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I finally caught up!
Good liveblog, a lot of your speculations are really impressive.
Good liveblog, a lot of your speculations are really impressive.
It was really easy to imagine him nonchalantly standing above her while she stood in a pit he'd had dug out, a cement truck slowly filling in the space around her. Or very politely eating someone's severed leg with a knife and fork held in the proper manner.
Well, I don't agree with Parian's opinion about Accord. While I find him dangerous enough, and even sociopathic in his behavior, I don't see him capable of cannibalistic acts (a severed leg or any other limb will be too messy for him no matter how proper will be the manner in which he'll eat themHe was the kind of scary guy they made movies about, only he was real.
And that made her think about the Slaughterhouse Nine.
It wasn't… it didn't seem like a smart way to talk to the perfectionist supervillain. Accord was dangerous, so why was Tattletale provoking him?
"Feeling a bit under the weather," Tattletale said. "Forgive my bad manners. I take it you caught the essentials on TV?"
"On the radio, while we drove," Accord said. "Did you know of this scheme?"
"Of course," Tattletale said. "Do you think we're crazy? Everything's golden."
"Golden," Accord said.
"Copacetic, peachy keen."
"I wasn't informed of any plans."
"You don't have to be," Tattletale said.
Man, I know Tattletale like the back of my hand so I wasn't wrong about her not even this time. I definitely agree with you this time, Parian, she's provoking him and I have no fucking idea why- I suspect that she wants to find out more about his plans by provoking him to open himself in front of her, because her power is pretty crippled now and she still need to find more information about someone so unpredictable as Accord so she can protect her team if this guy will ever turn against them- but this is very risky and she might start a freaking war between Undersiders and Ambassadors and given the fact that Ambassadors are pretty strong and Undersiders doesn't have Skitter anymore+ Tattletale's power is out of commission, I can honestly see Undersiders being the LOSING part of the war. Tattletale plays with fire and nobody seem to be in ACCORD with her"You're subordinate to us," Tattletale said. "If you have an issue with that, I urge you to submit a written complaint and formally declare war. Twenty four hours notice, if you please. I know you like rules and regulations."
"You're mocking me."
"Not so risky when you've done a read on the situation. I had all the notes on Butcher Fourteen. She couldn't teleport free, not into open water. She still can't, and I had a crew use a remote control device to lash a cable to Butcher Fifteen's pod. They've dropped her into a deeper area of the ocean, and the only thing she'll be likely to kill are fish. If we're lucky, maybe Leviathan will float that way and off himself."
"But I like it," Tattletale said. "And if your concern is about instability within this city, I can read your work, see the solutions you propose and consider implementing them. We would give you a hand in shaping policy beyond this group."
"You'd agree to a contract where you implement a set number of my plans?"
"Hellll no," Tattletale said.
"Please be more civil," Accord said. "I'd rather you didn't swear."
"And I'd rather you didn't storm in here and act like you were personallyoffended by our particular way of doing things," Tattletale said. "I've offered you a fucking nice deal. Are you fucking interested?"
"Tattletale," Grue said. "Enough. I think he gets the point."
Grue took the hand and shook it. Parian could feel the blood pumping in her ears as she watched Accord and the Ambassadors for any sign of betrayal.
"Ah," Accord said. He extended his hand a fraction further, and Tattletale shook it. "I… suppose I can sympathize with that."
"I bet."
"I appreciate your willingness to meet, in light of your condition," he said. "That said, it would be best if we did not interact further. I'd rather not terminate our alliance by being forced to murder you. It wouldn't be polite to say how many times I came close, just tonight."
Ok, ok, so Tattletale had an ace upon her sleeves all this time. If Accord would have tried to kill her or her teammates, she could have exposed him to the whole world- his connections with Cauldron would have destroyed his reputation and would have attract the attention of heroes, something that Accord will never want to happen. Tattletale wasn't afraid of a war, she already knew that Undersiders will be the winners without pulling too much of a fight, with probably the only casualty being her (but she wasn't afraid of death as long as she knew that her death will trigger Accord's destruction"I think we're on the same page there," Tattletale said. "I don't want you to kill me either. Just know that if you tried, succeed or fail, I have a lot of questions about your involvement with Cauldron that could start circulating specific channels."
"Ah, you're proposing mutually assured destruction?"
"Me doing the best I could," Tattletale said. "And speak quieter, please. My head's throbbing… I feel like someone's hitting my eyeballs with hammers."
Accord is one of the few characters who have too much self-control compared with his sick and twisted mind. He's crazy and easily angered and want nothing else but to kill, kill, kill people who piss him off but he controls himself because he knows that if he'll lose his control, he'll destroy everything he created/build: his connections, his plans, his reputation, the ORDER that he values so much itself will crash and burn if he'll make mistakes. He doesn't control himself because he cares for people that he works with (he doesn't give a shit about people in general, not even about his own Ambassadors- except for Citrine, but only because she's a very good Ambassador and nothing more"She's a lot like me," Parian said. "She wants to protect people. She's willing to make sacrifices for the people she cares about."
Parian stopped in her tracks. Lily leaned beside the front door, in full costume as Flechette. The stainless steel shoulder-rest of her arbalest sat on the ground, and she used a single fingertip to keep the weapon upright, unloaded and pointed at the sky.
With a flick of a finger, Lily made the thing spin, stopped it, spun it the other way around.
She felt so conspicuous. She knew Lily hated the black costume, with the black hair, the black dress.
Lily, who'd been maybe the only person to give her support without being asked. Lily, who was… chivalrous. Gallant. Stubborn. So very stubborn.
"It's… a hard city to like," Parian said. "But it's not a city that lets you throw it away. It's tenacious, both in the big picture, and in how it attaches itself to you."
"Yeah," Lily murmured. "Before I came here, everything was on track. I could see my future ahead of me, straight as an arrow. Career path, eventual Flechette action figures. Every single one of my teachers and superiors seemed to know I had potential. One of the only people who could hurt an Endbringer…"
Aww, we have a cute moment between our lovely Voodoo Dolls girlsLily raised her unloaded arbalest, aimed it, "Pow. Critical damage every time, and I don't miss."
"I've already had someone try to claim me, you know," Parian said. "They thought that I was something that was owed to them, because of what they'd done. That being nice meant I was obligated to accept a date. And that line of thinking goes one step further. They think flowers and a few dates mean I'm obligated to come over to his apartment to spend the night."
"Your people?" Lily started to glance around, then stopped. "Not thesepeople. Your family, friends. From Dolltown."
Sabah nodded. Her heart was heavy with the thought alone. "And because I need to be a part of the Undersiders if they're going to listen to me, and I need them to listen to me if I'm going to influence them, keep them on a straighter path. To protect people from them, and to protect them from themselves."
"And that's all worth giving up the life you want to lead?"
Parian thought of Skitter. Of the motivations that could be driving the girl to turn on her friends.
"I think it is."
"Then… would you take me along for the ride?"
"They're falling apart anyways. I'd… I'd have to give up my arbalest. Without tinker maintenance, it won't keep working. But I always liked the idea of the rapier, been meaning to go back to it. And I have darts."
Needle and thread. Somehow it felt more right, more solid, than any of the paths she'd started on, only to later abandon. Maybe because she wasn't doing it alone.
Ok, from now on I'll stop calling them Voodoo Dolls, even if I liked this ship name and I'll call them Needle and Thread if Sabah likes this idea more.She put two fingers to Lily's chin, raising it, and then she kissed her lieutenant.
Also I think its interisting that you gave names to the Passagers of Skitter and Jack. Because they actually have their own cannonical names in the story.
I finally caught up!
Good liveblog, a lot of your speculations are really impressive.
AmbarGriss - this is a violation of the spoiler policy. Yes, I know it doesn't seem like a spoiler to you, but there's a reason the spoiler policy is as strict as it is - to prevent this kind of semi-spoily hinting. Please stop.
Lonsheep art is great, shame about what happened to her.
Fandom drama. Kept getting sarcastic replies when she asked Wildbow for elabor ation on costume details, or for colours of stuff, her art would be criticised for not having details that weren't in the text that she'd only know from asking Wildbow, the People running the Worm quarterly fanart contest were going to stop her from entering the next one so it'd be fair on other contestants, and after people complained some of her art was removed from the parahumans reddi t for being low effort content.
I had to twist my head to look up at Clockblocker. For his part, he stared down at me, his expression hidden by the featureless white pane of his mask.
"This is a trick," he said.
"Yeah," I admitted. "But not the way you're thinking."
I moved slowly, so I wouldn't provoke any rash actions from the uniforms, climbing to my knees, then extending my arms behind me.
What felt like an instant later, my arms were weighed down. Clockblocker was behind me, his hand on the heavy metal restraints to keep them from slamming into my tailbone. Everyone else in the lobby had moved.
Well, Skitter, I can't condemn heroes for treating you like this. Yes, you're a minor and yes, you did 65% good stuff and 35% bad stuff, but you're a dangerous element in heroes' eyes, you injured and scared for life plenty of heroes, you're a Warlady holding a territory, you threatened Tagg and his wife in his own office and you recently turned heroes' day by day job into a nightmare with open eyes when you decided to contaminate the entire Protectorate building with bugsI'd lost control of my bugs while I'd been timed out. In many cases, it wasn't a problem. Still, I'd lost the ability to track most of those who were present, as mosquitoes, flies and ants went about their merry way.
"Stand," Miss Militia told me.
Director Tagg was lighting up a cigarette, despite the prominent 'no smoking' signs nearby. As I passed, he gave me a hard stare, heavily lined eyes glaring beneath thick black eyebrows, his face otherwise expressionless. He pointed, and a PRT uniform joined our group.
"This is an E-type containment cell. Countermeasures include containment foam and these beauties," Triumph said.
"Touch the door, make too much noise or use your power, and the room gets flooded with an electric charge," Triumph explained. "Calculated so it's only alittle less powerful than it'd need to be to do permanent damage. Push it any further and the room is flooded with containment foam. The same measures are packed into this whole hallway."
I felt a moment's trepidation. Was this the point where the PRT officer beat me within an inch of my life, while everyone else turned a blind eye?
The officer stepped into the cell with me, and the door shut behind her. "Clothes off."
I like the CELL design. This is what I call an excellent Tinker made cell. If Skitter tries to evade, she'll either be non-lethal electrocuted or buried under containment foam. She can't even use her power without being fucked, so no escape for her. I bet that all Skitter can think now is: FUCKING DRAGON, FUCKING TINKERSA little inhumane, I thought. Would that be more psychological pressure? Regular visits? Interrupting my sleep? Unreliable privacy?
"I'm allergic to bee stings," I said, trying to inject some levity into the proceedings. I couldn't see her expression.
"Two ways we can do this. You cooperate, takes five to ten minutes to do a full search. You fail to cooperate, if you fight me, bite or struggle, I step outside and we turn on the countermeasure, and then do a search while you're incapacitated."
"Mrs. Yamada?" Tagg asked one of the people in suits at the far end of the table.
"I've read up on her, studied the records you have of her, talked to the students that knew her best, for better or worse. Greg Veder, Emma Barnes, Sophia Hess, Madison Clements… her teachers, her father… I'm not so convinced."
"You disagree with Miss Militia?"
"I can't say for sure without talking to the girl, but actual surrender isn't impossible, given my understanding of her."
"I'm not saying she's not surrendering," Miss Militia said. "I'm saying she'splotting something. The two things aren't mutually exclusive."
"She could be attempting to bring down the PRT," Assault said. "Do it from within. With the charges we have lined up against her, she can request a jury trial. She uses that as a platform to dish out dirty secrets. Confidential data on Armsmaster, details from records they stole from the database, the Echidna event and the fallout therein…"
"Given how that's gone," Dovetail said, "She'd be digging her own grave. We all thought the details would leak, but Cauldron's cleanup is efficient. Anyone who tries to leak details gets… censored."
"Killed," Adamant clarified. "Or disappeared."
"I don't know, but I had a conversation with her a few days ago, and she said she had something in mind that she could use against you. I didn't know what it was before now."
"Arthropodokinesis, arthropodovoyance," the Deputy Director said. "She's on record as a master eight, thinker one. The thinker classification is key here: ex-Director Piggot noted Skitter can see through her bugs' eyes."
Ah. So the psychological pressure extended another step. A strip search, a claustrophobic cell, stripping away my possessions, and now he planned to keep me cooped up in here until my composure cracked. Not so effective if I was being put on pause, with only a fraction of the time passing.
Cauldron kills people who are trying to expose them. AN USUAL PRACTICE for them, nothing new here. I see Cauldron as having as many victims as S9 on their tally, if not more (both super-villain organisations have many years behind them but I think that Cauldron is older than S9). The so-called "saviors of humankind" prefer to hunt down and kill innocents who want to expose them (despite the fact that they should not be afraid of being exposed since nobody can actually arrest them as long as they have a parahumans as Doormaker and Number Man by their side) INSTEAD of looking after S9, try to find them (won't be really hard for them to find a bunch of psychos hidden and cryogenically frozen into a secret lab) then kill them all and stop the end of the world (Dinah said that the end of the world will still happen if Jack will die but she didn't specified in which way and when Jack should die in order for the end of the world to happen. I mean, if he'll be killed while being frozen and unable to defend himself- a pretty coward method, but nothing is unacceptable when it comes to stopping Jack FOREVER"We can seal off the stairwell access with containment foam," Kid Win spoke up. "Seize the elevator, to prevent access to the cells. If there's an attack, we shut down the elevator. In the worst case scenario, they can't get her out before reinforcements arrived from other cities."
Vista spun around in her chair to face Crucible, "She's probably planning something like getting put in jail, then breaking out and showing us there's no point in trying to catch her, because we can't keep her. And she'll do it with teeny-weeny bugs, make Tagg look bad, maybe get him fired."
"Again with the Echidna thing," Crucible said. "Can't you tell-"
"Classified," Clockblocker, Kid Win and Vista said, at the same time. Kid Win didn't even look up from the containment foam dispenser he was tinkering with.
"Fuck you guys."
Reinventing herself? Distancing herself from being Coil's 'pet'?
Tagg met them at the end of the lobby, then ushered them upstairs to the conference room. They were joined by Mrs. Yamada, her cousin Triumph, and Miss Militia.
"I'm saying your daughter was helping Skitter, not us. That everything seems to suggest she was aiding and abetting a known criminal."
"Are you insane?" Mr. Alcott asked. The volume of his voice rose. "Those thoughts don't even connect!"
"No. Yes. Both. I'm working for everyone. I don't think Skitter's very happy with me, really. But she's still here, because I told her to be."
"Yes. I'm busy. It's only because my cousin works here that I even came."
"You seem to be playing a dangerous game," Tagg said, "Testing our goodwill, manipulating us for your own ends."
"When I said I was done, I meant it," Dinah said. She pushed her chair back. Her parents joined her, standing. "You want more answers, get in contact with my dad, he'll let you know my rates. They change every day."
Gosh, Tagg is one of the BIGGEST DICKS in this story. One of the BIGGEST DICKS from all powered and non-powered dicks in this story"The last thing I want is another arrogant dickface telling me what to do," Dinah said. "You want answers, Director? Fine. Twenty two point eight one three percent chance you die painfully, over long, slow minutes or hours. Maybe soon, maybe in twenty years, but it'll bring you to tears, and you'll wail in pain. That's a freebie. Want more details?"
"Watching what? There's nothing to look at," Miss Militia said. "Think about it. What this is to her."
"She hears," Mrs. Yamada finished the thought.
"I'm gone," Dinah said. "I can't communicate with her or the numbers change. I'll be letting the PRT know you pissed me off. They can expect prices to go up five percent from here on out."
Kid Win was making more, too. He was joined by one of the heroes that had just arrived. Another tinker. I caught a snippet of what they were talking about before the next drone kicked to life and killed the bugs I had on the new arrival. Workshop talk. Improving designs.
Damn Masters, Skitter, damn Masters
Flechette isn't an undercover mole, she genuinely left the heroes to become a bad girl
"The only instruction I gave was to Tattletale, to hold the others back until sunset, and to give them direction when they do act. They'll have time to get angry in the meantime. They'll be mad at me, but they'll take it out on you. You have to understand, even at my worst, even when I'm as mad as I was the other night, when you'd outed me, I was sensible, reasonable in terms of how I dealt with you and held back. Now you get to see how unreasonablethe rest of the Undersiders can be, without me to rein them in."
"It's a time limit. You saw what we were willing to do to Butcher, to Valefor. Even with that, even there, we were holding back as a group. Trust me when I say that I know my friends. If you stand between them and me? If you hurt me? They're going to go thermonuclear on you. On the PRT as a whole. Tattletale will make sure of it. She'll keep them on target, guide them, and maximize the damage. She'll do most of the damage."
Skitter HAD a backup plan, as I expected from her. If the heroes will not work with her, Undersiders will destroy PRT and she will not stop them, despite having the possibility. If the heroes will accept her requests, she'll make sure that Undersiders will not try to obliterate the few remains of the heroes' reputation. BLACKMAIL. Obey me and I'll assure the peace. Disobey me and prepare for war"It's your choice. You won't like my demands. They call for big changes. But the alternative is an all-out war. I think Miss Militia will agree with me here, if the PRT doesn't hear me out, it deserves what it gets."
Fandom drama. Kept getting sarcastic replies when she asked Wildbow for elabor ation on costume details, or for colours of stuff, her art would be criticised for not having details that weren't in the text that she'd only know from asking Wildbow, the People running the Worm quarterly fanart contest were going to stop her from entering the next one so it'd be fair on other contestants, and after people complained some of her art was removed from the parahumans reddi t for being low effort content.
She disappeared, with a number o f people waiting on commissions. Showed up writing Harry Potter fic months later.
The first appearance of Manipulative Bitch Dinah. I'm curious about your opinion on how Dinah purposefully made a misleading prediction that caused the confrontation at Arcadia; it really did come true, but just not how the PRT/P anticipated.
Remember: Lily is Japanese American, and is a lesbian. The word "lily" in Japanese is "yuri".
The first appearance of Manipulative Bitch Dinah. I'm curious about your opinion on how Dinah purposefully made a misleading prediction that caused the confrontation at Arcadia; it really did come true, but just not how the PRT/P anticipated.
Remember: Lily is Japanese American, and is a lesbian. The word "lily" in Japanese is "yuri".
babylonsheep - Works | Archive of Our OwnCan you give me a link to her Harry Potter fanfic? I love reading HP fanfic and I'm interested to see how such a talented artist will write about something so complex and spectacular as the universe imagined by Rowling. Thank you.
It's easy to see it as kinda spooky. And alien. Robbing people of choice on like, a spiritual level.We need people like Dinah in this ocean of selfish and destructive individuals.
babylonsheep - Works | Archive of Our Own
It's easy to see it as kinda spooky. And alien. Robbing people of choice on like, a spiritual level.
"Getting a sense of who you are as a person and a personality. There's a number of people here who are very concerned for your welfare. They don't quite believe me when I say I'm looking out for your interests."
"Okay," I said. "Big guy? Beard?"
"A young lady, dark-haired."
I thought for a second. "Tell her 'fly in a paper box.'"
He didn't cover the mouthpiece of his phone as he spoke the phrase. There was a pause, then Mr. Calle spoke into the phone once again, "That did it."
"I'm a fast driver. No need to worry, but… maybe don't mention it to the law enforcement officials that are looking over your shoulder. Do you have any preferences for donuts? Coffee?"
"Very casual," he mused. He took the phone, gripped my wrist in his hand and set the handcuff back into place.
"My aims aren't very high. I'm not a psychologist, like Mrs. Yamada, I'm not experienced in the ins and outs of the traumas you capes go through or the damage that shit causes. You and I haven't really squared off yet, like you have with Miss Militia. Those two understand you on levels I never could."
"Maybe you don't really get what the Birdcage is. See, I hate it. I was in Lausanne in two-thousand two through oh-three. Fought a whole mess of ugly. People that couldn't be reasoned with, people who were hopeless, in the grand scheme of it. Victims, as much as anyone else."
"We shot them, the people who heard too much of the Simurgh's song, who weren't just walking disaster areas, but who'd listened long enough that they lost something. Men, women and children missing that moral center that people like Miss Militia and I have. Hell, even you've got morals. They didn't. I'm sure you heard about it, you're not that young. Suicide bombers, dirty bombs. Terrorism, if you will. Eleven year olds and old men making their way to Amsterdam or London and opening fire in a crowded area. Just like that."
"Once we realized what was happening, we had to act, contain the damage. Containfamilies. Had to act against people who went home from a day of trying to kill the rest of us and cooked a nice dinner, oblivious to just how fucked they were in the head. People who were otherwise good, who got warped on a fundamental level, left open to the preaching and the incitement of their angrier neighbors. Two years of fighting before we got the word down from on high, that they couldn't rehabilitate the ones they'd captured, the ones who'd listened too long. The poor assholes would play nice until they saw an opportunity, then they'd take it, do as much damage as they could. Two years fighting good people who'd been convinced they had to throw their lives away fighting an enemy that didn't exist. So we closed the perimeter, bombed them out, herded them and gunned them down."
.............Tagg is a monster with a strong but twisted sense of justice. He wants to do what he can to protect civilians, even going so far to kill other civilians who lost their minds and morals due to Simurgh's influence"I'd rather do what we did in Lausanne than use the Birdcage. End result's the same. You're gone from this world. It's more merciful, understand? If it was legal, if I got the okay from on high, I'd make you kneel in the center of this very room and end you with one well placed bullet. Better than you getting in a van and gettingdisappeared, dropped into a pit that some of the scariest, meanest capes around haven't figured out how to escape, a literal hell on earth."
"My lawyer's here," I said. I could sense him, striding through the lobby to talk to a receptionist at the front desk. "Mr. Calle. He's upstairs."
"Good afternoon," he said, putting his briefcase down before extending a hand to Miss Militia, smiling in a way that showed off his very white teeth. I'd assumed that his prim appearance in the pictures had been because he'd been anticipating having his photos taken, or because he'd been appearing in public.
His black hair hadn't just been cut, it had been styled, his eyebrows shaped. He had long eyelashes, I noted, and a small cleft in his chin. He was an exceptionally handsome Latino guy, in a light gray suit with a white vest beneath, and a red tie. He had a folder and a paper bag under one arm, in addition to the briefcase he'd put down.
Mr. Calle pointed at the one-way mirror at one side of the interrogation room. "This is a confidential meeting with my client. I would never imply that anyone in the PRT would be so crass as to listen in, but… let's leave that room empty until further notice, okay?"
Calle is a neat person, judging by the first impression, I think he might become one of my new favorite non-parahuman characterTagg visibly bristled at the implication. Wordless, he turned to leave.
"And cameras stay off!" Mr. Calle called out at the Director's back.
Tagg shut the door with a little more force than necessary.
"Ms. Hebert," Mr. Calle said, without looking at me. He set the folder on the table and began sorting out the contents. He waited until the paperwork was all arranged in front of him before he turned his attention to the paper bag, retrieving my sandwich, a small carton of six donuts, and a small thermos. He met my eyes and spoke, "We finally meet."
"Very well. Let's get moving. First off, I want to get some things clear. I'm an excellent lawyer, I've worked with more than a few big-name villains, as well as heroes who went astray. I have the rest of my firm backing me, and their talents are but a phone call away. But." He paused in a very deliberate way.
"You should know that I'm not the lawyer you want at a jury trial. We've run simulations, and I don't sell when it comes to juries. This little mark is a good part of that."
He touched his face, where the scar was.
"Lung," I said, "I attacked him and his gang. They're seriously charging me for attacking Lung's henchmen?"
"Moving on, then. Incidents taking place at the… Forsberg Gallery, May fifth. Five cases of assaulting a law enforcement officer. Five cases of battering a law enforcement officer, three performed with a parahuman ability."
"Skipping ahead a month to June third, we've got… complicity towards one count of kidnapping using a parahuman ability. This was-"
"That would be, in effect, declaring war against the government of the United States of America."
"Attacking the mayor," I said, almost relieved to be able to pinpoint the crime in question.
"And his family, it seems." Mr. Calle paused, then paged through the rest of the pad.
I nodded. Dragon and fighting in the debate. Given Dragon's response in the cafeteria, I'd almost expected her to drop any charges involved in the destruction of the suits she'd sent against me. Maybe people higher up than her had charged me anyways. Then there was the manslaughter. "Apparently the murders were staged."
"Now let's talk about our goals. For the record, if we took this to trial, I think we could knock off most of these charges on a lack of evidence and degrees of amnesty surrounding your participation against the various class-S threats. They're going to want to put together a jury that hasn't heard of you, which would be difficult. To those people, it's going to sound downright preposterous that a sixteen year old girl is being charged with treason and terrorism, especially after we reduce the number of assault and battery charges to single digits."
I'm drinking juice and I almost ruined my keyboard by spitting on it after I read that Skitter is framed for declaring war against US government"I don't want a jury trial," I said. "I've said this twice now."
"I know," Mr. Calle said. "Hear me out. I'm wanting to make sure our expectations are realistic. Theoretically speaking, I think we could get you charged as a minor. Paint a picture of a bullied teenager pushed to the limit, caught out of her depth and, following the Leviathan attack, ensnared in an ugly situation where she's trying to protect people and the heroes are being unreasonable in how they interact with her. We could use the unwarranted unmasking to indicate just how aggressive and ruthless the PRT has been in regards to you."
It took one and a half hours, roughly, to get everything worked out and organized. After that, I had to put up with twenty minutes of waiting while Mr. Calle's law firm typed it and emailed it to us. It took ten more minutes for my lawyer to run to a nearby print shop and get the paperwork we'd put together. Mr. Calle then insisted on reading the entire thing through. The wait was almost intolerable.
Fifteen more minutes passed as he went through it page by page, with agonizing slowness. I winced a little every time he stopped and went back to check earlier details against whatever it was he was reading.
"My client, Taylor Hebert, is offering official surrender to the PRT, for a select handful of crimes. This surrender and an admission of guilt would be televised locally, nationally and possibly internationally, dependent on which outlets were prepared to cooperate. In exchange, my client, Taylor Hebert, known by the alias 'Skitter', requests some concessions from the Protectorate, PRT and Wards."
"To begin with, the remaining members of the Undersiders will be given leniency for past crimes. With the understanding that the Undersiders are serving to police this city's underworld where the Protectorate is unable, the group would cease to be the target of any aggression or harassment on the part of the PRT, Protectorate or Wards. This fact would not be disclosed to the public, but would serve as a truce to allow both sides to carry out their respective duties in the service of Brockton Bay."
"You want to neuter us," Director Tagg said. "Stop us from policing the criminals who run this city."
"Quite alright," my lawyer responded. He flashed a smile, "I expect that's why Ms. Hebert has asked that you retire, Director Tagg. Her colleague, known by the alias Tattletale, has apparently confirmed that you've put in the requisite number of years. You could collect your pension without issue."
Skitter's demands are perfectly reasonable and I can see Miss Militia agreeing with them and Tagg being total against out of spite. Plus he doesn't want to resign because he truly believe that what he's doing is the PERFECTLY RIGHT thing to do and he can't see any error in all his decisions. Ok, let's comment a bit over each demand."That can change," I said. "Nearly a week ago, you and I had a conversation. We talked about the issues within the PRT, the fact that you had to kowtow to non-capes and all the problems that posed. I think the non-capes who tend to find powerful positions in the PRT are getting there by dangerous roads. They tend to have backgrounds with the police, military, and anti-parahuman strike teams. It sets up a combative mindset, where we don't need one. With a cape in charge of the local team, at the very least, I could hope that there'd be a shared perspective."
"I guess I have a higher estimation of them than you do. Don't tell your people to stop underestimating me, only to slip up and expect to win wholesale against the rest of the Undersiders. I think they'd surprise you. Surprise all of you."
"You said you need compromise," Miss Militia said. "But you won't budge on this point? A figurehead leader would keep the public content and give you what you're asking for."
"What I want," I said, "Is to set a precedent. Fixing Brockton Bay doesn't do a thing, if we don't leave doors open to fix things elsewhere. If one cape becomes head of the local PRT, then it could happen elsewhere."
All eyes turned to me. I straightened. "I recognize that I'm asking for some big things. I'm hoping that the… scale of some of what I'm asking for is tempered by the fact that this is all constructive. It puts us in a better place and leaves us prepared to face down the real threats: the impending apocalypse, the Endbringers, the forces who'd want to move into this city and abuse the portal. I'm going to ask for one more thing in that vein. Don't send me to the Birdcage. Don't send me to juvie, or hang me for treason. It's… not constructive."
"Use me. I get that it wouldn't work, having me join the Wards. Too much baggage. But… the end of the world hinges on Jack Slash doing something within the next two years. You absolved Armsmaster of his crimes and sent him out to hunt them down. Do the same with me. I can cover a lot of ground in a search, I have experience fighting them, and if you needed it, nobody would even have to know I was doing it. I'd be one more body on the ground, relatively discreet, and maybe that gives us all a slightly better chance of keeping Dinah's prediction from coming to pass."
"Yes," she said. "And they struck one target after Boston. Toybox."
I remembered seeing the name on Tattletale's bulletin board. "Who or where is Toybox?"
"What's Toybox, you mean," the Director said.
"What's Toybox?" I asked.
"Toybox is a black market organization," Miss Militia said. "Tinkers who operate solo find life rather difficult, due to a lack of resources and the fact that gangs and government organizations are very, very persistent when it comes to recruiting them. Faced with the prospect of spending their lives on the run, trying to avoid being forcibly recruited into one organization or another, most turn to the Protectorate or the Wards. For those few who don't, Toybox is… was a refuge of sorts. Tinkers would join, share technology, stay in the enclave as long as they needed to build up a reputation and whatever tools they needed, they would share thirty-three percent of any proceeds with the rest of the group, helping to keep others afloat. Toybox sustained itself with barter, by moving frequently, operating between the scope of heroes and villains, and by selling less-than-legal goods to criminal groups."
"The Slaughterhouse Nine attacked them at the end of June," Miss Militia said. "In doing so, they appropriated all of the tinker technology and all of the tinkers that were staying with the group. See page thirty-six and on."
Pyrotechnical. A tinker focusing on flame manipulation, special effects, guns.
My predictions are right again. Well, I usually follow the logical progression of the events+ the characters' evolution so is not hard for me make pretty decent and close to canon reality prediction. This or I'm a Thinker precog parahuman (but my power only work for fictional stories) who just love to mess with my readers' mindsCranial. A tinker specializing in neurology. Brain scans, draining thoughts, recording thoughts.
Big Rig. A tinker who built drones that built things in turn, particularly buildings.
Bauble. A girl who specialized in glassworking and glassworking tools, including tools that could turn inorganic matter into glass.
Dodge. A boy, twelve, who made access devices for pocket dimensions.
Toy Soldier. A powersuit user with a suit the size of a small building.
Glace. A tinker specializing in cryogenics and stasis.
"The Nine have access to all of their work?" I felt an inarticulate feeling of horror creep over me. I couldn't imagine anything particular, but anything that enhanced the capabilities and options that Slaughterhouse Nine had at their disposal?
"And access to the work of Blasto, a cloning specialist they assaulted and kidnapped in Boston," Miss Militia said.
"The Slaughterhouse Nine attacked Toybox, taking the group's devices for themselves, and they disappeared. We suspect they used Dodge's devices to exit into a pocket dimension, and by the time we'd found a way to follow, they'd exited elsewhere."
"They're dimension hopping?"
"Dodge's devices only exit from Bet to pocket worlds he creates with his devices, back to Bet. We believe they exited somewhere on Bet, possibly in another state, then used another device to hide. Which would be where they are now. Without knowing where they entered that particular pocket, we can't hope to find them," Miss Militia said. "We know their patterns. They tend to cut a swathe of destruction across North America, and it's rare for even a handful of days to pass without them taking any action at all. Between the PRT's past experience with the group, our thinkers, and the fact that they haven't made an appearance in nearly ten days, we believe we've worked out what they're doing."
You know who can find them very easy, if they truly want? Cauldron. Despite their access to their pocket dimension, S9 can't stop Clairvoyant from finding them, Doormaker from opening a portal in their dimension and Number and Contessa from visiting them with not very peaceful intentions. Finding S9 must be piece of cake for Cauldron. Now lets see if Cauldron are just as interested as heroes and Dinah to stop S9 or they have their own different interests (but for the greatest goooooooooooood, we know
I think...or rather I HOPE that this law applies to minor parahumans too,
I can notice that Tagg didn't included the good things that Skitter did, he only focused on every bad stuff she's guilty of. Good things like: helping heroes capture Lung two times, protecting people from Leviathan, fighting nazis and trying to stop Purity's rampage, fighting Merchants, fighting S9, figuring out Siberian's weakness and creating a huge opportunity for the heroes to get rid of this world menace, saving a lot of people who were unlucky to listen Shatterbird's song, taking care of the people in her territory, killing Coil, the man who would have turned the City into his personal dictatorship, fighting against Echidna and helping the heroes kill her, depowering (temporary?) Fallen's leader, making Teeth's leader kill herself. Did I forgot something? Comparatively, Skitter did more good things than bad things but apparently Tagg doesn't care or rather doesn't want to care about. Tagg, you're such a big fucker. A BIG FUCKER
Seriously, Tagg, are you framing Skitter for declaring war against US only because she holds a little territory in a small City?
To nitpick you back, it might not. Legally Treason has some very specific definition, and IIRC includes being at war, so unless they aknowledge the Undersiders as a foreign nation or something, she may not be guilty of that. It does defnitely hit some rather extremely punishable things, but im not sure how open rebellion, attempted secession, trying to oppress 300.000 people or whatever you call it would be legally handled, but some very serious charges, i imagine. Its just probably not technically treason.No - he's charging her with treason because she has clearly attempted to overthrow the existing government of Brockton Bay and install herself and the Undersiders as the new authority. Most gangs don't get that far, and the ones that do (ISIS, drug cartels, etc.) exist in places where the existing government is powerless to stop them. What she has done definitely meets the legal definition of treason.