In Flanders Fields

(Last one, really)
The field of battle closest to home was the Spanish Netherlands. Leading the efforts was Dutch Mind Mage Adrien Van Der Donck, deploying his magic against the garrisons to open the gates or mutiny when the Dutch arrived.

However, one mage was not enough to turn whole garrisons, nor whole cities. While the cities of the Spanish Netherlands around the French border were, to some extent, infiltrated, this was only a few members of the garrisons.

When the Dutch force arrived, nearly 55,000 strong ,the first few cities fell with lightning speed. Between internal confusion and the Dutch artillery and numerical superiority, several cities as far in as Bruges and Kortrjik surrendered.

It was at this point, however, that the plan broke down. Spanish resistance, huddled behind star-fort walls and in fortified cities, was no longer easy to infiltrate, and the dutch were running out of guns as their strategy called for siege forces to remain and suppress enemy strongholds while the main force advanced. A band between Ghent and Antwerp remained, besieged, but not broken, before the Protestants ran out of guns to commit to a siege.

  • Dutch forces capture cities from the Atlantic to Bruges
  • Between Ghent and Antwerp, cities besieged.
  • Dutch supplies stretched thin, explosive-shell production cannot yet support so many sieges simultaneously
  • Spanish Losses: 6,000
  • Dutch losses: 3,350
From: Mamluke Kingdom of Egypt
To: Republic of Venice @Mr BreaksIt
Greeting from the Kingdom of Egypt. We would like to establish a trade route with your country.

My Dear Friend,

Sincerest apologies for the lateness of this reply, it has been a most hectic year.
I was under the impression that we already had a trade route with Egypt, but we shall look into strengthening it as much as is practical. Trade between our people has historical been a most rewarding venture for both parties, and allowed us access to the bones of our venerated St. Mark.
Textiles and glass are the traditional Egyptian exports. You will be seeing more Venetian ships at your ports soon.

As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin,
Doxe de Venexia

To His Holiness Paul VI (@Brightflame)

Your Esteemed Holiness, I find myself troubled by recent events in Germany.
Surely, this dragon-mounted wight could not be considered the True Frederick Barbarossa? Indeed, there have been whisperings that this is the Antichrist itself!
I do not believe it myself, but I cannot bring myself to believe that Frederick Barbarossa has resurrected, an event that must be considered the domain of Our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be His name, alone. This ghost rider in the sky must be at the least some phantom imposter conjured by magic at the very least, a Devil in human form much more likely.

As a new member of the Holy Roman Empire, I would much like to keep it Holy, but with the zeal my fellow members have toward this newcomer, I find myself conflicted. Normally this matter would be handled by one of the local clergy, but given the sheer scale of the issue, I thought it best to ask you directly.

Please, I would be forever in your debt for a simple reply.

As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin,
Doxe de Venexia

Internal Event
Il Rosso and the Il Negri, the State Inquisitors of Venice, the eyes and hands of the Doge and the Council, are to be the first in Venice to be taught magic. No more shall evil be hidden from their gaze.
General announcement

As news of an abhuman necromancer ascending to the Danish throne through suspicious means at best reach the ears of the shahanshah, the Iranian court decides to expel any person of Danish descent (prevalently diplomats and traders) from the country and declares all relations ended with Copenaghen.
Similar measures are taken with people of Dutch descent, who apparently represent the extension of the will of the necromancer's husband.

"Every good Muslim knows that Allah created but three creatures: angels, from light, djinn, from smokeless fire, and man from clay. Anything else we do not recognize, for it is not the product of Allah's labour. As such, we are certainly not going to keep relations with a country, nay, two countries, that have been entirely touched by evil. As a proof of the evil of this creature, we point to its practices that defile the corpses of the dead and prevent their souls from resting as they should. We are not going to send our men to any Frankish country on the other side of the world, but we have no intention to appease evil for longer.
We can only hope that those properly Christian nations will see things as we do and follow our example", the King of Kings declared.

Danish and Dutch people within Iran have two weeks to put as many miles as they can between themselves and the border of Iran.
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General announcement

As news of an abhuman necromancer ascending to the Danish throne through suspicious means at best reach the ears of the shahanshah, the Iranian court decides to expel any person of Danish descent (prevalently diplomats and traders) from the country and declares all relations ended with Copenaghen.
Similar measures are taken with people of Dutch descent, who apparently represent the extension of the will of the necromancer's husband.

"Every good Muslim knows that Allah created but three creatures: angels, from light, djinn, from smokeless fire, and man from clay. Anything else we do not recognize, for it is not the product of Allah's labour. As such, we are certainly not going to keep relations with a country, nay, two countries, that have been entirely touched by evil. As a proof of the evil of this creature, we point to its practices that defile the corpses of the dead and prevent their souls from resting as they should. We are not going to send our men to any Frankish country on the other side of the world, but we have no intention to appease evil for longer.
We can only hope that those properly Christian nations will see things as we do and follow our example", the King of Kings declared.

Danish and Dutch people within Iran have two weeks to put as many miles as they can between themselves and the border of Iran.
To: Denmark and the Netherlands @Theravis @Secretariat
The Tsar would like to extend his condolences to your countries.
The Ingrian Treaty-1655
While in Berlin the Tsar has struck a bargain with Sweden to ensure Russia has access to the Baltic without the expense of fighting the Swedish Army.
  • Sweden will agree to sell Ingria to Russia.
  • Russia will pay a *moderate* price along with access to their designs for the Bessemer process and locomotives, which they themselves acquired from Grantville.
  • Both states guarantee each other's Baltic territories and agree to sign commercial treaties.
The Ingrian Treaty-1655

  • Sweden will agree to sell Ingria to Russia.
  • Russia will pay a *moderate* price along with access to their designs for the Bessemer process and locomotives, which they themselves acquired from Grantville.
  • Both states guarantee each other's Baltic territories and agree to sign commercial treaties.
Signed for Sweden-Norway
Ambassador at Large Magnus de la Gardie
In nomine.
My Dear Friend,

Sincerest apologies for the lateness of this reply, it has been a most hectic year.
I was under the impression that we already had a trade route with Egypt, but we shall look into strengthening it as much as is practical. Trade between our people has historical been a most rewarding venture for both parties, and allowed us access to the bones of our venerated St. Mark.
Textiles and glass are the traditional Egyptian exports. You will be seeing more Venetian ships at your ports soon.

As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin,
Doxe de Venexia

To His Holiness Paul VI (@Brightflame)

Your Esteemed Holiness, I find myself troubled by recent events in Germany.
Surely, this dragon-mounted wight could not be considered the True Frederick Barbarossa? Indeed, there have been whisperings that this is the Antichrist itself!
I do not believe it myself, but I cannot bring myself to believe that Frederick Barbarossa has resurrected, an event that must be considered the domain of Our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed be His name, alone. This ghost rider in the sky must be at the least some phantom imposter conjured by magic at the very least, a Devil in human form much more likely.

As a new member of the Holy Roman Empire, I would much like to keep it Holy, but with the zeal my fellow members have toward this newcomer, I find myself conflicted. Normally this matter would be handled by one of the local clergy, but given the sheer scale of the issue, I thought it best to ask you directly.

Please, I would be forever in your debt for a simple reply.

As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin,
Doxe de Venexia

Internal Event
Il Rosso and the Il Negri, the State Inquisitors of Venice, the eyes and hands of the Doge and the Council, are to be the first in Venice to be taught magic. No more shall evil be hidden from their gaze.


Your concerns have been heard Doge of Venice and I will let you know you are not alone for many here also share your view. However the Catholic Church is also divided on the issue, some believe that this Kaiser is nothing but a demon or the Antichrist itself, some believe that this is the true Fredrick Barbarossa who discovered a way to extend his life comparable to the life spans of certain figures in the Bible, and some even say he is the second coming of Jesus Christ (fortunately this is a very small group)! As for me, I will wait and see this Kaiser's actions. Right now I am more concerned about the rumored necromancer on the Danish Throne.
Internal Event - Economic Reform

The Doge and the Signora have caused quite a stir recently with the first of what promises to be a string of unusual financial decisions.

It began with the Doge's attack on the economic philosophy he dubbed "Mercantilism" - the idea that wealth is a zero-sum game and that it can only be gained through taking it from others, and that precious metals are inherently valuable in and of themselves. Complicated economic theories, evidently gained from the Grantville tome translated as La Ricchezza delle Nazione, have been explained to the prominent families of Venice, as well as notable bankers via mass correspondence. Some have come out in favour of the proposed new system, called "capitalism", while others have predictably demanded retention of the old ways.

Laws have been passed allowing banks to lend out portions of deposits, effectively increasing the amount of lire in circulation. This so-called "Fractional Reserve Banking" allows banks to lend out as much as 80% of the money already held in accounts and has drastically increased the number of loans banks can provide.

Further, a new mint has been set up in Venice, printing coins of various denominations from base metals. They are said to be redeemable for silver or gold, but much more convenient to carry around. 1 ducato being tied to 2 ounces of gold, and having a minimum value of 1/50 of a Dutch guilder, a currency the Council has inexpiably been hoarding as of late.
This mint has also been declared the prime branch of the Serene Bank of Venice, an institution with access to the Republic's finances and treasury, and the sole bank that the state is entitled to do business with. It is gifted with a vast array of supervised financial powers designed to prevent extreme financial downturn, including the lending of money to other banking institutions in the form of banknotes redeemable for proper currency for expediency's sake.
To: His Holiness @Brightflame
From: Frederick Barbarossa

Your Holiness, I know not the reason behind my awakening, as my last memories were that of marching for the Lord into the Holy Land. However, the world I have awaken to is one filled with most confusing issues. I know in the past, I had disputes with your predecessors, but even I know when petty grievances must be put aside, even if they are mine and mine alone. We must work together, to repair the Church, the Faith, and Europe. I wish to come to see you in Rome for your blessing, and as a show of my dedication to my faith.
To: His Holiness @Brightflame
From: Frederick Barbarossa

Your Holiness, I know not the reason behind my awakening, as my last memories were that of marching for the Lord into the Holy Land. However, the world I have awaken to is one filled with most confusing issues. I know in the past, I had disputes with your predecessors, but even I know when petty grievances must be put aside, even if they are mine and mine alone. We must work together, to repair the Church, the Faith, and Europe. I wish to come to see you in Rome for your blessing, and as a show of my dedication to my faith.

Your return have raised many a concern amongst the clergy and it's now the subject of many Theological debates. Regardless I will you to the eternal city if you decide to make the journey here.
Your return have raised many a concern amongst the clergy and it's now the subject of many Theological debates. Regardless I will you to the eternal city if you decide to make the journey here.

I myself question how I still breathe. The Imperial doctors and scientists in Wien have samples of my blood and have run their tests. I prefer a more eschatological answer, so that my faith may bolster my mind and I may further dedicate my action to God and Empire. I will depart for Rome shortly, your holiness.
Iranian event

It may not look like it, but Iran has been going through an economic crisis for about twenty years now. Though the country is rebuilding from the war with the Ottomans, income, particularly from tax income from royal lands, is plummeting, and only the tribute exacted from Vaspurakan, Assyria and Alevistan has been able to "cushion" these losses. Indeed, the latest war against the Porte could be defined a well-thought investment.

Reading a summary of the history of Iran from the times of the Elamites all the way to the Islamic Republic (now that was surprising) and mixing up with the crowd just for once, the King of Kings found the issue in his time and he found it in mismanagement by both tax exactors and peasants being squeezed dry by them.

The court decided to enact a land reform redistributing all the land currently being leased from landlords to the peasants and de jure abolishing the tax exactors, instead replacing them with a deadline that the peasants have to respect unless they want royal officers knocking on their doors. This comes with a de facto lowering of the taxes for the peasants and an office supervising the !not-tax exactors.
Addressing the issue of landowners becoming pennyless, the court implemented two measures, specifically the irrigation of dry but potentially farmable lands through the use of water mages, to be sold at record low prices to the former landowners, and the provisional payment by the peasants to whom they once rented their land of an adequate sum of money and/or food, to be estabilished by an arbitrating court.

The decisions were implemented after the King of Kings was impressed by the failed populist reforms of Reza Shah Pahlavi and, ironically enough, of Ali Shariati and his ideas of islamic socialism, a known anti-safavid of his time.
Russian Event: The Sword Kladenets

The Tsar presented to his Boyars today his new, artifact sword, Kladenets, the weapon of the mythical hero of Russia, Ilya Muromets.

With this sword, he hopes to lead Russia forward into this new age.

In other news, his trip returned a doll for his eldest daughter.​
The Mandate of Heaven
The Qing Emperor had suffered a stroke and died in 1652, leaving his young son on the throne under a regency. Given the similar inaction of the Ming, the Regent of China set about consolidating, leaving the last strongholds of the Southern Ming to rot, cut off from the rest of China.

This was a grave mistake.

The Regent was struck with madness in his own palace, the whole city dreaming of a return of the Ming and rule by the Han once again. Running into the streets in terror, he was slain by animate statues set to guard the forbidden palace. The city trembled in fear at the displeasure of the gods.

Then the Ming began to march. Armed with the few Dutch artillery pieces they had captured, they set forth to the north, marching on Beijing after an initial breakthrough of the Ming line along the Yellow River.

Fearful that the Qing had lost the Mandate of Heaven, the people of Beijing threw open the gates and allowed entry to the Ming.

However, all did not go according to plan.

While Koxinga had managed to convince the populace of Beijing of the return of the Ming being divine mandate, the rest of the country was less sure. With the Qing government essentially defunct, regional warlords began to rise, promising to protect their constituents against the Ming.

  • 2,000 Ming losses
  • Qing government balkanizes.
  • Ming capture Yellow River area and Beijing.
Tsarstvo Russkoye - 1656
Name: Tsardom of Russia
Head of State: Alexis of Russia
Head of Government: Alexis of Russia
Type of Government: Autocracy
Population: 15,000,000
Capital: Moscow
Largest City: Moscow

Family Tree:
Tsar Alexis of Russia (b. 1629, a. 27) married Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya (B. 1625, a. 31)
  • Tsarevna Yevdokia Alekseevna (b. 1650, a. 6)
  • Tsarevich Peter Alexeevich (b. 1654, a. 2)
  • Tsarevich Alexei Alexeevich (b. 1654, a. 2)
  • Tsarevna Yevdokia Alekseevna (b. 1654, a. 2)
Internal Events:

-The colonization of Siberia is continuing.
-The Tver-Moscow railroad has officially been opened. The Tsar personally took the first ride on the new train and announced his plans to build extensive rail lines through Russia. They are as follows.
Tver-Veliky Novogord
Veliky Novogorod-Pskov
Moscow-Nizhny Novogorod
Veliky Novogorod-Nyenschantz (to be renamed St. Petersburg)
Moscow-Voronezh-Rostov-on-the-Don (a town to be built at the OTL site to service the railroad)-Feodosiya
Yaroslavl-Kirov-Nizhny Novogorod

Naturally the immense undertaking means Russia cannot perform this undertaking on just the Tsar's coffers. Companies of Merchants will be given charters to build section of the rail network with Grantville and government assistance as well as charters to found steel mills, open coal mines, create factories to manufacture locomotives and rail cars, and any other supporting industries that are needed. The Tsar expects this project will take decades to complete but the power of the Free Market allowing merchants to starts various branches well ahead of the Tsar results in a much shorter build time. (1/8)

-With the purchase of Ingria, the building of a true Baltic port can commence. The Tsar has ordered Nyenschants renovated into a proper fort and plans are being drawn up for the city itself. The city itself will be built along the lines used by Peter the Great historically, or at least as much could be gleaned from the historical texts. Grantville's assistance is being requested to deal with the medical issues caused by working in swampland. (1/5)

-In the wake of the Grand Tour, European fashions are being introduced at court and some of the restrictions on Russian noblewomen are being relaxed.

Economic Status:
-Stabilizing,The peace of the last couple years is helping the country.
Army: 300,000 Men with 700,000 potential conscripts

Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade:
Grantville is overseeing technical projects for the Tsar.
An alliance has been signed with England.
An agreement was made with Sweden.

To: Grantville @Theravis

I intend to build the city of St. Petersburg and I would to avoid having my serfs die while they do it. Any medical help your town could provide to the workers would be appreciated.

To: My Advisors @Theravis
I apologize for shocking you with my rail plans. I expect they will take a long time to complete. Could you please give me some estimates about them?

To: England @Theravis
My boyars are very interested in the devices you have in England. Very interested indeed.

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لمملكة المماليك في مصر
Name: Mamluke Kingdom of Egypt
Head of Government: Sultan Muhammad
Type of Government: Monarchy
Population: ~ 2 400 000
Capital: Cairo
Largest City: Cairo
Internal Events:

-The expedition came back exhausted and empty-handed, for all they found was sand, sand and even more sand. A plan to transform the desert sand into nutritious soil is being put into place.
-With the completion of Aswan Dam, a massive amount of irrigation land is reclaimed. Cotton is being planted in these lands.
-Electricity generators received from Dutch are being installed in Aswan Dam providing electricity to the country for the first time. Electric light is introduced.
-Necropolis Excavation: an expedition team in which included 2 Mind Mage, 1 Stone Mage and 1 Life Mage is sent to excavate the Necropolis looking for the Book of Thoth.
-Institute of Science, Industry and Supernatural: An institute located in Cairo where the brightest minds and mages of the kingdom are gathered to research and advance Egypt's knowledge and technology. (Basically a Think-Tank)
Economic Status: Good.

  • 45 000
  • 110 000 (demobilized)
  • 12 Galleys
  • 30 Trade Ships
Alliances, Agreements, Pacts, and Trade: Trade with Iran, Dutch, Greece and Venice. Alliance with Dutch
From: Mamluke Kingdom of Egypt
To: Nena, Life Mage, Royal Healer @Theravis
With your knowledge of the arcane art how hard would it be to improve the population's overall health and hygiene?

From: Mamluke Kingdom of Egypt
To: Necropolis Excavation Squad @Theravis
The first sight of an undead rising I want the mages to put it down hard, if it fails retreat and seal the place shut.

From: Mamluke Kingdom of Egypt
To: The Institute @Theravis
I want you to reverse engineer the cannon and research ways to improve on its power.
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To Tsar Alexis (@Ceslas)

Your Imperial Majesty,

It has come to the Signoria's attention that the Empire of Russia is requesting domestic loans to assist in the creation of rail infrastructure. Venice would be happy to shoulder part of the burden in exchange, and in exchange, with the blessing of the locals, a rail line will be built leading into Poland. Is this proposal reasonable to you?

As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Molin
Doxe de Venexia

To President Mazzare (@Theravis)

Dear Mr. Mazzare

We would be delighted to have radio infrastructure set up within Venice.
Tell us, would an electrical power plant be considered part of this deal, or will that be a more expensive bargain?

As ever, I remain humbly yours,
Francesco Moin,
Doxe de Venexia