Let's read Worm and its sequel Ward by Wildbow (One chapter/every day)

What killed Alexandria- besides her obvious "kryptonite"- was her ARROGANCE. She was so arrogant that she considered herself superior to anyone, including to a girl who fought Lung, Leviathan, Echidna, S9, without being half as strong as her. Her "kriptonite" allowed Taylor to have a chance against her but it was her arrogance that ended her life. Lisa was arrogant too (and she's still is but not so bad anymore) but at least she learned her lesson and accepted that she's not invincible and ineffable, despite having her power that allow her to know almost everything and tons of money. But, as you said, Alexandria never learned DESPITE having her eye pulled out by Siberian and being almost asphyxiated by Behemoth's lighting. She continued to be arrogant and she paid the price ;).
Another arrogant super-villain who saw himself as unbeatable was Coil. Another Thinker. Yep, some Thinkers are annoying arrogant (I don't think that all of them are like this; Accord, Dinah and Taylor don't seem arrogant to me or at least not too arrogant) and they just don't know when/how to stop and they are not aware that being too arrogant is not good for their health/life ;).
Another very arrogant super-villain that I suppose to be a Thinker (as his secret Classification that nobody besides him know about) is Jack. Either his disgusting arrogance or his psychotic misanthropy will bring his own downfall at a certain moment :).
I missed your comments. Welcome back :D.
Alexandria wasn't really invincible as she believed herself/let others to believe that she was. Nobody is invincible, not even Endbringers or Scion. An invincible character, without any weakness, is something very stupid written and Wildbow is far from being a bad writer.
Taylor is the main character, of course that the main character must be badass and ALMOST always right ;). I said almost because Taylor isn't always right and we both know. But this time, she was pretty right. What she demanded was that heroes should listen her and accept her help. Tagg and Alexandria preferred war and bullying instead of hearing her plans about how to defeat S9 and stop Jackapocalypse. Dinah trusted Taylor, seeing her as the only person capable to save the humanity and I personally TRUST Dinah, she was never wrong with her predictions so far.
Tagg and Alexandria were bullies, believe me. I had a personal bad experience with bullies and I can recognize bullies from a mile distance and Tagg and Alexandria acted exactly like bullies: they emotionally hurt, intimidated and coerced someone that they perceived as being vulnerable and easy to be "convinced" to do what they want through threats. This is how bullies ACT ;).
What would you have done, in Taylor's place, if some high positioned bullied would have threatened (and even pretend) to kill your only friends? Would you have let them to screw with your mind further and hurt your friends or fight back, stopping them maybe permanently? I'm sure you have people that you care for and you don't want to see them being hurt, no matter how apathetic and asocial you're. I'm sure you'd do anything in your power to protect them, and is very normal to feel this way :).
Besides, even if Taylor maybe didn't really wanted to kill them, lets not forget about her Passenger. Her Passenger CLEARLY want to help and protect her and it acted accordingly, protecting her even after she lost her consciousness. It killed the people who bothered her. It is more violent than Taylor herself because it is an alien who doesn't give a shit about morality or mercy, it only wants to take care of its host and probably use her for its own purposes.
Taylor was like: I'm going to harshly punish these guys for hurting/killing my friends. Maybe not kill them, but I'll scare the living daylights out of them.
Her Passenger was like: I'm going to kill these humans for pissing off my host.
I kind of like Taylor's Passenger way too much for an alien with apparently no personality traits:D.
As for me, I'm a very emotional person. I always put too much soul/emotions in everything I'm doing, I'm reading, I'm watching. I'm very easy impressed and sometimes I think that is not good for my mental health to be so emotive but I can't help myself. I'm always honest with my emotions, even if some people might consider me exaggerated.
For example, I cried a lot during Game of Thrones, Season 8, Episode 3 and at the end of Avengers: Endgame :D (I recommend watching Avengers: Endgame if superhero movies are your thing).
Arrogance or not,Alexandria is a thinker and mover of high level,it is highly unlikely,if not impossible,that she was trapped by the swarm.
I do not think passengers function that way.
An excess of anything is bad,including emotion,or lack of it.
Taylor basically said:"You're going to let me out completely unscathed and victorious,no matter how weak it makes you look,do not worry too much,this deal is not completely unilateral,it's perfectly fair."
No government in its right mind,corrupt or not,would have accepted the terms of skitter.
Are you saying that echidna and leviathan are as fast as a swarm of insects?
Because that does not make sense.

That she is caught off guard by her opponents in almost every fight we see her in. And the fastest flight speed she shows Wildbow commented on as being aided by other people's powers.
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These opponents you used as examples are faster than a swarm.

Not all of the time, and not true for all of them depending on what Taylor sent since she just says she sent the fastest she had with spiders. Taylor says Echidna was moving at 80 mph in Queen 18.7, according to Wikipedia the fastest flying insect, horseflies, have been recorded to reach speeds up to 90 mph. So she could have sent insects around the same speed as her.

Maybe even faster since Wildbow has said Skitter can push her insects to their limits similar to Aegis being able to hit people so hard he breaks his hand.
Cell 22.5
Hello, my minions. Last time, Taylor just used the path of natural selection, eliminating two of the most stupid and/or arrogant minds of Earth Bet. One of them belonged to the apparently indestructible Taylor' childhood idol- Alexandria (what an irony, her idol ending up disappointing her to the point that she had to kill her; also I remember when Taylor told Undersiders that she'll never beat parahumans like Glory Girl and Alexandria, yet she managed to overcome Glory Girl's shield of invincibility and Alexandria's ADAMANTIUM SKIN. SOME VERY NON-HOMESTUCK SHIT IRONY WE HAVE HERE :D). I don't want to call Alexandria stupid, but she definitely was stupidity arrogant and this is what it killed her for real. On the other side, Tagg won Darwin Award for being the only person who succeeded to commit SUICIDE at someone's else hand :lol. Dinah, Dinah, you tried to warn an idiot but he didn't give a fuck about your warnings because he was too much of an idiot to listen and LIVE. The moral of this story: NEVER TRY TO SAVE IDIOTS WHO'D GIVE THEIR LIVES FOR A FUCKING DARWIN AWARD. It's not worth ;) Cell 22.5

My father, gone. My lawyer was gone as well. Not such a big surprise. I'd gone all out, held little back, and I'd given no apparent justification. To them, to my dad especially, I would have looked like a monster.
Fitting, because I'd been one. I was one. Was that a label that was affixed to me permanently, now?

I was in the PRT offices. I was back in my cell.

"Do not disturb the peace of your cell. This deterrence measure was calculated at twenty percent of your overall capacity. The next response will be at twice the strength. Thank you," the automated voice informed me.

I'd killed a man, and I had done it with my power, which somehow felt more intimate than the gun that killed Coil. My power made the bugs an extension of myself, and I'd used them to murder the man. It was little different from wrapping my hands around his throat and squeezing, or biting him in the throat and tearing deep enough that he couldn't survive.

Working together, bugs began dragging the keys and smart phone down the hall to the mortician's office. Windows, squat, looked out at the parking lot, no doubt intended more to bring natural light into the office than for the sake of the view. I knew before approaching them that the windows were open – there was fresh air flowing into the hallway, and my bugs could sense the shifting air currents.
Taylor tries a daring escape from the Tinker tech cell using Tagg (who's confirmed dead in case I had some suspicions about his death :D) keys and smartphone. Not sure if and how she'll escape, but Taylor is someone that I should trust to be successful everytime when she comes up with a plan. I still have a bad feeling, something like...Alexandria is not really dead, but I don't think she'll be in position to stop Taylor. She was suffocated by insects, her brain was deprived of oxygen for a couple of minutes...if she's not dead, she surely suffered probably incurable brain damage. I can't see how Doctor Mother's vials can heal THAT :). Amelia, yes, she can heal brain damage but Amelia is not a heroine anymore. She's not even a free person anymore.
I'm surprised they didn't send Taylor to Birdcage yet. Yes, without trial, she killed a Director and a famous "hero", I don't think they'd care about her rights anymore after she did what she did, even if her dad and lawyer were witnesses at Tagg and Alexandria's bullying torture. Because I can't see her not being Birdcaged as soon as possible. Every hero must hate her to guts, even the ones who hated Alexandria to guts. Please, send her to Birdcage, because I want to see her how she'll deal with the other prisoners there. I can see Taylor and Amelia having a pretty ok relationship because Amelia had no reason to hate Taylor. Yes, she was pretty hostile to Skitter, but she also helped her by enlarging her insect control range and creating Atlas for her. Its not like Taylor is Lisa. I can see how the meeting between Amelia and a hypothetical Birdcaged Lisa will go:
10 minutes in Birdcage- Lisa: Hey, you ugly sister of Glory Hole, I think I already know how we can escape from here. Just give me five minutes to organize a very convoluted plan and...
Amelia: Bitch, I'm gonna turn your insides out in the next 10 seconds if you DON'T SHUT THE FUCK UP.
Lisa: But...
After a hour -Marquis, staring at the pile of flesh and bones that were once Lisa: Amelia, my dear, I think you exaggerated a bit with your eagerness to prove me that you can be an ok villain if you want. I'm proud of you, my child, but try to act more subtle in the future, ok?

Back to our protagonist. If Taylor will get along ok with Amelia, she'll also get along ok with her father too. She'll also gain the respect and admiration of Lustrum (I don't know too much about Lustrum, but she's a radical/extremist feminist villain who hate men so I suppose that- even if Alexandria was a woman- she must dislike her because she was a heroine so she'll not have anything against her death?. She'll also congratulate Taylor for killing a stupid and useless man as Tagg). I can see them becoming friends even if Taylor will not agree with Lustrum radical (and total wrong, lets be clear ;)) views about genders.
But Taylor will have two enemies just waiting for her: Lung and our poor parahuman Romeo- Trickster. Lung will never forget his double humiliation and the destruction of his gang, Trickster will never forgive Taylor for being instrumental in the defeat and death of his Juliet Capulechidna. I don't think she'll ever get along with these guys :).

A screen blocked the way. Not a serious issue. The bugs started chewing through the individual wires, while the bugs with the phone and key ring began binding the items in silk, connecting them to a line.
Minutes passed while the bugs made their way up to the hole in the roof, down the shaft to the Wards headquarters one floor below me, and to the elevator.

The stairwell was blocked off, the elevator… the buttons.

I had the largest bug ram it.

It wasn't halfway up when the heroes arrived to collect their prisoner. A vibration through the building as a heavy vehicle landed on the helicopter pad on the roof. Four legged, with turbines in the place of wings, and a neckless head. A man stepped out.

Dragon arrived as Defiant reached the elevator door on the rooftop. My bugs inside continued the glacial process of raising the phone to the necessary height, while the ones outside clustered on Defiant and Dragon. They knew I was here. There was no reason to be subtle. The only thing I had to be careful of was keeping Defiant from killing the swarm with one of his bug zapping tricks.

They hadn't reacted yet. The delay before the elevator moved hadn't registered with them. Once they saw the elevator moving… they would expect me to run, cut me off.

Fuck that.
Yeaaaaaaaaah, fuck that, Taylor, you have two Tinkers, some of the best Tinkers in the world, up your ass, coming to get you :D. You have GOOD GLaDOS and asocial Iron Man ready to destroy all your hopes that you'll ever escape again. You escaped few times from them, but I don't think you'll be successful again. My gut feeling tells me that they'll get you this time
I wonder how pissed off Dragon and Defiant are for what Taylor did to Alexandria and Tagg. One of Dragon's duties is to protect all human beings, including people like these two so she won't be happy with their death. As for Defiant, he's harder to read than an AI, but I think that his patience with Taylor's shenanigans already expired and he must see her now like a cold-blooded violent villain who must be stopped through any means before she'll make more victims among heroes or official figures. I'll not be surprised if they're willing to use lethal force against Taylor, after all she already has a kill order on her head that probably wasn't lifted once Echidna was defeated. Yes, Dragon may have troubles with killing a human, but lets not forget that she killed Manton and a couple of new S9 members, so she won't hesitate to kill people with a kill order, despite her programming telling her otherwise (judging by the fact that before teaming up with Defiant, Dragon sacrificed parts of herself to let villains escape before being hurt, I think that Defiant reprogrammed her to kill villains with the kill order. I can see him doing it, because he can and he wants- as a Tinker and on top of everything, a talented Tinker, he can scan and copy other Tinkers' tech so in a short time he can excel in building/reprogramming artificial intelligence despite not being his primary specialty ;)).
Anyway, I won't blame Dragon and Defiant if they decide to use the lethal force against Taylor. She'll not die anyway and from their POV, they'll be motivated to act with lethal force seeing what she did as reprehensible actions, despite her "victims" being a war-obsessed asshole who wanted to plunge the City into an endless war and a "heroine" responsible for more heinous crimes than most of moderate villains. For me, they're scumbags who deserved their death (or brain damage), for them, they're nothing but two more of Skitter's victims. Not their fault they think like this :).

They could communicate without talking. Some kind of system built into their masks. It made this harder. I couldn't listen in and anticipate what they were saying.

I tried a key, sliding it into the hole before successfully turning it with my teeth. My lips came in contact with the cockroaches I was using to guide the metal into place. I didn't care.
Disease, filth, disgust, they all came in a distant second to other priorities. I felt numb, and it wasn't the electrocution. They'd taken away someone important to me, pushed me. My dad was gone, my lawyer, my team… my team wasn't here.

I wasn't sure I wanted to know why they hadn't come to the rescue, or why the mercenaries we'd hired hadn't been called in.

Once the way was clear, my swarm worked to catch up. Tagg's phone wasn't good for anything more than access until I figured out his password. A check of the phones failed to give me a dial tone. Dragon's work?

They'd either learned since we attacked the fundraiser, or they took stricter measures with their more dangerous weaponry.
Even if she'll escape, Taylor's HATE for Tinkers will reach abysmal levels. They're such a pain in the ass for her, they're always prepared for whatever plans she have in her mind and even when they fail, next time they return even more well-prepared. I can see Taylor, once captured, screaming at them something like this:
AM (the evil AI from I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream), looking more pissed than ever: I can understand your hate for scientists and inferior AIs allied with these human scientists, but...STOP STEALING MY REPLIES, YOU LOW LIFEFORM. BE MORE ORIGINAL.

Defiant appeared in the doorway. He aimed the butt of his spear at me, and the display on the gun dissipated.
He lunged, and the butt of his spear caught me just below the collarbone. With that alone, he pushed me into the lockers with enough force that they rocked against my back, rendering me pinned.

Bugs flowed over the outside of his armor, and he didn't seem to mind. There were no openings, no apertures, no air holes or gaps I could work a bug into. He was playing the same game Mannequin had, to counteract my power. Fuck it. I wouldn't be able to sting him. Dragon either, apparently.

To me, this was everything. It was the rest of my life, my friends, my father. I'd lost someone. Brian or Rachel. The only people who would fit the bag. I was doing what I could to avoid dwelling on it, glad that I hadn't yet confirmed it either way, because it let me feel like it was Rachel when I was thinking about Brian, or vice versa.

"A last request," he made it a statement rather than a question. "We can talk in the Pendragon. There's no need."

"She can't speak out loud," Defiant said. "It's complicated to explain. She's under certain restrictions, many related to the PRT, and we'd agreed we didn't want to win like that, back at the school. The only way for Dragon to stop was if I stepped in and made her stop, and she was hurt in the process. The recovery is slow."

But Defiant twisted as he tilted backwards, drawing his folded-up spear and striking out in the same motion. It bit into the concrete of the rooftop's edge, the head expanding for a more secure grip.
I kicked the spear, as if I could dislodge it, but only succeeded in hurting my foot.

"Stop trying things," he repeated, as if he thought repetition would get through more than articulation.

"They're dead," Defiant said.
I like the name of Dragon's ship, Pendragon (king Uther Pendragon was king Arthur's father). Dragon is a fan of mythology, a thing that make her more even more sympathetic in my eyes ;). Alexandria is confirmed to be dead. Good, better (for her) than having brain damage for the rest of her life. I still think that Alexandria bluffed when she pretended to capture Undersiders and even kill one. Now that Taylor was able to feel the bodies' texture with her bugs, I don't think anymore that they're mannequins but I'm sure that Alexandria visited a morgue and stole some bodies from there, everything she did was for her sick and twisted little stupid game with Taylor, a game that she lost. So, don't worry, Taylor, your friends are safe and sound. That bitch didn't touch any of them. Defiant ruined all of Taylor's plans of escaping, he learned his lesson after having his ass kicked by bees during Gallery Attack. Dragon still have restrictions, Defiant didn't manage to lift all of them, but its still progress ;).
Interesting parallel between Taylor first meeting Armsmaster on the rooftop after Lung's defeat, when the annoyingly arrogant hero Armsmaster tried to convince her to become a hero and credit him for Lung and Taylor meeting Defiant again on the rooftop after she escape attempt, when the now more humble and empathetic hero Defiant tries to convince her to surrender, refusing to use lethal force despite her attempt to kill him. How much Colin changed as a person and as a hero. I admire him so much for stopping being Armsmaster and refusing to become a monster like Mannequin, instead choosing to become his own version of a hero, a truly heroic hero and vigilante :D. As for his upgraded armor, I'm sure that if Iron Man ever met him, he'll be proud of him BUT he'll still insist that Defiant will never be as good as him, because there's only one Iron Man, the others are just more or less successful copies of himself (Tony's ego is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay bigger than Colin's ego ever was, everyone know this. I also noticed another parallel between these heroes: Tony is helped by his two AIs -J.A.R.V.I.S. and F.R.I.D.A.Y. while Colin is helped by Dragon AI. After all, you can't expect a respectable genius to work properly without the help of an AI build/reprogrammed by him. Won't be cool for his image ;)).

Dead. I hadn't believed Alexandria would die like that. She'd flown away. Surely there were methods.
"A family man-"

"A bully," I said. "Twisted by the Simurgh, probably-"

"He was vetted," Defiant said. "But he's not important. You killed one of the strongest recognized heroes in the world, at a time we needed her most. Her image, her courage, her help. Do you know what's going to happen, now?"

"And you doomed us all."
"She doomed us all. She was the one who did it, her and Tagg."

"Maybe. Probably. They forced your hand. I understand that, and I've been trying to be lenient. Gentle, even, though it's not familiar to me." His tone changed, "You're making it hard, you keep trying things. Trying to kill me."
Aww, Defiant definitely tries to sympathize with Taylor, despite not agreeing with her POV :D. He tries to be supportive and understanding. I never imagined that I'm going to say that Defiant can be a SWEETHEART sometimes. Dragon is definitely lucky to have such a guy like him as her boyfriend. So, they captured her, and she have no more aces up her sleeve. Next...Birdcage? Or they have other plans with her, despite her crimes? Will they forgive Taylor for what she did, letting her free? No, I don't think so. Defiant, as sweetheart as he's in this Chapter, is not the kind of guy willing to forgive criminals and Dragon's decisions/ actions are still restricted by her limitations. No way these two will allow Taylor to escape with her crimes.

"You're not just here to arrest me?" I asked.
"No," Defiant said. "Or we weren't, until you decided to try to push me off a building. Now I'm reconsidering."

"Tell her the plan," Miss Militia said, through the speaker, "We don't have any more time, for reconsidering or anything else."

Even the way she'd avoided stopping Coil, avoided stopping us. The way she hadn't stepped in against the Nine, or against Echidna, at first. There had been something bigger going on.
"Why? For what?" I asked. "A ruse? Playing me?"

"Yes. With one tragic mistake that we're all about to pay for."
So, no Skitter in Birdcage? D-I-S-A-P-P-O-I-N-T-I-N-G :(. Defiant, Dragon AND Miss Militia have other plans with her, apparently, than sending her in the parahuman hell on Earth. Recruiting her for Cauldron is NOT an option, because no on of them work for Cauldron. Then what? They'll ask her to become a hero? After killing the biggest "heroine" in the world :o? That would be insane because most of the heroes will be against this idea and I'm not sure how Dragon will be able to convince them that Alexandria's killer will make a great protector of humanity. Unless...unless they'll keep Alexandria's death at Taylor's hand a secret, known only by them ;). They can say that she died in other circumstances, like she was kinky and died because of erotic asphyxiation (people will appreciate that she was open minded enough to sacrifice herself for a kink) or she was killed by a young man without pants, probably working for Cauldron (people will understand that she was so surprised and ashamed by his presence that she didn't had time to defend herself). Well, there are plenty of good ideas to cover Taylor's involvement in Alexandria's death so nobody would dare to question the intention of D&D to turn her into a legitimate hero. If this is their intention.

Meanwhile, at Cauldron's Headquarters
Dr Mother: Ok, Number Man, Contessa. Skitter should be stopped through any means, including assassination. She went too far when she killed my sweet, loyal Alexandria. She's a menace for our noble and exclusively well-meaning organisation. Who want to do the honors?
Contessa, pointing to Number Man: He.
Number Man, pointing to Contessa: She.
Doctor Mother: Please, take a decision already.
Contessa: My secret superpower tells me that...I should go to shopping. I should buy another costume because this one is old. I never took it off not even when I sleep or shower. I think it started to smell and not in a pleasant way. Number Man can go after Skitter.
Number Man: My bullshit superpower wants me to steal more money from super-secret organisations and transfer them in our bank accounts. Custodian can go after Skitter herself for all I care.
Doctor Mother sighs, speaking to herself: I'm surrounded by a bunch of superpowered losers. No wonder why we're always losing to a 16 years old girl.
Meanwhile, flying above her, Custodian blushes furiously, not taking her eyes away from Number Man, walking pantless to his office, as usual. But nobody can see the poor girl.

I think I should start writing fanfic :D.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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Ah yes, Alexandria's death, quite possibly the point at which Wildbow most demonstrates that he has a severe hearing impediment and so in his writing underestimates the importance of noise, because as anyone who's been in a room with even a handful of mosquitoes or houseflies flying around knows, bugs are fricking loud when they're flying. There's no realistic way for Alexandria not to notice the swarm of bugs long before they could actually endanger her.

Really? I didn't know that. I thought she was way too arrogant with her powers and she didn't cared that some insects can actually hurt her because she thought that she was complete invincible.
I feel so bad for Wildbow. I personally don't have any physical disabilities but I feel sorry for people who have them (I also admire them for being strong and brave people in general). Such a talented and intelligent writer struggling with his disability...:(
Arrogance or not,Alexandria is a thinker and mover of high level,it is highly unlikely,if not impossible,that she was trapped by the swarm.
I do not think passengers function that way.
An excess of anything is bad,including emotion,or lack of it.
Taylor basically said:"You're going to let me out completely unscathed and victorious,no matter how weak it makes you look,do not worry too much,this deal is not completely unilateral,it's perfectly fair."
No government in its right mind,corrupt or not,would have accepted the terms of skitter.

Its canon that Taylor's Passenger can act freely when she's asleep or unconscious. Her power worked a couple of times even when she's sleeping or lost her consciousness. Since she isn't in control of her power anymore when she's not awake, then her Passenger must be the one using her power for her. Whatever its interests are, it clearly protect its host.
If I were a high positioned official, I'd have accepted her terms as long as there wouldn't be any civil war in this way and she'd have helped me against bigger and scarier villains. She's an excellent strategist with the same main purposes as me (kill Jack, save the world). Why should I refuse her terms, even if they're not very fair? Jack should be killed, the world should be saved. As long as Taylor doesn't ask me to sacrifice people and/or betray my ideals, then I'd be pretty ok with her requests. Nothing to lose except for public image (a public image that is already very eroded ;)).
Its canon that Taylor's Passenger can act freely when she's asleep or unconscious. Her power worked a couple of times even when she's sleeping or lost her consciousness. Since she isn't in control of her power anymore when she's not awake, then her Passenger must be the one using her power for her. Whatever its interests are, it clearly protect its host.
If I were a high positioned official, I'd have accepted her terms as long as there wouldn't be any civil war in this way and she'd have helped me against bigger and scarier villains. She's an excellent strategist with the same main purposes as me (kill Jack, save the world). Why should I refuse her terms, even if they're not very fair? Jack should be killed, the world should be saved. As long as Taylor doesn't ask me to sacrifice people and/or betray my ideals, then I'd be pretty ok with her requests. Nothing to lose except for public image (a public image that is already very eroded ;)).
1.1.)I think that you will be a bad high positioned official.
1.2.)And you would not know the good that skitter has done.
2.)I would have killed the teenager with problems and superpowers for what she did,but maybe there is a plan?
Cell 22.6
Hello, my friends. Back on track with our story, curious to see if our little aggressive butterfly, Taylor, will be locked in Birdcage, or the heroes who captured her will cover up her murders, forcing her to become a hero instead of throwing her into the hellish prison :D. Either they truly believe in her redemption and the fact that she'll make a good hero or Dinah gave them instructions about what they should do with her: only if she'll be allowed to become hero, Taylor can properly help them saving the world. Before we're going to see some "fucking" Tinkers Dragon and Defiant+ the Rambo woman Miss Militia's final decision and how Taylor will react at their proposal, I would like to tell you about a pretty weird and annoying conversation I had with my father (who's a little farther than me in the story even if he started to read it when I was around Arc 8 or 9. Shame on me, shame on me...). We talked about Masters and our conversation went like this:
Me: Gosh, I hate Masters so much. They're the worst kind of parahumans.
My father: Too bad. They're my favorite ones. If I were a parahuman, I'd prefer to be a Master and control everything that moves and breathe.
Me: No way. You always said that you'd like to be a villain, but I don't want you to be like this. Controlling people is an absolute horrible thing to do. Evil Masters make the most evil of Tinkers seem like rather harmless assholes compared with them. They can do so much shit, like forcing people to become their mindless slaves, or have control over someone's body and use them as their puppets. Having zero control over your own body or mind because of a Master is worse than being turned into a freak by a Tinker :o.
My father: You didn't complained like this when Regent bodily controlled Shadow Stalker. Shall I remind you that you agreed with what he did to her, despite going against your strong idealistic principles?
Me: Because I hate her. I also hated Shatterbird and what he did to them wasn't so bad in my eyes because they're evil maniacs and they deserved.
My father: Yes, but they're still human beings with not bodily autonomy.
Me: Well, fuck them and fuck Alec. Of course, what Alec did to them was evil and disgusting, in principle. But they're evil persons with not a single redeeming quality -Shatterbird almost killed Danny and nobody have any right to hurt Danny in any way- and I wasn't half as angry over what he did like I'm when he uses his power on people who doesn't deserve this bullshit. I don't know, some people like those two deserve being Mastered like this but I still hate Masters' powers, ok?
My father: If I promise you that I'll hurt only people like Shatter and Shadow, will you be ok with me being a Master? You know I always keep my promises towards me, honey.
Me: I will still think that your Classification and power SUCK.
"STERN FATHERLY DISAPPROVAL": Language, miss. There is not such thing like bad or good powers. There are only bad or good parahumans who are using these powers. I want to be a Master villain but I'll never hurt innocents. Will you continue to find my Master powers evil if I don't hurt innocents?
My father: Don't let Parian hear you. You'll break her heart because all she really wants is to be nice and helpful.
Me: Parian doesn't bother me. She doesn't control people.
My father: Then don't let little Canary hears you. She's a good person but you make her look bad only because she controls people with her voice.
Me: We can't reach an agreement, eh?
My father, laughing: Well, if I were a Master, then there wouldn't be such thing like contradictions between us.
Me: You said that you'll never use your power on me or innocent people.
My father, laughing more: I said that I won't hurt you or innocent people. I never said anything about a little manipulation here and there.
He continued to laugh despite my frustration with him. This is how most of our lightly conversations usually end. My father would make such a great villain, OMFG (he's also a bit of a manipulator in day by day life. Ironically, exactly the kind of people I don't like too much :p) Cell 22.6

"We've seen how Alexandria handles interrogations," Defiant said. "She reads microexpressions. Shapes every statement and action to get the responses she wants."

"And she wanted this?" I asked.

Defiant shook his head. "Knowing her, this was a gambit. It wouldn't do to have one workable outcome. She pushes you, and if you attack, she has cause to finish you off or send you straight to the birdcage without a trial. If you don't attack, she knows she has leverage against you and the Undersiders. She'd see which way you were leaning, then refine her approach further."

"But she didn't get either of those results," I said. "At least, not like she wanted. For all her brains, for all this apparent ability to read me, she… didn't understand what my friends mean to me."

"I think she understood well enough," Defiant said. "But the mistake, the tragedy in all of this, was that she didn't get an accurate read on you. Much, I expect, for the same reason my lie detector could never seem to. She was working with bad information, and she pushed you too far, too fast."

"Alexandria didn't touch them. The ones she brought into the building were body doubles, and the real Undersiders are poised to attack in-" Miss Militia reached for her phone.
My father just pwned me "grumbles to herself" Back to the story. Thank you, Miss Militia, for confirming what I knew already, that Alexandria used body doubles for Undersiders. Looks like Alexandria was inspired by Director Calvert's method with body doubles, I won't be surprised if she used child soldiers to pose as Undersiders and maybe she even killed one (the dead body at the morgue; unless it was already a cadaver of a random person and she used it to create the impression that she killed someone). Anyway, this is not a a hero ACTS, miss Rebecca: bullying a girl already traumatized by bullying, threatening to kill a group of villains appreciated and well respected by a lot of people in the City, who also fought against ABB, nazis, Leviathan, S9, Echidna and saved many lives, and possible killing someone to make her game more credible ;). Alexandria, you started like a hero, you lived like a bitch, you died like a HUGE bitch :D. I wonder what Legend and Eidolon will say about what happened to her. Eidolon seems to me like a cold and introverted guy, so even if he'll feel sorry for her, I don't think he'll show it. At least, not in front of someone who's not dr Jessica Yamada. Legend is more sensible and empathetic and I bet he'll cry just like he cried when Hero died in his arms.
All in all, I'm so glad that the Undersiders (including Alec) are ok :D.

"The system is fucked," I said. "Everything that's happened, it's taught me a few things. People are fucked up, for one thing. And any organization that has people in control is going to be fucked on an exponential level. But for all that, people are a hell of a lot tougher than we give them credit for. We survive. We innovate. So yeah, I'm seriously thinking along those lines. I wouldn't mind seeing the PRT burn, damn it, because I think we'll make it regardless."

"You're hurt, you're angry, you're still reeling from what you thoughthappened," Miss Militia said. "Fine. That's fair. But we don't have time to work through that. You said you wanted to work together, to compromise. Do you stand by that? Are you willing to at least try a workable solution? Or are you going to keep fighting us?"

"Miss Militia will fill in as an interim PRT director," a male voice sounded from the speaker at Dragon's shoulder. Chevalier.

"Damn it," Miss Militia muttered. "I feel like my lifespan just got cut short. Double the work, too."

"They're making temporary offers," I said, eyeing the heroes, "We can make some temporary concessions."

It was too late. I could hear jeers and whooping from Regent and Imp in the background. I couldn't make out everything Grue was saying, but I caught something along the lines of 'Jesus H. Fucking Christ.'

"It's too late to matter, honey bear," Tattletale said. "I don't have much juice powerwise, but I don't need any to know this much. Word's already out about Alexandria."

Sorry, Miss Militia, but you have to accept this job, like it or not. I'm sure you'll do a much better job that the previous Directors ;). I'm glad that Undersiders/Protectorate war was avoided in the last moments, I'm not going to see heroes, Undersiders or innocents getting killed, which is always good for me.
Regent and Imp seem to be understandable happy hearing about Alexandria's death, Grue is surprised and Tattletale sounds worried. Lets see how Defiant, Dragon and Miss Militia will twist this story so people will not see Taylor as a cold blooded killed of such a famous hero. If they'll tell the whole world about Alexandria's involvement with Cauldron and human experiments, people will hate her and will see her death as something that she deserved, yes, but Cauldron will try to kill them because they want to cover their traces and the heroes already know that they force the witnesses to be silent or "disappear" them if they will still talk. If they'll say that Taylor killed Alexandria in self defense without explaining why she had to act in self defense, people will hate Taylor for murdering their favorite heroine and heroes for defending her. But they can say that Alexandria was involved with...S9, for example (or any other evil organization that is not Cauldron), she worked as their mole in Protectorate and when they discovered her double role, she tried to attack them, they defended themselves and Taylor got her upped hand and killed her. That would make a shocking but convincing story and many people (even fans of her) will be disgusted by her and agree with Taylor and the other heroes :D. If people are disappointed with their idols, they have no qualms to turn themselves against them, I know how the society usually work ;).

"And that will make a lot of people lose hope," Miss Militia said. "We have other ideas, but we need something bigger, more concrete."

"But she's dead," I said. "The only way to change the reaction is to convince everyone we have a winning game plan anyways. That the PRT isn't fucked, which it is."

"And they know what the difference is going to be, without Alexandria on the front lines," Defiant said. He sighed audibly. "Four times now, she's been the deciding factor in beating the Simurgh back early. Once with Leviathan, when I was new to the Protectorate."
"We can reduce the impact of the loss with careful word choice and a good speech," Miss Militia said. "If Skitter is willing to call off her other dogs."

"Rest assured, Ms. Hebert, I've dealt with worse."

"We're revising the truth," she said. She paused. "Yes. We're lying."
Well, I didn't take into account the possibility that people will lose hope once they find out about Alexandria's death. Even if they'll hate her, they'll still become hopeless that they'll be protected from future Endbringers' attacks, once Alexandria is gone :(. But they still have Legend and Eidolon- Eidolon is STRONGER that Alexandria, he fought nicely against Leviathan so I don't see her help being something indispensable. They still have Scion, who now is more than ok to kill Endbringers, so....Alexandria's death is not such a disaster like everyone believe it to be :). I'd say Scion's death or him turning EVIL will be an absolute disaster for humanity, something that nobody (except for someone like Jack) would want to happen, but Alexandria's death is just...a death like any other death. Isn't the death of a symbol for hero world, is the death of a person who only played the role of a hero, but her heart wasn't very noble or heroic.
Yes, they have to lie, its the only solution to avoid the desperation of a large part of world population (if not the entire world) and to give them more hope presenting them THE HERO WHO SLASHED THE MONSTER or Taylor Hebert aka Skitter, making them believe that she's the NEW HOPE for humanity, because if someone managed to kill the invincible Alexandria, then that person will not have many troubles dealing with Endbringers in the future. Good advertising always work ;).
Mr Calle is the BEST AND COOLEST LAWYER in the story and I'll go all Skitter on anyone who'll tell otherwise :D.

I could see Defiant, saw him conversing with Dragon and Miss Militia.

I saw how he folded his arms, still holding his spear, so it rested against his shoulder. How he planted his feet further apart. A warrior's stance.

It inspired a memory, of my first night out in costume. The bad guy lying defeated on the street below, the city quiet around us, the dark sky overhead, with only meager light illuminating us. Framing the situation, talking about options and priorities.

"Way back, when I first started out in costume, I had a talk with Armsmaster. He told me that I should be happy I was mistaken for a villain, because it meant I didn't have to fight the Undersiders. This was before I joined them. It reminded me of how I'd been trying to deal with the shit I was going through back then, turning negatives into positives. I think we can do that here."

"How?" Miss Militia asked. She glanced at Dragon's craft, just now arriving to bring my lawyer to us.

"So long as we're lying," I said, "Let's go wholesale. We present Alexandria as the villain she was."

Dragon touched my shoulder. When I turned her way, she set her fingers in my hand, pulling me after her with the light contact of two of her fingertips. Gentle, easy to avoid, but clear enough.

"How?" I asked, and all of the confidence was gone from my voice. "Wait, nevermind. You're fu- you're tinkers, damn it."

You just can't stop thinking bad about Tinkers, don't you, Taylor? You fu- damn Master. A Master who now control insects but maybe later, if you'll go through a second trigger, you'll probably start controlling HUMANS as well, who knows. And I'm going to hate your power development so much, you have no idea, even if you'll use it for the greatest good :D. But, if I think better, there are few Tinkers who act exactly like Masters, using their tech to control their creations or other people. Bonesaw can control her Franken monsters (created from people stitched together into abominations of SCIENCE), Blasto controlled his own monsters and Dragon can control her AI Suits. There are Tinkers who can play pretty well the role of Masters. I won't be surprised if there are Tinkers specialized in literal mind control devices. But still, I suffer a bit everytime when Taylor reminds us how much she dislikes Tinkers :(.
I like that she saw the parallel between her first meeting with Armsmaster and her actual "meeting" with Defiant. She was a good guy but everyone looked at her like she was a villain, now she's a bad guy but everyone will try to turn her into a hero. Life is so fucking complicated and weird like this ;).
Yes, its a good idea to present Alexandria like she always was: nothing but a villain. But don't mention anything about Cauldron, please. I'm not so worried for Taylor (Cauldron should be worried for themselves if they'll ever met her :lol), the ones I'm worried for are Defiant and Miss Militia. I can see Cauldron not giving any fuck if they kill heroes as long as their secrets are protected and their plans are successful.
Aww, Dragon is almost like a mother for Taylor. She gives me the impression of a mother gently guiding her daughter. Since I already ship Danny and Hanna, Taylor can have two moms. Dragon can be more like a spiritual mother for her :).

Chevalier had arrived, and stepped into the cockpit. Gold and silver armor, his cannonblade resting against one shoulder. He briefly clasped hands with Defiant.

I stopped tidying my hair long enough to take the stylus from Dragon, scribbling my signature on the offered pad. Others were already present – Miss Militia's and Defiant's. The Chief Director's signature appeared as the document was signed from a remote location.

"You're ready?" Chevalier asked me.

I shook my head. "No."

Chevalier stepped forward, and they simultaneously drew quiet. He had a presence, a kind of nobility that garnered respect.

"Today, not two hours ago, Alexandria was killed."
I sensed rather than saw Eidolon, hovering well above the reach of the lights. Legend was close too, though less intent on hiding.

"And she was a traitor."

"There are individuals out there right now, who have kept quiet about recent events. Only last month, there was an event in this city, a threat that was theorized to be a nascent Endbringer. In the wake of that event, Alexandria was revealed to be partially responsible."

I moved him experimentally, and felt how incredibly weary he was. His reserves of energy were drained, his body dying. His forelegs touched the walls around him. He'd been placed in the back of a van.

"Many will recognize Taylor Hebert, revealed to be Skitter in a controversial confrontation at the school just a week ago, a confrontation Alexandria ordered. Taylor Hebert played a crucial role in stopping Alexandria in a moment of crisis, ending the fight."

And now half the world hates me, I thought, staring forward. The glare was so intense I thought my eyes might start crossing. And the other half… I don't know what the other half thinks.

I think half of the world hates Taylor and the other half either cheer for her or... start writing fanfics femslash blackromance Rebecca/Taylor, with these two either being in love/hate with each other or try to kill each other while fucking their brains out :D. Because...this is what people with little imagination usually do. Then the other half of the world who must hate Taylor for killing their "life-model" will start reading these shameless fanfics, will appreciate the intense hate/attraction between the pairing and their hate will fade away in time. So, nothing to worry about, Taylor. Just wait for fanfics and everything will be just fine :lol.
I LIKE Chevalier. I only know bits of his personality, but he seems like an easy-going, friendly, supportive, diplomatic hero. I hope he'll appear more often and/or even get an Interlude because I'm already interested in him :).
Poor Atlas, he's dying :(. Taylor should ask heroes to allow her to keep Atlas (even if she's not allowed to fly with him anymore, they can keep him in a cell) and continue to feed him because...I don't want him to die of starvation (Gosh, my eyes are wet again. I'm getting hella emotive for a fucking giant bug :cry:).
They're way too reckless if they keep suggesting that Alexandria was Cauldron's henchwoman. Yes, they're right but Cauldron will not appreciate if the truth is told openly like this and will probably start "disappearing" (meaning KILLING) a couple of heroes as a warning. The heroes are playing with fire from under Cauldron right now.

"And new allies, as unlikely as they might be."

His hands dropped from my shoulders.

I reached up to the zipper of my sweatshirt. I pulled it down, then shrugged out of it. Chevalier took the piece of clothing in one hand.

I bent over and stepped out of the loose-fitting prison sweats as well.

Defiant handed me my new mask, and I pulled it on. Electric blue lenses, the opposite of the yellow I'd worn before. They helped with the glare, though they weren't so good against it as my old lenses.

Light gray fabric where I'd had black. Armor panels in the same dark gray as before, albeit with cleaner lines, less bulk, and less in the way of edges. I had no points at the tips of my gloves, and both the mantle around my shoulders and the cloth that hung around my belt were marked with an electric blue border, with my gang emblem in miniature at each corner, flipped upside down so they faced skyward, altered to match my new color scheme.

"This is what I want to do, above all else," I said, and I said it to the Undersiders. "Given the chance, I'll serve the people. As I fought Leviathan, the Slaughterhouse Nine and other evils, I'll fight to the last gasp to protect all of you. When-"

A howling in the distance interrupted me.

Moments later, others took up the cry. Ten dogs, then twenty. Others took up the cry around the city, from various shelters and homes. A hundred, two hundred dogs, and the wolf cub that had started them off.

"-When and if I do take up the job," I finished, speaking around the growing lump in my throat, "You can call me Weaver."

Then she folded her arms around me. She was cold to the touch, hard and unyielding, but she still managed a motherly embrace.

My face pressed against her shoulder, I found myself glad that my mask hid my face from view.

"stares blinded by tears at the screen for a couple of moments". First, I like Taylor's new hero costume more than the old one. Its cooler and pretty, I hate to say. Too bad that it doesn't seem so bullshit indestructible like her old costume. But its partial electric (bet that it is Defiant's work) which is pretty helpful in combat :D.
Second, I like her new codename Weaver more than Skitter. Again, its cooler and fits her better because of her use of spiders in almost every fight. So far, her new identity as a hero is excellent, I have nothing to complain about. I just need some time to get used calling her Weaver when she's in costume :).
For fuck sake...MY POOR baby Bitch :cry:. All her dogs responded to the emotional pain she's going through (because her only friend became a hero, abandoning her probably forever, in her opinion) in their own way: howling. Like...crying. Crying in synch with their Master. I want to give Rachel all my hugs and never let her go. Poor baby.
Dragon is the BEST MOTHER of the story, I fucking swear. Maybe she'll adopt Taylor and become a mother figure to her. I want this to happen. As much as I want someone to give Rachel a big and warm hug :).
Thank you, Dinah, for indirectly creating a new hero, probably one of the best heroes that Protectorate ever had. Weaver EXISTS only thanks to you. The world have a greater chance to be saved only thanks to you. Dinah, you're officially the ARCHITECT OF HOPE :). Taylor won't be an Undersider anymore but I'm sure that she'll met her former teammates again, especially when they'll have to fight against S9 Super Clones or Endbringers and they'll have to support and save each others, heroes and villains. I'm sure they'll keep their friendship despite being by different sides ;).
So, goodbye, Skitter. Welcome, Weaver.
Gosh, this Arc is a treasure to my eyes and emotions. One of the best Arcs of this story. Next Chapter is going to be an Interlude....
....Just not another Cauldron Interlude, please. Pretty please.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
1.1.)I think that you will be a bad high positioned official.
1.2.)And you would not know the good that skitter has done.
2.)I would have killed the teenager with problems and superpowers for what she did,but maybe there is a plan?

Well, I personally think that I'll be a pretty ok PRT Director :D. Maybe the best one compared with what we have seen so far in Worm.
Tagg knew the good she did. Heroes knew how she fought against ABB, nazis, Leviathan, Echidna and S9. They fought together especially against the last 3 threats so they're aware of the immense good she did to the City.
You'd have killed a future hero with a lot of potential to save the world, only because she killed a huge bitch and an idiot. No offense, but you spoke kind of like Tagg. Why kill someone like Taylor who did good (yes, she did bad things too, but the good she did kind of compensated, and she have the potential to do even more good in the future) and not try to turn her into something useful for humanity? Not try to turn her into the HOPE of the humanity? Yes, few villains deserve a second chance but I think...I'm SURE that Taylor is one of those villains who deserve a second chance and the trust that she'll act on humanity's behalf when the time will come ;).
Dragon-Craft Pendragon






Worm -- Lung
Well, I personally think that I'll be a pretty ok PRT Director :D. Maybe the best one compared with what we have seen so far in Worm.
Tagg knew the good she did. Heroes knew how she fought against ABB, nazis, Leviathan, Echidna and S9. They fought together especially against the last 3 threats so they're aware of the immense good she did to the City.
You'd have killed a future hero with a lot of potential to save the world, only because she killed a huge bitch and an idiot. No offense, but you spoke kind of like Tagg. Why kill someone like Taylor who did good (yes, she did bad things too, but the good she did kind of compensated, and she have the potential to do even more good in the future) and not try to turn her into something useful for humanity? Not try to turn her into the HOPE of the humanity? Yes,few villains deserve a second chance but I think...I'm SURE that Taylor is one of those villains who deserve a second chance and the trust that she'll act on humanity's behalf when the time will come ;).
The best PRT director...you seem very sure about that...
...And I doubt it.
I do not doubt that Taylor deserves that second chance,but life is complicated and the future uncertain,even for her.
Like Tagg?
I,as a director of the prt, would not know that she is the protagonist and would treat her in a way appropriate to the circumstances.
I am not partial.
And I can not take you seriously about second chances when you do not feel compassion for those you do not like,some deserve death or worse,no doubt,but I prefer a happy ending for as many as possible.
If I were nigh-omnipotent,I would like to think that I would travel through the multiverse,helping in the way I consider appropriate,without killing if possible.
With breaks,including the natives,where I watch movies,or play videogames.
Of course,maybe absolute power corrupts me absolutely and I'm being too optimistic.
Power brings out what we really are,how do you think you would be?
What would you do if you had all that power?
Disintegrate to slaughterhouse 9?
Demolish the PRT?
Torturing the winslow trio?
Would you control the people you help if they turn on you?
Would you ignore the opinion of others to help more?
Spit on the effort of people who are not virtually omnipotent,because you think they could have done better even though you have no idea what it is like to be in their situation?
I am very interested in your answer.
Lots of thinkers get killed because one of their plans fails, but Alexandria is the only one I know of who got killed because her plan worked.
Not all of the time, and not true for all of them depending on what Taylor sent since she just says she sent the fastest she had with spiders. Taylor says Echidna was moving at 80 mph in Queen 18.7, according to Wikipedia the fastest flying insect, horseflies, have been recorded to reach speeds up to 90 mph. So she could have sent insects around the same speed as her.

Maybe even faster since Wildbow has said Skitter can push her insects to their limits similar to Aegis being able to hit people so hard he breaks his hand.
Leviatan is still faster,A LOT faster.
Interlude 22
Hello, my lovelies. Last time, SOMETHING COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED HAPPENED in our story. The main character, Skitter, disappeared without any explanation, being immediately replaced by another character who strangely look exactly like her, but she's a heroine calling herself Weaver, who unlike Skitter, seem to want to work with heroes without expecting at any further conflicts between her and them. My theory for this new character is the following one :D: one of Chitters- Echidna's Skitter clones, managed to survive (just like Witness) and got sick and tired of being evil all the time, deciding to become a hero just to prove the real Skitter that she can be a better person than her, despite starting her life as an evil clone. Yep, this theory makes sooooooo much sense. More than any other theory that my brains vomited here :lol.
Leaving this pathetic attempt of a joke aside, I'm quite enthusiastic about the whole transformation of a hero wanna be who turned villain into a former villain turned hero. She have a brand new costume -surely made in D&D Kingdom of Tech Wonders, a brand new codename, BETTER than her now former villain codename, and a brand new...JOB. Lets see how Taylor will manage to not fuck up heroes' trust in her promises and capabilities ;).
The only Undersiders I can see having real chances to follow Taylor's decision of becoming a hero are Brian and Lisa. They have everything real heroes should have: bravery, a good heart, a strong heroic side (despite no one of them agreeing with that; but Brian is a HERO for his sister and the rest of his teammates and Lisa is a HERO for Taylor, for her teammates and for many Brockton Bay's citizens that she personally saved from dictators like Coil or monsters like Echidna -Lisa had such an important and essential role in Echidna's defeat even if most people I was talking with keep believing that only Skitter and Sundancer were the ones who defeated her. But Lisa was the one who discovered Echidna's weakness and turned the tides of the fight in the favor of the good guys. Also, lets not forget Dennis' role. He and Taylor made an AMAZING team :D).
I can't see someone like Alec, Rachel or Aisha becoming heroes. Alec will get bored with the who hero life and will start to play his favorite Master Puppeteer role with the villains he'll capture, pissing heroes off to not end and ruining their public image forever, Rachel is a wild puppy at her heart and mind and you can't keep a wild puppy chained into a certain role for the rest of her life and Aisha is too much of an independent spirit to accept to remain into a place for too long or to do accept any kind of authority imposed on her. She'll just...run away and return to the only life she likes the most: the life of a free mischievous poltergeist assassin wanna be :D.
Looks like we have an Interlude. I'll not try to make predictions this time but all I want for this end of the week is...to not read another Cauldron Interlude. The main reason? There were already too many Cauldron Interludes and only a few of more interesting Interludes. A Chevalier Interlude, please? Or....even better, a Bonesaw Interlude? PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE? Interlude 22

"…you can call me Weaver."
The broadcast ended. A hush took hold of everyone present, a silence that deepened when someone muted the television.

The spell was broken by one of the kids. Ephraim. "She's going to be a hero?"

"She's going to try," Forrest answered.

Charlotte looked around at the collected residents of the Boardwalk. It was customary, now, to have a block party every third night of the week. A mass-barbecue, a bonfire on the beach, or some other big meal that would bring everyone together. Community.

Skitter's community, though Skitter was gone, in more senses than one.

Taylor had turned herself in, early in the day, and word had spread. They'd hooked up a television, the biggest they could get their hands on, and set it up beneath a waterproof tent for good measure.

"Maybe," Charlotte answered. She couldn't help but think of how scary Taylor had been when she'd dealt with the ABB thugs. How easily the girl had slipped into her role as a leader of the territory. "But even if it's where she's meant to go, they won't necessarily accept her."

"Doesn't matter," Forrest said. "It's out of our hands. We'll wish her the best, give her some moral support if they let her get fan letters, and handle our own business, so she doesn't have to worry about us. And speaking of handling our own business…"

Charlotte nodded. Bed time for the littlest ones. She rose from the bench. "Show's over, come on, it's time to go to bed."

There were groans and grumbles here and there. Charlotte knew who it was without looking. She identified Mason, set a hand on top of his head, and pulled him closer to her as she walked back to their place. "Be good."

"I wasn't talking to you," Kathy said.

Charlotte and the orphaned children in her care Interlude!!!! I couldn't asked for a BETTER Interlude than this one :D. We already had a Sierra Interlude, now its time for our good Charlotte to shine. I love how Forrest is so supportive towards Taylor's choice of becoming a hero, never judging her for leaving her people, instead trying to understand her and accept her decision. Charlotte is less supportive, I can see, but this is because she can't understand how such a scary villain like Skitter can become a hero and she doubts that the heroes will ever accept her wholeheartedly. Well, you will have few surprises, my dear Charlotte. Some of the most famous and well respected heroes accepted her already: Miss Militia, Dragon and Defiant and even more surprising, Dragon was quite tender and maternal towards her :D.
Speaking about Dragon, she is going to compete with Charlotte for the MOTHER OF THE YEAR PRIZE, right? Cause both of them seem to be...pretty dedicated mothers. More dedicated and lovely than a lot of natural mothers in this universe.
Love reading about motherly Charlotte. Always :).

Kathy and Mason were the most likely to fight, to challenge her. When she was hurrying to get them out to the bus stop for school, it was Mason who would decide he'd suddenly forgotten how to tie his shoes, or who would drag his feet to force her to seize his hand and pull him along. He needed that attention in moments of crisis, however small. Kathy was the opposite. Charlotte hadn't uncovered the details, but the girl had been burned by someone in authority, and rebelled against it as a matter of habit. Kathy wanted to be independent, but she was too young.

Jessie wet the bed most nights. She never came to Charlotte to let her know. More than once, Charlotte had found the girl sleeping on the floor when morning came. Aidan had nightmares that left him screaming and wailing well after he'd woken up, refusing to listen to her. More than once, he'd actually had the nightmares while sleepwalking.

Kathy, a little more than half Charlotte's age, took it in stride, almost thrived on looking after the younger ones. She had endless patience with Jessie's nighttime accidents, and virtually every time Aidan's screams woke her, Kathy was already at his side, speaking calmly, waiting until he'd relaxed enough that she could hug and cuddle him.

"Girls in the bath first, snacks after," Charlotte said. "Boys, cookies and milk before your bath."

"She's famous," Charlotte said aloud.
"Because she was on TV?" this from Aidan.
"Because she was a bad guy, and she turned around and decided to be good," Charlotte said. "And because she helped beat Alexandria. It's controversial stuff, and I think people are going to be arguing about it for a long time."

"She's not a bad guy," Ben said, taking a seat beside the other boys.

"Was too," Ephraim said.

"She was scary and mean," Ben said, "But she's not bad."

People were active, gathering in clusters and crowds. The focus of attention? A news van.

The news crew was surrounded.

"We want to be left alone," Charlotte said.

"Working hard?" the reporter asked. "What if I offered, say, two hundred bucks, to whoever gave me the most information?"

"No," Forrest said. "I think that you're primarily interested in what gets viewers and ratings. Maybe you'd stick around for two hours, interview everyone you could, and then take the most controversial and extreme statements. Only way we don't play into your hands is if nobody opens their mouth."
He raised his voice a little at that final statement.

"That so?" the reporter asked. "Three hundred dollars. That's, what, two or three days' pay, with the kind of wage you earn here?"

"I'm not saying anything one way or the other," Forrest said. "Except that the numbers don't add up. Three hundred dollars now, or get a share of a place that could be worth millions, a few years down the road?"
Awww, poor children, all of them have their own problems :(. They're lucky that Charlotte and Forrest are taking care of them, because they're both very good people and patient with children with special needs. I'm worried for every single little soul in their care, but Aiden managed to worry me the most. This boy have NIGHTMARES WHILE SLEEPWALKING. Almost every night. Scary as fuck :o. He can hurt himself if he walks while sleeping, he should be supervised more than others, I think. Poor Aiden, imagine the trauma he went through,the trauma who caused him endless nightmares and sleepwalking :(. Its a WONDER that he didn't triggered yet "hugs Aiden and try to keep him safe".
Interesting enough how the children see Taylor: as a scary villain, but NOT a bad person. While Lisa feels pity for Taylor, seeing her as someone vulnerable, Alec WANTS to feel pity for her but he can't, Brian admires her and is attracted by her, Sierra sees her as someone powerful but vulnerable at the same time, Charlotte and kids see her nothing but a scary villain with a kind heart. Every single point of view have something in common with the others: for them, Taylor is a great amount of contradictions -she's strong, yet vulnerable and she hates being vulnerable, she can be mean with her enemies but kind with people she cares for, she's scary as fuck but also safer than many other not so scary people.

"Everyone's rebuilding. We got a head start, that's all. You're saying that's worth it? Mannequin came here because of her. Burnscar came here because of her. Or didn't you hear?"
Forrest folded his arms.

Scott said, "My sister-in-law works for the PRT. Wears a uniform. She said the Slaughterhouse Nine were here because they were recruiting. They picked a bunch of people across the city, trying to recruit them, and Skitter was one. Obviously. So it's her fault the people died here. The help she gave? She was probably guilty."

"Bullshit. You were there, that first time, when Mannequin was in the warehouse on Shell. He was wagging his finger at her. Why? He was there for her."
"I was there," Forrest said. "Remember? I stepped up. I dragged that bastard to where we could tie his head up. I smashed his head with a concrete block."

Scott approached, moving through the crowd. He was clearly irritated, a big guy, undoubtedly a dock worker, breathing just a little harder than normal. Charlotte found herself biting her lip and backing away as he drew closer. Her stomach twisted as he passed her, as though it were a towel someone was wringing out. Not an unfamiliar sensation.

For a moment, she could imagine him in her face, hooting, hollering, a vein standing out on his bald head.

She was upset, she wasn't thinking straight, and she couldn't afford to return to the kids like this. Ben and Kathy would look after the littlest ones for five more minutes. She could keep walking, burn off this nervous energy and get in a better headsp-

She jumped, swiftly backing away.

It was a man. Thin, with glasses, reaching out-

Groping, greedy for a handful of flesh.
According to mass-media, Skitter is responsible for the following: killing a great hero like Alexandria in cold blood without any reasons at all, provoking Mannequin to kill people in her territory, provoking S9 to "visit" Brockton Bay and try to recruit, Bakuda's national terrorism, Jack wanting to destroy the world for shit and giggles, the existence of ABB, the existence of S9, the existence of E88, the "birth" of the Endbringers, the existence of Cauldron, the existence of Passengers, the existence of parallel Earths, Trump being elected as president on Earth Prime, the existence of ISIS, the destruction of dinosaurs and so on. Skitter is...terrible, if we believe our glorious and never exaggerated mass-media ;). Fuck these journalists, fuck these reporters for trying to twist the obviously good deeds of a person into some selfish purposes. And they keep complaining when people criticize them. Well, if you stop being assholes, then people will stop having something with you and the way you misrepresent the truth (I don't hate mass-media in general, I just don't like when some of them blatantly lie and destroy people's lives for money and five minutes of fame. Fuck these fuckers with their own lies :rage:).
A man with glasses? Holy shit. NO, FUCK YOU, THANKS. GO AWAY :o. This is bad news, this is bad news. EMERGENCY, BAD FUCKING NEWS. We know two men wearing glasses. One is Danny, but Danny have no reasons to go there, unless he would like to talk with people who know his daughter. But I doubt that he's in the mood to talk to ANYONE after he watched his daughter killing Tagg. The other possibility is the one closest to the truth. The man wearing glasses IS Number Man. Doctor Mother ordered him to show Skitter that Caudron is not something she should mess with and Number Man probably will not have any qualms to attack and hurt her people, or even worse, as a quick response of what she just did: killing Alexandria. He's an amoral sociopath, a murderer and a former S9 member, he'll hurt people even without being ordered to do it.
But can't be him either, because Charlotte would have been frightened out of her mind- she's already afraid of men and since Number Man is not a fan of wearing pants, you know ;)....(my friend told me that everytime when Number Man's clothes are described, his pants are missing from each description, causing people to joke about him not wearing any pants at all. I don't know if this is Wildbow's intention, but I think is pretty funny in a creepy way to imagine this villain walking pantless everywhere without caring who is going to see him. Just moving from a place to another while refusing to wear any pants :D).
I still hold onto the hope that this stranger is Danny. Please, be Danny, please, be Danny...

"I'm her father. Danny."

"Okay," she said. She forced herself to relax a touch. He's safe. Mostly. "O-" She exhaled as she spoke, and her breath caught.

"All the way through this, I told myself I'd trust her. That she was the same child my wife and I raised for the last sixteen years. That things were muddled, but she was the same person deep down inside."
"Isn't she?"
"I'm not so sure anymore."

"We still have enemies. People who'd hurt her by hurting us. We have to stay safe."

"It's a house?" he asked. He looked even more bewildered than before as he took in the particulars, the living room, with young girls clustered on one couch, boys on the other couch and the floor, the appliances, the stacks of boxed-up food that had yet to be unpacked. "Children?"
"Orphans," Charlotte said, keeping her voice low. Both Mai and Ephraim could break down in tears at the slightest reminder of their departed parents. "I've been looking after them."

"That was only a small part of it. She mostly paid me to look after them and make sure people got the food they needed. She looked after everyone. When they were all in the worst situations they'd ever faced, struggling for food, worrying every hour if they would be attacked or preyed on, she stepped up."
"You're trying to defend her. To justify what she did."

"The area's safe, the people know each other. It's a community, and the community will look after the kids. Besides, he's got a whistle in case he gets in trouble."

"You should really be with her."
"I was there," Danny said. "I told myself I'd stand by her, and then… all at once, it wasn't her. I've seen her in a crisis, after her mom died. She was one of the people who withdrew. When she was bullied at school, she withdrew. But there? At the PRT headquarters? That wasn't her."

"No," Danny said. "I don't think it was her, not really. For just a minute, she became a monster."
"We all have a monster somewhere inside us," Charlotte said. "Like I was saying about the kids. Sometimes it's aggressive, sometimes it finds other forms of attack, and other times it's a cowardly one."
The only man that Charlotte trusts is Forrest. Good to see that she doesn't see all the men as rapist pigs, despite probably being raped or sexually abused (before or during her time with Merchants); Forrest is a man that every girl/woman should trust and feel safe in his presence :). Poor Charlotte.
Its Danny, I can allow myself to relax now. He wants to see what his daughter's people are doing and find more information about her. He's still shocked after he saw her killing a man in cold blood and I don't blame him. I'd be shocked too if I were in his place and my daughter wound have covered Tagg in thousands over thousands of insects with murderous intents, even if I know that she is right is whatever she's doing (my father told me that he'll not be upset not even if I'll kill dozens of people if I'll assure him that they deserved their deaths. But my father is a villain wanna be, Danny is a honest and peaceful citizen who only want to live peacefully and see his daughter safe and not getting involved in the ugly businesses of the City :D).
Danny, I'm sure that she scared the living daylights out of you and you can't stop seeing her as a monster, but...Charlotte is right. Every human being have a monster inside them, even you, Danny, there were moments when you had troubles controlling your temper, remember? So, Taylor can be a monster just like everyone else but she's still your daughter and you have to accept and understand that she- just like you or Charlotte- have her own limits and when she can't take anymore, she reacts, allowing her monster to come out. She's your daughter, love and cherish her, no matter how scary her monster can be :).

"Nice to meet you," Forrest said. He waded through the cluster of kids and, straight-legged, he leaned over the kitchen counter to shake Danny's hand. "Right, rugrats! If you stand up to pee, get yourselves into the bath, pronto!"

"I-" Mai stopped short, shrieking as Forrest swept her up in his arms.
"I get the point," he said. "As penance, I'm letting you ride on my shoulders."

Mai squealed in glee.

Danny sighed. "I came here to make a decision. To work up some courage. But I feel as conflicted as ever. Worse, if anything."
"A decision?"

"Taylor has to join the Wards, if she's going to join an official team. Her lawyer got in contact with me, to let me know that there's certain procedures. She needs a parent, guardian, notary, or a person in authority to vouch for her, and it has to be someone who's otherwise free of connections to superheroes or supervillains, someone that knows her and can testify about her character."

"Do it."

Sierra approached, arms reaching out to hug Charlotte. Charlotte welcomed the hug, murmuring the words, "I missed you." But her eyes were still on the doorway. Tattletale stepped into the front hallway, followed by Grue and the pairings of Imp and Regent, Parian and Flechette.

"Long time no see, Danny," Tattletale said.
"Lisa," he answered. There was no warmth in his tone.

"Tattletale while I"m in costume, please," she said. She flashed a grin, and he didn't return it.

"I have to ask. Why the puppies?" Charlotte asked, glancing at Bitch.
"Tattletale said to."

"That's not exactly right," Tattletale said.

"It's what you said," Bitch responded, sounding irritated.

"I recommended puppy therapy," Tattletale said. "Everyone loves puppies, so maybe it's a way to deal when we're feeling a bit lonely?"
PUPPY THERAPY FOR EVERYONE INDEED :D. The best kind of therapy. Sorry, Jessica, but I'm sure that even you agree that the alternative to your therapy is puppy therapy. EVERYONE NEEDS A PUPPY "takes a puppy and travel to Cauldron Headquarters, shoving it in Doctor Mother's face" You also need a puppy, maybe it will warm your ice heart. Or maybe not, but I tried.
Mannequin clone gesturing for a puppy.
Me: Damn, I think I changed my mind. NOT exactly everyone deserve a puppy ;).
Danny, don't be so cold towards Tattletale. She saved your daughter's life. Without her, you'd have buried Taylor right next to her mom long time ago. She's Taylor's anchor. I know that you don't like her for encouraging Taylor to become a villain, but she didn't have much of a choice. This or letting Taylor have her mom's fate :).
You better agree with Taylor becoming a hero, Danny. Yes, the life will be dangerous and full of challenges for her as a hero, but less dangerous than if she'll go to Birdcage. Once there, the life will stop being life for her and will turn into everyday hell and nothing else. Would you like this alternative? I'm sure not so...give her the life she deserves. The life of a heroine fighting for the safety of humanity.

Bitch looked at Charlotte. "You miss her?"
"Um. Yes?"

Bitch bent down, grabbing a puppy with one hand, then thrust it into Charlotte's arms. She started to withdraw her hand, paused, then said, "It's a loan."

"Of course," Charlotte said. She held the puppy close, scratched it behind the ear. She knew better than to argue the point.

"You?" Bitch asked Danny.

"Then take it. For now."
He surrendered in the face of her blunt approach, accepting the puppy.

"Sierra is working under me. She holds the property and presents our legitimate face to the public."

Charlotte glanced at Sierra, who nodded.

"Property?" Charlotte asked.

"Everything we own in Brockton Bay, through a series of dummy corporations, is officially in her name. That includes the areas in the Boardwalk that Coil once controlled. From now on, you can contact us through her for all of the basics. I know Skitter arranged a way for those who contribute to the restoration of the Boardwalk to earn shares of property. Sierra will see to that. In a pinch, you can also talk to her about funding, big projects, and the like. But I don't think it'll come to that."

Forrest frowned. "Why not?"

"Skitter arranged for her territory to be taken care of," Tattletale said.

"She left us some money. For food, to pay people. Not a lot, but things should be sustainable by the time we run out."

"Have to," Tattletale said. She turned her head. Bitch was returning from the back room. She had only one puppy with her. The wolf cub. "Taylor won't forgive us if we don't."
"You should know. When I was there," Danny spoke up. "Alexandria offered her a hell of a deal. Two years of juvenile detention, and leaving the rest of you alone. It wasn't everything she'd asked for. She said no, said she trusted you to handle things on your end. I don't want to be offensive, but I couldn't understand it. Still can't. But I thought you should know."

"She was prepared to leave us to our own devices when she surrendered," Tattletale said. "But if she believes in us to that degree, that's another reason we can't fail."

"Puppy therapy," she murmured, on her way back to the front hall. Bitch was clipping the leashes onto the puppies.

"Mm," Bitch grunted.

"Does it work?"

"Yes," Bitch said. "But it's not enough. I haven't felt like this since… Brutus and Judas."
Brutus and Judas? Charlotte didn't recognize the names. "That's natural, isn't it? We're people, we need other people close to us. A dog is… fantastic, but it can't fill that void."

Charlotte could see a crease in between Bitch's eyebrows, but the look didn't reach her eyes or mouth.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Bitch shook her head, but she didn't reply.
Danny got a puppy too, so he must feel a little better now :D. Skitter took care of everything in her territory, assuring that her people and loyal "lieutenants" have everything they need to live a comfortable life in her absence. Skitter, as always, putting everyone's needs above her own.
How much Bitch have changed...Before, she's have snapped Charlotte's neck for expressing her opinion about the importance of having other human beings in your company rather than dogs but now...now she's ready to accept different opinions than hers, even if she doesn't necessarily agree with them. Bitch have changed more than anyone else in her team. The wild puppy was partially tamed ;).

"But you told me to draw things or write them down after a bad dream," he said. He pulled a pad of paper from the gap between his bunk and the wall.
She looked at it. It didn't look like much of anything. Two scribbles, circles and dots.

"These big things… Fish?"

"I don't remember. I think it started as a bad dream, and then became better."

"And these dots or circles?" They only covered part of the page.

"You don't have superpowers, do you?" she whispered.
Aidan shook his head.

"You're sure?"

"Yes," he said, in a very solemn manner.

If it wasn't a trigger event, then what?

"Five nights ago?"

"I know because it was the night Skitter stayed out all night. I woke up a bit after she came in. I was drawing while she made noise in the kitchen."

The night Skitter had been outed. Where had she been, and how did it connect?

If not a trigger event, the potential to trigger?

So many questions, and Skitter was no longer here to answer them.
This little guy, Aiden, quickly became one of the most WTF -in an affectionate way of saying- character that appeared lately in the story. Not only that he makes me sick worried about his tendency of sleepwalking but he also have some weird powers- despite not being a parahuman- allowing him to have dreams about Passengers and their parents. Or maybe, he is already a parahuman but he's not aware of his powers. It's clear that he triggered (only people who trigger are able to have these visions with aliens) but either his powers are not well-defined yet or he doesn't know about them, translating them into bad dreams, until his Passenger will fix itself better in his brain. Aiden, what's wrong with you, my dear child? Clearly, he's another character that I should keep an eye on, because he knows something that have a great significance for the development of the plot :).
So many questions about Aiden and very few answers. I know a person who's better than Skitter at giving the right answers: Tattletale. If Charlotte will talk to her and tell her about Aiden, she'll find precious information about what she wants to know. Tattletale is the key of explaining the WTF mystery that this little Aiden seems to be. Poor little one "hugs Aiden again, feeling terrible sorry for his harsh life" :(.
But the most important things I learned from this Interlude are: Charlotte is the best non-AI mother and Forrest is the best father for these orphaned children. These two people are better than 90% of the natural parents I've seen so far in this universe :D.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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The best PRT director...you seem very sure about that...
...And I doubt it.
I do not doubt that Taylor deserves that second chance,but life is complicated and the future uncertain,even for her.
Like Tagg?
I,as a director of the prt, would not know that she is the protagonist and would treat her in a way appropriate to the circumstances.
I am not partial.
And I can not take you seriously about second chances when you do not feel compassion for those you do not like,some deserve death or worse,no doubt,but I prefer a happy ending for as many as possible.
If I were nigh-omnipotent,I would like to think that I would travel through the multiverse,helping in the way I consider appropriate,without killing if possible.
With breaks,including the natives,where I watch movies,or play videogames.
Of course,maybe absolute power corrupts me absolutely and I'm being too optimistic.
Power brings out what we really are,how do you think you would be?
What would you do if you had all that power?
Disintegrate to slaughterhouse 9?
Demolish the PRT?
Torturing the winslow trio?
Would you control the people you help if they turn on you?
Would you ignore the opinion of others to help more?
Spit on the effort of people who are not virtually omnipotent,because you think they could have done better even though you have no idea what it is like to be in their situation?
I am very interested in your answer.

I'm pretty sure you won't prefer a happy ending for "people" like Jack or Heartbreaker. A psycho man who want to destroy the world ONLY for shit and giggles and a RAPIST/SCUMBAG CRIMINAL who treat his own family like personal slaves and henchpersons surely deserve a fate worse than death and I think we both agree over this statement. No, I don't feel compassion for these "people" and other "people" like them (Coil, Cauldron, nazis, etc) because they didn't do anything to deserve my compassion: not a single sign that they want to change, they want to stop what they're currently doing/ they themselves don't feel any compassion for their victims (I still hope that Bonesaw and Doctor Mother can be redeemable, but my hopes are getting smaller and smaller in time :(). Why should I feel compassion for these irrepressible villains? Nope, I feel compassion only for people I feel that they deserve my compassion, not for everyone, especially lost causes ;).
If I'll be a God, I'll stop all the wars and violence and punish anyone who'll try to start new wars. I'll be like a tyrant, indeed, but a peace loving tyrant and I'll make sure that nobody will suffer under my omnipotent leadership. The ones who'll challenge my peaceful authority by harming other people will pay the price of their actions. I hate controlling people so I'll not exactly control them but they'll still have to follow my small set of rules and everything will be fine for everyone :D.
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Interlude 22 (Donation Bonus #1) PART 1
Hello, my dears. I'm deeply sorry for not liveblogging more often but I'm busy like hell these days and I can't promise that I'll liveblog more than once ore twice on week :(. Anyways, I'll continue this story until its end because I'll never stop reading something once I started. Especially stories that I'm so involved in. Last time, there was Charlotte Interlude where we saw her and Forrest taking good care of orphans, some asshole reporters trying to open painful wounds for fame and money, Danny visiting Hive (Skitter's territory) and struggling to understand his daughter actions and accept her, despite seeing her nothing but a monster and a troubled child, Aiden having weird dreams involving a bunch of Floating Space Abstract Creatures and knowing something that nobody else knows (except for Lisa, if someone will show her the drawings and ask her to interpret them). Lets see about what this second (in a row) Interlude is about. My best hope- NO CAULDRON :D.
I had an interesting discussion with my father about Danny. He's mad at Danny because he thinks that Danny basically abandoned his daughter, saying that a parent should never abandon their children, no matter the nature of the sins they commit. For example, he'll never abandon me not even if I'll turn into a genocidal mass murderer :). He also pointed out that Marquis- a villain- accepts his daughter the way she's- a hero (or rather a fallen hero). My arguments were that while both of them are good parents, Marquis is indeed a villain who keep hoping that his daughter will become a villain in the future and is patient enough to wait as long as is necessary+ he lost her when she was 6 and he's trying to recover the lost time between them. On the other side, Danny is a peaceful citizen who raised his daughter as a good person and who was shocked to discover that she's NOT exactly the good child that he always believed her to be. He is disappointed by this revelation and is not ready yet to accept the awful truth about his daughter. I understand Danny and I'm a little pissed that my dad condemn him so vehemently, but I know that my father always put family above everything else and have the same expectations from other people (including fictional characters). Poor Danny however, he's more of a victim of this sad, cruel life than a jerk of a parent who can't understand his only child :(.
I also noticed something that I missed at my first read of Charlotte Interlude:
"She mentioned getting the ferry up and running again, a new set of storefronts, and pushing for more residential areas."
Taylor managed to transform her dad's dream -getting the ferry up and running again- into reality. This is how much she loves him, even if he might have his doubts, she truly love him and want the best for him :). Danny, please, give your daughter a second chance. She's a villain and a criminal, yes, but...she's YOUR baby girl villain and criminal.
As for Aiden, I want him to really trigger with a kick ass power. He went through too much for his age and having a power maybe will help him feel more safe and protected. Even if he'll be a Master, I don't really care as long as he will use his power for good :D Interlude 22 (Donation Bonus #1)

"Okay," Daiichi said. His Japanese was easy, a lazy drawl. He paused at the top of the flight of stairs, sneering a touch as he waited for his followers to ascend. "If you don't hurry, they'll be gone by the time we get there."

There were grumbles from the others.

"Why isn't there an elevator?" Ren whined. Of all of them, he was the heaviest, the black jacket of his school uniform straining across his shoulders. He'd dyed his hair blond, but hadn't yet found a good style to wear it. Ren was Daiichi's lieutenant; most thought that was because Daiichi put too much stock in Ren's size, ignoring the fact that he was more fat than muscular. People who knew Daiichi better speculated that it was because Daiichi wanted someone fat and ugly that could offset his own good looks.

Only those inside Daiichi's group and the people who crossed them knew better.
What is this about? ABB Interlude? Because these guys are clearly asian thugs and the only organized asian thugs I know are ABB. But why a random ABB Interlude all of a sudden? Maybe...maybe this is actually Lung's Interlude (his backstory since the setting is in the past) and this Daiichi guy is Lung's civilian identity. We're going to see this asshole's trigger event and how he got his powers...Not exactly the Interlude I was thrilled to read but is a little better than having to read Cauldron bullshit over and over again :D. Ok, Daiichi, show us how you evolved into a Dragon who got his huge fire ass kicked two times by a little bee ;). I'm going to listen THIS

Lung: I'm doing this for me family.

But Kenta stood out anyways. He looked different. People knew his mother was Chinese. He was oddly tall for his age, his grades poor. He could have struggled, but there was so little point. He was competing with classmates who were already miles ahead of him, who were fighting to keep ahead of one another by studying after school, studying at night.
This was something else. It was both thrilling and terrifying, to recognize those lines and ignore them. To be brazen, to stand out on purpose. Breaking rules, breaking convention. He imagined it was like the rush that accompanied a fall to open water or hard ground.
I was wrong. Not Daiichi is Lung, but Kenta. Just look at his description: half chinese, very tall, not interested in studying despite not being stupid and not giving a fuck about rules. Lung. Daiichi is a mafia boss, but not ABB boss because ABB was created by Kenta. Kenta started his thug life as Daiichi's lieutenant. I wonder about his trigger event. Knowing some things about other parahumans' trigger events, I think he was involved in a fight that he couldn't win and he wanted desperately to win so he triggered with the power to literally become more and more strong as the fight becomes more and more brutal and violent. We know that Kayden triggered with light power (among her other powers) because she was involved in a car accident when it was dark outside, Lisa triggered with knowledge because her brother committed suicide and she wanted to prevent other people following his example, but she couldn't do it without knowing their personal problems, Rachel can turn dogs into monsters because only in this way she was able to save her dog, Rollo, from being murdered by her demented foster mother, Aisha triggered because she was abused by her mother and her mother's boyfriends and her power is like an invisibility cloak protecting her from unwanted attention and further abuse. Taylor's power was born from misery and dirtiness. Masters (as far I saw) are people who usually lost control over their lives so they got powers allowing them to literally control other people's (or beings) lives. Kenta wanted to be the strongest and scariest motherfucker so...he evolved into the strongest and scariest dragon ;).
If I lived in that world, I'd be either doctor in parahumans or their lawyer. This is how much I'm fascinated by them and irremediable in love with them:D.

But there were two more gaijin in the room, kneeling opposite the Chinese foreigners. A black woman in a white suit jacket and a knee-length dress, and a twenty-something woman with a European cast to her features, with dark hair and a black suit.
Oh, no, you guys are screwed :D. Completely and utterly screwed. Wildbow, when I said that my best hope for this Interlude is- NO CAULDRON, I wasn't joking at all. Why...why Cauldron? Because CLEARLY the black woman is Doctor Mother and the black suited woman is her guardian bitch, Contessa. I can recognize them from miles distance :D. Now, either a fight will happen (I don't know why, maybe these guys stole money from Cauldron or they're in debt and Doctor Mother wants her money back) and Kenta will trigger or Kenta will buy his power from Cauldron, thus revealing that- as Lung- he had Cauldron power all this time, wasn't a natural trigger.
Actually I don't really care if Contessa will destroy their collective arses in a fight. They're drug dealers, they're responsible for a lot of youth deaths so they deserve whatever Contessa and Doctor Mother will do to them. Gosh, I hate drug dealers so much (and yes, I hated Breaking Bad's protagonist even if his initial intentions were good and he was a fascinating character in general. But ultimately he was just another ASSHOLE in terms of personality). I'll actually cheer for Cauldron- for the first time- if they'll decide to deal with these assholes in a rather violent way :).

"One bodyguard?" Daiichi asked, sneering. He made the first move. He flared a brilliant green, then jolted as a phantom replica of himself leaped forth.
The phantom Daiichi flew across the room like living lightning, a trail of neon green smoke in its wake.

The bodyguard was already moving, her hand on a plate. She turned it upside-down and threw it in a single motion, and it caught the air like a frisbee. It turned in mid-air and crashed into the real Daiichi's face.
He staggered, and the phantom he'd created dissipated a fraction of a second before reaching the bodyguard. She shut her eyes as the residual smoke carried past her.
Daiichi raised the gun, and the woman raised one knife from the table, turning it around so she held the blade, the metal handle extended. She held it out with one hand, pointing it at Daiichi's shoulder.
Daiichi fired, and the knife went flying. It ricocheted, spinning rapidly, striking the doorframe behind the bodyguard before flying over her head in a tall arc. She caught it in her other hand, resuming the exact same position as before, then shook her right hand for a second.

"The woman in the suit just got permission to kill us," Hisoka said. "But the black one said not to spill any blood."
"We should run," Kenta said.

"You scared?" Daiichi asked. "We have muscle."
Daiichi is a parahuman with power similar with Justin's power: creates copies- phantoms of himself but even with his power, he is no match for Contessa. Of course, the same Contessa who literally destroyed Faultline's Crew, all of them being powerful parahumans. I think Contessa's power gives her the ability to see her enemies' attacks before they attack her, she's like a precog fighter, knowing her enemies' moves and taking the necessary measures to deflect them. She's also very fast for a normal human (she's not a speedster) her Thinker fighting skills giving her enough speed and strength to overcome her enemies- any enemy. I wonder if she can't turn off her power, just like Number Man. Btw, Number Man and Contessa almost have similar powers, they're superfast and agile and they can use any object in their possession as weapon, but Number Man can bullshit supercalculate his adversary's attacks while Contessa can bullshit predict her adversary's attacks. They seem to be equally powerful and competent :).

Ren started drawing air in once more. Daiichi's spirit opened with a flurry of attacks, moving twice as fast as she was, but failed to land a strike. The bodyguard took a step back and used the toe of her glossy black shoes to flick a brick of powder into the air. She threw it, and the suction only added to its velocity as it soared to Ren's right.
Daiichi's spirit was fast enough to avoid the brick, but Daiichi wasn't. It bounced off his head, and the ghost dissipated again. She kicked the table, and again, the suction caught it. It flew into Ren's shins, and he fell.

Thrice, both the ghost and Ren had been countered, almost casually.

Daiichi shouted, uncharacteristically angry. Uncharacteristic, maybe, because he'd never lost a fight before.

She tore through them, every movement precisely calculated to disable, to crush, blind, stun and stagger. They were driven to stumble into one another, their weapons knocked from their hands. She wasn't any faster than any of them, not a martial artist, though there was a degree of elegance to what she did. No movement wasted.
Her foot caught Kenta in the diaphragm. She planted one hand on the back of his head as he winced from the blow, then pushed him face first into the ground.
His teeth bit into a brick of powder, puncturing the plastic itself. Kenta tried to rise, but she stepped on the back of his head, driving him facefirst into the brick a second time, hard.

He found himself out of his body. He was an observer, an outside agent, without body or mind. He couldn't think. He could only exist, as a part of some sequence of events.
Ren was another parahuman whose power sucked in front of Contessa's absolute bullshit combat skills. She killed everyone (without zero hesitation) except for Kenta. Well, they did stole money from Cauldron and they got what they should have expected to get for stealing money from an organisation that not even heroes are enthusiastic enough to confront. Don't feel bad for them at all. Contessa did a good job, she's freaking badass. This is the second time when I wanted for an organisation that I normally despise to win: the first time was S9 slaughtering Merchants :D.
Kenta triggered because he lost the fight AND had his face buried deep into the powder. Well, not such a bad trigger event for a DRUG DEALER/DRUGGIE. Actually, is the best way of triggering a drug addict can hope for ;). Lucky asshole. Ironically, Cauldron created ANOTHER villain when they decided to kill Kenta but instead triggered him. For an antagonist organisation claiming to create more heroes than villains, they actually created (directly or indirectly) more POWERFUL villains than heroes: Siberian, Shatterbird, Gray Boy, Echidna, Lung, Coil...Good job, "protectors of humanity" :p!

The bodyguard had stepped away from him, freeing him to raise his head. She'd staggered, and was being supported by the black woman.
The bodyguard recovered faster. She found her stride quickly enough.

Idiots, he thought, with a degree of anger. It had been foolish to escalate the fight after seeing what the woman was capable of.
He'd be more careful of who he fought in the future.
Let's see how powerful Cauldron really is. They have:
-Doctor Mother: we don't know if she's a normal human or parahuman and if she's parahuman, what kind of power she have and why she keeps it secret. I can see her being a chemistry Tinker, with the specialty to create superpowers but in a way so the Passengers can connect with their hosts through these superpowers (not viceversa, like it happens during natural triggers). Or maybe she can attract the Passengers's attention over the hosts she personally choose, I don't know how this works, but unless she's holding a captured alien as Cauldron's prisoner, then she have a way to create powers (scientific or parascientific) without natural triggers.
-Number Man: A very good and intelligent fighter/banker, a merciless and manipulative sociopath, with the power to bullshit supercalculate everything (natural trigger because he was a parahuman before Cauldron, even since he was a S9 member). Very dangerous opponent. Loyal to Doctor Mother, but he also like to have his last word in certain situations.
-Contessa: A badass bodyguard, with the power to predict her opponents' attacks and find inventive and quickly ways to stop them, very loyal to Doctor Mother (well, she's a bodyguard, after all) and is scary and sophisticated as fuck in combat.
-Doormaker: A former victim of Cauldron turned into a loyal ally (Stockholm Syndrome much? or he started to agree with their methods and purposes) with the power to open portals to other parallel Earths. Not very good in combat, but he's a great asset if Cauldron will find themselves in a situation where all they can do is to run and hide as fast as possible.
-Clairvoyant: Another former victim turned into a loyal ally with the power to locate anyone on every single parallel Earth, very good at finding a person indicated by Cauldron. Another great asset.
-Custodian: The invisible and intangible former victim, turned into a loyal ally. Her other powers are still an unknown so I can't say so much about what she can do/what she can't do in a fight.
All in all, Cauldron is a pretty tough nut to crack so is better if they'll stop being so antagonist and actually work with the good guys instead of having to fight them. Won't be great for our heroes/favorite villains to fight against such opponents. Neither for Cauldron to be constantly the enemy of everyone;).
No, Kenta, you'll not be more careful in the future. You'll still choose the wrong enemy, you'll still underestimate HER and you'll still get your ass kicked by her. The story repeats itself in your case. More often than usual :D.
Btw, Contessa's real name must be Mary Sue :).

Lung toyed with a flame in one of his hands as he watched the great lizard-man's rampage.

The Sentai Elite were battling the thing, assisted by the gaijin heroes. Once every few minutes, someone passed him, flying, carrying wounded. Lung didn't care. It was about timing. If he was going to do this, he'd do it right.

I'll fight, he thought.
I'll never die, Lung thought. I might fall, but I'll come back again and again. I might falter, but I'll return with twice the fury.

More scales were sprouting, they were growing en masse now. His blood coursed through his veins at twice the usual speed. Fire burned around him perpetually now. He was naked, the burned rags of his clothes swept away by water, and he didn't care. He was in freefall, of a sort, but it wasn't the ground waiting for him. It was Leviathan.
His flame blasted out to pelt the Endbringer. It didn't do any substantial damage.

He very nearly blacked out, but his rage won out. He struggled to his feet, found one femur in two distinct pieces. He knelt instead, resting his weight on one knee, the other foot planted on the ground, taloned toes biting into asphalt, and he directed a constant stream of fire at the Endbringer.
A flick of Leviathan's tail sent him sprawling.

The tidal wave that struck wasn't enough either, nor Leviathan's speed as the creature swam. Lung dug deeper, clawed flesh away. Deeper in Leviathan's body, the flesh was only harder, the ichor making it slick.
Lung roared, burned head to toe as he clawed deeper still. If Leviathan's muscle was as hard as steel, Lung would burn hot enough to melt steel.

He can't ignore me now, Lung thought. He was only half the height of the Endbringer, but it was enough. Fire against water, claw against claw. Leviathan hit harder, but Lung healed faster. Every second he fought without Leviathan tearing him in half was a second that was to his advantage.

But he began to weaken. The lesser heroes were gone, washed away or helping others to evacuate, the greater heroes a distance away.
And Lung had nothing to fuel his power. He was engaged in a fight of ten times the scale he'd been in before, and his power was leaving him.

He sank, feeling a kind of despair. Too tired to move, he touched bottom.
Alexandria found him in the depths and brought him to the surface.
Kenta, now Lung, can grow half as big as Leviathan :o. This is...this is unexpected, this guy is stronger than I imagined him to be. I mean, I knew he was stronger, but he's waaaaaaaaay too strong, if he was able to fight against Leviathan for such a long time before his power stopped working and Leviathan almost drowning him. I mean, if his power wouldn't have failed him, maybe he'd have a chance to do something that no other human being did before: kill an Endbringer. Its a big possibility that his Passenger didn't wanted him to kill an Endbringer (because of a possible connection between Passengers and Endbringers) or it didn't have the necessary power to make the killing of Leviathan possible for its host. Anyway, Lung tried to obtain a victory and prove himself that he can't lose, but unfortunately...he tried his best and maybe he'll feel a little better knowing that his Passenger was the only obstacle between him and a colossal victory. If he realized this, of course. This is the only thing I admire at Lung- his ambition and courage to continue a fight even when he's aware that he's losing. I admire brave people and Lung is no exception, despite being an ASS :D.
I'll continue with the second part as soon as possible.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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Garbage Day


The Recruitment of Alexandria
Interlude 22 (Donation Bonus #1) PART 2
Hello, friends. Last time, we got a Breaking Bad reboot, Parahuman version, featuring Lung (or Kenta, on his civilian name) as its new protagonist :). So far, a large part of his past life was presented, his ascension from being a simple mook to becoming a leader of his own drug dealers gang, his trigger event that was possible thankfully to Mary Sue aka Contessa aka "I'm creating more heroes than villains and you all have to believe me, even if the truth is actually different" Cauldron bodyguard, his magnificent and honorable fight with Leviathan (the only thing that stood against his victory over the aquatic monster was his damn Passenger, who suddenly decided to leave him powerless exactly in the middle of the fight for reasons that only a Passenger's mind can grasp). This is very frustrating, because parahumans are too much dependent of their Passengers' decisions of the moment and they can't do anything anymore in a fight if their Passengers doesn't allow them to continue to use their powers :(. Which is pretty questionable because from what I understand so far about Passengers, they're instinctively attracted by conflict and violence, preferring aggressive hosts or subtle influencing their hosts to act aggressive in certain situations. Lung fought Leviathan, he was involved in a very violent situation that Passenger should have loved it. Yet his Passenger decided: -Oh no, Leviathan is hot...Fuck this, I'm taking away your power and let you die like a pussy right in the middle of this cool battle because...don't question my decisions, human, I'm superior to you in so many ways and I know what is best for you- The many mysteries of the universe means nothing compared with the mind of a Passenger :D. Lung's Passenger basically saved Leviathan's life, risking its host life in the process. This would be perfect for an extremely crack ship (Lung's Passenger+ Leviathan= impossible love?), but I see Passengers more like babies than full adults so I don't think a crack ship is the answer :lol. Maybe Passengers share a connection with Endbringers and they forbid their hosts from killing them, even if this means that they hosts are in danger to die anytime. They don't care, they're aliens who care only about themselves, their hosts are like human avatars for them and they can be replaced with other hosts once they're not useful anymore (I still wonder if Cherish's Passenger(s) are capable to leave her -she's useless to them now that she's trapped without any chance to escape by herself or be saved so they should not have any reason to remain there. And when I said "passengers" and not "passenger", I was referring at her Passenger and Butcher's Passenger that she was forced to absorb alongside with the 13 powers and personalities).
See, this is the reason why I find mutants from X-Men being superior and more biological advanced than Parahumans. Mutants have only a different gene giving them superpowers. They can use their powers without many restrictions- except for how strong their power can be (Omega level mutants have zero restrictions because their powers are nearly limitless in their strength)- and with enough training, they can become more and more powerful. Their powers belong to THEM and only THEM. Parahumans have an alien parasite giving them superpowers and they depend of it, no matter how much and hard they're training, they can use their powers in the limits their Passengers allow them to use. Their powers doesn't belong to them, but to their alien parasites. Once their parasites restrict their access to their powers, they can't do nothing about. Mutants> parahumans. Also, parahumans' powers remind them permanently of their trigger events. They live in a more tolerant and acceptable world but their traumas are more pronounced. So, I'd rather prefer to be hated as a mutant, but arguable sane and depending only of my own will than to be admired as a parahuman, but partially or complete insane and depending of the will of an alien parasite inside my brain. X-Men world, here I come :D!!! Interlude 22 (Donation Bonus #1)

The walls of the C.U.I. prison loomed around him.

Lung fumed, but his power was denied him. He paced, punched walls, burned the concrete with his power. All around him, the area was pockmarked with the wounds that marked his periodic struggles.

They'd had him in regular cells before. It had been a learning process for them. He'd found that surviving in a prison like this involved being a true monster, so he'd bowed his head to one boss. When this boss had discovered what he was capable of, he'd attacked another leader in the prison. The ensuing war had ended with Lung being placed in higher security, until he fought the man who'd brought him food, very nearly escaping before Tōng Líng Tǎ, who never showed herself, encased him in a mountain of stone.

All in all, three years since he'd fought Leviathan. Two years since he and his mother had come here to Chaohu. A year and eight months since he'd been arrested by the Yàngbǎn.

Every seven days, Tōng Líng Tǎ used her powers on the walls. The floor, she left alone, but the walls were wiped clean, her power to manipulate stone turning the four impossibly tall walls of Lung's cell into flawlessly smooth surfaces. She would absorb any and all of the trash that remained from his meals, any of the wildlife that had accidentally found their way into the pit, and all of Lung's leavings, which he customarily left in one corner of his cell.

"You will stay here until you answer our questions."
"I will join," he told them.

They exchanged a glance between them.

Worst of all, they would take his powers, most of them, and give him others in turn. This was the reason they imprisoned him, the reason they sought to break him.

He would risk it, and accept the offer. He would do whatever they required of him, and then he would kill whoever he needed to and escape.

C.U.I. is Imperial China, right? Looks like they captured and imprisoned Lung and they try to brainwash him into becoming one of their parahumans. Earth Bet China is still communist, just like our China. Well, Communist China seems to be an universal constant, you can't find a parallel Earth without the obligatory Communist China :). So, once they captured Lung, they want to make him just like them, their "equal" always ready to give up at his own individuality for the benefits of the Party. I can imagine how this works, once you surrender to their will, you'll become just another piece of the huge engine of Capitalism Smashing and all you have to do is to defend interests of the world's proletariat in general and the Communist Party in particular (I'm disgusted by communism in the same manner I'm disgusted by fascism. Both of them are different sides of the exactly same coin :p). Sorry, comrade Lung, but once you'll join them, you'll stop being yourself, your own master. Welcome to the Red Hive Mind, enjoy your staying here...for eternity :D. I wonder how Lung managed to escape and run in the US. I doubt he was able to fight and defeat all of them, because...China is China and knowing how many people they usually have (they might have Earth Bet's biggest population as well), I won't be surprised if they don't have the biggest number of parahumans in the world, all of them, naturally, being loyal to the Party. Maybe he was mentally strong enough to not let himself brainwashed by them and run away when he found an "escape door".
Yàngbǎn. I'm going to remember these commies jerks- basically a group of parahumans sponsored by the Party, very similar with Cauldron (they take parahumans' powers from them or give them back; however, I have no idea how they can do this with Lung's power, since his trigger was natural). They're like the Communist version of Cauldron, just as bad as them... Tōng Líng Tǎ, the earth bending Yàngbǎn's member. I'm going to remember this bitch too. If Lung escaped, they'll come after him, right, because no way they'll be happy after losing such powerful potential member ;).
The 3 main organisations that seem to love quite a lot the brainwashing of their new "recruits":
Gesellschaft- nazis and world-terrorists (brainwash people into becoming CREEPY criminals "stuck" into an endless time loop like Dorothy and Geoff);
Yàngbǎn -communists (brainwash people into becoming loyal to the Party and China)
Cauldron -scientists/extremists (brainwash their victims into forgetting what they did to them). Cauldron kind of remind me of fascists because of their medical experiments on people and their tattoos).

With every defeat, a matching ascent.

"The 'Azn Bad Boys' is a shit name," Bakuda said.

"I fought Armsmaster, Dauntless, Miss Militia, Velocity, Challenger, Assault and Battery," he said. "Yes."

"There are two kinds of fear, Bakuda," Lung said. "The first is common. Fear of the unknown. A questioning fear."
"Uh huh," she said. He could tell he had her attention.

"This is fear of unanswered questions. If I fought him, would I win? How is he going to hurt me? Who or what is he?"

"And the other kind?"

"A fear of knowing. Of realities. If I fight him, I lose. I know him, and I quiver to be in his presence. I know he will hurt me and I know it will be the worst pain imaginable."
Bakuda learned from Lung what fear means and Skitter "learned" from Bakuda what fear means. Each learned an important lesson about fear from someone else :D. So, Lung survived to the red brainwashing and started to build his own gang of asians in US. Bakuda and Oni Lee were his first recruits. Hmm, Long was able to confront some of the best heroes and avoid being arrested, yet the annoying bug girl managed to defeat him not only ONCE, but TWICE. Talking about the cosmic weirdness that life is, sometimes. I wonder what Lung would have done against S9, if they'd have tried to recruit him, instead of his lieutenant. I could see Siberian being the only S9 member having a real chance against Lung and only because Lung unawareness of "her" weakness. Jack wouldn't stand a chance to convince Lung that becoming one of his "people" is the best choice in his life. Lung is strong willed and Jack is not very good at manipulating strong willed people (Skitter is the best example to illustrate this point). If there's something else that I admire at Lung character (as a person, he's a completely despicable human being, as a character, he's one of the best written villains in the story) besides his fearless way to fight against anything that stand between him and his ambitions, is how strong his will can be. He survived Contessa's massacre, he survived Leviathan's smackdown, he resisted brainwashing and embracing the proletarian revolution, of course that he'll always remain his own man, no matter how convincing the people who want to have him by their side will be. Maybe Skitter can physically beat Lung, but NOBODY will ever crush his will :D.

"I defeated many gangs, many groups. Some had powered members, others did not. I recruited some. Oni Lee was one. The rest I killed."
"And the heroes didn't stop you?"

"The heroes see me as a double-edged sword. They fear me. They know what I am capable of when the situation calls for it, they know I am too strong to defeat as a group. For now, I wait. They leave me be because the only aggression they can see is that I inflict on other criminals, and I amass power, swelling in reputation."

"You will help," Lung said. "Because you think like I do. In terms of power and fear."
Bakuda took a seat at the end of the couch. The two whores inched away from her.

She smiled at that. "Alright. You got me."
Too bad that Lung's lieutenants weren't very competent people. An assassin who was good only at following orders and nothing else, incapable to think on his own and a mad scientist lacking common sense, even more than other mad scientists usually lack. Both failed him and ruined his gang and reputation. He might be a scary and powerful leader but not exceptionally competent when it comes at choosing his most professional people. Now imagine how different the things would have been if Bonesaw replaced Bakuda (basically Bonesaw as Bakuda, but with the same natural smartness and common sense that original Bonesaw have :D). Lung would have been a free man, with ABB still unbroken or partially unbroken. But, while is excellent for any respectable villain (and hero) leader to have a Tinker (or more) in their team, their success depends of the respective Tinker. Someone like Bakuda will always doom the team, someone like Bonesaw will assure multiple victories. Tinkers can make or unmake their own team. The same I can say about Thinkers too: just look how unbeatable Cauldron appears to be because they have two Tinkers in their team. Or Undersiders...Masters are another powerful Classification of parahumans, but...FUCK Masters :).

Lung watched Teacher's expression change as he considered the idea. The man seemed so ordinary, so unassuming. To hear the man talk about it, he'd been one of the foremost criminal masterminds until the heroes trumped up charges against him.

"Yes," Teacher agreed. "Our deal stands? You won't replace my dentists or doctors?"
"That wasn't the deal," Marquis chided. "We'll price match. A little competition will keep your employees honest."

Teacher frowned.

Lung took his time walking down to the televisions. Marquis, Spruce and Amelia made their way down, where a crowd had gathered to watch. It was rare, that the same thing would be on all of the working televisions.

"…will recognize Taylor Hebert, revealed to be Skitter in a controversial confrontation at the school just a week ago, a confrontation Alexandria ordered. Taylor Hebert played a crucial role in stopping Alexandria in a moment of crisis, ending the fight."

"But she beat you?" Cinderhands asked.

"Yes," Marquis said, his tone condescending, "I'm quite sure the Protectorate will be apologizing to the public, then they'll throw open the Birdcage's doors and let us all loose."
Amelia's hands went to her mouth.

Marquis glanced at Amelia. Lung took that glance in all it's import. The two girls were opposite sides of the same coin.
Back to my favorite place to read about: BIRDCAGE :D. Now we're following present Lung. Teacher is that dick who let people know about Amelia's powers, right? I remember him and yes, he's kind of a dick, according to my first impression about him. He's also a smart dick and a criminal mastermind. Well, welcome to the Dickville, Teacher. Enjoy your staying...and teaching people about how to be villains, I suppose ;).
I missed Marquis and Amelia, so happy to see them back. Now, everyone know about Skitter slaying Alexandria and becoming Weaver. I expected Amelia to be more surprised than she actually was but she always knew that deep inside the villain Skitter there was a hero so maybe this is an explanation for her lack of surprise. Of course Lung isn't proud with the double defeat at the hands of this villain turned hero but he'll never admit out loud because he have an reputation to defend in front of the other inmates ;).

Lung's eyes fixed on the new heroine, then narrowed.

"Noble," Marquis said. "Foolish at the same time, but the line between the noble and the fool is a thin one, or even a matter of perspective."

"That's for Alexandria, I imagine," Marquis said aloud. "Undeserved, I think, but I imagine Lustrum gave her cell block a very good reason to honor the woman."
"I wouldn't have imagined you'd care," Teacher commented.

"I don't, really," Marquis answered. "But I have a lot of respect for people who keep to a particular code, whatever that code might be, and very little for traitors and wafflers.

"I believe I can be useful to you," Teacher said.
"You have nothing to give me," Lung said. He bristled at the implication.
"You know how my power works, yes?"

"You make others smarter."

"I turn others into lesser Thinkers, into Tinkers."

"At the cost of their independence."


"Because of your incompetent underlings," Teacher finished for him. "Who escalated the feud with the heroes into a war while you were incarcerated, leaving you to sustain what they had started. And, more apropos to our conversation, because your power has a drawback. It requires a certain mental state."

"At the cost of my identity," Lung said. "No."
"A temporary cost to your willpower," Teacher said. He extended a hand, welcoming Lung into his cell block.

There was no conversation in Teacher's cell block. The residents were neat, tidy, and well groomed. Some seemed functional, reading on their own or watching television. Others were more disabled. Lung could see one individual rocking in place, tapping something out on a table. Another was walking in small, tight circles.
"My groupthink," Teacher said. "Rest assured, I wouldn't subject you to something this grave. We would dig deep enough to discover the true nature of your power, fast enough that you didn't feel the side effects at their worst. Then we would use what is effectively a hypnotic state to unlock your power as it truly should be, effectively a second trigger event. If Amelia is right, the entity that grants you your power will resist… but we can get around that."

Trickster reached up to the power button on the television, then began a sequence of turning it on and off, with very specific pauses. A code.
Marquis is such a honorable villain and good person. I don't care that he's a villain, he's a good person and decent man, he loves and is protective towards his daughter and he respects people who have their own personal code, even if they're heroic type (I'm also a bit subjective here because my father have a lot in common with Marquis in terms of personality traits :D. They're both long haired men too). Undersiders are villains and good people so why Marquis shouldn't be a worthy man, despite his past crimes? He's also a gentleman and this is another plus <3. Sorry, Accord, but Marquis is my favorite rogue villain, you're an arguable ok guy but he's much more better. Oh, so much more better.
Lustrum probably mourn the VILLAIN Alexandria, not the hero Alexandria. She considers Alexandria being a role model, because she was a villainous woman who pretended to be a hero and everyone believed her to be a genuine hero. This is how a "cool" woman should probably behave according to Lustrum: being a bitch with two faces :D. I can imagine Lustrum being so pissed that "toxic males" like Legend and Eidolon survived, despite being nothing more but heroic "pigs", while a "honorable" woman had such a undignified death. 'Damn men and their poor life choices'- from the fountain of thoughts of a misandrist (misandrist woman= sexist man= the same bullshit so Lustrum is not different compared with sexist men ;)).
As much as I admire Marquis right now- as character, man and father, Teacher makes me want to throw rotten tomatoes at him (and many other things that I'd like to describe here but I'm afraid that I'll never stop once I'll start). He's not only a criminal mastermind and a skilled "chessplayer" but he's also a manipulative ASSHOLE and a FUCKING MASTER, with the power to enslave (I'm sure NOT TEMPORARY) everyone who accept his offer to upgrade their powers. He reminds me of Coil (the more I read about Teacher the more I'm convinced that this bastard is the reincarnation of that heartless bastard and...I'm NOT very happy about this. Not at all :rage:). The same manner of speaking- polite and controlled, the same "civilized" and "friendly" attitude, the same talent at manipulating people to accept what is basically a deal with the devil, the same desire for POWER and CONTROL. Coil is dead, long life Teacher.
LUNG, DON'T TRUST THIS MASTER BASTARD, YOU'LL END UP BECOMING HIS SLAVE. You have a strong will, you can't allow yourself to break in front of...a Teacher. Nobody should defeat your mind and spirit, not even this Teacher. Fuck my life, Teacher reminds me not only of Coil, but also of Petyr Baelish aka Littlefinger (GoT version of Coil). Teacher is like Thomas+Petyr+ a fucked up MASTER POWER. FUCK MY LIFE. Bleah, Teacher is already everything I hate in a villain and he only had two apparitions. I remember that, in his first apparition, he was described as a fat and ugly man (so I can't imagine him looking like Littlefinger because that bastard wasn't fat neither ugly :D). I can't picture him looking like Coil either because, in my mind, Coil looked like Death from Supernatural, only taller and younger. Anyway, until I'll have a clear image of him in my mind, I'll picture him as a fat and ugly bastard who already piss me off a lot :lol. Marquis is too smart and CARING to accept the deal that Teacher wants- meaning to turn Amelia into his personal slave right after he'll make her "stronger"- Trickster (oh, my poor idiot boy) already accepted the deal and now he's nothing more than another slave in Teacher's already respectable collection, and lets see Lung's CHOICE. For your sake and everyone else' sake, turn your back to the devil, please. You can't ruin yourself like this, Lung, I have great expectations from you :).

"Lung, meet Saint," Teacher said.
Lung didn't answer.

"He speaks when we give him something to say," Teacher said. "But I may have been too eager to find a way of contacting the outside world, and I've irritated him. Saint explained what happened. The PRT showed him Dragon's equipment, asked if he could commandeer it, and Saint found an opportunity to insert a discreet backdoor. He has a channel in, a way to observe, but our channel out is poor at best."

"This matters nothing to me."

"It matters a great deal," Teacher said. "Saint can see what Dragon sees, even if he's blocked off from the Birdcage itself, while Dragon is occupied elsewhere. It buys us a window of opportunity to communicate something, a message in code. The program that Dragon has observing us with every moment tracks the activity of our televisions. Turn it on, turn it off, and do it in a systematic enough way, and patterns emerge in a way that Saint can observe. This allows us to coordinate. He can't rescue us, or empty the Birdcage, but, we could do something. We could communicate with the outside world, and with the hypothesis that Amelia has posed… well, that's a world changing set of information, don't you imagine?"

"My power will be left alone," Lung said. "It is enough. If you want a bodyguard for a time after we've walked free, you will have it. I will keep your secret about this Saint for now."

"Marquis," Lung spoke, carefully.
"Hm?" Marquis quirked an eyebrow.

Teacher is working to undermine everything you and your daughter are striving for, Lung thought.

"The tea is good. Thank you."

"Quite welcome," Marquis replied, absently.

And Lung fell silent.
Marquis continues to be the best rogue villain, Lung continues to be a strong willed person BUT also someone who keep secrets from Marquis and Amelia because he wants to use Teacher for his own interests (I doubt that Lung will have any chance to bring Teacher at his mercy, Teacher being very intelligent and cunning to let himself to be defeated by a "mere Brute/Blaster/Changer"), Teacher is a PIECE OF SHIT whose only interests are to escape and to continue his criminal career (he also like disturbingly too much to control people). He controls FREAKING Saint, the man that Dragon made responsible with the Birdcage :o. I think that Teacher turned Saint into the best Thinker or Tinker (or both, why not?) Hacker in the world and now Saint must serve Teacher as his slave/henchperson. If Teacher will order Saint to find a way to release all Birdcage's inmates, Saint will do it without any hesitation, even if he might doom the entire world in the process. Well, Saint is a criminal himself so he wouldn't have any problem anyway to help his criminals peers, controlled or not. Dragon, you just committed the biggest mistake of your life trusting your worst enemy with Birdcage, what the hell was in your mind? There were hundreds of talented hackers in the world but you had eyes only for someone like...motherfucking Saint. Btw, I think that Saint was enslaved by Teacher before Teacher being arrested and Birdcaged (I don't think Teacher have such a limitless power that he can enslave people through cameras so...Saint and Teacher probably meet in person when Teacher was a free man; this might explain why Saint was such a redoubtable adversary for Dragon- his Hacker skills were already enhanced by Teacher).
Imagine Teacher with a personal army of hundreds of parahumans with enhanced powers, all of them crazy loyal to him :evil:. He'd be as dangerous as Jack in no time (actually, I'm so glad that Jack doesn't have Teacher's power; imagine how fast Jack would have destroyed the world if he had the ability to corrupt parahumans in a matter of minutes+ make them even more powerful. At least Teacher isn't interested in world destruction, he's more interested in control and domination but he's still very dangerous).
Imagine what if Marquis and Amelia would have accepted Teacher's deal. I can only visualize Amelia getting a better control and refinement of her power (something like Bonesaw but stronger because she also have her original power) and then she'll touch Lung's body, turning him permanently into a dragon. Then she'll touch his head, making him utterly obedient to her. After he'll become nothing but an obedient dragon, she'll make him burn the whole prison then ride him into sunset, ordering him to burn the hell out of people, including INNOCENT MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN.
Marquis will be like: Stop, my dear daughter. You're burning women and children. I can't tolerate this. Have you lost your mind?
Amelia, screaming from the top of Lung: Yes, father, I'm craaaaaazy...I'm crazy after power and revenge. Craaaaaaaaaaazy. Amelia is no longer my name. From now on, you can call me...Maaaad Panacea.
Teacher: What a fine young lady. I'm already proud of her. She's a straight A+ Student. My best student so far.
And so Amelia became one of the most hated characters in Worm...End of story ;).
(Ok, I couldn't resist to make a GoT referrence. Sue me! Also, I kind of liked the last season, except for the last episode. Double sue me :lol!)
My headcanon for Teacher: he was a school teacher before triggering, but he had zero authority over his students. In the worst day of his job, when his students pushed him in a puddle of muddy water, he triggered with the power to make everyone OBEY him. This is his life story
Anyway, I find Teacher to be a HUGE jerk, a very dangerous man and I already hate him a lot but...he excites me (NO, not in that way, you dirty minds :D. He excites as a character, interesting, provocative and better- AS A CHARACTER- than Coil, despite having similar manners). Maybe he'll not become a major villain in Worm, because we already have too many and only a few Arcs left but I'm sure he'll be one of the main villains in the sequel (once he'll escape Birdcage with the help of Saint). Come on, he have a power that allow him to literally create his personal school of very obedient students, Wildbow will not miss this chance to give this supervillain a more important role for nothing in the world :D.

Good night and sleep well, my friends.
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I dont feel that positive about Marquis. Well hes a villain, but i dont think having some rigid code makes you inherently better than not having one, since such codes can be quite horrible.

I mean, he emphasizes that he would not kill women or children, but he was quite murderous against men, including his own subordinates, at which point this appears more sexist than good.
I dont feel that positive about Marquis. Well hes a villain, but i dont think having some rigid code makes you inherently better than not having one, since such codes can be quite rrible.

I mean, he emphasizes that he would not kill women or children, but he was quite murderous against men, including his own subordinates, at which point this appears more sexist than good.

-I said that I'm being subjective because he's pretty similar with my dad, except for being a criminal part.
-He protected children from S9 rampage, thus doing something that means a lot to me. No matter how awful someone is, if they protect children, I can RESPECT them.
-He have a personal code of honor and he personally admire people with their own code of honor, even if they're enemies. I also respect people with a strong code of honor and especiallly people willing to respect their enemies.
-He's a gentleman. I have a soft spot for gentlemen (a bad boy who can also be a gentleman is....kind of irresistible in my eyes).
-He genuinely love his daughter, trying to be something very rare in this universe: a good father.
-He is NOT a Master.
Yes, he killed probably plenty of innocent men, destroying the lives of their wives and children in the process and this is the only thing that stop me from loving him as much as I love half of Undersiders. He is a cold blooded criminal who murdered men who probably didn't deserve to die and created many widows and fatherless children and this is DISGUSTING and something that I'll never forgive him for. But I still like him (more than I like Accord, for example, and I find Accord pretty ok as a human being for a crazy villain he usually is).
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(the only thing that stood against his victory over the aquatic monster was his damn Passenger, who suddenly decided to leave him powerless exactly in the middle of the fight for reasons that only a Passenger's mind can grasp)
I'm fairly certain the reason his power left him in that moment, was because Leviathan no longer got the parameters for escalation.

Lung gets more powerful the more powerful a foe he is facing.

He stopped escalating and in fact was losing power.

Ergo, Leviathan was no longer a threat to Lung at his current peak. Leviathan was below Lung in that singular moment. Literally, and power wise.
I'm fairly certain the reason his power left him in that moment, was because Leviathan no longer got the parameters for escalation.

Lung gets more powerful the more powerful a foe he is facing.

He stopped escalating and in fact was losing power.

Ergo, Leviathan was no longer a threat to Lung at his current peak. Leviathan was below Lung in that singular moment. Literally, and power wise.

So, this was the reason for Lung's failure to kill Leviathan. Because he was too powerful FOR Leviathan :o:o not because his Passenger was a jerk and sabotaged him (like Leet's Passenger is doing with him). Make sense if you think deeper. The rules for Lung's power are also his weakness: he can be enough strong only if his enemy is stronger than him. Once his enemy become weaker, his power doesn't work anymore (then his enemy can kill him pretty easy like Leviathan was very close to do it). So powerful (can become more powerful than a freaking Endbringer) yet so weak (anyone can defeat him if they're weaker than him and/or creative enough), what a bitter irony. This is another reason for Skitter being able to defeat him: because she was always WEAKER than him. She never gave him enough reasons to escalate the conflict and become virtually invincible in the process. So, he always had some vulnerable points (one of his eyes, vulnerability to venom) giving her a chance to use her creativity and defeat him. Thanks for explaining Lung's limits and helping me to understand BETTER his power.
Worm, the story where weak people can defeat the strongest people if they correctly exploit their weaknesses (or if the strong people underestimate them) and BRAINS are always > to BRAWL :).
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