Let's Watch Mai-HiME Together!

Pointing out another obvious thing, your impression of this series is undoubtedly going to be colored somewhat by having seen Madoka and Magical Girl Raising Project beforehand. I of course saw this one first although I'll admit the existence of newer but somewhat similar titles can really put a spotlight on some of the issues HiME has (I love this show for what it does well, but even I'll admit it has some pretty significant issues).
I sort of wonder if Mai Hime was the leading edge of the trend to subvert traditional Magical Girl series that ended up creating Madoka Magica?

Ah, well, I didn't even see Magical Girl Raising Project, I read a bunch of chapters of it, and I think it's a better story like that. I don't even really like it for it's Magical Girl fuckery, but more of the whole exploration of the idea of many different Magical GIrl backgrounds regarding age, sex, and etc. and motivations and stuff. Also the powers are cool and the aesthetic of the character illustrations are nice.

But it is interesting to see this kind of trope at what's pretty close to its original point. THe flood of general magical girl media prompted the recent spew of corresponding "subversions, but even before that, there was a good deal of dark shit in plenty of magical girl stories, it just wasn't as relevant as the alternative messages?

Like, in Sailor Moon, they literally killed the bad guys. like, so many. and died themselves a few times in pretty awful ways. Also in Sailor Venus' origin story at the climax ending, she decided to kill the man she loves who turned out to be a villain, resigning and determining her own fate as forever choosing her duty over love and everything else, and ends up in isolation from her previous friends. So there's definitely, like, precedents in tone?

Mai-hime is probably a very early candidate then, though I have no idea how the fuck this is going to play out haha
I may have mentioned this before, but I've seen it argued that Mai-HiME is something of a parody of Kamen Rider Ryuuki -which was supposedly a major influence on Madoka Magica as well. Of course I haven't actually seen Kamen Rider Ryuuki, so I'm kind of going by what others had said.
Episode 17
Episode 17: "Deceitful Lips"

Director Masakazu Ohara said:
We once again see how each of the main characters reacts to the truth of what it means to be a HiME. I always tried to emphasize that the point of the fight wasn't to dwell on the actual combat, but to explore the characters.

They really could have used a new OP for this part of the series...

I have to wonder who took that footage of Kazuya disappearing and how Akane got ahold of it. I can understand why she's particularly distressed though. She's kind of a timid person to begin with, and on top of that her child is more suited to surveillance than direct combat. With her identity as a HiME exposed she's pretty vulnerable to anyone who want to take a shot at her.

I don't know if Akira and Takumi are actually the most popular het ship in Mai HiME, but it can seem like it sometimes. :p Never underestimate the importance of being able to dodge the haters.

I'm actually rather fond of that tennis ball scene -I love Mai and Reito's reactions, particularly the "I want to die of embarassment" face Mai has afterwards. I'm not quite as fond of the attempt at humor with Shiho's bra -though I liked the joke someone online made about Tate being so shocked because there's no way one that big could be Shiho's. (My classiness points -1)

Tate, why did you lie to Shiho? Just tell her the damn truth. She can tell you're lying. Just tell her you ran into Mai and what she told you about Takumi.

I like to point out the importance of what happened between Mai and Tate in episode five to later events, but really this episode does a pretty good job of drawing attention to that itself.

In fact the early part of the episode was kind of a long string of explanation and reaction but I'll cut the show a bit of slack on that due to the huge size of the cast being managed.
Episode 17: "Deceitful Lips"

They really could have used a new OP for this part of the series...

Just going to leave this here, but...

I'm convinced that the choice not to change the OP either at Ep 13 or here, when so many shows from this era did exactly that was a conscious piece of foreshadowing.
Episode 18
Episode 18: "The Beginning"

It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. :p (Yes, I am a terrible, terrible person.)

Bad jokes aside, that scene with Natsuki and Nao has a lot of impact, particularly once you realize that Nao is actually innocent and was keeping the peace despite her provocative attitude (if you're paying attention you may see hints of that even before the big reveal). I'm impressed by how the scene was set up. Yukariko is the perfect fifth column because no one has any reason not to trust her, while Nao is the perfect target because its all too easy to believe accusations made against her. The deception also takes advantage of Nao and Natsuki's mutual enmity and distrust. Did any of you notice that the shot that hit the tree near Nao actually had different effects than the shots from Natsuki's pistols? Someone really wanted Nao to be ready for a fight when Natsuki showed up looking for one.

I don't like the ending scene with Yukariko and Ishigami-Sensei so much. Their storyline makes me rather uncomfortable at times. Though part of the problem is probably how its treated. It like a microcosm of the series' greater problem with tonal consistency.

On the other hand I liked seeing Midori step up to the plate for her students. For all her seeming breazy-ness she can be a responsible adult when the situation calls for it.

Although its overshadowed by all the drama at the end, there's a lot of set up for future events going on in this episode. Lots of hints about Mashiro for instance (btw I really liked her conversation with Nagi). I think I've mentioned before that I'm impressed by how deftly Mai-HiME juggles its character. Well, its also pretty good at weaving subplots together.

Oh, and we got some more of Natsuki's backstory. To me, some of the imagery in that scene suggests that her father linked up with another woman while she was in hospital following the accirdent that killed her mother. Between that and District One it's no wonder she doesn't trust people easily. Though she's really warmed up to Mai. I love that bit where Mai says "You never admit your true feelings, do you?" and Natsuki replies "Look who's talking." :p
here we go. Maybe I'll manage to keep it short ish lol. (probably nah)

shit hitting us with important stuff before opening??

three old ladies, talking to the headmaster. "overcome the situation" (Golden group attack?) "they must now realize they're powerless" (regarding HiME death match?) but most important stage has yet to come oh boy.

as the star gets closer, the world's gonna waver...but they can't allow "them" to keep having their way with this country and the world? hmm so other faction confirmed, assuming potential alternate world thing that I threw out as a possible thing. Or something!

So Mashiro's gotta give guidance huh, welp, lol, what a "fun" festival too huh. MURDER. for the prosperity of Japan? hmm. Wow these old ladies are super evil seeming lol

Obsidian Prince? Hmmm??

wait, what, the more HiME die the more this guy gets a murder boner or something? (jk, I'm assuming that he's like a secret weapon or something and HiME tears are fuel.)

OH shoot Akane's actually semi-conscious. What a bomb to drop for Natsuki lol. Bad timing everyone.



shit, we skipped to next day??? why do you do this to me everytiem.

Tch, Mai, you're looking at Tate now, but we all know it's gotta be your brobro who you love in the case of this.

Also, what a way for people to find out Kazuya's dead jeeze....

So Haruka is definitely Yukino's person, art teacher dude is the nun's (and I really got to say I'm not too concerned with them lol...) Nao...herself??? no idea lol. Midori, probably nurse bff,

Oh, so is it a "star is gonna crash into earth killing everybody" type of deal?

I like that they're all being remarkably level-headed about this. It's..nice. Also, I love the drama and that this plot is gonna be creeping on them.

oh wow, Takumi, damn. That's...depressing. Also, I'm starting to wonder if Mai really will lose him by the end. Gosh. Or maybe it's one way or another? Since Akira seems to maybe also point him as her important thing? wouldn't that be a kick in the nuts

OH shit, is Natsuki's precious person, SHIZURU??? And if she's a HiME like I'm totes predicting, omg..... A bucket of tragedy.

I suppose I'm assuming that Mikoto's person is her brother? Or maybe it turns to Mai, and more tragedy lol.

Did something happen to Takumi?? Also, nice apology Reito.


k talk time I guess.

That was a reasonable talk. What a relief, omg.......I was worried about a reprise of drama feeling time. (though shihoooooo, girllllll, stoppppppp pleeeeasseeeee oh my god)

wait.. is..is REito going to be.....that profile looked like him..........if this is a reverse pun on his name, i'll be so mad.

Also, this HiME kind of sounded like Akira? But also, ghostly. Maybe dead HiME give rise to Orphans or something?? Gosh.


cliffhanger!!! Good thing I've got the next episode.

Mashiro and Fumi, talking about what needs to be done?

Let's see this Prince yo.

AnD Back to action.


wow that thing hits hard.

Very good Mikoto! Nice Save!!!! Also, Mai, she...doesn't really look alive? At most spirit projection, but she's totes ghosty (nao lurking)

Akira's dad is still alive? Oops, didn't think he was. Ah well.

Oooooh, a turn for the darker in Mai's thinking. And then shounen shake of the head!

Wait, oh shit, that necklace! Is Mikoto's bro the Prince of Obsidian???? (Also is Reito her brother too, or are we going to get a new character....)

Gosh, he does look a lot like him...... hmmmm....also, some real creepy shit he's teaching her lollll. Like, valid, but also lol......

Takumi sure seems ambivalent about being faced with the idea of being cured. If he's suicidal, man.......D:

Crazy love quadrangle lol.... (Chie does seem to notice the negative mood tho)

hmmm, even if she was a False HiME, she still had a person, didn't she? That one dude disappeared, though to be sure, it wasn't her actual most important person.

Nao's super sus of Mai, and Yukino is super scared. Reasonable!

Yeah, art teacher dude is kind of an ass. Duh.

Midori....gosh. so originally, it was in order to get back to university? But now...aw...

Natsuki meeto!

I was just as shocked as Mai when she asked how old Mai thought she was. Lol, just a year older huh....

...The thing about "Most" Natsuki, is that it doesn't mean you have to know about them, you know? I bet it's Shizuru. Gosh. Even if you maybe wouldn't necessarily die for them, I bet it'll just take the number one person regardless of how high they really rank. If they beat everybody else, who cares how little you care about them.

Classic Tsundere Line gets dropped.

Oh woah, Nao attacked? huh. Well, it's not exactly a surprise lol.

Natsuki goes raring off to fight. And Midori has a revelation and Mai calls for backup.

Basically dolls. wow savage XD also, do you gotta burn the doll, Nagi? It's real creepy like all the dolls are, but still.

Shit, it wasn't Nao. Also, there's someone in the background playing them all. THIS WOULDN'T HAPPEN IF YOU WERE NICER NAO. EVERYBODY TOTES THINKS THAT YOU'LL BE WILLING TO KILL CAUSE YOU'RE A MEANY.

wait, is maybe art teacher the prince? who knows......(But the blackred lapel sure points at Reito)

but also history!! between Headmaster and Obsidian prince?

...more trees should have came crashing down. Just animating one tree?? animators, really??? (if you wanted that, then only animate one being cut darnit.)


murder drama is going DOWN.

this music is super epic though.

oh shit, is Mashiro not Mashiro? Hmm?? (or is it just the death thing)

Man, I really like you Midori.....Are you gonna get killed here... TT-TT

Oh shit, so it was the Maid!! Fumi is another HiME. damn, a duel!

Vulas is Nun's healing Child? OR NOT AN ILLUSION, Shit?? So she did trick them huh. Maybe put up to it by the art teacher, maybe negative character development, ooh....

eurghhhh gross, forced kisses are the worst, and also so are the people who do it... Knew he sucked. wants the power of the star, huh? well, i say your creepy ass is gonna die. Though I'm not sure if its possible you're her most important person anymore lol.

And music plays.


Lots of excitement going on!!! Jeeze......Wonder who the secret assailants are.
It's interesting how Nao is kinda the cosmic chew toy in this series.

Not that any HIME has it easy, admittedly....
It's interesting how Nao is kinda the cosmic chew toy in this series.

Not that any HIME has it easy, admittedly....

In fairness, she's no worse off in backstory than, say, Mai (nothing like a dead mother, an ill brother, and a lifetime of guilt-ridden care for another because she was a bad babysitter at age eight), and most of her subsequent problems relate to her own antisocial behavior. (Otome Nao really does seem to have better coping mechanisms for...whatever she is or isn't coping for.)
Last edited:
Episode 19
Episode 19: "Labyrinth of the Heart"

There are things I like about this episode, but there are also times where it seems clumsy and forced and overly melodramatic. It's also an episode that showcases the show's tendency to abuse the hell out of coincidence in order to get the characters in the right place at the right time for what it wants to do next.

Anyone remember Tate touching his knee when he was talking to Mai back in episode five? This series laid its groundwork early...

If Ishigami were less of a disgusting creep I'd be inclined to call him a magnificent bastard for how masterfully he manipulates the HiME. His plans in both this episode and the last demonstrate keen knowledge and insight about his targets.

Mai's reaction to Akira and Takumi's moment seems a little homophobic. Hopefully she was just in shock because it seemed like Aoi's fujoshi fantasies were coming true. :p I like to think she would have come to terms with the matter if it actually had been as it appeared to be.

I like Mai getting angry at Mikoto's incessant badgering -it shows that she's not perfect and she does get stressed sometimes. Her remaining cold in the face of Mikoto's sobbing later on seemed a bit forced and out of character though. I notice at the end she had clearly prepared dinner for Mikoto. It was like she was expecting Mikoto to come home...

Takumi, I know you're trying to be nice, but you just struck at the core of Mai's identity at a time when she really can't afford to be questioning her resolve. Though on the flip side Mai smothering Takumi probably wasn't a healthy relationship for either of them. I feel for Mai here -she's built her whole life around being Takumi's caretaker, and without it she feels like an empty shell. I don't really feel she's pathetic but I could see why she might think that about herself.
Episode 19: "Labyrinth of the Heart"

There are things I like about this episode, but there are also times where it seems clumsy and forced and overly melodramatic. It's also an episode that showcases the show's tendency to abuse the hell out of coincidence in order to get the characters in the right place at the right time for what it wants to do next.

Anyone remember Tate touching his knee when he was talking to Mai back in episode five? This series laid its groundwork early...

If Ishigami were less of a disgusting creep I'd be inclined to call him a magnificent bastard for how masterfully he manipulates the HiME. His plans in both this episode and the last demonstrate keen knowledge and insight about his targets.

Mai's reaction to Akira and Takumi's moment seems a little homophobic. Hopefully she was just in shock because it seemed like Aoi's fujoshi fantasies were coming true. :p I like to think she would have come to terms with the matter if it actually had been as it appeared to be.

I like Mai getting angry at Mikoto's incessant badgering -it shows that she's not perfect and she does get stressed sometimes. Her remaining cold in the face of Mikoto's sobbing later on seemed a bit forced and out of character though. I notice at the end she had clearly prepared dinner for Mikoto. It was like she was expecting Mikoto to come home...

Takumi, I know you're trying to be nice, but you just struck at the core of Mai's identity at a time when she really can't afford to be questioning her resolve. Though on the flip side Mai smothering Takumi probably wasn't a healthy relationship for either of them. I feel for Mai here -she's built her whole life around being Takumi's caretaker, and without it she feels like an empty shell. I don't really feel she's pathetic but I could see why she might think that about herself.

In its way, I think Mai's struggles over Takumi are very much in terms of "empty nest syndrome." She's devoted so much of her life to being Takumi's caretaker, as you say, that once he leaves her, she's left wondering what to do with herself. And, of course, the parent-child dynamic is echoed in what amounts to Takumi's teenaged rebellion.

This episode also highlights, to me, the reason why I don't ship Mai with Mikoto in this series, despite the fact that I'm generally quite on board for the yuri option when it actually is an option and not just something the fans make up. Mikoto, to Mai, basically represents the chance to have a little sister without the crushing burden of guilt mixed in that's tainting her relationship with Takumi. Mai's not missing a lover (and if she wants one, she has Tate or Reito to be that), but Mikoto-as-sibling represents a chance for her to get a symbolic do-over for that aspect of her life. I think understanding this is why Mikoto, rather than Takumi or Tate, ends us as Mai's Most Important Person by the finale and the huge impact that has on how things resolve.
*fanficcer comment*

Conceded about Mikoto, which is why I either have her grow up before any shipping, or do a alternate universe.
Episode 20
Episode 20: "Dance of Flames/Tears of Destiny"

This is an amazing episode, possibly my favorite episode in the entire series (though I feel kind of like a terrible person for saying that:p). Pretty much my only significant complaint about it is that the word "tsuki" snapping Mikoto out of her berserk rage seemed a bit forced. Overall however the drama in this episode was powerful enough for things like that not to matter too much.

Putting myself at even more risk of sounding like a terrible person, I love the bit where Mai gets snapped out of her flashback by Natsuki's slap. We didn't need a repeat of the parts of the story we already knew. I think the sudden cut off actually made the drama more effective.

Speaking of that flashback: Mai, you need to learn to forgive yourself. You aren't the only person who ever did something stupid and irresponsible as a child. You were just particularly unlucky as far as consequences are concerned. (Sidenote: one of my minor complaints about this series is the implication that jumping in to save Takumi somehow led to the death of Mai's mother. The scene where she asks Mai to take care of Takumi seems kind of inconsistent with drowning or pneumonia or something like that -though I have to admit I'm no medical expert.)

Something I'd forgotten about this episode was just how intricate it is and how many players are actually involved. Perhaps that its own testament to the sheer dramatic power of the later parts of this episode.

This episode has some really obvious hints about who a couple of the remaining HiME are. Or at least they seem pretty obvious in retrospect -I think I might have been too dense to get them the first time I saw this series. :p
Shit, again, I'm running real off schedule. I hate school lol. Can someone pls tag me as a reminder if when these next episodes happen just in case?

Shit, yeah, that must have hurt. Sorry Nao. I do like how Mikoto wanted to go check on her afterwards though.

(wonder if the US president announcing military intervention is supposed to be important?)

Midori got her ass handed to her lol....changing your destiny....aw the karaoke photo...Midori~


Okay so back to classroom stuff, Tate has some unfortunate history with the kendo club (its the kendo club right?) yup. Feeding that guilt complex. If he's resolved I hope its for real, regardless of whether it's for good or bad. I hate when these things are broken.

Oh, Yukino's totally been avoiding calls from the other girls huh. Aw, Haruka. It's sweet of youuuuu.

Oh shit. Oh damn, this got real serious real fast. I can kind of get where Takumi's coming from but it's still pretty sad to hear it.

lmaoooooo don't give me blushy blushy faces when I'm feeling sad....(that must look super gay for people looking at them right now lol)

AND FUCK, I didn't expect Akira to just reveal herself like that! Well damn.

Mikoto's figuring some stuff out! Also sighh, Mai, I know you're going through some crap right now but Mikoto really didn't deserve that.

Shit, is Yukino going to give out that information? Also the art teacher fucker. And the Sister. ughhh, gross their relationship and him too.

Aw, Natsuki really trusts Shizuru (sleeping in her seat~) I'm semi-hoping for cuteness, semi-dreading a betrayal right here right now.

This is some super gay shit, right here. Good stuff, excellent stuff. Oh......is Shizuru's person going to be Natsuki and she's planning on sacrificing herself, because this sure sounds like some death flags right here.

Dangit, the anime peeps are really pushing the whole "Reito is probably Mikoto's brother" thingggggggg

this would totally sound like good advice, except the musics being super creepy and also it's like he's egging her on to take out HiMEs so YMMV

oh right, they did establish that Akira was an art person. ALSO DRAMA. Dangit Takumiiiiiiii not nowwww

And Mai is totally realizing that Akira's person is probably Takumi which is a real gutwrench huh?

JEEZUS CHRIST. Art teacher's (or somebody else I guess but probably that asshole) been spamming Yukino with some really awful messages huh??? But....still. And yup, she attacks. Oh no Haruka flashback.....cowardly huh? holy shit.....sad feelz

Also Mikoto is coming and fuck fuck fuck, Mikoto also said she likes Yukino a lot too, right??? PAIN. PAIN IN MY HEARTO

that was a fucking close call

WOw, Mai, you got some residual control issues too huh? It's not exactly Mikoto's fault, she's kind of simple-minded, but god....she is just a kid, you know?

Okay, jeeze that was ridiculously cold of you. Bad Mai. Good character development, but bad Mai. Damn, I wonder what'll happen with Mikoto......

Also the Takumi Call. oooh. yeah, Mai feels like her strings are cut huh? It's been her entire life for so long.... but now, she has to take a look at herself too. (strangely meta and also too reall. TOO REALLLL)

oh godddddd, not nooooowwwwww, what bullllllllll. Shiho you are kind of being crappy. Not as crappy as Mai was to Mikoto just now though, so whatever, BRING ON THE ANGST.

MEH. (loud and unimpressed) (I do like that he stayed though. Good on you, keeping your insincere promises lol)

don't look so creepy and satisfied now, Nagi! I need some better development for Mai asap. go talk to her. get her mind off this Tate crap and onto things like murdering the hell out of HiMEs or something lol....

Nao's going to taking Takumi hostage, isn't she? Won't that backfire? Eh.

Mai is super dead inside right now.....gosh.


and then stuff afterwards that is basically wow VAs.... "I'll take cash!" lolllll

Oh back to Nao creeping on Takumi's hospital bed. Akira is there though, so eh...? Nao has a cool bandage eyepatch and jeeze that must still be super painful wow. Also ouch that smile too

I mean, in the whole context of everything, it is a little weird that Nagi tends to focus on Mai out of all the HiME, (and wow is that a creepy fucking smile nice)


Wow, Nao is holding a GRUDGE. understandable considering Nao and all. Akira and Takumi nopes right out of there. Nao is super sneaky and put a line on them.

GOD THAT BAR MUST REEK OF SMOKE. I don't understand how Natsuki can put up with it. Though she is a determined girl and all that, I am super bad with fume stuff, I hold my breath with sharpies guys.

Dang, Nao. Nice of you to note Mai like that >_< except not really. Also Midoriiiiii oh my god what do you knowwwwww, also you're going to die on me aren't you, gosh damn it.

Way to set a fire under Mai's ass Nao!! Nice!!! I mean, absolutely terrible of you, but some things needed to be said, in all honesty.

oh my god Shiho these are some super ugly expressions. DAMN.

Midori got here quuick!!! Go Midori!!!

Wow, Mai, you don't look like Nao was lying... ALSO FLASHBACK HOLY SHIT

Ah,,,, so that's why. Nice slap, Natsuki. Mai is totally falling apart right now, huh?

"There's no one in my life I want to protect" You liar. Natsuki you big fat liar lol. (whispers Shizuruuuuuu in the background)

I think I know where this is going maybe? Takumi might not need you anymore, Mai, but you might need Takumi?


what is this super awkward way to confess, Akira. Wow lmaoooo. To be honest, I'm kind of slipping off the Akira/Takumi train, like wow, Takumi, Akira was the one who made you want to live? That's...kind of......(like what about Mai? seriously) Also, it's still cute I suppose, but now I'm kind of bored ahahahaha....(I think it might be better if the whole Akira is a girl reveal was put off, so that this was more of a friendship based I want to live moment, but meh)

art teacher's trying to take the place of the Obsidian Prince???? how, what, huh?? (still an asshole)

"You are not the one"??? so many questions goddamn.

Also Natsuki grabs Yukino. Okay.

Mikoto sees ghostie, and gets really really pissed.

Oh my god, is the Sister doing confusion on them. SO MIkoto is attacking Gennai and stuff??




oh mygod

o h m y g o d

mai's going to fight mikoto. she's gonna fight her.

holy shit, goddamn, mai, you are getting seriously crazy here. like ouch your mouth twitches and that bite. goddamn everything jesus christ.

Mikoto..........I don't know what you're going to do, but......

Mashiro, this is the thing we needed to avoid??? What???

Also, art teacher and Sister get fucked. (I really want some focused guilt on Sister right here, like goddamn, yeah, you helped this happen. Now people are gonna die) Art teacher asshole doesn't care about the people, so I'm just happy his plan didn't work out.

Nagi is Excited!!! I suppose maybe he pinpointed Mai as the one who could cause the most destruction through these triggers? That's probably it, actually. "Greatest performer" LMAO YOU ASSHOLE! Well, I knew this from the start really. Not surprised.

Mikoto's definitely a weird HiME, right? She doesn't seem to have a Child......and also gosh that has to be Reito's voice??? It's like super ridic confirmed???? But not????

Oh jeeze, Yukino was trying to keep it hidden....noooooooooooo


holy fuck is that Shizuru.

ok. ok. ok. Mikoto sort of snapped out of it

Oh, she killed her grandfather huh. Damn. Not a good memory to get back.....

ALSO BROTHER = OBSIDIAN PRINCE CONFIRMED. now just give me the whole Reito = Brother anime.

Mai, you probably could have gotten a clue earlier.....ahahaha.....(oh my god please let Mikoto live)

oh dear. Mai is completely broken, wow. Yeah, um. I guess Tate would be next then? Even though meh.

Reito conveniently there. But also I really like how Mai breaks down in that hug a lot. (you're totes the Obsidian Prince aren't u) Goddamn.



that was an episode.
It's probably not such a bad thing that you watched 17/18 and 19/20 together -both pairs consist of a set up episode and a pay off episode. But yeah, I can send you a PM the next time I post about an episode.

BTW, I'm planning to take the week of April 14 off due to a big anime convention I'm going to be attending. I hope people don't mind too much.
Episode 21
Episode 21: "The Obsidian Prince Awakens"

Last episode it was Mai's turn to get psychologically/emotionally wrecked. This time it's Natsuki's as she comes to realize that everything she's been fighting for might be a lie.

I've sometimes thought it's awfully convenient that Shizuru was able to find where Nao and Natsuki were. Then again if she knew that Natsuki had taken off on her motorcycle, well... there's a shot in one of the DVD specials that kind of implies she's been to that spot with Natsuki. Perhaps she knew to look there.

Reito, couldn't you have lent Mai a pair of sweat pants or something? Lending her just a shirt seems kind of skeevy. Still, considering he's the big bad of the series the Obsidian Prince was quite a gentleman in that scene. I actually feel it was a bit of a cop out not having him take advantage of the situation (to do more than nudge Mai down a path that could turn her against other HiME) but I'm kind of glad the show didn't go that route.

On a related note, the series revealing that Reito is the Obsidian Prince and Mikoto's brother after having him straight up outright say he wasn't Mikoto's brother during the beach episode is something that kind of bugs me about this series. Yeah, he hadn't awakened as the Obsidian Prince yet and his memories of Mikoto were probably sealed, but it still seems kind of cheap.

Speaking of Mikoto, she's back, and she has a new big sibling figure. Tough times ahead for Mai...

I've sometimes felt that Ishigami (the douchebag art teacher) being a District One agent explains a lot about him. I was thinking such an organization would attract ambitious people. But then again, would an agency whose job is to secretly support a nation from the shadows really be an ideal environment for an ambitious person compared to an organization with a more public role?

Just a reminder I will not be covering an episode next Friday due to an anime convention I'll be attending. (I may try to cover an episode for my Full Metal Panic group watch that weekend, but that's because I've been trying to cover the FMP episodes on the 15th Anniversary of their original air dates. That's not something I have to worry about with this group watch for Mai-HiME.)
Enjoy your con! We'll just be here posting random pics in your thread and/or making up Omake bits for Mai Hime. :p:o;)
I've sometimes thought it's awfully convenient that Shizuru was able to find where Nao and Natsuki were. Then again if she knew that Natsuki had taken off on her motorcycle, well... there's a shot in one of the DVD specials that kind of implies she's been to that spot with Natsuki. Perhaps she knew to look there.

Given Afro-Sensei also knows about the spot, I wouldn't call this too much of a stretch. That or Nagi prodded her along.

On a related note, the series revealing that Reito is the Obsidian Prince and Mikoto's brother after having him straight up outright say he wasn't Mikoto's brother during the beach episode is something that kind of bugs me about this series. Yeah, he hadn't awakened as the Obsidian Prince yet and his memories of Mikoto were probably sealed, but it still seems kind of cheap.

Eh, I wouldn't say so. There's a ton of foreshadowing up to this point that he is, but I don't think he was aware he had a sister up until the Obsidian Prince awoke. I mean, it's already established that at least First District knows how to muck around with people's memories.

If anything, for me it made it clear that Kanzaki Reito is innocent / unaware of what's going on. Though there is that scene that implies they're more a merge of sorts. Can't remember which ep it was though, hence the spoiler.

Lets go

dang that shot of Natsuki in the rain. Also coming into the open huh....jeeze. No media coverage, but not hiding it anymore...

Oh a dude from Searrs. John Smith, well that has to be a pseudonym, right?


So this shady dude is just here to clean up after the former chairman? Well, maybe.

retrieving Miyu's remains...in exchange for info about Natsuki's mom???? That's a deal she automatically made haha.

HOLY SHit. her mom was trying to sell Natsuki as a test subject??? Oh wow, I love this actually. (I'm hoping that it's for real, and her mom wasn't actually well-meaning in the end) THat's so horrible I love it.

They laid the evidence out so well!!!! But I had no idea. This is a fantastic reveal. Gosh, Natsuki....jeeze

OH SHIT SOMEONE LAID A TRAP FOR HER ON THE HIGHWAY. OUCH. OUch ouch ouchh. If she wasn't a HiME I would say half her body would have ts skin grinded off from that fall at least eaurgh.

OH RIGHT NAO. NAO HAS A GRUDGE AND DOES STRING STUFF. well this is not going to end well.

Oh back to Mai in Reito's house. A little suspect to take a drink from his that has alcohol, but whatev. its a trope. Also underage drinking is a thing.

Going to talk to him about everything? I'm assuming he's the obsidian prince so this is a moment of delicious irony.

Also, Yukino and Haruka talking about Shizuru abandoning her post :3 (hiME hIME HiMEE)

Nao lmao, insert bondage joke. Also yeah, Natsuki's currently going through some serious BSODing, sorry she's not here right now

SHIZURU. SAVING HER GF. also psychoanalyzing Nao, wow.

OH FUCK ME SHE LOOKS SO COOL. BADASS AF (also possible yandere)(a Shizuru/Nao character fusion would be fucked up, wow)

HOLY FUCK WOW, LOOK THAT THAT CHILD. Kiyohime, more like Yamata no Orochi?? A BIG GIRL.

Even as Reito is comforting Mai, I note the string of his necklace~

You might become a demon for the ones you love huh. THEN CUT TO SHIZURU WHO IS STILL FREAKING OMGgggggg did she just go and kill NAO, omgggggg

Also Reito is playing Mai, and I kind of love it. Especially cause he's kind of respecting her physical boundaries in a way, and idk I love fucked up shit, so I live for the mental manipulation.

SHizuru is kind of fucked up, and I adore these extreme charactersssssssss. Aw, cute.

NAO ISN"T DEAD. THESE HiMEs are STURDY (she does kind of have a persecution complex, but its kind of rooted in that she really was a target so I feel for her.)

OH MY GOD, CONFIRMED SHIZURU -> NATSUKI????? <3 Well there's still time for recipricocation, though as it stands i bet tragedy befalls before that happens.

i lowkey love this stupid love square in the background. Yukino -> Haruka -> Shizuru -> Natsuki

ritual machinations....The Obsidian Prince and the Crystal HiME

who the heck is this girl. Awaken her?? :?? what is this key. QUESTIONS.

Oh right the letter from the dude duo. Probably. I'm guessing. A meetup trap. (i really enjoyed their quiet moment before they went to the doll shelf secret door, it was nicee)

So Mashiro is the Cystal HiME? Huh, I thought it was a term for all of the HiME. guess I was wrong. What i wasn't wrong about was REITO BEING THE PRINCE lolol

They're going to defeat him? Unlikely probably. THere are still so many episodes left.

She put her soul in a Child??? and lived as a doll???? WHAT (these are answers to questions I never asked)

Also she loved him, Her Brother???? ??? ??? (wat)

Fumi going in for the kill! Obviously it won't succeed but...OH SHIT MIKOTO? I DIDN"T EXPECT THIS ACTUALLY

LMAOO THIS ASSHOLE. Your power as a Child will be wasted if I kill you so I'm gonna get Mikoto to do it lolol

The little sister has to fight for the Obsidian Prince? Is this a reincarnation thing.


Is Miroku just blades, is that it. I am constantly disappointed lol. I want another beastie.

WOW they took her down off camera

Also The OBsidian PRince is actually the leader of District 1, huh? Interesting. (lol art teacher grinding his teeth)


I love the preview voice acting part for this episode.

Like, omg I was surprised by this revelation! I wasn't, he was totes shady. But he only got his memories back recently! Maybe he's just shady by nature then. You guys both suck
Nice episodeee
Episode 22
So I'm back after taking last week off for the con.

Episode 22: "Collapse"

This is something of a transition episode, though it picks up towards the end. I like that the show hasn't forgotten that Chie and Aoi exist now that matters have gotten serious.

Mai, pushing everyone away and pretending your a monster is not healthy. Also, your facial expression when you declares that you're taking other people's loved ones is a bit over the top...

At least she's still got Kagutsuchi. :p

"The one who developed the basics for the device was a female scientist who worked for your organization." So Natsuki's mom? Having seen the series before its pretty obvious to me what the "device" Smith is referring to is, but I'll refrain from naming it here for the sake of Andevelion (and any other newcomers who are still following along).

One of the most prominent developments in this episode is the confrontation with Shizuru. BTW, the revelations in this episode are part of the reason I'm not overly comfortable pairing her with Natsuki. Granted its not clear exactly how far Shizuru went, but still...
One of the most prominent developments in this episode is the confrontation with Shizuru. BTW, the revelations in this episode are part of the reason I'm not overly comfortable pairing her with Natsuki. Granted its not clear exactly how far Shizuru went, but still...

It honestly amazes me, sometimes, the extent to which some parts of the ShizNat fandom (keeping in mind that I firmly belong to this fandom, just...not the in-denial part) will go to excuse/overlook/ignore/deny any implications about what Shizuru did or how far it went.

BACK TO CLASS. Oh! Consequences affecting the class, a dropout! Man, the school is taking a beating

The Obsidian Prince has to make up his mind..? Oh. They have to take out the Obsidian Prince then.

Wow. That Midori/Mai interaction, damn.



holy shit Nao, you look evil as hell. Also damn, look at hose victims, wowow. THat cellphone shot.....so cool...

Maybe it was uncalled for, Reito, but I'm feeling seriously bitchy too lol. Dang, Tate.......stop. please.

i love these delinquent boy designs, if only i could get some variance in the female ones too...(though the shows been doing real well so far)

HOLY HELL, YUKINO???? WOW, everybody's shocked. Aw, she really does love Haruka, doesn't she? It's really sweet. For the first time, I think I might legit ship it. (Before I was really just kind of acknowledging the clear romance.)

Oh shit, Reito stirring something up between them with the sudden suspicion attack

Natsuki was looking real blank there and I was momentarily thinking that maybe Shizuru was being slightly yandere and keeping her there "for her own good" Puppy dispelled that thought. Duran didn't respond? HMM, are there supposed to be specific conditions for the summoning of a Child?

Destiny? Is the mysterious ghost HiME part of the reincarnation shenanigans??? ALSO WOW MAI, way to get berserk again.

Can't say I'm not deriving some satisfaction over this scene where it's basically Mai cutting off her ties with Tate lol~


D: I'm really really hoping Tate isn't going to be her important person. Like Seriously hoping. Ideally, the show will come up with something to surprise me. HOPEFULLYYYYY

Reito is a sadistic piece of shit, lmao~ <3 Also Nagi, I still don't know what the fuck you are supposed to be. Mikoto is super intensely being oblivious right now too, which is hilariously great in a sad ironic way.

....It's a little weird that Mikoto is your "replacement" for Mai, ok.

Holy shit, Fumi became Reito's maido???? wat

also who's calling

oh right John smith was a thing (fumi is super dead inside wow, also lmao at the color change. like no way to say evil without some black, huh?)

man, i hope we learn who "her" is soon. ANTICIPATION DROOLS OUT THE CORNER OF MY MOUTH

hmm. wondering about the warning. But also, so the Black Prince does have a goal then. Sort of. An unclear one.

WHAT. MIDORI HAS A LOVE INTEREST?? and here i was background shipping her and her nurse pal

The Nun clearly has an issue about her doing bad things for the person she loves. Frankly, it'll depend. Do you want to be a good person? THEN DON"T DO BAD THINGS THAT YOU DON"T WANT TO DO. ESPECIALLY FOR SOME ASSHOLE WHO"S CLEARLY USING YOU OH MY GOD

LOL YOU ARE SUPER CREEPY DUDe. Still like you Nagi, even if you are confusing the hell out of me, with your role in this anime.

See, I do rather like you Shiho, and I totes support your ship, but the manipulative thing is kind of silly. Also, wow, yeah, Tate is kind of ....eh about it.

Mai's meeting Nagi???? what is this undoubtedly delightful shit.

also, in other news, SHIZURU IS FUCKING GAY AF WOW. (kissing someone in their sleep is kind of super creepy though, girl)


I was worried that Shizuru would legit kill them, but then she motioned them to talk.


In other news, Natsuki is super gay too. Probably.

I know you're doing your best to lecture her Haruka, but frankly, Shizuru don't give no shits about it.

OH NO. SHIZURU. WOAH THERE. YOU DIDN"T, DID YOU????? HOLY SHIT, did you actually rape Natsuki in her sleep

Haruka slap! Wow, you kind of deserve it tbh. (though Yukino is being rather hypocritical)

wow. So Haruka is super anti-gay. Sorry Yukino. No chance.


Mai's going to go along with the plan (maybe) but she wants to meet the Obsidian Prince first. Nagi being a little shit like usual.

Nagi's demanidng proof too. Reasonable. And maybe Reito was talking through him? Hmm. ANyway next episode, check out that explosion!!


well there were a bunch of crazy revelations. by which I mean, Shizuru might be a legit creep???? I'm concerned. I'm slightly disppointed in my previous faith in her character as "good." Also wow.
I always figured Shizuru did the math and just kind of... snapped a bit. I mean, given the rules of the Carnival a Hime in love with another Hime is basically in a no-win situation: literally the only way they can survive it is to eliminate their own MIP, their MIP is completely screwed (only one Hime standing allowed, so when lovergirl gets taken out...) and if its reciprocated they're both done for.

Heck, if you have a Hime who's fallen for another Hime, there's a way to end the Carnival with no surviving Hime at all.

Basically, the Carnival outright guarantees Natuski is going to be eliminated one way or the other, and there is no way Shizuru can protect her from it because she is literally the problem.

Doesn't really justify anything, but you can kind of see where there might be cause for a breakdown there.
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I always figured Shizuru did the math and just kind of... snapped a bit. I mean, given the rules of the Carnival a Hime in love with another Hime is basically in a no-win situation: literally the only way they can survive it is to eliminate their own MIP, their MIP is completely screwed (only one Hime standing allowed, so when lovergirl gets taken out...) and if its reciprocated they're both done for.

Heck, if you have a Hime who's fallen for another Hime, there's a way to end the Carnival with no surviving Hime at all.

Basically, the Carnival outright guarantees Natuski is going to be eliminated one way or the other, and there is no way Shizuru can protect her from it because she is literally the problem.

Doesn't really justify anything, but you can kind of see where there might be cause for a breakdown there.

Slightly simpler, in that Shizuru didn't really have any conception of the idea that Natsuki might love her back. Therefore, in order to keep Natsuki safe, all she has to do is win. (Mind you, that doesn't help Natsuki's MIP, who'd be an inevitable lost cause, but Shizuru would consider that a necessary sacrifice for Natsuki's continuing physical safety.) Furthermore, there's the additional point that if Shizuru is defeated, then Natsuki "dies" immediately. And Nao doesn't seem interested in "defeating Natsuki's CHILD in the HiME Festival" but in "killing Natsuki," so of course Shizuru intervened directly to protect her. Given that Shizuru was already hip-deep in the gayngst over her feelings for Natsuki, it's not at all surprising that the revelation that Natsuki's safety depends on Shizuru's ability to inflict violence on other people would throw her right over any emotional cliffs in the nearby vicinity. (I mean, the same revelation was enough to get Yukino of all people to make a murder attempt on Mai to protect Haruka.)

Of course, as you note, once it's mutual, there's no hope for either of them. (The Obsidian Prince, meanwhile, needs to pray that they aren't the last two, or he is screwed.)

Either Shizuru wins the Carnival, which requires Natsuki losing her Most Important Person, or Shizuru is defeated and Natsuki goes up in green sparkles. And if Shizuru is Natsuki's MIP, then winning the Carnival is logically impossible because it's going to be a double sparkle bonfire.

The rules ensure they are utterly screwed.

Though it's interesting to note that at this point I'm pretty sure Natsuki's MIP up until now was her mother even though she's dead; her power vanishes as soon as she learns of the betrayal. There's a number of hints/evidence to indicate the MIP does not need to be alive to count as we'll see evidence of later (mostly from Mai); I'm 99% sure the only way to eliminate a Hime is a) kill them or b) kill their Child; taking out MIPs won't cut it completely as they can find another one / have more than one they care about enough to 'count'. And they're feelings the Hime needs to be aware of, to boot, as later SPOILERS will prove.

A defeated Hime whose Child dies seems to literally lose a part of themselves by comparison, to the point their ability to love may well have been connected to / a part of their Child in the first place.