Life of Highs, Lowes, and Super Villainy (No SV, You are a Supervillain)

Turn 4
Turn 4

Cash Reserves: 6605 Dollars


+400 (City Racket)

+300 (Weapons' Trade)


(Goon Wages are being put into Base Upkeep)

Hideout Upkeep: 500 (Not necessary for this turn as it has been paid.)


(You have 2 options)

[]Send out an Ad in the Paper: These days you've got to get things set up again, what with the Strike being over, get some goons and whatnot...proper villains have goons. Cost:200 Chance of Sucess: 40% Reward: Send an Add in the paper about a new Supervillain in Town.

[] Contact the Villians: Its nice to know who else is in the neighborhood, hash out terf borders and troll the Mafia, things like that, or they could be an S-Rank telling you to get off their lawn, hope it doesn't come to that. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Meet the Local Villains, and pray they don't kill you.

[] Schedule a fight with nemesis: Alright, you have a nemesis, have to keep their real life in mind so we can hash out a battle, if they don't show, the first crime committed that day is freebies. Cost: 100 Chance of Success:??? Reward: Meet your nemesis in Combat…or whatever you plan to do.

[]Schedule an Interview: The Media's slow days are perfect timeslots for a brief look into the Villains of America, sure it sets a bad example for the Kids, but its just so interesting. Cost:200, Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Get your public Profile out there with an interview.

[]Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Cost: 50, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Meet the Local Heroes.

(You have 1 option)

[]Take over the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, now you are not a man without mercy per se, but as a professional, you believe that a good thrashing and a meeting is required to set a good example because killing them will not entirely stop the problem. Cost:1000, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Take over the Local gangs, seize their assets.

[]Destroy the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, as a professional, such vermin belong in the grave, where they will be more useful in death than they ever were in life. Cost:500, Chance of Sucess: 75% Reward: Kill off the local Gangs, seize their assets.

[]Train your goons: It's the Mark of a good leader, to find the weakest link in a chain and reforge it into something stronger. Cost: 100, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Train your goons to a higher standard.

[]Hire a Professional: What you need is someone who can keep the Goons in line, and fight your many many battles.Cost:1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Professional Villain for Hire as a field commander, or at least a Mercenary. (Will be your Martial equivalent and grant another Martial action)

[]Recruit Capes: Heroes either always fall off the wayside looking for work, or need those remedial "Empathy Credits" so they can operate. Best hit the market and see who needs them. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Hero to be on your Staff, lord knows they need the work.

[]Recruit Villains: Hired Help is good, you know the story, they need experience and security, and who knows maybe one of them might make something of themselves. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Villain that needs the work.

[]Expand Territory: Now that you Arn't exactly in the Red, you can work to expand a little. Just a County or so. Cost: 1000 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Expand your Territory, but beware, a Hero or Villain my try to stop you.

(You have 2 options)

[]Make a Gadget: Now that you have a Workshop up in Running, now you can make things for your people, or your goons or your henchmen. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You make a gadget.
-[]Write in what the Gadget you want to build.
--[]For the Goons
--[]Write in Hero Unit/Henchmen.

[]Sell the Ragnorite Ore: This is one of the newest rarest minerals on the Market, and you think it'll attract some more trouble as well. Best to just sell it. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You sell it to a buyer and get cash influx.

[]Upgrade your Hideout: Well any good hideout needs some degree of fine-tuning, before or after its completion. Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Hideout Upgraded
-[]Line Tail Upgrade

Upgrade List:

[]Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape. Cost:2,500

[]Danger Room: The Ultimate test of a person's skill and ability, the greatest training ability on earth, only about 12 of these exist. Cost: 25,000

[]Casino and Bar and Grill: Ahh, its a nice clean and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy life, Cost: 1,500

[]Great Lake Skiffs: The Boats and Boat-based areas to train them how to use and abuse them. Cost:3,000

(You have 2 option)

[]Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we?Cost:100, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You learn about…options.
-[] Hawaii
-[] Alaska
-[] Washington
-[] The Warfront

[]Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Learn about new heroes.

[]Launder your Money: You don't care for Taxes, and you want to make sure that is understood. Cost:0, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Halve Expenses for one turn.

[]Do a Background Check on Dr. Eastmont: Who the hell is she, she hides her past well behind her facade of insanity, but it is not enough to hide from you. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Learn more about Dr. Eastmont.

[]Who Can See the Sunshine?: You know that Sunshine's network cuts both ways, better question is, who watches her moves? Cost: 500 Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: "Oh…My Boss, wow this is awkward, Mr. Nobody… Meet the Professor."

(You have 2 Options)

[]Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself. Cost: 5, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Gain Income from Weapons, get equipment for the Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Small Fries): From the Homeless vagabonds, who need to get clean physically and emotionally, those who need a home, to the dispossessed by circumstances to…struggling college students who need a job, this is the bottom of the barrel of Goon recruitment. Cost:20, Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Hire Low Tier Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Cost: 40,Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Hire Mid-Tier Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Professionals): These are men and women who knew they would be here, and trained to be the best and they are fucking expensive. Cost:60, Chance of Sucess:30% Reward: Hire Professional Goons for the Operation.

[]Give the cops false leads: Best not let the Cops anywhere near your operation, false leads certainly help. Cost:150, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Lie to the Cops about your operation.

[]Plot a Heist: It's old fashioned, its rather small, but Heists, they BUILD CHARECTER! And get you good paydays.As long as they don't kill willy-nilly. Cost: 20, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Plan a Heist of something important.

[]Plot an Operation: You've gone nearly a year without a large villain Operation, that changes now. Chance of Sucess: Varies, Reward: It varies based on the Size of the Operation.
-[] Tiny: A Small Local affair, more of a Goon's night out than a real operation, Cost: 50, Chance of success:90%
-[]Small: We're hitting something Bigger, like a large City bank,and such. Cost: 100, Chance of success:80%
-[]Medium: We're gonna smash and Grab from someone BIG, mid-range corporate secrets, Cost: 400, Chance of success:70%
-[]Large: Yeah, we're hitting a Megacorp-sized Target, how can you tell. Cost: 800, Chance of success:60%
-[]Massive: NATIONAL CRIME THING…We have no idea what we're gonna be doing, lets just do it.Cost: 2,500, Chance of success:40%
-[]Global: "Why yes I would like to make an announcement to hold the world hostage ….No don't put me on hold!" Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:5%
-[]Interplanitary: "SO you want to threaten everyone…in the whole solar system…even the aliens that may live in some remote corner of SOL. I respect the Ambition mate." Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:1%

(You have Two options)

Do Mad Science: Let the researchers do what they want, Dr Eastmont will make something good happen, or burn the Lab down again, Cost:10 Chance of Sucess: Random. Reward: Random Research is done, maybe it will even be positive.

[]Research Genetic Enhancement: Ahh Human Genome, the little thing that makes us all up, how do we enhance it? Cost: 5000, Chance of Success: 35% Reward: Unlock Gene Upgrades for Hero's and yourself.

[]Research Drug Purity: While you personally don't approve, drugs, especially superhero ones, are one of the biggest sellers on the market. Let's see if any of its pure.Cost:2000, Chance of Sucess: 45% Reward: Study Drugs and purity.

[]Reseach Powers:Well, that is peculiar, what exactly does it do? Cost: 0, Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Learn about your Hero units Powers.
-[]Witch Hero Unit's Powerset do you want to research?

[]Contract work with a Research institute: Its not villainy, but it pays the bills and gets a reputation and leeway with the rest of the world, mostly…but it gives them something to do. Cost:10, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward:Send your Science Team for Contract work.

[]Research Uniform Improvements (Goons): The Man on the Street must look good, for he represents you and all your works. Let us also spend time making sure he can survive, prosper, feel pride, and look fabulous doing it. Cost:200, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Improve the Goon Uniforms

[]Research Uniform Improvements (Hero Units): A True Henchman's uniform must be an expression of who they are, they also must be able to survive a megaton punch from a whiny self entitled god in spandex…better work on that. Cost: 400, Chance of Sucess: 30% Reward: Improve Hero Unit Gear.
-[]Witch Hero Unit do you wish to Improve?

[]Research Ragnorite Ore: You think that once you get someone who is a specialist, you think you can find something the researchers up there missed. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: 30%, Reward: Study Ragnorite Ore

[]Reaserch Better Defenses: After the Fiasco that was Solaris, maybe its time to Upgrade, the question is what do you upgrade the base with given the flying brick you fought. Cost: 200 Chance of Sucess: 80% Reward: You research, and possibly create better base defenses.

[]Send a Goon to be a Guinea Pig:The Goons are acting up, TO THE LABs with you, maybe some quality time with Dr Eastmont will be good for you, don't worry she won't maim or destroy your DNA, its in her contract. Cost: 40 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: A Goon is sent to Dr Eastmont to be a guinea Pig for her experiments, don't worry she won't exparament on you in a damaging way.

[]Send a Hero Unit/Advisor to be a Guinea Pig:You think that some time with Dr. Eastmont will be good for them, maybe they'll learn. Cost: 50 Chance of Success: ??? Reward: A Hero Unit spends time with Dr. Eastmont in the lab, as a assistant and test subject, maybe they learn something or something about themselves.
-[]Write in witch Character (Can also be the MC)

Personal Actions:
(You have Two option)

[]Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action. (Add your character stats as a bonus to a Roll)
-[]Write in what Action you want to oversee.

[]Talk to Melissa:You want to chew the Rag with your HR manager.

[]Get Annoyed by Sunshine: "Boop." She said. "Alright, what do you want."

[]Talk to Felix: "Hmm." He said.

[]Send an Advisor: You think one of your subordinates can deal with the matter, that you are too busy to deal with.
-[]Write in which action and Hero you wish to assign.

[]Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that.

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Turn 4 Results
Turn 4 Results

-[X] Schedule an Interview: The Media's slow days are perfect timeslots for a brief look into the Villains of America, sure it sets a bad example for the Kids, but its just so interesting. Rolled: D100 => 44

"ANd here is a blast of Minnisota's newest supervillain on the rise, the cold-hearted professional from Europe, The Professor." Cindy Masters of Channel 5 Newes in St Paul said as you prominently adjusted your tie with a small smile.

"And I'm glad to give you a slow day's villain QnA of questions 3 Mrs. Masters." You said. "What have you got?"

She smiled again and then pulled out one of the many "Safe question cards" that interviewers used from time to time.

She started " Well, what is your finest operation you've been a part of before going solo?"

You then stroked your beard, they were likely asking about something to put on record, let's give them something light, "Smuggling Operation in Argentina in 1990, we were running ways to get hooks into the economy and build the network it was the first time I actually ran something large scale. I enjoyed it."

"Alright, next question… do you have any hobbies?" She asked.

"Does watching bad soap operas count?" You said.

She laughed. "Probably…"

"I'm not going to answer the final question…because I have to take this." you said as your phone started ringing.

Reward: You do an interview, but do not finish due to work obligations.

-[X] Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Rolled: D100 => 51

"LOOK AT ME, PROFESSOR! IT IS I THE DOMINAS DUNCAN of Saint PAUL!" Dominas, a Christian Minnonite-themed superhero said as you frowned looking on your lawn from your porch.
"I'm not interested in your door-to-door bible salesman gimmick." You said. "I'm a Lutheran."

"You know you not being very Christian…why aren't you going to church on this beautiful Sunday?" He said.

"Isn't it hypocritical for you to be out there yelling at me for that when you yourself are also doing it." You said.

"GRAHHH!" He said running away.

"Gahh, American weirdos." You said.

Reward: Met Superhero from St Paul, Dominas Duncan, a weird…Christain-themed superhero…Americans are weird.

-[X] Take over the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, now you are not a man without mercy per se, but as a professional, you believe that a good thrashing and a meeting is required to set a good example because killing them will not entirely stop the problem. Rolled: D100 => 86+22=108

"Zheng, don't come back until the Job is done." You said as you kicked your feet up looking at plans for the Bar and grill.

"Now we wait." You said as Anders sighed.

"Sir, how do you know that Zheng will completely take over an entire Criminal organized syndicate and then hand its resources over to you in…three months?"She said

"Because Zheng has the ability to actually do it, or at least intimidate them to hell and back with his combat skills." You said.


Zheng held the Leadership position and the former leader by the throat. " I have warned you of the consequences of resisting…but insisted on following your pride to the bitter end."

"This Folly is yours alone…Gravity will now see you now." He said dropping him off the building's roof.

"Alright now you're under NEW management…we'll be organizing rackets and territory based on merit and practicality. Now…your orientation packets will be arriving on your desks and areas of business within two business weeks." He said snapping at them and turning like he didn't murder their boss.

"What are you waiting for, get your affairs in order and prepare to join the organization." Zheng finished.

Reward: You have taken over 95% of all organized crime near Two Harbors in a 20-mile radius. Zheng gains +2, Martial

Gain + 120 Goons (Mid Level)

Zheng gains the Trait: Criminal Reorganizer: You are skilled in the art of Criminal Activity, and by consequence organizing them to far more…productive works than just solely making money. (+1 Stewardship and Martial, +10 to all rolls when dealing with Organizing.)

-[X] Make a Gadget: Now that you have a Workshop up in Running, now you can make things for your people, or your goons or your henchmen.
--[X] Dart Guns
---[X] Goons
Rolled: D100 => 55

Nonlethal Dart guns, help Conscientious Objectors get over the use of violence by not actually killing anyone…and keep insurance payouts and bribes on the cheap.

A Perfect tool for any professional.

Reward: Non-Lethal Dart guns Made, Non-Lethal options available in Operations.

-[X] Casino and Bar and Grill: Ahh, its a nice clean and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy life
Rolled: D100 => 80

Ahh, a Bar and Grill for the whole Organization, and we can open for tourists.

A Perfect scheme…Also Gambling, you got the license and everything.

Reward: +500 Income (Bar and Grill) and 500 (Casino) Passive Income Achieved.
+500 to Hideout Upkeep.

-[X] Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we
--[X] Washington Rolled: D100 => 81
-[X] Who Can See the Sunshine?: You know that Sunshine's network cuts both ways, better question is, who watches her moves. Rolled: D100 => 99

"Oh man…I hate DC…" Sunshine said.

"Well buck up, you have to go your already here with me…" You said.

"I hate you." Sunshine complained.

"I know…but chin up…we've got alot to do."

(Continued in Dirty City Blues)

-[X] Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Rolled: D100 => 48

"Not as many as I hopped?" You said.

"You're complaining now?" Zheng said.

"No…just disappointed." You said. "The benefits here are great."

Reward: +50 Minor League Minions, Expenditures will be updated.

-[X] Plot an Operation: You've gone nearly a year without a large villain Operation, that changes now. Chance of Success: Varies, Reward: It varies based on the Size of the Operation.
--[X] Medium: We're gonna smash and Grab from someone BIG, mid-range corporate secrets,
Rolled: D100 => 84

Ahh, Plotting an Operation...nothing brings you such joy.

(Continued in Operations Miniturn 1)

-[X] Do Mad Science: Let the researchers do what they want, Dr Eastmont will make something good happen, or burn the Lab down again,
Rolled: D100 => 86
What Area of work did it go into?: D6 => 2 (Martial)
For Goons or Hero Unit? (D4, 1-2 Goons, 3-4 Hero Units) d4 => 4
Witch Hero Unit: D6 => 3 (Anders)

Anders sighed. "What did you get me Doc…I've got alot of paperwork to file."

"I got a Sci-Fi AM Rifle…perfect for dealing with those heavy hitters." She said putting the large box on her desk.

"An Anti-Material RIFLE! I'm not trained to use this?" Anders said.

"Yes…but I made it for you." She said

"I can't say no to something that's free…"Anders conceded.

"First hundred rounds are free." She said.

Reward: Anders Gains Equipment: An Advanced Anti Material Rifle. (Gives +3 to Personal Combat stats when equipped, +15 to all combat rolls against Heavy Cape Types (AKA Super Strength types))

-[X] Research Better Defenses: After the Fiasco that was Solaris, maybe it's time to Upgrade, the question is what do you upgrade the base with given the flying brick you fought. Rolled: D100 => 94

"Auto Turrets? Check." You said going down the list of ideas.

"Lava Pit? Too Expensive." Eastmont noted.

"Boxing Glove Trap? Oh yeah, it's all coming together." You said smiling.

Reward: Hostile forces now gain a -25 when attaching your hideout.

-[X] Get Annoyed by Sunshine: "Boop." She said. "Alright, what do you want."Rolled: D100 => 78

If there was one thing you didn't like about Sunshine it was how smug they were around Nobody.

(Continued in Dirty City Blues.)

-[X] Send an Advisor: You think one of your subordinates can deal with the matter, that you are too busy to deal with.
--[X] Take over the local gangs: It's a waste, Gangsters, Cartel men, Mafiosos. They have all the energy and potential to make something good, yet they spend all their time being parasites on good people, now you are not a man without mercy per se, but as a professional, you believe that a good thrashing and a meeting is required to set a good example because killing them will not entirely stop the problem.
---[X] Zheng Ironfist

Disaster Roll: D100 => 3

No major disasters on the Horizon…finally its smooth sailing, good, one more shock like that and you would have had a heart attack.

Reward: No problems at all, thank god.

Hero Activity: D100 => 7

Hmm, they are all down south, probably helping with hurricane season.

Villain Activity: D100 => 5

And the Villains (The big ones ) are all going to a big conference in Europe now.

AN: The Next turn is here…enjoy and give feedback.
Dirty City Blues
Dirty City Blues

(The Professor POV)

It was one thing to see the capital of the nation in its face as a tourist; it was quite another to see it on the job.

Sunshine did many things and complained about it insistently

"Oh man…I hate DC…" Sunshine said.

"Well buck up, you have to go your already here with me…" You said.

"I hate you." Sunshine complained.

"I know…but chin up…we've got a lot to do. Minnesota's Congressman Gil Gutknecht needs to understand certain…operational workings within his state and I would rather tell him than the Department of Hero Affairs." You said.

"Hugh…It just means I have to see my boss, and he's gonna want to tell me how deep to make the flow of information to his side."

"You are incredibly open about being a double agent. Do you know that… you are like the most open secret agent ever?" You said.

"You should have seen me when I was a teenager, back when I was working networks for a Hero Internship program, you know before I got recruited officially…you shadow manipulating my life to mold the perfect agent…shit like that?" She said,

"Are you certain that's true?" You said.

"In my profession Darwin is almost expected." She nodded. "I figured it was due to moldability…I figured it out early, After all, Why would Mr. Nobody chooses anyone at all to train?"

That is a wonderful point, but why is she so open about it?

"So…you were on a shortlist?" You said.

"Among other things, I mean I was a fine catch, I was able to be stealthy while wearing bright green, Green… It was like I was the color of a GO Sign and they still didn't catch me." She said.

You shrugged. "I've found strange ways to get recruited by shadowy men."

She shrugged. "Surely…I wouldn't doubt your experience. You've probably seen a fair deal of bizarre things involving spycraft."

You almost laughed. "Live with Blanc Le Roche long enough and you'll wonder if people are stupid or just dense as all get out. Believe me I've seen it, well mostly…Never had the chance to meet Mr. Nobody in person."

She almost seemed shocked. "Surely a man of your station and experience has met him at least once?"

"Never met him, did a few phone conferences with him once, was going to try one of those new-fangled web camera meetings but my computer broke…so we had to do it by phone…and you know how it is?" You said.

"Huh…very weird…" She said.

She then smiled and pointed out a small early 1940s-looking ice cream shop that still held a rustic aesthetic despite being in the middle of one of the busiest cities on earth. "Here we are…his favorite ice cream shop."

"And is there a reason I am here to see a shop where I don't enjoy sweets is why?… I only eat sweets three days a year, Sunshine." You said.

"It's the most likely place to meet my boss." She said,

"He likes ice cream?" You said.

"Double Fudge, among others. Now I've got to…meet with him, it's in private…Go bother our congressmen if you want, just let me enjoy something or myself." She finished.

"He's watching us isn't he?" You said.

"Yep…he's already got your file out and knows almost everything…he's fun like that." She said.

If there was one thing you didn't like about Sunshine it was how smug she felt around Nobody.

"Go have your fun." You said. "As long as it doesn't affect our arrangement, you have the freedom to do whatever you please within reason."

"Got it…" She said waving you off.

Now you had to bother your congressmen as god intended.

You hoped that the ensuing conversation would be fruitful and polite.


(Sunshine POV)

"You're late." Mr. Nobody said as you ordered an ice cream bowl of Oreo cookie cream.

"I had to give him the go around, you know how it is, as long as I'm open about my "Working" mission he won't be guessing my real one." You said, rolling your eyes.

Mr. Nobody was exactly as his name describes, a nondescript man nearing his late 30s with black hair slicked back in a downright awful pomade with captivating gray eyes and he stood at a full 5 '9 in terms of height.

His eyes, a cool steel gray were the only noteworthy thing about him, well that and his scars, he was covered in them, from his feet to his neck but his well tailored suit did nothing to show them.

His intelligence alone was unparalleled and his ability to organize and scan information was second to none, after all this was the man who all but built modern society as she and even the Professor knew it.

Not that anyone actually knew to a large extent..even the intelligence services that answered to government powers only had partial answers…hell you only knew the cliff notes version he told you.

And your bullshit sensor told you that it was only PART of the truth. But live as long as he had, well ,you'd be lucky to have only half as many interesting stories.

"So for now he suspects nothing at all?" He said.

"He knows enough to waylay his curiosity, and let the matter lie, but even he knows it will only last a few years before curiosity gets the better of him, and he starts digging,"You said. "It's how this story goes these days."

"That it does." He said. "He doesn't know that I get 80% of all of his finance and manpower information , leaving aside his personal projects and "Secret" Files." The air quotes seemingly necessary for a dramatic point as always.

"If I did any more I'd be all but playing my hand early…and well I all but said "I'm a double agent" to get his trust…on your suggestion might I add." You said.

"A winning strategy…it worked when I was with the Soviets a few years back in '66, I'll tell you when you're older." He chastised like a grandfather and motioned for you to eat your ice cream .

"Alright…It's time for what I'm actually doing with the fossil, he's been in this game for 20 years, but why him, why the Professor of all Villains to insert me with?" You asked as the details of your mission gnawing at you as you finally enjoyed the oreo cookies and cream.

He smiled,and you felt the fear within his plotting mind within the cold gray eyes, forever calculating the future he desired.

"In Chess there are many powerful pieces that people do not comprehend in terms of its full value…and use it poorly. And while I consider them important in many cases the Pawns remain as always Pawns, until they reach E9…of course." He said. "You are a Rook, a strong defensive piece that can get into anywhere with the right work."

He then flourished. " The Professor is a Black Knight, the only one that can move in a way that a queen cannot, and that gives him options, he's safe, has no major nemesis to speak of and the best part, he doesn't care, he is only in it for his own sense of satisfaction…his professionalism may hide it well, but his ego is…massive."

"How noteworthy." You said. "Do you say this to every agent?"

"Yes…its a good speech, come on you know it." He said.

"Alright I'm impressed…" You said.

"Now…first things first…onto a new, lets call it, mission supplements. They will be in carry on's when you wake up." He said as he held out a small syringe. "Now don't panic…it makes moving you to the drop point…difficult."


(Darwin POV)

"Sunshine…did you get drugged by your boss?" You asked already knowing the anwer from the way she was dishevled in the Lounge of the airport with a handful of new bags you damn well knew she didn't pack.

This was supposed to be a day trip, not a shopping trip.

"Yes…he's really theatrical like that, but when as old as he is…you've earned it." Sunshine said.

"Indeed, so do you know whats in them? I count three bags?" You said as she tapped one with her foot.

"More gadgets." She said after finishing tapping the first one.

She then ran a hand across the other one. "New mission Suit, tactical Italian two peice suit laminated kevlar bulletproof sheets between the fabric, very expensive…as well as a new "Winter Sneaking suit…" as if I needed more cloaths to put in the closet."

She smiled at that… "Finally…we have."

She then went beet red for a moment "Ho boy…The little Black Dress of Power, along with several other…suplimental equipment. Poisons, and a Purse that doubles as a parachute."

You smiled "Always an oddball, that Mr. Nobody…you'd think he'd built you all from the ground up?"

She laughed at that as you grabbed your equipment to depart.


Reward: Sunshine has met Mr, Nobody and has been given New Equipment that will be revealed in the feild.

The Professor has sorted out his Supervillain Licencing issues with the Congressmen of Minnisota, +10 to all Diplomacy Rolls for 2 turns.

Sunshine gains the Trait: "Sunshine…Agent of Nobody": You are one of the handful of Agents that makes regular contact with the enigmatic Mr. Nobody, the level of skill and respect on display means you are in one of the top tiers of Spy craft…this is a blessing and a curse at times. (+6 to Intrigue, Personal combat and Diplomacy, +10 to all Intrigue Rolls on adventures, Specal actions and missions available to do)

AN: A 99 gave you this, Enjoy.
Operations Miniturn 1
Operations Miniturn 1

Ahh, Plotting an Operation...nothing brings you such joy.

Well besides your wedding day but that was personal, an Operation is when you and your organization get a large cash flow, information, or leverage over the competition in order to be an effective counterweight to unchecked ambitions of men and women who…

Well, they did something to deserve getting your wrath, and given the situations you normally found yourself in… it was only proper.

Now onto your Target…
(Choose your Target)

[]The Nine Star Gang of South Korea: Zheng's old employers, are really entrenched in the arms trade and the wider drug trade in the Region, it's not a big target but it will start the spread of some notoriety. And get someone's attention in the Villain Circles of Asia.

The reward for Strike: Notoriety...Substantial Income increases in arms trade and the possibility of entering the Drug trade.

[]Athenatech Industries: One of the Seven Rising Titan tech companies of Europe specializing in AI and Space Computer technologies, perhaps they'd be willing to share some...of their knowledge and or capital.

Reward: Notoriety in Europe. Income Increase, Possible Upgrade schematics, Tech Level increases slightly depending on raid type.

[]The Order of the Seven Burning Crosses: A Nasty Group of Superhero Worshiping American Racists who believe that with enough support they can do something reignite the confederacy. Groan, it's more a civil service to attack them but the Capes will give you some leeway if you beat them up for them.

Reward: Join an American pastime...steal random loot, get credibility as "A Villain with Good Publicity" Maybe you get something from the Heroes if you do it.

[]Federov International: The Largest Mid-range Oligarchy Run...something in Russia, they have everything from electronics to...washing machines, but there are diamonds in the rough, real treats, if you can get past their guard heroes and mercenaries.

Reward: Whatever is in the Mystery Box of Federov International...they are an oddball company led by a complete nutjob.

What is your Goal?:

[]Smeer Campaign and Villain Brand Outreach: Your goal is to damage their reputation, raise havoc and throw muck at them. (You will be primarily relying on your INTRIGUE and Diplomacy Skills)

[]A Smash and Grab Operation: You are going to break into their facility and steal something really really BIG! (You are going to rely on MARTIAL and Personal Combat)

[]Wealth Seizure and Transfer: White Coller Crime is a dirty word, but they don't need ALL that money. (You are using INTRIGUE and Stewardship skills)

[]Steal Corporate/Organizational Secrets: Organizational and Management secrets...they may not seem important, bur they are essential in keeping ahead in an organizational sense, well that and we're going to see who's employed by who? (You are using Intrigue and Stewardship skills)

[]Steal Research Data: Research is something you can use or something you can make, either way, it is worth taking if we can manage it. (You will rely on Learning and Intrigue skills)

Who do you send to Lead the Operation:
(Choose 2 characters, a lead and a second in command)

[]The Professor: YOU, the Professor, your skilled in organizing and planning an operation to a large extent. Not so much the doing, but you can manage.

[]Zheng Ironfist: Your Number 2, Henchmen and Soldier, he's good at nearly everything you throw him at, from fighting to math, he's good.

[]Agent Sunshine: Sunshine, Sunshine...Spy, and a passable gunhand, as well as a small unit leader, any plans, she can do it right and proper.

[]Dr.Eastmont:The Good Doctor is unusually skilled in the matter of Operations, and seeing things through. While concerning in many ways it is useful to keep in mind.


How many Goon's do you want to Bring?:


[]At least 12, you know a Dozen

[]At least 25

[]50 for a Job Like this

[]Write in the amount you want to have.


Now as for the final detail..

[]Leave a calling card: While it's a politeness, its also practical, and lets them know it was you.

[] Don't leave a calling card: But if you don't need the heat and want something specific and don't want it track.

AN: Plan format Please! It will help.
Last edited:
Operations Miniturn 2
Operations Miniturn 2

-[X] The Order of the Seven Burning Crosses
-[X] Steal Corporate/Organizational Secrets
-[X] Agent Sunshine (Second)
-[X] Dr.Eastmont (Lead)
-[X] At least 12, you know a Dozen
-[X] Leave a calling card: While it's a politeness, its also practical, and lets them know it was you.

(The Professor POV)

The Order of the Seven Burning Crosses was a rather unique American brand of stupidity , superhero worship, and some degree of old white supremacy that was fragmented after the "Great Brawl of '72".

After all, if you had the power of a God, why did you have to listen to an old racist in a church, so there's the Old Supremiscist (Who is just racist to most foreigners and gives the powered community a wide birth.) and the New Supremisist who took on the idea of both Superhuman and racial supremacy following the old Doctrine of the "Great Trifecta".

The Great Trifecta were Nazi German's Three official Superheroes, state-mandated sociopaths that probably killed as many people in their attempts to flee Germany then the Warsaw Uprising.

And they would have been paperclipped by someone (Probably the French or the Americans) had it not been for the Italian and Czech Superhero groups in a team-up.

But your rambling now. The point is the Burners arn't a terrorist group, yet, and given the US is busy, you and yours will have to take the fight to them.

For a healthy looting sum of course…you aren't a charity.


Stewardship Check: Dr Eastmont Planning
DC: 40
Rolled: D100 => 72+39+6 (Goons)=117

(Eastmont POV)

"Alright the best plan is the simplest I say, we need to make them attack us directly and prey we can hold out until Sunshine is finished." You said with a chipper smile.

"That's not a plan, that's a suicide mission, there is only 12 of us!" Ty Lee said while holding her equipment, "This shit is rated for handguns and shotguns, not rifle rounds.

"That is why we are picking a ground of our choosing and we will have a hill, and stone wall, along with machine guns on trucks, come on we're not idiots." You said.

"So 13 guys, because you're going with us…Doc." She said as you nodded.

"Of course, if you screw it up I'm going to have to clean this up."

"Just a question? How is this a stealth mission?" Patrick said.

"Quite simply we are the distraction for Sunshine to get the Data we need." You finished.

Then without saying anything more, You began to open fire on the compound with a grenade launcher.

Intrigue Check: Sunshine's Busy Work vs the Burning Cross's Watchers
DC: Pass the Check
Sunshine Roll: D100 => 90+30+6=126
Burning Cross Watchers: D100 => 98+20 (Experienced)=118

(Sunshine POV)

I hope I don't get too fat, my hips will never fit into these vents if they get large enough. You thought as you shimmied out of the vents into a closed space.

Falling into a handstand and then twirling to your feet you could only sigh as the rumbling of battle began to start or enhance you didn't keep track of time when on mission, except when it was timed.

The guards would have picked up your sound but the battles outside was going to get all of their attention.

It was nice to come into something with backup for once…it made getting out easier.

And getting in…actually, you wondered why Mr. Nobody made you a SOLO operative anyway.

Eh, you'll figure it out later.

Intrigue Check: FIND THE SECRETS!
Rolled: D100 + 6 + 30 + 26 => 102

And the idiot left his computer on…why am I not surprised?

This is so easy.

Loot Quality: D100 => 76

"Alright, Profesor as it turns out they are stealing both NASA organizational secrets and the Plot from Thunderball." You said as you saw the organizational workshops and spacesuit designs." You said.

"A Space Program, and locational Documents on where they get their material?" He said as you cleaned one of your ears for a second.

"Yep…and the idiot left his computer on…I say we take it all for a rainy day." You said.

"I did have going to space on my bucket list…get out and lets go."

"And the Calling Card is up."


"MY FOOT!" Kerry shouted.

"Its just your pinky toe!" Ty Lee said.

"Yeah we get a new one…its in the insurance package," Alejandro said.


Reward: You have crippiled the Burning Cross…as god intended.

You have gained access to the Base Upgrades Space Fabrication and Astronaut training.

You can now Rob their drop points with Impunity for three turns.

Sunshine and Dr. Eastmont work well together.

Kerry lost one of his Pinky toes, but besides that there were no serious casualties.

AN: Life happened…sorry for being late.

Also Professional Rating Goons, be good.

Rumor mill is coming...eventually.

Rumor Mill 3
Rumor Mill 3

Order of the Burning Cross Raided by the Professor.

The Professor, the 106th Ranked Villain in the world, has raided the Order of the Burning Cross's headquarters.

Reward: Gain Notoriety

Operation Lion Fist has entered the Public Domain.

Operation Lion Fist the tales of the First Super Hero Taskforce and training manual for much of the world's anti-super Military forces has entered the public domain and can now be used by police and paramilitaries to train their people to understand the dangers and countermeasures to Super powered individuals.

Reward: The Cops are getting Tougher…

Anastasia Ambrose has once again escaped Custody

The Famed Supervillain and Balken War Criminal Lady Shadowspawn the endless has once again escaped Ukrainian Custody, she was arrested in Ukraine while overseeing a weapons robbery.

Once again this famed Criminal has escaped the EU's Continental Crime Unit's Grasp.

Reward: Heh…nice to see the crazy one is still going strong.

Special Event roll: D100 => 50

Zheng knew from experience that drugs in a villain's territory meant two things, an Invasion or Negotiation.

This was a courtesy visit.

"Tell the Professor we wish to come to an arrangement if he is open to it." The man said.

Reward: New Action available.


Logging in…Welcome Agent Sunshine.

-Updating Global Threat Database



The Professor's Cartel
Leader: The Professor (Darwin Havelock)
Villain Threat Level:106 (Considerable Rank)
Number of personnel: 220 Goons.
No Notable Cape or Powered Villain beyond the Professor,

Though hypothesis…Dr.Eastmont is an Unregistered Ragnorok Super.

The Villian Reputation of the Organization is Miniscule.

The Global Threat Level of the organization is Nonexistent.

AN: A Short and Sweet Update and your first end-of-the-year report.
Turn 5
Turn 5

Cash Reserves: 7715 Dollars


+400 (City Racket)

+300 (Weapons' Trade)

+1000 (Bar and Grill and Casino)


Goon Wages: 400 (Professional and Midrange Goon Wages)

Hideout Upkeep: 1000


(You have 2 options)

[]Meet with the Operative: Someone was selling Super Drugs without your blessing, and you want to know why? Cost: 5 Chance of Sucess: 30% Reward: Talk to them…sternly.

[]Send out an Ad in the Paper: These days you've got to get things set up again, what with the Strike being over, get some goons and whatnot...proper villains have goons. Cost:200 Chance of Sucess: 40% Reward: Send an Add in the paper about a new Supervillain in Town.

[] Contact the Villians: Its nice to know who else is in the neighborhood, hash out terf borders and troll the Mafia, things like that, or they could be an S-Rank telling you to get off their lawn, hope it doesn't come to that. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: ??? Reward: Meet the Local Villains, and pray they don't kill you.

[] Schedule a fight with nemesis: Alright, you have a nemesis, have to keep their real life in mind so we can hash out a battle, if they don't show, the first crime committed that day is freebies. Cost: 100 Chance of Success:??? Reward: Meet your nemesis in Combat…or whatever you plan to do.

[]Schedule an Interview: The Media's slow days are perfect timeslots for a brief look into the Villains of America, sure it sets a bad example for the Kids, but its just so interesting. Cost:200, Chance of Success: 50% Reward: Get your public Profile out there with an interview.

[]Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Cost: 50, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Meet the Local Heroes.

(You have 1 option)

[]Train your goons: It's the Mark of a good leader, to find the weakest link in a chain and reforge it into something stronger. Cost: 100, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Train your goons to a higher standard.

[]Hire a Professional: What you need is someone who can keep the Goons in line, and fight your many many battles.Cost:1000 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Professional Villain for Hire as a field commander, or at least a Mercenary. (Will be your Martial equivalent and grant another Martial action)

[]Recruit Capes: Heroes either always fall off the wayside looking for work, or need those remedial "Empathy Credits" so they can operate. Best hit the market and see who needs them. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Hero to be on your Staff, lord knows they need the work.

[]Recruit Villains: Hired Help is good, you know the story, they need experience and security, and who knows maybe one of them might make something of themselves. Cost: 100 Chance of Success: 40% Reward: Hire a Villain that needs the work.

[]Expand Territory: Now that you Arn't exactly in the Red, you can work to expand a little. Just a County or so. Cost: 1000 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Expand your Territory, but beware, a Hero or Villain my try to stop you.

(You have 2 options)

[]Make a Gadget: Now that you have a Workshop up in Running, now you can make things for your people, or your goons or your henchmen. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You make a gadget.
-[]Write in what the Gadget you want to build.
--[]For the Goons
--[]Write in Hero Unit/Henchmen.

[]Sell the Ragnorite Ore: This is one of the newest rarest minerals on the Market, and you think it'll attract some more trouble as well. Best to just sell it. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You sell it to a buyer and get cash influx.

[]Upgrade your Hideout: Well any good hideout needs some degree of fine-tuning, before or after its completion. Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Hideout Upgraded
-[]Line Tail Upgrade

Upgrade List:

[]Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape. Cost:2,500

[]Danger Room: The Ultimate test of a person's skill and ability, the greatest training ability on earth, only about 12 of these exist. Cost: 25,000

[]Casino and Bar and Grill: Ahh, its a nice clean and relaxing place to unwind and enjoy life, Cost: 1,500

[]Great Lake Skiffs: The Boats and Boat-based areas to train them how to use and abuse them. Cost:3,000

[]Astronaut Training Camp: To Go to the Stars is a gift, to get trained to work up there is another matter entirely. Cost: 5000

[]Space Fabrication: To Build the materials needed to make a spaceship, its not as easy as it looks. Cost: 8000

(You have 2 option)

[]Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we?Cost:100, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: You learn about…options.
-[] Hawaii
-[] Alaska
-[] The Warfront

[]Go Underground: Well you need to wait for the heat to die down a bit, and hopefully it would go to bad while your away. Cost:50 Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: All Actions suffer a -10 to the Rolls but the Disaster Roll suffers a -10 as a result.

[]Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. Its good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Cost: 100, Chance of Success: 75% Reward: Learn about new heroes.

[]Launder your Money: You don't care for Taxes, and you want to make sure that is understood. Cost:0, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Halve Expenses for one turn.

[]Do a Background Check on Dr. Eastmont: Who the hell is she, she hides her past well behind her facade of insanity, but it is not enough to hide from you. Cost: 0 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: Learn more about Dr. Eastmont.

(You have 2 Options)

[]Buy/Smuggle Weapons: Some income gets you some good arms and equipment to sell, or use for yourself. Cost: 5, Chance of Sucess: 70% Reward: Gain Income from Weapons, get equipment for the Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Small Fries): From the Homeless vagabonds, who need to get clean physically and emotionally, those who need a home, to the dispossessed by circumstances to…struggling college students who need a job, this is the bottom of the barrel of Goon recruitment. Cost:20, Chance of Sucess: 90% Reward: Hire Low Tier Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Minor Leagues): Middle-income sorts who need a Job, Ex-army guys, the recently fired office workers, the workers…they don't need much work to be the best men and women for the Job. Cost: 40,Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Hire Mid-Tier Goons.

[]Hire Goons (Professionals): These are men and women who knew they would be here, and trained to be the best and they are fucking expensive. Cost:60, Chance of Sucess:30% Reward: Hire Professional Goons for the Operation.

[]Give the cops false leads: Best not let the Cops anywhere near your operation, false leads certainly help. Cost:150, Chance of Sucess: ??? Reward: Lie to the Cops about your operation.

[]Plot a Heist: It's old fashioned, its rather small, but Heists, they BUILD CHARECTER! And get you good paydays.As long as they don't kill willy-nilly. Cost: 20, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward: Plan a Heist of something important.

[-]Plot an Operation: You've gone nearly a year without a large villain Operation, that changes now. Chance of Sucess: Varies, Reward: It varies based on the Size of the Operation.
-[] Tiny: A Small Local affair, more of a Goon's night out than a real operation, Cost: 50, Chance of success:90%
-[]Small: We're hitting something Bigger, like a large City bank,and such. Cost: 100, Chance of success:80%
-[]Medium: We're gonna smash and Grab from someone BIG, mid-range corporate secrets, Cost: 400, Chance of success:70%
-[]Large: Yeah, we're hitting a Megacorp-sized Target, how can you tell. Cost: 800, Chance of success:60%
-[]Massive: NATIONAL CRIME THING…We have no idea what we're gonna be doing, lets just do it.Cost: 2,500, Chance of success:40%
-[]Global: "Why yes I would like to make an announcement to hold the world hostage ….No don't put me on hold!" Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:5%
-[]Interplanitary: "SO you want to threaten everyone…in the whole solar system…even the aliens that may live in some remote corner of SOL. I respect the Ambition mate." Cost: 10,000, Chance of success:1%

(Operation is on Cooldown for 2 turns)

(You have Two options)

[]Do Mad Science: Let the researchers do what they want, Dr Eastmont will make something good happen, or burn the Lab down again, Cost:10 Chance of Sucess: Random. Reward: Random Research is done, maybe it will even be positive.

[]Research Genetic Enhancement: Ahh Human Genome, the little thing that makes us all up, how do we enhance it? Cost: 5000, Chance of Success: 35% Reward: Unlock Gene Upgrades for Hero's and yourself.

[]Research Drug Purity: While you personally don't approve, drugs, especially superhero ones, are one of the biggest sellers on the market. Let's see if any of its pure.Cost:2000, Chance of Sucess: 45% Reward: Study Drugs and purity.

[]Reseach Powers:Well, that is peculiar, what exactly does it do? Cost: 0, Chance of Sucess: 60% Reward: Learn about your Hero units Powers.
-[]Witch Hero Unit's Powerset do you want to research?

[]Contract work with a Research institute: Its not villainy, but it pays the bills and gets a reputation and leeway with the rest of the world, mostly…but it gives them something to do. Cost:10, Chance of Sucess: 50% Reward:Send your Science Team for Contract work.

[]Research Uniform Improvements (Goons): The Man on the Street must look good, for he represents you and all your works. Let us also spend time making sure he can survive, prosper, feel pride, and look fabulous doing it. Cost:200, Chance of Sucess:50% Reward: Improve the Goon Uniforms

[]Research Uniform Improvements (Hero Units): A True Henchman's uniform must be an expression of who they are, they also must be able to survive a megaton punch from a whiny self entitled god in spandex…better work on that. Cost: 400, Chance of Sucess: 30% Reward: Improve Hero Unit Gear.
-[]Witch Hero Unit do you wish to Improve?

[]Research Ragnorite Ore: You think that once you get someone who is a specialist, you think you can find something the researchers up there missed. Cost: 100 Chance of Sucess: 30%, Reward: Study Ragnorite Ore

[]Send a Goon to be a Guinea Pig:The Goons are acting up, TO THE LABs with you, maybe some quality time with Dr Eastmont will be good for you, don't worry she won't maim or destroy your DNA, its in her contract. Cost: 40 Chance of Sucess:??? Reward: A Goon is sent to Dr Eastmont to be a guinea Pig for her experiments, don't worry she won't exparament on you in a damaging way.

[]Send a Hero Unit/Advisor to be a Guinea Pig:You think that some time with Dr. Eastmont will be good for them, maybe they'll learn. Cost: 50 Chance of Success: ??? Reward: A Hero Unit spends time with Dr. Eastmont in the lab, as a assistant and test subject, maybe they learn something or something about themselves.
-[]Write in witch Character (Can also be the MC)

Personal Actions:
(You have Two option)

[]Oversee Project: You need to see this matter Personally. Reward: Oversee an action. (Add your character stats as a bonus to a Roll)
-[]Write in what Action you want to oversee.

[]Have a drink with Zheng: Your oldest employee, get something nice with him.

[]Talk to Melissa:You want to chew the Rag with your HR manager.

[]Get Annoyed by Sunshine: "Boop." She said. "Alright, what do you want."

[]Talk to Felix: "Hmm." He said.

[]Have Dinner with Dr.Eastmont: "Well I never took you for a romantic."

[]Send an Advisor: You think one of your subordinates can deal with the matter, that you are too busy to deal with.
-[]Write in which action and Hero you wish to assign.

[]Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that.


Hero Unit Personal Actions
(Choose 1)

[]ZHENG IRONFIST! And the Tale of the Dojo Of Doom:It started like any other, finding more and more Fake Martial Arts Dojo's to mock…only this time, you appear to have mocked a real one oh nuts…

[]Ander's Adventure in Advice and Advancement!:You meet alot of people in Villain Management, here are the highlights of your day's overall thing…

[]Felix Marston's Quest for More Money!: Tax evasion was easy as long as you don't muck it up…

[]Agent Sunshine in the Tale of TV Translocation!: "Sunshine's log, hour 2, some fat weirdo has thrown me into TV land and trying to kill me…I think he's one of those overzealous fandom weirdos…"

[]Fiona Eastmont and the Invaders of ROBOTIC RELOCATION!: "YOU WILL BE RELOCATED!" Ahh, moving robots going haywire, you didn't have this on your bingo card today…

AN: Enjoy…Round two…

Plan format please!
Turn 5 Results
Turn 5 Results

-[X] Meet with the Operative: Someone was selling Super Drugs without your blessing, and you want to know why? Rolled: d100 => 47

The Heat is a Bit much, we will reschedule. The Operative…

DAMN! You knew doing an operation was going to be difficult to hide from them…bad luck.

Bare Failure: +5 to the next attempt next turn.

-[X] Meet the Heroes: You know what's better than meeting the villains? Heroes, they like having moments of banter, if they aren't busy. Rolled: D100 => 64

"Darwin…how are you doing." A Hero asked as you entered the conference hall.

"Hello Dyna-Man, you know what it means to have a secret identity right?" You said with a nod.

"Just wondering how you're doing, still on for a coffee with the guys?" He said.

"My Time in Boston was brief, I'd rather not go back." you groaned, you hated that city…for more then one reason.

"Come on Professor, we've got history, A lot of us have stories to swap." He said.

"Fine, I'll make time for it." You said.

Reward: You meet an old friend from your younger years, Dyna-man, he still thinks he's gonna be a big shot one day.

-[X] Hire a Professional: What you need is someone who can keep the Goons in line, and fight your many many battles. Rolled: D100 => 96+21=117

Sunshine didn't know THIS GUY was here.

"Ahh, Agent Sunshine, I knew you were the one screwing around in Alaska, I wonder, are you spying or recruiting?" He said calmly.

"Can I say both?" She said.

(Continued in Alaskan Alabi)

-[X] Look into the New Heroes: The New Capes on the Block, as it were. It's good to know who's there to be a problem, and who needs Empathy credits. Rolled: 72

Alton the Atomizer….Power, Atomic density manipulation and immunity to most forms of earth-based radiation.

From what you heard he works as a master technician in Three Islands down in Florida.

From what you can tell, most of his work deals with Radiation-based crimes.

Reward: Meet Alton the Atomizer, a hero that specializes in Radiation-based security.

-[X] Enhanced Aerobics Center: An Enhanced Gym and Center that will help your Goons get into shape Rolled:28

Oh boy this was going to be slow going.

Reward: The Center will be active in 3 turns.)

-[X] Make a Gadget: Now that you have a Workshop up in Running, now you can make things for your people, or your goons or your henchmen
--[X] Shock Gauntlets
---[X] Zheng Ironfist Rolled:54

Ahh, the new gear for Zheng should be finished soon.

Ahh, shock gauntlets…they are fun and well built.

Zheng gains the Equipment Shock Gauntlets: These gauntlets give a large electric shock attack that builds up using kinetic force, and have a top charge capacity of 30,000 volts. (+3 Personal Combat when equipped, gives a Bonus of +10 to +30 if charged properly.)

-[X] Give the cops false leads: Best not let the Cops anywhere near your operation, false leads certainly help. Rolled: d100 => 96

Well, all that false evidence should keep the cops off your back, for a few months. By god, that was difficult.

Reward: For 2 turns, the Disaster roll and Hero Roll will suffer a -5 , however the Villain Roll will have a +5 as a result.

-[X] Investigate the weird happenings: SO…certain things are getting rather big yet people aren't talking about it, for one reason or another, you wonder why? Let's go and see shall we?
--[X] Alaska Rolled: D100 => 74

With the Number of Projects running around up here, it was surprising you didn't find the big ones.

(Continued in Alaska Alibi)

-[X] Plot a Heist: It's old fashioned, its rather small, but Heists, they BUILD CHARECTER! And get you good paydays.As long as they don't kill willy-nilly. Rolled: d100 => 21

"We need to lay off til the heat dies down." You ordered.

Failure: You got too much heat.

-[X] Research Drug Purity: While you personally don't approve, drugs, especially superhero ones, are one of the biggest sellers on the market. Let's see if any of it's pure. Rolled: D100 => 8

"NO DRUGS!" You ordered as the Dr looked at you.

"Bad expirences?" She said.

"College 71…I was high for three days." You said.

"There's more to that isn't there?" She said.

"NO." You sternly ordered, hiding that there was more.

Failure: You shut it down…firmly.

-[X] Research Uniform Improvements (Goons): The Man on the Street must look good, for he represents you and all your works. Let us also spend time making sure he can survive, prosper, feel pride, and look fabulous doing it.
Rolled: D100 => 54

"Well, it looks a little gaudy…" You said

Dr. Eastmont said. "I think they look fabulous, all of this is meant to prioritize practical function and ability."

Reward: Goons now have a new uniform with bells and whistles. +5 to goon assigned rolls.

-[X] Reconnect with Family:Its been a few years since you last talked to your family, and well, ever since the Kids moved out and your wife went back to working more hours at work, you haven't had time to talk more beyond holiday visits. Let's change that. Rolled: D100 => 72
Who: D4 => 1 (Ex-Wife)

"Anabella," you said calmly, the tension between you palpable.

"Darwin," she replied, her voice carefully controlled, trying not to let too much scorn seep through. The years hadn't made these conversations any easier.

You sighed, leaning back. "I know it's been a while since we've had an honest talk. But I thought you might appreciate this. Maybe… we could try again. Not as a couple, but as people who used to understand each other."

She raised an eyebrow, her arms crossed defensively. "Darwin, we divorced when the kids moved out for a reason. I wanted you to stop with your schemes, to be an architect again—a real one. There's good, honest money in that. But you couldn't let it go."

You ran a hand through your hair, remembering the battles, the fights over who you were becoming. "Yes, the architecture was fulfilling, but there's even more when you finally get a big score, Anabella. It's not about money anymore, it's about proving something to myself. To the world. This is what I'm good at."

Her eyes flashed with a familiar frustration. "Darwin, you always wanted more. That's why we ended it. I wanted a normal life, but you couldn't walk away from… this. The heists, the thrill, the danger. You wanted to be a supervillain instead of the man who designed bridges and homes." She looked away, her jaw tight with restrained emotion. "You wouldn't change, not even for us."

There was a bitter truth in her words, one you couldn't quite deny. You had loved being an architect once,loved the symmetry and structure of it. But the rush of pulling off the impossible, bending the rules, being smarter, faster, more cunning than anyone else, had consumed you.

"I never wanted to hurt you. Or the kids," you said quietly. "I just… couldn't let go of who I became. And I thought you of all people might understand."

She shook her head, her voice softening but still distant. "You don't get it, do you? I understood for years. I tolerated it. But when it came down to choosing between your family and your obsession, you made the choice. And it wasn't us."

The silence between you felt heavy, filled with the weight of all the unspoken things that had led to this moment. It wasn't just about your life choices, it was about the sacrifices you both made, the ones that couldn't be undone.

"I just thought… maybe we could have a real conversation, without all the anger," you said, your voice almost pleading.

She looked at you for a long moment, her expression softening just a fraction. "Maybe. But we can't pretend this isn't who you are now. And I can't pretend it didn't destroy us."

You nodded, the realization settling in that, no matter how much you tried to bridge the gap, some wounds just never fully healed.

Reward: You met your Ex-Wife Anabella Fedmos, Architect.

-[X] Ander's Adventure in Advice and Advancement!: You meet alot of people in Villain Management, here are the highlights of your day's overall thing… Rolled: D100 => 79

Anders looked at the man in the shabby suit and tie.

"Harry from PR?" She said.

"I fell on some hard times Anders…I'm here with my full force." He said.

Reward: Harry from PR has joined as an Ancillery for Anders, he grants a +5 to all diplomacy rolls.

Disaster Roll: D100 => 3

Special Event Roll: D100 => 88

The phone rang, snapping you out of your thoughts. You glanced over at it before picking up. "The Professor here."

"Darwin, it's Felix," the voice on the other end said. His tone had that casual drawl he used when he was calling in favors—a tone you recognized all too well. "You remember that thing we asked you to do after you helped us out in France?"

Ah, *that* favor. Of course, Felix would call it in now, right when things were finally starting to settle down.

"Yeah, I remember," you replied. "What does the Big Boss need?"

Felix chuckled lightly, but you could hear the seriousness lurking beneath his words. "Well, the Big Boss is calling it in, and he's hoping you can help him out with a small… situation. Should be simple, really."

You leaned back in your chair, the vague request setting off alarm bells. "Alright, Felix, what's the job?"

"He needs you to keep his daughter all nice and sorted while he handles an oncoming crime wave he's expecting to hit. Knows it's brewing, and he can't have his kid getting caught up in it."

You pinched the bridge of your nose. "Oh no… another wannabe hero in training?"

"Yeah," Felix said, letting out a low sigh. "Mr. Ambrose is insistent. Wants her kept safe and… on the straight and narrow. Of course, if you think you can convince her to go *villain*, that's not really my business," he added, a smirk audible in his voice.

You couldn't help but chuckle dryly at that. "Right, because turning someone to the dark side is such a casual afternoon hobby." You shook your head, but deep down you knew this wasn't just any favor. Ambrose had clout, and when he asked for something, you didn't say no.

"So, what's she like? The daughter?"

Felix hesitated. "Let's just say she's got her dad's fire and a lot of potential. And you know what that means—headstrong, eager, and looking for trouble."

"Great. Just what I need," you muttered, already picturing the headaches that lay ahead. Babysitting an eager hero-to-be, someone who'd probably think they could take on the world without a second thought.

"Look, Darwin," Felix said, his tone dropping the usual casualness. "I know it's not your usual gig, but the Boss is adamant. And, well… you owe him."

You sighed, knowing full well you were stuck. "Fine. I'll do it. But if she starts swinging around and calling herself a superhero, I'm not responsible for what happens next."

Felix chuckled. "Understood. I'll send over the details. Good luck, Darwin. You're gonna need it."

As the call ended, you leaned back in your chair, staring at the ceiling. Babysitting an ambitious hero. What could possibly go wrong?

Reward: In Two Turns you gain a Hero Unit/responsability.

AN: We're back, enjoy and give feedback.