Logan (3rd Wolverine Movie), March 2017

It's sort of cosmically noteworthy that the Wolverine solo films make a pretty neat upwardly treading graph. From the absolutely miserable Wolverine: Origins, to the average Wolverine, to the near perfect Logan. I think also Logan captures something that the other X-Men films for the most part miss, the X-Men more than most comic books are tragic stories filled with fairly damaged people that over come that in order to help others. I hope Logan is successful enough to convince studios that it's ok to have the big Superhero movies actually be character driven stories rather than mindless action blockbusters.
Oh, other things to add
Laura makes a great Alien. Probably better than the new Alien film will be.

I also enjoyed how they made the killing horrifying rather than enticing without actually taking away from the action quality.

Other issue was that the leaps looked terrible. You could really see it was wire work by how they just glided through the air instead of springing at people
Laura makes a great Alien. Probably better than the new Alien film will be.

Now I want an Alien story where you have like, a tame chibi alien being an adorable pet. :V

Because Laura is the most adorable thing in Logan which to be fair normally wouldn't be saying much but the actress nails it with the perfect combination of childlike innocence and naivete and 'aww isn't she the cutest little OH GOD SHE CUT MY ARMS OFF.'

Really, this is a great movie and everyone should watch it.
Black people having lightning powers is a cliche? I've never heard of this before.
I did just realize one thing about the end that sort of messes with the film. The kids are running to Canada. Marvel Canada. They'd be better off getting asylum in a North Korea that is also somehow run by Hitler.
I did just realize one thing about the end that sort of messes with the film. The kids are running to Canada. Marvel Canada. They'd be better off getting asylum in a North Korea that is also somehow run by Hitler.
True, but that's comic Canada. Film Canada could be Eden come again for all we know, since it barely exists in Origin.
I did just realize one thing about the end that sort of messes with the film. The kids are running to Canada. Marvel Canada. They'd be better off getting asylum in a North Korea that is also somehow run by Hitler.
Maria hill was a good person in the MCU. The movies are not bound to the comics. Even the travesty of X3 had the Phoenix Force just be a result of Jean Grey being a super powerful mutant, not some Cosmic Force.
Dad and I both loved it, but one bit of fridge logic that amused me was

the idea that Doctor Evil looked at his lifesize murderdoll of Wolverine and thought "it's almost perfect, BUT" and then specifically groomed his facial hair to resemble Logan's old style.
Dad and I both loved it, but one bit of fridge logic that amused me was

the idea that Doctor Evil looked at his lifesize murderdoll of Wolverine and thought "it's almost perfect, BUT" and then specifically groomed his facial hair to resemble Logan's old style.

and gave him a black tank top make sure we new that x24 was evil :lol
This movie makes me feel like I'm sixteen again and living with my dying mother.
Was it just me that found Logan's clone to be sad, he was basically a very lethal toddler in an adult body without anyone except the creepy doctor even caring about him.
Yeah uh, this movie's good. It's real fucking good. Probably just flat-out my favorite comic-book film right now.

It hits like a fucking truck and that final shot should be so, so stupid but it works and it works well.

One thing that I really liked personally...

I knew Xavier was going to die, but I was expecting him to die in a more dignified way. The way he was killed was shocking and brutal, to the point where I thought it was going to pull that punch and have it be a dream sequence.

No, this isn't a dream sequence. Xavier just died.

He didn't even get a final speech or any kind of dignity. Just claws to the chest and some time to bleed out.

He just died thinking that he was betrayed by one of his only remaining friends.
I did just realize one thing about the end that sort of messes with the film. The kids are running to Canada. Marvel Canada. They'd be better off getting asylum in a North Korea that is also somehow run by Hitler.
Actually that reminds me, who owns the rights to Alpha Flight? I know Agents of SHIELD mentioned Department H once, though that doesn't really tell us anything.
It's the first time I can recall seeing the credits roll and just thinking to myself.

This will be remembered as a classic.
World query:
I've been reading that the reason no mutants are being born is because Transigen made eugenic corn syrup or something. Was this a promotional material thing?
World query:
I've been reading that the reason no mutants are being born is because Transigen made eugenic corn syrup or something. Was this a promotional material thing?
Evil Scientist Man talks about it to Logan in the climax. Transigen was behind secret food additives that wiped out the mutant gene, and they used the Reavers and Caliban to conventionally hunt down the already-alive ones. The scene on the way to/back from the pump (I forget which) helped to obliquely foreshadow that with Farm Dad talking about the giant mutant corn Transigen was growing for corn syrup.
Evil Scientist Man talks about it to Logan in the climax. Transigen was behind secret food additives that wiped out the mutant gene, and they used the Reavers and Caliban to conventionally hunt down the already-alive ones. The scene on the way to/back from the pump (I forget which) helped to obliquely foreshadow that with Farm Dad talking about the giant mutant corn Transigen was growing for corn syrup.
I somehow forgot that part. Much like Logan, I stopped listening to that wanker
I somehow forgot that part. Much like Logan, I stopped listening to that wanker
Entirely appropriate choice.

Yeah uh, this movie's good. It's real fucking good. Probably just flat-out my favorite comic-book film right now.

It hits like a fucking truck and that final shot should be so, so stupid but it works and it works well.

One thing that I really liked personally...

I knew Xavier was going to die, but I was expecting him to die in a more dignified way. The way he was killed was shocking and brutal, to the point where I thought it was going to pull that punch and have it be a dream sequence.

No, this isn't a dream sequence. Xavier just died.

He didn't even get a final speech or any kind of dignity. Just claws to the chest and some time to bleed out.

He just died thinking that he was betrayed by one of his only remaining friends.

Yeah, and Logan realises that, and he's desperately begging Xavier "That wasn't me, that wasn't me..."

Right in all my goddamn feels. T_T
Evil Scientist Man talks about it to Logan in the climax. Transigen was behind secret food additives that wiped out the mutant gene, and they used the Reavers and Caliban to conventionally hunt down the already-alive ones. The scene on the way to/back from the pump (I forget which) helped to obliquely foreshadow that with Farm Dad talking about the giant mutant corn Transigen was growing for corn syrup.

So if I'm reading this right. They were born, maybe even had the gene and it just never activates/triggers/acts like arecessivegenepairedwithadominantone. Right?
Black people having lightning powers is a cliche? I've never heard of this before.
I believe it started with Black Lightning who was DC's first black superhero with his own series and continued with Static, Storm, Miles' venom shock. There aren't really a lot of black superheroes with lightning numerically but the proportion and relative popularity of those heroes is strangely high.