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We believe we have much to gain from cooperation. Let's take this conversation into a more private location?
I wholeheartedly agree. Where would you like to continue this discussion?
We believe we have much to gain from cooperation. Let's take this conversation into a more private location?
From: Mamluke Kingdom of Egypt
To: Republic of Venice @Mr BreaksIt
Greeting from the Kingdom of Egypt. We would like to establish a trade route with your country.
To: Denmark and the Netherlands @Theravis @SecretariatGeneral announcement
As news of an abhuman necromancer ascending to the Danish throne through suspicious means at best reach the ears of the shahanshah, the Iranian court decides to expel any person of Danish descent (prevalently diplomats and traders) from the country and declares all relations ended with Copenaghen.
Similar measures are taken with people of Dutch descent, who apparently represent the extension of the will of the necromancer's husband.
"Every good Muslim knows that Allah created but three creatures: angels, from light, djinn, from smokeless fire, and man from clay. Anything else we do not recognize, for it is not the product of Allah's labour. As such, we are certainly not going to keep relations with a country, nay, two countries, that have been entirely touched by evil. As a proof of the evil of this creature, we point to its practices that defile the corpses of the dead and prevent their souls from resting as they should. We are not going to send our men to any Frankish country on the other side of the world, but we have no intention to appease evil for longer.
We can only hope that those properly Christian nations will see things as we do and follow our example", the King of Kings declared.
Danish and Dutch people within Iran have two weeks to put as many miles as they can between themselves and the border of Iran.
From: Queen Skuld I of DenmarkTo: Denmark and the Netherlands @Theravis @Secretariat
The Tsar would like to extend his condolences to your countries.
That is indeed a thing worthy of congratulations.From: Queen Skuld I of Denmark
Denmark did little with Persia as it was. Far better to offer congratulations on a husband who isn't trying to murder me.
My Dear Friend,
Sincerest apologies for the lateness of this reply, it has been a most hectic year.
I was under the impression that we already had a trade route with Egypt, but we shall look into strengthening it as much as is practical. Trade between our people has historical been a most rewarding venture for both parties, and allowed us access to the bones of our venerated St. Mark.
Textiles and glass are the traditional Egyptian exports. You will be seeing more Venetian ships at your ports soon.
As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin,
Doxe de Venexia
To His Holiness Paul VI (@Brightflame)
Your Esteemed Holiness, I find myself troubled by recent events in Germany.
Surely, this dragon-mounted wight could not be considered the True Frederick Barbarossa? Indeed, there have been whisperings that this is the Antichrist itself!
I do not believe it myself, but I cannot bring myself to believe that Frederick Barbarossa has resurrected, an event that must be considered the domain of Our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be His name, alone. This ghost rider in the sky must be at the least some phantom imposter conjured by magic at the very least, a Devil in human form much more likely.
As a new member of the Holy Roman Empire, I would much like to keep it Holy, but with the zeal my fellow members have toward this newcomer, I find myself conflicted. Normally this matter would be handled by one of the local clergy, but given the sheer scale of the issue, I thought it best to ask you directly.
Please, I would be forever in your debt for a simple reply.
As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin,
Doxe de Venexia
Internal Event
Il Rosso and the Il Negri, the State Inquisitors of Venice, the eyes and hands of the Doge and the Council, are to be the first in Venice to be taught magic. No more shall evil be hidden from their gaze.
To: His Holiness @Brightflame
From: Frederick Barbarossa
Your Holiness, I know not the reason behind my awakening, as my last memories were that of marching for the Lord into the Holy Land. However, the world I have awaken to is one filled with most confusing issues. I know in the past, I had disputes with your predecessors, but even I know when petty grievances must be put aside, even if they are mine and mine alone. We must work together, to repair the Church, the Faith, and Europe. I wish to come to see you in Rome for your blessing, and as a show of my dedication to my faith.
Your return have raised many a concern amongst the clergy and it's now the subject of many Theological debates. Regardless I will you to the eternal city if you decide to make the journey here.
So interested in fact they would be willing to pay quite a lot for some designs.