Let's Watch Mai-HiME Together!

I really loved this show, so I hope more people can appreciate it. I should note that there is characterization after the credits, so don't just skip to the next episode. I'm pretty sure I did the first time I watched it, and then had to go back and re-watch the whole series again just to see them, so don't make the same mistake.
Episode 2: "After School Secrets"
You should really threadmark these.
Ah, episode 2. Where people are introduced, and then there is fire. Lots of fire. Next episode: MOAR FIRE. (Oh boy is there fire.)

Also, though I can't find the exact breakdown any more, but... the title of the show has like 4 different meanings with the kanji used and the way it is spoken. Like: Mai Princess(or Princess Mai), My Princess and referring to a Temple Dance of some sort. Might be more, but those are the ones I vaguely recall.
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I really like the variety in background characters holy shit. They could almost all be main characters from the looks of them. And skin colors aren't all pale anime classictm​ which is dope as well. Nice zooming in on main charas tho

I'm glad you mentioned the character designs, because they're something I think deserve to be highlighted. In a show with a cast this big, having distinctive character designs that are easy to tell apart is critically important.

BTW, the spoiler tags aren't really necessary if you're watching this for the first time.

next time, yuri??? Well, I guessed that a girl would probably be the one. Oh, right, should I actually be watching the next time stuff? Will it be too much of a spoiler, orr...?

Up to you. If you're really intent on remaining spoiler free I'd skip them as they can be a bit spoiler-y sometimes. They tend to be pretty joke-y though. The preview at the end of the first episode has fun with the fact that the otaku term "moe" sounds the same as the Japanese word for "burning" for instance. :p

Nina was in that classroom. They sure were sowing the seeds early for that one, huh?

If what I've read on the subject is correct, proto-Nina's name was originally Chun Mei...

I really loved this show, so I hope more people can appreciate it. I should note that there is characterization after the credits, so don't just skip to the next episode. I'm pretty sure I did the first time I watched it, and then had to go back and re-watch the whole series again just to see them, so don't make the same mistake.

I'm pretty sure the after episode segments in the English release were DVD specials. Personally I feel they're more for people who are already familiar with the series and are best skipped the first time around. They also tend to be rather racy. Maybe they were trying to make up for the TV series being way less ecchi than the prototype/pilot trailer for the series promised it would be. :p

You should really threadmark these.

Good idea. I didn't actually know what threadmarking was for, but I gather it's a way of highlighting key posts?

Also, though I can't find the exact breakdown any more, but... the title of the show has like 4 different meanings with the kanji used and the way it is spoken. Like: Mai Princess(or Princess Mai), My Princess and referring to a Temple Dance of some sort. Might be more, but those are the ones I vaguely recall.

As someone else put it, the title is a multi layer bilingual pun. :p The character for Mai in the title means Dancing. Though actually Mai's name has two characters while the Mai in the title only has one. This second character can be translated as Clothes or Garment. On a related note, I'm told her family name means "Feather of the Crested Ibis."
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Episode 3
Episode 3: "Dance of Flames / Star's Oath"

I love Kagatsuchi. He's totally moe.

He also got a mention in the director's comments on this episode:

Here's where Mai's CHILD appears. It's actually a fire god from Japanese mythology. When Kagutsuchi blew away half the mountain, Mai was granted this incredible power without her realizing what she was getting herself into. I also wanted to make sure that viewers would be asking themselves "What kind of school is this?" I wanted to stir their desire to see what's happening beneath the surface.

This is the final episode of the what I consider the show's introductory arc. The writer for this series seems to be particularly fond of using the first three episodes of a series to establish the status quo/move the characters to the starting line. Or maybe my perspective is just skewed because he's used it with all the series he's done that I personally really like.

Next week's episode is "Mischief of the Wind," which is probably the ecchiest episode in the entire series. It's also hilarious and in my opinion an example of how to do an ecchi comedy episode right, but I still thought I should give people some advance warning.
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*random background bit*

There's a lot of things in the series that are not properly explained, or are handled inconsistantly. For instance, the Childes that the Hime get are born out of their wishes & desires... but Mai finds a fire god, instead. And there's a monster in a one shot episode later that also doesn't fit with the rest of the series mythology.

This WAS actually going to be explained in a planned spinoff story that was set far in the past. It would have.... uhm, avoiding spoilers, but we would have gotten the backstory of a character in the current series, and how it tied together. But Mai Otome happened, Sunrise focused their energies on that and we never got the spin offs....
One thing I always keep forgetting is exactly how cool the monster designs in this show are. Which, as my most likely future reactions will show, is surprising to me.

Like, Kagutsuchi's design is just awesome. Which is fitting considering that Kagutsuchi's the MC's Child, but still!
I guess I won't spoiler tag this, cause I have no idea what will happen, but be warned of my wordvomit

Episode 3, starto!

Okay, after intro, we get this super cool shot of Mai! Also, Techo beat to her new weird magic arm/leg rings is so cooollll

Holy shit she has no control over it, but damn is it powerful. Also, Natsuki, your reaction seems to indicate that Mai might be a special Hime? :3c

Oh, cool, Nagi appeared, (dammit I really am starting to ship it, fuck my predilection for morally ambiguous manipulative boys)

Also, having an Element is the proof you have the power of a Hime huh, hmmmmmmm, probably important maybe.

Mikoto is arriving on scene! For some reason! And calls out her creepy sword Miroku. The way she uses her sword is pretty epic, gathering momentum and swinging it around multiple times and the- HOLY SHIT SHE BISECTED THE THING.

lmaoooooo "You call that a Misunderstanding" loooooollll

ANd oh look, the monster's ALIVE. A cool design wow. and Natsuki shoots it cause yea, not a good time to be fighting each other

AND LOOK THE OTHER HALF IS ALIVE TOO WHat OH FUCK these are some Sweet Ass Designs wow.

Mai, you're cool with your shield and all. But also, what the fuck the black wave was kind of weird. It didn't seem to have too much of an actual impact against the monster thing.....

A sword??? A weird eye symbol??? Kagutsuchi, A CHILD????? (sounds like this Child is infamous maybe)

I DIDN'T EXPECT A FLASHBACK omg (guardian angel omg)

"If you choose to fight, you'll have to risk the one thing that's most important to you." THIS IS SOME KYUBEY SHIT RIGHT HERE I'M BETTING, contract contract contract

I mean, Mai, thinks its her life she's going to be risking, but, WHAT IF ITS NOT. ...I bet she just put Takumi on the line. Or something fucked up

Nagi stop being likable, youre weirdly cute. Poor Natsuki, well, maybe if you did a better job of persuading people that didn't involve threatening them and/or being rude, maybe girls would listen to you. But nope! Mai's totally taking this up.

YOOOO, KAGATSUCHI IS LOOKING GREAT. HES BIGG. WHAT A GOOD DRAGON THING YOU ARE. omg its cute, its so cute, clicking and wailing and fin waggling, youre killing me here. (kind of weirdly whale sounding but that's ok)

welp. ok shows over, everybody just died. Not really, but damn, these things really really really don't care about collateral damage huh.


Suzuhiro, eh? I call minor antagonist right now.

omg the art student...

OMG STUDENT COUNCIL PRES AND NATSUKI. Knew she was in on it, but didn't think it'd be a thing this early. Or on Natsuki's side.

Oh wait, so she isn't? Natsuki doesn't seem to think so about Shizuru huh. (childhood friends, girlfriends, siblings...?) I bet she still is in on it but is hiding it then.

Kanzaki got ladies swooning, while normal dude is ... normal. Welp. Also headmaster is probably in on the conspiracy too. (not much of a conspiracy with all this obvious chaos lol)

Headmaster's a LADY? also huh. I thought vice-pres was the other love interest. But he's with the pres? (wow amazing I was about to say I shipped it lol. they are both way chill and its hilarious)

Wait, pausing, we're at the fancy house, Is the headmaster the wheelchair girl? THats my guess before I see them. ...I see the maid~ Am I right~

And Mikoto lives with the headmaster too??? HOLY SHIT I GUESSED RIGHT. IT IS WHEELCHAIR GIRL/MASHIRO. (Mikoto doesn't seem to like her despite being there hmmmmm~ suspicious)

An ulterior motive huh...Because she's a HiME? How do they tell these things???? It didn't start on the boat??? Is this a proximity thing? Inherited from her dead mom??? What????

HOLD ON... THe beast/monster is an Orphan. Mai has a Child like all HiMEs. Holy crap, are the Orphans from dead HiMEs?????????

So they're from another world, and HiME's are maidens under the guidance of a certain star. It's the same place isn't it. (that might be wrong oops.) Also Nagi camo with some creepy red eye rocks.


Headmaster is Mikoto's guardian, she has a grandfather, and looking for her older brother. HMMM.....is Vice-Pres her brother? He's got a similar color scheme, and Mai said something about him having an older brother feel.....

Mai....the bentos.....they loook gooooddddd......Oh shit, Mikoto's in middle school? Is that her age? THats...a little weird, but whatever.

AOI, NO. she continues to be untrustworthy around middle-schoolers maybe.

But a cool episode.

I continue to love the ending song, especially the lead-up tune, it's so dope~~~

Also, there was no yuri kissing, what is this lying bullshit. But I did see some tentacles in the afterpart...That was very stangely hentai-esque.
"If you choose to fight, you'll have to risk the one thing that's most important to you." THIS IS SOME KYUBEY SHIT RIGHT HERE I'M BETTING, contract contract contract

I mean, Mai, thinks its her life she's going to be risking, but, WHAT IF ITS NOT. ...I bet she just put Takumi on the line. Or something fucked up

Answers will be forthcoming. But examine Nagi's words very carefully in response to Mai's statements. Two episodes that are several ways apart will provide the answers to your questions. Episode 8 and 16 await.

Nagi is a magnificent bastard too.

Also, grrr. My dvds are in storage and hunting them down on youtube has way too much english dub episodes. Whoever's voicing Nagi simply doesn't compare to Ishida Akira.
Answers will be forthcoming. But examine Nagi's words very carefully in response to Mai's statements. Two episodes that are several ways apart will provide the answers to your questions. Episode 8 and 16 await.

Nagi is a magnificent bastard too.

Also, grrr. My dvds are in storage and hunting them down on youtube has way too much english dub episodes. Whoever's voicing Nagi simply doesn't compare to Ishida Akira.

HMmmmmmmm...... I'm waiting. And somehow managed to not go spoil myself yet. Must! Control! Myself!

I'm not saying go to kissanime, but it's got subbed episodes technically. And they're relatively good quality. (and uh, I'm watching them there. So yeah. \( >_< )/ )
I showed this series to some friends shortly after Madoka aired, and my brother declared that Kyubei was the evolved form of Nagi. :p I believe I also joked about Aoi being both a lolicon and a shotacon.

I don't think the director's comment about Kagatsuchi being a fire god is meant to be taken literally. He's named after the figure from Japanese mythology. Though perhaps in verse its the other way around.
HMmmmmmmm...... I'm waiting. And somehow managed to not go spoil myself yet. Must! Control! Myself!

I'm not saying go to kissanime, but it's got subbed episodes technically. And they're relatively good quality. (and uh, I'm watching them there. So yeah. \( >_< )/ )

Eh, it's fine. I've seen it all before. I wonder if I can snag them on blu-ray here in the US...
There's going to be a rerelease from FUNimation, tho it's been delayed because Sunrise hasn't sent them the materials.

*random spinoff I'd love to see animated*
Mai Hime Destiny. Why? Shizuru with a KATANA.

Is that why Funimation hasn't done a re-release of the series since rescuing the license in 2013? Hopefully Sunrise will stop dragging their heels (and doesn't cut corners -the Japanese bluray release for HiME is gorgeous and it would be nice if a hypothetical English bluray release looked just as good).

BTW I get the impression Mai/Yuuichi isn't all that popular with this crowd, but I really love the "Maybe you're possessed by a scary demon!" "You saw?!" bit from this episode. :p
BTW I get the impression Mai/Yuuichi isn't all that popular with this crowd, but I really love the "Maybe you're possessed by a scary demon!" "You saw?!" bit from this episode. :p
Oh, I have thoughts regarding shipping in this show. I'll just wait until said thoughts become relevant.

My goggles were... different, back when I first watched Mai-Hime.
Episode 4
Episode 4: "Mischief of the Wind"

This is perhaps the most perverted episode in the entire series, but its also one of the funniest. I think its actually quite clever. I suspect this episode was the prototype for both the episode of Code Geass where Arthur steals Zero's mask and the episode of Macross Frontier where Ai-kun gets tangled in a pair of Sheryl's panties (though unlike this episode the latter was rather awful). The Series Composer for this show worked on all three series though he was only an Assistant Series Composer on Geass.

Here's what the director had to say about this episode:

Director Masakazu Ohara said:
Why do an episode about an Orphan that steals underwear? Basically, we were looking for an Orphan to show some habit or addiction that humans wouldn't expect. We also made this episode very lighthearted to create contrast with the more shocking elements later on.

Even the most light hearted episodes of HiME generally have something of significance happen, and in the case of this episode that was getting the three main heroines more or less on the same team. I don't generally think of Mai as a master manipulator, but she did manage to convince Natsuki and Mikoto to stop fighting using food and a pair of gym shorts.

Speaking of Natsuki, someone I showed the scene where she runs into Takeda to remarked that she talks like a delinquent guy. Interesting that a morally upstanding guy like Takeda would be attracted to a girl like her. Then again the show has emphasized that Natsuki is considered a bishoujo.
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Well, yeah, I'm in the group of people who didn't really like this episode. While it isn't as bad as I remembered on the rewatch, it's still pretty weak overall. It did, however, plant a seed in the young Omegahugger that I'll complain about later, even if it was something that's objectively speaking a good thing.

Also, I just realised that I would definitely watch an anime focusing entirely on the student council. You have Haruka as the blasting field commander; Shizuru manipulating her with approximately 5 words; Mission Control Yukino and Reito as eyecandysecond-in-command. It would be inherently awesome.

Like, if you dropped most of these guys into Honnouji Academy I think the uniforms would be the main thing changing.
EPISODE 4, I'm late cause finals but here is a whole bunch of notes.

I feel you Mai, I yawn like crazy during lectures.

Also the girl who adjusted her swimsuit, I feel like thats too real and instantly get wedgie sympathy, I admire your casualness in doing so.

Natsuki is getting a lot of fans I see~

...Is this underwear stealing thing an Orphan. Also, I note that Mikoto is a cat-attracter. look at those cats. She's also skipping school. Bad Mikoto.

Everybody's underwear is gone! Natsuki shows no empathy whatsoever. Hmm. -1 random point that doesn't matter, Natsuki, you're being selfish! And then she cares when its hers.

Mikoto nooooo. Aoi, I know skinship groping is technically not terrible, but damn, you are not helping your case, you lolicon/shotacon.

Also, if Mikoto doesn't need a bra, then honestly why bother. Bras suck! Bras are awful things.

Natsuki.. omg...... no panties....? is this a hentai Well. you brought it upon yourself too. ...Wouldn't let such a stupid thing happen to you huh >3< Going to the Student council room? For your President waifu/sister/childhood friend Shizuru? WEll, good luck getting there.

and dude with a crush on Natsuki. meh.

oh my god, the clothing puns. And Mikotooooo noooooooo nows not a good time omg, Mai, please help Natsuki out of this hole she dug for herself.

OH NOOOOOOO dammit lmaoooooooo. wind you stop that. Also, KO dude. Hopefully the blood loss renders your memories into nothingness.

Mai helped but she's laughing like an asshole >w< I love you Mai.

I didn't expect plot in this episode, whatttttt explanation time.

Ok, other HiME. Well, I mean, I kinda figured. There are multiple factions right. So more HiMEs makes sense. Maybe the two mysterious girls in the opening, the one with pale blue hair and narrow eyes, and the spider hairstyle blonde kid?

Gathering HiMEs for some other reason too huh. ... Maybe they take the HiME's hostage and create more Orphans from the Childs? Or something grosser? Throwing out ideas here lol

Mai giving Mikoto that threat and her giving that face of shock made me choke-laugh.

"bubuzuke" girl? wikipedia tells me its chazuke or ochazuke which is rice and stuff with hot water/tea poured over. Uh. What are you trying to say about Shizuru and tea boy omg. is this an innuendo.

(oh shit I looked it up right before the explanation lol) (i still don't get it)

Ah. so it is an Orphan. Welp.

dude still remembers. poor Natsuki.

oh my god more characters. Kazu and Akane are the background lovebirds I'm guessing. Also a clumsy girl and Mai with part-time job I'm assuming.

Team 4 + 5, I bet, are here cause Natsuki vowed vengeance. Oh wait, Team 6 too. And nope, they're part of Haruka's subcommittee.


The Chapel is full of air-heads. I understand now.

Nagiiiiii, my boi, I note he counted three HiME besides Mai. omg Nagi wow. Natsuki's reaction tho. Just straight up shooting a bitch huh. +1 point. I laughed. Also, holy shit, Nagi lost the smarmy attitude hahahahaah.

Orphans and Childs are one and the same huh. Confirmed! They're all drawn to HiME huh. hmmmm. mommy issues, every last one of them.

holy shit this orphan literally decorated Mai's housing complex with strings of underwear. Was not expecting that.

No, nevermind, I was wrong. It was Shizuru's idea as a lure huh.

I'm...starting to feel a Yukino -> Haruka -> Shizuru feeling.


um. Shizuru. what..... "You're so mean." and blushing. (is this a hentai.) (is it the vice-pres dude) (is this what comes out of a ochazuke + tea boy metaphor)

Also, enlisting panty suppliers lol. Also, Natsuki, that's nice of you to cover Mai up with a blanket. But also, that Orphan's grin when it caught her in the act lol. Equivalent embarrassment. (or just the panty theft in-process)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA DURAN! MAI'S ROOMMMMMMM (okay, yeah this is pretty hilarious.)

oh fuck the mouth inside a mouth ew. but also, there's a fuckton holy shit. wait. they're eating bras????? Thats at least 20 bucks you just nommed you fucker!!!! GO KILL THESE GUYS

Duran taking the fall ( TT-TT)/ NEVER FORGET

wow what a cool design. oh fuck, here comes the tentacles.

Mai and Mikoto for a quick reinforcment and Natsuki finishes off the beast. It explodes. YAY! (i foresee a brief shower of underwear tonight)

OH NO I WAS RIGHT BUT THEY'RE ALL FUCKED UP. THIS IS A COSTLY AS SHIT MONSTER HOLY FUCK. (also Natsuki's collection RIP. I'm not making it weird that you have an underwear collection, but its a tiny bit strange)

Hey, coolio, Shizuru and Natsuki backstory. So they are just close friends okay, meeting up in middle school with a persistant Shizuru.

...what is this turning into. holy shit. holy shitto. Are they like, also girlfriends. Cause that's some interesting lingerie you're wearing Natsuki. And poses.

I'll ship it, sure, why not. Shizuru can be poly, with two babes on the side~
Mai helped but she's laughing like an asshole >w< I love you Mai.
Yeah, that scene was awesomely hilarious.

Also, writers of the future? If you want to avoid shipping, this is basically the best reaction to give. Because it is really hard to twist "suddenly breaks out in mirthful schadenfreude" into something shipping friendly.

Though not impossible. "Mai was so exultant at seeing what she sought after for so long she temporarily went insane." You just need a fair bit more twisting than usual.
You're referring to this Drama CD track? ;)

Personally I tend to consider the Drama CD segments non canon for the most part due to how absurdly outrageous they get.

and dude with a crush on Natsuki. meh.

Kendo dude is kind of a joke character, but I love the way Reito smoothly excuses himself when he notices the way the guy is looking at Natsuki. :p

Also, writers of the future? If you want to avoid shipping, this is basically the best reaction to give. Because it is really hard to twist "suddenly breaks out in mirthful schadenfreude" into something shipping friendly.

I'm pretty sure the relative lack of Mai/Natsuki shipping has more to do with the popularity of alternative pairings than it does with Mai being amused by Natsuki's misfortune...