Turn 4
- Location
- California,USA
Turn 4
Cash Reserves: 6605 Dollars
+400 (City Racket)
+300 (Weapons' Trade)
(Goon Wages are being put into Base Upkeep)
Hideout Upkeep: 500 (Not necessary for this turn as it has been paid.)
(You have 2 options)
[]Send out an Ad in the Paper: These days you've got to get things set up again, what with the Strike being over, get some goons and whatnot...proper villains have goons. Cost:200 Chance of Sucess: 40% Reward: Send an Add in the paper about a new Supervillain in Town.
[] Contact the Villians: Its nice to know who else is in the neighborhood, hash out terf borders and troll the Mafia, things like that, or they could be an S-Rank telling you to get off their lawn, hope it doesn't come to that. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Meet the Local Villains, and pray they don't kill you.
[] Schedule a fight with nemesis: Alright, you have a nemesis, have to keep their real life in mind so we can hash out a battle, if they don't show, the first crime committed that day is freebies. Cost: 100 Chance of Success:??? Reward: Meet your nemesis in Combat…or whatever you plan to do.
[]Schedule an Interview: The Media's slow days are perfect timeslots for a brief look into the Villains of America, sure it sets a bad example for the Kids, but its just so interesting. Cost:200, Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Get your public Profile out there with an interview.
[]Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Cost: 50, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Meet the Local Heroes.
(You have 1 option)
[]Take over the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, now you are not a man without mercy per se, but as a professional, you believe that a good thrashing and a meeting is required to set a good example because killing them will not entirely stop the problem. Cost:1000, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Take over the Local gangs, seize their assets.
[]Destroy the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, as a professional, such vermin belong in the grave, where they will be more useful in death than they ever were in life. Cost:500, Chance of Sucess: 75% Reward: Kill off the local Gangs, seize their assets.
[]Train your goons: It's the Mark of a good leader, to find the weakest link in a chain and reforge it into something stronger. Cost: 100, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Train your goons to a higher standard.
[]Hire a Professional: What you need is someone who can keep the Goons in line, and fight your many many battles.Cost:1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Professional Villain for Hire as a field commander, or at least a Mercenary. (Will be your Martial equivalent and grant another Martial action)
[]Recruit Capes: Heroes either always fall off the wayside looking for work, or need those remedial "Empathy Credits" so they can operate. Best hit the market and see who needs them. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Hero to be on your Staff, lord knows they need the work.
[]Recruit Villains: Hired Help is good, you know the story, they need experience and security, and who knows maybe one of them might make something of themselves. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Villain that needs the work.
[]Expand Territory: Now that you Arn't exactly in the Red, you can work to expand a little. Just a County or so. Cost: 1000 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Expand your Territory, but beware, a Hero or Villain my try to stop you.
(You have 2 options)
[]Make a Gadget: Now that you have a Workshop up in Running, now you can make things for your people, or your goons or your henchmen. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You make a gadget.
-[]Write in what the Gadget you want to build.
--[]For the Goons
--[]Write in Hero Unit/Henchmen.
[]Sell the Ragnorite Ore: This is one of the newest rarest minerals on the Market, and you think it'll attract some more trouble as well. Best to just sell it. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You sell it to a buyer and get cash influx.
[]Upgrade your Hideout: Well any good hideout needs some degree of fine-tuning, before or after its completion. Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Hideout Upgraded
-[]Line Tail Upgrade
Upgrade List:
[]Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape. Cost:2,500
[]Danger Room: The Ultimate test of a person's skill and ability, the greatest training ability on earth, only about 12 of these exist. Cost: 25,000
[]Casino and Bar and Grill: Ahh, its a nice clean and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy life, Cost: 1,500
[]Great Lake Skiffs: The Boats and Boat-based areas to train them how to use and abuse them. Cost:3,000
(You have 2 option)
[]Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we?Cost:100, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You learn about…options.
-[] Hawaii
-[] Alaska
-[] Washington
-[] The Warfront
[]Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Learn about new heroes.
[]Launder your Money: You don't care for Taxes, and you want to make sure that is understood. Cost:0, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Halve Expenses for one turn.
[]Do a Background Check on Dr. Eastmont: Who the hell is she, she hides her past well behind her facade of insanity, but it is not enough to hide from you. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Learn more about Dr. Eastmont.
[]Who Can See the Sunshine?: You know that Sunshine's network cuts both ways, better question is, who watches her moves? Cost: 500 Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: "Oh…My Boss, wow this is awkward, Mr. Nobody… Meet the Professor."
(You have 2 Options)
[]Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself. Cost: 5, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Gain Income from Weapons, get equipment for the Goons.
[]Hire Goons (Small Fries): From the Homeless vagabonds, who need to get clean physically and emotionally, those who need a home, to the dispossessed by circumstances to…struggling college students who need a job, this is the bottom of the barrel of Goon recruitment. Cost:20, Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Hire Low Tier Goons.
[]Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Cost: 40,Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Hire Mid-Tier Goons.
[]Hire Goons (Professionals): These are men and women who knew they would be here, and trained to be the best and they are fucking expensive. Cost:60, Chance of Sucess:30% Reward: Hire Professional Goons for the Operation.
[]Give the cops false leads: Best not let the Cops anywhere near your operation, false leads certainly help. Cost:150, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Lie to the Cops about your operation.
[]Plot a Heist: It's old fashioned, its rather small, but Heists, they BUILD CHARECTER! And get you good paydays.As long as they don't kill willy-nilly. Cost: 20, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Plan a Heist of something important.
[]Plot an Operation: You've gone nearly a year without a large villain Operation, that changes now. Chance of Sucess: Varies, Reward: It varies based on the Size of the Operation.
-[] Tiny: A Small Local affair, more of a Goon's night out than a real operation, Cost: 50, Chance of success:90%
-[]Small: We're hitting something Bigger, like a large City bank,and such. Cost: 100, Chance of success:80%
-[]Medium: We're gonna smash and Grab from someone BIG, mid-range corporate secrets, Cost: 400, Chance of success:70%
-[]Large: Yeah, we're hitting a Megacorp-sized Target, how can you tell. Cost: 800, Chance of success:60%
-[]Massive: NATIONAL CRIME THING…We have no idea what we're gonna be doing, lets just do it.Cost: 2,500, Chance of success:40%
-[]Global: "Why yes I would like to make an announcement to hold the world hostage ….No don't put me on hold!" Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:5%
-[]Interplanitary: "SO you want to threaten everyone…in the whole solar system…even the aliens that may live in some remote corner of SOL. I respect the Ambition mate." Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:1%
(You have Two options)
Do Mad Science: Let the researchers do what they want, Dr Eastmont will make something good happen, or burn the Lab down again, Cost:10 Chance of Sucess: Random. Reward: Random Research is done, maybe it will even be positive.
[]Research Genetic Enhancement: Ahh Human Genome, the little thing that makes us all up, how do we enhance it? Cost: 5000, Chance of Success: 35% Reward: Unlock Gene Upgrades for Hero's and yourself.
[]Research Drug Purity: While you personally don't approve, drugs, especially superhero ones, are one of the biggest sellers on the market. Let's see if any of its pure.Cost:2000, Chance of Sucess: 45% Reward: Study Drugs and purity.
[]Reseach Powers:Well, that is peculiar, what exactly does it do? Cost: 0, Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Learn about your Hero units Powers.
-[]Witch Hero Unit's Powerset do you want to research?
[]Contract work with a Research institute: Its not villainy, but it pays the bills and gets a reputation and leeway with the rest of the world, mostly…but it gives them something to do. Cost:10, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward:Send your Science Team for Contract work.
[]Research Uniform Improvements (Goons): The Man on the Street must look good, for he represents you and all your works. Let us also spend time making sure he can survive, prosper, feel pride, and look fabulous doing it. Cost:200, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Improve the Goon Uniforms
[]Research Uniform Improvements (Hero Units): A True Henchman's uniform must be an expression of who they are, they also must be able to survive a megaton punch from a whiny self entitled god in spandex…better work on that. Cost: 400, Chance of Sucess: 30% Reward: Improve Hero Unit Gear.
-[]Witch Hero Unit do you wish to Improve?
[]Research Ragnorite Ore: You think that once you get someone who is a specialist, you think you can find something the researchers up there missed. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: 30%, Reward: Study Ragnorite Ore
[]Reaserch Better Defenses: After the Fiasco that was Solaris, maybe its time to Upgrade, the question is what do you upgrade the base with given the flying brick you fought. Cost: 200 Chance of Sucess: 80% Reward: You research, and possibly create better base defenses.
[]Send a Goon to be a Guinea Pig:The Goons are acting up, TO THE LABs with you, maybe some quality time with Dr Eastmont will be good for you, don't worry she won't maim or destroy your DNA, its in her contract. Cost: 40 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: A Goon is sent to Dr Eastmont to be a guinea Pig for her experiments, don't worry she won't exparament on you in a damaging way.
[]Send a Hero Unit/Advisor to be a Guinea Pig:You think that some time with Dr. Eastmont will be good for them, maybe they'll learn. Cost: 50 Chance of Success: ??? Reward: A Hero Unit spends time with Dr. Eastmont in the lab, as a assistant and test subject, maybe they learn something or something about themselves.
-[]Write in witch Character (Can also be the MC)
Personal Actions:
(You have Two option)
[]Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action. (Add your character stats as a bonus to a Roll)
-[]Write in what Action you want to oversee.
[]Talk to Melissa:You want to chew the Rag with your HR manager.
[]Get Annoyed by Sunshine: "Boop." She said. "Alright, what do you want."
[]Talk to Felix: "Hmm." He said.
[]Send an Advisor: You think one of your subordinates can deal with the matter, that you are too busy to deal with.
-[]Write in which action and Hero you wish to assign.
[]Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that.
Cash Reserves: 6605 Dollars
+400 (City Racket)
+300 (Weapons' Trade)
(Goon Wages are being put into Base Upkeep)
Hideout Upkeep: 500 (Not necessary for this turn as it has been paid.)
(You have 2 options)
[]Send out an Ad in the Paper: These days you've got to get things set up again, what with the Strike being over, get some goons and whatnot...proper villains have goons. Cost:200 Chance of Sucess: 40% Reward: Send an Add in the paper about a new Supervillain in Town.
[] Contact the Villians: Its nice to know who else is in the neighborhood, hash out terf borders and troll the Mafia, things like that, or they could be an S-Rank telling you to get off their lawn, hope it doesn't come to that. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Meet the Local Villains, and pray they don't kill you.
[] Schedule a fight with nemesis: Alright, you have a nemesis, have to keep their real life in mind so we can hash out a battle, if they don't show, the first crime committed that day is freebies. Cost: 100 Chance of Success:??? Reward: Meet your nemesis in Combat…or whatever you plan to do.
[]Schedule an Interview: The Media's slow days are perfect timeslots for a brief look into the Villains of America, sure it sets a bad example for the Kids, but its just so interesting. Cost:200, Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Get your public Profile out there with an interview.
[]Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Cost: 50, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Meet the Local Heroes.
(You have 1 option)
[]Take over the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, now you are not a man without mercy per se, but as a professional, you believe that a good thrashing and a meeting is required to set a good example because killing them will not entirely stop the problem. Cost:1000, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Take over the Local gangs, seize their assets.
[]Destroy the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, as a professional, such vermin belong in the grave, where they will be more useful in death than they ever were in life. Cost:500, Chance of Sucess: 75% Reward: Kill off the local Gangs, seize their assets.
[]Train your goons: It's the Mark of a good leader, to find the weakest link in a chain and reforge it into something stronger. Cost: 100, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Train your goons to a higher standard.
[]Hire a Professional: What you need is someone who can keep the Goons in line, and fight your many many battles.Cost:1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Professional Villain for Hire as a field commander, or at least a Mercenary. (Will be your Martial equivalent and grant another Martial action)
[]Recruit Capes: Heroes either always fall off the wayside looking for work, or need those remedial "Empathy Credits" so they can operate. Best hit the market and see who needs them. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Hero to be on your Staff, lord knows they need the work.
[]Recruit Villains: Hired Help is good, you know the story, they need experience and security, and who knows maybe one of them might make something of themselves. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Villain that needs the work.
[]Expand Territory: Now that you Arn't exactly in the Red, you can work to expand a little. Just a County or so. Cost: 1000 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Expand your Territory, but beware, a Hero or Villain my try to stop you.
(You have 2 options)
[]Make a Gadget: Now that you have a Workshop up in Running, now you can make things for your people, or your goons or your henchmen. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You make a gadget.
-[]Write in what the Gadget you want to build.
--[]For the Goons
--[]Write in Hero Unit/Henchmen.
[]Sell the Ragnorite Ore: This is one of the newest rarest minerals on the Market, and you think it'll attract some more trouble as well. Best to just sell it. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You sell it to a buyer and get cash influx.
[]Upgrade your Hideout: Well any good hideout needs some degree of fine-tuning, before or after its completion. Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Hideout Upgraded
-[]Line Tail Upgrade
Upgrade List:
[]Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape. Cost:2,500
[]Danger Room: The Ultimate test of a person's skill and ability, the greatest training ability on earth, only about 12 of these exist. Cost: 25,000
[]Casino and Bar and Grill: Ahh, its a nice clean and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy life, Cost: 1,500
[]Great Lake Skiffs: The Boats and Boat-based areas to train them how to use and abuse them. Cost:3,000
(You have 2 option)
[]Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we?Cost:100, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You learn about…options.
-[] Hawaii
-[] Alaska
-[] Washington
-[] The Warfront
[]Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Learn about new heroes.
[]Launder your Money: You don't care for Taxes, and you want to make sure that is understood. Cost:0, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Halve Expenses for one turn.
[]Do a Background Check on Dr. Eastmont: Who the hell is she, she hides her past well behind her facade of insanity, but it is not enough to hide from you. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Learn more about Dr. Eastmont.
[]Who Can See the Sunshine?: You know that Sunshine's network cuts both ways, better question is, who watches her moves? Cost: 500 Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: "Oh…My Boss, wow this is awkward, Mr. Nobody… Meet the Professor."
(You have 2 Options)
[]Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself. Cost: 5, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Gain Income from Weapons, get equipment for the Goons.
[]Hire Goons (Small Fries): From the Homeless vagabonds, who need to get clean physically and emotionally, those who need a home, to the dispossessed by circumstances to…struggling college students who need a job, this is the bottom of the barrel of Goon recruitment. Cost:20, Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Hire Low Tier Goons.
[]Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Cost: 40,Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Hire Mid-Tier Goons.
[]Hire Goons (Professionals): These are men and women who knew they would be here, and trained to be the best and they are fucking expensive. Cost:60, Chance of Sucess:30% Reward: Hire Professional Goons for the Operation.
[]Give the cops false leads: Best not let the Cops anywhere near your operation, false leads certainly help. Cost:150, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Lie to the Cops about your operation.
[]Plot a Heist: It's old fashioned, its rather small, but Heists, they BUILD CHARECTER! And get you good paydays.As long as they don't kill willy-nilly. Cost: 20, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Plan a Heist of something important.
[]Plot an Operation: You've gone nearly a year without a large villain Operation, that changes now. Chance of Sucess: Varies, Reward: It varies based on the Size of the Operation.
-[] Tiny: A Small Local affair, more of a Goon's night out than a real operation, Cost: 50, Chance of success:90%
-[]Small: We're hitting something Bigger, like a large City bank,and such. Cost: 100, Chance of success:80%
-[]Medium: We're gonna smash and Grab from someone BIG, mid-range corporate secrets, Cost: 400, Chance of success:70%
-[]Large: Yeah, we're hitting a Megacorp-sized Target, how can you tell. Cost: 800, Chance of success:60%
-[]Massive: NATIONAL CRIME THING…We have no idea what we're gonna be doing, lets just do it.Cost: 2,500, Chance of success:40%
-[]Global: "Why yes I would like to make an announcement to hold the world hostage ….No don't put me on hold!" Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:5%
-[]Interplanitary: "SO you want to threaten everyone…in the whole solar system…even the aliens that may live in some remote corner of SOL. I respect the Ambition mate." Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:1%
(You have Two options)
Do Mad Science: Let the researchers do what they want, Dr Eastmont will make something good happen, or burn the Lab down again, Cost:10 Chance of Sucess: Random. Reward: Random Research is done, maybe it will even be positive.
[]Research Genetic Enhancement: Ahh Human Genome, the little thing that makes us all up, how do we enhance it? Cost: 5000, Chance of Success: 35% Reward: Unlock Gene Upgrades for Hero's and yourself.
[]Research Drug Purity: While you personally don't approve, drugs, especially superhero ones, are one of the biggest sellers on the market. Let's see if any of its pure.Cost:2000, Chance of Sucess: 45% Reward: Study Drugs and purity.
[]Reseach Powers:Well, that is peculiar, what exactly does it do? Cost: 0, Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Learn about your Hero units Powers.
-[]Witch Hero Unit's Powerset do you want to research?
[]Contract work with a Research institute: Its not villainy, but it pays the bills and gets a reputation and leeway with the rest of the world, mostly…but it gives them something to do. Cost:10, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward:Send your Science Team for Contract work.
[]Research Uniform Improvements (Goons): The Man on the Street must look good, for he represents you and all your works. Let us also spend time making sure he can survive, prosper, feel pride, and look fabulous doing it. Cost:200, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Improve the Goon Uniforms
[]Research Uniform Improvements (Hero Units): A True Henchman's uniform must be an expression of who they are, they also must be able to survive a megaton punch from a whiny self entitled god in spandex…better work on that. Cost: 400, Chance of Sucess: 30% Reward: Improve Hero Unit Gear.
-[]Witch Hero Unit do you wish to Improve?
[]Research Ragnorite Ore: You think that once you get someone who is a specialist, you think you can find something the researchers up there missed. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: 30%, Reward: Study Ragnorite Ore
[]Reaserch Better Defenses: After the Fiasco that was Solaris, maybe its time to Upgrade, the question is what do you upgrade the base with given the flying brick you fought. Cost: 200 Chance of Sucess: 80% Reward: You research, and possibly create better base defenses.
[]Send a Goon to be a Guinea Pig:The Goons are acting up, TO THE LABs with you, maybe some quality time with Dr Eastmont will be good for you, don't worry she won't maim or destroy your DNA, its in her contract. Cost: 40 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: A Goon is sent to Dr Eastmont to be a guinea Pig for her experiments, don't worry she won't exparament on you in a damaging way.
[]Send a Hero Unit/Advisor to be a Guinea Pig:You think that some time with Dr. Eastmont will be good for them, maybe they'll learn. Cost: 50 Chance of Success: ??? Reward: A Hero Unit spends time with Dr. Eastmont in the lab, as a assistant and test subject, maybe they learn something or something about themselves.
-[]Write in witch Character (Can also be the MC)
Personal Actions:
(You have Two option)
[]Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action. (Add your character stats as a bonus to a Roll)
-[]Write in what Action you want to oversee.
[]Talk to Melissa:You want to chew the Rag with your HR manager.
[]Get Annoyed by Sunshine: "Boop." She said. "Alright, what do you want."
[]Talk to Felix: "Hmm." He said.
[]Send an Advisor: You think one of your subordinates can deal with the matter, that you are too busy to deal with.
-[]Write in which action and Hero you wish to assign.
[]Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that.
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