Lieutenant General Gundam

It had a limited theatrical run in what turns out to have been May (I've had a long couple months), next month is the NA streaming release. I suppose waiting for that is better than phone video piracy in terms of watch quality.
I know the theatre releases had a dub release, that's how I know it was dubbed at all.
I only started watching Seed after the movie had run its course in theatres.
Also the pirate community hates dubs and didn't even bother to camcord a dubbed version.
Watched the first and second Zeta ANTs. Man, Zeta already had issues establishing motivations and cause-and-effect relationships, and these compilations are even worse at it. Can't even call it a greatest hits. The first movie is extremely random events plot with the only things given meaningful focus are Kamille seeing his parents die and the Trap at Jaburo, turning the Colony 30 visit into a laptop seminar and making Lila go out like a punk. In the second it's more of the same, truncating and simplifying the Hong Kong arc to where Kamille, Four and Ben Wooder are the only characters and there's no mention of the Psyco Gundam's mind-eating powers, Scirocco's barely a presence beyond people constantly talking about "The Man From Jupiter" and Reccoa murdering all her plants after just a glimpse of the Messala, Sidally's removed entirely despite the rest of Sarah's episodes going unchanged, Mouar sacrifices herself for Jerid for no reason or buildup, and so much attention is paid to one of the weakest episodes in the show solely because it has a colony drop in it, not even bothering to work in Jamaican's death. And who thought it was a bright idea to add so much grain to the 80s footage? It only make the new footage stand out even worse.
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The Seed Freedom dub is finally out on Netflix. Time to make some real progress again. Sameposting on SB and SV:
  • Starting with a big opening action scene of the MCs falling to earth and smashing up Alliance mechs. No offense, but I'm remembering the Plinkett review's criticism of Revenge of the Sith's opening being a big space battle with little to no context and so much happening so fast you can't really comprehend, let alone appreciate what's going on.
  • Endless Waltz scenario for our heroes, though this time the Preventers are called "Compass".
  • New character Agnes and the Black Tri-Star woman piloting the Gyan. I don't think they ever explained why that and the Zakrello got taken out of Encounters In Space and we've just been assuming it's the same reason as no Gundam Hammer or why the Guntank got scrapped for a second Guncannon.
  • Hi Madara Uchiha! Always nice to see you, even if it's as this placeholder Chairman called "Lament".
  • Why would Athrun make a second Birdy? Weren't the Haros supposed to be an improvement on his robot designs?
  • I have no idea how a gibberish non-plan like "I think Gattaca was cool" could possibly inspire parts of Orb to break off and form their own nation. Feels like the story's behaving like Durandal actually gave some sort of coherent plan instead of "Hey, do you ever feel like you don't belong in your role? Well I'm going to forcibly reshape the world with my own two hands so that every man, woman and child is in their genetically destined place in the world!".
  • Shinn, it's Kira. He probably doesn't trust anyone to do things as fast and efficiently as him on his own, especially not when his definition of "success" demands not killing any combatants.
  • Oh my god Kira's communicating with Lacus through phone silence. It's so Heero that it's a tragedy he's not actually Heero. And the music in that scene sounded like Costa Del Sol from FF7.
  • They wrote down the Destiny Plan on Kira's computer, and it's still incoherent. 20 years and you still can't figure out a way to make Durandal comprehensibly evil.
  • Newtype communication is back. Lacus seems soulbound with Orphee (though somehow it's through mutual SEED Mode despite being different from Newtype powers), and Kira gets a psychic read on his malice.
  • The movie's being so Endless Waltz that it had to introduce a Mineva clone in Aura. Though the Forgettable Movie Villain squad is more generic anime filler movie stuff.
  • Gee I wonder where this stuff with Agnes and Shura is going. I couldn't possibly figure it out just from Agnes's pigtails.
  • Feels like the series has given up on the "Naturals vs Coordinators" premise. Shame, it was pretty core to their best episodes in Mendel Colony.
  • Instead of reconcile how dirty they did Flay, they instead made a new Quess to take her place as Lacus's competiton. It's like stomping on the ashes at this point.
  • Orphee, I know you're a strawman, but you might've had half a point if you didn't go calling Kira a murderer, given his whole deal of "won't kill combatants even if it's detrimental".
  • Show won't decide between 2D and 3D for its mech fights. Modern anime is so obnoxious and inconsistent.
  • Shura's got mental powers that can mindflay Kira. Guess the writer's lesson from Destiny was that Kira can never ever be wrong again, and if he's ever making an error it has to be through the manipulations of evil.
  • Bunch of recycled VAs from G-Witch playing our villains.
  • Tense scene where Lunamaria shoots down a missile with a sniper beam rifle. They know what they're doing.
  • OH COME ON!!!!
  • The obvious outcome happens because Agnes thinks "If I can't have Kira, no one can!". Might as well have piloted a Hobby Hizack instead of a Gyan.
  • Damn, they killed the Tri-Star guys. Guess they want to promote Hilda more as a pilot.
  • Athrun's embraced his lack of personality and given up expressions.
  • Recreated the slo-mo Z'Gok shot from Soldiers of Sorrow.
  • And then Shinn gropes Hilda's chest in a scene we're supposed to take seriously. Anime.
  • Lacus faints after having to order Kira shot down.
  • Man I wish they could've got Arthur's Ocean VA back. He was a big reason I liked the Minerva crew in Destiny.
  • The Black Knights just have a fixed-up Requiem now. How was that allowed to be rebuilt?!
  • "Accords"? We're making people who thought the Destiny Plan was cool a new strain of humanity now?
  • Also they somehow have enough military might to seize Aprilius and force Yzak, his mom and Lament to flee. Wasn't Dekim's takeover of Earth only successful because Earth had disarmed? How do you manage this when ZAFT is still an entity in this movie?
  • They also could've gotten Brad Swaile to cameo as Dearka, but nah gotta skimp on as much money as possible.
  • Retcon central up in here with an excessively stupid pileup of reveals. Durandal, Aura, and Lacus's mom all worked together at Mendel Colony to create a new breed of humanity that would not only think the Destiny Gibberish was swell, but would also have the ability to read and decieve minds. And age Aura backwards into looking like someone Mariemeia's age. And also make Lacus and Orphee genetic soulmates because we gotta make Orphee as threatening to Kira as possible.
  • Man, if Kira and Athrun's relationship was more like this punch-up and less "ex-husband on the other side of the battlefield", I wouldn't have such a problem with them.
  • Athrun convincing Kira he doesn't have to hyper-fixate on the goal of ending all conflict to the detriment of his relationship to Lacus. Or something.
  • That's...not how roleplay is done, Shinn.
  • Technically Murrue only became a rebel because Kira threatened to destroy the Archangel if she didn't play ball with him. But ah well, there's been a whole Seed Destiny between then and now.
  • Man the capital city of Orb changes with every show.
  • Firing the Requiem at Earth really should not have been that harmless.
  • Kira's so socially awkward he thinks a curt deferral of command is overdoing it.
  • Why are we supposed to care about this blue-haired Black Knight girl? Ingrid, I think her name is?
  • Weird observation, but I wish Orphee were more like Toneri from Naruto The Last. Would be less of a strawman that way.
  • Arthur's just the comic relief scaredycat now, playing a support role for placeholder captains.
  • Haros releasing knockout gas into Artemis. Ain't that cool and pragmatic.
  • Always glad to have a cameo from Destiny episode 18 Athrun.
  • Man this blue-haired chick had no point but to give Kira an excuse to make a lovey-dovey speech to Lacus.
  • 20 years and they still couldn't fix the Akatsuki's gaudiness.
  • Oh, that asshole general from early in the movie turned coat. That explains Aprilius's seizure.
  • Lacus going full cheesecake outfit.
  • Orphee calling the Jesus Machine "antiquated". It's not even been a year since Seed Destiny's ending in-universe.
  • Aw, the Destiny has a recharger beam for the Impulse.
  • Agnes: "It's not my fault if every man finds me irresistible!" Man, I don't even want to figure out what her deal is supposed to be.
  • Seriously, at least Toneri never made all his battle dialogue "WHY DOESN'T LACUS LOVE MEEEEEEEEE".
  • Kira getting his old insert theme powerup as Lacus destroys all the missiles
  • And we ruin the mood with naked Stella Soul Eater monster. Goddammit anime.
  • Shinn taking the Destiny's F-91 power to its natural conclusion. I'm let down that nobody says "afterimages with mass" in this scene.
  • Halo CE Plasma Rifle SFX
  • Oh wait, that's Tamami from Jojo Part 4 playing Jagannath. The guy with The Rock/Lock/Padlock as his Stand.
  • Cagalli piloting the Infinite Justice from hundreds of thousands of miles away. Hilarious.
  • Had to find some way to sneak in multiple flashbacks to Nicol's death.
  • Well so much for Kira trying to spare people. Nah, Orphee's a romantic threat to Kira, gotta kill him. Also technically killing a child with Aura.
Fanservice: the movie. Nothing actually substantive, just a comeback tour of characters and mechs from Seed and Destiny. But it's a fun one, and even if it's dumb how they couldn't let Kira make his own mistakes, I'm glad to see they're letting the cast have personalities and interplay.
Wait so is the Akatsuki a Gundam, or is this a new Akatsuki MSV for the movie that IS a Gundam?
The Akatsuki was always a Gundam, it's a direct Strike descendant and IIRC it uses the Strike's OS.
In the movie i'ts basically the same MS as it was in Destiny, it just uses the Zeus Silhouette and not its own packs.

Also the definitive "It's a Gundam" proof: it's called a Gundam in model kits :p.
Strictly speaking I think it would be the modified version that Kira developed when the Archangel made it to Orb.
You're correct, both Cagalli and Mu are Naturals and can pilot it.
Wiki has this image of the startup screen:
Also it claims the OS is customized over the base one used by Morgenröte, maybe for remote waepons usage, but no citations OFC. Would make sense though.
Private capital in CE is somehow even more powerful and abusive of that power than private capital in AS, and that was AS'S entire gimmick.

It might have something to do with the fact that the private capital in the CE verse were until recently mostly made up of bloodthirsty narcissists, psychopaths, racists, eugenicists, and other delightful creatures.
honestly it's amazing how the earth alliance just put all their points into building shit. Like over ten destroy gundams, lord knows how many superweapons, and countless redshirt fleets, that all accomplish jack and shit against even ZAFT.
A curious thought:

The Destroy Gundam had to use batteries because EA at that time did not have much intelligence on ZAFT's deployment of Neutron Stampeder, so the designers worried that if they use a Nuclear powerplant, ZAFT would just detonate it with the Stampeder...

But what if, Lowe Guele and Kaite Madigan retrofit the Destroy with a Hyper Deuterion Engine?
A curious thought:

The Destroy Gundam had to use batteries because EA at that time did not have much intelligence on ZAFT's deployment of Neutron Stampeder, so the designers worried that if they use a Nuclear powerplant, ZAFT would just detonate it with the Stampeder...

But what if, Lowe Guele and Kaite Madigan retrofit the Destroy with a Hyper Deuterion Engine?

I recall Kaite does own the Testament as well, can probably pull the reactor assembly off that one.