I will see if I can find time in my schedule to discuss it with you, but I cannot commit much time to it until my term expires in 1662
((One could argue that going on diplomatic visits to rulers of other nations would logically be one of the chief duties in the job description of the president. Especially is said ruler is the emperor of the HRE. Him not having the time for it is kind of ridiculous.))
TO: Wallonia @Theravis
FROM: The United Netherlands

We write to confirm our previously negotiated alliance of defense, and ask as a show of good faith to commit to a drawdown of forces on our border, with the goal of demobilization.
Considering the recent events we are hesitant to withdraw so quickly. Wallonian soil still remembers Dutch boots.
((One could argue that going on diplomatic visits to rulers of other nations would logically be one of the chief duties in the job description of the president. Especially is said ruler is the emperor of the HRE. Him not having the time for it is kind of ridiculous.))
It's the difference between short visit and extensive project, the latter being what I thought was being proposed.
Dai Nihon Teikoku- 1659 AD
Name: The Greater Japanese Empire
Commonly Referred to As: The Empire of Japan, Japan
Language: Japanese majority with a minority of foreign tongues.

Religion: Shintoism is the largest and official religion of the Empire while minorities, mainly Buddhism, also exist

Form of Government: Absolute Theocratic Monarchy
Head of State and Government: His Imperial Majesty, Emperor Komyo
Heir: Disputed
Capital: Kyoto

Emperor Komyo, Divine descendant of Amaterasu and Emperor of Japan today
Domestic Events:

It's a new era for Japan! With the Shogunate gone the Emperor holds near absolute and undisputed power over the Empire and little dares to challenge him, he who has been blessed with divine gifts from the Sun Goddess herself! Emperor Komyo is using this to his advantage as a way to begin greater centralization of the Empire and weakening the powers of the nobles.


International Relations:
Trading agreements with Denmark, Egypt, and the Netherlands

Tsarstvo Russkoye - 1659
Name: Tsardom of Russia
Head of State: Alexis of Russia
Head of Government: Alexis of Russia
Type of Government: Autocracy
Population: 15,000,000
Capital: Moscow
Largest City: Moscow

Family Tree:
Tsar Alexis of Russia (b. 1629, a. 30) married Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya (B. 1625, a. 34)
  • Tsarevna Yevdokia Alekseevna (b. 1650, a. 9)
  • Tsarevich Peter Alexeevich (b. 1654, a. 5)
  • Tsarevich Alexei Alexeevich (b. 1654, a. 5)
  • Tsarevna Sofia Alekseevna (b. 1654, a. 5)
  • Tsarevich Ivan Alexeevich (b. 1657, a. 2)
Internal Events:

-The colonization of Siberia is continuing.
-The Tver-Moscow railroad has officially been opened. The Tsar personally took the first ride on the new train and announced his plans to build extensive rail lines through Russia. They are as follows.
Tver-Veliky Novogord
Veliky Novogorod-Pskov
Moscow-Nizhny Novogorod
Veliky Novogorod-Nyenschantz (to be renamed St. Petersburg)
Moscow-Voronezh-Rostov-on-the-Don (a town to be built at the OTL site to service the railroad)-Feodosiya
Yaroslavl-Kirov-Nizhny Novogorod

Naturally the immense undertaking means Russia cannot perform this undertaking on just the Tsar's coffers. Companies of Merchants will be given charters to build section of the rail network with Grantville and government assistance as well as charters to found steel mills, open coal mines, create factories to manufacture locomotives and rail cars, and any other supporting industries that are needed. The Tsar expects this project will take decades to complete but the power of the Free Market allowing merchants to starts various branches well ahead of the Tsar results in a much shorter build time. (4/4)

-With the purchase of Ingria, the building of a true Baltic port can commence. The Tsar has ordered Nyenschants renovated into a proper fort and plans are being drawn up for the city itself. The city itself will be built along the lines used by Peter the Great historically, or at least as much could be gleaned from the historical texts. Grantville's assistance is being requested to deal with the medical issues caused by working in swampland. (4/5)

-Western culture continues to be shown off in the Russian Court.

-The Tsar seeks to reform the bureaucracy and thus has decided to divide the civil service into seven colleges allowing for specialization in their fields. These colleges are for: Foreign Affairs, War, Navy, Expense, Income, Justice, and Inspection. Administered by a President, Vice-President and Councilors it is hoped that this will help make the bureaucracy more professional and more able to serve the Empire.

Economic Status:
-Stabilizing, The peace of the last couple years is helping the country.
Army: 300,000 Men with 700,000 potential conscripts

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Grantville is overseeing technical projects for the Tsar.
An alliance has been signed with England.
An agreement was made with Sweden.


Danmark - Year 1659

Name: Denmark
Head of Government: Skuld
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 0.78 million
Capital & Largest: Copenhagen

Skuld (???) & Johan de Witt (???)
- Adriaan (1656)

Frederick III of Denmark (1609-1654)
- Christian V (1646)
- Anna Sophie (1647)
- Frederica Amalia (1649)
- Wilhelmine Ernestine (1650)


Internal Events:
- The Danish colonization of Madagascar continues. [4/6]
- A colossal wyrm is caught in the Icelandic hinterland. Once again spirited away to the "top secret" (rapidly becoming open secret) Wyrmden, which is under near continuous construction to house its large and larger inhabitants.
- A ambitious project to link together Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Scania and the assorted smaller islands with a series of magnifcent suspension bridges begins. It's construction proceeds speedily thanks to dwarven skill and the co-operation of Swedish Earth mages and workers (@Sailor Midgard) [1/2]
- With newfound knowledge of electricity, Denmark begins building some geothermal generation plants in appropriate locations to make use of this wonder. [2/???]
- With plentiful Russian Steel, Danish Engineers are finishing up their research on ironclads. [1/2] @Ceslas
- A large stainless steel and concrete sea-pen is being constructed to house the Charybdis.

Economic Status:
- Good
- The improved trade made possible by the Phaecian ships is proving a significant boost to the Danish economy.

The Danish military is becoming steadily more and more secretive. What could they be plotting?

  • Standing Army: 7,800 (1%)
  • Reserves: 39,000 [demobilized](5%)
  • 2 1st Rate 120 gun ships of the line
  • 2 2nd Rate 100 gun ships of the line
  • 4 3rd Rate 90 gun ships of the line
  • 5 4th Rate 75 gun ships of the line
  • 9 30 gun Frigates
  • 10 20 gun Frigates
  • 22 10 gun Sloops
Air Force:

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Marriage with Netherlands
Trade with Russia
Defence Treaty with Sweden
Alliance with Egypt

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From: Shahanshah Abbas II
To: Djinn of Greater Iran and their kings and khans and shahs and sultans @Theravis


It has been several years since you revealed yourselves out of thin air, showing a part of Iran that neither me nor my subjects knew of. During this time, there were no major incidents between my subjects and you and I'm glad of it. Nevertheless, we share the same land, so I think that it is only fair to be ruled by the same man, unifying the Iranians of fire with the Iranians of flesh. Who among you intends to call me his king?
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From: Shahanshah Abbas II
To: Djinn of Greater Iran and their kings and khans and shahs and sultans @Theravis


It has been several years since you revealed yourselves out of thin air, showing a part of Iran that neither me nor my subjects knew of. During this time, there were no major incidents between my subjects and you and I'm glad of it. Nevertheless, we share the same land, so I think that it is only fair to be ruled by the same man, unifying the Iranians of fire with the Iranians of flesh. Who among you intends to call me his king?
From: The Seven Kings of Djinn
*Various rewordings of this message*

Show us why the Djinn of our day should serve man, when we have done so for only one, and even then under duress?

From: Marid Szalman

I have preserved you from the depredations of Raum. Stand at my side, make me king of all the Djinni, and I will bless and cooperate with you.
There are seven kings who rule the seven days. We must defeat each of them, and claim their thrones.

But they rule over hundreds of kings and uncountable numbers of subjects, directly and indirectly. Not to mention that they give their legions to Iblis, they're shaytan. How do you hope to accomplish this?

OOC: I think this one needs a private convo.
From Ming China to South East Asia States

Greetings. While we were once but about to be annihilated by the barbarian Manchu, with the grace of the Mandate of Heaven we have retaken China and more besides, smashing the barbarians into the wastelands they spawned from. We politely ask you that we resume our mutually beneficially relationship together once more, so that all may profit.

After all, we are the greatest power that anyone could wish to be friends with in the area.
From Ming China to South East Asia States

Greetings. While we were once but about to be annihilated by the barbarian Manchu, with the grace of the Mandate of Heaven we have retaken China and more besides, smashing the barbarians into the wastelands they spawned from. We politely ask you that we resume our mutually beneficially relationship together once more, so that all may profit.

After all, we are the greatest power that anyone could wish to be friends with in the area.
They agree, barring Siam.