Let's Watch Mai-HiME Together!

Episode 5
Episode Five: "Rain -- Tears"

Bit of a mood shift from the previous episode huh?

This is a very important episode for the development of Mai and Yuiichi's relationship since episodes in the later parts of the series tie back to it. As some of you may have gathered I actually like Mai and Yuiichi as a pairing. The two of them actually have a fair bit in common and they seem more real to me than a lot of anime characters do. I also find their mutually tsundere interactions entertaining. However even as someone who likes Yuiichi and thinks the show does a good job of handling his motivations and his interactions with Mai, I still have to admit that he often seems a bit generic, which drags the pairing down quite a bit.

There's a couple cultural nuances that I think might be worth taking note of with regards to this episode. The first one is that bathing together is a common form of family bonding in Japan, but its something siblings tend to grow out of as they get older. So the thing about Takumi insisting on taking baths with Mai until "just recently" would be a little odd, but not as weird as it may seem to a western audience.

The second is that for religious reasons organ transplants are extremely rare in Japan. I'm not sure the exact details but I gather it has something to do with Buddhist influence and dead things being viewed as impure (apparently to the point where those who prepare the dead for funerals are viewed as "peculiar"). Mai trying to get Takumi a transplant overseas is actually rather realistic because his chances of getting one in Japan would be close to nil.
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Mai and Yuuichi is one of those pairings I like more on rewatches than I did initially. Part of it is because I've gotten older and thus notice more about their relationship than I did earlier. That's reasonable enough.
However, a major part is also that for some reason, chibi-Omegahugger would not, under any circumstances, ship the main male and female characters of a show that wasn't explicitely a romance. Like, that was the #1 rule of my goggles, overriding all other factors like "how cute they are" or "how much they improve each other together". In retrospect, this is probably one of the reasons why my goggles have their current anti-het bias.
I guess I can't always blame it on Lucky Star fanfiction and Touhou...

I think I've forgotten to mention how cool Akira is. A bit basic so far, yes, but a pretty good example of why those characters get fanbases based on looks alone.
I wonder if he ever managed to fix his painting. Incidentally, if you think to ask, then yes, they are shipped.
As far as I can tell, there's only one real case where that rule doesn't apply. Shipping be good.

I also think this was the first time we saw the local Rei'ndividual... Though since I've never actually watched Evangelion I have no idea how accurate that description actually is.
To be honest I don't think I was a particularly big Mai/Tate fan myself the first time around. My views on this show have definitely changed with time and rewatches.

The Rei expy is Miyu. Interestingly the commentary from the director on this episode talks about Akane, but while Akane gets focus in upcoming episodes I actually feel Miyu got more focus in this one.

Director Masakazu Ohara said:
Up until this point, Mai's true personality hasn't been shown yet, and we timed its emergence in order for her to make a connection with her coworker Akane.

BTW I've been toying with the idea of taking a week (maybe even two weeks) off due to holiday busy-ness, but I'm happy to keep going if the rest of you think you can keep up.
I'M LATE! my bad!

Episode 5 start-o

Mai wants to eat cake. I feel you Mai. Also I think that dude is the one half of the love-birds right? lol

Mother issues hmm...? You and probably a great deal of other shounen heroes Mai-chan! THough I did figure it's an essential part of Mai's character, it's a little underwhelming at the moment.

Miyu, huh? The minorly suspicious character that I'm preemptively guessing as a HiME. You're weird. Not sure what to think about you yet.

Lovebirds are together! And planning for a vacation! Pretty forward these two~

Akira....we don't know Akira right? Also lmaoo, Takumi/Akira fangirls. Its a little weird to fantasizing about middle-schoolers, girls!!

Also so Akira's one of those characters, hmm. The classic "I'm kind of effeminate so I retaliate by aiming for the classic masculine ideal" Poor Takumi....

Mai, I'm getting a feeling that you're gonna overwork yourself... You're clearly shutting off your own desires with these jobs.... hmm....

Chie is still a favorite cause I really like her voice. Oh, is it for Takumi? His future and/or medical bills? That's...sad.

Mai comes home and Mikoto's passed out! (it's food isn't it) (yep it is)

Hmm....I know people ship Mai/Mikoto, but I'm not getting it. I guess Mikoto seems a bit too young for me to really ship her with anybody right now. Also, it kind of feels more maternal/big sisterly at the moment. Sort of like another Takumi?

Holy shit Takumi, how old are you again? Middle school right? In japanese terms that's 12-15? Woow. Baths with Mai huhh...welp, yeah, I'm basically pegging Mikoto as having basically the same relationship with Mai, give or take a few degrees of shallower bonding.

Bus is somehow an Orphan. Or something. Mai ignores it which is kind of reasonable considering she's a newbie, and Miyu is confirming some suspicions~

And Miyu didn't seem to do anything about it, huh. Hmm.... Didn't Lovebird 2 get on the bus? Did she leave before the accident? She seems...scared of Miyu, which may be something between them earlier, or maybe Miyu is a HiME and stopped the incident from getting worse and threatened Lovebird 2 about it.

"they're the ones who caused it" huh, a different group? And Natsuki's group are dealing with them..... The Orphan was a thing, but it disappeared. And a battle scene was left. And there was another HiME.

...I sort of don't want to be right, but it's pretty obvious that Miyu is a HiME....?


Is Lovebird 2 a HiME as well???? I caught that panning over her troubled face with that cell-phone as the headmaster talked about the HiME. And Miyu too, so I'm pretty damn sure.

Poor Mai, no friend karaoke time but they might be doing something in secret after finding out about Takumi... Or the teacher hospital meeting. Something.

Was the girl Mai bumped into that red-haired girl in the intro? Hmm. Nevermind different uniform I think. Random NPC.

BUS! Natsuki's following it, Mai catches a glimpse of it, and does her own thing. But then thinks about it and changes her mind. OH NO MAI THAT MONEY WAS FOR FUN TIME. I feel bad right now.

Ouch, a bad knee scrape eurgh. your bag and change mai!!!

Natsuki comes along and pulls Mai away. Secret organization? District 1?? YOUR BAG MAI, OMG, you should've taken it. memory alteration, and clinic/hospital affiliations hmmm...

Mai's...defintely lonely. I think. My take on this is that she's tired of focusing on Takumi though she does love him, and other people are supportive, but only in a way that distances them. It's almost empty, saying "I'm rooting for you." in her mind I think. It's a burden that she's been carrying for a long time, and she's been hiding her own feelings because she might think they don't matter in the long run, especially compared to what Takumi's going through.

I still don't really like Tate, to be honest. I think they could be friends, but it will bore me to see any romantic development. He's still a good person, and I appreciate him comforting Mai, but it's uninteresting to me to see them bicker as ship tease or whatever. (I tend to make snap judgements that tend to stick sorry~ But yeah, he's eh at best in terms of what I like in a character.)

I like that Mai wasn't involved in taking down the Orphan this episode. (though it's still at large, to be fair)

So this has been a good episode for some subtle development! Not going to be a fave of mine honestly, but I'll see what comes next time!
Also so Akira's one of those characters, hmm. The classic "I'm kind of effeminate so I retaliate by aiming for the classic masculine ideal" Poor Takumi....
Which probably isn't helped by upperclassmen, and likely some classmen as well, viewing him as having a significant chance of being queer.

Especially since Japan to my knowledge has no male equivalent of Class S relationships to sorta soften the blow
Mother issues hmm...? You and probably a great deal of other shounen heroes Mai-chan! THough I did figure it's an essential part of Mai's character, it's a little underwhelming at the moment.

I think the flashbacks in this episode are from just after Mai's mother passed away. In fact young Mai is wearing the same clothes she was wearing in that hospital room flashback in Episode Three where her mother asked her to take care of Takumi.

Akira....we don't know Akira right? Also lmaoo, Takumi/Akira fangirls. Its a little weird to fantasizing about middle-schoolers, girls!!

Akira is the student who was complaining about the ruined painting back in episode three, and was walking behind Reito and Takumi when they meet up with Mai at the end of the episode as well. This is probably the first time the character is identified on screen though.

That bit where Mai gets mad at her friends for involving Takumi in their yaoi fantasies is pretty hilarious.

Hmm....I know people ship Mai/Mikoto, but I'm not getting it. I guess Mikoto seems a bit too young for me to really ship her with anybody right now. Also, it kind of feels more maternal/big sisterly at the moment. Sort of like another Takumi?

Despite some of the things that happen in upcoming episodes, I'm generally inclined to agree with you on this one.

Holy shit Takumi, how old are you again? Middle school right? In japanese terms that's 12-15? Woow. Baths with Mai huhh...welp, yeah, I'm basically pegging Mikoto as having basically the same relationship with Mai, give or take a few degrees of shallower bonding.

See the cultural notes I mentioned in my post about this week's episode. ;)

Bus is somehow an Orphan. Or something. Mai ignores it which is kind of reasonable considering she's a newbie, and Miyu is confirming some suspicions~

And Miyu didn't seem to do anything about it, huh. Hmm.... Didn't Lovebird 2 get on the bus? Did she leave before the accident? She seems...scared of Miyu, which may be something between them earlier, or maybe Miyu is a HiME and stopped the incident from getting worse and threatened Lovebird 2 about it.

"they're the ones who caused it" huh, a different group? And Natsuki's group are dealing with them..... The Orphan was a thing, but it disappeared. And a battle scene was left. And there was another HiME.

...I sort of don't want to be right, but it's pretty obvious that Miyu is a HiME....?


Is Lovebird 2 a HiME as well???? I caught that panning over her troubled face with that cell-phone as the headmaster talked about the HiME. And Miyu too, so I'm pretty damn sure.

I've often wondered if viewers might get a certain impression from the stuff with Miyu and Akane, so its interesting to see your theories about what's going on with those two. Its been so long since I first watched this series that I don't really remember what I thought. I suspect I was watching too casually to really add up the little details. You've been picking up on a lot of things I think I missed the first time around.

Was the girl Mai bumped into that red-haired girl in the intro? Hmm. Nevermind different uniform I think. Random NPC.

No you were right, she's one of the girls in the OP. Actually she appears back in episode 2 as well -she's the girl Mikoto knocked down in her desperate rush to find water.

Natsuki comes along and pulls Mai away. Secret organization? District 1?? YOUR BAG MAI, OMG, you should've taken it. memory alteration, and clinic/hospital affiliations hmmm...

I sometimes wonder if Takumi not remembering what happened on the back hill in Episode 3 was because he was given a memory wipe -though to be fair he wasn't really conscious for most of what happened.

So this has been a good episode for some subtle development! Not going to be a fave of mine honestly, but I'll see what comes next time!

Next week's episode is significantly more cheerful than this one. ;)
Akira is the student who was complaining about the ruined painting back in episode three, and was walking behind Reito and Takumi when they meet up with Mai at the end of the episode as well. This is probably the first time the character is identified on screen though.
Ahhhhh... I think I do remember the ruined painting? Not the other part tho. Dang, Akira, you've slipped under my radar!

See the cultural notes I mentioned in my post about this week's episode. ;)
Yeah, I figure. I honestly didn't find it too weird, just a bit and I exaggerated a reaction. I bet Takumi has a sister-complex tho :p

I've often wondered if viewers might get a certain impression from the stuff with Miyu and Akane, so its interesting to see your theories about what's going on with those two. Its been so long since I first watched this series that I don't really remember what I thought. I suspect I was watching too casually to really add up the little details. You've been picking up on a lot of things I think I missed the first time around.
To be fair, a lot of this is me going through some of the material with a stricter eye because of the whole taking down notes while watching, but I am also usually relatively on top of things, so I'm glad I'm vindicated in that manner! I will admit, when I am wrong, I am very very wrong, and upset about it. (Like the ending of Korra season 1 where a friend was like Amon is totally the dude's brother, and I was like no way, that's stupid, who came up with that theory, and then it was right. Still salty over the fact, cause the equalists had some points and could have been really good villains, but then everything was spoiled by Amon's reveal, etc. And then I never watched the rest the seasons lololol.)

Some of the information I get is a little obvious to me, in terms of lead-in and prior relation to possible cliches, and some of it is just general extrapolation. Doing this has been good for me I think, I tend to go through things pretty fast, with spoilers

No you were right, she's one of the girls in the OP. Actually she appears back in episode 2 as well -she's the girl Mikoto knocked down in her desperate rush to find water.
Oh, okay then! Her hair color was pretty distinctive and I did remember that incident. It did look like her, but I wonder what's up with her uniform then....Was she wearing the same one? Hmm. Also, apparently she has a pretty average looking boyfriend.
Episode 6
Episode 6: "The Passionate Age of 17"

Director Masakazu Ohara said:
Midori's something of an antagonist for Mai when they work together, but she's also a catalyst for Mai getting to know herself better. We also introduce Midori in the typical way of establishing a Japanese comic hero. It all ties into the way each HiME has a different power and a different thought process that connects to that power.

Midori claiming to be 17 is a voice actress joke. Yukari Tamura (famous for her role as Nanoha) is part of the "Cult of Seventeen Year Olds," a group of voice actresses who claim to be seventeen. :p Actually the cult's founder Kikuko Inoue (famous for her role as Belldandy in Ah My Goddess though she has a very broad range) also has a role in this series. She plays Sister Yukariko -hence the bit in the next episode preview where Yukariko sweetly tells Mai "if your teacher tells you she's seventeen, it means that she's seventeen. You've got to trust her."

In truth, I'm pretty sure Midori is somewhere in her twenties. Its kind of amusing how he's one of the oldest HiME, but has way more fun with it than most of the younger ones. Though I have to question her taking the time to change into her frilly waitress outfit when Mai was under attack. She must have really wanted to do a transformation sequence!
Wooo! Gakutenou! A wolf that turns into a frickin' chariot! Also a name well-suited for shouting out loud as you mow down Orphans!
Really, the fact that Kagutsuchi and Gakutenou are not my favourite CHiLDs is proof of how awesome their designs are in general.

On a less important note, when I first watched this show I was a die-hard YuuichiXShiho shipper. And whenever scenes like Mai and Shiho's bed-talk pops up I return to that role. Sure, Yuuichi so far hasn't shown any real signs of reciprocating, but a shippers heart doesn't care about that! Those scenes are touching and that's what matters!
I still don't really like Tate, to be honest. I think they could be friends, but it will bore me to see any romantic development.

It's funny, but in Otome, when Tate comes up, he's basically dismissed as being of any importance during a conversation between the Mai & Natsuki of that series. We don't even actually see him, just his silhouette. My guess is the directors decided to just ignore him because of feedback? (Otome seems to take several things that were wildly popular among fans and run with them)

Anyway. Alright, Gakutenou! And we're getting closer. Countdown, start! HiME minus 9.
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Supposedly there were some issues between the studio and Tate's voice actor (Tomokazu Seki) over him spoiling something. I don't know the exact details and I'm not sure how much to trust some of the things I've come across online about the incident.
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LATENESS SEEMS TO BE MY ENEMY. These notes are really helping me slow down and they take a while, but at the same time, they are also not helping me get my stuff together on Fridays.

Episode 6

At some shrine, a girl with a jumpsuit, mouth mask, and a halberd, is this another HiME? MORE CHARACTERS? she is surprised and there's a couple coming up or something.

HOly shit its the red haired girl and average boyfriend. Did not expect them to happen. Also, please, do not have sexytimes near and/or on the shrine teenagers.

weirdo potential HiME is pretty odd. Construction helmet and also sunglasses, at night???? what kind of bull-

holy shit you two get an actual room.

~opening time~ still nice though I still love that lead-in ending tune best. It is so good.

Tate and Shiho! Second year of middle school, huh. Not sure, but I might not care too much about any potential relationship in their case, since I suppose I kind of feel that the childhood friend thing kind of equalizes it....but this may be a dubious doublestandard :p

Old man Jin. Maybe important character...? well, for the additional help, there's Mai and co. but also maybe the vice-pres.

Midori....was....the clumsy one? I'm not sure whether Mai is disbelieving of the fact you're 17 because of your clumsiness, or because of the subtle boob shots I'm seeing. Goddamn, Midori, your poor back!

Lovebird 2 (Akane) broke something, upon seeing Miyu. Definitely some fear relationship between them. But it seems one-sided too, as Miyu totally ignores her existence huh.

Oh, I was wrong, other boy is Takumi, and then Mikoto I kind of figured yeah. (I ignored Takumi a bit, cause I wasn't sure if Mai would be overprotective and say no he needs to rest or something) (So Jin is Shiho's grandpa?)

WAIT, holy shit, the shrine. THE Shrine. That the two teens totally made out and/or did more stuff near. And the new potential HiME was near. (I don't think its the kids getting married so maybe more characters?)

I'll mild ship Shiho/Mikoto why not, that parfait scene was super cute. And also, they're the same-ish age, though I did just state my okayness with Tate/Shiho. hmmm.....

Mai being mean is so satisfying, if only because I love silly anime behavior shut down with firm sensibleness.

holy shit that shrine is full of stuff. Also, Midori you bastard. Leaving poor Akane to work by herself!!!!! (she is super competent tho nice work Akane)

Is....weird potential HiME looking for the god...? (she has funky socks) (and is interested in books, occult books?)(weirdo)

pervy gramps, I immediately disaprove of you, you great stereotype.

Mai agrees to support Shiho! I will be glad as long as it doesn't devolve into Matchmaker Romance tropes! but also, lol Mikoto, now I feel like you and Shiho could have a weird cute romantic rivalry. But mild ship, mild ship,

Nice voice crack Takumi. You Siscon. lmaooooooo

weird potential HiME girl. You're a weirdo. I'm starting to get fond of you. (and Nagi cameo~ so maybe it is confirmed, or maybe this weirdo just has a halberd for some ungodly reason)

Nagi and the principal talking, hmmm!!!! Seal....hasn't been broken? Wait, wasn't it the thing in the previous episode...? I thought Mai broke it with Kagatsuchi, but maybe not. Maybe it's a different seal. That worries me. Also, burying.....what, exactly? (course you won't get involved, Nagi. You cute creeper)

For a sec, I was like Shizuru and Reito! ...A school related marriage, and was like, is it REALLY the teens from before but no. just other stuff.

Also, dang, Reito, the flirts. Until it's disproved, I'm kind of general assuming that they're in a super chill open polyamorous relationship because I can, and Shizuru gets all the girls and so does Reito too. (I bet they both think Mai is super attractive, fight fight fight~)

Also, the weird girl's hairstyle changes a lot. Wasn't her hair down, and then up, and then down, and then up again???? weird.

(Nagi, what are you counting on Mai for. To do something with the other potential HiME probably. but what. what are your motives and goals.)


wait, the fuck

I literally cannot believe I sat here believing Midori was a whole other character for like 30 minutes, I am shocked and aghast. WHY.

it's the jumpsuit, it's gotta be, I don't understand myself. I'm ignoring this revelation and pretending I knew all along. Shut up. No you.

also, wow.

THE SEAL HAS BROKEN WHAT WHATTTTTTTTTTT. YOU WANTED THIS TO HAPPEN YOU MYSTERY. wow this cave area is kind of creepy. So many rpg horror games come to mind, but mostly The Forest of Drizzling Rain..? old rock painting of a HiME...? Also, I guess Midori isn't one, since she didn't react at all to Mai blurting it out.

Cool monster design, and also music. (kind of reminds me of a Graveler pokemon lol) Mikoto and also Natsuki arrives on scene.

Yeah, Mai, bring out Kagatsuchi! It's not like I just wanna see his cute ginormous dragon face again or anything~


the Orphan, an entity that has always threatened Humanity....(are you a lone HiME who believes they're like, the savior, or...I can't believe she's announcing herself like a classic Magical Girl. i like this lololol) (THE HiME OF WIND LOLOLOLOLOL)(WAS SHE WEARING HER FUCKING WORK UNIFORM UNDER HER JUMPSUIT WHAT YOU'RE QUITTING YOUR JOB, YOU WEIRDO.)

Our mission is to save humanity from the evil hands of the Orphans huh.... (is she part of a different district? Do different districts tell the HiMEs different things holy crap)(or has she just been lied to a lot by other people) .....must work together as a team.....saving the world......justice, love, and friendship, lololololol

Teh steely claws of Gakuten O! yooooooo what the hell is thatttttttttttt A chariot woah

I can't keep quoting her, she is a bouquet of quotes. A banquet.

and boom! Monster defeated! In the name of the moon-

Midori, that work uniform should not fit under that jumpsuit. the collar of the uniform should be showing instead of your cleavage.

who is the purple haired woman again. I forget if she was a thing. but she knows Midori..? and also her Thesis comes up again, what is your deal.


i've been fooled so many times by this woman. I cannot trust her anymore. Therefore, she is one of the Big Bads, I'm calling it now. :p Her facade of a Genuine Magical Girl must be a mask of ginormous proportions

AND END- good ending music plays out. which reveals that Purple haired lady is Midori's sister? and Mai is also as dubious as I am about her being 17.

An episode with many surprises, some of which were not actually intended by the creators! Nice.
Tate and Shiho! Second year of middle school, huh. Not sure, but I might not care too much about any potential relationship in their case, since I suppose I kind of feel that the childhood friend thing kind of equalizes it....but this may be a dubious doublestandard :p
If I recall my anime ages correctly, they're only 2 years apart. Give it a year or two and it'd be pretty standard.
Lovebird 2 (Akane) broke something, upon seeing Miyu. Definitely some fear relationship between them. But it seems one-sided too, as Miyu totally ignores her existence huh.

I'm kind of curious about how your theories on those two are evolving.

I'll mild ship Shiho/Mikoto why not, that parfait scene was super cute. And also, they're the same-ish age, though I did just state my okayness with Tate/Shiho. hmmm.....

This is one of the odder ships I've come across for this series...

I literally cannot believe I sat here believing Midori was a whole other character for like 30 minutes, I am shocked and aghast. WHY.

it's the jumpsuit, it's gotta be, I don't understand myself. I'm ignoring this revelation and pretending I knew all along. Shut up. No you.

You can imagine the "um..." reaction I was having reading this week's write up. :p Though to be fair given how casually I was watching the first time around I'm not sure if I cued in to the character in the jumpsuit being Mai's co-worker either (I really don't remember the first time I saw this series all that well -it was about ten years ago). Anyway, now you know why Midori wanted to help with the wedding.

the Orphan, an entity that has always threatened Humanity....(are you a lone HiME who believes they're like, the savior, or...I can't believe she's announcing herself like a classic Magical Girl.

My understanding is that HiME actually has sentai influence, though this particular scene may very well be magical girl inspired given the frilly waitress outfit. I'm not really much of an expert on those two genres.

Our mission is to save humanity from the evil hands of the Orphans huh.... (is she part of a different district? Do different districts tell the HiMEs different things holy crap)(or has she just been lied to a lot by other people) .....must work together as a team.....saving the world......justice, love, and friendship, lololololol

I love the totally unenthusiastic reactions the main trio has to the "love, justice, and friendship" part of her speech. :p

who is the purple haired woman again. I forget if she was a thing. but she knows Midori..?

She's the school nurse. (Either that or a doctor -either way, she runs the school infirmary.)


I suspect she doesn't actually have a teaching certificate and was hired as a substitute for that injured history teacher because of her subject knowledge. Or more likely because she's one of the HiME. Remember what Natsuki told Mai a few episodes back about people in the background gathering HiME for some purpose? Mai got lured to that academy with a charitable scholarship, I can easily imagine Midori's new job having a similar purpose.

AND END- good ending music plays out. which reveals that Purple haired lady is Midori's sister? and Mai is also as dubious as I am about her being 17.

The "sister" in the preview isn't the woman who recognized Midori, its Yukariko, the nun from the chapel. Yukariko's voice actress (Kikuko Inoue) is the founder of the "cult of seventeen year olds" whom Midori'a voice actress (Yukari Tamura) is part of. Yeah, this whole thing about Midori being seventeen is more or less a voice acting joke...
I'm kind of curious about how your theories on those two are evolving.
Right now, I'm thinking that they're both HiMEs who have a super bad relationship because Miyu is a cold asshole and probably gave no shits about taking care of a newer HiME. Also, maybe civilian casualties cause no other HiME we've seen has cared too much lol, (except Midori actually)

This is one of the odder ships I've come across for this series...
I am a pioneer of shipping. (There is always so little fanwork)

You can imagine the "um..." reaction I was having reading this week's write up. :p Though to be fair given how casually I was watching the first time around I'm not sure if I cued in to the character in the jumpsuit being Mai's co-worker either (I really don't remember the first time I saw this series all that well -it was about ten years ago). Anyway, now you know why Midori wanted to help with the wedding.
lolololololl I have no idea why I didn't recognize her. It tied into the whole beginning where she was like, a new character with no distinguishing features besides weirdness, and then I kept seperating the two, and also forgot what Midori looked like.

My understanding is that HiME actually has sentai influence, though this particular scene may very well be magical girl inspired given the frilly waitress outfit. I'm not really much of an expert on those two genres.
It's practically quote for quote of Sailor Moon's monologue. IN THE NAME OF TRUTH, LOVE, AND JUSTICE! I, SAILOR MOON WILL PUNISH YOU!!!! Trope originator, I think, though not confined to magical girls.

She's the school nurse. (Either that or a doctor -either way, she runs the school infirmary.)
got it. Now I remember.

The "sister" in the preview isn't the woman who recognized Midori, its Yukariko, the nun from the chapel. Yukariko's voice actress (Kikuko Inoue) is the founder of the "cult of seventeen year olds" whom Midori'a voice actress (Yukari Tamura) is part of. Yeah, this whole thing about Midori being seventeen is more or less a voice acting joke...
lol. welp. now i know.
I am a pioneer of shipping. (There is always so little fanwork)
Godspeed, brother. These seas are treacherous, and foes lurk behind every wave. Keep your crew tight and beware the storms.

Also, I WILL SINK YOUR PUNY NAVY LIKE WE'RE PLAYING BATTLESHIPS; SHIYUU IS THE ONE TRU-I mean, I happen to cordially disagree with certain choice pairings you've mentioned.
Godspeed, brother. These seas are treacherous, and foes lurk behind every wave. Keep your crew tight and beware the storms.

Also, I WILL SINK YOUR PUNY NAVY LIKE WE'RE PLAYING BATTLESHIPS; SHIYUU IS THE ONE TRU-I mean, I happen to cordially disagree with certain choice pairings you've mentioned.

Shiyuu? Oh, for a sec, I was confused and about who the heck was Yuu, but then I remember the Yuuichi. Tate.

Also, I live and let ship except for a few select characters that I bind my soul with steel to. So you fight that battle, but it's a false ship! Nobody's manning the boat!


(I'm not shipping anything seriously right now for Mai-home, but I kind of want to see if there's Mai/Nagi stuff somewhere lolllll)
Episode 7
Episode Seven: "Lost Kittens"

Director Masakazu Ohara said:
This episode is the antithesis of the previous episode. Nao's actions show that not all HiME have noble intentions. I wanted to make it clear that they aren't all heroic types.

I don't remember who it was exactly, but someone once remarked that Mai is like a single parent dealing with a rebellious child in this episode.

I love the bit in the infirmary where Midori just casually notes that Nao is faking it. She may not care enough to play games, but she makes it clear to Nao that she sees right through the cutesy act.

Of course it's loath at first sight for Natsuki and Nao. Interestingly their voice actresses were apparently good friends in real life (or at least got along well enough to form a singing duo for a while).

Some of Nagi's dialogue in these early episodes becomes darkly humorous in light of what's coming later...

I have some thoughts on why Nao hates Mai so much, but its probably a little early to share them due to spoilers.
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Slightly delayed due to a birthday, but here I am!

A new Hime is introduced, and the first time we get one who acts bad. Though of course it is mitigated slightly by her preying only on hebephilic dicks. And she apparently has an iron deficiency what with her licking her blades all the time. Maybe she should start sucking the blood of her victims, I've heard that a good source of iron. We also catch a glimpse of Nao's Child, but I'll keep my thoughts in check until they actually appear.

Other things I'd forgotten was 80% of Mikoto's backstory as revealed here and NAo casually dismantling a building. Just in case you forgot that Hime can be dangerous even outside of their Childs.

Also, Drunk Midori is awesome and every episode from now on should have at least 2½ minutes of her. Failure to do so will have me raise my fist in anger.

EDIT: Also also, apparently Takumi is attracting all of the guys, what with the Art Teacher immediately wanting him as a model and "coincidentally" getting chosen to go on an expensive dinner date with both Reito and Akira.

Mai better be ready for when he enters highschool and it turns into a boy's love harem comedy.
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I've always had a soft spot for Nao.

Her background is almost exactly that of Natsuki, but she didn't have a distant daddy to bankroll her...
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By Now, it's like TuesWednesday is actually my Mai-hime day. I"ll strive to get the next episode on Friday!!!


...Mai's having minor nightmares about brushfires hmmm~?

uMMM Mikoto backstory??? Also, why are you in the city Mikoto, in a semi-seedy area. (but no, is this her grandpa or something)

you've grown up to be a fine girl...now you're a full-fledged HiME???? Older brother is in the land of Fuka...ok....

*important necklace that we've haven't seen before* more flashbacks, do we get to see the dude's face, lemme see it. Oh! We do! Pleasant surprise, and also, wow you are pretty. I'm sorry Mikoto, but your brother is definitively prettier.

I laughed when she spotted another long-haired dude and it wasn't him. Sorry Mikoto, that dude's face omg. lolol

OMG WE'RE ALSO GETTING RED-HAIRED GIRL. DAMN. WAIT, IS SHE NOT ACTUALLY DATING THE DISAPPOINTING AVERAGE DUDE. oh now i know. She's totally doing the compensated dating thing isn't she. Well, if you can make money off that, go for it, but also I hope you're careful. Maybe that explains the uniform too, if she's trying not to be tied to her actual school? She's still a highschooler, but maybe not the right uniform??? THe one we know is more brown and blazers rather than sailor fuku.

Wait. no. Mikoto's wearing the same thing. Is she...is she a middle schooler?????????????????? I thought she was for sure older???????? i...need to go back and rewatch....nope! She is in fact in the middle school uniform. holy shit.

and opening doo de dooooooo

....redhaired girl. a love hotel area? I bet you're scamming the dude.

Mikoto no, don't look omg, your pure eyes are going to be tainted. But also, I kind of don't want you molesting Mai more, so I do want you to go through some basic sex ed and also learn a little common decency. Middleschool, right? Maybe she's a late bloomer? I mean, I suppose I pin her as a girl who hasn't even gotten her first period yet and had the Talk, but also, it's weird talking about this so I'll shush.

Oh so she's straight up mugging the dude. wow. Another HiME and she seems to have a interesting take on how she wants to use her powers. And by that I mean she straight up kicks in the door of evil deeds. I'm ambivalent on whether the creepy dude "deserves deserves" anything, but she's not killing him or whatever so I say eh. (I mean, its a crappy thing to do, paying young girls to date you, but also he didn't exactly go for anything until she led him in that lewder direction, but also, no, just nah.) fight tiem

AND THE NEXT MORNING. lol, totally cut off.

LMAO redhead and Mikoto are mildly bashed up. Mai doesn't know anything about it, so either Mikoto patched herself up or they somehow managed to come to an accord. I bet not tho. Redhead is noticably more injured than Mikoto. AND SHE SAYS HI???? holy shit are they actually going to get along???? I...kind of want it. Nao, is it? I knew you were a main character! Also she's with Aoi, the middleschool targeter (a joke that I will never forget)

Also, they did come to an agreement! Privacy huh. It's got belligerent tension and slight frenemy beginnings, I've found a new ship for Mikoto lolol

Nao's got these boys wrapped around her finger. Also, UM TAKANO SENSEI, WHAT. ARE YOU, ARE YOU LIKE???? Damn, Nao.

Midori's confirmed university age, which is about what I pinned her. I like that Nao is straight up determined to keep her acting up, even when someone calls her out on it. It's bad form to break out of character.

Mikoto truly is in her rebellious age. It's kind of hilarious. Also, Nao as a confident is interesting. I kind of really want to know what happened last night holy shit. THey fought and then ended up as friends??? Slightly antagonistic friends??? Did they patch each other up??? These are the questions.

Mikoto, Mai treating you like a kid for a reason, tho. You haven't really proven you can take care of yourself beyond wild animal stats. Finding her brother huh...something tells me it won't exactly help, and we're not going to get into it this early either. Nao, please don't drag Mikoto into your mugging compensated dating thing.

Akira's silhouette is kind of feminine....it's like, noticeably moreso than Takumi, which is interesting considering general design, but also yea. If it never goes into it in the anime, I might headcanon him as potentially trans and also maybe overcompensating. But also, painting teacher person is a little too in your face huh. Takumi, you gotta make your boundaries here lol.

Brief averted thing with Shiho and Tate, and I'm like eh, as usual, BUT THEN! BEST BOY APPEARS! HOLY SHIT NAGI, your agenda is always strange and confusing.

At work, Mai talks to Aoi, and also Lovebird 2 aka Akane. is making some mistakes in the background. I really love the attention to detail I'm seeing, tbh. I love that Mai kind of complains about all her ordinary friends and then also Nagi in the same breath. Like lol. Akane's having some problems too, that we're not seeing yet.

holy shit are we GOING to see them NOW?? or hear them since she's going to confide in Mai or something.

Nao, you have multiple cellphones?? I bet they're disposable too wow. And is clearly planning something bad for Mikoto. Perhaps the new ship will sink, perhaps I'll ship it harder, who knows~

School Nurse wtf are you wearing. also medical alcohol? LMao

Reito taking the two boys out for restaurant hunting, and also lol, their faces. Perhaps I can peg both Reito and Shizuru as bi polyamous peeps now, idk, I just find it really funny and I like the idea of them being super chill all the time lol.

Natsuki in a seedy shady bar. Holy shit the smoke. YOUR LUNGS NATSUKI, unless HiME don't have to worry about that shit. No, do not ogle Natsuki's latex/leather/whatever suit butt. Perv. An informer's here, and she slides him money reall smooth like.

Mai collides with Reito group, and also Nao is luring Mikoto over to the dark side. I bet she lied to Mikoto then, earlier, and that's why they were getting along. Splitting up. Welp. (Is it bad that I had the random thought that it'd be hilarious if Akira somehow developed a crush on Mai? Just, for that future Takumi roommate awkwardness and also Takumi's a minor siscon too right? lol)

Mai and Natsuki meet up.

*snort goddamit* Mikoto, you are too awkward. THis is a terrible situation and I laughed because of you. MAI YOUR FACE. SHE'S LIKE, WHAT HAS MY CHILD BEEN UP TO HOLY SHIT.

Oh right, Nao clearly has a thing against men. forgot to comment on that. It's probably real creepy and tragic, but eh. Not gonna think too much right now. She goes off on Mai, bringing up a few, maybe valid things, but also, it's kind of clearly biased.

Natsuki, letting loose some info? District 1 is the one that brought the HiME together...? And the how you use your power is up to you thing is from them too? And yeah, i figured you would say that.

DRAMA, and then Drunk!Midori barges in. hahhahahahahahahahahahahah, she's silly. and totally puked on Nao, lol.

Nagi, is like, is this my life, herding HiMEs forever. Yeah it is, you weird mystery. So it's fine to use your powers any way you want, but no infighting? HMMM. He'll punish you huh. Um. That may have been meant to be threatening, but with the whole context...I'll just keep my thoughts to myself.

Midori just takes it all in through her drunk goggles. and Nagi is like, yeah, that too! lol!

Nao, that sequence looked super cool wow. But also, not cool.

Mai is going to have some ISSUES with Mikoto, if she gets injured. Mikoto is also currently having some Issues.

the building falls. Mai screams. Is...is Reito really going to be a thing and/or Mikoto's brother??????? I feel like i thought so sometime ago, but are we actually going that direction?? Also, YEAH it IS suspicious that you saved her in time dude.

You have these powers to fight Orphans huh. Yeah, that's not exactly a good answer. At the very least, it leads to, why are we fighting monsters, and general goals. the future of the world depends on HiME powers hmm.. vague answer. She can't say anything else so there's either a magical element to her silence, or saying more is genuinely bad at this point. Or she could be playing us all, but i don't get that feeling from her....

NEW CHARACTER Alyssa? And Miyu have a relation. Seriously, that is the first time we're seeing Miyu express positive emotion. But also that spider hairstyle is still dumb lol.

ENDING song.

These previews have always been misleading but holy shit. Um, Takumi and Mai.....? ..U m... welp. Eh, I'll find out next time.