Libra's Lament - A Magical Girl Quest
At times, a story is better left untold. At times, one...
At times, a story is better left untold. At times, one...
User | Total |
LostDeviljho | 1 |
Naron | 18 |
Well... considering that I only ever heard of Ar Tonelico... I have no idea.... Why do I get the feeling this is going to go the way or Ar Tinelico? Omnicide for everyone!
No Magical Girl with such a name exists.
Her name is Magical Girl Primeval Earth, real name is [Redacted] and she appears in pristine white.What is the NAME (as a magical girl, and possibly real name) and APPEARANCE of the Unified Darkness aligned magical girl who was mentioned here?
...should have seen that one coming.We know Rico and Eva became magical girls while being attacked and that Anna became one seemingly at random. What situation was Abyssal Knight in when she became a magical girl?
She actually recovered pretty well, seeing that Eva healed her up. Mother dearest is currently staying at Bianca's place and feels generally awful about her girls being on the run.How is our Mother doing after all of this bullshit that's been happening since we had to flee?
I am not sure this will happen at all. The way everything progressed, I am not sure I can include Heart of Light without shoehorning her in somewhere.What would be the most efficient way for the twins to meet and befriend Magical Girl Heart of Light?
Chances are good that this will happen at some point. Bianca is not easily deterred... and she is willing to move heaven and earth to get the twins back.
Magical Girl Unwavering Azure
I am answering the bolded part.So my question is can we have a more comprehensive run down of what happened in WWIII? If that's to broad a question then just how was the US destroyed during WWIII?
From my conversations with Naron while I was putting together that one omake, it was basically "everyone and their mother ganged up on us while our allies were busy with their own problems, and then the omnicidal morons showed up".
I would like to note that Nightmare Child was one of the few major reasons that Europe still stands. She was the firepower-related reason, though.I'm given to understand that Nightmare Child was effectively the reason Europe survived in a somewhat intact-ish state, because she could effectively hold the entire border on her lonesome. Most places... Didn't have a Nightmare Child analogue.
"I'm in ur base killing ur doodz" ensued.
Eva's favourite is pasta and Rico loves raw carrots. am I supposed to answer that? The logical response is "do not bring your corgi to the battlefield". Aside from that... I have something planned, which I do not want to talk about just yet.How can we make it more likely for Ludger to survive if he ends up in a combat situation?
It was chance, yes. Although a certain person had her fingers in that. Just wait for her, she will show up soon.
They have no natural weakness outside of the mechanical aspects that were already mentioned in this Thread. At least none I noticed.Is there anybody/anything which acts as, or can act as, a "natural weakness" to sun/moon? as in you could not find a worst opponent? that even if you got attacked by nightmare child herself it would be better then fighting them?
It was not just one event. The Guardian is an amalgamation of several other Abilities that she worked pretty hard for."What was the event that caused Bianca to obtain The Guardian, who else was involved in the event, and how did it play out?"
Bulwarks Guarding Sleep-Nightmare Child may synchronise her Spells with her allies
Which is exactly what they wanted. They could have continued synchronising, but having a dozen Spells at hand was not really on their minds at the time.Dream of War
Rekindle the green light that brings the end of armies
Level 1
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Proxy-Caster | Ray | (Synchronize)