Hello, my people. Welcome back to another wacky adventure in your favorite world of parahumans, alien parasites, monsters and mad people. Last time, Skitter took something from the leader of Fallen, namely...his eyes, so he can't control more people in the future to do his biding. And who knows...maybe he's now incapable to brainwash the other Fallen (if my theory that most of Fallen are under his control is right) and people will realize how much evil this guru did to them and will leave his cult. But I still have one regret...she only took his eyes, not his dick as well

. Shame on you, Skitter, you don't live up to your name lately. What kind of Destroyer of Dicks you''re if you let an incestuous asshole to escape only with his eyes being eaten by maggots and not with the other weapon of crime destroyed as well? Hmm, shame on you. I don't want to talk about Imp and Regent anymore because...its too disturbing to even think about. All I can say: bitches being crazy. Citrine is crazy after a violent and controlling man, Imp is crazy after another violent and controlling man. At least I'm happy that there's at least male counterpart: Valefor being crazy after the love of his life, the bad girl Simurgh (I can imagine a fanart with him getting married with her and he's the one wearing the wedding dress

). Too bad that Simurgh have a weakness for Tinkers and Valefor is not one of them. You poor asshole, nothing works like you want

Ok, time to see Skitter and her Merry Gang taking down Butcher as well. They can't kill her because her killer will be possessed by all her Passenger-personalities, so they have to do something to make her KILL HERSELF, but without directly controlling her. This should be the only solution to defeat Butcher. She's a maniac with a huge possibility to be also a cannibal (who knows how many people she killer for her dinner?) so only death should stop her from bringing more misery and suffering. I want to see
my sexy bad boy Accord getting personally involved in this fight because he can find a solution for Butcher's demise. Plus, more on-screen Accord
Imago 21.4
I was in plainclothes, and they were clothes I wouldn't normally have worn, which was sort of the point. The idea was to be hidden in plain sight, as I walked in the midst of the crowds downtown. I'd removed my glasses and regretfully donned contact lenses, slathered on sunscreen and donned a white summer dress and sandals, along with a big, wide-brimmed sun hat that was incongruous enough to mark me as a possible tourist. Shopping bags and loosely braided hair helped complete the image.
Maybe the sun hat was conspicuous. The clouds were heavy overhead, and the wind was moving them across the sky at a decent pace. Hopefully it would brighten up.
So, is Taylor, in some feminine clothes, for the first time since Worm started. She's not Taylor the tomboy anymore, neither Skitter, the Warlady. She's Taylor the GIRL and looks like she isn't fully prepared for fight

(well, she's always prepared for fight, but this time not exactly fully prepared). Either we're not going to see Teeth being destroyed in this Chapter or Taylor will have to pull a difficult, but nice fight while dressed in a summer dress and wearing sandals

It would be so easy to get paranoid over the slightest things, if I let myself. Parahumans kind of opened a lot of doors on that front. There was no way to be on guard against every eventuality. Bystanders could have been manipulated by Valefor before we confronted him, cloth in store displays could be Parian's work, the mannequins some trap laid by, well, Mannequin. The ground, the wind, changes in temperature, shadows… anything could be a sign of incoming attack.
So, Valefor's mental orders can influence people over a certain period of time, even after he doesn't have his power anymore

? Well, that sounds downright SCARY, its possible that Fallen, after hearing what happened to their leader, will retaliate, following the order that he probably gave them (if I'll ever be hurt, attack the person(s) who hurt me and everyone they hold dear). Are we going to see this cult drowning Brockton Bay into an ocean of demonic chaos? Everything is possible with fuckers like Valefor and I won't be surprised if his Passenger will find ways to restore his power if he doesn't have a healer/bio-tinker in his "family". Like making him capable to control people without using his eyes, only his voice or his hand gestures. Because Passengers need their hosts to be active and if one of them can't use their powers anymore, they'll either leave their brains or IMPROVE them.
Are you afraid of Parian, Taylor? Are you serious? Parian is one of the few people that nobody should be afraid of (except for the fuckers who hurt her people). Also, she's your ally now

. But I can understand and SHARE your fear of a possible return of Mannequin. There's no Mannequin in my world, yet I'm out of breath everytime when I see a mannequin. Mannequins are the creepiest things that humanity ever created

. They're the stuff that all nightmares are made of. Your fear is motivated more than any other fear, given the fact that, in almost two years, there are going to be Mannequin clones roaming around the world. FUCK MY LIFE. FUCK YOUR LIFE, TAYLOR. FUCK OUR LIVES

Grue and Citrine were inside, both in costume. Citrine in her yellow evening gown and mask, adorned with her namesake gemstones for both jewelry and embellishments, a file folder tucked under one arm. Grue, for his part, was wreathed in darkness. They couldn't have been more different in appearance: sunshine and darkness.
But both, I knew, were professionals. I suspected they were very similar people.
A part of me felt like I should be jealous that the pair were keeping each other company. Except, rationally, I knew they weren't. Rationally, I knew there was no reason they'd be together, or even that they'd be attracted to one another. Citrine was pretty, but… I couldn't imagine she was Grue's type.
Your jealousy have no real base, Taylor. There's not a single thing going on between Citrine and Grue (oh, hi, Citrine, nice to see you again. Hope you're not going to break my bones for the second time. You can keep Accord for yourself, just give me your nice dress. Its my favorite color and look stunning

). Citrine is not interested in someone who doesn't think in every second at hundreds of ways to kill her, Grue isn't interested in girls, in general, Taylor being the only exception, Citrine is too classy for Grue and she seems to prefer men just as classy as her, Grue knows only businesses, pleasure comes last for him.
I think...I think I have a crazy plan: what if Grue will try to seduce Citrine, making her all hot and bothered with his bad boy charm, then after she'll gets undressed, Taylor will knock her out cold and I'll have all the time in the world to STEAL HER DRESS

. Please, Taylor, Grue, help me, please, I NEED that dress. I'll remain forever grateful to you two.
"gets hit across her head by Taylor- too jealous to see other woman naked in front of her boyfriend- with her sandal" Or maybe not...ouch....
More than you know, I thought. Tattletale was occupied with little more than an intense migraine. She'd pushed herself too far and was now paying for it.
"gives Tattletale warms blankets, painkillers and hugs" Aww, she used her power too much and now she have a migraine. What does it means? It means that, if Taylor decided to surrender to heroes, Tattletale will not know about her intentions and will not stop her by alerting the rest of the Undersiders. Taylor kind of used Tattletale's break from using her power in her advantage. Now nothing will stop her from doing what she's planning to do.
"Others of us are born with nothing. It is hard to get something when you don't have anything. You can't make money until you have money. The same applies to contacts, to success, to status. It's a chasm, and where you start is often very close to where you finish. The vast majority never even move from where they began. Of the few that do make it, many are so exhausted by the time they meet some success that they stop there. And others, a very small few, they make that drive for success, that need to climb becomes a part of themselves. They keep climbing, and when someone like Accord recognizes them and offers them another road to climb, they accept without reservation."
"Which are you?" Grue asked. "Did you start with power, or did you fight for it?"
Citrine smiled a little, looking over her shoulder at the tower. "I suspect Tattletale will tell you, if you're curious enough to ask."
Judging after her classy behavior and her civility, I suspect that Citrine comes from a very rich family, but she got bored with her perfect life (or maybe her parents treated her in the same way Lisa's father treated her) and ran away from home, being found by Accord and taken under his protection. He gave her Cauldron powers and she became his favorite Ambassador, being first and the most loyal one. Something like what Coil did to Tattletale, but Coil used Tattletale without caring a bit about her (or about anyone else but himself). Accord uses Citrine too, but he also cares about her in his own weird, sadistic, twisted way, he seems proud of her and he doesn't treat her like Coil used to do with his "pets". Citrine trusts and respect Accord so much, I'm starting to like their relationship, as complicated as it is

. No, I don't ship them for two reasons: I'm not a fan of too dominant/submissive relationships, being a person oriented towards more romantic and sweet love stories and Accord doesn't like romance, neither sex

. Either his power doesn't let him to enjoy these little pleasures of life or his natural personality. They'll never have a romantic future together. Maybe only in fanfics.
"More gravity, less gravity, more intense temperature variation, less intense temperature variation. Friction, light intensity, the progression of time… More possibilities than I can count, many so minor you wouldn't notice. But if someone powered is in the area, and I find the right attunement, as though I were searching a radio station, I can cut off their powers. If I'm exact enough, which never takes more than twenty or thirty seconds to narrow down, I can use my power to cancel out the filters that keep someone's powers in their control. I can also remove the filters that keep their power from affecting them."
"Turning their power against them," I said.
"Yes," Citrine said.
I could picture my bugs slipping from my control, gravitating towards me in response to my stress, biting and stinging, even devouring me, perpetuating the stress, pushing the cycle forward.
Or Grue… what would happen to him? Rendered blind and deaf by his own power, dampening his own abilities until they sputtered out, or creating a feedback loop by draining his own abilities, until he was overwhelmed?
"And Othello?" I asked.
"He has a mirror self," she said. "Who walks in a world very similar to this one. This self has a limited ability to affect our world, and can't be affected by us. Othello can push himself into that other world to bring his other self into ours, and vice versa. One leaves, the other enters. It looks very much like teleportation or invisibility. It isn't."
So, Othello have a doppelganger from another Earth, and this man works like some sort of human version of Siberian. I mean, looks like he's a human from another Earth but once Othello brings him on Earth Bet, he's immune to attacks but he can affect others. Othello can also switch with his doppelganger, entering in his mirror world. Ok, I wonder if he drank from the same Cauldron vial as Manton. Now his power gave me a pretty good idea about Circus possible secondary power: what if there are not two persons sharing a body between dimensions, civilian Circus boy have a costumed super-powered girl doppelganger in another world and when he wants to fight, he calls her, replacing himself with her. So, they have like two powers. Hmm, very good piece of information about Othello's powers, thank you, Cintrine. Now I think I understand better Circus, the person that not even Tattletale was capable to understand

Citrine's power(s) make her a LIVING HELL to fight against. She seems to be one of the most powerful parahumans who ever walked on Earth Bet. Not only that she's
a republican Trump who can nullify others' powers (she reminds me of Pulse from X-Men/The Gifted with his ability to disrupt mutants' powers), but she can also TURN SOMEONE'S POWER AGAINST THEMSELVES

. Possible mentally command to their Passengers to attack their hosts. Citrine might give someone like Legend or Alexandria a run of their money if they're not aware of her power. Alexandria will be immune to her own powers if turned against her but a depowered Alexandria will not give a good impression. I'm honestly impressed by how powerful Citrine can be. I want to see her in a fight. Possible against Butcher. She can depower Butcher and kill her...but she'll still get the 14 Passenger personalities because a depowered Butcher still have her Passenger inside her brain and if Citrine kills her even if she's depowered, still counts as a personalities/powers transfer to her killer.
How in the hell they can kill Butcher? I'm kind of obsessed over this shit

It was a three-hundred page treatise, complete with binding at the spine and a gray cover printed with the simple words 'Brockton Bay: Crime and Public Safety'. I handed Grue the folder and the dossiers on the five recruits to the Ambassadors, keeping the tome. I paged through it, holding it so Grue could read alongside me.
It was less an essay than a technical manual. A step-by-step guide to bringing the city in order. Size eight font, bolded and centered headings, annotations, continually referring to other sections. It was readable, though, almost seductive in how it made it all sound so possible. The language was simple, clear, and unambiguous, as though it were outlining little more than how to build a bookshelf, without more than the occasional diagram. There were branching paths, too, clearly outlined, detailing the routes to be taken if something didn't work out. I could only assume that the bulk of the text was Accord's accounting of all the various possibilities.
No murder, nothing totalitarian. Not at a glance. It was merely a very involved analysis on Brockton Bay, the various criminal elements, the various players and how things could be brought into alignment.
Accord, the most I read about you and your totally INSANE but positive plans of making the world a better place to live in, the more I like you and I agree with your ideas, no matter how delusional and selfish they sound. He's against senseless murders (despite his brain or his power's subtle influence telling him otherwise), he doesn't want to be a dictator, all he wants is to put the world in order, eliminating the elements of disorder. Do you hear that from the hell where you're burning, Coil? This friend of yours is total different compared with how you're while alive

. He's not a dictator, neither a cold blooded/insane criminal (I'm sure that Accord killed people during his villainous activity because...this is what 90% villains are usually doing (among other things): KILL people who are staying on their way. The other 10% villains are the ones who KILL people who doesn't even stand in their way at all; but he doesn't necessarily feel like he have to kill innocents in order to create his idealistic world governed by order and perfection). While I still don't trust Accord and I know that he only care to bring order in the world because of his own obsession with order, I can admire his ideas and his ambition to put these ideas in practice as soon as possible

The only way I will like Accord less and less until I'll downright hate him is if one of these situations will gradually happen:
Accord: Doctor Mother, I brought you some children, including a baby. My power gave me a quick solution for your quest of creating very powerful parahumans. If a subject is very young, particularly a child, when you'll make them drink the vials, they'll be exponentially more powerful than if they're adults? Vista's example confirms my theory. A baby is even much more better for your purposes.
Doctor Mother: "simply stare and droll over the blessed possibility that she's going to make experiments on babies. She can't even contain her excitement" Why, thank you. This is...so kind and thoughtful of you, mr Accord.
Tattletale: I know you're planning to kill me in exactly five minutes. The traps are already set, but you hesitate to use them. Yet. Why?
Accord: Because, Tattletale, I just wanted to see how much your power will fail you in the next 5 seconds.
Tattletale: I'm never wrong.
"she gets cut in two by a large hidden chainsaw coming out of the floor".
Accord: Never say never, my dear child. You said 5 minutes, but it was only a matter of seconds. Your power was such a mess. Its was necessary to eliminate this mess.
Accord would be an ABSOLUTE BASTARD if one of these situations will happen for real.
"Skeptical," I said. "Ever notice how every power gets turned to violent ends? Even the people with powers that could benefit humanity wind up losing it? Accord, Sphere, there's Parian on the smallest end of the scale…"
"And you think there's some ugly twist to this."
"Accord works out some scenario where it's possible to establish peace in Brockton Bay by exerting pressure in the right areas, promoting the right people, and allocating resources in the right way, but it turns out like a wish from a malevolent genie. It turns ugly, or there's some loophole. I think Tattletale should look at it. That's all. We need to be very careful."
Taylor, stop blaming EVERYTHING on powers. In Sphere's case, wasn't his power guilty for his change of personality/mind. Simurgh was the first to be blamed, then himself, because he couldn't get over his personal tragedy and decided to take a violent, dark, brutal and insane path instead of trying to recover and rebuilding his life (I understand that this is the most painful thing ever for a parent- to see their kids being killed- but this is still NOT an excuse for someone to turn evil and to ruin so many lives). His power never changed, he only choose to use it to destroy people, instead of saving them, like he did before the tragedy that occurred in his life. He turned himself into Mannequin, NOT his power. There's no need to be worried about Accord yet, as for Parian...I'm getting really pissed everytime that Skitter mentions Parian as someone to be worried about, even on the smallest end of the scale, despite knowing (and personally experienced) how peaceful and non-violent Parian really is

. Yet she still see Parian as a menace from the shadows of her cloth animals and she needs to be cautious around her because...who knows...maybe a cloth snake controlled by Parian will suddenly strangle Taylor and in this time Parian will give her the best evil laugh in the history of generic evil laughs. Taylor scares me -with her paranoia about Parian- more than an actual evil Parian

"I raised the idea of you maybe getting therapy," I said. "I could use it too, to be honest."
"Yeah," he said.
"Do you think, maybe, if you were in a better head space, you could handle the leadership thing better?"
"I don't know," he said. "Maybe."
"Would you be willing to try? I don't want to guilt you into it, but it'd give me a lot of peace of mind, knowing that you'd be there to keep things going."
"I'd be willing to try," he murmured, his voice a hollow echo from within his darkness. "But why are you being so fatalistic?"
Grue is going to be Yamada-ed which is always welcomed. He needed therapy even from the beginning of the story, since he was already traumatized by his drugged slut mother and his stepfathers. As the story developed, he suffered more and more traumas, gradually more violent and persistent so I'm really surprised that he didn't went nuts until now. He's a very strong person, that's for sure. But he still NEEDS Jessica Yamada in his life

. I'm glad that Taylor is supportive towards him again. Finally, they're alone (or maybe this is what they think), she doesn't need to be "strong" anymore. She can be "weak" for him, as any normal girlfriend

"Regent and Imp," I said, stopping when he turned his head my way.
A heavyhanded way of changing the subject.
"What about them?"
"They're together," I said. "I don't know if it's romantic, but… they're together."
"I'm aware," he said.
"It's a problem."
"It is," he agreed. "But there's nothing I can do about it."
"Rein them in?" I suggested.
"How? Aisha bucks at rules and restrictions. She'd use her power and run before I could talk to her more seriously. She was always one for flight more than fighting. Fitting that she got that power. Infuriating."
"Then talk to Regent."
"Not much better. He's never one to face confrontation, but he handles it differently. He doesn't run, he evades. He'd say or do whatever it took to stop me lecturing him, stop me from threatening him, and he'd go right back to what he was doing, in a different way, a different angle, so I'm less likely to catch on. And if I angered him, or upset him, he'd make me answer for it somehow."
"I don't think I've really seen him angry or upset."
"You don't," Grue said. "Because he doesn't show it. I don't think he even fully realizes it, that he feels that way. But his jokes get a bit more barbed, he pushes back a little harder when pushed. He makes dealing with him annoying or toxic in a thousand small ways, until you can't continue to press him. Then he uses that, goes right back to doing what he wanted to do. It's not worth the trouble. They're friends. I don't like it, but I can live with it."
"He controlled her."
Another trauma for your boyfriend, the knowledge that his sister have a thing for supernatural BDSM and he can't do nothing to stop this weird-ass relationship she and Regent have. Imp will run away and Regent will ignore him. Thank you, Taylor, for traumatizing him more

. At least you're honest with him and this thing kind of matters a lot. But still he's going to suffer more knowing that he failed to be a good and protective brother because he was unable to keep his sister away from dangerous people, just like his stepfathers were

But I couldn't bring myself to voice the thought aloud.
"Me either," Grue said, his voice quiet, in response to an answer I hadn't expressed with anything but my expression and body language.
I couldn't lie and say that the mental picture, the fantasy, was a real possibility. I couldn't see it unfolding the same way I could see a thriving Brockton Bay secured with equal measures of fear and fairness.
It had been busy, hard and violent, with too much to do. It was too easy to see how things could continue down that road.
As long as your God is Wildbow, you'll never ever be truly happy, my poor sympathetic villains

. He'll find ways to feed you with more unhappiness and pain until you'll realize that happiness is something more hard to reach than an important victory against Simurgh.
I still think that this story will have a good ending (or maybe a bittersweet one), but I'm not sure if Taylor or/and Brian will be included in this happy ending. Any of them (or both) might die, even with their apparent plot armor, or something even worse than death might wait for them. Or survive but with plenty of traumas that will give even to someone like Jessica a hard time to deal with them. But...happy...together? I personally wish them all the happiness in the world, but I'm powerless in a world ruled by God Wildbow

He lowered his head and kissed me with surprising tenderness.
I hated to do it, but I broke the kiss, pulled away a fraction. I murmured, "Besides the usual precautions."
"Mm," he murmured his agreement, an inarticulate, wordless sound that vibrated through his body and mine.
" casually sitting in front of them, Imp raises her smartphone, trying to catch on camera the hottest scenes between her brother and Taylor" Alec will love this little but very detailed video. Better than any porn we watched together. Ok, now take her clothes down, bro. Slowly, slowly...
Good night and sleep well, my friends.
Tell me if this new format of my liveblog works or its shitty. Please. I'll appreciate any opinion.