A/N: A reminder: this quest also allows you to pick your second most preferred option when voting for any option! Here's how to do it!
Favorite Option: [x]
2nd Favorite Option: [x][2]
By formatting this way, the vote-bot will be able to catch it, and I'll be able to tell which ones are your backup options. Hopefully, this system will result in fewer hurt feelings all around!
The pre-game is now over! From here on out, each turn will represent five years of realtime. Also, the training wheels are officially off with regards to vote choices. They won't be coming back, ever.
Winning Options
Seceding Holy Stars of Rebirth?
[X] Compromise
Primary Expansion
[X] Corewards
with just enough
[X] Counterspin
for you to hit the other people you could have met as well.
Tech Picks
[X] Comm Holes
[X] Warp Interdiction
[X] Ship Design
As soon as news about the Holy Stars of Rebirth seceding makes it to Sol over the QDC network, there is an immediate public uproar both supporting and condemning the elements of the Church of the Reborn who took part in the secession. Meanwhile, the Terran Stellar Republic's current Director, Farrah 98.32.76 kept a significantly calmer outlook on events. Thus, within a week an instance of the leader in question had arrived in the Holy Stars of Rebirth, ready to undertake negotiations to try and prevent a full-fledged secession from coming to pass.
To put it quite bluntly, the resulting negotiations were a disorganized mess, as the secessionists hadn't fully figured out who was going to be in charge yet, and the Terran Stellar Republic was severely out of practice when it came to negotiating with other powers. Still, a month later, a deal had been agreed upon, and was quickly signed. The terms weren't quite what either side had been hoping to achieve, but they were mutually agreed as mostly acceptable, with few sticking points. Ultimately, the Holy Stars of Rebirth would be considered an Autonomous Subdivision of the Terran Stellar Republic, which granted them the ability to pass their own laws within their borders, so long as they continued to obey the Constitution, and remained ultimately loyal to the Republic.
This, as it turned out, set up something of a precedent that a lot of regions in the frontier wanted in on, with all sorts of schemes to become an Autonomous Subdivision turning up, which quickly began turning into such a regular occurrence that eventually the government simply declared that the Republic would be Federalized to put a stop to this nonsense of fake secessions just to get semi-autonomous status.
About this time, though, is when a significant subculture that had yet to make itself known fully came into its own. While Newmen had been making art for as long as they had been sapient, it became much more popular as a hobby. It was not uncommon to see Memorialists having painted their frames in a riot of extravagant colors, while Revivalists began wearing much more creatively flamboyant clothing in their humanoid frames.
Technology continued to advance, with one of the most important developments being the ability to make pinhole-sized traversable wormholes. Though these wormholes were still too small to send appreciable amounts of mass, they did allow for greatly eased communications, as they did not have the highly limited bitrates and service lives integral to QDCs. Another important development was Warp Interdiction, a technology that enabled a ship at warp to be stopped in its tracks using specially modulated gravity waves to disrupt the warp field's oscillation pattern. Lastly, the Newmen had quite simply just gotten better at shipbuilding, with their newer designs being significantly more durable per unit of mass than before, even without any new materials to work with.
That said, this is when two first contacts were made, one with another spacefaring power, and the other with a species still confined to its home planet.
First, the fellow spacefarers, towards the Galactic Core. First off, they are very definitely NOT the source of the Missionaries, instead calling themselves the Stolmancy, and their government The Public Company. They are an ammonia-based species that resembles a furry monkey mashed together with a snail that likes retracting into its shell, with the vast majority of their species organized in a corporatocracy which is only moderately corrupt. They apparently developed warp travel at around the same time the Missionaries arrived on Earth, meaning that their technology is moderately more advanced than yours, featuring very advanced power generation, as well as gravity-based technology and general engineering skill more or less on-par with what you can produce. They are also rather distrustful about your system of government and motives... Apparently due to a breakaway state of theirs that tried the "Design the perfect leader" idea via eugenics and promptly turned into a pit of kleptocratic elitism.
Then, there are the Crid. At first, you mistook their world for a particularly hellish venus-analog that was producing anomalous radio emissions, but upon coming closer it quickly became quite clear that there were people of some description living down there, as the radio broadcasts were far too structured to be anything other than deliberate amplitude modulation signaling. Sending a ship down revealed that, instead of the fellow mechanoids you had expected to find, you had run across a species based on organosilicate compounds, which were naturally suited to operating in temperatures about those of molten glass. Judging their level of technology is hard on account of the higher temperatures necessitating the use of different materials for a lot of jobs, but you have confirmed that they only developed amplitude modulation for radio signals a few years ago. They are most definitely nowhere near being ready for the rigors of space travel.
That said, your arrival has most definitely spooked the Crid, who until now had only the barest hint that stars existed courtesy of some very dangerous trips into the upper atmosphere on balloons.
Special Issues
1: How do you handle the (highly volatile) situation with the Crid?
[] Write-In
2: How do you go about initial negotiations with the Stolmancy?
[] Write-In
You have: 100% funding to distribute between all fields of research. How do you want to allocate funds?
[] Gravity & Warp
[] Power Generation
[] Materials Science
[] Manufacturing
[] General Engineering
[] Physics
[] Biotech
[] Military Hardware
Economic Policy
Major Economic Sectors
Manufacturing & Construction: 44% GDP (Healthy)
R&D: 36% GDP (Healthy)
Services: 20% GDP (Healthy)
Finance: 5% GDP (Healthy)
Current Investment Priorities
-Investment in Exmat is more or less constant at a high level.
-There is a large-scale surge in stock prices and investment for small spacecraft manufacturers, though demand has not increased.
-Investment in manufacturers of military hardware has increased at about the same time as first contact with the Stolmancy.
Other statistics
-Unemployment is 4%
-Poverty Rate is 7%
-Interest Rates are currently MEDIUM
[] Write-In Economic Policy
Military Policy
Choose any number of options, downvotes allowed.
[] Request a new piece of specific military hardware, or set of hardware
-[] Write-in details; overspecifying will result in Design By Committee, which produces severely inferior results to just letting the engineers do their jobs.
[] Implement new training/doctrinal standards
-[] Write-in details, again, please don't overspecify, or you get in the way of the drill sergeants doing their jobs.
[] Undertake defensive/offensive maneuvers (ordering offensive maneuvers results in an automatic state of war)
-[] Write-in details. Again, being overly specific gets in the way of the trained professionals doing their jobs.
Diplomatic Policy
Will be fully implemented next turn
Misc Domestic Policy
Any laws you want to pass, or other things you want to do?
pick up to three options, downvotes allowed.
[] Write-In