[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.

Inb4 it's my character idea made into an NPC.
[X] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.

If the guy's the leader, and he's annoyed, we don't want him on our bad side.

And since I haven't gotten around to it,

[X] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.

Also, I have the player's handbook at home so I took a look at it. That Wild Magic table.
[X] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.

Looks fun, wish Psion won though
[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
Hello everyone,

I've only been geting into Quests for the last few months, but I've been into D&D for years. So I'm really excited for this Quest.
Welcome! I'm very glad to have you.

This is a bit late to say but: Vote Closed!

[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
No. of votes: 7

Dirtnap, TheOneMoiderah, aeqnai, EtchedSteel, Ugolino, AuraTwilight, Yonatan
[X] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
No. of votes: 1
[X] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.
No. of votes: 10
Skewfiend, WanderingEye, veekie, EricShin, Orisha91, Namer, BlueFlamingWings, butchock, kildar, Zaratustra

Update incoming, hopefully tonight (And tomorow if not)!
[X] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.

While it wouldn't do to make life harder than it has to be by accidentally making one of these new someones hate you, some things simply can't be tolerated. You have had to wait out here, on the road, with nothing but jagged rocks and blistering, barren sands as far as the eye can see around you.

That is nothing short of unacceptable.

Bringing up the rear of the trio is athe with a vicious-looking maul slung over his broad shoulders. What little of his bronze skin you can see is on his stony face, barely visible underneath many winding tattoos marking him as a half dwarf slave.

Ahead of him rides the elf, and you can't help but curl your lip in distaste. She rides taller than the mul, dressed in studded bone-and-leather armor, svelte and voluptuous. Numerous belts cross her form, clipped with a dozen pouches; and strapped to one bicep is a flute carved from bone. She catches your gaze and smiles.

You scowl in answer.

As you close the last bit of distance you turn your gaze to the human. Despite his baldness, you immediately notice that he has grey in his salt-and-pepper beard. He wears no armor, dressed simply for the heat and road, with an axe strapped to his thigh, a pike across the back of his mount and a dagger at his waist.

You point a finger. "You."

"Me." He raises a fist, and all three come to a smooth halt.


He snorts. His voice is surprisingly cultivated, if not gentle. "Yes. I'm aware. I do apologize for that. Now that we're done with the pleasantries, what's your name?"

You narrow your eyes at that. The nerve of this man… You can't actually get a read on him, but he feels different from the others--ah.

"Yours before mine, psion."

"Granalth Ouko of the Free City of Tyr." He smiles thinly and without humor, inclining his head slightly. "The unruly one-" He jerks a thumb towards at the elf, who merely leans back in her saddle. "-is Thala, and our new best friend out here is Kalo."

That's more like it.

"Hmph. Well, Granalth," you begin, briskly walking to the remaining crodlu and hoisting yourself up, "since you've been so generous to me already, my name is Ardath."

"He pays so generously too," Thala drawls, voice almost sidling through the air. "Knowing I've rent to make."

"Good to know." You get a grunt of agreement from the mul, who shoots a dirty look at the bard. She doesn't seem to notice.

"I'm a saint, I know," Granalth deadpans. "Come on. We got a lot of ground to cover today. Our point of contact is a ways away yet."

Who do you talk to?
[] Granalth
[] Kalo
[] Thala

A/N: Writing, sick or no, is haaaaaard. But here we are~
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[X] Thala

Didn't you guys want to speak with her?

Also: Ardath is surprised to see grey in Granath's face. I assume people tend to die long before they get grey hairs?
Also: Ardath is surprised to see grey in Granath's face. I assume people tend to die long before they get grey hairs?
That they do! The fact that he's managed to accrue any--in this case, you can be safe in guessing it's as much from age as the sheer stress he's under at any given point--is impressive in and of itself; ~half of a beard, much more so.
I'm having trouble telling who's who, honestly.
My apologies. I thought I had made it clear enough.

Kalo is the mul ranger; Granalth is your boss, in effect for now, and Thala is the elven bard. I'll see what edits I can make to the post itself when I wake up.

Also, your character sheet will go up after next update.
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