gain per year.
-Tier 1.
Hamr/Magic Resistance. Your body is naturally good at rejecting magic. All unwanted magical effects are downgraded by one degree.
-Tier 1.
Hugr/Emotion Control. You have a talent for keeping firm control over your emotions and feelings. You have control over your emotional state.
-Tier 1.
Hugr/Empowered Seidr. Your magic is inherently powerful and abnormally strong. Your spells and other magic are more potent and powerful.
-Tier 1.

Items of Note
Adamantine Sword of Swiftness (Excellent) = Major bonus to Attack, Deals Very High Damage. Anti-Magic effect allows it to bypass weak magic and reduce moderate or stronger magic. Enchanted to grant a free additional attack for every attack made with targets having Disadvantage to defend against the additional attack.
Iron Helmet (Decent) = Minor bonus to Defence, Blocks a single Critical Hit
Gambeson of Lightning Speed (Decent) = Major to Defence Rolls, Boosts your speed and reaction times.
Golden Armband of Fire Resistance (Excellent) = Greatly reduces fire damage taken.
Seersilk Dress of Deceptive Invisibility (Excellent) = Boosts the wearer's spells and other magic by one degree whilst worn. Allows the wear to freely take on different appearance albeit limited to a beautiful woman wearing a beautiful dress. Invisibility via perception filter, making the wearer fit into wherever they are in the eyes of others, which can be manipulated by what appearance the wearer has taken.

Athletics (Strength) = Novice
Deception (Presence) = Expert
History/Norse (Intellect) = Proficient
Lightning Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Master
Thunder Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Expert
Storm Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Expert
Deception Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Expert
Emotion Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Proficient
Anti-Magic Seidr Knowledge (Intellect) = Proficient
Seeress Knowledge = Expert
Perception (Will) = Novice
Persuasion (Presence) = Proficient
Spoken Language/Norse (Intellect) = Expert
Swordsmanship (Strength) = Master
Writing/Runes (Intellect) = Expert

Seidr (Magic)
Daily Number of Spell Points = High

Lightning Seidr Spells (Level 3)
Thunder Seidr Spells (Level 2)
Storm Seidr Spells (Level 2)
Deception Seidr Spells (Level 3)
Emotion Seidr Spells (Level 1)
Metal Seidr Spells (Level 1)
Anti-Magic Seidr Spells (Level 1)

Your Subordinates
Stormber = Your pet Wyvern. She is currently two years old.

Your Kin
High Chief Sigurdr Princess-Taker = Your father and ruler of Torstensby.
Ingrid Goodwife = Your mother.
Torsten Sigurdrsson = Your older brother by three years and heir apparent to Torstensby.
Brunhildr Sigurdrsdottir = Your older half-sister by two years.
Brandr Sigurdrsson = Your older half-brother by six months.
Sigrid Sigurdrsdottir = Your younger half-sister by one year.
Gunnar Sigurdrsson = Your younger half-brother by three years.

Wulfwynn Rosegarden = Your childhood thrall.
Astrid Bjornsdottir = Your childhood friend.
Thane Bjorn Knightslayer = Your father's best friend and father of Astrid.


Okay, coming back to this quest in the hope of actually finishing it before I start a new project. Got a couple of choices to make here and then the next update will be Torvald's reunion with Astrid. After that, Torvald's childhood is over so we'll have a few updates of Torvald gathering followers and preparing his invasion plans before he goes and conquers a kingdom for himself or dies trying.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
@Oshha What does Seidr Emotions do? Are its manifestations very noticeable? Vikings consider it as despicable as Deception Seidr?
Emotion Seidr is basically emotion manipulation. What it does and how noticable varies on the user and spell. It can effect your own emotions, those of your allies or those of your enemies. You could use it to strike fear into the enemy, raise the morale of your allies or use it to keep your own emotions in check amongst other things.

As for dishonourable, it varies. Some people consider all seidr to be dishonourable while others only find seidr that mess with minds or opponents to be dishonourable. Others are more pragmatic about it, seeing it as just another tool or weapon. That said, emotions can be positive so earning access to Emotion Seidr isn't seen as purely negative as Deception Seidr as the former is acquired via strong emotions while the latter almost universially requires the individual to be deceptiful.
[] Plan: The ruler of hearts.
-[] Accept the mysterious offer of your teacher.
--[] Emotion Seidr
-[] Your hands crackle with lightning as you slay down the Knights/Vikings with your seidr.

We have already plunged deep enough into magic to refuse to dive into it until the end.
Emotion Seidr I chose for two reasons.
Firstly, it goes well with our Presence, persuasion and Deception Seidr, but unlike Deception Seidr does not cause such negative associations.
Secondly, Emotion Seidr can help us well, both during battles when we inspire courage in our allies and fear in our enemies. So it is in the role of a ruler when we know exactly other people's emotions and how to manipulate them by creating a loyal environment around us.
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[X] Plan: The ruler of hearts.
-[X] Accept the mysterious offer of your teacher.
--[X] Emotion Seidr
-[X] Your hands crackle with lightning as you slay down the Knights/Vikings with your seidr.

We have already plunged deep enough into magic to refuse to dive into it until the end.
Emotion Seidr I chose for two reasons.
Firstly, it goes well with our Presence, persuasion and Deception Seidr, but unlike Deception Seidr does not cause such negative associations.
Secondly, Emotion Seidr can help us well, both during battles when we inspire courage in our allies and fear in our enemies. So it is in the role of a ruler when we know exactly other people's emotions and how to manipulate them by creating a loyal environment around us.
Torvald already knows Emotion Seidr and has access to it via his traits. This is Loki offering to teach you a seidr that you don't have normal access to.
[X] Plan: The king is a spellcaster
-[X] Accept the mysterious offer of your teacher.
--[X] Ruler Seidr
-[X] Your hands crackle with lightning as you slay down the Knights/Vikings with your seidr.

Torvald is going to establish his kingdom and because of his deep knowledge of Seidr, he will have problems with authority. So Ruler Seidr sounds like a good choice.