TO: Guangzhou civic officials
FROM: The United Netherlands

Relief shipments of rice and wheat are arriving in Panyu harbor as we speak. We're not going to let you starve.
Serenìsima Repùblica Vèneta - 1658

The Most Serene Republic of Venice
Head of State: Doge Francesco Molin
Head of Government: Doge Francesco Molin
Type of Government: Oligarchical Republic
Population: 750,000
National Motto: Pax Tibi, Marce, Evangelista Meus (Peace to You, Mark, My Evangelist)
Largest City: Venice


Internal Events:

Economic Status:

- Flourishing


- Small, but well-armed

  • 7,500, not including mercenaries
  • 37,500 (demobilised)

The Arsenal is now hard at work producing ships of Phaecian design, capable of moving at incredible speeds and navigating themselves without human input.

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Member state of the Holy Roman Empire
Tuscany can still jump off a cliff.

To: Queen Skuld of Denmark (@Demonic Spoon)

To Her Most Radiant Majesty,
Please enjoy this fine specimen of an ancient cursed demigod we have procured for you. We hope it finds you well and that you are able to make to make great use of it. We are afraid she was slightly damaged in the attempt, but trust that your magics will be able to cure her of this. In any case, the contract did not specify that she should be whole when delivered.

Have fun with your new plaything.

As Always, I Remain Humbly Yours,
Francesco Molin
Doxe de Venexia

To the Teko People of the New World

To the Teko People of the New World
We of the Most Serene Republic of Venice thank you graciously for the hospitality you have shown thus far.
Our people are but humble traders, here looking to bring the new and exotic things of your continent back to trade in our homeland of Europe. To allow this, we have decided that our most efficient course of action is to open trade to you, so that we may provide things that are rare to you in exchange for things that are rare to us in greater quantities.

Do feel free to consider us as business partners.

With the greatest of appreciation,
Marcantonio Giustinian
Colonial Overseer

To the Xhosa, San and Khoikhoi peoples of Southern Africa

Peace from Europe to the tribes of Southern Africa. Our settlers, though strange to your eyes mean you no harm.
Our new port on the cape is a sign of great things to come, and if your relationship with our settlers remains friendly, you will share in the wealth and prosperity that will come to this barren land.

With the Greatest of appreciation,
Marcantonio Giustinian
Colonial Overseer

To King Rupertus of Greece (@KingOfPenguins or possibly @Theravis)
Your Majesty,
We of the Serene Republic would like to negotiate access to your lands - particularly around Lernea - in order to rid you of a potentially dangerous creature. Would you allow us this as a courtesy to fellow Christians, or shall we start the bidding?

As Ever, I Remain Humbly Yours,
Francesco Molin
Doxe de Venexia
To Her Most Radiant Majesty,
Please enjoy this fine specimen of an ancient cursed demigod we have procured for you. We hope it finds you well and that you are able to make to make great use of it. We are afraid she was slightly damaged in the attempt, but trust that your magics will be able to cure her of this. In any case, the contract did not specify that she should be whole when delivered.

Have fun with your new plaything.

As Always, I Remain Humbly Yours,
Francesco Molin
Doxe de Venexia
You have our sincerest thanks. If Venice needs the help of the Denmark in the future, do not hesitate to contact us.
From: King Charles II
To: The fae..... @Theravis
Anyone fancy a
Wyld Revelries
Hello, dearies! I'm just crawling into your glass boxes to tell you all that we had a lovely party over in London-town, even with that gaudy iron everywhere. Myself, and my husband, and the Winter types, all dropped by and had a lovely evening. As it happens, Charles dear, you can go ahead and roll for a surprise if you like, you know the one... but carefully. That Russian fellow is watching.

Hello Cessy dear! Grandmama Yaga says hello!
Dutch Event: Music Of The Neo-American

The Neo-American period in the Western music tradition traditionally refers to the middle of the seventeenth century, as the European music tradition integrated tonal, rhythmic and instrumental innovation from the popular media and music that travelled uptime with Grantville.

"Neo-American", however, typically conflates two distinct styles. The first incorporated the folk traditions of American music -- fiddle and dulcimer, and the rhythm and syncopation American folk music took from African slaves. The second style, confined to the burgeoning Amsterdam and Grantville music underground though influential in later years, focused on reinterpretation of the American pop music scene -- the 1990s were widely noted for being a particularly innovative time in the American popular music scene.

That innovation was not lost on uptime composers, as American media was reinterpreted and retold in period styles:

Venetian Internal Event - The Death of Francesco Molin

The Doge of Venice, until recently very healthy for his age, has died of gallstones at the age of 83.
Throughout the past few years, the Doge had been conducting his affairs increasingly through correspondence and the support of others of his House due to unpredictable colic attacks making face-to-face meetings difficult to say the least. Untrusting of surgeons, he repeatedly refused to be operated on until his condition had worsened to the point where he had become bedridden, whereupon he was already succumbing to sepsis.

Elections to determine his successor are to be held by the end of the year.​
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Venetian Internal Event - The Death of Francesco Molin

The Doge of Venice, until recently very healthy for his age, has died of gallstones at the age of 83.Throughout the past few years, the Doge had been conducting his affairs increasingly through correspondence and the support of others of his House
Throughout the past few years, the Doge had been conducting his affairs increasingly through correspondence and the support of others of his House due to unpredictable colic attacks making face-to-face meetings difficult to say the least. Untrusting of surgeons, he repeatedly refused to be operated on until his condition had worsened to the point where he had become bedridden, whereupon he was already succumbing to sepsis.

Elections to determine his successor are to be held by the end of the year.​
To:The Most Serene Republic of Venice and House Molin
From: : Kristina Augusta Wasa, Queen of the Swedes, Norse, Geats and Wends, Grand Princess of Finnland and Cisplatina, Duchess of Scania, Karelia, Stettin, Livonia, Pomerania, Kashubia and Wendia, Princess of Rügen, Lady of Appollonia,Moroni, St.Helena, Tranquebar, Walvis Bay and Wismar, Sovereign of Bremen-Stade, etc.

We do express our sadness and offer Condolences to both the Venetian state and the Familly of the deceased doge, a credit to his people and his line.Our Emissary Plenipotientary, Count De La Gardie , will attend the funeral

We also herewith assure you of our continued goodwill towards your proud hation and hope for a tightening of ties.

Danmark - Year 1660

Name: Denmark
Head of Government: Skuld
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 0.89 million
Capital & Largest: Copenhagen
Skuld (???) & Johan de Witt (???)
- Adriaan (1656)
- Daniel (1660)

Frederick III of Denmark (1609-1654)
- Christian V (1646)
- Anna Sophie (1647)
- Frederica Amalia (1649)
- Wilhelmine Ernestine (1650)

Internal Events:
- The Danish colonization of Madagascar continues. [5/6]
- Barely anyone takes notice of yet another wyrm capture.
- The ambitious project to link together Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Scania and the assorted smaller islands with a series of magnifcent suspension bridges comes to a close. It's construction proceeds speedily thanks to dwarven skill and the co-operation of Swedish Earth mages and workers (@Sailor Midgard) [2/2]
- Railroads tracks are rapidly being laid across the new bridges, to allow for fast transportation across them.
- With newfound knowledge of electricity, Denmark begins building some geothermal generation plants in appropriate locations to make use of this wonder. [3]
- With plentiful Russian Steel, Danish Engineers have finally finished their research on ironclads. [2/2]
- Denmark joins the Grantville radio network with little fanfare.
- The Royal Danish Boarding School for Young Ladies opens in the wilderness. It teaches all the knowledge women of refined birth should know, like etiquette, dancing, history, accounting, art, estate management, science, engineering, falconry, and of course the pride of the curriculum, the hunting of magical creatures. Backed by the prestige of the Royal House it enrols a fair amount of students.

Economic Status:
- Good
- The improved trade made possible by the Phaecian ships is proving a significant boost to the Danish economy.

The Danish military is becoming steadily more and more secretive. What could they be plotting?
  • Standing Army: 8,900 (1%)
  • Reserves: 44,500 [demobilized](5%)
  • 2 1st Rate 120 gun ships of the line
  • 2 2nd Rate 100 gun ships of the line
  • 4 3rd Rate 90 gun ships of the line
  • 5 4th Rate 75 gun ships of the line
  • 9 30 gun Frigates
  • 10 20 gun Frigates
  • 22 10 gun Sloops
Air Force:
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Marriage with Netherlands
Trade with Russia
Defence Treaty with Sweden
Alliance with Egypt
Portugal @Theravis
From: Queen Skuld of Denmark
We would be interested in purchasing your colony in South-Eastern Africa.
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Danmark - Year 1660

Name: Denmark
Head of Government: Skuld
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 0.78 million
Capital & Largest: Copenhagen
Skuld (???) & Johan de Witt (???)
- Adriaan (1656)
- Daniel (1660)

Frederick III of Denmark (1609-1654)
- Christian V (1646)
- Anna Sophie (1647)
- Frederica Amalia (1649)
- Wilhelmine Ernestine (1650)

Internal Events:
- The Danish colonization of Madagascar continues. [5/6]
- Barely anyone takes notice of yet another wyrm capture.
- The ambitious project to link together Jutland, Funen, Zealand, Scania and the assorted smaller islands with a series of magnifcent suspension bridges comes to a close. It's construction proceeds speedily thanks to dwarven skill and the co-operation of Swedish Earth mages and workers (@Sailor Midgard) [2/2]
- Railroads tracks are rapidly being laid across the new bridges, to allow for rapid transportation across them.
- With newfound knowledge of electricity, Denmark begins building some geothermal generation plants in appropriate locations to make use of this wonder. [3/???]
- With plentiful Russian Steel, Danish Engineers have finally finished their research on ironclads. [2/2]
- Denmark joins the Grantville radio network with little fanfare.
- The Royal Danish Boarding School for Young Ladies opens in the wilderness. It teaches all the knowledge women of refined birth should know, like etiquette, dancing, history, accounting, art, estate management, science, engineering, falconry, and of course the pride of the curriculum, the hunting of magical creatures. Backed by the prestige of the Royal House it enrols a fair amount of students.

Economic Status:
- Good
- The improved trade made possible by the Phaecian ships is proving a significant boost to the Danish economy.

The Danish military is becoming steadily more and more secretive. What could they be plotting?
  • Standing Army: 7,800 (1%)
  • Reserves: 39,000 [demobilized](5%)
  • 2 1st Rate 120 gun ships of the line
  • 2 2nd Rate 100 gun ships of the line
  • 4 3rd Rate 90 gun ships of the line
  • 5 4th Rate 75 gun ships of the line
  • 9 30 gun Frigates
  • 10 20 gun Frigates
  • 22 10 gun Sloops
Air Force:
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Marriage with Netherlands
Trade with Russia
Defence Treaty with Sweden
Alliance with Egypt
Portugal @Theravis
From: Queen Skuld of Denmark
We would be interested in purchasing your colony in South-Eastern Africa.

To: Grantville
From: Queen Skuld of Denmark
Would you be willing and able to sell us knowledge of how to make Zeppelins?
From : Portugal

We need it to connect with the rest of the empire.
]Sverige -Norge - 1660

National Flag

Kingdom of Sweden -Norway
Head of State: Kristina Augusta Wasa, Queen of the Swedes, Norse, Geats and Wends, Grand Princess of Finnland and Cisplatina, Duchess of Scania, Karelia, Stettin, Livonia, Pomerania, Kashubia and Wendia, Princess of Rügen, Lady of the Swedish Carribean,Appolonia,Moroni, St.Helena, Tranquebar, Walvis Bay and Wismar, Sovereign of Bremen-Stade, etc.

Carl Gustav Wasa- von Pfalz-Zweibruecken, Co-Regent and King, Duke of Scania and Bremen-Stade, Count Palantine by the Rhine

Kristina Augusta Wasa, Queen
(b.8.12.1626 os-
married Karl X Gustav Wasa- Pfalz-Zweibruecken [b.8.11.1622 os-]
had issue
Karl Adolph ( b.1.3.1655 os-]
Katharina Eleonora [ b.5.4 1656 os-]
Johannes Gustav [b. 5.11.1658 os-]

Head of Government: Axel Count Oxenstierna, Lord High Chancellor

Type of Government: Semi-constitutional monarchy in Sweden proper, Monarchy in other territories except Norway, where it is a Semi- Constitutional Monarchy.
Population: Sweden proper- 1.425 milion
Norway 0.45 million
Finland 0.45 million
Latvia 0.5 million
Pomerania 0.325
Bremen-Verden 0.1million
Walvis Bay

sum total of 3.35millions
National Anthem: none
National Motto: Visheten är rikets stöd- Wisdom is the realm's support
Largest City: Stockholm


As it stands at this juncture, Sweden is in defacto possession of an empire around the Baltic sea it can barely maintain.The addition of Norway has actually helped, as has the acquisation of Scania

Renewed colonisation efforts are however fueling the national enthusiasm....
And have proven tremendously sucessful up to now.

A rapprochement with Denmark has been reached.

The narrowly averted outbreak of war against an triple alliance has set shockwaves troughout the bodu politic...

Internal Events:

- Selected qualified persons are continuing to graduade from the MIT.
A Swedish Faculty for Modern Engineering is operating in the University of Uppsala, chaired by Arnulf Sparre, an former MIT graduate.
The kingdom has been implemented 'modern' medical knowledge gained from Grantville and sanitized its cities to good sucess .
Most of the greater cities have by now acquired at least a rudimentary canalisation and with the newly accquired help of Stone magic and the dvergar, this is going to speed up even more.(2/5]
Her Majesty has build public hospitals in some of the greater cities.
Sweden has modernized its mining industry with Grantvilles aid.
It has adapted as quick the technological gains from the Danish peace and those gained by the Russian deal.
Bessemer steel is being produced, steam locomotives have been build, the design of inland waterway and coastal steamers with paddlewheel propulsion are completed.
The railway between Oslo , Aarhus and Stockholm has started to operate, aided again by dvergar craft and stone magic.
A further railroad to Skania is being build from both aarhus and Stockholm.2/3
Bridges link Scania and denmark, spanning the sound , but let ships pass underneath.When the railway is ready next year, it will connect Sweden-Norway and Denmark....

Dams up in the swedish and Norwegian mountains have been errected to harness the force of the waters for electic power generation.
Electrification of the greater citys is starting ... 3 /4
A number of radio towers have been build for use with Grantville tech and are operating fine.
Engeneers look into Ocean going turbine steamers.
Settlement of the newly acquired East Indian possesions is promoted at a brisk pace, as are other colonisation projects.

As follows....

After sopporting the wa-Shirazi Sultans of Domba and Hamavu-Aldabara on Gran Comoros, the Swedish gained control of the Harbortown of Moroni and surrounding lands.

At Walvis Bay, todays Namibia , Sweden has builds a whaling and Fishing station and a stopover point for ships bound to either Capetown( and from tnere to Tranquebar and Appollonia ) or to Cisplatina.

The island of St.Helena has been settled as one more waystation and fishing port.

The Ille de Bourbon in the Maskarenes, as Appollonia, a fine waypoint for traveles to India and places east and a minor settlement colony (plantation).A contigent of 250 soldiers and appropriate number of Company employers and other civillians are to be settled, but there also will be slaves acquired by the crown from arab traders etc... who are to be put to work on the farms for three to ten years, after which they are manumitted and given enough land to support themselves. The higher their work input, the sooner they will be freed.
Conversion to christianity also detracts from unpaid forced labor time.

Cisplatina (OTL Uruguay and surrounds) is going to be the settlement colony, with Cattle herding, farms and all, the place where most finns, Germans, Swedes and Norwegians are going to settle and make their new life.
The crown is going to respect provable landrights of the local Spaniards and extend religious toleration.
Local Indios who are willing to accept Swedish protection are granted it, those who do not and ATTACK settlers will be fought relentlessly, but not mercilessly.
A strong effort, especially among the Guarani, is made to befriend and covert them.
The Colonial settlements are founded as fortified villages at first, whch will serve as a hub and the local garrision of the Army .
A reserve militia is to be trained.
The Goverment steps up the propagand for colonisation again, building on earlier sucess..
it also will support the settlers with credit, livestock and seeds.
On the spot of OTL Montevideo a harbor town, eventually a city, by the name of Augusta Cisplatina , is founded, to be the new capitol of the Principality of Cisplatina.3/5

A new settlement is founded at Karlsport (otl Durban) after buying the place and its surrounds from the local xhosa.
It is to be a misionary station, trade empiorium and fortifird harbor 1/3

In all these territories , the former inhabitants of New sweden and the Carribean Territirirs are being resettled.

Victory in the war against Denmark has greatly boosted Kristinas popularity and those of the Dutch alliance.This is still true, even with the Ingrian matter.

In both gained Scandinavian territories, the transition proved not as easy as hoped, but worked wll enough, with Norway kept as an independent kingdom joined in personal union and Scania to be added to sweden proper.
Local laws and traditions are respected... perhaps even emphasized in Norway.
Norway and Scania are seen as major gains.

Economic Status : very good
-the resources of Sweden-Norway are great, even if the country still is recovering from the evpenses of the wars recently conducted
-self-sufficient as to agriculture, furs, ores, timber exported, leading economic power in the Baltic sea.
Results of the Carribean gains remain to be seen, but looks less sterling.
Mine and foundry output are still on the rise
Trade with Tranquebar and India Is fullfilling its promise
There is newly started trade with the Dvergar of Otrs Hold for high quality tools, weapons and armor
Russian markets are opening up.
Citallon is trading with Sweden-Norway


  • Number of Men in total currently in the active military 28.500 highly trained men
  • Number of Reserves (de Mobilised)6ooo (5%), 120000 if mobilised
  • Navy: 58
  • 4 first raters
  • 6 2nd raters
  • 10 3rd raters
  • 26 frigates
  • 12 sloops/galleys/brigs
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:Trade with Netherlands, France, the Empire, Citallon, Russia, the Niflungar Dvergar of Lord Otrs Hold, Persia, Denmark
Alliance of Defense with the United Provinces of the Netherlands.
Alliance of Defense with Denmark
Agreement with Russia.
Marriage alliance with Denmark
Development agreement with Persia

Diplomacy :To :the goverment of the Holy Roman Empire (@kızıl sultan )
From Sweden- Norway


We repeat our last years offer as follows.....

May it please your imperial majesty that Our reigning pair of monarchs, after deliberatinons with the private council has, now that 11 years hhave passed since the lamented War of Religion in the Empire finally ended, the Crown of our realm hath decided to try and take a more active stance AS A MEMBER OF THE EMPIRE. Since the Crown holds the titles to the Imperial member states of Pomerania, Rugen and Bremen-Stade.
We are willing to release the City of Wismar back into Imperial Free city status if certain negotiatiable things happen....

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TO: Citallon @Theravis
FROM: The United Netherlands

Amsterdam is looking to hire the services of a 5* master earth mage for a few years, to experiment with new crystal-growing techniques. We would be willing to send a Faith mage to Citallon in exchange, plus send samples of our crystals for study.
To: Abdul Aziz Khan of Bukhara @Theravis

You have served your purpose against the Mughals but, despite this, your uzbeks keep raiding within my borders in Bactria. Swear fealty to me and help me disarm those savages, or we'll come to blows.
Venetian Elections of 1660
Carlo Contrinari +15
Agostino Ottoboni +5
Lorenzo Marcello +10

Following the Crusade, the mood regarding the Papacy in Venice was at an all-time low. Thus, it came as little surprise that the former admiral, Lorenzo Marcello, was almost overwhelmingly elected Doge, being remembered both for his conflicts against the Papacy in the 1640s, and for his opposition to the exploitation of the Venetians by the papacy in the Crusade.
Theravis threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Elections in order Total: 56
14 14 2 2 40 40
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(really Theravis?)
Grantville Elections of 1660
Although Congress voted to extend terms to six years, the time of President Mazzare was still over. Naming his successor in the party and stepping down, he prepared to see an easy transition.

Sadly, he was wrong. While most were happy with his policies, a vocal minority was growing, worried that Grantville was losing its influence with the Austrians moving production and R&D facilities out of Magdeburg and Grantville.

Bailey/Christian Democrats: +10
Simpson/Sacred Republic Party:+0
Stearns/New Revolutionary Party:+15
Richter/Downtime Lobby: +20

Running on a platform of labor reform, disestablishmentarianism, and returning influence to Grantville, the first woman president of the Union was elected, one Grechen Richter. Her Downtime Lobby forms a coalition government with the New Revolutionaries for a socialist/unionist future focusing on returning jobs and influence to Grantville.
Theravis threw 4 100-faced dice. Reason: Elections in order Total: 169
20 20 30 30 56 56 63 63
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The United Netherlands congratulates President Richter on her election, and hopes for the continuation of warm relations between our two states.
Danish Event: Zeppelins!
The first Danish commercial helium zeppelins take flight this year among much fanfare, gliding through the air as a shining symbol of Danish advancement and hope for a brighter future. Already brave merchants are gambling on an air-route to the Indies, hoping to gain a decisive edge over their competitors.

To: Russia, Constantinople and the Mamluks (@Ceslas @Theravis @Maestonz )
From: Denmark

We would like to request permission to fly Danish Zeppelins in your airspace, and construct several airports and refueling stations.
Danish Event: Zeppelins!
The first Danish commercial helium zeppelins take flight this year among much fanfare, gliding through the air as a shining symbol of Danish advancement and hope for a brighter future. Already brave merchants are gambling on an air-route to the Indies, hoping to gain a decisive edge over their competitors.

To: Russia, Constantinople and the Mamluks (@Ceslas @Theravis @Maestonz )
From: Denmark

We would like to request permission to fly Danish Zeppelins in your airspace, and construct several airports and refueling stations.
Granted. Please build the first in St. Petersburg and Moscow.
Danmark - Year 1661

Name: Denmark
Head of Government: Skuld
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Population: 0.89 million
Capital & Largest: Copenhagen
Skuld (???) & Johan de Witt (???)
- Adriaan (1656)
- Daniel (1660)

Frederick III of Denmark (1609-1654)
- Christian V (1646)
- Anna Sophie (1647)
- Frederica Amalia (1649)
- Wilhelmine Ernestine (1650)

Internal Events:
- The first stage of the Danish colonization of Madagascar finishes! [6/6]
- Shock emanates throughout Europe as the young huntresses of the Royal Danish Boarding School prove their worth and catch a unicorn! This is seen as a sign of God favouring Denmark. It is a beautiful thing of grace and purity, and is proving popular among the students of the school.
- With newfound knowledge of electricity, Denmark begins building some geothermal and hydro-electrical generation plants in appropriate locations to make use of this wonder. [4]
- Wild rumours circulate of Skuld having gained a pet dragon, though these remain unconfirmed and sketchy at best.

Economic Status:
- Good
- The improved trade made possible by the Phaecian ships is proving a significant boost to the Danish economy.

The Danish military is becoming steadily more and more secretive. What could they be plotting?
  • Standing Army: 8,900 (1%)
  • Reserves: 44,500 [demobilized](5%)
  • 2 1st Rate 120 gun ships of the line
  • 2 2nd Rate 100 gun ships of the line
  • 4 3rd Rate 90 gun ships of the line
  • 5 4th Rate 75 gun ships of the line
  • 9 30 gun Frigates
  • 10 20 gun Frigates
  • 22 10 gun Sloops
Air Force:
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Marriage with Netherlands
Trade with Russia
Defence Treaty with Sweden
Alliance with Egypt
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