Let's Watch Mai-HiME Together!

I'd like to believe Shizuru didn't go beyond what the show actually shows (which is questionable enough) but unfortunately the dialogue implies otherwise.

On a more lighthearted note, I don't know who made this, but I've had it sitting on my hard drive for a very long time...

Episode 23
Episode 23: "Love and Friendship, Heartlessness"

So much happens in this episode, its actually kind of hard to figure out what to choose for a screencap. (Here are a few of the other candidates.)

First off we have Midori's confrontation (and Mai's reunion with) Mikoto. I actually think Midori is perhaps the great unsung hero of Mai-HiME because of what she does here (at great personal cost to herself). As the show noted, she chose to do what she believed would make the person she loved proud even if it meant losing that person. She's an adult, and despite appearances when things come down to the wire she has her act together in ways that the teenage characters don't. That's something I really appreciate about her character.

Then we've got Shizuru's confrontation with Yukino -or perhaps its more of a confrontation with Haruka, who manages to give an account of herself before vanishing. She's not even one of the HiME but she's given a brief moment to shine. I've sometimes found the speed of Shizuru's rapid descent into insanity a bit questionable if I think about it too much, but in the moment the scene is pretty effective. Also it's interesting that Shizuru's eyes are red normally, and its when they go dull brown that you want to watch out. :p

The hints that the Obsidian Prince is picking up shades of Reito are interesting, though it's not something the show explores in too much detail. Though it does explain a certain interest...

The later parts of the episode sets the stage for the next one but can still be pretty dramatic. I like the confrontation between Mai and Yukariko at the chapel (that was actually another thing that I thought might make a good screencap for the episode, but I ruled it out before I even took one due to the importance of matters involving other characters). For once, Mai is truly angry and for a darn good reason.

Yuiichi is also facing a big decision but more on that next episode.

Slight backwards step as recap


Damn, I'm hype

Oh shit, that's right Mikoto's attacking Midori! MIDORI NO

Wait, or not? Mikoto's attacking the other girl thing that we have no idea about

holy shit quick thinking Midori



I totally thought her role was over with. Unless? This is someone else??

I mean, it says SEARS, SO PROBABLY? I was not prepared for this. omg, I completely thought that it was some random girl aka new character

there was a lot of build up, so I assumed it was a lot more ancient then Miyu, omg...

oooooohhhh....memory, huh? Damn, I don't know if Midori will erase the memory and designate a new master.

Hmmm, does the Obsidian Amulet (Mikoto's necklace nickname that I just came up with on the spot) amplify her HiME powers, or...(it did totes glow purple)

Dang, Mikoto is looking super demonic. OH SHIT, HER CHILD???? I GAVE UP ALL HOPE OF SEEING IT. IS IT A HEDGEHOG??? OR??????????



so that explosion was from then.

Lol, Mai says she'll play along, but she's super worried about Midori here...ahaha......


aw, that relief when she's alive (though tbh she didn't really go looking for her ahaha....) ALSO GAKUTEN NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, SHIT MIDORIIIIIIIIIIIII. *SILENT SCREAMING*

I'm legit tearing up right now. Is this the first time I cried over this show? I think it is. Just. the understated nature of Midori's sacrifice. She's so quiet about it. Self-sacrifice tropes get in the heart every time. damnit. asdjahslkdjhalsdlaksj (I'm also super primed for emotional fuckery right now since yesterday was a Adventure Zone episode 48 which wrecked me in public, though i saved the real tears for when i got back to my room) RIP my feels

...Miyu's coming back, baby.

god, those sighing breathy sounds are so good.

OH NOOooooooooooo MIDORI DDON"T SAY THAT/ asjasndlkahglaijhdlaijshdlajshdaijsdhlaisjdhlaskjdhakljsdlajshdjasd

lmao that symbolic photo burning. (sorry it was so cliche.......but damnit. I don't even know her person, but it's sad because of Midori ok)

At least some of this show's original thing of characters being in a death match is explained because the characters we love don't necessarily have to die? You know? But their important person will. But they can actually stay alive.

Mikoto is in a seriously troubled headspace right now. Also, she's not brainwashed it seems, but she's sincerely conflicted and reliant on her "brother" because it's the only thing she has left, really. I like this a lot.

Wow Yukino, way to keep the secret. "You too?" LMAOO if she didn't know already what a way to go

fuck, that's a devastated look on Shizuru's face wow. Also, holy shit. Well, if it's so wicked, then don't fucking molest her/rape her in her sleep you asshole. You're an excellent character but that was super low.

SHe is ready to Kill. But also, Haruka damn, you have so much spirit. It's pretty shocking. But also that homophobia loll.... but also i really do like you.

wow those dead Shizuru eyes. ayyyy




DIANA DIED JUST LIKE THAT. and just like that, haruka........

Haruka has some serious guts. Respect.

Yeah, I didn't really think Haruka would get to you Shizuru, but damn that was a cool scene. Though I'm definitely not feeling it compared to the Midori case earlier.......it's respectable. Salute!

"I am truly in love with you" with those super dead eyes. I love it. actually I really love that.

Legit, yandere oh my god. That eye twich, and those furrowed brows. GOD. THAT"S SUPER DARK

there's a reason District 1 is called that? WHAT? (also, I guess the enemy is Nao?)

The old ladies are the reason it happens over and over? Also, Reito, if it's up to the young people, who are you, that's over 300 years old, hmm?

I note that Reito totally doesn't answer the question of who he really is...

OH shit, are we getting answers

The final door opens? and they attain the power of the HiME star? Hmm, so they have to become the wife of the Obsidian Prince, eh? Well, that's weird in the case of Mikoto huh. (TO be fair, I have shipped things equivalent and worse than that, so ummmm) but it is def creepazoid in the context of this story and also ick, that cutaway to Mikoto and Reito having tea is super unnerving. I'm probably more creeped because Mikoto's still a kid to me, and that's seriously offputting.

To love, means putting that person at risk. huh. DOn't lie, HUH.. HUHHHHHHHH.......

Yu? Tate Yuiichi? (probably) meh. Also I notice Takumi* isn't getting too much thought at the moment.

OOOOOOOOOOH Sister's lies are coming into light Never been sick or injured before except yesterday, but she was "injured" a week or so ago huh. YESSSSSSSSS

holy shit

oh my god????

is she going to kill him, oh my god, this is super satisfying.

please, please, pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

I LVOE THIS SO MUCH YOU CAN"T BELIEVE IT. "I love you, Wataru-san" as she lets loose an arrow?? PLEASE. THat was so fucked up, I love it so much.

Hmm, I guess Midori really didn't erase Miyu's memories after all. WEll, I didn't expect her to.

Ugh, he's definitely not going to keep that promise because of something that'll I'll probably hate lol....

Oh shit, Natsuki in the hospital. Super traumatized.

WOw, SIster is looking super composed here. I love it. Mai getting answers.

You sure are thinking highly of yourself here, Tate. (I mean, you're probly right, but still)

goddamit Tate. To be honest, You kind of don't deserve Shiho. But she's also kind of terrible too lmao....

Oh. She didn't kill him. That's disappointing. WEll, I guess she might intend for other people to kill her Child and by extension him? And that way, only he is lost? I kind of understand, but that's still disappointing.

Huh, is the Sister attacking? Illusions right? damn, maybe I got that wrong. That's super disappointing.

...somethings coming out of the ground?

oh fuck, Nao.

goddammit. SHihoooooooo, nooooo I feel pretty terrible for her.

wow. you know what, fuck you tate

If SHiho gets sick and dies, I'll riot


I'm assuming that it's going to be a lotus eaters thing next time. Illusion world
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There's a popular fan-theory that says that the Hime-star causes increased irrationality in the Hime as it gets closer. Which SORTA fits canon as we see almost everyone get more erratic.

Other than Midori, possibly. Tho she was erratic to START with. :rofl::lol
There's a popular fan-theory that says that the Hime-star causes increased irrationality in the Hime as it gets closer. Which SORTA fits canon as we see almost everyone get more erratic.

Other than Midori, possibly. Tho she was erratic to START with. :rofl::lol

That might explain a few of the more extreme cases, but how do you explain the ones who go into the end game level headed? I'm also not sure I like the idea that the characters are just being manipulated by an outside force.

Now an outside force strengthening/bring out something that was already there... that I wouldn't have such a problem with.

god, those sighing breathy sounds are so good.

The scene has pretty good production values in general, as well as a lot of impact. I've been thinking that maybe it should have stood out more among my memory of the series' highlights. But then there's a lot of other memorable scenes it has to compete with.


I probably shouldn't approve of Shizuru going yandere. But she is awesome when she's yandere.

goddamit Tate. To be honest, You kind of don't deserve Shiho. But she's also kind of terrible too lmao....

To be fair, he's worried about Mai. He's also not the only character in the show who fucks up.

Perhaps I'm pointing out the obvious again, but I kind of feel like some of Yukariko's words applied as much to him as they did to Mai...
To be fair, he's worried about Mai. He's also not the only character in the show who fucks up.

Perhaps I'm pointing out the obvious again, but I kind of feel like some of Yukariko's words applied as much to him as they did to Mai...
Nah, I get that link too, it's interesting.

I'm aware of that he's worried, and that the heart is stupid, but these kind of characters annoy me the most. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU CAN DO????? JEESUS CHRIST STOP AND THINK FOR A MOMENT.

A lot of characters fuck up in this anime, but typically they get the consequences of those fuck-ups more, whereas I still didn't get to see the effect of his fuckery this time. When there will be consequences, I will be satisfied. Like, Shiho, I do feel bad for her, but this is also the result of some of her negative characteristics which I like, even as I'll riot if she gets sick and suffers beyond whats satisfying. Even before, when he left Shiho alone, She was the one who suffered the physical ramifications, while he was only guilt-tripped.

I also do want Mai to get consequences for her behavior regarding Mikoto and just in general as well. Regarding her feelings towards Tate as well, though it's pretty much a punishing thing just because she likes him as a HiME already.

My least favorite Mai moments are with Tate, besides the one scene at the hospital park and rain, which was good, but I still don't think one example of such a scene excuses his attitude. Oh wait, I also liked the one where she told him to leave her alone because that was some semi-fuckery too. Good Pain.

(He's just not interesting beyond being "nice" after you bicker and bicker with him and I'm forced to ingest material with him in it because he keeps popping up.) ((the drama is ridiculous and overdone. I would take the dump them all route lol.......))

It makes SENSE, but I would appreciate his character more, if his material was cut down 75% and air time was given to other people. But that probably won't work. It really does come down to my pre-established character archetype preferences.
Episode 24
Episode 24: "Love is to Fight"

The lotus eater machine sequence is pretty revealing about what Mai wants. But the thing is she wants those things because of her experiences in the "real" world. If she grew up in a world where she had those things she'd probably have had different experiences and want something else. I'm thankful the dreamworld has some imperfections, because without them it would be sickeningly perfect. Actually it was kind of borderline even with the imperfections. I find the bit where Mai and Akane are annoyed by the attention their boyfriends are giving illusion world Natsuki hilarious.

Yukariko, that is one... heck... of a way to go.

"Nobody is taking anything away from me anymore. Anything." Nao, making a comment like that is totally tempting fate. I find the handling of Nao's backstory and fate in this episode a bit clumsy and heavy handed, though I still have some sympathy for the character.

Remember that wedding kimono from back in Episode 6? Yeah, turns out it's a big, big Chekov's Gun.

Tate's words to Mai about responsibility versus what you want strike me as a bit selfish, but on the other hand he wasn't doing anyone any favors not being honest with himself about what he wanted.

Natsuki has sure come a a long way from the girl who put Mai in a headlock back in the first episode hasn't she? (This is something the next episode touches upon as well.)

I find Shiho turning out to be the real cause for Takumi's demise kind of cheap as it takes away Mai's biggest problem with Mikoto's actions (also I have issues with the way the reveal is handled). On the other hand I liked Mikoto's reaction -her initial happiness before she realized that it doesn't undo any of the other stuff she's done since.

How did Natsuki get to where Mai, Tate, and Shiho were so quickly? Its like she knew where to go. A similar complaint could be leveled at Tate's showing up at the chapel earlier in the episode. I can probably cut Shizuru showing up at Natsuki's apartment some slack since she's likely been there before.

I've often felt that Tate is paradoxically at his coolest when he's being uncool and that's the case here as he admits that what's happening is scary (though Reito complimenting him may have been laying it on a little thick). For the record, while I think the character has understandable motivations and I actually found his teasing and trading barbs with Mai amusing, I do find him a little bland in some respects. Perhaps the show needed to flesh him out a bit more.
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Later but not horrible

Episode 24

Hyup I was right. Lotus eater dream machine. Mom is here, dad is here, mikoto is here. ...is Takumi here?

wait hold on Mikoto's her little sister?????

Oh shit. Is this what you were warning me about dude. Because I am truly not feeling it. Now Shiho's his actual little sister. and also ....yeeeshhh

Yeah illusion bullhonky


Yukariko??? (that's not the sister's name is it. pet name? Idk I don't remember ahaha) Also this Bastard...!!!! please die already

To be honest, this is so cliche it's boring me to tears. But i'll persist. My vote is for a nonhappy ending lmao....

i don't understand why you're falling in love with him either mai. Except mine is much more of a disappointed onlooker type lol

Oh! I'm into this part!!! Takumi and Mai "talking" I really do like this. They held themselves away from each other, which is why they never fought. And Mikoto was an outlet, and she could really be herself huh. Yeah, she was trying to put on a brave face around Takumi, but in the end, they were kind of like strangers huh.

They were both a bit selfish and it didn't turn out well. Takumi chose Akira. And you chose....?

What do you want, Mai?

ah yes saved by the tate

carry on then

also yeah, please kill him this time, sister nun

Oh shit I was wondering if her Child was going to clamp down but I guess it just hypnotized him. And then Double suicide and self-destruction.

Next piece? Hmm, and Reito told Mikoto to do something which is probably kill Mai. Maybe.

Shizuru's doing something with the old ladies. Damn

And back to Nao and Natsuki! What will happen next, may shock you! Jk idek

Damn Nao, pretty up there in the sad backstory ratings. Doesn't excuse you too much, but your type of villainy is kind of redeemable based on the person anyway.

Holy shit you beautiful son of a bitch. Getting SHiho!! in!!! On!!! It!!!!! oh shit I can't wait to see this fallout.

OH SHITTTTTTTTT. SHiho really is a fucking HiMEEeeeeeeeee
  1. Natsuki
  2. Mikoto
  3. Mai
  4. Midori (rip her good boy)
  5. Nao
  6. Akane (rip Kazu)
  7. Akira (rip Takumi)
  8. Yukino (rip Haruka)
  9. Sister Yukariko (had to look the name up) (almost forgot her lolllllll) (rip Evil Artdude)
  10. Shizuru
  11. Meido
  12. I don't know if the Headmaster counts....
  13. SHIHO
I guessed almost all right. Though I don't know about if the Headmaster qualified..

SHit! I didn't expect that. They did a great job leading away from that guess, though I did guess it initially!

Every fucking girl is a HiME.

Oh bait to get Shizuru who defeated you last time huh

I laughed. The glass sound was perfect and then Shizuru started rising up and it was hilarious

GOD that's creepy. SHivers. Shizuru you are amazing.

Jeezus christ that was an eerie fall backwards.

Natsuki's thinking about the parallels. Also Nao doesn't think she has a person, but she's not taking chances huh. She doesn't want to lose, this power? Hmm..

Julia's fucking dead, Nao. Sorry, i don't make the rules, Fucking SHizuru Murdermachine does. lmaoooo




oh god that's brutal

Nao is fucking blanking out, I would too. Damn! I feel sorry for her.


jeesus christ shizuru murdermachine, damn, you're gonna kill this girl in coldblood wowza.

Well humans are complex beings Mai. They ain't always going to be straight black and white morality.

It's easy to talk about helping someone. This is true. But putting aside your responsiblities to do what you want to do...? I kind of disagree. You have to learn to compromise. (That being said, i love characters who put duty over self, and go to an extreme like that) Saying your responsibilities don't matter is also running away from reality you spoon.

I mean, you realized something that is kind of false, dude. Like it's a good message and I think that people really should go for it, but people also have responsibilities that matter and make a difference.

Yeah, you two aren't that different after all. And Shizuru is actually relieved that Natsuki regained her will. But....

Oh shit, the old ladies are part of District 1?? Did I miss something or did i just forget this damn damn damn

Shizuru you are running up the creepazoid ladder real hard. You belong to me, wowza!

Wow, it was actually Shihoo????? omg

Also I LOVE THE DILEMMA MIKOTO'S IN IN THE BACKGROUND. It wasn't me??? (relieved) but then she remembers killed Midori's and god LOVE IT

Natsuki saving her bacon!

Well, Mai, Kagatsuchi is kiiiiinda the overprotective type you know. Also that Tate stuck in the middle lolololol

Oh shit, Mikoto's gonna kill Tate. OH my god. It's probably bad that I'm thinking "Ive been waiting for this moment my whole life."

This would be a lot sadder if I actually liked Yuuichi. Sorry bro. I did like the wordless Mai trying to talk without any words getting to him though.

Shit! Am I ACtually Reito??????? SHIT THAT"S NOT A GOOD SIGN LOLLLLLL.

The Moment of destiny is coming.

Remember that wedding kimono from back in Episode 6? Yeah, turns out it's a big, big Chekov's Gun.

I find Shiho turning out to be the real cause for Takumi's demise kind of cheap as it takes away Mai's biggest problem with Mikoto's actions (also I have issues with the way the reveal is handled). On the other hand I liked Mikoto's reaction -her initial happiness before she realized that it doesn't undo any of the other stuff she's done since.
Same. it's a bit cheap, but I loved Mikoto's reaction.

A Salute to Tate! Who probably didn't deserve the hate I heaped on him for the entire series lol. But There Are Always Different Opinions and I'm still cool with disliking him. He was not interesting.
Yeaaah... Tate... Tate sometimes is just there, y'know? And I never felt the Mai x Tate relationship was particularly well built up; there were some good moments at the beginning like that talk at the swings but they were way back at the beginning, the 'who do I chose' dilemma was explicitly brought up half the series ago and then they pretty much spent the rest of that time waddling indecisively whilst everything else catches fire. I actually supported Mai x Reito more at first, because they seemed more genuinely interested in each other and it didn't add any extra complications (obviously 'whoops i am obsidian prince' put a dampener on that).

It's funny how Tate never feels much fleshed out despite the screentime he gets up until now, when he actually makes a decision and accepts the consequences for it. I wonder if that's a commentary on how we percieve depth in characters?
It's funny how Tate never feels much fleshed out despite the screentime he gets up until now, when he actually makes a decision and accepts the consequences for it. I wonder if that's a commentary on how we percieve depth in characters?

I think it has to do with how many boxes Tate (and Reito, for that matter) check off in the "generic anime love triangle" list. There will seemingly always be one guy who's kind of "rough"--he's less attractive, his interests are more athletic/physical, he lacks cultural/social training, he's ruder/more blunt, probably from lower-class or middle-class background, etc., etc. And there'll be one guy who's "smooth"--bishonen looks, elegant manners, intellectual/cultural interests, probably upper-class. You see this dynamic all the time: Escaflowne, Fuushigi Yuugi, etc. And inevitably, the "rough" guy is the true love interest and the "smooth" guy will lose out, and stands a fair chance of turning evil before the series is over.

So it's not so much that Tate lacks depth per se, it's that every element of his depth is subsumed into the single-sentence description "'rough' guy in an anime love triangle." You can't do "reveals" of his character because at the moment the Tate-Mai-Reito dynamic was revealed, you already knew everything about him. (Reito, paradoxically, you could do a "reveal" about, because there was at least the question, "Will he secretly be a bad guy, and why?") So even though the actual story shows Tate's character being expanded on here and there (his coming to Mai's support emotionally in Episode 5, his conflicted feelings about Shiho--which Shiho herself is manipulating to some extent, etc.) it doesn't feel to the audience like he's really being developed because he's so by-the-numbers the direction of that development is as predictable as if we had an advance copy of the script.
I am saddend that no one did harken enough about the part where a certain chacter didn't let something as pesky as being disintigrated stop a good headbut and a pep speach.
Episode 25
Episode 25: "The Moment of Destiny"

While its relatively minor in the overall scheme of things, I really like the scene at the beginning of this episode where Mai says goodbye to Chie and Aoi. I especially like the the bit where Mai says "If you were a boy, I might've fallen for you Chie" and Chie replies "I'll take that as a compliment." Of course if Chie were actually a boy he'd be way cooler than either of Mai's actual love interests (and I say that as someone who actually kind of likes the male characters in this series). :p

The scene with Natsuki and Sakomizu discussing Natsuki's mother and Shizuru loses something in translation. In Japanese there are various terms for love which have different implications. The one that's used to refer to Shizuru's love in this scene -and which Natsuki says she never wants to know- is koi, which apparently has implications of selfishness.

Given the way they're hanging out and reminiscing it's kind of amusing to remember that the first time Mai and Natsuki met, Natsuki put Mai in a headlock. I'm rather fond of these scenes. Ditto the ramen scene where Mikoto's attempts to convince herself that what she's eatting is "umai" turns into her sobbing Mai's name.

To me it doesn't really make sense that Miyu is seeking revenge on the Obsidian Prince rather than the HiME when the Obsidian Prince hadn't even awakened yet during the Searrs incident. Though I also wonder if "revenge" is actually an accurate translation. Then again, regardless of whether its a mistranslation or not Midori's decision to trust in Miyu's love for Alyssa doesn't really make sense to me (except on a meta level -Midori is a heroine, of course she's not going to manipulate someone's feelings like that).

Nice of Natsuki's contact to get her that new bike. Of course she promptly goes and wrecks it. :p How many bikes has she destroyed over the course of this series now?

The outcome of Natsuki and Shizuru's showdown is pretty powerful. Enough so to make shipping the two of them together pretty tempting despite the reservations Shizuru's past actions give me.

While I may not have been sharp enough to pick it up, I think the show actually gives viewers enough information that they can guess why both Mai and Mikoto are present when only one HiME is supposed to be left standing. Though due to some of the summaries Andevelion has read possibly confusing the issue she might need a hint: Midori's research indicated there are twelve HiME...
The scene with Natsuki and Sakomizu discussing Natsuki's mother and Shizuru loses something in translation. In Japanese there are various terms for love which have different implications. The one that's used to refer to Shizuru's love in this scene -and which Natsuki says she never wants to know- is koi, which apparently has implications of selfishness.

That explains why katakoi is the word for "unrequited love" (...used in Shizuru's character song from the vocal CD). A TIL!

To me it doesn't really make sense that Miyu is seeking revenge on the Obsidian Prince rather than the HiME when the Obsidian Prince hadn't even awakened yet during the Searrs incident. Though I also wonder if "revenge" is actually an accurate translation. Then again, regardless of whether its a mistranslation or not Midori's decision to trust in Miyu's love for Alyssa doesn't really make sense to me (except on a meta level -Midori is a heroine, of course she's not going to manipulate someone's feelings like that).

I never saw Miyu's actions as seeking revenge on the Obsidian Prince. Spoilers abound for next episode, so tag ahoy!

Miyu knows what her Vortex device does: it disrupts the eleven pillars and frees the souls of the MIPs trapped within. As we know, with this done, Mashiro then uses this freed energy to not only reincorporate the MIPs, but cast a Full Resurrection on the eleven HiME: Nao's eye regenerates, and Yukariko and Alyssa return to life. Since Alyssa was simply dead (shot by Joseph Greer), Miyu doesn't want revenge on the Prince, she wants Alyssa alive. Defeating the Obsidian Prince is just a side effect (note that Alyssa is not among the HiME that ride to destroy the HiME Star): everybody gets what they want.

This makes much more sense if you consider one additional theory: Saeko Kuga was always working for Mashiro. It's all but stated outright that Saeko was the female scientist who built the Vortex. But why would she do that? She was working for District One, who supports the Obsidian Prince; they wouldn't want a weapon that could destroy their own semi-deific patron's source of power. But Mashiro absolutely does need it--in fact, she depends on it for the success of her plan to defeat the Prince. And while District One would never build such a thing, the Searrs Foundation would gladly do so. If they failed to capture the power of the HiME Star for themselves, it was their trump card to keep the Obsidian Prince and District One from manifesting and bringing that power to Searrs's opponents in Japan. So Mashiro deliberately sent Saeko to Searrs to get the Vortex into their hands so it would be built, and she recovered the shut-down Miyu in order to be able to play that trump card when she needed it.

Meanwhile, Mashiro almost certainly had to tell Midori off-screen exactly what the Vortex would do, or else Midori's actions don't make sense (as in, it's why she thought resurrecting Miyu would help). And Midori, as you note, is the hero type, and would trust that Miyu would do the right thing for Alyssa's sake, no reprogramming necessary.

The outcome of Natsuki and Shizuru's showdown is pretty powerful. Enough so to make shipping the two of them together pretty tempting despite the reservations Shizuru's past actions give me.

At least you have supplemental-materials canon on your side?

While I may not have been sharp enough to pick it up, I think the show actually gives viewers enough information that they can guess why both Mai and Mikoto are present when only one HiME is supposed to be left standing. Though due to some of the summaries Andevelion has read possibly confusing the issue she might need a hint: Midori's research indicated there are twelve HiME...

Given that it's often believed that Alyssa is based on Natsuki's genetic data, I wonder just how much Mashiro was nudging that along from behind the scenes as well.
(note that Alyssa is not among the HiME that ride to destroy the HiME Star)

...Can you imagine her being part of that sequence though? I mean- Artemis is kind of big...

Now you mention it it's kind of sad/hilarious that of the two HiME taken out pre-reveal of the impending doom star, one would be the one with the orbital killsat that could have just shot it out the sky. Or tried to, at least.
Episode 25!!!

boy holy shit theres only one episode left after this.

Oh hang on, did Mai meet up with Chie and etc last time? This is a minor skip forward right?

If Chie was a boy huh. Woops shipping material. Oh and then yep, milking that Tate angst.

Anyway, my guess is that people are leaving because its ridiculously fucking dangerous around here right now.

This'll be over by tomorrow huh. "Then we'll meet again?" I'm concerned about who you're talking to, Mai~


Oh boy so mother had her reasons, probably. D: I wanted a legit evil mom.

Well, Natsuki seems to be centered now.

....I would definitely not be interested in a dude who's idea of cheering someone up is to comment about how they look like they've done something wrong. God, bickering tropes BOOOOOOOOOOOOO

oh hey the two girls are together.

huh, I like this soundtrack with their conversation. It's really sweet.

Haven't found Miyu...I don't know what they're talking about when referring to that "sham"... if its not about Miyu again.

the festival is a little different this time, hmm?

oh dear, that necklace seems to be a bit painful huh, Reito~? (wonder if he's actually slowly dying or something this time.)

dinner's ready and oh boy does it look yum. (Mai's used to barging in with Mikoto probably. Cause Mikoto's got no common sense!)

She also made an additional serving for Mikoto huh. Wonder how the villain team are eating...District 1 people cooking maybe?

Instant ramen can be transformed if you add enough good stuff, so this makes sense

OH SHIT. I talked about stuff that happened right here in the next scene. I forgot, I guess the maid's probably cooking for them, then?

It's still good. Huh, ramen's her favorite?

...It's probably not as good as Mai's stuff, and also shittttt i love this. God, Mikoto you're really suffering right now. I liked that transition from Umai to mai, that's really clever. (though it loses in the translation lol)

GOd those tears are horrible. and also i love suffering.

Reito's kind of creepily comforting, and also a total asshole wow. XD Nice bits of manipulation.

OH boy meet up soon.

Mai wants to understand.

Natsuki wants to stop Shizuru.

Shizuru wants to make Natsuki hers? (lol wow)

what do you want, Reito? (and also Nagi has still not been explained. He can't be an actual normal boy in service of the District can he?)

Natsuki got herself a new bike!!!!

OH shit, if she says she's not surviving then that means she plans on killing Shizuru's Child then. Brutal. Ice cold. I send you off with a salute.

(probably won't happen like that, but it'd be interesting definitely.)

Culmination of character development wow. Not a Tsundere anymore huh <3

The ancient contract.

Miyu appears!

Plot! Yeah, Midori didn't erase her memory.


I wasn't expecting Natsuki to literally drive into the classroom holy shit.

God, I was expecting Shizuru to just be sipping tea as a grim reminder of how much the school changed and then scene switching holy crap hahahahahaha

Rejecting her love lmao, Natsuki just aint about that killing life.

Mikoto is taking on Miyu.

I can't believe that magical girl dress transformation is literally built into Miyu lmaooooo

Nagi~ You crazy weirdo. Your creepy faces are really drawn wackily.

Duran vs kiyohime.

HOLY SHITTTTT, born out of the love one has for another and DURAN IS FUCKING HUGGGEEEE


"Do you hate me that much?" hmmmm, i mean, it's out of love so that's not really the poin- ah, well Shizuru is kind of fucking insane right now so~

All of the pillars...

HOLY SHIT were in the future. Time and scene manipulation well done!! I like this. There's an end, but we don't know what.

It might be Mikoto, but probably not, Mai!

It's more likely to be a Natsuki and Shizuru thing

Yep back to their fight. Shizuru is wrecking Natsuki wow. (what happened to Duran lol...)

OH SHIT! Natsuki kissed Shizuru? Is it as a distraction? It's gotta be that, right? Maybe? Maybe not??? adkhasdhjalsdjhasjdhas

oh my godddddddd, that shellshock in Shizuru's face. and Natsuki's too.

"I was someone who never trusted anybody." but.. but.. not reciprocation. Hmm. yeah. Okay. Natsuki might not love her in that way, but I guess that Shizuru's still her most important person?

WEll, then. Double kill. Two murders of my heart. good. yes. nice. good. yes.

I would never have guessed any of those girls in the beginning would die like this twenty episodes ago. Man...

Wait, no, huh, I guess it wasn't actually a time thing then. Boooo I said that was genius, but nope. I was wrong.

Man, things are dying. Reito your laugh is weird.


okay, Nagi, what the HECk is your deal???? Like what are you???? if i don't get answers I'll be super mad!!!! You clearly aren't a normal boy, so what the fuck??? I need a label for you, you weirdo.

Also my early feelz of shipping got reignited woops. Seriously what the heck, Nagi????

Really enjoyed her performance? She was the best? yOU ARE GIVING ME SO MANY MIXED SIGNALS HERE NAGI

Mikoto can't be dead already, can she? Wait a second?? That pillar, was Mikoto????? WHAT???

I suddenly don't understand anything. I may have made a mistake earlier. Was the additional pillar supposed to be Mikoto's thing? Was her person her brother and that's why Reito's dying? or shit, I have zero clue.

The Headmaster. the Cystal HiME/Princess.

Mai's the winner?? Does that mean Mikoto seriously died/lost offscreen? That's not possible, is it??

the winning Hime is sealed in the crystal and becomes the core? ANd serves as a gateway to guide the power of the HiME Star?

That's how it's been, but this time is different

Yeah, she's not gonna become your wife dude lol.

this world is beyong hope? creating a brand new world. multiple children lmaoo. yeah nope!

the opposite of love isn't hate, but apathy, hmm, that's true.

Kagatsuchi's had multiple handlers, huh! And they've been difficult huh? lollll

HOLY SHIT. Headmaster was a previous HiME for Kagatsuchi!!!!!! Oh damn!!!

What are you going to do, Mai?

So you do need something as the reason to summon your Child huh....

Yeah, I was going to say, it's not like people are totally gone when they die. It's a convenient loophole though.

So she's going to defeat him then?

OH shit!! It's Miroku aint it.

Also i called that Mikoto didn't die, so i am super confused about that one pillar. like what was up with that scene. Was Nagi just implying that there would be more pillars soon, or what?

Dangit Nagi and your confusing ways!!!

Also Miyu is kind of beaten down. What's WITH that pseudo Alyssa voice, hmm.... Is it her memory then? Is it because Midori chose to trust Miyu, that she still remembered and thus can continue to unlock these modes?

Anti-materialize, like A BOMB????

Holy shit. Self-destruction again.


I'm real glad they didn't make a goof of the last bit.

Shit son! Leaving it off like that...! I'm excited.

Okay, so there's two versions of episode 26? Which one should I watch? There's a Directors cut version or the other one.
Of course if Chie were actually a boy he'd be way cooler than either of Mai's actual love interests
That is true. If male!Chie was actually a thing and got fleshed out more, I'd totally be down. COnfidence! Is! So! Attractive!

The one that's used to refer to Shizuru's love in this scene -and which Natsuki says she never wants to know- is koi, which apparently has implications of selfishness.
Interesting! I didn't catch that. But then I'm also not japanese, and most of my language notations is because I'm a huge weeb.

Then again, regardless of whether its a mistranslation or not Midori's decision to trust in Miyu's love for Alyssa doesn't really make sense to me (except on a meta level -Midori is a heroine, of course she's not going to manipulate someone's feelings like that).
Yeahs its a bit...Idk too.

While I may not have been sharp enough to pick it up, I think the show actually gives viewers enough information that they can guess why both Mai and Mikoto are present when only one HiME is supposed to be left standing. Though due to some of the summaries Andevelion has read possibly confusing the issue she might need a hint: Midori's research indicated there are twelve HiME...

Um. Hnmmm.. I was definitely confused. And am still kind of confused. my best guess is that it has something to do with the artificial HiME Alyssa maybe. Or something to do with the Headmaster inhabiting a doll body?

Anyway that'll be fun to discover. If I get to feel like an idiot the next episode, that'll be lots of fun lol.
Also i called that Mikoto didn't die, so i am super confused about that one pillar. like what was up with that scene. Was Nagi just implying that there would be more pillars soon, or what?

Spoilertagging this just in case:

It requires that the pillars be filled with the spirits of 11 MIPs in order to fully summon the power of the Obsidian Prince, allow him to put the final HiME in the crystal, etc., etc. Hence the whole Highlander-style tournament. Twelve HiME, one winner, eleven losers who have MIPs ending up in the pillars. Of course, the Prince and District One actively lie to everybody about what the "prize" for winning is.

This time, though, the Searrs Foundation effed the mechanics up for the Obsidian Prince. Through the Power of SCIENCE!! they created an artificial HiME, Alyssa, and sent her in. Then when Mai defeated Artemis, Alyssa's MIP (apparently her "father"; androids don't seem to count under the HiME system) went into one of the pillars, so the Obsidian Palace rose while there were still two active HiME left around.

Okay, so there's two versions of episode 26? Which one should I watch? There's a Directors cut version or the other one.

Watch the Director's Cut. The only difference is that it has an extended credit sequence showing more after-the-finale scenes while the music plays.
Also i called that Mikoto didn't die, so i am super confused about that one pillar. like what was up with that scene. Was Nagi just implying that there would be more pillars soon, or what?

There are 11 pillars, one for each defeated HiME. Only... there weren't just twelve HiME this time, were there?
Are you going to do a 'Lets Watch' for Mai Otome after this?

Because I think some of the regulars will find the Otome versions of these characters rather amusing. *lol*
Someone else would have to take over leading discussion if we were doing Mai-Otome. I've enjoyed this but I'm kind of looking forward to having my Friday mornings before work back. Also while I find Otome kind of amusing in its absurdity I'm not attached to it the way I'm attached to HiME.


That's an interesting theory, but...

If Searrs planned to used the vortex device as a trump card against the Obsidian Lord themselves, then they really shouldn't have pissed off Miyu by disposing of Alyssa the way they did. Unless maybe the former head of the organization was keeping his cards too close to his chest or there was some internal struggle going on or something.

It's too bad there isn't much translated interview material for HiME. Though I don't know if the Japanese interviews ever really did much to clarify the vaguer parts of the story either.
That's an interesting theory, but...

If Searrs planned to used the vortex device as a trump card against the Obsidian Lord themselves, then they really shouldn't have pissed off Miyu by disposing of Alyssa the way they did. Unless maybe the former head of the organization was keeping his cards too close to his chest or there was some internal struggle going on or something.

It's too bad there isn't much translated interview material for HiME. Though I don't know if the Japanese interviews ever really did much to clarify the vaguer parts of the story either.

Indeed! (At the very least, it would be nice if the art book was fully translated. I mean, it's nice for the ShizNat fandom that those parts were done, but there's a lot more going on in the story than the fanfiction would suggest!)

That said, it seems very clear that Greer was not working for Alyssa's "father" since his assassination of Alyssa (itself a pretty pointless act) immediately led to said father sparkling out. Given that under the replacement leadership Searrs basically shrugged, took the "we'll try again in 300 years" long view, and had Smith start cooperating with Reito, it seems straightforward enough that factionalism is firmly at play within the Foundation.

...I wonder how many heads rolled back at Searrs HQ when Alyssa's "father" returned to life. :)
okay, Nagi, what the HECk is your deal???? Like what are you???? if i don't get answers I'll be super mad!!!! You clearly aren't a normal boy, so what the fuck??? I need a label for you, you weirdo.

Also my early feelz of shipping got reignited woops. Seriously what the heck, Nagi????

Really enjoyed her performance? She was the best? yOU ARE GIVING ME SO MANY MIXED SIGNALS HERE NAGI

The interpretation I subscribe to is that Nagi is a servant of the Obsidian Lord who overseas the the "festivals" every three hundred years on his master's behalf. (Note his dialogue implies he's met past HiME.) In which case he's not actually the kid he seems to be, but one of the oldest characters in the series.

Did I sink your ship by any chance? :p

On a more serious note, It's interesting how at times Nagi seems to care about the HiME and at other times seems to revel in their suffering.

That said, it seems very clear that Greer was not working for Alyssa's "father" since his assassination of Alyssa (itself a pretty pointless act) immediately led to said father sparkling out. Given that under the replacement leadership Searrs basically shrugged, took the "we'll try again in 300 years" long view, and had Smith start cooperating with Reito, it seems straightforward enough that factionalism is firmly at play within the Foundation.

...I wonder how many heads rolled back at Searrs HQ when Alyssa's "father" returned to life. :)

Slight correction:
Alyssa's "father" disappeared in response to Kagutsuchi taking out Artemis, not Greer poisoning Alyssa. But yeah, perhaps the instruction Greer was issued during the HiME counterattack came from another faction who wanted to take the opportunity for a little backstabbing. Then again it's not really clear if taking out a HiME takes out her most important person like taking out her Child does. (Well actually Yukariko's big taking you with me moment suggests it does, but that came later.)
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