Trails in the Sky (Part 17) - This Mayor Means Business
- Location
- Netherlands
This Mayor Means Business
With our exploration done for the moment, and the available side quests taken care of, our next destination is the mayor's mansion. As we enter, Estelle comments that this is a gorgeous place, check out that crazy-expensive looking chandelier! Joshua tells her to calm down… Scherazard confirms this is the mayor's place all right, and now she just wonders if she's home. Butler Mayner soon enters the room and notices there's visitors, and he welcomes us to the mayor's residence. Schera quickly explains we're with the Bracer Guild, and that the mayor sent us a request, so we've come to inquire about the details.
Mayner acknowledges that he heard about this from the mayor, but he's sorry to inform us that said mayor is currently out. She's gone to worship at the chapel! Joshua asks when she's expected back, and Mayner says he would imagine her to be making her return at any moment. Estelle remarks that we're sort of in a hurry to meet her, so does he think it'd be all right for us to call on her at the chapel? Mayner seems unsure, and says he wouldn't want to inconvenience us… Estelle assures her it would probably save us all some trouble, though she does ask what the mayor looks like, so we can spot her? Does she look like a typically wealthy person? Big hat with feathers on it? Dripping gemstones from every pore?
The butler blinks at those colorful descriptions - but they're quite off the mark, he assures us. How would he describe her? Should he say she looks splendid, or beautifully mature…? Ah, if she could just find the right man, he could retire in peace… N-never mind, he was just thinking out loud. What might help is to know that the mayor has a maid accompanying her. That might be the easiest way to identify her. Joshua agrees that a maid sounds easy enough to find in a crowd of people… Let's hurry over to the chapel!
Over at the chapel, there's no sign of the mayor, but there is a maid standing in the middle of the aisles. Estelle greets her - she must be the maid we've been looking for. Lila is confused, and wonders who we might be? Joshua tells Estelle she could be a little more polite, and explains to the maid that we're with the Bracer Guild, and we're looking for the mayor so we can confirm the details of a job she requested. Lila introduces herself as the mayor's maid, and explains she sees to her daily needs.

Estelle muses that she's being served hand and foot, huh? The worlds they live in are really different… So, where is the mayor, if she doesn't mind her asking? Didn't she come here to pray? Lila grudgingly admits the mayor is playing hooky from her religious duties. She's sure that she's probably in the middle of inspecting the situation in the market… She took off after telling Lila to pray for her too...
As everyone takes that in, Joshua admits he doesn't know how he should say this - but the mayor seems like she has quite a unique personality. Schera agrees that she does sound interesting. Even if she weren't the mayor, she'd be kind of intrigued. Lila states that there is no doubt the mayor is a capable person, although she does have a bit of an unrestrained aspect to her at times. Anyway, she's on her way to meet the mayor now. She doesn't want to sound impolite, but would we mind waiting at her residence? She'll let her know we're there. Estelle doesn't know how she feels about going back there empty-handed, and asks if we can tag along with her instead? Lila begrudgingly goes along with it - she guesses it's okay. Let's head to the Bose market, then.
Lila actually physically tags along with our party, though it's just for show and she doesn't make an appearance in the menus. We make our way to the large central market building, and Estelle comments that this place is really huge - wonder where the mayor is? Lila comments that she does stand out in a crowd, so she's sure we'll find her right away… Ah, just as she thought! The camera pans over to reveal a young woman yelling at two shopkeepers that they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves!

Trying to force up the price of food at a time like this by buying it all up… They're not fit to be merchants of Bose! Buck and Trayton protest, arguing that they were just thinking about how to increase sales for the Bose Market in general… She snaps back that she doesn't want to hear anymore from them. If it were other products it would be a different story, but making undue profits on necessities will lead to negative publicity for the market. They should return these goods to their original prices at once!
The two merchants meekly agree. The mayor doesn't doubt their passion for the Bose Market, but she wants them to understand that commerce, when you get right down to it, is the established relationship of trust between people. If they do business with that in mind, they can become wonderful merchants here in Bose. As the two merchants promise to try their best and leave, the mayor lets out a sigh of relief.

Lila takes the opportunity to approach, and the mayor immediately apologizes that she had to see that side of her. The maid says that, actually, she did a wonderful job as always. Never mind that, though - there's people here to see her, so she should please come home immediately. The mayor recognizes our bracer emblems and realizes why we're there. She apologizes for not introducing herself - she's Maybelle. She is the owner of this market, and the mayor of the Bose region…
Instead of moving to the mayor's house, we switch over to the Anterose restaurant, where the mayor has arranged for a table. Estelle is amazed - this place looks super-expensive, so are we really going to have a meeting here? Maybelle explains that she often uses this place for business meetings, and the food is quite good too. Scherazard comments that she had heard the mayor of Bose was a woman, but she never imagined she'd be so young! Estelle agrees that based on looks alone, she'd guess Maybelle is only four or five years older than her...
Maybelle admits that she actually still feels like nothing more than an unworthy successor to her father. Her late father was the previous mayor, and all she did was inherit the rights to the Bose Market and the political foundation which he set up… Joshua comments that's a rather unvarnished self-evaluation if he's ever heard one… The mayor states that she's just the daughter of a businessman after all, so there's no sense in getting high hat about that.

Anyway, she wonders if it would be all right to go over the details of her request? What she'd like to ask us is to investigate the disappearance of the missing airship, and bring closure to the incident. She is of the opinion that bracers would bring about much more desirable results concerning this incident than the army is currently producing. The reason being that they're not fighting a war, just trying to find answers and solve a mystery. Schera says that she, for one, would be honored - but isn't she overrating us a bit?
Mayor Maybelle explains that the fact of the matter is that an influential businessman was aboard the airliner that disappeared. In addition, if the Royal Army continues to keep the Bose airspace as a no-fly zone, business is going to suffer. And just when business had been booming prior to the Queen's birthday celebration, too… Joshua concludes this is an economic appeal, and Maybelle agrees that it's something which she can't trust to be left up to the army alone. So, what do we think? Will we accept this request for our help in this matter? Schera explains that we have our own reasons for wanting to investigate the incident, and we'd like to accept the job, but the army has actively been trying to exclude bracers from having anything to do with the incident...

So, uh… Schera doesn't suppose she could pull the mayor card for us, right? Maybe show the army who's running this show? Maybe muses on the notion of excluding bracers - this must have something to do with General Morgan, then. That man has disliked bracers from the beginning. He was a friend of her late father's, and tentatively speaking they have a passing acquaintance with each other, so she just may be able to do something for us…
Maybelle turns to Lila, who's been standing nearby the entire time, and she produces a sheet of letter paper and a foundation pen from a pocket and hands them to the mayor. She scribbles down a letter, and says that it should be sufficient. She hands it over, and explains it's a letter of request to General Morgan, informing him of her request for information about the incident as the official responsible for the Bose region. That should be enough to get some information out of the army.

Estelle wonders if that bracer-hating general will even meet with us at all, but the mayor says it would be a pretty safe bet as long as we hide our identities. We'd probably be best served by saying we're messengers from the mayor. Estelle doesn't like the sound of that - feels like they're lying or something. Joshua argues it's not lying, just not telling him everything. Since this is a time-sensitive situation, he thinks we should be practical about it. Estelle guesses he's right. So, where will we meet with this General Morgan? Maybelle explains there's a fort called the Haken Gate on the international border north of Bose, and we should be able to find him there.
A few moments later, outside the restaurant, the mayor says that she's counting on all of us.

Estelle assures her she should just leave everything to us. If we find out anything, we'll come and let her know! Maybelle looks forward to some good news, and wishes us a wonderful day. As she and Lila take off, Schera decides it's about time for us to get going. The Haken Gate can be found at the end of the Eisen Road, which branches off from the East Bose Highway. In short, we need to head out of the east gate and then turn north. Haken Gate, here we come!
Before setting off for Haken Gate, time has progressed, so it's time for another round of exploration. Some places like Ravennue Village and Krone Pass seem unaffected here, but that still leaves a lot of people:
Pacing around the market, Elegia says today she's going to treat herself to a new dress. She hopes she can find something she likes. Harry wonders how he can become a merchant. Mina says she's got no idea, but she'll tell him this: anyone who can't do Sunday School arithmetic is bound to fail. Harry whimpers. Mina wonders who ever heard of a merchant who's bad with numbers?
Lucas says this city has all kinds of merchants. First there are the ones who open up shops in the Bose Market. Then there are the merchants who have their own places on the south block avenue, and there are the trade merchants like Trino and Borden… He almost forgot to mention even the mayor is a merchant! Jacob says the mayor may be young, but she's quite the businesswoman. Her political finesse is one of the things they pride themselves on as citizens. She's quite the eye-catcher too!
At Anterose Restaurant, Manager Lechter thanks us for our continued patronage, and says he'll anxiously await our next visit. Estelle huffs and says we were treated by the mayor last time, and… how much did it come out to be? She doesn't think we'll ever be able to come here again - not on our salaries anyway. Joshua thinks that's true, but she's got to admit the food was worth the price… As expected, the food made by professional chefs is something else!
Alta mentions that she came to this restaurant often with her old grandaddy way back when. That must've been ten years ago! We catch Caron mid-conversation with Shaque. He says that they're under strict regulations, so this price would never be accepted! Shaque responds that Caron is going to drive them out of business if that's the best he can do… They're having a good discussion here, aren't they? He bets Caron loves this! Lenore the waitress recalls seeing us here before, and wonders if we forgot something? Citron the sommelier thanks us for our patronage, and hopes to see us again soon. Head Chef Ross asks if we were able to have as much cooking as he does? We should come again soon! Gwen is busy peeling potatoes, and then it's on to the carrots. She must peel as she has never peeled before! Busy, busy, busy…
Fannie asks Letta what's with the hunched posture? Sit up straight, this is a fancy-pants place! Letta says it's actually his first time eating at a place this fancy, so he's afraid he'll embarrass himself… Horace says he was a merchant in the Bose Market back in the day, though he's quite retired now. Marian mentions this restaurant has a great reputation even in Grancel, and she actually came from the capital just to eat here. Norche announces that this food is absolutely scrumptious! The things they can do with monster eyes here is simply amazing. She's not sure if there's a single restaurant in all of Grancel that can even compare! (Ew...)
At the Bracer Guild, we can let Lugran know we're taking on the mayor's request, and he's glad - the guild has been tied up with monster extermination requests, so he was worried he'd have to call in other branches for assistance. Upstairs we can find Sting again, who says that he'd love to give us a warm welcome… but both Grant and Anelace appear to be out. Estelle muses if he's actually a nice guy after all…? Scherazard tells her not to let appearances fool her - he's the type to look out for those around him. Sting admits that right now the bracers are dealing with a number of incidents, so they're a little shorthanded. Any help we could give would be helpful…
At Kirsche's bar we can speak to Platina the waitress, who says a lot of people compare this place to Anterose, but there's really no comparison. None whatsoever. Anterose is where you go if you've got money… and this is where you go if you don't. Barman Warner agrees - it's apples and oranges! You like cheap, good grub? Then you come here. You want hoity-toity delicacies and excessive formality, you go there! He doesn't feel the slightest shred of competition since they appeal to completely different customers.
Also sitting at the bar is Scholar Lyndon, who wonders if we're familiar with the 'Great Collapse'? Long ago, there existed a prosperous society on this continent, contentedly thriving on high-grade orbal arts. Yet one day, all of that was destroyed by a cataclysm we call the 'Great Collapse.'
Upstairs, Cornelius explains that he used to manage an orbment workshop, then one day he took out a rather large loan and found himself in way over his head… The workshop got handed over to his debtor. He lost it all! He worked his way up from the market and really thought he was on his way to making his dreams come true, but now his future looks bleak… Simon mentions that Ms. Mirano suddenly gave him the day off. No rhyme or reason, as far as he can tell - what the heck is she up to…? With the airships grounded, maybe she just feels that we aren't going to be getting any work done anyway? When things get busy like this, he always feels like he should be doing a million things at once… Well, if he is to take a holiday today, then so be it. He'll get nothing done and like it!
At the mayor's residence, Butler Mayner acknowledges that we've met the mayor, and says we should stop by again if there's anything to report to the mayor regarding her request. He's been informed to let us in at any time. Down the hall we can find Lila, who says Miss Maybelle may not look it, but she's been really hung up over these incidents. There's been a string of break-ins, you see - if we hadn't already heard. If there's anything us bracers can do to assist the mayor she's asking us, as her lowly maid, to help her shoulder the burden. In another room, maid Sarah says Mayor Maybelle is not only a beautiful woman, but she's smart and dignified. She really looks up to her, and hopes she can be like her someday.
At the hotel, Barlowe says that it began its business 120 years ago, and has a long and distinguished history here in Bose. In one of the rooms, Dina the maid says after she finishes work today, she's going to first have a meal out of town, and then have a look at some clothes at the market. A certain clothing store has been pretty popular recently and the designs are cute. She's got to check and see if there are any new fashions out that she doesn't know about!
At the church, Father Holstein says Mayor Maybelle is the daughter of the late mayor, and she may be young and a little rough around the edges, but she isn't the type of person to let herself be limited by her own father. Sister Rosa mentions that the mayor leaving her maid to do the worshiping for her is something she's never heard of in all her years in the ministry. Father Holstein doesn't seem to take any offense at it, but for her it's deplorable… The mayor, of all people, is the one person who she thinks should show their face around here above anybody else…
At the market, Claire says she snuck off to come here and look around, as there's so many unusual things to see. Guess this is where everyone comes to shop, huh? Felicia says all her products are made with a woman's touch, and they're just as good as anyone else's, if not better. Her son Pomme says the mayor stopped by just a minute ago and gave them some advice on how to run their business. She was even kind enough to teach him about setting out goods and how to address customers. After that, she bought some dishes!
Meissen says he loves looking for bargains - whenever there are antiques to be found, he just can't ignore it. Spence informs us that each month, one shop in the market receives an award from the mayor. Last month his shop was chosen for being the most scrupulous! Now he just feels like working harder! Schera remarks that it's interesting that the mayor's got her own ideas about how to make the economy grow here in Bose. Joshua agrees that she may be young, but you can definitely see that she's supporting the market...
Seagaro mentions that he wanted to walk to Ruan, but apparently he'd have to hike over a mountain? There's no way he could get his wife to do that with him… At this rate, though, the cost of lodging is only going to pile up. Eden feels sorry for her husband, but she feels kind of lucky that the flight was canceled since she can spend more time shopping!
Libro says that whenever he stops by Minuet's shop, he always finds himself stopping in. Since he basically comes here every day, he probably knows where things are in this place better than the shop owner herself… Minuet says she's been doing business here since back in the days when it was an open-air market. In other words, she's the most senior merchant here in the market. Estelle concludes she's a real veteran, and she agrees - we're talking more than forty years ago when she started this business! At the time there wasn't a wonderful building here like we see now. Bose may have changed a lot, but the air of excitement we see here is the one thing that hasn't.
Gantz claims that the pure smile of the girl who works here at the confectionary stand is to die for… In fact, he comes here to buy sweets several times a day just to see her smile. Katrina says that she recently started helping here around the store, but she's still learning the ropes. She actually still gets embarrassed trying to invite customers to look at the wares… Uh, she knows she's going to have to do something to change her attitude, but… Lyril sniffles and says she forgot what she was supposed to buy - and that's after her mom let her come here all by herself. Maybe she should just go home and ask again… Emmy says if we want to get our hands on advertised items, we'll have to camp out in front of the market well before it opens. That's pretty much the most basic of basics for shoppers.
Carol has decided on what to do for food today - they're going to have fish! Now the bigger question, whether to grill the fish or to boil it. You know, maybe she should just stick with meat today… Trayton mutters that he and Buck only thought about profit, so Mayor Maybeel was exactly right about them when she got angry. They were on the verge of straying from the path of a merchant. Buck explains that when you start a business here, you can receive aid from the city. Estelle comments that Bose really is a city of commerce, just like everyone says! Schera says that's because ever since Maybelle's father's time the city has supported the market. Buck says the reason they've all been able to have their own stores like this is because of the late mayor. He regrets to say he's caused a bit of trouble for the current mayor, though, and brought disgrace upon the merchants of Bose…
At the south side of the market we can run into Dorothy again, and Joshua asks what she's up to. Dorothy just spins around erratically taking pictures, and declares that everyone's got such shining faces today! Okay, now smile for the camera! Estelle concludes she still can't seem to hear us, too caught up with her photography… Off in her own little world again. Dorothy muses to herself she's got to get those photographs Nial asked for… At a nearby stall, Paul mentions he was originally a commissioned officer in the Royal Army, but for some reason he couldn't give up his dream, so he left it all behind and opened this shop. His wife fought him tooth and nail about it, so he's got to work hard to make her understand why he chose this path. His daughter, on the other hand, is happy about his business!
In the south side of the city, Nigel is Heidegger-laughing to himself in the orbment shop - a full gya-ha-ha - asking who would have thought he'd be able to get his own factory this easily? In this world it's only the smart people who remain on top.
Working upstairs, Carrie says that unfortunately, before she even knew it, Nigel had taken over the store. She's only interested in pursuing her own creative interests, though, so as long as there is an environment to do that she could care less who her boss is…
At an eastern residence, Launa mentions that her husband resigned from his post in the Royal Army and started a business in the Bose Market - that'd be Paul, obviously. She's against it… She at least wishes he would have done this when Elke was a bit older! Elke herself says that one day when she's older she's gonna help her dad make clothes. She's going to work with dad at his store! Sein at the weapon shop says that when he was a lad he set up his own store at the Bose Market. Nowadays when he goes there, it all feels so nostalgic. Now if they could just get all the young bucks to work hard like that too!
At a western residence, Mirano explains that she got word her father was on the airliner that went missing. She wonders what he is going to do about his business deals now? Maybe they should be worried about whether or not he's still alive instead… Seriously, making Mother worry like that…
Modena can't believe it… Her husband has disappeared along with the airliner he was on. What should she do…? Next door, Kuwano is still having a tiff with his wife, wondering why she gets angry so easily? Doesn't she realize that high blood-pressure is bad for your health? Cecile complains about her good-for-nothing husband, who takes off without a word and doesn't come home for hours. Whenever he takes off he's gone for who knows how long!
At the house furthest west, Borden says his family has been merchants conducting trade here in Bose for generations. He's been at odds with a man named Trino here for some time now, but recently Trino's daughter Mirano has begun to amass her own financial power. Now it's a cutthroat struggle between the three of them at the top… Rionne says it wasn't all that long ago that Ms. Mirano used to be a cute little girl who came to visit, but now she's a fierce business rival. She sure hopes that her little Alvelle will have that kind of backbone too, that same razor-sharp business sense. Alvelle says that his parents are always telling him to watch and learn from Mirano, but he really doesn't have any intention of being a merchant. He wants to go to Ruan and study at the Royal Academy! Mirano used to tease him a lot when he was younger…
At the airship landing port, Berna says she won't be able to travel by airliner for the time being. It's not that she's in a hurry to be anywhere, so she's not too stressed, but she'd at least like to know when flights will resume… Receptionist Ted says presently all flights have been postponed, and he's sorry to inform us he has no idea when they'll resume either. Even if he tried to explain the circumstances to customers, he still doesn't know the cause of the missing airliner… He wonders if the Royal Army are really out in full force searching for the Linde?
Norm says his boss, Lakely, worked as an airship mechanic even before there were such things as airliners. In other words, he's like his senior in the field of maintenance. For that reason alone, he's stricter than anyone could imagine, and he gets yelled at everyday… Sure enough, Lakely yells at him from across the platform and reminds him that idle hands are the devil's work! He should go find something to do! If he's got time to talk, then how about putting some of these tools back where they belong!? Norm quickly agrees, and apologizes for taking off like this… Any more talking and his head's gonna blow…
Aldan says that Bose International Landing Port gets a lot of traffic, which is kind of why he came here expecting to get some photos with his orbal camera. But why isn't there a single ship coming in?! Hardt wonders what the world is coming to? He was trying to head to Ruan, and then all of a sudden he's told that flights have been canceled. Despite this being out of his control, arriving late for a business deal is embarrassing for a Bose merchant. Lakely mentions that the fact they're all on standby must mean that either the company doesn't fully grasp the situation, or there's already an airliner on the way. The fact that nobody's been told much means that they're all in the dark. Considering that there's been no contact, maybe even the company doesn't know what's going on either.
Back at the Verte Bridge Checkpoint where we first entered the region we can find Anelace again. Scherazard wonders if she came here on a job? She confirms that there's been a boom of various small-scale incidents going on, and there's so many she can't even take a break...
Private Antose says at any rate, their CWO Ashton does an admirable job over here, too. He positioned all of the new recruits on his side of the bridge to whip them into shape. He's respectable and serious, but he must live with twice the stress of others… Private Lacos mentions people are saying this is the first time they've been put on high alert since the Hundred Days War. It makes him really nervous… Warrant Officer Dyne wonders what's up with prohibiting flights for the entire region, as well as blockading the Eisen Road? They're pulling out all the stops - it looks to him as if the border garrison is in a big rush…
Pacing around the market, Elegia says today she's going to treat herself to a new dress. She hopes she can find something she likes. Harry wonders how he can become a merchant. Mina says she's got no idea, but she'll tell him this: anyone who can't do Sunday School arithmetic is bound to fail. Harry whimpers. Mina wonders who ever heard of a merchant who's bad with numbers?

Lucas says this city has all kinds of merchants. First there are the ones who open up shops in the Bose Market. Then there are the merchants who have their own places on the south block avenue, and there are the trade merchants like Trino and Borden… He almost forgot to mention even the mayor is a merchant! Jacob says the mayor may be young, but she's quite the businesswoman. Her political finesse is one of the things they pride themselves on as citizens. She's quite the eye-catcher too!
At Anterose Restaurant, Manager Lechter thanks us for our continued patronage, and says he'll anxiously await our next visit. Estelle huffs and says we were treated by the mayor last time, and… how much did it come out to be? She doesn't think we'll ever be able to come here again - not on our salaries anyway. Joshua thinks that's true, but she's got to admit the food was worth the price… As expected, the food made by professional chefs is something else!

Alta mentions that she came to this restaurant often with her old grandaddy way back when. That must've been ten years ago! We catch Caron mid-conversation with Shaque. He says that they're under strict regulations, so this price would never be accepted! Shaque responds that Caron is going to drive them out of business if that's the best he can do… They're having a good discussion here, aren't they? He bets Caron loves this! Lenore the waitress recalls seeing us here before, and wonders if we forgot something? Citron the sommelier thanks us for our patronage, and hopes to see us again soon. Head Chef Ross asks if we were able to have as much cooking as he does? We should come again soon! Gwen is busy peeling potatoes, and then it's on to the carrots. She must peel as she has never peeled before! Busy, busy, busy…
Fannie asks Letta what's with the hunched posture? Sit up straight, this is a fancy-pants place! Letta says it's actually his first time eating at a place this fancy, so he's afraid he'll embarrass himself… Horace says he was a merchant in the Bose Market back in the day, though he's quite retired now. Marian mentions this restaurant has a great reputation even in Grancel, and she actually came from the capital just to eat here. Norche announces that this food is absolutely scrumptious! The things they can do with monster eyes here is simply amazing. She's not sure if there's a single restaurant in all of Grancel that can even compare! (Ew...)

At the Bracer Guild, we can let Lugran know we're taking on the mayor's request, and he's glad - the guild has been tied up with monster extermination requests, so he was worried he'd have to call in other branches for assistance. Upstairs we can find Sting again, who says that he'd love to give us a warm welcome… but both Grant and Anelace appear to be out. Estelle muses if he's actually a nice guy after all…? Scherazard tells her not to let appearances fool her - he's the type to look out for those around him. Sting admits that right now the bracers are dealing with a number of incidents, so they're a little shorthanded. Any help we could give would be helpful…
At Kirsche's bar we can speak to Platina the waitress, who says a lot of people compare this place to Anterose, but there's really no comparison. None whatsoever. Anterose is where you go if you've got money… and this is where you go if you don't. Barman Warner agrees - it's apples and oranges! You like cheap, good grub? Then you come here. You want hoity-toity delicacies and excessive formality, you go there! He doesn't feel the slightest shred of competition since they appeal to completely different customers.

Also sitting at the bar is Scholar Lyndon, who wonders if we're familiar with the 'Great Collapse'? Long ago, there existed a prosperous society on this continent, contentedly thriving on high-grade orbal arts. Yet one day, all of that was destroyed by a cataclysm we call the 'Great Collapse.'
Upstairs, Cornelius explains that he used to manage an orbment workshop, then one day he took out a rather large loan and found himself in way over his head… The workshop got handed over to his debtor. He lost it all! He worked his way up from the market and really thought he was on his way to making his dreams come true, but now his future looks bleak… Simon mentions that Ms. Mirano suddenly gave him the day off. No rhyme or reason, as far as he can tell - what the heck is she up to…? With the airships grounded, maybe she just feels that we aren't going to be getting any work done anyway? When things get busy like this, he always feels like he should be doing a million things at once… Well, if he is to take a holiday today, then so be it. He'll get nothing done and like it!
At the mayor's residence, Butler Mayner acknowledges that we've met the mayor, and says we should stop by again if there's anything to report to the mayor regarding her request. He's been informed to let us in at any time. Down the hall we can find Lila, who says Miss Maybelle may not look it, but she's been really hung up over these incidents. There's been a string of break-ins, you see - if we hadn't already heard. If there's anything us bracers can do to assist the mayor she's asking us, as her lowly maid, to help her shoulder the burden. In another room, maid Sarah says Mayor Maybelle is not only a beautiful woman, but she's smart and dignified. She really looks up to her, and hopes she can be like her someday.
At the hotel, Barlowe says that it began its business 120 years ago, and has a long and distinguished history here in Bose. In one of the rooms, Dina the maid says after she finishes work today, she's going to first have a meal out of town, and then have a look at some clothes at the market. A certain clothing store has been pretty popular recently and the designs are cute. She's got to check and see if there are any new fashions out that she doesn't know about!

At the church, Father Holstein says Mayor Maybelle is the daughter of the late mayor, and she may be young and a little rough around the edges, but she isn't the type of person to let herself be limited by her own father. Sister Rosa mentions that the mayor leaving her maid to do the worshiping for her is something she's never heard of in all her years in the ministry. Father Holstein doesn't seem to take any offense at it, but for her it's deplorable… The mayor, of all people, is the one person who she thinks should show their face around here above anybody else…
At the market, Claire says she snuck off to come here and look around, as there's so many unusual things to see. Guess this is where everyone comes to shop, huh? Felicia says all her products are made with a woman's touch, and they're just as good as anyone else's, if not better. Her son Pomme says the mayor stopped by just a minute ago and gave them some advice on how to run their business. She was even kind enough to teach him about setting out goods and how to address customers. After that, she bought some dishes!
Meissen says he loves looking for bargains - whenever there are antiques to be found, he just can't ignore it. Spence informs us that each month, one shop in the market receives an award from the mayor. Last month his shop was chosen for being the most scrupulous! Now he just feels like working harder! Schera remarks that it's interesting that the mayor's got her own ideas about how to make the economy grow here in Bose. Joshua agrees that she may be young, but you can definitely see that she's supporting the market...

Seagaro mentions that he wanted to walk to Ruan, but apparently he'd have to hike over a mountain? There's no way he could get his wife to do that with him… At this rate, though, the cost of lodging is only going to pile up. Eden feels sorry for her husband, but she feels kind of lucky that the flight was canceled since she can spend more time shopping!
Libro says that whenever he stops by Minuet's shop, he always finds himself stopping in. Since he basically comes here every day, he probably knows where things are in this place better than the shop owner herself… Minuet says she's been doing business here since back in the days when it was an open-air market. In other words, she's the most senior merchant here in the market. Estelle concludes she's a real veteran, and she agrees - we're talking more than forty years ago when she started this business! At the time there wasn't a wonderful building here like we see now. Bose may have changed a lot, but the air of excitement we see here is the one thing that hasn't.
Gantz claims that the pure smile of the girl who works here at the confectionary stand is to die for… In fact, he comes here to buy sweets several times a day just to see her smile. Katrina says that she recently started helping here around the store, but she's still learning the ropes. She actually still gets embarrassed trying to invite customers to look at the wares… Uh, she knows she's going to have to do something to change her attitude, but… Lyril sniffles and says she forgot what she was supposed to buy - and that's after her mom let her come here all by herself. Maybe she should just go home and ask again… Emmy says if we want to get our hands on advertised items, we'll have to camp out in front of the market well before it opens. That's pretty much the most basic of basics for shoppers.

Carol has decided on what to do for food today - they're going to have fish! Now the bigger question, whether to grill the fish or to boil it. You know, maybe she should just stick with meat today… Trayton mutters that he and Buck only thought about profit, so Mayor Maybeel was exactly right about them when she got angry. They were on the verge of straying from the path of a merchant. Buck explains that when you start a business here, you can receive aid from the city. Estelle comments that Bose really is a city of commerce, just like everyone says! Schera says that's because ever since Maybelle's father's time the city has supported the market. Buck says the reason they've all been able to have their own stores like this is because of the late mayor. He regrets to say he's caused a bit of trouble for the current mayor, though, and brought disgrace upon the merchants of Bose…
At the south side of the market we can run into Dorothy again, and Joshua asks what she's up to. Dorothy just spins around erratically taking pictures, and declares that everyone's got such shining faces today! Okay, now smile for the camera! Estelle concludes she still can't seem to hear us, too caught up with her photography… Off in her own little world again. Dorothy muses to herself she's got to get those photographs Nial asked for… At a nearby stall, Paul mentions he was originally a commissioned officer in the Royal Army, but for some reason he couldn't give up his dream, so he left it all behind and opened this shop. His wife fought him tooth and nail about it, so he's got to work hard to make her understand why he chose this path. His daughter, on the other hand, is happy about his business!
In the south side of the city, Nigel is Heidegger-laughing to himself in the orbment shop - a full gya-ha-ha - asking who would have thought he'd be able to get his own factory this easily? In this world it's only the smart people who remain on top.

Working upstairs, Carrie says that unfortunately, before she even knew it, Nigel had taken over the store. She's only interested in pursuing her own creative interests, though, so as long as there is an environment to do that she could care less who her boss is…
At an eastern residence, Launa mentions that her husband resigned from his post in the Royal Army and started a business in the Bose Market - that'd be Paul, obviously. She's against it… She at least wishes he would have done this when Elke was a bit older! Elke herself says that one day when she's older she's gonna help her dad make clothes. She's going to work with dad at his store! Sein at the weapon shop says that when he was a lad he set up his own store at the Bose Market. Nowadays when he goes there, it all feels so nostalgic. Now if they could just get all the young bucks to work hard like that too!
At a western residence, Mirano explains that she got word her father was on the airliner that went missing. She wonders what he is going to do about his business deals now? Maybe they should be worried about whether or not he's still alive instead… Seriously, making Mother worry like that…

Modena can't believe it… Her husband has disappeared along with the airliner he was on. What should she do…? Next door, Kuwano is still having a tiff with his wife, wondering why she gets angry so easily? Doesn't she realize that high blood-pressure is bad for your health? Cecile complains about her good-for-nothing husband, who takes off without a word and doesn't come home for hours. Whenever he takes off he's gone for who knows how long!
At the house furthest west, Borden says his family has been merchants conducting trade here in Bose for generations. He's been at odds with a man named Trino here for some time now, but recently Trino's daughter Mirano has begun to amass her own financial power. Now it's a cutthroat struggle between the three of them at the top… Rionne says it wasn't all that long ago that Ms. Mirano used to be a cute little girl who came to visit, but now she's a fierce business rival. She sure hopes that her little Alvelle will have that kind of backbone too, that same razor-sharp business sense. Alvelle says that his parents are always telling him to watch and learn from Mirano, but he really doesn't have any intention of being a merchant. He wants to go to Ruan and study at the Royal Academy! Mirano used to tease him a lot when he was younger…
At the airship landing port, Berna says she won't be able to travel by airliner for the time being. It's not that she's in a hurry to be anywhere, so she's not too stressed, but she'd at least like to know when flights will resume… Receptionist Ted says presently all flights have been postponed, and he's sorry to inform us he has no idea when they'll resume either. Even if he tried to explain the circumstances to customers, he still doesn't know the cause of the missing airliner… He wonders if the Royal Army are really out in full force searching for the Linde?

Norm says his boss, Lakely, worked as an airship mechanic even before there were such things as airliners. In other words, he's like his senior in the field of maintenance. For that reason alone, he's stricter than anyone could imagine, and he gets yelled at everyday… Sure enough, Lakely yells at him from across the platform and reminds him that idle hands are the devil's work! He should go find something to do! If he's got time to talk, then how about putting some of these tools back where they belong!? Norm quickly agrees, and apologizes for taking off like this… Any more talking and his head's gonna blow…
Aldan says that Bose International Landing Port gets a lot of traffic, which is kind of why he came here expecting to get some photos with his orbal camera. But why isn't there a single ship coming in?! Hardt wonders what the world is coming to? He was trying to head to Ruan, and then all of a sudden he's told that flights have been canceled. Despite this being out of his control, arriving late for a business deal is embarrassing for a Bose merchant. Lakely mentions that the fact they're all on standby must mean that either the company doesn't fully grasp the situation, or there's already an airliner on the way. The fact that nobody's been told much means that they're all in the dark. Considering that there's been no contact, maybe even the company doesn't know what's going on either.
Back at the Verte Bridge Checkpoint where we first entered the region we can find Anelace again. Scherazard wonders if she came here on a job? She confirms that there's been a boom of various small-scale incidents going on, and there's so many she can't even take a break...

Private Antose says at any rate, their CWO Ashton does an admirable job over here, too. He positioned all of the new recruits on his side of the bridge to whip them into shape. He's respectable and serious, but he must live with twice the stress of others… Private Lacos mentions people are saying this is the first time they've been put on high alert since the Hundred Days War. It makes him really nervous… Warrant Officer Dyne wonders what's up with prohibiting flights for the entire region, as well as blockading the Eisen Road? They're pulling out all the stops - it looks to him as if the border garrison is in a big rush…
Next: Haken Gate! Time to meet General Grump, and also my favorite character so far.