Limitless Potential (Star Wars/The Gamer)

Wrong due to several reasons
1. You can't get more than an A+ in highschool
2. We are not your typical gamer, we have a cap on our attributes
3. QM said

The only specified methods are "do your homework" and "grind int" (which increase our memorizing ability). Grinding that int cuts down on how much time and effort we need to put into stuff to memorize it, but literally nobody knows how much time we spent doing the homework so nobody will notice our higher int (it is also hard capped unless we murder stuff for XP).
4. Highschool teachers are not part of the secret police
5. Highschool teachers are not going to go apeshit at a student suddenly raising his grades.
6. Getting all As in highschool is not the sign of great massive towering intellect like you think it is.
7. You are talking out of your ass in platitudes.
To expand on 3. We are now in highschool, lets say our classes are
Class - Grade
Art - B
Math - A
Geography - C
Geometry - B
History - C

So our "excelling" would be doing all the homework and doing better on tests. This would slowly over time raise our grade closer to all As (since scores are averaged). This is not a sign of someone having superhuman ability. This is not a sign of genius. And being a genius is certainly not a sign of being "suspicious".

Because they are completely and utterly totally irrelevant to the discussion. Nobody is going to say "holy shit this kid is as good at math as someone with a PHD in math", they are going to say "oh nice, timmy is now doing his homework and raised his grade from a B to an A, good for him" assuming they even notice at all. (fun fact, each highschool teacher has to deal with over 100 students, and since they have computers they are not even keeping track of them all, just inputting grades in the computer as they come up).

Heuristics software that looks for sudden grade improvement is also completely and utterly stupid because again, highschool students improve their grades all the time. it just takes a parent to crack the whip and make them do their homework.
Our abilities rising slowly over time? That depends. Our stats are somewhat limited (though when we get more levels thanks to school-quests, they're still going to rise pretty quickly), but we're going to start looking for more esoteric skills that enhance our mind (Meditation and the like) soon, and those are going to have an effect as well.

Also, you're thinking in terms of our world. Where there aren't such things as Gamers and people with supernatural abilities. To the Emperor, Gamers would be one of the major threats, and he would put in a lot of effort in establishing measures for singling them out. How successful those measures would be is unknown (very few people are perfectly competent and loyal tools of the Empire), but when there's no gain in getting excellent grades and we have other stuff to do (like looking for a job so that we can buy skillbooks), I don't see much of a reason to do it.

TL;DR: I'm not against studying a lot, I just don't see why we should show our ability through grades when there's no advantage in doing so.
Our abilities rising slowly over time? That depends. Our stats are somewhat limited (though when we get more levels thanks to school-quests, they're still going to rise pretty quickly), but we're going to start looking for more esoteric skills that enhance our mind (Meditation and the like) soon, and those are going to have an effect as well.
None of this has anything to do with the vote option being discussed. Meditation? mind enhancement? did you even read what the QM wrote in the suggested plan?
None of the effects of us doing our homework are visible in any way shape or form (other than the homework getting done, which as far as the teachers are concerned took us normal amounts of effort)

Also, you're thinking in terms of our world.
I am not, I am thinking with my brain. But nice worthless platitude there that shows you literally can't counter argue a single one of my actual detailed arguments so you instead try to dismiss them all with such an empty blanket statement.

TL;DR: I'm not against studying a lot, I just don't see why we should show our ability through grades when there's no advantage in doing so.
Then make a write in saying to study but intentionally do bad on the tests. If you are really so extremely ridiculously over the top paranoid. I will vote against you because you are wrong. Also nice going assuming that the QM is suggesting a trap option for us.

... of ffs

@lordchaos99 is
[ ] Attend school and try to excel, spend your free time when not training, doing homework and grinding that Intellect to achieve great academic results
a trap option that would get us caught by the empire?
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None of this has anything to do with the vote option being discussed. Meditation? mind enhancement? did you even read what the QM wrote in the suggested plan?
None of the effects of us doing our homework are visible in any way shape or form (other than the homework getting done, which as far as the teachers are concerned took us normal amounts of effort)
I explicitly mentioned that the argument pertains to the speed with which our abilities with school-work develop, because you're basing your own stance on the argument that we won't look very exceptional thanks to stat limits. We'll have Meditation, Speed-Reading (as soon as we find it), and whatever else we can come up with to speed up our development. Those skills will rise quickly, since we're a Gamer.

I am not, I am thinking with my brain. But nice worthless platitude there that shows you literally can't counter argue a single one of my actual detailed arguments so you instead try to dismiss them all with such an empty blanket statement.
Wow. You actually take the first line of the paragraph and pretend the rest that elaborates on it doesn't exist, then complain I wasn't verbose enough in my explanation.

But very well, since you want me to spell it all out...

4. Highschool teachers are not part of the secret police
How the hell would you know who the secret police are? Do you think they're wearing badges conveniently titled 'superspies'? We're up against a massive, multi-world empire that is going to look for people like us specifically.
Edit: Although, with our Observe, some of them might as well wear such a badge. :p

5. Highschool teachers are not going to go apeshit at a student suddenly raising his grades.
They're not, it's far above their paygrade. They are however going to pass on everyone's grades to someone who does give a damn about a person with irregular development suddenly appearing.

6. Getting all As in highschool is not the sign of great massive towering intellect like you think it is.
It's not about getting all As at school, it's about going from being bad/average to being exceptional too quickly. There's plenty of smart people around, but changing your comprehension ability and the level of effort you put into school is far more difficult.

7. You are talking out of your ass in platitudes.
And you're being needlessly insulting. Thankfully, it doesn't really matter.

Then make a write in saying to study but intentionally do bad on the tests. If you are really so extremely ridiculously over the top paranoid. I will vote against you because you are wrong. Also nice going assuming that the QM is suggesting a trap option for us.
I don't expect the GM to present 'trap options' to us (though that happened to me once or twice in other quests, as the GMs aren't obliged to think for us), but I expect there to always be consequences for whatever we do. Perhaps they won't be immediate, and the risk might be small (as you said, good grades by themselves do not a suspicious spy make), but it would increase the chance of failure for no appreciable gain.
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There ARE trap options (mostly because I'd prefer detailed write-in plans)
But doing well in school is not one of them

High school isn't really something that shows statistical anomalies, especially on the scale a Gamer ramps up.
Remember, if you avoid the Empire for 2-3 months and devote some time to a combat skill, literally the only people that can stand in your way are:
1. Actual clone troopers (the recruited troopers are well-trained but not specifically bred and genetically altered to betray the Jedi)
2. Sith Gamers like the Hands or other Empire-aligned Gamers
3. Really, really expensive, ancient Droids that may or may not have been crafted and/or upgraded by Jedi and Sith in the past (very rare)

Han Jee-Han (once he actually started using his power) spent what, a week training before taking down the Zombie Boss?
in The Games We Play, Jaune matches the well-trained, genius-talented Pyyra after 3 months of having his ability

Oh, I have made some changes to Canon regarding the Clone Wars:
The official story is the same, Clones came from Kamino. The actual story is Darth Plagueis was experimenting with cloning and gene-altering Skills (and using Craft (Biotech) for the equipment) in order to reliably activate and deactivate Force Sensitivity at will.
The project failed (maybe, Sidious thinks it fails and it's master is dead so...loose plot thread for me to take up later if I want) but the Skills cross-apply to all Gene-Enhancers
All Sidious had to do was grind his skills, learning the next stage of Clone Skill from his former Master's notes when it maxed out.

Kamino, that unknown planet filled with a race that reproduces by cloning, an entire culture based around biotech...and it's all a ruse to get Obi-Wan to accept the clones into the Republic Army, that were made personally by Sidious to match a Jedi Knight when grouped.
So: Beware the Clones :drevil::drevil:
Interlude: Vader and Number Porn
Apologies for the delay. I should have an update out today or tomorrow. Until then have an Interlude.



The Dark Lord of the Sith strode confidently into his quarters. The barest flick of a hand causing the door to close and lock impossibly tight.
Nothing to a trained Gamer but above the limits of any mere mortal.

With a small gasp his jet black helmet is unequipped and recycled air draws into his damaged lungs without filters, his eyes idly tracking the slowly decreasing crimson bar in his HUD
A crimson red blade of light spawns into existence, blurring through the air in a few practice swings

Vader Gauntlet (R)
Right Arm Cybernetic
+15 Strength, Weakness (Lightning)
Blaster Absorb: Convert blaster bolts into MP on contact (MP = Damage /10)
Mastercraft: +40 Strength

Vader Gauntlet (L)
Left Arm Cybernetic
+15 Strength, Weakness (Lightning)
Blaster Absorb: Convert blaster bolts into MP on contact (MP = Damage /10)
Mastercraft: +40 Strength

Vader Foot (R)
Right Leg Cybernetic
+5 Dexterity, +100% Jump Distance, Weakness (Lightning)
Mastercraft: +40 Dexterity

Vader Foot (L)
Left Leg Cybernetic
+5 Dexterity, +100% Jump Distance, Weakness (Lightning)
Mastercraft: +40 Dexterity

Anakin Skywalker's Customized Red Lightsaber
One-Handed Lightsaber
Vaporizing Blow: Ignores Object Hardness when dealing damage
Blaster Deflect: Reflects blaster bolts on contact

Masterforged: +300 Base Damage, +70 Strength
Always-On: Does not have an off-switch
Force-Harmony (Anakin Skywalker): -50 malus to be affected by a Force Power not Anakin's, -70 Strength when used by a non-Harmonic wielder. +70 Strength when used by Anakin, +200 Base Damage
Forged Crystal (red): +50 Base Damage
Intense Focusing Lens: -25% FP use for Form Techniques

Vader Helmet
Helmet Cybernetic, Internal Cybernetic
Negates "Damaged Lung" status while worn, Weakness (Lightning)
Mastercraft: +40 Constitution

Cybernetic gauntlets gripping the well-work metal hilt as he takes a familiar stance

A raspy breath in. A raspy breath out.
The blade blurs into action, the bulky armour surprisingly agile as the part-machine Sith cleaves the air asunder. The room soon vanishing from the physical spectrum as the ruby glow seems to emanate from everywhere at once, interspersed with occasional flashes of red-tinted black of the Sith's armour.
Eventually, more than two hours later when the highly-trained Sith Lord finally runs dry of his immense Force potential, he returns to stillness, the lightsaber's glow washing over him and dissipating as the visual spectrum becomes perceivable again.

Vader smiles freely, running a hand through his graying hair.
"General Skywalker still has it." His smile turning into a smirk, then sliding into sullen rage that was his usual state as the glorious memories of combat and his life as a Jedi taint themselves with remnants. Mistakes. Failures. Padme.
"Bah! It's coming out again. Blasted Jedi and their indoctrination, I am Not that little boy. I am not that irresponsible, disgusting whiny Teenager. I am Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith." A swipe of his gauntlet and the helmet forces it's way down his throat, to fill his lungs with cleaned and filtered air once more
"My Telekinesis, that is next on my list."
With nothing but a thought, gestures being mere drama at this level of adeptness, his personal TIE Fighter rises off the ground in it's hangar.
Sweeping out of his quarters again, only barely remembering to open the door first, he marches down the grey nondescript Imperial hallway.

"Starkiller." He finds the boy in some argument or somesuch with his droid trainer. Darth vader doesn't care to know the topic, his own much more important to the young apprentice.
Instantly Galen is paying attention to his Dark Master as the looming cyborg draws his blade from his Inventory
The snap of an igniting lightsaber echoes through the room, followed near-instantly by the clash of plasma on plasma.
Galen is thrown back as his Master stalks forward, boots sounding against the metal floor ominously.
Galen launches himself from the shadows at the older man, only to be almost absently cast aside with a sweep of his hand
"Have you learned nothing? That droid is spoiling you. The shadows do not conceal." Vader hisses from beneath his helmet
Again and again Galen strikes at the casually-defending Vader. From every angle the teenager tries he finds a crimson blade interposed.
Every trick that worked on the false techniques of the Droid was a wave against a rock.
"Acceptable." The hardened Gamer appears behind the younger, his glowing weapon erupting from the chest of the poor apprentice before vanishing to reveal no wound
"I see you have trained your Constitution... You have a new mission is ready. Report to the usual hangar."

Lightsaber Mastery lvl100 (MAX) (Rank 5)
The lightsaber is a noble blade of a bygone era, it's vicious components held in perfect alignment and balance for the skilled practitioner's destructive capability to become reality
+1000% Damage
+50% Attack Speed
OOC Note: 100lvl /rank no upgrade

Sith-Style Saber Mastery lvl47/100 (Rank2)
The highly aggressive style is designed to meld with the more traditional Forms and complement them
+970% Damage
OOC Note: 100/rank, no upgrade

Form 1 Mastery - Shii-Cho lvl50 (MAX) (Rank1)
The training form, this form is an excellent introduction to the ways of the Lightsaber. Taught to all initiates of both main Orders
+50% Damage
+50% XP Gain for Lightsaber Mastery and Form Masteries (Passive)
+25% XP Gain for Form Techniques (Passive)
OOC Note: The 8 Forms (1, 2, 3, 4, 5(s), 5(d), 6, 7) all follow the same ranking rules. 50/rank +50/rank. So Rank1 has 50 levels, Rank2 has 100 levels...

Form 2 Mastery - Makashi lvl89/350 (Rank7)
The Makashi style was the second form crafted by the Jedi after the invention of the Lightsaber. Intended on Lightsaber to Lightsaber combat, this dueling form in perfect for fighting singular enemies with a minimum of expenditure, conserving FP
+11,390% Damage when in single-combat
+1,139% Attack Speed when in single-combat
-50% FP cost for all Makashi Techniques*

Form 3 Mastery - Soresu lvl35/300 (Rank6)
Designed to avoid all damage, the Soresu form was developed by the early Jedi order to outlast and survive against even the most damaging of attacks. Like it's predecessor, conservation of FP was a high priority to fuel it's techniques
Up to -10,850% Attack Speed for up too +10,850% Damage Reduction/second
+1,085% Damage Reduction/second
-50%FP cost for all Soresu Techniques

Personal Form Mastery - Darth Vader lvl 100 (MAX) (Rank8)
The personal combat form created by the cybernetically-limited Darth Vader, this incorporates elements from the Lightsaber Mastery, Sith-Style, Makashi, Soresu, Ataru, Shien, Djem So and Niman into a blend personalized to himself
+700% Damage
+80% Attack Speed
+160 Strength
+160% effectiveness of any Sith-Style Technique
+160% effectiveness of any Form 2, 3, 4, 5(s), 5(d) or 6 Technique
Allows the activation of Form 2, 3, 4, 5(s), 5(d) and 6 Stances simultaneously
OOC Note: 100lvl/rank no upgrade, different effects depending on who makes it for what reason and which Forms are combined into it

Yeah, Gamers given a couple decades are FUCKOFF powerful. Vader in his Personal form could likely ROFLstomp the Avatar State from A:tlA, or out-DPS a nuclear detonation.
He is 39 at this point in time (he was born 42BBY and it is now 3BBY) and has been training since he was ~9/10. Compare and contrast the other famous Gamers:
Han Jee-Han after ~3 months without formal Gamer-focused teaching methods just winging it. Probably capable of Anti-City action against Mundanes
Jaune Arc/Jian Bing after ~4 months took down an armour-plated 'Elephant' Grimm with a height measured in multiple TREES (granted he did use MagicDust!Steroids rather than pure skill, but he does have an immense amount of skill so the point holds)

*Reductions in cost do not stack. The highest bonus is the only one applied

The Form boosts count as a Passive, despite being activated, because they cost no MP to sustain. They are just mutually exclusive so get a Toggle
The Sith/Jedi styles are the same way. Vader technically has both but he never uses his Jedi anymore so I didnt show it and they are exclusive unless he develops a Grey Jedi personal style to incorporate. Which as a Sith he won't do.
(Stats *Passive) *Active
Same-names add together so Makashi and Ataru bonuses being both Passive Stances add together with the Vader Form Mastery's Stance but multiply for example with the Makashi Technique "Duellist's Lunge"
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Don't worry you have some peers now. And Gamer-Imps are really only deployed against rebel Clones and other Gamers
Galen is a little bit older than you (though has about a 10 year headstart), Leia is hitting 16 around this time too
Not to mention the infants born with Force Sensitivity after the Purge likely weren't picked up
Shite, so this is around the start of Star Wars IV A New Hope? I thought we would have at least a year before that happens.
16 years almost to the day after the Empire formed

Leia just turned 16 and got a strange blue box in front of her

Of course, the events of canon dont need to happen. In fact they probably won't because:
A Gamer!Vader can out-speed every member of the Death Star raiding party if he can best Obi-Wan (though granted thats true even with EU thrown in)
Luke has to be below 16 to not have the Gamer active. It auto-activates at 16 but can be unlocked at 5+ In canon he is around 19 when Obi-Wan contacts him
Clones are very perceptive. They were built to face Gamer!Jedi. Letting Obi by is within reason, but Chewie or Luke? Unless they are all non-Clones...on the biggest engineering project since the birth of the Empire if not the Republic classified up the wazoo and able to kill planets
Well the clones could be explained by having them be made by Anakin, After all didn't Sideous die? If Sideous did die, then the clones could be weak enough to allow Chewie or Luke by as they aren't as good as the original Clones that were made to beat the Jedi because of Vader's Lower Skill level. Also Obi-Wan could use a permanent curse on Vader which allows the others to escape him.
...Why do you think Sideous is dead?
Sideous is Palpatine and is still Emperor right now

Sideous' Master creates the Gene Tampering Skill and ranks it up really high, trying to unlock the Force Sensitive toggle. Making a bunch of notes that can be used as Skillbooks for the ranks (Skillbooks don't have to be dedicated after all, there are multiple reasons for a Gamer to create Skillbooks for Skills he already has like if they counted as Ingredients for the crafting, like a Blacksmith might need a Template on hand)
Then Sideous stabs him and uses the Skillbooks, ranking it up really high. Creates the Kaminoans* on Kamino as the cover, then uses them to train the Non-Gamer Clones at the same time he begins recruiting Droid Engineers and starting the Separatists in prep for the Clone Wars
The Kamino Rebellion doesn't happen, but because of the need for a Skilled Gamer to start the process the Empire moves from Clone troopers to Stormtroopers for a small-majority

Meanwhile the search for a Force-Sensitive Clone progresses and a bunch of Dark Apprentices are sent to Kamino to train and recreate the Anti-Jedi Clones without forcing Palps away from his Throne

Bam, explanation for why Palpatine moves from Clone to Stormtroopers.

*Sideous did a poor job on the cover. Shitty world for life to form and grow, yet the species there names themselves for their planet.
Also, they name themselves for their planet. Most native species have different names to their homeworld with the partial exception of the Hutts from Nul Hutta and even they originated on Varl and renamed the planet after they immigrated to it
Wookies on Kashyyyk
Gungans of Naboo
Kaminoans on Kamino

Name the odd one out.


Yes yes, just because I didn't mention him next to Leia, doesn't mean the son of Vader didn't get his blue box.
He got it about a week ago and Im not changing him to a Force Insensitive human
Hacking is SRS BUZNESS
Sufficient Velocity

I'll combine the two write-in plans. They seem mergable


It is the first day of the new school year and all the orphans are gathered up.
Staring at the crowd from above, you take them in, quickly finding your friend Rodney sneaking up behind you
"You realize that you never win this game right?" You comment right before he intended to grab you. Smirking as you see him jump
"You know, for a blind dude you sure are perceptive." The Twi'lek prankster grumbles, taking his place beside you as the crowd is slowly formed into neat lines boarding a bus
"I'm not blind, I jus-" You begin to object when he waves it off
"Yeah, yeah whatever. Listen, this semester is The semester got it. The best yet when we get some hotties with some sweet Lekku back behind the school and..."
You tune out the rather graphic descriptions that follow, juggling numbers in your head as you create and solve mathematics equations

Thanks to your continuous studies
Your Intelligence has increased by 1

Absently waving the notification away you resume the mental gymnastics and make general 'active listening' sounds in Rodney's direction.


"Mr Krypton please explain why the phase variance of the Hyperdrive needs to be 4.56HW...No not you Mr Krypton the oth...You'd think after 6 months working here I'd learn. Jorel, please explain." The slightly scatterbrained science teacher asks as you look up from your DeskComm
"It's because that phase matches the commonly observed pattern of Hyperspace fluctuations around low gravitational Realspace without entering either the incredibly dangerous Deepspace whose barrier's lowest observed potential end is 4.58 while maintaining Hypertransition and preventing the transition back into Realspace from too low a phase variance." You dutifully report, earning a few jealous looks and a few impressed ones
"And you Mr Kr...Sigh, Rodney. Why is Deepspace so dangerous?" She turns to your science partner
"I dunno, full of sea monsters right? I mean the things some kinda time-space ocean yeah?"
"Not quite...While there have been no confirmed forms of life in there, there have been rumors and unsubstantiated claims over the millenia. The real danger is it's violence. Hyperspace has relatively unchanging dangers usually centered around large gravitation in Realspace like a planet or sun but in Deepspace said destructive 'Deep Asteroids" aren't tied to any Realspace analogue and instead move through the space at speeds up to military grade Hyperdrives. It is common to use the ocean analogy because it seems to have tides and currents on a galactic scale, moving these Deep Asteroids." The teacher lectures at the class, while you resume memorizing the textbook. Having moved past Hyperdrives ages ago, you had nearly finished the book.


>> Access Console
>> Hack.exe
>>Access Granted
>> Why is this working blaglargl oh oops forgot to turn the voice transcr-
>> Command not recognized

Against every iota of common sense and knowledge of reality, (including the book on Computer Defense you got the Hacking skill from!) hacking into a system turned out to be like those silly Holonet hacking games or those Holovids with their Ironalloy*-style hacking that was clearly dramatized.
On activating the ability on his Holocomm it formed a connection with a HP address with only five numbers, despite the holonet being turned off at the time and downloaded three files simply titled Hackervision.exe, Probe.exe and Hack.exe
You had heard of games being unrealistic, and plenty of your new ability seemed out of sync with reality as you knew it, but this overtook that completely.

*Not-Hollywood: The Planet
System Breach lvl1 (Rank1) (0.60%)
For thousands of years, Sophonts have hidden away their information behind firewalls and anti-virus software. And for just as long a time Hackers have slipped through the nets to retrieve that information and control the machines they are based upon
Unlocks .exe Techniques
+1% XP Gain for .exe Techniques

Probe.exe lvl1 (Rank N/A) (0.60%)
This program is designed to examine the specifications of the system selected. Dredging it's protections into view so they may be bypassed or defeated and left in ruin.
Probe Actively Shows:
-Very Obvious protections
-Plainsight Tripwire

Hack.exe lvl1 (Rank N/A) (0.60%)
The most basic of tools for accessing system files. This weak program is intended to bypass necessary certification after all the other protections falter. The end-game of hacking
Penetrates Password Lock
Unlocks User Access

Unfortunately for the newly-christened hacker, your skills are eclipsed by even the basic protections. Dozens of 'Ports' locked under different kinds of protection, and getting through to even touch them requires bypassing over a dozen kinds of firewall. And that's only what can be seen by the pitifully small Probe skill
The only saving grace was the HoloComm you were on could have it's defenses turned off and grinding your skill on that.
And so you did, spending hours logging in and out of a guest account using the downloaded Hack files. A tedious chore that you could do with your Sight off, but you just sit there for hours without getting bored...

After nearly four hours of repetitive Hacking you sit up suddenly, like an alarm going off to bring you back to attention you stand, muscles not protesting from the length of disuse like you'd expected but you shrug it off as yet another oddity about your body caused by this ability

Update to be continued, I just want to get something out
Critiques, insults and praise welcome, I'm trying to improve my writing​
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It wont be updated until I finish the update
You still have to look for rumours, character stuff and search through Sufficient Velocity and GEEK

Then I get to do Maths

Also, congrats on getting Max Intelligence

Remember all the options I give outside 'ok you want to do X...choose one of Xa-Xg' are suggestions and probably inefficient ones when not bundled with Write-Ins

This is a very free-form game in regards to what you do.
Hacking I made up whole-cloth after it got interest

Going by the offered options suuuuck. Break the system. Go beyond the Impossible. Believe in the me that believes in you! RAH RAH FIGHT DA POWA!
Hmm. So it's that easy for Gamers to crack systems? I suppose the really important stuff in the Empire must be protected by Gamer-developed defenses. Maybe we should try our hand at that, to protect our comm, and to train defenses and our hacking simultaneously.
Hmm. So it's that easy for Gamers to crack systems? I suppose the really important stuff in the Empire must be protected by Gamer-developed defenses. Maybe we should try our hand at that, to protect our comm, and to train defenses and our hacking simultaneously.

I may have to rewrite that section.
Are other people under the same apprehensions, that it was easy?

You have the ability to see the 2nd lowest hidden Firewall.
The scale goes: Plainsight, Very Obvious, Obvious, Hidden, Very Hidden, Perfect Mask
You found 7 Plainsight Firewalls, 6 Very Obvious Firewalls, 1 Plainsight Tripwire on your Orphanage-sourced Not!iPhone and (Unknown) higher tier defenses

In order to hack:
Hack through any proxies (actual websites and business computers would have these, they act as false computers you hack through first, see all the other steps)
Disable Tripwire (any attempts to hack a Firewall without bypassing every Tripwire is an auto-fail) - You currently have no ability to disable tripwires
Bypass Firewall (blocks access to the Ports, though running into one won't actually hurt unlike the Tripwire and reveals the triggered Firewall, it wastes time) - You currently have no ability to bypass Firewall
Open Port (Depending on the Security there are a minimum number of Ports required to gain access) - There are multiple types of Ports, you have no ability to open any of them.
Access Granted (Hack.exe to find the username and password) - You cannot currently unlock Admin access, only a normal account

In order to hack your own Comm you disabled everything except the last manually with your admin access then made a guest account to hack into.
Well, easy is perhaps the wrong term - streamlined? Not unexpected from Gamer abilities, but I have to wonder whether there's a chance of failure at higher levels of skill and how conventional defenses fare against a Gamer. Are there some things it plain can't work through?
At higher levels of skill your Gamer-created programs can act like entire teams of non-gamer hackers working in tandem under Movie Physics.
The one thing a Hack-focused Gamer can't get past is a Gamer-Created Droid Intellect with Forewarning of the hack.

Conventional defenses suck. Even the ones subtly influenced better by Gamers (the massive redundant Proxy and Firewalls are due to the Jedi dropping hints, some Gamers that weren't picked up fast enough caused a stir by going Hack etc. And even then Jedi were considered all-knowing for more than just their precognition)
Some Empire-crafted programs that are considered 'Unhackable' by Droids with Spikes* provide a challenge even for Maxed-out .Exe techniques.
They become time-trials where programs take time to run, even at max level (some Techniques are Rankless and have a max level, including all the .exe). but are still achievable.

*Spikes are one-use programs designed to detonate against Firewalls to destroy their coding, but only grant small Admin access in specific areas, hence why in the KoToR games etc. they can be done away with/made more efficient by great hackers but are needed for every single thing like Overloading stuff to accessing the terminal
For a Gamer they disable a number of Firewalls permanently and the trackers temporarily but don't grant localized Admin

A Gamer of equal skill trying to restore their defenses will win every time though, assuming they have some means of Tracking (which is pretty much every system in this space day and age) as every attack working on a Port with a Firewall up fails and every attack launched on a Port or Firewall with a Tripwire active auto-fails the Hack. And you can't hack open a Firewall while it's being closed.
Well not EVERY time, it becomes a matter of timing (avoiding the periods of invulnerability while you hack down a wall) and computer resources.
The Defender has to deal with the CPU of the system being hacked and the preceding proxy in the chain, while the Attacker can flood the link with many many systems.
Tripwires only take into account launched attacks, a hack-in-progress isn't hindered
A Firewall simply cuts an attack off, pausing it if it goes up mid-hack. So having a system or 5 dedicated to running Porthacks every time the Firewalls are down, only activating when the Tripwires and Firewalls are all down for the first time, slipping through the net and sinking the hook in.
Then it's a race. Keep at least one Firewall up at all times and have Tripwires to prevent the ones up from being shut down, while you wait for the clock to run out. Which gets longer and longer the more systems an Attacker is using to launch the attack
Or if you attack, you have two timers. The timer to mission fail is always ticking down, the timer to mission success only ticks when their Firewalls are down so your Porthacks work.
After the attacker unlocks the needed Ports, they still need to disable the Tripwires again to launch the Hack.exe and actually gain Admin.

Due to this, most of the Gamer-crafted Systems have 2-tier Proxy defenses.

A box dedicated to having the most Cycles and the tiniest amount of excess usage. This box (the Power-Core) usually has three main usages:
1. Connection to previous Proxy, this connects to the next link in the chain back to the actual computer you are defending. The only way for a computer to be affected is by having a line of Proxies to an actual CPU for a Gamer to interface with, Proxies have to be set up by a programmer and can't really shut themselves off from their source. They are messenger services and dont have anything in them but security.
2. Connection to Shield, the second of the 2 tiers. Detailed in it's section. Since the proxy line goes Source -> Power -> Shield -> Outside, this uses more Cycles than the above by about x5
3. As much free space as mechanically possible. This is so a Gamer can load it with Open-Firewall and Open-Tripwire program runtimes, as many as possible, without needing to use the Shield's cycles
Because of the small usage this system usually has very little security, often protected only by a single-port requirement and no Tripwires or Firewalls. Instead that is handled by the second tier. The Shield box.

The Shield box has the best protections available. A few dozen tripwires, usually of the higher levels though a few Plainsight Trips are used for their space efficiency. The security usually needs over 500 open Ports to hack and the best Tracker available to minimize the time an Attacker has to crack the 500 Ports. The remainder of the system is devoted to linking (both back to the Power Core and forward to the Outside/next link in the chain) and as many Firewalls as can be stuffed into the remaining Cycles.

This is repeated as many times as economical.
The Proxies are usually in a long chain, to allow time for sensitive information to be relocated or destroyed with minimal money expenditure, but any maze can be created or sensitive information stored in a Proxy trying to stay hidden. So long as there is a direct line from the Interface to every box.
Sith Whitehats are hardcore.

I should also point out, Attack systems are usually isolated in their own system and stolen data ferried physically via Space!USB but some are set up at the end of a Proxychain. Because of the way the Hacking system works, every Attacking system needs to have a Holonet connection without Proxies if they want to be effective. A Proxy can only transmit as much work as it can produce itself but can receive Infinite so a System running Hack.exe through a proxy takes up Cycles on both the Attack system with the program and every Proxy in the chain. Meaning passive-uses like Firewalls or Security restrict on the Proxy restrict the attack as much as if the same safety was on the original Attack system.

Due to this, most Attack systems not on their own little defenseless circle they are sitting defenseless on the end of the security chain. The chain fraying into a dozen empty-Proxies (without defenses, just running multiple Proxy-Links to split it up into many separate connections) that themselves split until there are as many free Links as there are Attack systems and they get one Link each to an overloaded Empty-Proxy that is totally defenseless but only leads to the actually defended Chain