So; like all games, quests require some kind of underlying system! As you can see by the title, that will be
Dungeons & Dragons - 5th Edition with some caveats.
I will not be detailing everything. I will not be keeping track of every little thing. I will not, for the sake of my sanity and the pace of the thread, detail every little aspect and turn things into Spreadsheet Simulator 2015.
The lovely
@Maugan Ra (who runs
an incredible L5R quest you should be reading if you've any interest in the setting) has granted me his blessing to make off with the mechanics used in his old
Pathfinder Paladin quest!
I am using them shamelessly. To wit:
"Generally, skills and abilities will be ranked according to the following scale: None, Basic, Trained, Experienced, Elite, Legendary. So instead of saying 'I have five ranks in Knowledge (Engineering)', you'd look at the sheet and see 'Engineering - Trained'."
"Your six attributes are the foundation upon which the rest of your character is built. They contribute their bonuses to all relevant actions, and certain actions may require a certain level of attribute before they even become possible; it doesn't matter how skilled you are with a blade, you aren't lifting that boulder off a pinned ally without a decent Strength. They are rated as follows: Poor, Average, Good, Excellent, Legendary, Mythic."
Also as per his old Quest, I, too, shall be playing fast and loose; there will be yet more voting after this--I feel ~one--before we get into the story proper, to decide, roughly, on What Your Character Can Do, but I will not constrain myself and bog things down with too much crunch. You get to see the pretty side of things, and I'll handle everything behind-the-scenes!
Now, two things worth noting: 1) Because you are playing a
Wild Magic Sorcerer, you fall, along one axis of alignment--which is
descriptive, not proscriptive, I stress--as
Chaotic. I will be extrapolating from the three-word write-in! 2) I have limited the racial options for the sake of streamlining things.
With that said: let's dive into the heart of chargen!