Limitless Potential (Star Wars/The Gamer)

[X] Attend school and try to fit in, perhaps they might teach you skills too?

@Parlencel you are missing the [X] for your votes
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[X] Sufficient
[X] Attend school and try to fit in, perhaps they might teach you skills too?
[X] Meditate on the feel of the Force around you
[X] - The forums of the yet-to-be released game Korriban Knights. Something about it rubs you the wrong way and you want to investigate deeper... (WIS check passed: 10+)
[X] Sufficient - A gaming site for debate and versus debates. Probably the leading source of esoteric gaming knowledge
[X] Write-in: Plan Hidden in Plain Sight
-[X] Attend school and try to fit in, perhaps they might teach you skills too?
--[X] Investigate School Library to try and find useful skill books, Make copies of those books so that you don't leave many traces of your investigation.
---[X] work on your physical abilities. you don't want to be a glass cannon, better to be able to take, dodge or even counter physical attacks.

Better to try and find out what is wrong with the Korriban Knights game. It might even give us some IC reasons to be careful about our power besides the fact that no one else seems to have them.
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[X] Sufficient
[X] Attend school and try to fit in, perhaps they might teach you skills too?
[X] Meditate on the feel of the Force around you
[X] - A gaming site said to be frequented by anonymized industry giants, this thriving community is filled with ideas for new games (be they holonet, tabletop or more traditional screen-based computer games) and has a board dedicated to looking for ways to improve and break new systems (so they can be patched and fixed of course)

Since his whole life is a game now, having the MC research gaming systems seems like a good idea.

[X] - The forums of the yet-to-be released game Korriban Knights. Something about it rubs you the wrong way and you want to investigate deeper... (WIS check passed: 10+)

There's something fishy going on there, and it's better to learn of it before we get involved.

[X] Plan School Days
[X] Attend school and try to fit in, perhaps they might teach you skills too?
-[X] Establish yourself as a struggling nerd that only stays as good as he is because of a massive amount of studying.

[X] Attend school and try to excel, spend your free time when not training, doing homework and grinding that Intellect to achieve great academic results
-[X] Get the lay of the land, Observing the places you'll frequent in school and establishing a map of the building. Memorize it.
-[X] Get to know other people and listen to interesting rumors. Maybe there are opportunities for a job somewhere?
--[X] Observe others to gauge their interests and moods, and speak accordingly. Be friendly but unobtrusive.
-[X] If a class is going through something you already know, use the time to train your Int/Wis by doing mental arithmetic/solving problems in your head. Don't forget to pay attention in case you're asked a question, as there's only so much that can be excused by 'having trouble with the material'.
-[X] You want more skillbooks. Money is unavailable for now, so you'll have to find other means. Can you get a free library pass somehow? Does the librarian (if there is one) need you to do some tasks in exchange? And most importantly, you'll need to copy the books unless you want to make it blatantly obvious that you're destroying precious knowledge.
-[X] You want more skillbooks. Since you don't have access to money yet, you'll have to dip into somewhat... illegal means. Research computers, specifically how to crack computer security, with the end goal being the ability to copy whatever books you need from the library without being noticed.
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Oh, in case it wasn't obvious:
I'm resolving the question of "what about digital skillbooks" in this way:

-Wipe the file and any duplicated file on the device (unconnected things like a USB or server are not affected)
-Force-Reset the device
-Exception: Some Gamer-made tech built by very old Jedi or Sith. They are called Holocrons

If you try and eat a webpage, you get to download the 'book' as a file. Even if you only have read access. Yes this is very suspicious to anyone looking at the logs.
Oh, in case it wasn't obvious:
I'm resolving the question of "what about digital skillbooks" in this way:

-Wipe the file and any duplicated file on the device (unconnected things like a USB or server are not affected)
-Force-Reset the device
-Exception: Some Gamer-made tech built by very old Jedi or Sith. They are called Holocrons

If you try and eat a webpage, you get to download the 'book' as a file. Even if you only have read access. Yes this is very suspicious to anyone looking at the logs.
So can we just copy the books onto our comm and eat them from there?
I'm also curious about this Korriban Knights game. What exactly would seem so suspicious about it to Jorel? A game focusing on the Sith is hardly unusual in a galaxy ruled by Sith. It's probably full of propaganda and stuff, but other than that...
Can it be used to weed out Gamers/Jedi playing this game? I don't think that's possible, but you never know with technology.
The Sith are an ancient race thought extinct after the Empire of the Sith attempted to invade several thousand years ago and a boogeyman told by the Jedi ever since
Darth Vader is making a political point in donning the mantle (that the Jedi have failed and the Sith have ruled, or to the layperson: goddamn I am awesome) but it's like someone calling themselves a Khan or X the Hun in modern day. He is just scary enough to get away with it

The Sith are 'long dead' and have about as much influence in the modern day as the ancient egyptians due in ours (that is, technologically but their culture is gone)

A game focusing on them is weird but not really out of place...and yet something about the reviews makes Jorel feel like he is missing something, something murky beneath the surface
It could just be a generic VRMMO but his Gamer-Senses are tingling
Clairvoyance has achieved Maximum level (15)
Hellelujah! I can see!

[X] QuestForTheTruth.hol
[X] Attend school and try to excel, spend your free time when not training, doing homework and grinding that Intellect to achieve great academic results
Gotta see if school is useful for something.

Guess we'll have to look into cracking computer security systems and the like if we want to 'borrow' books to eat. :p
I guess we know what the first book we eat is gonna be. Time to learn to be a leet haxxor
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We do not want to excel we have no Idea what is going on. It is better to merge into the crowd of normal people rather then to stand out.
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[X] - The forums of the yet-to-be released game Korriban Knights. Something about it rubs you the wrong way and you want to investigate deeper... (WIS check passed: 10+)
[X] Sufficient - A gaming site for debate and versus debates. Probably the leading source of esoteric gaming knowledge
[X] Write-in: Plan Hidden in Plain Sight
-[X] Attend school and try to fit in, perhaps they might teach you skills too?
--[X] Investigate School Library to try and find useful skill books, Make copies of those books so that you don't leave many traces of your investigation.
---[X] work on your physical abilities. you don't want to be a glass cannon, better to be able to take, dodge or even counter physical attacks.
Excelling is not suspicious. Suddenly excelling when we've shown no sign of being exceptional before is. If you're looking for Gamers, people who change their patterns and behavior, and quickly gain skills are the first sign. It's why I'm leery about exercising, since it will be one more strike against us.

I wouldn't worry so much, but the Empire has won and will be looking for any signs of Gamers, given how troublesome they can become given time.
Excelling is not suspicious. Suddenly excelling when we've shown no sign of being exceptional before is. If you're looking for Gamers, people who change their patterns and behavior, and quickly gain skills are the first sign. It's why I'm leery about exercising, since it will be one more strike against us.

I wouldn't worry so much, but the Empire has won and will be looking for any signs of Gamers, given how troublesome they can become given time.

We are blind therefore it would not look as suspicious as people would believe that we are being bullied and are trying to get stronger so that it stops happening.
Excelling is not suspicious. Suddenly excelling when we've shown no sign of being exceptional before is.
Wrong. This is a high school, there is nothing even remotely suspecious about someone suddenly excelling since it literally means that he is
1. Started doing his homework
2. Is not mentally retarded
Highschool is not hard, we are talking lowest common denominator here. all it takes is doing some minimal effort, say, because they suddenly decided they really want to get into a good college instead of flipping burgers. Also, you can't score better than an A+ on a test.

The idea that a high school will find it highly suspecious when a 16 year old "suddenly" starts doing all his homework and goes from B to A+ on tests is preposterous.

I wouldn't worry so much, but the Empire has won and will be looking for any signs of Gamers, given how troublesome they can become given time.
They are not going to investigate every kid who suddenly started doing his homework
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We are blind therefore it would not look as suspicious as people would believe that we are being bullied and are trying to get stronger so that it stops happening.
We're not being bullied (none have been mentioned at least), and people at the orphanage know it. I'm not against starting to exercise (that would be silly, since we need to improve our physical stats), but I'd like it to happen gradually, perhaps some time after we start school. Changes in behavior that coincide with changes in circumstances are less suspicious.

No, no it is not.
This is a high school, there is nothing even remotely suspecious about someone excelling since all it takes is doing some minimal effort, say, because they suddenly decided they really want to get into a good college instead of flipping burgers. Also, you can't score better than an A+ on a test.
Excelling for a Gamer means being really good at all the subjects. Are you seriously telling me that isn't suspicious? People always have (at least) one or two things they aren't very good at, and it's a weakness our character simply doesn't have. If we had shown signs of being a genius beforehand, maybe we could have gotten away with it, but for now there's no point. Why would we need to excel at school in the first place? We're going to outgrow whatever they have to offer us at a rapid pace and look for greener pastures.
But a Blind kid suddenly doing his homework?
1. Braille
2. We were never blind.
Your "eyes" hidden behind large reflective sunglasses, no-one even knew outside the orphanage of your 'detrimental mutation' and you would simply claim they were prescription should anyone ask.
We don't have eyes, but we could always see with our special sight. Also, we always wore "prescription sunglasses" so that nobody would suspect that we have no eyes. The blindness we got now was only because our sight started consuming FP once we became a gamer and we didn't have enough FP regen to support it (our sight also got a lot better now than it was before)

Excelling for a Gamer means being really good at all the subjects. Are you seriously telling me that isn't suspicious?
Yes, I seriously am. There is literally nothing at all whatsoever suspecious about a 16 year old high schooler doing well in his classes

People always have (at least) one or two things they aren't very good at
You watch way too much TV. This is not at all how the real world works.
Also, not being "talented" at something doesn't mean you can't get an A+ at it at highschool because lowest common denominator.

If we had shown signs of being a genius beforehand, maybe
I don't think you quite understand what the word suspicious means
also. I don't think you know what a genius means considering we can't do indefinite grinding for stats.
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Yes, I seriously am. There is literally nothing at all whatsoever suspecious about a 16 year old high schooler doing well in his classes

You watch way too much TV. This is not at all how the real world works.
Also, not being "talented" at something doesn't mean you can't get an A+ at it at highschool because lowest common denominator.
We're not talking about 'doing well'. We're talking about a Gamer trying his best and not holding back whatsoever. That's going to blow our cover faster than you can say 'But I'm loyal to the Empire!'.

And you still haven't said why we need to do our best there. We're not going to college, and we don't need the best job offers, so why stand out?

I don't think you quite understand what the word suspicious means
also. I don't think you know what a genius means considering we can't do indefinite grinding for stats.
You're completely ignoring our insane advancement rate for skills.
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We're not talking about 'doing well'. We're talking about a Gamer trying his best and not holding back whatsoever.
Wrong due to several reasons
1. You can't get more than an A+ in highschool
2. We are not your typical gamer, we have a cap on our attributes
3. QM said
Attend school and try to excel, spend your free time when not training, doing homework and grinding that Intellect to achieve great academic results
The only specified methods are "do your homework" and "grind int" (which increase our memorizing ability). Grinding that int cuts down on how much time and effort we need to put into stuff to memorize it, but literally nobody knows how much time we spent doing the homework so nobody will notice our higher int (it is also hard capped unless we murder stuff for XP).
4. Highschool teachers are not part of the secret police
5. Highschool teachers are not going to go apeshit at a student suddenly raising his grades.
6. Getting all As in highschool is not the sign of great massive towering intellect like you think it is.
7. You are talking out of your ass in platitudes. We are now in highschool, lets say our classes are
Class - Grade
Art - B
Math - A
Geography - C
Geometry - B
History - C

So our "excelling" would be doing all the homework and doing better on tests. This would slowly over time raise our grade closer to all As (since scores are averaged). This is not a sign of someone having superhuman ability. This is not a sign of genius. And being a genius is certainly not a sign of being "suspicious".

You're completely ignoring our insane advancement rate for skills.
Because they are completely and utterly totally irrelevant to the discussion. Nobody is going to say "holy shit this kid is as good at math as someone with a PHD in math", they are going to say "oh nice, timmy is now doing his homework and raised his grade from a B to an A, good for him" assuming they even notice at all. (fun fact, each highschool teacher has to deal with over 100 students, and since they have computers they are not even keeping track of them all, just inputting grades in the computer as they come up).

Heuristics software that looks for sudden grade improvement is also completely and utterly stupid because again, highschool students improve their grades all the time. it just takes a parent to crack the whip and make them do their homework.
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