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Libra's Lament - A Magical Girl Quest

At times, a story is better left untold. At times, one...
Main Character
Magical Girl Primordial Sun & Moon

Evangeline Vescovi (Left), Rico Vescovi (Right)
a.k.a. Priscilla Celeste Vescovi

Alternate: Rico left, Eva right
Primordial Moon (Left), Primordial Sun (Right)

Primordial Sun
Health: 2,100 +200
Base Damage: 1,022 x1.4
Base Resilience: 105 +20
Magic Modifier: 18,348 x1.6

Affinity: Determination | Sun | Balance

Primordial Moon
Health: 1,204,745 x1.6
Base Damage: 116,915 x1.6
Base Resilience: 1,050 +50
Magic Modifier: 1,015 +50

Affinity: Love | Moon | Balance

Sunlight Scepter (Primordial Sun)
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Sun | Balance
Ability: Modifier Save | Knockback | Batter

Moonlight Scepter (Primordial Moon)
Level 21
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Moon | Balance
Ability: Return | Overwhelm | Indestructible

Scorching Sunlight
May the glorious rays of the sun set you ablaze
Level 15
Base Damage: 655,360 x2
Magic Modifier: 360 +25
Affinity: Sun | Balance
Ability: Melt | Armor Removal | Ordnance
Can turn the Melt-effect into Unstoppable (False)

The world ends brightly, all around you
Level 15
Base Damage: 58,339 x1.5
Magic Modifier: 750 +50
Affinity: Sun | Balance
Ability: Collateral Damage | Dazzle | Omnipresent

Soothing Moonlight
My light will ease your pain
Level 15
Base Damage: 132,642 x1.8
Magic Modifier: 505 +35
Affinity: Moon | Balance
Ability: Heal | Status Recovery | Target by Level
Can unify up to 1 threads to heal the same target

Become Whole Again
A gentle touch is all it takes
(Use of Reincarnation requires a part of the target's dead body, and will block the user's spellcasting for 7 days)

Level 20
Base Damage: 1,556 x1.2
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Love | Balance
Ability: Overheal | Instant Recovery | Reincarnation

Baleful Eclipse
Blue and orange light join together to form black; the eclipse brings all opposition low
Level 15
Base Damage: 221,286 x1.65
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Sun | Moon | Balance
Ability: Unstoppable | Smite | Non-Lethal | (Synchronize Only)

Two Minds Joined In Harmony
Together forever...
-Primordial Moon and Primordial Sun are mind-linked and also life-linked; their brains work in tandem to increase their ability to react and also allow them to grasp concepts that should be beyond their age.
If one dies, so does the other. Remains active even when transformation is dropped. Can not be interrupted or blocked.

Absolute Connection
Once I was two, but am no longer
-Both twins are now a joined existence; they can use both bodies to express themselves and act separately, but their mental processes are linked so close they might as well be one person. Capable of auto-synchronising all attacks for 200% damage, as well as using each other's Spells.

Primordial Aegis
-Capable of ignoring pain, mental effects of Body Damage, trauma, and related effects while in combat.

Harmonious Hive
-You are the center of all inclusions into your mind.
-Currently included: Anastasia Caro (World Eater)

-Sacrifice four moves to negate an opponent's action

Adroit Dodge
-Sacrifice three moves to dodge an attack

Superior Discipline
-Do not receive a malus from using unfamiliar weapons; any familiar weapon used deals an additional 50% of its Base Damage; capable of controlling the amount of damage you deal in increments of 0.1%

High-Speed Combat (lvl 2)
-You are able to track objects moving at up to 180mph
Sun's Abilities

Radiant Shine Unbroken
I am your light~
-While standing higher than an opponent (at least 3m), reduce all incoming damage from them by 50%; standing higher than an ally grants them additional attack damage equal to 1% of your Magic Modifier.
-Once per turn, increase the Total Damage of your attack by 100%

Event Horizon
-(Passive) Primordial Sun's Magic Modifier is doubled; this Ability can not be negated while active.
-(Active) Become immune to any means of detection and all outside influences while this Ability is active; directly interacting with something deactivates it. Once deactivated, this Ability can not be reactivated for 3 turns.

Veil of the Solar Goddess
All opposition crumbles on my chosen path, for I guide your way.
-Add 100% of your Magic Modifier to basic attacks and reduce Total End Damage by 100x the sum of all your combined Levels. If you fight alone, also add 25% of your Magic Modifier as aditional resilience.
-Immune to mind-altering effects.

Solar Wind (Lvl 3)
-During the day, Sun may cast an additional number of Spells equal to this Ability's level per turn.
-This Ability's level is a fifth of the lower level between Scorching Sunlight and Supernova, but not lower than 1

Solar Blessing
Level 10
-Increases Primordial Sun's Maximum Health

Shell of Light
Level 5
-Increases Primordial Sun's Base Resilience with a protective layer of hardened sunlight

Level 5
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 40mph
Moon's Abilities

All is Equal
-Negate all damage multipliers up to x5 at will

Mistress of the Tide
No harm shall come upon you for as long as I stand
-Capable of redirecting any Final End Damage against allies to yourself
-Moon may synchronise Spells with allies at will; Spells generated that way deal 10x their regular damage and automatically have all Abilities evolved to their highest stage, but are never permanently available to anyone involved in the synchronisation.

Otherworldly Radiance
-Remove one Body Damage Modifier at the beginning of each turn; your Total Damage Reduction can not fall below your Base Resilience for any reason

Reflected Godlight
-Take no damage from your own Spells. Whenever Primordial Sun casts a Spell, Moon may auto-cast the same Spell at halved effectiveness as a free action; this does not count toward your Spell-limit.

Godlike Strength
-When meeting an opposing force, increase Base Damage by 125%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Godlike Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 5-1 damage advantage.

Veil of the Lunar Goddess
Even in the darkest of nights, even if you can not see me, I will watch over you.
Level 21
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience.
-Total End Damage below 21,000 is nullified; immune to mind-altering effects.

Lit Moon (Lvl 3)
-During the night, Moon may cast an additional number of Spells equal to this Ability's level per turn.
-This Ability's level is a fifth of the lower level between Soothing Moonlight and Become Whole Again, but not lower than 1

Level 10
-Can take to the air and fly at up to 90mph

(Kibo) Magical Girl World Eater

Anastasia Caro

Health: 4,560
Base Damage: 750
Base Resilience: 600
Magic Modifier: 650

Affinity: Horror | Food | Fable

Happy Trumpet
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Food | Horror
Ability: Collateral Damage | Ray

Prepare the Feast
Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Food
Ability: Boost-Self | Shapeshift | Stat Explosion

Rapid Digestion
Spit a load of acid on nearby enemies; this Spell's name need not be said when casting
Level 10
Base Damage: 50% Target's Maximum Health
Magic Modifier: 100% Target's Base Resilience
Affinity: Horror | Food
Ability: Scale to Target | Critical Strike | Total Armour Destruction

Absolute Decomposition
Destroy your target with green sludge until there is nothing left; this Spell's name need not be said when casting
Level 10
Base Damage: 30,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Sudden Death | Murder | Disintegrate | (Synchronize)

She Hungers
-Gain 250% EXP from consumed enemies

Life Sense
Level 10
-Can sense living beings within 1,000m of yourself; capable of distinguishing different beings, exactly determining their size, distance, and movements; can not sense anything smaller than a mouse
-Remains active even when untransformed and during Caterpillar Mode

-No skill-based malus from using unfamiliar weapons; any familiar weapon used deals an additional 25% of its Base Damage

Inhuman Will
-Remain in control of your urges at all times; you feast, but decide on your meals by yourself. Immune to mental effects.

Harmonious Fragment
-Your life is one-sidedly linked to that of Primordial Sun and Primordial Moon; if either of them dies, so do you. Your mind is linked to theirs, being able to work in tandem and thus exceed regular boundaries. Any attempt to interrupt or shut down this Ability is redirected to their Two Minds Joined in Harmony.

Advanced Connection
-Capable of auto-synchronising attacks with anyone in the hive mind for 150% Total Damage; all sides know what the other sees and hears. Negates pain-backlash and emotional resonance. More difficult to surprise.

Powerful Skin
Level 12
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

The Great Caterpillar


Health: 45,600
Base Damage: 7,500
Base Resilience: 6,000
Magic Modifier: 6,500

Affinity: Food | Horror | Fable

Sharpened Teeth
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Food | Horror
Ability: Vampire | Armour Pierce | Overwhelm

She Hungers
-250% EXP from consumed enemies

Large Enemy
-The Great Caterpillar takes 50% less damage from smaller enemies.

The Devourer
-The Great Caterpillar's Base Stats are 10x World Eater's Base Stats
-The levels of The Great Caterpillar's weapon and Abilities equal the level of Prepare the Feast

Level 15
-The Great Caterpillar can take to the air and fly up to 140mph

High-Speed Combat (lv2)
-The Great Caterpillar is able to track objects moving at up to 180mph

Regenerative Skin
Level 15
-Regenerate 30% Maximum Health each turn

Inhuman Will
-Remain in control of your urges at all times; you feast, but decide on your meals by yourself. Immune to mental effects.

Unproductive Predictions: 1



Total EXP Gained: 28,494
Total EXP Spent: 28,280

Remaining EXP: 264
Joint Shop

Items purchased in this section count for both Sun and Moon

Applied Teachings
-100 EXP
Remove malus on melee attacks

Advanced Connection
-Controlled Connection
-200 EXP
Replaces Controlled Connection and upgrades it

Tip the Scales
-Learn of your Affinities
-Explore your Affinities

-42 EXP
Unlock Sun's and Moon's Existence Bonus

Complete Connection
-Advanced Connection
-380 EXP
Replaces Advanced Connection and upgrades it

Absolute Connection
-Complete Connection
-650 EXP
Replaces Complete Connection and upgrades it

Harmonious Incorporation - The Devourer
-World Eater: Character Sheet Level 4
-Complete Connection

-1,333 EXP
Include Anastasia into your connection

Harmonious Incorporation - The Heroine
-Brave Heart: Character Sheet Level 4
-Complete Connection

-1,500 EXP
Include Julia into your connection

Celestial Ascendance
-15,000 EXP
Shed the chains of mortality and become more than you ever were before
Shop Primordial Sun

Wings of Bright Light
-100 EXP
Grants the ability Flight

Shell of Light
-60 EXP
Adds a resilience modifier to base stats

Solar Blessing
-100 EXP
Adds a health modifier to base stats

-150 EXP
-Solar Blessing lv.5
-Shell of Light lv5

Increase either offensive or defensive capabilities in combat.

Incandescent Armour
-300 EXP
Increase Sun's defensive abilities

Incandescent Weapon
-400 EXP
Increase Sun's offensive abilities

Veil of the Solar Goddess
-Incandescent Armour
-Incandescent Weapon

-600 EXP
A worthy amalgam of offensive and defensive power, as expected of the sun. Replaces Incandescent Armour and Incandescent Weapon

Sunlight Scepter: Advanced Catalyst
-85 EXP
Double Primordial Sun's Magic Modifier

Radiant Shine Unbroken
-Solar Blessing lvl 10
-Magic Modifier > 10,000

-750 EXP
For there is no one who can match the sun's light. Replaces Radiance.

Neverending Sunlight
-Veil of The Solar Goddess
-450 EXP
Receive a special Omni-Caster

Event Horizon
-Advanced Catalyst
-Supernova Level 15
-Become Whole Again Level 15

-1,000 EXP
No light reaches out anymore, the singularity keeping itself hidden from view. Replaces Advanced Catalyst

Solar Seal
-Solar Blessing lvl 10
-Shell of Light lvl 10
-100 EXP
Replaces Solar Blessing and Shell of Light, improves modifiers.

Speed Gap
-Veil of the Solar Goddess
-Fight an opponent capable of flying at least 200mph
-600 EXP
Light moves faster than anything else... but you can not do the same.

Overtake Greater
-Have or fight opponents with Skilled, Master Skill, and Inhuman Skill Screw it, you defeated someone with Unmatched Skill
-Have or fight opponents with Skillful Dodge, Adroit Dodge, and Masterful Dodge
-500 EXP
You may not be the most capable in the world, but you refuse to be outdone.
Shop Primordial Moon

Wings of White Light
-100 EXP
Grants the ability Flight

Protective Silhouette
-50 EXP
Adds a resilience modifier to base stats

Lunar Blessing
-100 EXP
Adds a Health modifier to base stats

The Aegis
-110 EXP
You can make Primordial Sun's pain go away, be it physical or mental

Moonlight: Multi-Target
-100 EXP
Adds the Ability "Target by Level" to Soothing Moonlight

All is Equal
-250 EXP
Unless you allow it, damage numbers stay low

Veil Of the Lunar Goddess
-Lunar Blessing Lv. 10
-Protective Silhouette Lv. 10

-500 EXP
Replaces Lunar Blessing and Protective Silhouette, improves modifiers

Otherworldly Radiance
-300 EXP
Become more resilient to damage within your shell of moonlight

Shining Protector
-200 EXP
Allows Eva to protect others in battle

Mistress of the Tide
-Shining Protector
-All is Equal

-900 EXP
For only the moon directs the flow of battle, mixing and uniting. Replaces Shining Protector.

Moonlight Scepter: Overwhelm
-400 EXP
Upgrade Moonlight Scepter's "Intercept"-Ability to "Overwhelm"

Tiny Juggernaut
-Make use of Unreal Strength in battle
-Spend time with Strength (4/4)

-180 EXP
Upgrade Unreal Strength to Godlike Strength.

Reflected Godlight
-Scorching Sunlight lvl 15
-Soothing Moonlight lvl 15
-Baleful Eclipse lvl 15

-750 EXP
For what is the moon but a mirror to all light?

Neverending Moonlight
-Veil of the Lunar Goddess
-450 EXP
Receive a special Omni-Caster

Raging Shine
-450 EXP
Pain equals power, rise above your opponents the more they hurt you.
Shop World Eater

Powerful Skin
-10 EXP
Controls World Eater's Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Regenerative Skin
-250 EXP
Increase the Caterpillar's tenacity

Advanced Connection
-Controlled Connection
-500 EXP
Replaces Controlled Connection and upgrades it

Advanced Life Sense
-Life Sense lvl 10
-400 EXP
Become capable to sense your prey more accurately.

Complete Connection
-Advanced Connection
-950 EXP
Replaces Advanced Connection and upgrades it

Grand Devourer
-Prepare the Feast Level 15
-900 EXP
Strength in adversity is nice, but strength from weaklings is nicer

-550 EXP
Increase regenerative effects from consuming enemies

Shedding Skin
-Powerful Skin Level 15
-1,000 EXP
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Magical Girl Primeval Earth

Bianca Vescovi
a.k.a. The Best Big Sister Ever / UES Minister of Defense / The White Reaper


Health: 30,000
Base Damage: 3,830,224 x1.3
Base Resilience: 3,000
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinities: Fate | Annihilation | Balance​

The Equaliser
Level 50
Attacks Per Turn: 11
Affinities: Annihilation | Fate | Balance
Ability: Indestructible | Return | Unstoppable | Sunder | Superslayer

Absolute Movement
Level 40
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Fate | Balance
Ability: Dimension Shunt | Target by Level

Hard Break
Slam down the Equaliser and annihilate anything in your way.
Level 40
Base Damage: 144,998,983 x1.5
Magic Modifier: 1,415 +35
Affinity: Annihilation | Balance
Ability: Apocalypse | Erase | Smite | Starslayer

Overwhelming Presence
-No opponent can move faster than at walking speed.

Superior Aegis
-Immune to all forms of non-attack damage and Auto Kill effects; reduce incoming damage by 50%

-When incoming damage is higher than your Maximum Health, take no damage. If an attack has the Sudden Death-Ability, it deals 1 damage.

Eternal Guardian
-Every Super Ability of Primeval Earth is active even when she is untransformed. None of her Super Abilities can be negated or ignored. Primeval Earth does not age.

Ending the Charge
-Whenever a melee-attack against you does no damage, break the attacker's weapon

Break Them Once, Break Them Forever
-When breaking an opponent's weapon, gain a free, Unblockable attack against them.

Executioner's Armour: Adamantine
-Replaces Primeval Earth's Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Superior Discipline
-Do not receive a malus from using unfamiliar weapons; any familiar weapon used deals an additional 50% of its Base Damage; capable of controlling the amount of damage you deal in increments of 0.1%

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice two actions to negate another's action.

Skillful Dodge
-Sacrifice four actions to negate another's action.

Primeval Earth does not enter the battlefield anymore; she does not fight and does not do any harm. There are very few reasons that will see her taking up her axe again.
Level 31
-Primeval Earth is able to fly at 300mph.

High-Speed Combat (lv4)
-Primeval Earth is able to track objects moving up to 340mph.​

The Faithful Guardian

a.k.a. Best Dog / Magical Good Boy

Health: 2,000
Base Damage: 4,000
Base Resilience: 300
Magic Modifier: 1,000

Affinities: Sun | Moon | Protection

Leviathan Bite
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Protection
Abilities: Juggernaut | Overwhelm

To Stand Amongst Man
-If Total End Damage exceeds 50% Maximum Health, reduce it by 50% [Recursive]

Layer of Moonlight
-Reset Health back to full and remove Body Modifiers each turn

Layer of Sunlight
-When attacking, add a percentage of your Base Damage equal to your modifier roll to your attack.

Undying Loyalty
-Ignore Body Damage Modifiers while protecting either Primordial Sun or Primordial Moon; auto-intercept attacks of any kind against them when in range

Magical Girl Benign Rogue

Rico Vescovi


Health: 60,000
Base Damage: 150,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 15,000

Affinity: Determination | Skill | Legend

Silver Diamonds
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 8
Affinities: Determination | Legend
Ability: Limitless | Unerring (when thrown) | Rain of Blows (in melee)

Black Star
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Skill | Legend
Ability: Return | Ordnance | Hypersonic (lvl 3)

Freeze Talisman
Attach a sticker that makes the target unable to move
Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Determination
Ability: Lockdown

Protective Talisman
Attach a sticker that protects the target (increases Resilience)
Level 10
Base Boost: 5,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Legend
Ability: Boost Other | Backup

Shadow Dance
-Spend an action to gain two movement-tokens; spending one lets you instantly move to an instance of Silver Diamonds created in the current battle. Token's unused at the turn's end are lost.

No Opening Too Small
-If you negate an opponent's action and attack them right afterward, your attack counts as having Unblockable.

Brave Souls
-If Benign Guardian is on the field, gain an additional action each time an enemy dies.

Singing Steel (Active)
-Lose 10% of your Health each turn this Ability is active; during that time, Shadow Dance gains twice as many tokens per action spent and all opposing damage-negation is ignored.

Impossible Agility
-Benign Rogue can perform feats of agility that are blatantly impossible according to standard physics.

Legendary Skill
-Sacrifice 2 actions to negate another's action; this Ability turns into Unmatched Skill while Singing Steel is active.

Rogue's Silk
Level 10
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

False Unreal Balanced Existence
Rico was but a dream, given form through coincidence and, mayhaps, luck; a dream that desired to become more yet could not do so. Her wish was answered by the Celestial's prayer to god, an honest plea brought forth for no reason but to allow them a chance at happiness. [BALANCE] answered and, though it would have never managed to make them normal, gave them this chance to the best of its ability.
-Unable to gain or spend EXP.
-Can not be revived upon death.

Magical Girl Benign Guardian

Evangeline Vescovi
a.k.a. Eva

Health: 400,000
Base Damage: 15,000
Base Resilience: 40,000
Magic Modifier: 5,000

Affinity: Love | Courage | Legend

Silver Lotus
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Love | Courage
Ability: Primordia | Multi Slash | Juggernaut

Guarded Zone
Raise a powerful shield all around an area of 10x10m; it heals everyone within for its Base Resilience each turn.
Level 15
Shield Health: 150,000
Shield Base Resilience: 3,250
Affinity: Love
Ability: Mass Heal | Adamantine

First to the Fray
-The first opposing attack each turn hits Benign Guardian, no matter where it is aimed. Its Total End Damage is reduced by 99%.

Humble Heartache
-Gain 25% of your Maximum Health each time you protect an ally; shed excess Health after battle.

Legendary Aegis
-Negate incoming damage from all sources with Supremacy, Time Walk, Scale to Target, or a Base Damage higher than your Maximum Health. Does not work against surprise attacks.

Godlike Strength
-When meeting an opposing force, increase Base Damage by 125%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Godlike Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 5-1 damage advantage.

Bleeding Heart (Active)
-Loose 5% of your Maximum Health each turn this Ability is active; during that time, Silver Lotus counts as having Priority-1 and a Slayer-Ability corresponding to an opponent chosen on activation.

Brave Souls
-If Benign Rogue is on the field, gain half your ApT each time you take damage

Guardian's Silk
Level 10
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience.

False Unreal Balanced Existence
Eva was but a dream, given form through coincidence and, mayhaps, luck; a dream that desired to become more yet could not do so. Her wish was answered by the Celestial's prayer to god, an honest plea brought forth for no reason but to allow them a chance at happiness. [BALANCE] answered and, though it would have never managed to make them normal, gave them this chance to the best of its ability.
-Unable to gain or spend EXP.
-Can not be revived upon death.

(Unaligned) Magical Girl Judge


Health: 750
Base Damage: 770
Base Resilience: 250
Magic Modifier: 440

Affinity: Space | Justice | Story

Gaster Blaster
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Space | Justice
Ability: Levitate | Judgement | Laser

Blue Soul
Level 20
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Space | Justice
Ability: Lockdown

Always More Than You
Judge's Attacks Per Turn is the highest ApT among her enemies plus two.

No matter what confrontation she is in, Judge goes first unless she decides not to.


Quantum Leaper
-Whenever an attack would hit Judge for more than 5% of her Maximum Health, she can sacrifice one move to dodge it by teleporting out of its hit range

Level 10
-Increased Base Resilience and Maximum Health

(Bianca Vescovi) Magical Girl Nightmare Child

Fabienne Germain
a.k.a. The Grim Reaper / Instant Zombie Apocalypse

Health: 31,000
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 4,650
Magic Modifier: 2,250

Affinity: Death | Horror | Fable

Dream Executioner
Level 30
Attacks per Turn: 7
Affinities: Death | Horror | Fable
Ability: Indestructible | Execute | Spell Boost

Horror of War
Soldiers fight and soldiers die
Level 42
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 8,400
Affinity: Horror | Death | Fable
Ability: Grand Summoning | Legion | Auto Max Charge

End of the Line

A pale green aura that brings forth your deadly might.
Level 25
Base Damage: 20,000
Magic Modifier: 2,500
Affinity: Death | Horror | Fable
Ability: Sudden Death | Slaughter | Magical Girl Slayer

Demon of War:
A surge of devouring light that engulfs the target upon hitting it; do not fight, for there is no end
Level 22
Base Damage: 44,000
Magic Modifier: 11,000
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Vampire | Unstoppable | Target: Army | (Synchronize) | Soldierslayer

Absolute Decomposition
Destroy your target with green sludge until there is nothing left
Level 1
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Horror
Ability: Sudden Death | Murder | Shred | (Synchronize)

Dream of War
Rekindle the green light that brings the end of armies
Level 1
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Proxy-Caster | Ray | (Synchronize)

Overwhelming Presence
-Deactivates all enemy auras, presences and self-healing Abilities.

Bulwarks Guarding Sleep
-Nightmare Child may synchronise her Spells with her allies

No Early Grave
-Redirect Final End Damage taken from any attack to your summons within 250m, but do so only to the maximum of their current Health

False Existence
-Total End Damage is lowered by 50%; regenerate 25% Maximum Health per turn.

Unmatched Horror
-Can gain up to 10 times your Maximum Health as additional life; excess HP are shed after battle

Undying Warrior
Nightmare Child has fought in all corners of Europe, leading offensives and protecting the people under her care in whichever way she could. In the end, she walks where very few will ever tread.
-Immune to aging and Auto Kill effects; once per battle, after receiving lethal damage, revive on the following turn
-This Ability remains active even when untransformed; if revived while not transformed, auto-transform upon returning to life

Monsters Crawl
Level 50
-Horror of War summons a number of Zombie Nightmares equal to 500% of its Modifier Roll.
-Alternatively, summon a number of Greater Zombies equal to 50% of its Modifier Roll

Nightmares persist (lvl 9)
-Can cast an additional number of Spells equal to this Ability's level per turn

High-Speed Combat (lvl 3)
-Nightmare Child is able to track objects moving at up to 270mph

Unnatural Vitality
Level 31
-Increased Maximum Health and Base Resilience; ignore Body Damage Modifiers

(Magical Girl Nightmare Child) Zombie Nightmare


Health: 1,000
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 250
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Horror

Hands and Teeth
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Bleed

Born from a Dream
-Ignore Body Damage Modifiers.

War Never Changes
-Any being that dies to a Zombie Nightmare becomes another active Zombie Nightmare after ten turns.

(Magical Girl Nightmare Child) Greater Zombie


Health: 25,000
Base Damage: 8,000
Base Resilience: 1,250
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Horror

Slicing Arms
Level 3
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Rain of Blows | Slaughter

Born from a Dream
-Ignore Body Damage Modifiers.

War Never Changes
-Any being that dies to a Greater Zombie becomes an active Zombie Nightmare after ten turns.

Unspeakable Grinder
-Every time you kill something, reset Health to full and remove all debuffs

To The End we March
-Upon death, split into two Zombie Nightmares

(Unaligned Front) Gaia

The Will of The Earth


Health: 35,000,000
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 11,500,000
Magic Modifier: 66,666,666

Affinity: Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Lightning | Sky | Magic | Life | Horror | Hope | Creation | World

Level 999
Attacks Per Turn: Yes
Affinity: Earth | Fire | Wind | Water | Lightning | Magic
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Evolution of Warfare

Level 500
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinity: Magic | Horror | Hope | Creation | World
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Instant Recovery
Instant Evolution
Level 800
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 10,000,000
Affinity: Life | Horror | Creation
Ability: Possession | Max Boost

Passage of Time
-Gaia is completely and totally aware of every event that has ever happened upon her surface. Every thought, every idea, and every concept. As time passes this knowledge updates automatically and continuously through the collective experiences of the entire Human Race as they fight across different dimensions.

The World Egg
-Gaia is capable of directly effecting anything and everything within her sphere of influence to a minor degree. The more in line with her intentions the object she influences, the more control she has over it.

Beyond Good and Evil
-Gaia cannot be directly targeted by any attack that lacks sufficient range to effect a global change. Anything that falls short of such a scale is rendered ineffective and ignored.

Celestial Combat
-Gaia is capable of waging combat against planetary bodies and godlike beings.

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Aug 10, 2017 at 2:57 AM, finished with 177 posts and 11 votes.
Last edited:
Earth Nations & Kibo
Home of All That Seek Peace

Magical Girl Transcendent Strength

Kaede Tachibana
a.k.a. Miss Testosterone / The Anti-Mage

Health: 138,600
Base Damage: 33,600
Base Resilience: 13,600
Magic Modifier: 4,000

Affinity: Passion | Destruction | Legend

Essence of Pain
Level 24
Attacks per Turn: 10
Affinities: Destruction | Legend
Ability: Unstoppable | Sunder

Bladed Tail
Level 16
Attacks per Turn: N/A (Draws from Essence of Pain)
Affinities: Passion | Destruction
Ability: Indestructible | Backup

Bullet Hell
A hail of lead washes over the enemy.
Level 17
Base Damage: 51,000
Magic Modifier: 8,500
Affinity: Passion | Destruction
Ability: Danmaku | Collateral Damage | Total Armor Destruction | Echo

Eon Crusher
Level 45
Base Damage: 450,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Passion | Destruction | Legend
Ability: One-Shot | Hit by Level | Unstoppable | Smite | Obliterate

Do you even lift?
Level 17
-Capable of lifting up to 68 times your own weight.
[For the record, she weighs roughly 150kg with her attachments and mechanised parts]

Godlike Strength
-When meeting an opposing force, increase Base Damage by 125%. Negate if opposing force is backed by: Godlike Strength, Unstoppable, Juggernaut, or a 5-1 damage advantage.

Juggernaut Without Equal
-Can intercept only Spells, but can intercept all Spells; whenever an Intercept conflict is triggered with you on either side, count as having Overwhelm and Punch-Through.
-Ignore Body Damage Modifiers

Queen of the Mighty
-When Punch-Through activates, add it to the damage twice; every time an enemy receives damage from Essence of Pain, they lose one action this turn.

The Insurmountable Gap
-If Total End Damage dealt to an opponent exceeds 50% of their health, double the damage dealt.

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice two moves to negate an opponent's move

Greater Mind (lvl 3)
-Capable of tracking objects moving at up to 270mph; immune to mind-altering effects

Surpassing all others [No longer applicable]
-For as long as she is on the same battlefield as Transcendent Strength, Transcendent Heart has her Magic Modifier doubled and gains an additional attack per turn.
-For as long as she is on the same battlefield as Transcendent Strength, Transcendent Will has her running speed increased by 100mph and her Base Damage doubled

Last of the Trinity
When Transcendent Heart and Will were slain by the White Reaper, Strength gave in to her despair. Yet, where righteous fury and hatred had achieved nothing, her bitter tears stopped the unstoppable juggernaut. She was spared, for the monster remembered its heart and had its will broken in return.
-Attacks on Transcendent Strength have a 25% chance to be negated entirely and Total End Damage she receives is reduced by 50%.

Self-Repairing Framework
Level 34
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
-Regenerate back to full health every hour (no regeneration in combat); Total End Damage below 10% Maximum Health is negated.

(The Four Seasons) Magical Girl Summer's Dream

a.k.a. Brilliant Shine / Sun-sized Smugness

Health: 25,000
Base Damage: 11,500
Base Resilience: 5,000
Magic Modifier: 9,200

Affinity: Rule | Light | Legend

Sun Empress Scepter
Level 23
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Rule | Light
Ability: Mana Steal | Spell Boost | Kingdom | Omni-Caster (lvl 4)

Fallen Ember
Level 23
Base Damage: 34,500
Magic Modifier: 34,500
Affinity: Light | Legend
Ability: Melt | Apocalypse | Double Cast

Rule of Summer
Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

Level 1
-Summer's Dream can stand and walk on thin air

Avatar of Regency
You want to challenge my rulership? Come and try.
-Add a regular Magic Modifier roll to every Spell; every time Spell Boost activates, add the bonus three times instead of one
-When attacked, automatically inflict a non-negatable, stackable DoT-effect that deals your Magic Modifier in damage and ignores Base Resilience, but no other damage reduction and holds for two turns

-If you go below 20% of your Maximum Health, add 50% of your Maximum Health to the amount healed by All Life Prospers until the end of battle

A Sister's Love
-When on the field together with you, Autumn's Dream can cast two Spells per turn, Winter's Dream doubles her Base Damage and Spring's Dream doubles her Base Resilience.

All Life Prospers
Level 20
-Every ally within 2km regains 1,000 Health at the beginning of each turn; includes Summer's Dream

The Peasants May Crawl
Level 5
-When under attack, reduce the attacker's Total End Damage by 5 times the difference between your and your attacker's Existence Bonus

Radiant Aura
Level 25
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Damage

(The Four Seasons) Magical Girl Autumn's Dream

a.k.a. Harvest Specter / Spell Bitch​


Health: 32,500
Base Damage: 9,600
Base Resilience: 10,000
Magic Modifier: 7,800

Affinity: Decay | Echo | Legend

Forever Fall
Level 24
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Decay | Legend
Ability: Unstoppable | Slaughter | Disintegrate

Rigor Mortis
Level 25
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Death | Echo | Legend
Ability: Total Lockdown

Untouched by Nature
Protect others from harm by increasing their resilience.
Level 14
Base Damage: 8,400
Magic Modifier: 7,000
Affinity: Echo | Legend
Ability: Boost All | Status Recovery

Level 15
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Echo | Legend
Ability: Dimension Hop

Bring forth the spirit of decay around you and incite the anger of any and all in its reach.
Level 17
Base Damage: 1,700
Magic Modifier: 1,700
Affinity: Echo | Death
Ability: Curse | Fear | Collateral Damage | Hatred


A Sister's Prayer
-When on the field together with you, Winter's Dream has two additional ApT, Spring's Dream takes 50% less Total End Damage and Summer's Dream can reroll her modifier die.

Adroit Dodge
-Sacrifice three actions to dodge an enemy's attack

All Life Succumbs
Level 19
-Every enemy within 9.5km of Autumn's Dream receives -950 on their Total Damage for any and all attacks.

Level 22
-Can take to the sky and move at up to 210mph

High-Speed Combat (lvl 3)
-Able to track objects moving at up to 270mph

Shoring up for Winter
Level 25
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(The Four Seasons) Magical Girl Winter's Dream

a.k.a. Silent Stalker


Health: 26,400
Base Damage: 11,250
Base Resilience: 5,500
Magic Modifier: 2,500

Affinity: Silence | Cold | Legend

Reaper's Crest
Level 25
Attacks Per Turn: 12
Affinities: Cold | Silence | Legend
Ability: Freeze | Execute

Obscuring Night
Become unseen as the cold grasp of winter; holds until you deal damage
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Silence | Cold | Legend
Ability: Invisible | Boost Self

End in Ice
From your breath springs forth a plume of freezing air that seeps through skin, flesh and bone alike
Level 40
Base Damage: 40,000
Magic Modifier: 4,000
Affinity: Cold | Silence | Legend
Ability: Freeze | Apocalypse

Red on White
-Dissolve a Freeze effect on your target to double the damage you deal to them with your next attack.


Snowflakes Gather
-Negate maluses from being outnumbered.

A Sister's Worry
-When on the field together with you, Spring's Dream treats Unstoppable as Juggernaut, Summer's Dream gets a free attack per turn against a target that survives her attack and Autumn's Dream adds her Magic Modifier to each normal attack.

Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate an opponent's move

High-Speed Combat (lv3)
-Winter's Dream is able to track objects moving at up to 270mph

All Life Sleeps
Level 25
-Every enemy within 7.5km loses 6 moves per turn, but does not go lower than 1

Frozen Coffin
Level 22
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(The Four Seasons) Magical Girl Spring's Dream

a.k.a. The Kind Heart of Russia / True Good

Incarnation of Life
Flora Guardian

Health: 46,200
Base Damage: 5,600
Base Resilience: 13,200
Magic Modifier: 4,800

Affinity: Life | Hope | Legend

Primordial Root
Level 16
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Life | Legend
Ability: Indestructible | Judgement | Bind

Level 40
Base Damage: 32,000
Magic Modifier: 32,000
Affinity: Life | Hope | Legend
Ability: Full Heal | Overheal

Bring forth grand creatures to protect and nurture, or destroy. They vanish upon the end of battle.
Level 33
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 49,500
Affinity: Life | Hope | Legend
Ability: One-Shot | Grand Summoning | Legion

The Flowers are in Bloom
Choose one when casting Blossom:
-summon an Incarnation of Life for every point of its modifier roll
-summon a Flora Guardian for every 10 points of its modifier roll
-summon an Apocalypse Wyrm for every 100 points of its modifier roll

Avatar of Nature
With all my might, I will protect those lifes entrusted to me.
-Roll Magic Modifier dice three times and take the highest result, then double it
-Reduce Total End Damage by 90%

A Sister's Blessing
-When on the field together with you, Summer's Dream has boosted priority, Autumn's Dream counts as having Consume on her weapon and Winter's Dream takes 2,000 less Total Damage.

All Life Wakes
Level 18
-Every ally within 2.7km of Spring's Dream gains 4 additional attacks per turn.

Level 30
-Spring's Dream can take to the air and fly up to 290mph

High-Speed Combat (lv4)
-Spring's Dream is able to track objects moving at up to 360mph

Grow Strong for Summer
Level 33
-Maximum Health and Base Resilience are increased.

(Magical Girl Spring's Dream) Incarnation of Life


Health: 4,000
Base Damage: 1,500
Base Resilience: 800
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Life

Mighty Bark
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Life
Ability: Crush

Life Prospers
-Incarnation of Life regenerates 200 HP per turn

(Magical Girl Spring's Dream) Flora Guardian


Health: 35,000
Base Damage: 5,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000

Affinity: Life

Aura of Life
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Life
Ability: Indestructible | Punch-Through

Life Surge
An aura of green light that brings back power thought lost, centered around the guardian in a circle with a 25m radius.
Level 10
Base Damage: 5,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life
Ability: Mass Healing

Large Enemy
-Take 50% less damage from smaller opponents

Echo of Life
-When casting Life Surge with another Flora Guardian in its range, the other one auto-casts Life Surge

Loyalty in Death
-Upon death, heal all allies within 50m for 50% of their maximum Health

Unbroken Aegis
-Auto-intercept up to five attacks of any kind per turn

(Kibo) Magical Girl Budding Flower



Health: 1,250
Base Damage: 300
Base Resilience: 250
Magic Modifier: 200

Affinity: Life | Horror | Tale

Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Life
Ability: Vampire | Grapple

The growing speed of plants affected by this spell is increased by a factor of (1 + Level)
Level 4
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Life
Ability: Manufacture

Increases the power of an animal or plant while also growing it stronger and sturdier. The effect is near-instanteneous, but the spell can be cast only twice per day.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 15,000
Affinity: Life | Horror
Ability: Boost Other | Max Boost

Friend to all Life
-Animals will not attack Budding Flower, unless she attacks them first.

Innocent Eyes
-While her presence changes the surroundings, Budding Flower perceives these changes as animals growing stronger and more beautiful where flowers become healthier

Never Leave
-Budding Flower can not dispell her transformation for any reason

Joined Hearts (Active)
-Auto Kills one of your creatures and adds their stats as well as Abilities -weapon or otherwise- to your own until the end of battle. Null all Abilities the assimilated creature has.

Grow Strong
Level 5
-Increases Maximum HP and Base Resilience

Become Flesh
Level 29
-All plants raised with Grassland quickly turn into flesh and viscera after its casting, releasing a putrid stench that lowers the Base Resilience of anyone else nearby by 75% and nullifies all damage negation abilities; Budding Flower can reroll the modifier roll when casting Evolution twice per cast and take the highest result.
-All creatures mutated with Evolution have to stay within 750 metres of Budding Flower, or they die within a few minutes; they are exempt from the negative effects of her raised plants


(Budding Flower) Flowey

What Flower Sees

Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 300
Base Resilience: 1,200
Magic Modifier: 300

Affinity: Horror | Love | Companionship | Wrath

Wringing Horror
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Grapple | Target by Level

Consume those in your hold with impunity; can only be cast when grappling a target.
Level 1
Base Damage: 2500
Magic Modifier: 2000
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Drain | Assimilate

Level 100
-Flowey was born from Budding Flower's spell Evolution; each cast of Evolution adds its level to this ability [Bonus applied: 110,092]
-Evolution does no longer work when this Ability's level is 100

Exalted Evolution
-After all EXP gained via Evolution were allotted, all of Flowey's levels except Mutated were reset to 1, but kept the numbers they gained. Flowey can gain EXP outside of Evolution.

Absolute Devotion
-Revive each time you are killed for as long as Budding Flower lives. Reset ApT to full and remove all status effects when reviving. Gain a Slayer-Ability against whoever killed you each time, until the end of battle.

Lethal Love
-Whenever you successfully grapple an opponent, cast Gnawing on them as a free action.

Unnatural Existence
-Total End Damage is reduced by 50%

Unnatural Toughness
Level 1
-Increases Base Resilience and Maximum Health

Level 1
-Flowey can leave the presence of Budding Flower, Become Flesh, for 1 day without suffering any negative consequences. If she stays away for longer than that, she will quickly die and decompose

(Budding Flower) The Great Squid Man

a.k.a. Cthulhu

Now that it is done... I really regret giving her this giant squid to evolve.
-Magical Girl Summer's Dream​

Health: 15,400
Base Damage: 4,000
Base Resilience: 2,750
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Horror | Madness | Insanity | Infinity | Ruin

Multitude of Tentacles
Level 100
Attacks Per Turn: 10
Affinities: Horror | Insanity
Ability: Unstoppable | Grapple | Primordia | Slaughter | Superslayer

Level 100
-The Great Squid Man was born from Budding Flower's spell Evolution; each cast of Evolution adds its level to this ability [Bonus applied: 117,146]
-Evolution does no longer work when this Ability's level is 100

Abominable Incarnation
-Each turn, every being on the field that sees you has a 50%-chance to lose its turn because it stands frozen in fear. This Ability operates as an Overwhelming Presence effect.

The Greater Being
-When fighting an entity with less Affinities than yourself, multiply Total Damage of your attacks by 100 and reduce Total Damage of their attacks by 99%.

Unnatural toughness
Level 110
-Increases The Great Squid Man's Base Resilience and Maximum Health

Calling of the Flesh
-The Great Squid Man is absolutely loyal to Budding Flower

Unnatural Existence
-Total End Damage against The Great Squid Man is reduced by 50%

Huge Enemy
-The Great Squid Man takes 75% less damage from smaller enemies.

Hard To Kill
- The Great Squid Man is immune to auto-kill abilities. If an attack would do more than 99% of it's max health, reduce the damage caused by 99%.

Level 36
- The Great Squid Man can leave the presence of Budding Flower, Become Flesh, for 36 days without suffering any negative consequences. If it stays away for longer than that, it will quickly die and decompose

(Budding Flower) The Lovely Lizard

a.k.a. Godzilla

No regrets
-Magical Girl Transcendent Strength​

Health: 4,500
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 900
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Horror | Rule | Annihilation | Battle | Implacable

Armoured Body
Level 50
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Rule | Battle | Implacable
Ability: Juggernaut | Knockback | Backup | Smash

Breath of Death
Level 85
Base Damage: 42,500
Magic Modifier: 21,250
Affinities: Annihilation | Battle
Ability: Apocalypse | Hypersonic(lvl 3) | Laser | Auto Max Charge

Level 100
-Godzilla was born from Budding Flower's spell Evolution; each cast of Evolution adds its level to this ability [Bonus applied so far: 107,438 remaining]
-Evolution does no longer work when this Ability's level is 100

Unnatural toughness
Level 90
-Increases Godzilla's Base Resilience and Maximum Health

Might of the Gargantuan King
-Godzilla counts as having every Slayer-Ability applicable to his enemies' Affinities and is immune to opposing Slayer-Abilities.

Godlike Scales
-All resilience-reducing or -ignoring Abilities are negated when used against Godzilla

Calling of the Flesh
-Godzilla is absolutely loyal to Budding Flower

Unnatural Existence
-Total End Damage against Godzilla is reduced by 50%

Huge Enemy
-Godzilla takes 75% less damage from smaller enemies.

Hard To Kill
-Godzilla is immune to auto-kill abilities. If an attack would do more than 99% of it's max health, reduce the damage caused by 99%.

Level 30
-Godzilla can leave the presence of Budding Flower, Become Flesh, for 30 days without suffering any negative consequences. If it stays away for longer than that, it will quickly die and decompose

(Kibo) Magical Girl Chitin Dancer


Health: 2,000
Base Damage: 560
Base Resilience: 300
Magic Modifier: 160

Affinity: Decay | Horror | Story

Attack Tarantula
Level 8
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Limitless | Stun | Lethal Surprise

Prison of Silk
Level 26
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay | Horror | Story
Ability: Target by Level | Total Lockdown

Weave the Net
Chitin Dancer can create a structure out of spider silk and has innate knowledge of how to apply the silk properly, no matter her desired creation. The amount of silk necessary must not go beyond Chitin Dancer's reserves, or she has to pause in her creation and produce more before continuing.
Level 30
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Decay | Horror | Story
Ability: Instant Manufacture

Army of Spiders
-Gain a free attack against anyone affected by Prison of Silk; anyone unable to move counts as surprised.​

Silk Storage
Level 20
-Among the spiders making up Chitin Dancer, she produces 40kg of silk per day and can save up to twice as much

Walk the Net
-Aware of all movement over a net of your own creation; gain priority when the enemy is on one of your nets.

No Longer Human
-Reduce Total End Damage by 50% and ignore body damage modifiers

Hardened Exoskeleton
Level 10
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Kibo) Magical Girl Black Sky


Health: 3,600
Base Damage: 450
Base Resilience: 450
Magic Modifier: 300

Affinity: Horror | Delusion | Fable

Shards of a Happy Dream
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Limitless | Levitate | Splinter

Let The Sky Fall
A shockwave with you in its center that scatters more crystals everywhere
Level 10
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Horror | Delusion
Ability: Collateral Damage | Limitless

Dream of War
Rekindle the green light that brings the end of armies; cast from anything but your own hands, this Spell will deal only 75% of its Base Damage
Level 10
Base Damage: 20,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Proxy-Caster | Ray | (Synchronize)

Kind Eyes
-The only eyes that allow her to see are those created by her magic, ???

Fragments Scatter
-Sequentially reduce incoming damage by 10% for each opponent you face

Strength in Adversity
-If a non-spell attack's Total Damage is higher than your Maximum Health, receive only 75% of your Maximum Health in Total Damage and redirect the rest back to the attacker.

Ichorate Prism
-Distribute 75% of incoming Spell Damage among targets of your choosing.

Arcane Transmutation
-Any Spell Damage that would injure you heals you instead

Black Blood
-Remove status effects each turn; applying your blood to another's bloodstream in crystalline or liquid form heals them from status effects as well, but applies a stackable DoT-effect for 360 over two turns.

Crystalline Armour
Level 9
-Increases Base Resilience and Maximum Health

(Kibo) Magical Girl Grand Architect


Health: 1,250
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 240
Magic Modifier: 150

Affinity: Industry | Creation | Tale

The Paintbrush
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Tale
Ability: N/A

Assault Golem
Level 9
Health: 4,500
Damage: 1,800
Base Resilience: 900
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Creation
Ability: Auto Assault | Autonomous Combat | Crush | Interceptor Fire

Create Golem
Grand Architect gathers all the materials needed for a functioning Assault Golem -mostly lots of metal- together, then the resources form into the desired piece of work by themselves. Takes 6 hours to complete.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Industry | Creation
Ability: Manufacture

Create Building
Works as for the Golem, just with more materials; Grand Architect can instantly create any building that the gathered materials could form, no matter the function. Unfitting material is transmuted to fit the process.
Level 70
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Industry | Creation | Tale
Ability: Instant Manufacture

Mother of Walking Earth
-The amount of Assault Golems Grand Architect can have active at the same time equals the Level of Create Golem

(Assault Golem) Extended Arsenal
-Can attack for full damage in melee and on range due to a variety of weapons available; range-dependent modifiers only work for fitting weaponry

(Assault Golem) Firing Squad
-Assault Golems will attempt to synchronise their attacks; they gain the same bonuses as human soldiers when doing so


Sturdy Frame
Level 5
-Increases Grand Architect's Maximum Health and Base Resilience


(Chinese Block Kibo) Magical Girl White Glory


Health: 8,800
Base Damage: N/A
Base Resilience: 1,540
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Magic | Improve | Tale

Level N/A
Attacks Per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Magic | Improve
Ability: Autonomous Combat | Auto-Assault

Draw out a human's true power and allow them to surpass anything humanly possible by far. This is permanent unless both sides agree to resolve the Contract.
Level 45
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 450
Affinity: Magic | Improve | Tale
Ability: Boost Other | Stat Explosion | Auto Max Charge


Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???

Temporal Fracture
Even slightly disturbing the flow of time can have strong consequences.
Level 17
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 850
Affinity: Time
Ability: Triple Cast | Time Walk

Onion Layer
Barriers right above your skin that protect you from harm.
Level 12
Inreased Resilience: 600
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Implacable
Ability: Boost-Self | Stack by Level | Multi-Caster (Lvl 3)

(Contractor) One-Sided Life Link
-Anyone contracted with White Glory dies the moment she does; the inverse is not the case

(Contractor) Skilled
-Sacrifice four actions to negate an enemy's action.


(Contractor) Obey the Terms Given
-Unable to inflict harm on Magical Girl White Glory
-Must follow any orders given by White Glory

Creator of Contracts
-The amount of active Contracts at the same time is equal to ten times the level of Contract

Eyes of Warriors
-Capable of seeing through the eyes of any Contractors and also speaking to them in their mind; the inverse is not the case


Resistant Skin
Level 22
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Stolen Greatness
-Gain all the capabilities of your Contractors when they die. Affinity-requirements for casting Spells do not apply to you.



Barely Human
-Reduce physical damage by 50%


Arcane Protection
-Reduce Spell damage by 50%


-Allows the creation and upgrading of Spells

Stronger Than You
Level 10
-Add 10% of your strongest opponent's Base Stats to your own; shed excess Health after battle

(Chinese Block) Soldier


Health: 7,650
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 1,020
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Magic

Assault Carbine
Level 30
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Return | Double Tap

One-Sided Life Link
-Anyone contracted with White Glory dies the moment she does; the inverse is not the case

-Sacrifice four actions to negate an enemy's action.


Superhuman Power
Level 51
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Obey the Terms Given
-Unable to inflict harm on Magical Girl White Glory
-Must follow any orders given by White Glory

(Chinese Block) Lead Soldier


Health: 78,450
Base Damage: 9,000
Base Resilience: 10,460
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Magic

Dragon Cleaver
Level 45
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Return | Cleave | Crush

One-Sided Life Link
-Anyone contracted with White Glory dies the moment she does; the inverse is not the case

-Sacrifice four actions to negate an enemy's action.


Superhuman Power
Level 523
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Obey the Terms Given
-Unable to inflict harm on Magical Girl White Glory
-Must follow any orders given by White Glory

(Chinese Block) RPG Carrier


Health: 106,200
Base Damage: 22,500
Base Resilience: 14,160
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Magic

Dragon's Maw
Level 45
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Return | Juggernaut | Collateral Damage

One-Sided Life Link
-Anyone contracted with White Glory dies the moment she does; the inverse is not the case

-Sacrifice four actions to negate an enemy's action.


Superhuman Power
Level 708
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Obey the Terms Given
-Unable to inflict harm on Magical Girl White Glory
-Must follow any orders given by White Glory

(Chinese Block) Anti-Air Gunner


Health: 66,450
Base Damage: 8,000
Base Resilience: 8,860
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Magic

Sky Ruler
Level 40
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: Magic
Ability: Return | Anti-Air | Danmaku

One-Sided Life Link
-Anyone contracted with White Glory dies the moment she does; the inverse is not the case

-Sacrifice four actions to negate an enemy's action.


Superhuman Power
Level 443
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Obey the Terms Given
-Unable to inflict harm on Magical Girl White Glory
-Must follow any orders given by White Glory

(Kibo) Magical Girl Clockwork Queen


Health: 4,500
Base Damage: 2,250
Base Resilience: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 750

Affinity: Time | Infinity | Myth

Eternity Trigger
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 12
Affinities: Time | Infinity
Ability: Indestructible | Priority Boost | Time Walk

Shield Beam
Level 22
Base Damage: 2,640
Magic Modifier: 2,200
Affinity: Infinity | Time
Ability: Multi-Caster (lvl 2) | Time Walk

-Eternity Trigger possesses unlimited storage capacity; you always know where you put what in its endless depths

Enhanced Arsenal
-Every weapon stored within Eternity Trigger has its stats raised to your Base Damage if it is weaker than that.

The Merciless Stream
-Remove all negative effects at each turn's beginning and return your Health to full; if it already is full or higher, double it. Shed excess Health after battle.
-This Ability does not trigger while End of Time is active.

Timeless Dodge
Sacrifice two moves to dodge an opponent's attack; sacrifice only one action to dodge while End of Time is active.

End of Time (Active)
-Lose 5% of your current Health each turn; your ApT are increased by 25%, ApT of enemies engaging you directly are reduced by 50%, and all Time Walk triggers gain 300% of your modifier rolls.

Enhanced Casing
Level 15
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Aì Theocracy
Enclave of the Fivefold Goddess

(Forsaken God)Magical Girl Roaring Heaven


Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: 500
Magic Modifier: 400

Affinity: Holy | Echo | Fable

Heaven's Feel
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Holy | Fable
Ability: Judgement | Echo

Celestial Light
Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???

Heaven-Piercing Arrow
Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

Chosen of Fate
-The first two failed activations of Echo in any one sequence are counted as successful activations.

Mighty Recursion
-Multiply defensive and offensive results by the number of their successful Echo-activations.

The Golden Gate's Shadow
-Your defensive strings can activate Echo.

Eye of God
-Spend one action per turn to discover a section of a target's Character Sheet.


Embrace of Divinity
Level 20
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
-Up to three times per battle, if you were to die, instead survive with 1 Health.

Magical Girl Forsaken God

Ming Lin
a.k.a. Benevolence Supreme


Health: 250,000 (125,000) (83,334) (62,500) (50,000)
Base Damage: 45,000 (22,500) (15,000) (11,250) (9,000)
Base Resilience: 20,000 (10,000) (6,667) (5,000) (4,000)
Magic Modifier: 3,000 (1,500) (1,000) (750) (600)

Affinity: Faith | Life | Legend

God's Glare
Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Faith
Ability: Unstoppable | ???

Hollow Echo
A stream of crimson blood drowns everything in its path
Level 15
Base Damage: 150,000 (75,000) (50,000) (37,500) (30,000)
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith | Legend
Ability: ??? | Murder | Echo

Radiant Restoration
Level 10
Base Heal: 100,000 (50,000) (33,334) (25,000) (20,000)
Magic Modifier: 50,000 (25,000) (16,667) (12,500) (10,000)
Affinity: Life
Ability: Full Heal

Bring out another instance of yourself, equally as true as you are. Can not be cast when there are already five instances active.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: 500 [7,500]
Affinity: Faith | Life | Legend
Abilities: Total Charge | Channel | Clone Self

Return to another you and have diverging memories merge together
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Faith | Life | Legend
Abilities: Kamikaze | Target Self | Assimilate

Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

Prosper Life
-Increase resistance to disease and aging of anyone under your care; any and all chosen plants grow faster, more healthily and more resilient to pests



Unity of Five
Even when my will is separated in many, we will forever stay true to each other
-Five instances of Forsaken God can be active at the same time. Each instance possesses all Abilities and Spells of Forsaken God; only in killing all of them can the person that is Forsaken God be killed.
-Divide all Stats by the number of instances active at the current time; Sea of Blood and Separation are exempt.



Level 21
-Can take to the air and move at up to 200mph

High-Speed Combat (lv3)
-Capable to track objects moving at up to 270mph

Celestial Surge
Level 10
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
Last edited:
Yggdrasil and Others
Other Characters:
(UES Unaligned) Magical Girl Brave Heart

Julia Alaia de Gallo
a.k.a. The Champion of Europe

Health: 2,250
Base Damage: 495
Base Resilience: 600
Magic Modifier: 220

Affinity: Change | Justice | Story

Blade of Judgement
Level 11
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Change | Justice
Ability: Return | Prime Evil Slayer | Magical Girl Slayer

Avatar of Retribution
Level 45
Base Damage: 5,400
Magic Modifier: 5,400
Affinity: Change | Justice | Story
Ability: Slash Hell | Smite | Affinity Kill

Heavenly Lance

Level 10
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 20
Affinity: Justice | Story
Ability: Anti-Air | Juggernaut | Hit by Modifier

Absorbing Aegis
-Sum up all damage negated by Heroes Never Die; add 100% of this sum to your Base Damage and 75% of it to Base Resilience; this holds on until the end of battle
-If Total End Damage dealt to you is above 60% max. Health, reduce it by 90%

Inhuman Skill
-Sacrifice two moves to negate an enemy's action

Heroes Never Die
-The first non-negligible damage directed at Brave Heart each turn is nullified

The Mighty Have Fallen
-Double Total Damage dealt against Magical Girls of higher growth

Justice Knows No Bounds
Fool me once...
-Whenever someone attempts to impair your movement, auto-negate the attempt and gain a free attack for 10x damage against them. For the turn the impairment was attempted, your Spell-limit is removed.

Tide of Change
Level 15
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Magical Girl Heart of Light


Health: 7,200
Base Damage: 6,000
Base Resilience: 2,400
Magic Modifier: 2,500

Affinity: Light | Rule | Legend

Blade of Light
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Light | Rule
Ability: Juggernaut | Multi Slash | Supremacy

Blinding Nova
Level 5
Base Damage: 4,000
Magic Modifier: 2,500
Affinity: Light
Ability: Dazzle | Judgement

Level 5
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Light
Ability: Boost-Self | Demonslayer | Judgement

Presence of Light
Level 5
-Heal all allies for 500 Health per turn; damage all enemies for 500 per turn

Encased in Hard Light
Level 6
-A slightly shining layer right above your skin protects you; Maximum Health and Base Resilience are increased

Avatar of Heaven
Level 5
-Increase the Total Damage of all Angels and Light-Affinities on the field by 50%. Whenever an enemy is killed with the Blade of Light, regain 25% max Health.

Level 5
-Heart of Light can take to the air and move at up to 40mph

High-Speed Combat (lv1)
-Can track objects moving at up to 90mph

(Unaligned) Magical Girl Soul Queller

Mary Coburn
a.k.a. Five Foot of Murder

Health: 5,000
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 1,500
Magic Modifier: 3,000

Affinity: Darkness | Soul | Myth

Level 15
Attacks Per Turn: 12
Affinities: Darkness | Soul
Ability: Deathslayer | Ray | Ghost Touch

Level 10
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: 1,000
Affinity: Darkness | Myth
Ability: Dazzle | Murder

Lethal Dance
-When attacking the same enemy with more than half the total ApT in one Ray, double Total Damage; triple it instead if the same enemy is attacked with all available ApT.

Coup de Grace
-If your attack leaves the target at less than 10% of their Maximum Health, cast Penumbra at them as a free action and ignore all Ability-based Damage Reduction

Airborne Supremacy
-Capable of using half your total ApT while fighting an opponent in the air

Effortless Dodge
-Sacrifice one move to dodge an opponent's attack

Deadly Combination
-After successfully dodging an attack, gain a free counter attack if the enemy is in range

Level 11
-Soul Queller can take to the air and move at up to 100mph

High-Speed Combat (lv2)
-Soul Queller is able to track objects moving at up to 180mph

Shroud of Dusk
Level 10
-Increases Soul Queller's Base Resilience and Maximum Health

Magical Girl Hand of Fate



Health: 6,300
Base Damage: 2,100
Base Resilience: 3,150
Magic Modifier: 2,800

Affinity: Library | Will | Myth

The Black Deck
A stack of cards full of horror, their touch making the enemy live through the worst memories of their life again.
Level 14
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Library | Will
Ability: Terror | ??? | Ghost Touch

Level ??
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ???

Set the Board
Prepare to play The Game. A realm to play in is born, accommodating none but you and your opponent. It can only be used on each opponent once per day.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Library | Will | Myth
Ability: World Sphere

The Court Cometh
Call forth the Queens into the world of man.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Library | Will | Myth
Ability: Grand Summoning | One-Shot
The Game


The Game is played within a special realm created by Hand of Fate. She sits opposite to her opponent(s) and reigns supreme over the table they play at.
There is no direct battle here.

The Board

The Board is about thirty square metres long and wide, as well as ten metres high; it is an enclosed space that no one can leave before The Game ends without Hand of Fate's permission.

In the center stands a table, with the stack of cards placed at the side; everything else is a uniform void of grey that reforms by the creator's will.

The Rules

1. No one talks about The Game outside of The Board.
2. Magical Girl Hand of Fate can not receive any harm within this realm; neither can her opponent(s)
3. Every being that enters has their Maximum Health and Base Resilience reduced to 1
4. No Abilities work while in this realm
5. Neither Hand of Fate, nor her opponent(s) are allowed to attack the other side
5.1. When one side is found cheating, they lose their protection from harm and may be attacked
6. No time passes on the outside while The Game is in session

How to Play

There is a number of floors equal to the number of Queens plus 1, but no more than five; Hand of Fate draws cards from the deck to determine what happens on each floor and the surroundings change accordingly.
Each floor has the corresponding number of cards drawn.

The only exception is the last floor, where the players take direct control of magical constructs resembling their own bodies, with all their powers and Abilities, and have to defeat all the Queens in battle.

When the players complete a floor, they can move on to the next; breaks can be taken at any time and strategies may be changed at will.

Upon being victorious, the players are allowed to leave The Board unscathed.
Upon being defeated, Hand of Fate decides what to do; if she wills it, nothing happens to the players. Or they lose access to all of their Abilities for the next 24 hours when leaving The Board.

The Deck
The deck contains twenty cards, each of them born from past experiences of the players; no two decks are the same.

Queens present

1: The Queen of Darkness

Connected to the Cards
-Hand of Fate can only gain EXP by playing The Game; whether she wins or loses does not matter, she gains 100 EXP for each session she plays.
-Each opponent she plays against gains half that amount upon a loss, and twice the amount over a victory; this gain happens only after the first session



Your Fate is Sealed
In the end, all is but a new game. The mantle passes on and another is chosen... would you like to play a round?
-Once Hand of Fate is killed, her soul detaches and awakens another Magical Girl with all the powers she gained so far; the interval until the awakening triggers is random
-Add another Queen to the deck each time this Ability activates

Third Incarnation
-Another Hand of Fate was the first; there are two Queens in the deck

Aura of Protection
Level 21
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

The Game Will Continue
-Hand of Fate can create food and drink of her liking
The Queens

The Queen of Darkness


Health: 2,500
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Rule | Darkness

Light Eater
Level 2
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Darkness
Ability: Supremacy | Unstoppable

Night has Fallen
When the sun leaves you behind and only a pale moon is left to illuminate your path, all is lost. Fear the dark, my friend.
Level 1
Base Damage: 500
Magic Modifier: 500
Affinity: Darkness
Ability: Collateral Damage


Felled by Winter
-Final End Damage from daggers and shortswords is reduced by 50%

Greatest of the Court
She always rises to meet her foes, no matter who or what they are
-When slain on the first turn, revive instantly with all Base Stats, Weapon Level and Spell Level multiplied by 10
-Once this Ability triggers, the next turn also counts as the first turn

The Queen of the Sky


Health: 150,000
Base Damage: 1,000
Base Resilience: 400
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Rule | Star

Shooting Stars
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Star
Ability: Levitate | Limitless | Detonate

Falling Heaven
Bring down the sky.
Level 12
Base Damage: 600
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Rule | Star
Ability: Undodgeable | Supremacy | Omni-Magic

Royal Blessing
Grant power from up high, increasing Damage and Resilience.
Level 1
Base Boost: 100
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Rule | Star
Ability: Boost-Other | Judgement



Member of the Court
-Each turn, regenerate 10% of your Maximum Health for every living Queen on the field. Reset Health to full if another Queen dies.

Felled by Monsters
-Total End Damage from opponents at least twice your size is reduced by 75%



(Unaligned) Magical Girl Stygian Sovereign


Health: 4,329
Base Damage: 3,000
Base Resilience: 1,625
Magic Modifier: 500

Affinity: Death | End | Myth

Gravekeeper's Claw
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Death | Myth
Ability: Kingdom | ??? | ???

Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

Curse of the Fallen




Level ???
-Can take to the air and fly at up to ???mph

High-Speed Combat (lvl ???)
-Capable of tracking targets moving at up to ???mph

Burial Dress
Level 13
-Increase Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Stygian Sovereign) ???


Health: ???
Base Damage: ???
Base Resilience: ???
Magic Modifier: ???

Affinity: ???

Level ???
Attacks Per Turn: ???
Affinities: ???
Ability: ???





(Stygian Sovereign) Stygian Beast


Health: 50,000
Base Damage: 5,000
Base Resilience: 2,000
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Death | Epic

Level 50
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Death
Ability: Capitalize | Juggernaut | Superslayer

Elite Guard
-Stygian Beast may teleport to Stygian Sovereign's position whenever she calls it.

-Immune to physical damage, takes 50% less damage from magical sources.

Hard to Kill
-Immune to Auto Kill effects; if Total End Damage is higher than 99% of your Maximum Health, reduce it by 99%

Flight (Boosted)
Level ???
-Can take to the air and fly at up to ???mph; Stygian Beast may instantly gain and lose momentum in any direction.

High-Speed Combat (lvl 3)
-Capable of tracking targets moving at up to 270mph

(Stygian Sovereign) Magical Girl Nightmare Guard



Health: 1,400
Base Damage: 400
Base Resilience: 350
Magic Modifier: 150

Affinity: Limitless | Dream | Fable

Hope (Sword)
Level ???
Attacks Per Turn: ???
Affinities: ???
Ability: ???

Dreams (Shield)
Level 6
Attacks per Turn: N/A
Affinities: Dream
Ability: Indestructible | Auto Counter

Dream Come True
Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???

Realm of Dreams
Invite those around you into your world.
Level N/A
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Limitless | Dream | Fable
Ability: Limitless | World Sphere

Defensive Bulwark
Level 8
-After intercepting an attack with Dreams, multiply damage reduction by the level of this Ability


Brave Dreamer
-While within the Realm of Dreams, all stats are increased to 1000% of their regular values

Dream-like Skill
-Sacrifice two actions to negate an enemy's action. While within the Realm of Dreams, only one actions needs to be sacrificed.

Inhuman Agility
-Nightmare Guard can perform feats of agility that beggar belief.

Additional Layers
Level 7
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Stygian Sovereign) Magical Girl Chitin Star


Health: 1,200
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 160
Magic Modifier: 125

Affinity: Decay | Horror | Story

The Swarm
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Decay
Ability: ??? | ??? | ???

Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ??? | ???


Army of Critters

No Longer Human
-Reduce Total End Damage by 50% and ignore body damage modifiers


Hardened Exoskeleton
Level 4
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Magical Girl Fairy Knight


Health: 15,000
Base Damage: 1,200
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 600

Affinity: Battle | Change | Fable

Unlimited Armory
Level 8
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Change
Ability: Limitless | ???

Blade Dance
Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ??? | ??? | ???

Countless Arms


Supreme Will

Meaningless Fodder
-While outnumbered more than 2 to 1, all opposing damage increases become damage decreases.

Master Skill
-Sacrifice 3 actions to negate an opponent's action.

Adaptive Armour
Level 20
-Increase Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Bringers of the New Age

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Abyss Knight

a.k.a. Ruin Incarnate

Health: 13,200
Base Damage: 7,200
Base Resilience: 4,950
Magic Modifier: 3,600

Affinity: Horror | Ruin | Myth

Corrupted Blade
Level 36
Attacks Per Turn: 8
Affinities: Horror | Ruin | Myth
Ability: Smash | Juggernaut | Sunder | Humanslayer

Echo of Victory
The Power of the corrupted blade becomes unleashed and slashes along the battlefield
Level 17
Base Damage: 17,000
Magic Modifier: 360
Affinity: Horror | Ruin
Ability: Channel | Juggernaut | Apocalypse | Smite | Boost by Modifier | 2-Turn Cooldown

High-Speed Combat (lv2)
-Abyss Knight is able to track objects moving at up to 180mph

Champion's Duty
Level 9
-Upon killing an opposing non-mook, gain a 45% Base Damage increase against non-mooks until the end of battle; can be stacked a number of times equal to half the Corrupted Blade's level

Avatar of Ruin
There is no choice but the end.
-On each attack against you, reduce Total End Damage for each of the attacker's Affinities; 90% reduction for a morally positive one, 50% reduction otherwise.
-If the opponent has less than two Affinities, reduce their Total End Damage by 99.9%

Unshakable Warrior
-Total Damage below 50% of Abyss Knight's Maximum Health is nullified; negate the first lethal damage per battle

Clash of Titans
-If a Spell with Collateral Damage or Apocalypse is cast at you or in your direction, you can intercept it with Echo of Victory.

Master Skill
-Sacrifice three moves to negate an opponent's move

Opponent Sense
-Abyss Knight can feel the presence and position of Magical Girls with a Myth-Affinity or higher while they are transformed within two kilometres of herself

Unearthly Power
Level 33
-Increased Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Iron Memento



Health: 5,200
Base Damage: Variable
Base Resilience: 910
Magic Modifier: 5

Affinity: Machinery | Horror | Tale

Happiness Howitzer
Unwieldy, but has a high range and is devastating when it hits
Base Damage: 5,000
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Machinery
Ability: Juggernaut | Heavy Caliber | Collateral Damage

Madness Machinegun
Perfect to take care of small fry.
Base Damage: 300
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Machinery
Ability: Full Auto | Anti-Infantry

Mortality Mortar
Highest range of the set
Base Damage: 1,000
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Machinery
Ability: Ordnance | Detonate | Lethal Surprise

Shortsighted Sword
A contingency just in case something survives long enough to enter melee range
Base Damage: 50
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Machinery
Ability: Slash Hell | Catastrophic Damage | Armor Removal

Uses available resources to take care of malfunctions and damage; each point of Health healed requires 5g of scrap metal.
Level 6
Base Damage: 900
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Machinery
Ability: Boost Self | Heal

The Great Forge
Uses Scrap Metal and included resources to create more and better.
Level 10
Base Damage: N/A
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Machinery | Tale
Ability: Manufacture

Power of a Mechanical Spirit
Level 7
-Iron Memento's processing power is 8 times that of a regular human and she possesses a selectivly eidetic memory (read: is able to delete memories she wants deleted)

-Any human-made structure can be included into Iron Memento and she can store them at will in her subspace pocket; she is not able to upgrade any of her weapons

Scrap Inclusion
Level 10
-Iron Memento can carry up to 100kg of scrap metals and assorted items within a subspace pocket

Sturdy and Strong
-In combat, Iron Memento can express two of her weapons at the same time; the Attacks Per Turn of those are counted together to form her APT, but use of the weapons is limited to how many attacks they have

No Longer Human
-Reduce Total End Damage by 50% and ignore body damage modifiers

Supremacy of Man

Thick Armour
Level 5
-Reduce Total End Damage by 25%

Hardened Frame
Level 13
-Increases Iron Memento's Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Mirror Memento


Take a look into the mirror

Health: 3,300
Base Damage: 720
Base Resilience: 450
Magic Modifier: 480

Affinity: Illusion | Horror | Tale

Reflecting Mace
Level 12
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Illusion | Horror
Ability: Spell Reflect | Indestructible

Second Layer
Use both your own and your target's magic to increase their Damage Reduction
Level 7
Base Damage: 700
Magic Modifier: 350
Affinity: Illusion
Ability: Boost All | Mana Steal

The Lie
-When transformed, Mirror Memento always appears as a mirror image to the person looking at her

Back to Sender
-When damage is dealt to Mirror Memento, the source receives twice the amount she took in unreducable damage; this ability takes effect even when the damage Mirror Memento took was lethal

To Each Their Own Reflection
-Attacks against Mirror Memento are resolved separately; this negates all multipliers and modifiers gained from attacking an enemy together

Perfect Copy


Enhance the Looking Glass
Level 15
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Ignition Sentinel


Health: 15,600
Base Damage: 5,500
Base Resilience: 6,500
Magic Modifier: 2,750

Affinity: Fire | Horror | Legend

Level 11
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Fire
Ability: Juggernaut | Limitless

Plasma Blast
Level 12
Base Damage: 9,000
Magic Modifier: 9,000
Affinity: Horror | Fire
Ability: Juggernaut | Melt

Iron Cascade
A storm of blades to rip apart the enemy
Level 15
Base Damage: 82,500
Magic Modifier: 41,250
Affinity: Horror | Legend
Ability: Juggernaut | Limitless | Ray

Ignition Aura
Level 15
-Deals 750 fire damage per turn to everything within ten metres of Ignition Sentinel; this damage ignores Damage Reduction and inflicts Burn on the target (1% Max Health in damage per turn for ten turns, can stack up to three times)
-Ignition Sentinel is immune to heat damage up to a certain point that scales with this Ability's level (ten times the damage it deals)


Heat Sense
Level 12
-Ignition Sentinel can sense heat sources within 600m of her position as well as determine their shape and the amount of heat they possess

Layer of Protective Fire
Level 14
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Level 9
-Ignition Sentinel can take to the air and move at up to 80mph

High-Speed Combat (lv1)
-Ignition Sentinel is able to track objects moving at up to 90mph

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Dragon Maid


Health: 1,600
Base Damage: 250
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: 175

Affinity: Dragon | End | Tale

Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Dragon
Ability: Double Hit

Level ?
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???








Protective Scales
Level 4
-Increases Dragon Maid's Base Resilience and Maximum Health

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Eye of Truth


Health: 3,250
Base Damage: 900
Base Resilience: 1,950
Magic Modifier: 1,200

Affinity: Information | Horror | Myth

Magnifying Echo
Level 6
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Information
Ability: Spell Boost | Ghost Touch

Blue Blob
Level 10
Health: 3,000
Base Damage: 750
Base Resilience: 250
Magic Modifier: 100
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: Horror
Ability: Autonomous Combat | Auto Assault | Auto Grapple | Drain | Spell-Stop | Shred

Case Study
Wrap them up nice and clean to take a close look.
Level 13
Base Damage: 2,600
Magic Modifier: 39
Affinity: Information | Horror
Ability: Bind | Vacuum | Target by Modifier

(Blue Blob) Always Regrow
-If Blue Blob dies, it regrows out of Eye of Truth over the course of twelve hours

(Blue Blob) Infinite Adaptability
-If Eye of Truth dies, Blue Blob regrows her over the course of twelve hours.

Skillfull Dodge
-Sacrifice four actions to dodge an enemy's attack

The All-Seeing Eye
-Devote a single action per turn to observing a foe, and discover one new element of their character sheet per action spent.


Layer of Knowledge
Level 13
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Ruin Red


Health: 5,000
Base Damage: 20,000
Base Resilience: 1,000
Magic Modifier: 1,500

Affinity: Inevitability | Destruction | Legend

Fall From Grace
Level 5
Attacks Per Turn: 4
Affinities: Destruction
Ability: Crush | ??? | ???

Level ?
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???





Reaper's Dress (a.k.a. "Gothic Lolitas rule!")
Level 5
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Ruin Purple


Health: 30,000
Base Damage: 500
Base Resilience: 6,000
Magic Modifier: 200

Affinity: Inevitability | Protection | Legend

Oblivion Vanguard
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Protection
Ability: Adamantine | ??? | Batter

Come if you dare!
Level ?
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???




Reaper's Plate
Level 6
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(Yggdrasil) Magical Girl Paramount Merchant


Health: 1,750
Base Damage: 350
Base Resilience: 210
Magic Modifier: 140

Affinity: ??? | ??? | ???

Silver Tongue (not literally)
Level 7
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: ???
Ability: Omnipresent | Protean(lvl 1)

I'm Out
Level ??
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ???

Voice of Many Faces
-Any Ability learned can be equipped via Protean; learning another requires training and a good idea how to implement it with just your voice
-Currently usable Abilities:




Unbound Capitalism
Level 7
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Chinese Block
What Remains of Mainland Asia

(Chinese Block) Magical Girl Soldier Supreme


Health: 1,500
Base Damage: 2,000 (1,000)
Base Resilience: 200
Magic Modifier: 20

Affinity: ??? | ??? | ???

Harmonic Contender
Level 20
Attacks Per Turn: 5
Affinities: ??? | ???
Ability: Juggernaut | ??? | Heavy Caliber

War Claw
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 3
Affinities: ??? | ???
Ability: Intercept | Hit by Modifier

Level ???
Base Damage: ???
Magic Modifier: ???
Affinity: ???
Ability: ??? | ???

Snipers Strike True
-Regular attacks with Harmonic Contender ignore damage negating Abilities

Disciple of Warfare
-Your ApT total is the higher amount of your two weapons plus half of the smaller amount (rounded up); War Claw's Base Damage is 50% of Harmonic Contender's.

Supreme Capability
-Whenever your attack is ineffective, gets negated, or gets intercepted, you regain 1 ApT.

Masterful Dodge
-Sacrifice 2 moves to dodge an enemy attack

Sturdy Uniform
Level 10
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

Union of Europian States (UES)
Last Great Bastion of Humankind

(UES) Magical Girl Unyielding Paladin

Alicia Alessi

Health: 22,500
Base Damage: 2,000
Base Resilience: 9,000
Magic Modifier: 2,500

Affinity: Implacable | Protection | Legend

Silver Bulwark
Level 10
Attacks Per Turn: 6
Affinities: Protection | Legend
Ability: Cleave | Adamantine | Stagger

Unwavering Shield
Layer a defensive bulwark around an ally
Level 6
Base Damage: 3,000
Magic Modifier: 1,500
Affinity: Protection
Ability: Boost All | Damage Barrier

Healing Hand
Lay your hand on a wound and have it vanish
Level 4
Base Damage: 4,000
Magic Modifier: 600
Affinity: Protection
Ability: Heal

All-Enduring Plate
-Treat armour piercing Abilities as one tier lower than they are; immune to all effects that lower Base Resilience.

-Reduce Total End Damage by 50%; if defending another, reduce Total End Damage by 90% instead

Unyielding Resolve
-Immune to movement-impairing effects

Energy Surge (Active)
Level 15
-Add 15 times your Base Resilience to all attacks, but do not reduce damage from incoming attacks; this Ability can not be activated on a turn it was deactivated and vice versa.

Rigid Armor
Level 15
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience

(UES) Magical Girl Supreme Tech


Health: 2,400
Base Damage: 630
Base Resilience: 480
Magic Modifier: N/A

Affinity: Technology | Excellence | Story

Future of Man
Level 9
Attacks Per Turn: 2
Affinities: Technology
Ability: Proxy Caster | Levitate

Level 7
Base Damage: 700
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Technology
Ability: Detonate | Grand Dispel

Magic bows Before Technology
Level 12
-Skyfall can be cast simultaneously by any number of active instances of Future of Man in a single action; weapons are destroyed and the damage of Skyfall is increased by the sum of all Magic Modifiers on the targets, then multiplied by the number of weapons that cast.
-Up to 6 instances of Future of Man can be active at the same time; whenever there are less than the maximum active, spend an action to materialise up to three new instances.

Finding the Unnatural
Level 5
-Capable of sensing active magic use within 100m; Future of Man can act as a relais for this sense

Radio Silence
Level 14
-Future of Man can not be remote-controlled further than from 140m away

Enhanced by the Means of Man
Level 8
-Increases Maximum Health and Base Resilience
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Spending EXP

Spending EXP is what you do to make your character stronger and you go about it in one of two ways:

1) Increasing the level of an ability/spell/weapon/etc your character already possesses. The cost for this is always [Current Level] * 10 EXP.
Purchasing multiple levels at once is sequential, so upgrading from Level 3 to Level 5 would cost 3*10 + 4*10 = 70 EXP.

2) Buying a new ability/spell/etc from the Shop. Many items in there have to be unlocked through specific actions or the purchase of other items first.


Health represents how much damage your character can take before she dies.

Base Damage:
Base damage represents how much damage your character does with her weapon without any modifiers.

Base Resilience:
Base Resilience is the first layer of damage reduction applied to incoming damage and works by reducing incoming damage by it's value.

Magic Modifier:
Magic Modifier determines how large the die rolled to supplement actions such as attacks or defense is.
For example, a MM of 500 means a d500 is rolled and the result added either to attack damage or damage reduction, depending on what you are currently doing.


Weapons and spells usually have additional abilities to supplement their raw strength. For example, Primordial Moon's weapon has the ability Return, which allows her to recall it into her hand after she was disarmed.

Now I could go and list all those abilities for you, but someone else already did.
LDJ's Bible of Abilities
This can be used for reference, but I will generally provide an explanation for any given ability if you ask.

The second kind are personal abilities; those do not belong to any particular instance of a being, but to the being itself. Sun's and Moon's Two Minds Joined in Harmony is one such ability; it counts for the character as a whole.
Generally, these abilities can be anything.

For clarity's sake, every ability is underlined, but only so-called Super-abilities are bolded and underlined to mark them as special. You got one right at the start, although it might do you more harm than good.
Generally, a Super-ability is something inherently special.

As a rule, all abilities activate only once per move in all cases. The only exception are Recursive abilities, which are designated as such. Those activate whenever the conditions are met, no matter how often they already activated.

Surprise is as one would expect: whoever gets the drop on someone goes first.

When Surprise is not the deciding factor, whoever has more impact on the story goes first; the protagonist always has first strike in these cases while random mooks go last.

-when a character gets to act, they have as many actions as they have Attacks per Turn; each spell and every regular attack costs one ApT

Attacker's Base Damage + Bonus - Malus + Magic Modifier = Result A
Defender's Base Resilience + Bonus - Malus + Magic Modifier = Result D

Damage = (Result A) - (Result D)

Defender's Health = (Defender's Health) - (Damage)

Like a regular attack, just with both sides attacking.
If the defender brings more damage to bear, the attack is parried and the remaining damage hits the attacker instead
Intercepting takes a specific Ability either on a weapon/spell, or for the weapon to pack enough of a punch to do so.

Generally, any combatant can cast one spell per turn. Exceptions are only those with Multi-Caster or Omni-Caster.

-Other Modifiers:
In some situations, calculations will be influenced by other reasons than you or your opponent. As for example, if you go into a fight without much knowledge about how you fight, you can easily trip and push a malus on your damage reduction because the incoming attack has little trouble hitting you.

-Automatic Actions:
You do not need to micromanage every action your character does; they will react naturally to any fight, such as jumping out of the way when grenades land near them or dodging attacks.

Misc. Notes

-The twins will do things that go against their nature if you vote for it. But, depending on what it is and what it does, it may not be good for them.

-The plans for EXP-spending are included in every update; whichever of these has the most votes will be locked in, even if it is just a single one

-Expect other characters to actually do the smart thing instead of working after tropes; people do not always make mistakes to accomodate you.

Of note:
LDJ's Bible of Abilities


Chapter 1: "Dual Destiny"
April 1st​ Friday: PRIMORDIAL Awakening - MOON Wondering

April 2nd​, Saturday: MOON Wondering - SUN Testing

April 3rd​, Sunday: SUN Testing - PRIMEVAL Sister

April 4th ​- April 5th​, Tuesday: PRIMEVAL Sister

April 6th​, Wednesday: PRIMEVAL Sister - MOON Remembrance

Chapter 2: "Children Shunned and Forsaken"
April 7th​, Thursday: DEVOUR Start - MOON Confession

April 8th​, Friday: MOON Confession - SUN Questioning

April 9th​ - April 24th​, Sunday: SUN Questioning

April 25th​, Monday: SUN Questioning - Meet JUDGE

April 26th​, Tuesday: Meet JUDGE - SUN Rise

April 27th​, Wednesday: SUN Rise - MOON Exercise

April 28th​ - May 7th​, Saturday: MOON Exercise

May 8th​, Sunday: MOON Exercise - Neverending NIGHTMARE

May 9th​ - May 12th​, Thursday: Neverending NIGHTMARE

May 13th​, Friday: Neverending NIGHTMARE - FORSAKEN LIGHT

May 14th​ - May 17th​, Tuesday: FORSAKEN LIGHT - SOUL Dance

May 18th​, Wednesday: SOUL Dance - PRIMORDIAL Training Montage

May 19th​ - June 15th​, Wednesday: PRIMORDIAL Training Montage

June 16th​, Thursday: Primordial Training Montage - Mastered by FATE

June 17th​, Friday: Mastered by FATE - Memories of LIGHT

Chapter 3: "Bastion of Hope"
June 18th​, Saturday: City of (Broken) Dreams - PRIMORDIAL Friend

June 19th​, Sunday: PRIMORDIAL FRIEND - SUN Settling In

June 20th​, Monday: SUN Settling In - WORLD and SKY, MOON and SUN

June 21st​, Tuesday: WORLD and SKY, MOON and SUN - Monsters Kill Men

June 22nd​, Wednesday: PRIMORDIAL PLAN - GLORY

June 23rd​, Thursday: GLORY - PRIMORDIAL Events

June 24th​, Friday: PRIMORDIAL Events - Beyond Good And Evil

June 25th​, Saturday: Beyond Good And Evil - Dawning ECLIPSE

June 26th​, Sunday: Dawning ECLIPSE - A FLOWER Blooms

June 27th​, Monday: A FLOWER Blooms - Memories of GAIA

Chapter 4: "Rulers of Faraway Lands"
June 27th​, Monday: A Lie PRIMORDIAL - The EARTH's Secret Exposed

June 28th​, Tuesday: Of Ruins - HEARTs of Gold

June 29th​ - July 12th​, Tuesday: HEARTs of Gold

July 13th​, Wednesday: HEARTs of Gold - Godspeed: FATEFUL Reunion

July 14th​, Thursday: Godspeed: FATEFUL Reunion - Godspeed: FORSAKEN Future

July 15th​ - July 17th​, Sunday: Godspeed: FORSAKEN Future

July 18th​, Monday: Godspeed: FORSAKEN Future - Godspeed: GODLY Success

July 19th​, Tuesday: Godspeed: GODLY Success - Godspeed: A BENIGN Day

July 20th​, Wednesday: Godspeed: A BENIGN Day - Memories of BALANCE

Chapter 5: "Humanity's Heart Reawakened"
July 20th​, Wednesday: PRIMEVAL Plea - Yearning HEARTS

July 21th​ - July 24th​, Sunday: Yearning HEARTS

July 25th​, Monday: PRIMORDIALS Return

July 26th​ - August 12th​, Friday: TRANSCENDING Death

My Thoughts:

My Thoughts...

I am Priscilla Celeste Vescovi, though I used to be Rico and Evangeline Vescovi, twins and Magical Girls. I was once both of them, but calling myself by either name would be wrong. Neither is enough to describe me anymore, thus I am now Pris.

I really should read some books on the matter, maybe I can get a more clear picture about what happened to me.

However, this is my personal mental journal of stuff; big sister always said it is a good thing to be organised and prepared, even though it can be pretty boring to keep things in order.

About Myself

My birthday is the 2nd of December and I was born in 2000... I am twins, so both of me share this date... huh, I remember days where I thought it matters who the older one is. Now it definitely is no longer important.

I lived in Verona, Italy since I was born; the city was mostly destroyed during World War III, but we somehow managed to stay there. Now Verona is growing again, peaceful and pretty... if you don't count the ruins and rubble. We cleared most of the rubble, though!

I went to school there, too; my best subjects were English and Italian... as well as music and art.

I like helping people a lot; it is a great thing to see others smile.
About My Magic

I am Primordial Sun and Primordial Moon; big sister said that Magical Girl names do have a special meaning and after meeting Gaia... maybe it is connected to my Balance-Affinity or how sun and moon are depicted in literature?

My magic branches out in healing and ranged offensive, with a really helpful combination attack; it grew pretty fast one time I used it, so that might be happening again. I made a few new spells recently, though I am not yet sure how strong they will end up being.
Oh, I can fly, too! Flying feels great.

My connection... I think it is complete now. But then again, I can share what I have now with others if I really want to. Not that I am going to do this with someone I do not like...
About Other People


-Mother: My mother is called Ginevra Vescovi and she is nice; she is around fifty now and teaches history as well as art. I like her classes, although she is really strict... especially with me. It was just the three of us since the war ended because big sister went to work elsewhere. That is fine though, we get along well. She is alright as far as I know, but Bianca did not say what she is doing nowadays.

-Big Sister: She is actually my half-sister, from mother's first marriage. I don't know what happened to her father, but I know he is no longer there, either. Bianca is always really sweet to me anyway... and cold, but I think she just tries not to show how much she cares about me. Maybe because she does not want to spoil me too much?
She does not look like twenty-four, though... more like sixteen... and she does not like people bringing that up. At all. If only I had known it is because her magic earlier, I would not have teased her about it that often.
She is a Magical Girl, the most powerful of all. Somehow.... I am not even really surprised. Big Sis is the best after all.

-Ludger: He is my pet dog, a Corgi. Big sister gave him to me two years ago and he is the best dog ever. I love him. He is really strong, too.

-Anastasia: She used to be my bully... but we got over that when she awakened as a Magical Girl. I adopted Ana into my family... I am glad this makes her as happy as it makes me; she is my sister now, no matter what anyone says. Bianca accepted her as a sister, too.

Regular People

-Elisa: A nice girl living in the neighbourhood, a year and a bit older than me; we play together pretty often and she helps me with English at times. Elisa loves animals and she is really pretty.

-Bruno: One of my friends, though I remember not talking to him all that much... ugh, joint memories are weird. Anyway, we fight once in a while, but get along pretty well.

-Henrietta: Another of my friends; she is really energetic and bustling about, but also nice.

-Leon: The commanding officer of Nightmare Child's old division; I met him after the skirmish with Brave Heart. He was friendly, though also a little cold. Night says he is a strong person.

I miss them...

Magical Girls

-Judge: She is... huh, even like this I can not have a clear opinion of her. She is very friendly and a weirdo. Seeing her make it to Kibo as well was great.

-Brave Heart: A UES-Enforcer I fought before; she looks like a good person that only wants to protect people... I mean, she tried to make everyone surrender before attacking, right?
Now that I defeated her, she became my roommate. Hopefully her fragile mood is only temporary and not lasting.

-Ming: Another Magical Girl, but I do not know her other name. She seems peaceful and working to make people happy. Maybe she can be my friend when I meet her? Big Sister said she might be Magical Girl Forsaken God.

-Haruna: I did not see much of her, but she seemed pretty unhappy. She is strong, though... and lots of demons are attacking her. I'm... confused, demons aren't supposed to be on Earth.

-Hand of Fate: So, so weird. I think she just wants to play games, but she is so weird about it... and the Queen of Darkness bullies her a little when she messes up. I don't think they are bad, but... huh. No idea what to think of them.

-Black Sky: A friend Ana made after she had to run away. She is seriously creepy -and blind while untransformed...- but there is a really sweet girl underneath all that. She looks so fragile...

-Unyielding Paladin: One of Brave Heart's friends and also a UES-Enforcer. She is incredibly enduring, much more than I ever thought anyone could be. Bianca told me that she was fighting to keep her little sister safe.

-Supreme Tech: A UES-Enforcer that was with Brave Heart when we beat her. She was unconcious the whole time, so I do not know anything about her.

It is no longer...

-Iron Memento: The nicest weird girl around. She speaks in such a calm manner and with little emotion. A bit like big sister, but... not. She works a lot with machines. She lost her emotions, even though she got really scared of me recently... probably because the White Reaper looks just like Primordial Moon.

-Mirror Memento: Iron Memento's partner; she looks like me when transformed and is much more open than Iron.

-Ignition Sentinel: She says she is a guardian, but her fire burns anything that gets close; it is really sad to think about. At least she has a nice friend to cheer her up, even though she tries to keep her distance. It got much, much worse after New York was destroyed.

-Dragon Maid: Ignition Sentinel's friend; she is nice and bubbly, but does not seem to like people looking at her tail. Ugh, just randomly getting the urge to kill someone must feel really weird... or rather, it is more sad than weird. Gone...

-Abyss Knight: I spent some time with her during my stay in New York and found out she is far less scary than I thought she would be, despite how intimidating she looks. She is also a good teacher is what I think. Gone...

-Eye of Truth: Another girl from Yggdrasil; she looks a bit creepy with that third eye and can see what people can do by looking at them; this is how I found out my Affinities.

-Ruin Red: Teenagers are weird. ...

-Ruin Purple: Red's half sister and nice, too. She looks really strong and able to protect people.
She and Red seem to get along really well, even when they fight at times.

-Soul Queller: Even as broken as I found out she is after surviving New York, she still moves gracefully and strong. I hope she gets better soon.

-Paramount Merchant: Her name is Grace and she cooks for Yggdrasil. I get along well with her. It's not fair...


-Autumn's Dream: She is a little weird, but nice despite the scary look. The first of the Four Seasons I met... she is really strong, just like we thought.

-Summer's Dream: Another Season and maybe the meanest of the four. I am not sure, she just... talks that way. As if everyone else was beneath her.
She did praise us for doing good before, though.

-Spring's Dream: Definitely the nicest of the Seasons... and the prettiest. She is a healer just like me and very frienly. Her magic is lots stronger than mine, though.

-Winter's Dream: She reminds me of Bianca with her calm and measured behaviour. I'm sure there is a wonderful person under that shell, just like with big sis.

-Transcendent Strength: Kibo's leader... I respect her the most out of all the Magical Girls I met so far. Strength is strong... but she got all scared when seeing me for the first time; it is because I look like the White Reaper is what she said. I wonder what happened...
She knows big sister and she is in a relationship with Nightmare Child... I think. She never really said or denied it.

-Budding Flower: We did not have much time to talk so far, but I think she is better after she had a few days to get herself back together. A nice girl.
--Flowey: Flower's 'daughter', so to speak. Flowey is actually a mutated plant, but one that turned into a woman with lots of tentacles.... something that looks so creepy has no business being as cute as she is.

-Chitin Dancer: It was weird being around her at first, but now I understand this is because Chi is actually a spider swarm that appears like a girl. She hurts a lot from it, but I think we get along better because of this; we are both really unusual... and none of this changes the fact that she is a good person.

-White Glory: I am not sure what to make of her yet. She looked so happy being out and about, so I think she is okay. Her Contractors were scarily strong, though.

-Clockwork Queen: She was reserved and polite when I met her, but the distanced behaviour might have just been stress. Whether or not, I am positive that she is incredibly strong; her motions were almost flowing into each other.
About The World

Um... I... I do not pay as much attention in history class as I probably should.

I know that World War III started in the middle of 2002... but I forgot who started it or why. But I remember that it was over in December of 2006 because big sister was with me at the time.

There are... currently about 600 Million people alive, I think. Everyone is in Japan, Australia, China and Europe, the latter is where I am. Actually, it is the UES now, that stands for... Union... of... European States! Ah, I remembered!

The UES is everything left in Europe, which was hit the least during the war. More than half of the people in the world are here. Its important countries are Italy, France, Spain, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Poland and the Netherlands; they put the government into Germany's capital Berlin because it is in the middle of everyone else.

Right now, things are looking upwards; we are slowly rebuilding everything and everyone can be happy.
Except for Magical Girls, I guess... no one likes them much.


They are a group of Magical Girls led by Abyss Knight... and they want to destroy all humans to live in peace. That sounds so weird...
Both Mementos and Ignition Sentinel are members of Yggdrasil. They do seem nice enough, but they really do not care about normal people.

Yggdrasil is gone, though. Their main base in New York was destroyed and only a few of the girls survived...


This is the other group of Magical Girls. They are nice and want everyone to be together in peace.
Someone called Transcendent Strength is their leader and the Four Seasons are there, too.

About Other Races

I heard there are other races out there, but I do not know much about them.

The Unified Light

A faction in the great war going on; from what I learned, I think they are in a pretty bad place at the moment, but I think they can make it.

-False Heaven: Angels. Real Angels, big and pretty and bright. They are all really strong and it seems as if everyone respects them a lot. Their leader is... Archangel Michael, I think?

-The Elvin Empire: Elves look a lot like humans, just more thin and with pointed ears. And they are taller... and there are probably a lot more of them than us.

-Disciples of The Word: They are... things. I only ever saw one and not much about it, but I think they like to learn lots and study magic.

The Unified Dark

They are the people who fight with the Unified Light. There are four races in the group right now. From what I understood, they are mostly about being strong. That is fine, I guess... being strong is a good thing, but only if you use that the right way.

It seems as if they had a Magical Girl fighting for them. I wonder who she is...

-Thirteenth Hell: Um... demons, I guess. Their leader is called the Supreme Overlord and they have been around for long, longer than everyone else. I am not sure what they want, though.

-Carnivon: Huh, those Nivonite-things are really big and look weird and have many voices; they are ugly. They have three queens... and big sister said they assimilate magical beings... I am magical too, right? ...have to make sure not to meet them.

-The Forgotten: Weird... doll-things. Their leader is called the Heart for some reason and looks creepy. They want to destroy things.

-Children of War: They are big, but look a lot like humans... but with claws and a few more eyes. Their Head Warrior is the leader and they fight each other for fun... everyone has their hobbies?


Magical Girl Soul Queller ("Stop looking down on me!")
Magical Girl Unyielding Paladin (Woman with a mission / They are making you do something again, sis?)
Magical Girl Assassin (Must scream but yet can not)
Magical Girl Bloody Night (Living the thug vampire life / "Mhm, tasty~")

Magical Girl Illusionist + Friend ("Hm? The same thing we do every night, Neo. These clothes don't pay themselves after all.")

Magical Girl Serene Blight (Poison all the way / Still Very Lonely)

Magical Girl Arbiter Fane (Happily settled down / "Get off my lawn!")


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Affinity Templates
And while the topic was up, here are the templates I use. Mostly modified versions from those crystalwatcher gave out for their Quest, sorted by strength.

Legend is bias, just like Epic is in the original. I made Legend girls far beyond what the template allows, mostly because some are just that strong.
They are pretty rare, though.

(Story) (Faction) Name

Given Name


Health: 75 - 300
Base Damage: 25 - 70
Base Resilience: 25 - 60
Magic Modifier: N/A - 40

Affinity: Whatever | Whatever | Story

Weapon Name
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

Starter Spell
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A - 100
Magic Modifier: N/A - 100
Affinity: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

One or two. Theme-Relevant, such as Flight if applicable.

(Tale) (Faction) Name

Given Name


Health: 100 - 400
Base Damage: 50 - 75
Base Resilience: 30 - 70
Magic Modifier: N/A - 65

Affinity: Whatever | Whatever | Tale

Weapon Name
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1
Affinities: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

Starter Spell
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A - 150
Magic Modifier: N/A - 150
Affinity: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

One or two. Theme-Relevant, such as Flight if applicable.

(Fable) (Faction) Name

Given Name


Health: 100 - 500
Base Damage: 50 - 100
Base Resilience: 50 - 75
Magic Modifier: N/A - 75

Affinity: Whatever | Whatever | Fable

Weapon Name
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1 - 2
Affinities: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

Starter Spell
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A - 200
Magic Modifier: N/A - 200
Affinity: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

One or two. Theme-Relevant, such as Flight if applicable.

(Myth) (Faction) Name

Given Name


Health: 200 - 550
Base Damage: 100 - 200
Base Resilience: 100 - 175
Magic Modifier: N/A - 200

Affinity: Whatever | Whatever | Myth

Weapon Name
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1 - 3
Affinities: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

Starter Spell
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A - 200
Magic Modifier: N/A - 200
Affinity: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

One or two. Theme-Relevant, such as Flight if applicable.

(Legend) (Faction) Name

Given Name


Health: 1,000 - 1,500
Base Damage: 300 - 800
Base Resilience: 200 - 600
Magic Modifier: 150 - 400

Affinity: Whatever | Whatever | Legend

Weapon Name
Level 1
Attacks Per Turn: 1 - 2
Affinities: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

Starter Spell
Level 1
Base Damage: N/A - 999
Magic Modifier: N/A - 750
Affinity: Whatever
Ability: Theme-Relevant

One or two. Theme-Relevant, such as Flight if applicable.
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Not All is Equal, Watch Out For Non-Multipliers
... Why do I get the feeling this is going to go the way or Ar Tinelico? Omnicide for everyone!
Well... considering that I only ever heard of Ar Tonelico... I have no idea.

Let me tell you that interesting things are about to set in motion, though.

By the way, I was told I should rather clarify something regarding the multipliers Moon can suppress now.
You see, there are two types of increasing damage.

One is additional damage:

(Test Sword: +500 Base Damage, +250 Ability A, no dice = 750 Total Damage)
The above has 50% Base Damage added to the attack by Ability A; this is a damage increase, not a multiplication.

All is Equal only negates the second type, which is damage multipliers:
(Test Hammer: +500 Base Damage, no dice, x3 Crush = 1,500 Total Damage)

In this case, Eva could decide to negate Crush.
(Test Hammer: +500 Base Damage, no dice, x3 Crush = 500 Total Damage)

Of note also, every last Slayer Ability counts as additional damage, not as a multiplier.
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100 Pages Special - Announcement
Alright then, one hundred pages!
This asks for a little Special, would you not agree?

I have been thinking about what to do... and decided that we will do a Q&A. Not a normal one though, but something special.

Each player will be allowed to ask a single question which I will answer. You will even receive answers on questions that would normally be spoilers.
Think about your question carefully; I will parse them at some point before the next Update is done. The last question asked is the one that counts and I will not answer any questions during that time.
Once everything is parsed, I will write up the answers in one big post and put it up... at some point, I have to check when I want to do that.

Oh, I think I should mention... you want to be careful with what you ask. After all:
-I am willing to give you data your characters could in no way have, yes. However, mechanical data -such as what is written in character sheets- will not be given out.
-There is a limit to how far I am willing to go with spoilers. If you get greedy and ask for too much, you will get an evasive response that tells you basically nothing.
(For example: "What kind of business does Character X have their hands in?" -> "A lot of businesses")
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jan 8, 2018 at 11:28 PM, finished with 2477 posts and 5 votes.
Q&A #1
What did Plothax McGee do that gave Strength-chan PTSD?
No Magical Girl with such a name exists.

What is the NAME (as a magical girl, and possibly real name) and APPEARANCE of the Unified Darkness aligned magical girl who was mentioned here?
Her name is Magical Girl Primeval Earth, real name is [Redacted] and she appears in pristine white.

We know Rico and Eva became magical girls while being attacked and that Anna became one seemingly at random. What situation was Abyssal Knight in when she became a magical girl?
...should have seen that one coming.
Abyss Knight was at the receiving end of an extended rape session at the time.

How is our Mother doing after all of this bullshit that's been happening since we had to flee?
She actually recovered pretty well, seeing that Eva healed her up. Mother dearest is currently staying at Bianca's place and feels generally awful about her girls being on the run.
Mind, she is not at the "drinks to be able to cope with what happened" stage, but one rarely sees her smile these days. Bianca tries, though.

Note that I am answering the following two not directly. I am not giving away how you can achieve something. What I will do is give some general statements in that regard.
What would be the most efficient way for the twins to meet and befriend Magical Girl Heart of Light?
I am not sure this will happen at all. The way everything progressed, I am not sure I can include Heart of Light without shoehorning her in somewhere.
We will see how that goes.

How can Rico and Eva best reunite with their family?
Chances are good that this will happen at some point. Bianca is not easily deterred... and she is willing to move heaven and earth to get the twins back.

What is the name of place 3 in your list?
Magical Girl Unwavering Azure

So my question is can we have a more comprehensive run down of what happened in WWIII? If that's to broad a question then just how was the US destroyed during WWIII?
I am answering the bolded part.
Basically, this:
From my conversations with Naron while I was putting together that one omake, it was basically "everyone and their mother ganged up on us while our allies were busy with their own problems, and then the omnicidal morons showed up".
I'm given to understand that Nightmare Child was effectively the reason Europe survived in a somewhat intact-ish state, because she could effectively hold the entire border on her lonesome. Most places... Didn't have a Nightmare Child analogue.

"I'm in ur base killing ur doodz" ensued.
I would like to note that Nightmare Child was one of the few major reasons that Europe still stands. She was the firepower-related reason, though.

Even the great US can not do much when basically half of Asia comes knocking on their door, spearheaded by Russia. Especially when their allies are busy getting their own problems figured out.
People started to lynch their own Magical Girls out of contempt at some point and the trend came up the earliest in America... mainly because it was so easy, seeing how everyone and their mother (sometimes literally) has a gun.

As an aside, I am deliberately not giving out numbers or an exact retelling of how it went down; if I did, someone would just poke holes into it and cause more work for me.

Which magical girl(s) have the Star affinity?

what's the twins favorite food, excepting ice cream?
Eva's favourite is pasta and Rico loves raw carrots.

How can we make it more likely for Ludger to survive if he ends up in a combat situation? am I supposed to answer that? The logical response is "do not bring your corgi to the battlefield". Aside from that... I have something planned, which I do not want to talk about just yet.

How did the Seasons join/meet each other?
It was chance, yes. Although a certain person had her fingers in that. Just wait for her, she will show up soon.

Anyway, the Seasons awakened... well. Spring and Autumn are actually sisters and awakened at around the same time, with Summer following in Australia and Winter in Germany. They all were integrated into their respective militaries.
When they heard of the respective others however, Summer and Winter jumped ship. Pretty dumb of sending Summer with the troops to Russia, was it not? Winter just... up and left, with no one being the wiser until she was long gone due to invisibility.

Is there anybody/anything which acts as, or can act as, a "natural weakness" to sun/moon? as in you could not find a worst opponent? that even if you got attacked by nightmare child herself it would be better then fighting them?
They have no natural weakness outside of the mechanical aspects that were already mentioned in this Thread. At least none I noticed.
Besides, there are two things worse or at least as bad for them as fighting Nightmare Child. Namely, Transcendent Strength and Unwavering Azure.

"What was the event that caused Bianca to obtain The Guardian, who else was involved in the event, and how did it play out?"
It was not just one event. The Guardian is an amalgamation of several other Abilities that she worked pretty hard for.
Anyway, if you want the event in general... it is called War. There were a lot of troops involved and it saw her being basically untouchable due to her Abilities while she fought things that should have been outside of her weightclass. Thus, The Guardian.

That was it. Thank you for your participation. If you have follow-up questions, feel free to ask. Just do not expect me to give away information as freely as here.

And just to put this discussion about Absolute Connection to rest... ugh.
It will not kill their individuality or ego. However, it will remove the few lines remaining that separate Eva from Rico, linking them as close as if they were one. The twins will still be there, though more of their interactions will be by thinking as one and less mentioning of who does what, as they no longer bother considering which part is who. @veekie got it pretty accurately.

Note that I am explicitely saying "more of their interactions", not "all of them".
Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Jan 16, 2018 at 12:52 AM, finished with 2601 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Go visit Chitin Dancer; you ought to apologise for hurting her spideys
    [X] Spend more time with Ana, she is better off not being alone right now
    [X] When checking the city, Ana went around the accessible part of the sewers and would not say why. Time to explore!
    [X] Exp-Plan
    - [X] Save it
    [X] Spend more time with Ana, she is better off not being alone right now
    [X] Go visit Chitin Dancer; you ought to apologise for hurting her spideys
    [X] Exp-Plan
    - [X] Save it
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On Synchronising Spells
Okay... seeing that it was apparently not as clear as I thought it was, have a few words on the topic of Spell Synchronisation.

As the name suggests, this practice regards the creation of a new Spell from casting two or more other Spells together. Any such Spell becomes available to any party involved in its creation and gets the (Synchronize)-Ability to indicate its origin.
[Note: Not every Spell created this way becomes a regular Spell for the creators to use; it is a case-by-case basis and, as far as I see, arbitrary]

Rules for synchronising are as follows:
-at least one of the people involved needs an Ability that enables the synchronisation of Spells
--A special case of this is one of the Spells in question having the Synchronize-Ability (without parenthesis), which indicates the same thing

-The Spells in question need to either
--A) Share an Affinity, or
--B) Have a comparable theme

When a synchronisation is successful, the Spells merge into a new Spell which is then cast in their stead. Take note of the fact that Synchronised Spells are usually particularly strong.

To explain the matter on Sky's Dream of War:

Magical Girl Nightmare Child possesses the following Ability:
Bulwarks Guarding Sleep
-Nightmare Child may synchronise her Spells with her allies

Now, while she showed her melee-focussed Spell End of the Line to Anastasia during practice, Ana was in the process of casting her own Rapid Digestion. Both of those Spells have the Horror-Affinity and thus synchronised into a Spell you do not know about.

After that, due to Sky being interested and also lacking a good solution for ranged combat, they attempted to synchronise Night's Demon of War with Sky's Let the Sky Fall.
Again, both of those Spells shared the Horror-Affinity. One of them being limitless and focussed on her crystals, the other a beam of barely rivalled destruction.

Out of this formed
Dream of War
Rekindle the green light that brings the end of armies
Level 1
Base Damage: 2,000
Magic Modifier: N/A
Affinity: Horror | Fable
Ability: Proxy-Caster | Ray | (Synchronize)
Which is exactly what they wanted. They could have continued synchronising, but having a dozen Spells at hand was not really on their minds at the time.

Now, I know that this is not indicative of both characteristics described above. Neither of these was created with a theme-match.

To give a few examples what would be matching themes:
-Spells that are cast by swinging your weapon
-Beam attacks

For a more direct example: If there was a way for Eva and Spring to synchronise, they could combine Revitalise and Become Whole Again, seeing that both are healing Spells that are cast by laying your hands on the target.

Additionally... @Crystalwatcher, please correct me if this is incorrect or something is missing.
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