I just remember that MGs get XP for (in descending order. I think) winning a battle they really should not have, being in a battle they had no right to be near, and just being near a battle where they might be collateral from the shit being thrown around.Uh...
I am not sure, actually. Neither of the twins actually did much, aside from watching the big girls duke it out and then nursing them back to health. You did not try to fight and there was a certain amount handed out for being there.
You know what? Okay.
We were straddling the line of the latter two with our actions in, at least, the last fight here. Brave Heart was being held down, but it was still a battle, technically, and MGs live on technicalities. And we survived a round of Brave Heart and Judge crashing into our car as well.
I mean, we're definitely no Summit or anything (Who's a Legend-Maker taking on targets that would normally see the deployment of experienced Legends or an Epic), but it is there.