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You don't know ME, man, you don't know me
I don't know you,true.You don't know ME, man, you don't know me. I'm a very stubborn and tough bitch, despite the appearances.
Did you ever watch any of the DC Animated Universe series?Anyway, despite her personal opinion about parahumans (an opinion that I'll never agree with because: I love parahumans even more than non-powered people and there are a lot of good parahumans around who fight for a better world or to just find their place in a world sometimes hostile to them), Piggot was a better person and a better Director than Tagg (I mean, I barely know Tagg, but the few scenes I saw with him are enough to cement my negative opinion about him and I don't think it will change anytime soon).
Did you ever watch any of the DC Animated Universe series?
A lot people described Piggot favorably as a white Amanda Waller: tough, pragmatic, dislikes/is suspicious of supers, keeps her head out of the clouds and her feet on the ground, understands grey morality, willing to compromise if needed but is still definitely not on the main characters' side (though that changed later).
In contrast, Tagg is more of a General Wade Eiling: just as tough as Waller, but inflexible and believes his own propaganda about right and wrong.
The Number Man swept one finger over the touchscreen display. Two point six billion dollars here, a hundred thousand dollars there.
....Speak of the devil and he shall appear...."siiiiiiiiiiiiiiights" Another Cauldron Interlude, this time...Number Man being at the center of attention. This dude who bullshit supercalculate EVERYTHING and take care of Cauldron's money. He's thinking about money, money, money. I have to listen to this songMoney was the blood of civilized society, its currents running through everything and everyone. Where money was insufficient, things withered. People starved, sickened and died, constructions eroded, even ideas perished. Where funds were plentiful, the same things blossomed with new life.
And money was, in the end, little more than the product of collective imagination. A slip of paper or a coin had no value beyond that of the material it was fashioned of. It only took on a life of its own when people as a whole collectively agreed that certain papers and coins were worth something.
Ok, we have a description of this Number Man. A blond nerd wearing glasses. Exactly how I imagined him to be- except for being blond. He's also described wearing ONLY a shirt and glasses, like...what a minute. NO PANTSHe armored himself in normalcy. He wore only a button-up shirt and thin-rimmed glasses, his blond hair cut into a short style that was easy to maintain. To anyone on the street, he wouldn't appear to be anything but a bookish middle-aged man.
The Elite, a villain group expanding a subtle control over the western seaboard of America, putting pressure on rogues to bring them under their thumb as performers, thinkers, designers and innovators. He could see the numbers, extrapolate from the data to gauge their rate of growth. They were developing too slowly to be useful, not developing fast enough to outpace the predicted end of the world. They'd reach Brockton Bay in about a year. There would be time to decide if countermeasures were needed in the meantime.
Gesellschaft, a nationalistic organization half a planet away from the Elite, was moving large funds in anticipation of a small war. Money was being laundered through cover operations and businesses, almost impossible to track, unless one was able to take in the bigger picture, to see the intent, the beginnings and endings of it. They were investing in transportation, and their fundings seemed to decline at the same time some notable arms dealers in Southern Europe found themselves richer by an equal amount. The Number Man flicked his way past a series of windows detailing the transaction amounts. Arms dealers who specialized in nuclear materials. This was pointing towards terrorism, and not on a small scale. Troubling, but the system would address them. The major hero group in Germany, the Meisters, would attend to the problem. It didn't warrant an expenditure of Cauldron's full resources, not when things were already on shaky ground.
Ok, still businesses, but this is an interesting stuff to read about. At first, I was under impression that Number Man wants to help Gesellschaft (the nazi large group that Night and Fog worked for before they accepted to be PURIFIED) by funding them while they're planning a nuclear terrorist attack, and I was like: WTFHe laid a trap, calculated to start falling into place when the gas was bought in the time window. The main accounts that the Gesellschaft used to manage their funds would be frozen by the time the meeting was underway. They'd likely find themselves at the meeting, the product delivered, but with no funds to pay for it.
The C.U.I. had bought a parahuman. Not so unusual. Higher rates, as of late, but then, the C.U.I. faced a slight chance of an Endbringer attack in coming weeks. They would want to bolster their forces, add parahumans to their peculiar team.
Tattletale had been actively separating herself from the Number Man, issuing new accounts to the Undersiders and her organization. Not so surprising. Eidolon had outed him, announcing the Number Man as a Cauldron-involved cape to a crowd.
The King's Men were in debt. Easy enough to manage an anonymous donation, keep them afloat for another two months.
In the meantime, they'd let things carry on like they were. Faultline would make contacts, she'd find like-minded individuals, and through her, Cauldron would uncover enemies, to be eliminated in one fell swoop.
And exactly when I started to like Number Man only a little, he fucked everything up by being the one who alerted Cauldron about Faultline's little adventure of finding out who ruined her crew's lives and sending Contessa to give her a "warning". Of course, he could have give her the warning himself, and there would have been the same results, but I think that he would rather have others do his dirty work. Damn pervert fucker. Worse, he's more than ok to eliminate everyone that Faultline is going to contact, this sounds like he's a pretty amoral and rotten person. No different compared with Doctor Mother
When the Simurgh had attacked Madison, she'd copied Haywire's technology to open a gate to a building much like this one. A research facility. The portal had dumped the buildings, soil, plant life and all the residents into the city on Earth Bet, costing Cauldron a horrific amount. Even a stockpile of formulae had been lost.
In each cell was an occupant. Large metal plates engraved with numbers helped track who they were, matched to the numbers hidden in the right 'arm' of the tattoo that each subject received; a series of white dots that looked like nothing more than areas where the tattoo hadn't taken.
The cells on the right were new test subjects, lost and angry. He didn't hesitate as he walked past them. The angry words they spat in alien languages were nothing to him. Their glares and hatred less than that.
Their powers were only a small consideration. It was a rare parahuman that didn't try to move beyond the boundary of their cell. There was no forcefield to stop them. They inevitably ignored the warnings and gestures from those in neighboring cells, stepping free, or they used their power, teleporting free or lashing out at one of the staff. The Doctor, the Number Man, Contessa.
Two-six-five. No name. The Number Man knew him well enough, regardless. He'd been too young a subject when he'd taken the formula, his brain too malleable for the required changes, too slow to form natural immunities and defenses. Not a problem with regular trigger events, as it was. The boy's eyes had burned out of his sockets as he'd tried to process the vast amount of information he was capable of perceiving. Even now as he was reaching his late teens, the boy's mind had never developed beyond the mental age of eight, and his eyes remained like twin ashtrays.
A partner to the Doormaker, capable of granting clairvoyance, seeing whole other worlds at once. It left most subjects incapacitated for a week after use, and it overrode any other perception powers.
Second floor basement. He stepped out of the stairwell and progressed down the main hallway. There were rows of cells to either side of him. Two thousand and forty-eight parahumans, each with a number, both on the wall of their cell and in their tattoo.
The faintest brush of air touched his left hand, so faint he might not have felt it while he was walking.
They got a name, more space, some quiet.
He paused. Again, a brush against his left hand.
I have to stop calling Case 53s like this because I absolute hate this label applied to these people that are so sympathetic to me
He took the stairs two at a time, moving with an uncharacteristic haste. He also spoke, more to himself than his companion. "There are others who are supposed to attend to these matters. Which suggests the escapee is smart, is strong enough to deal with them, or… as is more typical for the denizens of the fourth floor, interesting."
In typical cases, the agent seemed to momentarily reach out to search the entire world, many worlds for reference material, to seize on the subject's conception of a 'bird' or conception of 'movement', to build up an understanding of things that didn't exist in the agent's realm of experience.
As though it were penciled in the air, in thread-thin, elaborate notation, he could see the geometry and the numbers unfolding across the world around him, through the air.
He withdrew a pen from his pocket, spun it around one finger. The notation billowed around it, and through it, he could see the movement of the pen, the plotted trajectory, the velocity and rotation of it. The numbers clicked into place with a speed that made the rest of him, his very perceptions, seem like slow motion.
Here and there, there were incongruities. Painting an entirely different picture. His companion was here, near him. Bending the most fundamental rules. The Custodian.
Cauldron calls the aliens who create the Corona Pollentia in order to give powers to humans as Agents, but I kind of like more how Bonesaw calls them: Passengers. Passengers who "travel" between endless worlds to find the perfect hosts who can take them and help them reach their objectives. Agents seem too business like and less metaphorical and it happens to like metaphors more
"We escape," three-zero-one-six said, his voice a rasp, heavily accented. "Together. I stop the spirit, you take-"
Gosh, this Irregular talks like he's basically two persons trapped in the same body, but in different dimensions/planes of existence, who can switch with each otherHe stopped, turned to face the Number Man. The pair was separated by an expanse of a hundred feet, in an open area with a high ceiling, only the lighting around each standalone cell allowed them to see one another.
Ok, I'm convince now that Number Man is just as good as fighting just like he's with computers and economy. He's clearly a Combat Thinker and while he doesn't seen super-strong and doesn't have super-speed either, he's incredible agile and fast because he can bullshit supercalculate every single movement he can do in order to dodge the attacks of his adversary+ he can bullshit supercalculate every single attack coming from Irregular 3016. His power is pretty bullshit OP, but there are already a lot of OP powers in this world so I'm not surprised to see Number's Man's REAL power in action (maybe Contessa is just like him, that would be an explanation for her being so successful against Faultline's Crew). However, I'm pissed that these fuckers are so good at fighting and while I can see Skitter finding smart ways to score a win against them (at least against Number Man), that won't be a very easy feat because this man is also an excellent strategist and a very experienced killer (I can see him as a killer because of how chill he's while talking about murdering the Irregular with enough cold blood to fill up the entire facility), knowing how to kill someone using a...pen"You'll miss," the Number Man said. "And I'll close in and strike you, using my pen and my hand. I can see the stress points of your body, clear as day. I can shatter your skull like a glass, and it would be an exceptionally painful way to die."
Another delusion perpetuated by society. Useful, valuable, much like commerce, but still a delusion. It only served its purpose so long as it was more constructive than not adhering to those beliefs, but people often lost sight of the fact, made it out to be something it wasn't.
He'd suddenly lost a great deal of interest in this conversation.
"I told you. You died when you came here. You left them some time ago."
Number Man is either delusional as hell, he's a psychopath or he just like to mess with the poor Reyner that he just defeated
The Doctor frowned. "And we're behind schedule, even if we ignore that. I'd hoped to use Shatterbird or Siberian."
I'm not sure if Doctor Mother doesn't like Number Man's idea to kidnap more people for their experiments because she developed a bit of conscience in the meantime, starting to feel guilty for what they're doing to the poor people OR she's afraid that if they'll continue with their illegal activities they'll attract more unwanted attention over them, risking to have the whole world against them, everyone joining their forces to stop them, just like they're doing with Endbringers. I'm not sure if this woman have a conscience or she's just cautious and doesn't want to have her work destroyed more than is already. Because she's aware that Cauldron suffered losses after losses lately and she probably just wants to reduce the next loses as much as possible. From Triumvirate, only Alexandria and Eidolon remained by her side, Legend being too disgusted to continue to help her, all of the Irregulars in Wards and Protectorate decided to make their own team, there's a goddamn portal in the middle of Brockton Bay and if Tinkers will discover how to create/open more portals, then Cauldron might be in danger to be discovered wherever they're hidingThey'd lost Coil, had lost Hero, and the Triumvirate had dissolved. They were in the process of losing the Protectorate. Everything they'd put together, falling apart over time.
Jacob carefully stepped around the expanding pool of blood. He crouched by the body, then grinned.
The other face wasn't smiling at all. It was grim, a stark opposite, just as their hair colors were nearly opposites.
We're nearly opposites in more than hair color.
"He can die after all," Jacob mused.
I'm worried he'll get up all of a sudden, even with his guts hanging out and half his blood on the ground.
Ok, time for Number Man's BACKSTORY. When he was a teenager, his real name was Jacob and he practiced killing people with a partner of his. He was a murderer, a psycho, nothing surprising here. He's still a murderer, he just choose office work instead of field work. But now that Doctor Mother ordered him to go back to field work...LET THE BODIES HIT THE FLOORJacob stretched, and wet blood ran down his arm as he raised it over his head. He still held the murder weapon. One of the murder weapons. It had been a shared effort.
Gosh, this is shocking"Yes," Harbinger said.
"Forget the stupid names and spandex. Tell me your heart isn't pounding, that you've never felt more alive than this."
"Jack," Jacob said. He kicked King's body again. "Fuck it. He always called me Jacob, practically purring.
I'm so very happy when I'm right about somethingHis little killer in training. As if I could match up to his Gray Boy. I want to be more than that. Get out from under his shadow."
"Okay… Jack."
"You want to fight?" Jack asked. The smile had dropped from his face.
So, they killed King, who was the leader of S9 before Jack taking over. I remember that Jack ordered Bonesaw to create only a single clone for King and Grey Boy. Grey Boy because is too dangerous and uncontrollable. I can't actually wait to get to know this psycho who's probably a child by Bonesaw's age or maybe a little older. Another evil child but if is a child for real then he must be REALLY FUCKED UP if everyone seem to be fascinated/afraid by him. Maybe even more FUCKED UP than Bonesaw herself. And we know how Bonesaw is. I think I'll be fascinated with his character because there's something fascinating in a twisted way with evil children. Their innocence appropriate to their age mixed with their insane minds/evilness is a CREEPY combination, yet a darkly charming one. I don't know, I'm just fascinated by children, even evil ones
No wonder why this bastard called himself King. An arrogant Master who saw himself as a king lording over his more or less mind controlled people. Well, this fucker deserved to die so this is the first time when I agree with Jack over a murder
The Number Man set the costume down. He picked up the knife. The same one he'd used to stab King in the back, buying Jack time to open the man's stomach.
The Number Man was working to save lives, and he killed as a matter of kindness. Jack considered killing a matter of fact, and any life he spared was only for his own twisted ends.
In a roundabout way, he used his power for killing, for destruction. Jack had been gifted with a power that was good only for killing, but the Number Man harbored a suspicion that Jack was more than that.
Some were well vested in mechanical details, drawing a great deal from it to fabricate their work. Others had little idea about the technical aspects of what they created, relying more on instinct and creativity, relying more on their agents to draw up an idea of how their work would function.
I wonder how Jack and Number Man were able to resist King's mind control long enough to get their upper hand over him and kill him. But maybe he trusted them too much to use his power on them all the time besides the attack was a backstabbing executed by Number Man, something that King wasn't probably expecting at. He didn't had time to fight back. Number Man admits that Jack is a monster but he sees himself as a lives savior, despite not being very different compared with Jack either. They're both monsters, Number Man is just too delusional to admit the sad realityWas Jack, perhaps, in particular sync with his agent in mindset?
I remember that Jack ordered Bonesaw to create only a single clone for King and Grey Boy.
Its been awhile since I read Worm but I believe it was only Grey Boy he said that about.
Also, i dont think we have proof that King had any real mind control ability. They just thought about claiming that to get away from what they did.
Numberman is more of a Sociopath than a Pyschopath. He doesn't enjoy killing people, he just doesn't care about it.
Not really. Sociopaths don't have that degree of detachment, but psychopaths do. You seem to have mixed up the two terms somehow. Either way, a sociopath and psychopath still feel emotion and attachment, just differently. A sociopath would still be sad and grieving if his family died. A psychopath would be more annoyed that he has been inconvenienced with such an event.They could kill their whole family without flicking a muscle or ever feeling bad for what they did
I definitely have to disagree with this. A sociopath will only kill someone if they need to, or if it benefits them. A Psychopath will kill someone just for the enjoyment of it.
Not really. Sociopaths don't have that degree of detachment, but psychopaths do. You seem to have mixed up the two terms somehow. Either way, a sociopath and psychopath still feel emotion and attachment, just differently. A sociopath would still be sad and grieving if his family died. A psychopath would be more annoyed that he has been inconvenienced with such an event.
I think you're seriously drawing Number Man as way worse than he actually is. Don't get me wrong, he is a really bad person, but not quite the outright psycho you say he is, at least not in my eyes.
In my opinion, he was trying to put it into perspective. From the family's and world's perspective, Reyner is dead and gone. The person he used to be doesn't exist. There is only a test subject left, there in the Cauldron lab, in a purgatory, awaiting what comes next. Also I'm not sure I remember well, but I think Number Man did offer to kill him, or kill him quickly, or something like that. Or I may be remembering wrong, which is probable. And he doesn't seem to be disgusted by morals either, just largely apathetic towards them, otherwise he'd be sneering and treating moralistic people like scum.
He seems to be more concerned with society, with its delusions of money, happiness, satisfaction, and agreements and concepts like friendship or morality, which, in his eyes, humans use as a polite front for maintaining order and having life make sense. Which, in a way, is funny, since, when you squint, that's almost like him trying to mathematize human psychology, literally. So, even if it's morally bankrupt, I think we can both agree it's fitting for "The Number Man."
Anyway, I'm not trying to say he's not a bad person, just saying you've really blown him out of proportion in that segment. Either way, I've really enjoyed the review.
I definitely have to disagree with this. A sociopath will only kill someone if they need to, or if it benefits them. A Psychopath will kill someone just for the enjoyment of it.
How did the others do it? They entered into a room and people respectedthem.
Sabah is Parian, right? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, a Parian Interlude right after Number Man Interlude, from a sociopathic fucker to one of the most pleasant characters. Good, good, I'm going to savor each moment of this Interlude, that's for sureSabah walked through her territory, a black, bipedal unicorn just behind her.
Was it that she'd inherited territory that Bitch had controlled, once? Territory where people had been afraid to go outside for fear of being attacked by dogs? She'd tried to make it clear she wasn't that kind of leader, had tried to emulate Skitter, even, but it hadn't worked. Gifts she'd brought in were rejected outright, or taken wordlessly, as if people thought she owed them something for being in charge. She'd saved people from the Teeth… saved them from extortion, threats.
She's trying to be like Skitter? Ha ha ha ha ha, my poor naive baby :lol. You'll never be not even half as Skitter, and I'm not referring at the good things that Skitter did because I'm sure that you can do as much good as she did, but at Skitter being a scary leader, using fear to terrorize her enemies and some really sadistic strategies to fuck them up, using fear to even make her own people and teammates listen her, ultimately becoming like a twisted good version of Bakuda. While Sabah is capable to brutally attack someone when she's angry enough (Bonesaw would have been so fucked without her UNFAIR Tinker advantages back when Sabah's "animated" dinosaur stomped her), I just can't see her pulling out a Skitter and scaring the living daylights of other villains or attacking a hero and bringing them very close to death or filling someone's eyes with "living" stuffed maggots, not even if its absolute necessary for her to act like this. This is how I'm seeing Sabah, as someone ready to do everything to protect her loved ones, including murder, but incapable to be randomly cruel, merciless or scary
High school had been hard because she'd immigrated from Basra with her family.
Being a girl in a male-dominated field, she'd drawn attention from one student.
She tried a clear 'no', and it didn't work. He'd gone away for a few days, then came back, making another casual hint about them maybe going out.
She tried a harsh no, laced with all the anger and frustration she'd been feeling, and she got labeled a 'bitch'.
The other students, friends or acquaintances of her would-be-paramour, wound up hearing and turned on her.
Her schoolwork started to suffer, because she didn't have the study groups, nobody willing to work with her on projects and presentations.
Her father's terminal heart attack had been another straw on the camel's back. Alone, it was nothing, but in combination with everything else… Sabah had triggered on what was only one in a long string of nights spent alone, stewing in frustration, fear and anger in her dorm room. She'd glimpsed something bigger, something that was beyond her recall now, and she'd gained her powers.
It hadn't lasted long, that motivation. Even before Leviathan came and dashed the college to pieces, she'd had doubts about whether it was what she was meant to do.
Sabah's backstory is HEARBREAKINGEven before the Slaughterhouse Nine had killed her mom, her aunt, her cousin, and her roommate, she'd been feeling hopeless, desperate.
Skitter showed up at PRT office and turned self in. They taking her to cell right now.
Here comes the BOMBTt:I know. come 2 meet place from other nite asap. First floor.
And once the construction was formed, a shell that trapped the telekinetic energy within until it was heavy, she could move it as a collective whole.
She wasn't good at this. Navigating the streets, where they were congested with cars, or making her way through the areas where there was construction, littered with obstacles and pitfalls. At being a cape, at being an important cape.
Grue entered, and he was a storm of darkness, to the point that his body wasn't even visible.
"I kept it a secret because she asked me to and she's doing this because she thinks it's going to fix more things than it breaks," Tattletale said. She shifted position with care, as though every movement was painful. Even after she stopped, Parian could see her clenching her jaw, as if staving off waves of pain.
"There's two major issues we have to deal with," Tattletale said. "Accord is going to be one. The other is-
Yes, yes, Tattletale, Accord and Bitch are your biggest problems right now. Accord is not someone who would take lightly what he'll perceive as being a "betrayal" and not get revenge on the "traitor", Bitch is not someone who'll accept the "betrayal" and just continue to live as nothing happened. I was so right about Grue being very angry but I didn't expected for Tattletale to actually KNOW something about Skitter's plans, despite being in a very difficult situation because of her intense headaches (I so hate everytime when Tattletale is in pain. I hate anyone or anything causing her pain, even if we're talking here about her own power "hugs". Ok, I feel in the mood to hug anyone. Now, who wants, besides Tattletale and Parian, my irresistible hugs? They're free and they're irresistible
The wolf cub was comparatively small. Adorable. Adorable and capable of turning into a murder machine the size of a pony.
Parian felt her heart rate pick up as Bitch approached, felt that sense ofdanger peak as they briefly made eye contact, before the girl moved on.
"Fuck it," Regent said, "I'll say it. Skitter's at the PRT headquarters."
"So? We break her out."
"She went there on purpose," Regent said, almost offhandedly. Carelessly.
"She makes plans," Bitch said. "She's smart like that. I'm not. I don't try to understand what she's doing."
Tattletale, nearly incapacitated. Grue, with his darkness a virtual storm around him. Regent and Imp, standing back, together. And Bitch. Stock still, radiating something more than tension. Restrained aggression, even.
"It doesn't mean anything," Bitch said, and her voice was harder. "It's a plan."
Loyalty, Parian thought. Misguided loyalty, blinding Bitch to the truth, but loyalty nonetheless.
"It's important," Bitch growled. "You're supposed to be her friends, and you're talking about her like she's gone."
Bitch is one damn loyal bitch, this is more than obvious. She also doesn't hesitate to be angry on the other Undersiders for believing that Skitter left them forever. I like how her anger influences her power- the more she's angry, the most she's using her power on her dogs, making them grow without probably even realizing this. She's using her power almost instinctively and I bet she'll be surprised once she'll realize that her dogs became hellhounds while she was trying to find excuses for Skitter's gesture in front of everyone. Parian is surprising good at reading Bitch, but Bitch is a pretty simple person so is not that hard to see her hidden depths, since there aren't exactly so "hidden"The pitbull seemed to take her cue, and began growling steadily. He was still growing, his body straining against the chain harness he wore.
"I called him just after Regent and Imp showed," Tattletale said. "He'll be here at nine thirty, on the dot. Would have mentioned sooner, but we got caught up in talking."
"Granted," Grue said. He sighed, "God, I'm not up to this. Damn her to hell."
There was no reply from the group.
How many members of this group were voicing silent agreement? Parian shifted her weight nervously. How many people here had taken a life? All of them? Most?
Do you think that the Fairy Queen is in synch with her passager or controlled by it?