Possibly another update tonight. Going forward, I plan on shooting for ~2-3 updates a week, at least( tentative question mark?) and so while I'm not going to update as fast as some people, I plan on trying my very hardest to be regular :)
The Moescot is referring to me yes as calling me a moeblobby moescot is a joke in our group of people.

(I'm not actually a moeblob though.)
I'm not moooeee though, you all keep insisting that I am moe and always call me a moescot which means that yes the moescot vote is voting for me.

After all, it is Moescot and Scotland isn't a thing that exists in Athas.

I think I'll exercise a bit of DM power here.

*taps the moescot on shoulder*

You are now MoeScotBlob in this thread. :)

Plunking away at the update as we speak. Welcome to Athas.
God daaaaammiiiiiit. So salty right now. You guys could choose any flavor and you didn't choose sweet. :U

But no, this'll be fun either way. I'm excited. It feels good to have almost won such a major bandwagon tho.
God daaaaammiiiiiit. So salty right now. You guys could choose any flavor and you didn't choose sweet. :U

But no, this'll be fun either way. I'm excited. It feels good to have almost won such a major bandwagon tho.
For what it's worth: this 'vague idea', as it were, is something that I plan on using at some point in the future for the quest! You'll encounter this kind of crazy person. :)
Okay. I'm not sure what vote won, at this point.

It's not disney princess, is it? Pity.
[X] Half Elf
[X] Female
[X] Ardath
[X] Driven, Adaptive, Vengeful

The Tablelands, Free Year 8

"Where are you!"

The thought has crossed your mind many times, and now, after many hours and the rising of the boiling dark sun, you let loose some of your frustration. You were paid--in advance, no less!--to be here an hour before dawn, before the oppressive heat of day would beat down on the world.

It has been hours since, and you can't help but wonder if they're going to show at all.

You've had worse jobs over the years. Though none have taken you so far east, away from the Tyr region, you've survived plenty. Violence is everyone's first friend on Athas; you meet it on the wind with your first breath, and underfoot with your first step.

But that doesn't mean you want to be outside of all things, if you can help it. The nerve of these people is astounding - if they mean to be late, the least they could do is let you rest with more shelter from the wind, sun and heat, than your favorite hat. At least the trip here was quiet, even if you had to be up far too early.

You sigh, sucking in dry air as you scan the horizon for a sign of life. Even with your impressive height and sharp eyes you see nothing. Out in the middle of the Tablelands, all alone, you would make an easy target. The thought makes you quirk your lips, as it always does. You are in no mood to be crossed, though you're far from the toughest. But you have something nobody else you know does.

All it takes for you to make a splash is to breathe and let out the magic inside - you are no psion, nor are you a thrice-damned Defiler, but you do just fine for yourself. For a moment you consider wreaking havoc on the road, just to see what odd things might happen, but eventually decide against it.

If they don't show soon I might do just that… ah. There they are.

Finally, you see three figures mounted, approaching fast, all on scaled, bipedal creatures: crodlu. There's an unmounted one with them. Presumably it's going to be yours to ride in a moment.

How quaint.

Rolling your shoulders to loosen tight muscles, you stride forward to meet the poor bastards you'll be stuck working with the next few weeks.

Who do you address in particular, as you approach the group?

[] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.
[] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
[] The mul with facial tattoos, with the bow across his back. He looks to be the least trouble.
[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.

Let's meet the crazy one first.
[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
[q] Flirt.
-[q] "hey bby y0ur cute."

Let's start this off right.
[x] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
[X] The slim and hooded elven woman, wrapped in a cloak. She's smiling like she knows something no one else does.
[X] The grizzled, annoyed-looking older human at the front. He looks like he's in charge.

Person in charge=person culpable for making us get up far too early and stand around in the sun