Let's Play RPGs I Missed! [Now Playing: The Legend of Dragoon]

Trails in the Sky (Part 37) - Ruan Sidequests III

Ruan Sidequests III

We're done in Ruan City for now, but there's still several sidequests in the outlying areas of the region's map… We're heading up towards the north first, in the direction of Manoria Village and Krone Pass. For lack of anywhere else to put it, here's what people in that direction have to say:

Creda says it's so good of us to come play with the kids at the orphanage. It's as if they've suddenly become everyone's grandchildren. She tends to prefer the quiet, but she doesn't mind that! Sadie explains the kids from the orphanage seem to be getting a bit of their old spirit back. She's glad the girls were able to come over and play.

At the inn, Alvin comments that the weather is perfect for scaling that mountain he'd had his sights set on… but he can't stop worrying about the kids from the orphanage. He still wants to watch out for them, at least for a little while. He knows he's not the most dependable person around, but he has to do something. Shelby figures they can go climbing as much as they want, now. Can't say either of them see that as a bad thing. Carla promises the orphans and Matron Theresa are being well looked after. They have to come together in times of trouble, you know! Rex mentions it's almost time for the campus festival, and he thinks the kids from the orphanage are going too. He just hopes they can forget about all this mess for a little while…

Upstairs, Matron Theresa says she's truly indebted to us for a multitude of reasons, and the Manorians greatly appreciate all that we've done. He's really grateful to everyone for what we've done. Outside we can find the children playing together - Polly is just glad to be 'playin' wif everyone', Daniel wonders what's for dinner, Clem is glad everyone seems to be doing better already, Lucia is sure glad to have lots of friends, and Mary thanks us for helping Clem - he can be a real pain sometimes.

Solomon morosely mentions there's nothing left of the orphanage but rubble and ashes. The first must have been burning super-hot. Many memories were made there… Elder Serge says it seems the orphaned children are recovering their spirit little by little, and they've settled in enough for him to hear them laughing from time to time…

At their northern home, Zack mentions that they're finally done with the first phase of cleaning up the site of the fire. More importantly, someone did this on purpose! They have to pay for what they did… and the only currency he'll accept is black eyes! Amelia mentions they used to have three people living under this roof, including Zack, but uncle Orvid moved out years ago. He does pop back in from wherever he goes on occasion. She wishes Zack would get along a little better with him, though. Maybe he'd come home more often…

At Krone Checkpoint, Private Usher mentions the Bose Region has been rather quiet since the sky bandits were apprehended. Guess it's better than a string of events… Warrant Officer Serose says they haven't seen any of those monsters after they attacked the other night. Any way he looks at it, it just seems like they weren't from around here. CWO Zelste says soldiers have been stationed at each checkpoint to protect them, but occasionally they have to rescue stranded hikers in the mountains. That's because they have a lot of hikers who find themselves in trouble here along the Krone Range…

Private Cutinger says that since this is the middle of the mountains, it's really inconvenient to get food brought up here. They usually get their stuff delivered from Bose or Ruan along the trail here. Along with the deliverer's own escort, they have to go and meet them along the way. Private Mikey mentions the Warrant Officer loves to cook. Even when it's not his turn, there are times when he still makes things in the kitchen.

We'll have to check in with some folks before we leave, though:

Side Job: Maintenance Delivery
Speaking to Tobias at the orbment factory, Estelle explains we're there about the guild request he left. He catches on - this is about the Maintenance Kit, isn't it? Our timing is exemplary! Will we be able to make the delivery post-haste? This is rather urgent business, after all! This brick of a thing is all ours! Estelle is confused by that phrasing, and Tobias asks if she's daft? He's telling her it's heavy! Very, very heavy. Here, we should feel for ourselves! As he hands it off, he wonders if we're okay with it? No bone fractures forming to our knowledge? The kit is filled to the brim with replacement parts and every tool you can imagine for replacing an orbment light the size of a lighthouse's.​
Estelle notes that it's not a big deal at all - she's stronger than she looks. We just need to carry this over to the lighthouse along the coast, right? Tobias confirms it should go to Vogt, the lighthouse keeper, who is expecting it. The contents are quite valuable, so we should be as careful as we can. He still can't believe it… Such responsibility! Such strength! Such grace! Ah, youth… Estelle is confused, and Tobias explains that Jean told him about us, but seeing for himself just how peppy we are lifts his spirits to the sky. Estelle argues we're not peppy - we're professional! Tobias says we're young, that's what we are. Naturally he was worried about entrusting potentially reckless youths with something so valuable, but he worries no more. Estelle mutters that just because we're young doesn't automatically mean we're reckless…​
Tobias argues she got it all wrong - he just meant that he wasn't sure how old man Vogt would take it. Estelle agrees that's a good point - we helped him out when he was in a bit of a pickle. Joshua agrees we should just leave it at that, yeah… Tobias laughs, and wonders if he left the door open again? Either way, we know what we're talking about, it seems! We should try to understand where he's coming from, though. Being a lighthouse keeper is lonely work, so a little eccentricity is to be expected. Kloe notes the lighthouse is crucial for ships to be able to navigate safely, so the work is a big responsibility. Estelle gets it - it's important work…​
Tobias mentions that when he was still a fisherman, Tobius used to down plenty of drink at Lavantar. Now that he lives at that lighthouse though, he barely gets a chance to have his favorite drink. It's pretty sad, really. He'd like to go ahead with getting him what he wants, but… well, he's probably said too much. Either way, don't let the old man's unpleasantness get to us, okay? Estelle agrees, and wonders if there's anything else? Tobias says there's nothing in particular. Once we're done, he'd like us to return here. Take care!​
If you recall that Vogt is incredibly into overdoing every request, and you picked up on Tobias' unsubtle reference to the Lavantar restaurant, you can swing by there before heading out of town and speak to Primo. He spots the toolbox and wonders if we're headed over to Varenne Lighthouse by any chance? Estelle confirms we have a delivery to make to Mr. Vogt, the lighthouse keeper. Primo muses that the old man went to the lighthouse a long time ago, but he guesses he's still doing okay… Estelle mentions that she heard he came here a lot in the past, and Primo confirms that - he's a fisherman, so he loves his drink and he loves to gamble. He especially loves a good Azelia Rose, which is a cocktail made with fruit juice. He's missed around this place… They'd love to see him again, but he never comes down to have a drink. It's a rough job he has…​
Primo wonders, if it's no trouble, whether we would mind bringing one of them to him? 'One what?' Estelle asks cluelessly. Primo says he obviously meant one of those cocktails, seeing as we're headed over there anyway. He's not making a formal request or anything, so if it gets to be a pain to carry we can just dump it out on the way. Estelle figures this basically just means we're dropping off supplies, right? She asks if Joshua would mind, and he sees no problem with it. Estelle says he's such a gentleman, and Kloe agrees! Primo thinks this is great, and just tells it to get the Azelia Rose to the old man. Mind, it could really use something salty to go with it, but he doesn't have anything like that right now… This season's great for Manoria's specialty though, salted anchovies. Ah well, guess it's just the drink for right now. Good luck!​
While I've already got a bunch of salted anchovies, you can stock up with Sadie in Manoria on the way to the lighthouse. Climbing all the way up, Estelle yells cheerfully that weeeee're back! Vogt recognizes us as those kids from before, and Estelle says it's been a while since we were last up this way. Today we're here on another job! Joshua explains that a request came in to the Bracer Guild, so we're here to deliver a Maintenance Kit. Estelle warns it's a little heavy, so he should be carefully carrying it… Vogt checks it over - yeah, everything is alright. He appreciates us bringing this all the way over here. Estelle assures him it's no worry - it's our job, after all.​
On another note, Estelle adds, we actually have something else for him. Kloe hands over the bottle of Azelia Rose, explaining it was entrusted to our care by Primo, from Lavantar. Vogt is ecstatic - he used to drink this all the time while munching on anchovy dishes! We can then choose to hand over some of our food or withhold it. Naturally we give him anchovies, and Estelle laughs - we've got one of those for him too! Vogt is excited - we've even brought him some munchies to go with it! What thoughtful bracers we are! Man, this takes him back… How are Primo and the others? Are they doing well? Estelle assures him they are, but they're all worried about him. Work must be tough, so he should take care of himself, okay? Don't overexert those old bones!​
Vogt haltingly promises that he, uh, won't? Well, blunt or not, he thanks Estelle for her concern. He values that even more than anchovies. …So does this mean she's starting to understand what it means to possess a caring soul? Estelle says she's just not good with those touchy-feely concepts. Vogt thinks she did a good job today, but she could of course always do better. Which reminds him… Wait right here a moment, okay? Vogt quickly fetches something from a nearby storage compartment - something he once used a long, long time ago. He'd be pleased as plum if we'd accept these for bringing all those things out here for him! They may be a little old, but like him they'll still do the job as surely as the day we were born! We then receive a Work Helmet and a Gladiator Headband. (The latter ups your CP recovery and boosts strength at the cost of defense.)​
Joshua wonders if we can really have these? Vogt says we absolutely can - not like he'll be setting sail for wild, exotic lands again any time soon! Anyway, he thanks us for delivering that stuff all the way up here. Now, he'd best get back to work… He's basically been playing hooky this whole time we've been talking. If he stays here any longer, somebody is bound to notice! Kloe tells him to take care of himself, while Estelle tells the same to the old coot. Joshua just excuses himself as we set off for home…​
Optionally we can check in with Tobias back in town, who's glad to learn that things went smoothly. Estelle tells him the old man was doing well, and Tobias is pleased about that. Later, then! He'll be in touch if anything comes up. If we speak to Primo at Lavantar again, he's glad we got the whole thing sorted out, and asks how the old salt is doing? Estelle assures him he's doing just fine, and that Vogt sends his regards. Primo is happy about that. Age eventually gets the best of us all, but it sounds like he's still hanging in there. He really appreciates this, and wishes us luck out there!​
For this job we receive 1000 Mira and 4 BP on top of the items Vogt gave us.​

Side Job: Escort Job
As we approach the far side of Manoria Village, Amelia steps out of a nearby house and wonders if we're with the Bracer Guild? She's been waiting for us. Joshua recalls the assignment had something to do with an escort mission? Guardian someone who's going into the mountains? Amelia confirms that's right - she wants us to protect her uncle who's going through the Krone Trail. Estelle guesses he's traveling to Bose, but Amelia says that's not it, exactly - he wants to specifically go to the Krone Trail. He said something about looking for some rare plants up there… She doesn't really know what he's talking about, sorry.​
Estelle just sighs - okay then. Joshua suggests asking the man directly, and Amelia thinks that's reasonable - we should wait just a moment, she already called for him. As she heads back inside, Estelle mentions this already sounds more complicated than the bulletin board indicated - she's got a feeling this won't go well. Kloe agrees that the Krone Trail is an exceedingly dangerous place, so she can't imagine someone specifically wanting to go there. Joshua figures they'll never know if they don't ask the man… Just then the house's door opens again, so it looks like he's here!​
When only Amelia steps outside, Estelle is rather confused. Where is her uncle? Amelia admits that, well, it appears he's already set out… Estelle is astounded - he's already set out?! Alone? Joshua assumes he means he's already going towards the Krone Trail, then. Amelia says she asked him to at least wait until we showed up, so she's not sure what made him decide to just leave on his own like this… Estelle says this is not good - not good at all. Why would he go alone? It's like asking for a monster to eat you! Joshua muses it'll be even more dangerous after dark, so he should really be off that pass by sundown. Amelia apologizes - we pretty much came here for nothing. Estelle tells her not to worry about us - we're fine. She promises she'll have a word with her uncle when he gets back…​
Naturally, we trek up towards the Krone Trail to figure out what happened to the wayward uncle, using our haze quartz to avoid all the giant scorpions along the way. Finally, all the way up the trail near the checkpoint to Bose, we discover a wayward traveler running from a trio of slime monsters. He's surrounded! As he spots us, he calls out: 'Help!' Estelle just calls Joshua's name - let's go! With that, we throw ourselves into battle…!​
The actual fight is pretty quick and easy, since we're just dealing with three weird slime monsters. After they go down, Kloe sighs in relief - looks like we made it just in time. Estelle agrees we made it by a hair's breadth. Joshua asks if the running man was hurt, but he assures us he's quite alright - thanks to us he came out with nothing more than a few scratches. He pauses and says he could almost swear he's seen us somewhere before… Estelle's homely face is especially familiar! Estelle isn't sure how to take the 'homely' comment, but the guy does seem familiar to her too…​
Ah! The man remembers her now - she's that country girl from Rolent! Estelle also recognizes him - he's that conniving merchant who was searching for those toxic mushrooms, Orvid! Joshua tells Estelle that he was a client, remember? She should tone it down a bit. Orvid mutters that it looks like even now she still hasn't learned how to show the slightest courtesy. Exactly what he'd expect from someone raised in the boonies. Estelle asks him to just shut up, nasty food maniac! No doubt he was out here hunting for more bizarre ingredients, right?​
Orvid argues that he already gathered the valuable wild vegetables he came here for, thank you! These delectables are far more unique than even that Firefly Fungus! Heh heh, with these in hand his next business deal is sure to be a success! Estelle asks him to back up there - what's this about his 'next business deal'? Hah, that Firefly Fungus didn't work out for him, did it?​
Orvid blusters that he's not going to listen to any more of this pessimism! There just happened to be no demand for them at the time. That's all. End of story.​
Kloe asks Estelle that when Orvid mentioned wild vegetables, did that bring anything to mind? Joshua gets it immediately - right, that's something that Amelia mentioned back at Manoria Village. Orvid recognizes this as his niece's name - but what does she have to do with any of this? Estelle belatedly realizes Orvid is her uncle, while Joshua explains that Amelia asked us to provide Orvid's escort, but when we arrived he'd already left. Orvid admits that it wasn't very nice of him to just take off like that, but it couldn't be helped. He had to come up with a real eye-catcher before his next business deal!​
Estelle points out it nearly led to him ending up as some monster's next meal. She's pretty sure you can't do any business deals from inside the belly of a monster! Once he gets back to town he should apologize to Amelia, as she's sure she's worried sick about him. Orvid begrudgingly agrees. He promises to talk to her after his next business deal in Grancel is done. Joshua thinks that's a good move, and suggests we should get going back towards Manoria. The escorting job isn't done until he's back home.​
Retracing our steps, we get back to Manoria where Orvid says this is splendid! He's greatly obliged to us for today, and he hopes that the matter from earlier can be forgiven and forgotten. It would seem we are united by fate. When we next meet, he hopes we can see one another as business associates, rather than mutual nuisances. Joshua is okay with it, and asks Estelle - she decides it's good with her too. At last we're on good terms again. To future successes! Orvid is glad to hear it, and says perhaps we'll meet again on the next job!​
For this job we receive 1500 Mira and 5 BP.​

With those two tasks finished, it's now time to venture south instead. This seemed an opportune time to visit the Sapphirl Tower - there's no quest that takes place there, so it's just a bunch of looting and a lot of backtracking while avoiding the many random encounters. There's also several chests full of the same set of mobs again and again - lots of Robber Trappers - which net us some Army Boots, a Flamberge for Kloe, a Battle Suit, and the recipe for Hot Fried Chicken. Also among the loot is the 'Scent' quartz - this is sort of the anti-Haze, since it lures all enemies directly towards you. It's kind of a horrible effect. The upside is that it gives you 3 Wind and 2 Space value, efficiently opening up several techniques. The trick is to have both Scent and Haze equipped at the same time, so the attraction effect of Scent is negated by Haze! Score.

I leave the loot tower behind and make my way to the checkpoint between Ruan and Zeiss, known as Air-Letten - the location of the last sidequest on the checklist.

Private Vernon at the entrance mentions it's been noisy inside for a while now. Wonder what's going on? Tia complains about 'that annoying guy', while Gary muses that there are selfish people in all walks of life. Private Orta complains about the noise outside. Is someone arguing or something? Lindsay says she wishes someone would do something about this already! Bartholomew guesses even a bracer is no match for an 'upper crust' jerk. The future looks bleak… Mikelson can't seem to see anything through the keyhole…!

Side Job: Make Him Leave!
As we arrive at Air-Letten, we can see several people gathered together in front of the door to the dinner hall. Mikelson mentions that he can't hear anything, and Lindsay asks what's going on. Bartholomew wonders if the Royal Army is really going to just roll over for some bigwig? Our party walks in at this point, and Estelle asks the three what they're doing? Joshua notes that by the looks of them he'd say they're just ordinary travelers… He has to wonder why there isn't a single guard here, though…? Kloe agrees that's strange, and Estelle asks if maybe something big is going on…? Joshua suggests asking a guard when we find one!​
Heading upstairs onto the bridge, we see CWO Hahn speaking with a familiar butler… Oh no. Hahn asks him if His Grace has changed his mind? Butler Phillip admits that His Grace is not the sort to do so, once he has decided on something. In light of that, he believes he'll be staying here. Hahn says that in this case they'll just have to wait for the bracers to arrive before they can do anything more. Phillips agrees - if that's all, he shall take his leave. Hahn asks him to wish them luck…​
Passing by Phillip as we head upstairs, Estelle is surprised - don't we know that guy? Before she can figure it out CWO Hahn calls out, saying he is glad to see us - we're bracers, aren't we? Thank Aidios we're here! He introduces himself as Chief Warrant Officer Hahn, and we quickly return the introductions. Joshua asks about this traveler who is a problem, and Hahn explains that they do have an unsavory character here… and dealing with him is proving most difficult. Do we have time to help out…?​
We head back downstairs, and Hahn concludes that there's been little progress to speak of. Estelle asks what's up with the people gathered at the door, and Hahn explains they're the victims of this current little issue - the traveler, you see, is currently in the dining hall. They were hopeful food will persuade him, for the sake of the others here. Estelle wonders what he means, and asks who exactly this troublesome traveler is? Hahn is about to answer when the people at the door notice Hahn and rush over to him - Mikelson recalls he's the one in charge here, right? He has to do something! Bartholomew asks if he's just going to let this kind of bullying go on unchallenged? Lindsay argues the Royal Army is supposed to be on the side of the citizens, right? They should do something about this, then!​
CWO Hahn tells everyone to hold on now, and Joshua also joins in trying to calm the people down. Mikelson is sick of being calm, though! Joshua says he understands but asks them to please just take a step back… The three aggrieved guests just start pesting him and Hahn, and Estelle worriedly wonders if he's okay? Joshua just tells Estelle that for now, she and Kloe just check on the dining hall by themselves. Estelle nervously agrees, and Kloe accepts as well. Joshua assures us that he will handle the crowd here. Onlooker Gary says it's no real surprise they'd attack the soldiers over this… Not that he blames them, but he really doesn't think that's going to help!​
As we go to enter the cantina, we see that Caesar is facing off with an old frenemy - Duke Dunan. Caesar tells the man that if he reserves all the rooms as well as the dining hall, what will he tell the other guests? Why can't the duke see where he's coming from? Butler Phillip feels like he must agree with Caesar, and suggests that they should perhaps return to Ruan as originally planned? Dunan tells him to be quiet - he likes it here! Particularly since it has such a lovely view of Air-Letten's waterfall. Caesar just asks for some consideration here…​
This is when Estelle and Kloe enter the room. Urk. It had to be him, didn't it? That self-centered duke guy from before! Warrant Officer Kientz is glad to see the bracers have shown up, though he says we're late - they've been waiting for us. Estelle narrows her eyes - don't tell her, this is the troublesome traveler they've been dealing with? Kientz wonders if she sees anyone else here? Estelle sighs. Fine. It's no wonder they recognized the guy who was talking to the CWO, then. Kientz explains that the duke says he wants to stay here, and insists that he has to rent all the rooms as well as the dining hall. Estelle concludes he really is as selfish as selfish gets, huh? Kloe sighs - oh dear, he is a troublesome fellow… Kientz notes that royalty or not, what exactly does he expect them to do about everyone else? Make them go camping?​
That's where we come in, hopefully. Kientz asks us if we can do something to help? Ideally we should convince him to go back to Ruan. (Or give him a little nudge over the falls.) Estelle wonders if he really expects her to do it? Kientz points out that tactical negotiation is part of our job, right? They're just soldiers at this checkpoint, you know - they train with guns and swords. Negotiating with swords can be somewhat… messy. Estelle asks what makes him think she's any different? She's good at hitting stuff, not talking! They usually teach that stuff to someone with a knack for it. Joshua is the one with the silver tongue, not her…​
Kloe argues we can't just stand by while this is going on, and Kientz begs for help - and if we can't convince him with words, there's always that staff! With a grumble, Estelle says that okay, okay, she'll give it a shot. She hates this kind of stuff! Kientz has faith in her, at least. Estelle tells it to him straight - he can have all the faith in the world, but she doesn't. He shouldn't get his hopes up. Kloe assures Estelle she'll do fine. Estelle thanks her - and here goes nothing!​
Estelle walks up to Duke Dunan, and Butler Phillip recognizes her. Estelle greets him, and concludes where he goes, trouble soon follows, huh? The Duke asks who Phillip is talking to, and Estelle thinks to herself that she has to start this off right. With that we get two options - we can either casually greet the 'Duke-guy' or play up the official language, stating that she's here to 'collect His Grace.' The latter, of course, is the way to go to keep the duke from getting angry. Dunan doesn't remember needing 'collecting', though - where did we travel from?​
We can now pick between the mayor's estate and Hotel Blanche. If you recall earlier dialogue, the estate was a possible location Dunan wanted to go, and he's already been at the hotel, so the estate is the option to go with there. Dunan says it's quite admirable of us to come fetch him on behalf of the mayor, but he has no desire to return to Ruan this evening. He's already decided on staying at Air-Letten.​
Hearing this, Estelle muses to herself that it's double or nothing, now… She's got to change his mind, but make it feel like it's his own idea… We can then pick between calling the checkpoint a 'junky old place', or mentioning an impending dinner party at the mayor's estate.​
Playing up how low-class the establishment is here seems logical - Estelle tells him to just look around. She doesn't think this place deserves the business of the next king! Dunan says she declares things he already knows to be true, as he never believed this place to be worthy of his presence. It is, however, occasionally interesting to live as the common folk do… briefly. Estelle gets that, but she doesn't think they even have a high-class chef here… Not to mention, she bets it may not be very sanitary. (In the background, Caesar angrily grumbles.) Dunan muses that yes, now that she brings it to his attention, this place does look a little on the filthy side. He supposes he simply cannot stay at such a place…​
With that, Estelle thinks it's time for the sales pitch! We can pick between just offering to get him back to Ruan… or mentioning that there's something by his foot… Picking the latter option, Estelle calls out in warning that there's a huge cockroach! Dunan screeches in horror and yells at Phillip to find the roach! Where is it?! Hurry and kill it! Estelle sighs, a satisfied grin on her face, and says that surely he can expect no better from the common peasantry… Why, she'd wager they even have monsters infesting… Dunan screams again and declares that he's leaving! Phillip says they'll go immediately, but pauses for a moment to thank Estelle for her assistance. Estelle cheerfully tells him to think nothing of it!​
Back outside the dining hall, Kientz explains everything to Hahn and notes that things were fixed because of one magic word… 'Cockroach!' Classic! And Estelle had the guts to say that to his face…! Hah! Yeah, he needed a good laugh… Hahn says it's a relief the matter is settled. He'd been worried that they might have to get rough with him. From what Kientz has told him, though, everything seems to have worked out. Caesar grumbles that speaking ill of his establishment certainly seemed to do the trick didn't it? Estelle apologizes, but she didn't see any other way to get him other than to tell a little white lie or two…​
Joshua comments that this was unexpected, still. He didn't think she had it in her to be sneaky! Estelle says you never know what she's capable of when the situation calls for it. Honestly, she just tried to channel Joshua. Kloe laughs, and says it certainly seemed like that to her. Estelle agrees - if not, she'd neer have been able to lie with a straight face like that. Joshua just stares at the two with lidded eyes, while Kientz chuckles. Well, lies come in all shades! Estelle did it to help others, so he's sure Aidios will forgive her for it. Hahn greatly appreciates her help, and hopes she'll be equally as determined in her future duties. With that, we set off again…​
If you're curious - screwing up the dialogue options intentionally means you miss out on some BP… but it also leads to Estelle calling Duke Dunan a spoiled brat and a big jackass, before lunging at him with her staff. He only barely avoids a righteous beating because Kloe intervenes and puts herself in the way. Hah! I almost prefer that series of events!​
For completing this job we receive 1000 Mira and 5 BP - some of those are for peacefully resolving the situation, but you can threaten to beat up the duke and still get a few points. Heh.​
Private Vernon mentions they had some rich guy come through with a regular laundry list of complaints. He doesn't know what his problem was… Private Cromwell is astounded that the man was actually Queen Alicia's nephew! His messenger certainly caused quite the stir this time… He's sure the deputy director will pick on him about that come dinnertime. CWO Hahn says we all did very well. This sure has turned into quite a day! Private Orta complains it's been noisy for a long time… If something happens, he wonders if he should let his commanding officer know?

In the dining hall, Warrant Officer Kientz declares that what we did was abso- frickin'-lutely awesome - he didn't know bracers had comedians in their ranks! Still, why does a jerk like that get the good luck to be born in the royal family? Couldn't the next king find a better hairdresser?

Caesar complains that that guy was a huge pain. This is a public place, so what's wrong with him that he couldn't understand that? Gary can't believe Duke Dunan is actually of royal blood. He certainly wouldn't want any foreign dignitaries seeing him!

Mikelson sighs in despair. He came here so he could have some space to think, but thanks to that stupid duke he's completely forgotten what it was he wanted to think about. Lindsay complains that she went through all that trouble to make this trip, and the mood's completely ruined. She's gonna sue that jerk! Bartholomew is relieved that bracers managed to get everything straightened out. He doesn't know how they got rid of that selfish bastard, but he's glad they were here. Tia recognizes that we took care of things, and muses that bracers really do live up to their reputation.

On the bridge, Private Nix says both of the higher ups were writing reports like crazy a little while ago. If there is any truth to the rumors he heard, that duke is one incredibly frustrating man to deal with! He's glad he's on inspection detail today…

Finally, we're now finished with this epic journey of miscellaneous sidequests, and it's about time to set off towards the academy for our next main task - which is to just attend a festival and be part of a school play. I assume things are going to go horribly, horribly wrong, if my experiences with Chrono Trigger and Wild Arms tell me anything… At least we got a decent amount of cash and whatnot from these sidequests to stock up on quartz and such for the future. Also having Estelle beat up the duke was cathartic.

Next: We return to our regularly scheduled main quest, to check out the Jenis Royal Academy, Kloe's school! Freakin' Agate stealing our job...
Trails in the Sky (Part 38) - Welcome to Jenis Royal Academy

Welcome to Jenis Royal Academy

After finishing up our many side-jobs, it's time to head down Vista Forest Road to the gates of the school - we've been there a couple of times just to see some ancillary dialogue, but now we can actually head inside. As we approach we get an overhead shot of the main building, and there's several smaller ones spread around the campus as well.

Estelle is amazed at the sight of the royal academy - she likes it here, it seems so nice and relaxing! Joshua agrees it seems like a perfect type of environment for studying. Kloe mentions everyone's in class at the moment, and it'll get pretty noisy if we just wait around for a little while. The campus festival is coming up soon, so people are busy preparing for it. Kloe wants to introduce us to the head of the Student Council, but she's in class too… Instead, she'll take us to the dean's office first. Dean Collins is in charge of the whole academy - his office is on the first floor of the main building, to the right when you head inside. Let's get going!

Before heading inside, we can have a quick look around the campus - two of the side-buildings are the dorms for girls and boys, locked now that everyone's in class. To the left of the main building is an Auditorium with a stage - this is probably where the play will be held, since there's a special camera angle if you get onto that stage. If you go behind the auditorium you can find a back road which leads to an old, dilapidated schoolhouse that doesn't seem to be in use. The door is locked, but there's some treasure chests visible out of reach, so we'll get back here eventually. The final building to the right of the main school is the academy clubhouse, where all sorts of groups meet and organize.

Inside the clubhouse we can speak to cafeteria lady Deborah, who mentions that classes are almost over - the place should get flooded with hungry young students shortly! We eat some Jenis Lunch here to learn the local recipe. Outside, Janitor Parkes is working on the greenery, and mentions students are always up late around this time of year, which means that he has to make his rounds later than usual.

Inside the schoolhouse we can speak to receptionist Fauna, who greets Kloe. Kloe says she just got back, and Fauna just tells her if she's looking for the dean he should be in his office - he's been quite worried about her. Kloe promises she'll go see him right away! In the faculty lounge we can talk to Mr. Effort, who explains that there are three major courses offered at the academy - all of them are important, but he's personally in charge of Physical Education. He has no class at the moment, so it's the perfect time to get his papers sorted out…

Heading into the dean's office, Kloe greets the elderly Dumbledore-lookalike sitting there - this is Dean Collins. Estelle introduces us, and Joshua explains we're from the Bracer's Guild. Collins is amazed - we're so young! Very impressive, indeed. The dean wonders if we're here because of the fire at the orphanage, perhaps? Kloe confirms that, and quickly explains everything that happened. The dean admits that's all terrible, and wishes he could do something to help. Well, first, there is the matter of cheering up those children… Perhaps he should start there? Kloe agrees, and says she'll work on the play with Estelle and Joshua and Dean Collins is in full agreement, wishing us both the best. We should do what we can! Joshua promises we'll do so, to the best of our meager abilities…

Dean Collins explains that he's letting the head of the student council handle the matter of the play - her name is Jill.

She can tell us far more about it than he ever could. Meanwhile, he'll see about setting up some dorm rooms for us. Estelle and Joshua are confused, but Collins points out the campus festival is nearly upon us, so he imagines we'll need to rehearse every day for long hours. If that's the case, we'll need a place to sleep, won't we? Accepting his point, we thank him for the assistance. Just then the bell rings to mark the end of classes - lessons have concluded for the day, so how about we go and introduce ourselves to the student council president? Kloe agrees, and tells us we can find the office we need on the second floor of the clubhouse.

Dean Collins says we shouldn't worry - he'll make sure we have a place to stay. He's also greatly looking forward to our, erm, 'transformation.' There's also a cafeteria on campus, which we may use at our leisure. We should just relax, and work hard on the play… In the faculty lounge, Mr. Ratio says with the festival coming up, the kids practically vibrate in their seats when class is almost out. He supposes there's nothing to be done about it. Haha! Ms. Millia mentions that everyone tends to slack off in the lead-up to the festival, and she supposes all the instruction in the world can't change that. Perhaps she'll give the kids a pop quiz tomorrow? Just to show them it will not be multiple choice! Mwa ha ha… ha… Ahem! Fauna muses that even with classes done, it's still extremely busy. It's almost festival time, so she hopes all the students are trying their hardest for this.

In the Humanities classroom, Alice mentions that Kaden is really good with his hands, and if you give him a little coffee then he can do just about anything! Maybe she can get him to make some stuffed dolls next… Despite the fact that he's appearing in the play, he still managed to find the time to make maid outfits for them! Kaden is humming at his desk nearby, reciting lyrics about 'they've got an awful lot of coffee, an awful of coffee.' He explains he's making outfits to wear at their food stand. He's got to really throw himself into this! And to do that… he needs more COFFEE!' He loves making stuff like this. Oh, right, and he's got to make decorations for the room too…

In the Social Studies classroom, Logic notices that Kloe has come back. He explains that the preparations for the class program appear to be coming along well. How fares the play? He's told the casting has not yet been finalized, correct? Kloe chuckles and says that was done some time ago, and the play is going to be great - hopefully he'll enjoy it! Logic wishes us the best of luck, then. Thelma mentions they've got to start putting up the decorations soon. If they can't finish up one task, they can't move on to the next… Kloe then apologizes to Ms. Wiola at the blackboard for missing her class, but she says she shouldn't worry about that. She had important business to attend to, after all. If Kloe stops by the faculty lounge later, she can give her a printout of the work she missed. Meanwhile, she should get started on grading these tests…

In the Natural Sciences classroom, Gerome sighs to himself and guesses he has some shopping to do first. He's got to buy some of everything he can think of! Nikita wonders why he can't learn to have some kind of schedule? Everyone else is busy, and he doesn't have any assistants, so he needs to learn to be efficient! Is he planning to make a round trip to Ruan from campus? She turns to us and muses that Gerome has absolutely no idea how to make good use of his time…

Outside the building, Richelle greets Kloe and explains that she's just getting started on the setup for the club's food stand. Kloe admits she can't help right now, but Richelle says it's fine - she knows Kloe is busy with the play. Did they ever decide on casting? Kloe hesitantly chuckles at that, glancing at us, and Richelle catches that we're the one who were cast. Eep! Estelle wonders about that reaction, and Joshua is really starting to worry now… Richelle yells that she gets it! That's perfect, great thinking! She's glad that some nice people came to help… She's going to be in the play too, so we'll work together! Sounds good.

Nearby, Monika is looking at a particular spot in the courtyard - how's this? Picking the right spot is important, after all. The Archery Club is running a popcorn stand for the festival, and even now Rhody's still way too enthusiastic for words. Rhody himself laughs to himself - it's that time of year again. The campus festival always winds up taking more of your attention than your actual class work… Come on, let's give it their all!

At the girls' dormitory building, Purity muses that she's going to read that book she bought - she'd like to write one someday, so she's studying humanities. (Come here later for a book, gotcha.) At the boys' dormitory, Argyle says it's almost time for the festival, and the club is doing a food stand, so he'd better get cracking on the setup. Mr. Effort mentions both dorms have a teacher who patrols at night, and obviously he is the one who patrols the boy's dorm. Dennis says that although he'd like to focus on studying, he has to learn his part for the play… How did he get roped into this anyway? He just sighs…

At the auditorium, Janitor Parkes mentions it's his job to take care of the academy equipment and facilities. It's especially important now, before the campus festival starts up. At the clubhouse, Mickey complains that setting up for the festival is such a pain - let the people that want to be involved work on it! Taylor says everyone in the woodwind group is late… She wonders if she should just start getting ready on her own? Lunchlady Deborah wonders how the festival setup is going? We need to keep our strength up, so big servings all around! We should come by any time.

Upstairs, in one of the studying-themed side rooms, Roy greets Kloe - it's good to see her back. He explains that he's trying to find something for his class display… Ha ha, he'd better get a move on, or else he'll never hear the end of it from Logic. In another room, Patrick says the festival setup phase is when the club practices and rests. Today, this is all they have to practice with… just him… but it's obviously pretty crucial. See, he's in the Fencing Club with Kloe. He has to help out with the club food stand later. He doesn't like leaving Richelle to handle it on her own…

In yet another room Felicity complains that she's soooo busy. There's the class display, and she's going to be in the play later, plus she has to help with the club's food stand! It's getting to be a little bit much, even for her. She wonders if she should drop one of them…? Reina muses to herself that sometimes people don't really make their meanings clear. Felicity wonders what that means? Reina points out everyone agreed that it was a lot, but if they all put in their fair share they'd get it taken care of - but he who has made the least progress will inevitably be the one to proclaim how busy he is… Felicity again wonders what she's getting at…? Reina just asks which one of those tasks makes her feel the busiest. Of course, she always assumed Felicity would handle all of them with no problem. That's what she meant… Felicity grumbles and says she gets it already - she'll keep working on all of them! Ugh, if Reina keeps this up she's going to set fire to her panty drawer… Reina chuckles and says that Felicity is plenty capable, but humility is not her strong suit…

With exploration done, it's time to head into the Student Council Room - which, if anime has told me anything, is the most important room on campus and possibly in the nation. Inside we see the head of the student council, Jill, complain that she's too busy - the budgets for all of the concession stands have been checked over, and there's no problems with sending out the invitations… Hans concludes that now all that's left is the play. If they can't find anyone to fill the last two roles, though, the only option might be for the two of them to fill them themselves. Jill immediately says there's no way Hans is acting in the play - the horrors she witnessed when they first tried out those costumes are going to haunt her for the rest of her life. Hans asks not to be reminded. He never wants to wear anything like that ever again…

This is the moment Kloe announces her return, and we enter. Jill says she heard about the fire - it must have been awful! Hans asks after the health of the matron and the kids, but Kloe assures her they're fine, for now. The orphanage was burnt to the ground, though… Jill tells her to try and keep her spirits up despite that, since fretting won't do anyone any good. The best thing we can do is to make the play something the kids can enjoy. Kloe agrees that the matron gave the same advice, so we'll give it our best!

Jill says that with Kloe's help, it will surely work out alright. To think she was stressing out about it a few minutes ago! She asks after the friends Kloe brought, and we quickly introduce ourselves. Jill concludes that we're the ones Kloe spoke of before. Kloe said she did promise to bring us here, and we'll be helping too. Jill is relieved, and says she's glad to meet us both. She's Jill Ridonor, head of the Student Council, and she'll be directing the play. Hans explains he's the vice president, and says that it's nice to meet us too.

Jill, meanwhile, muses that with a pair of bracers here, maybe they can incorporate some stunts into the play? She wonders if Estelle is any good with a sword, and she admits her father mainly trained her with the staff, but she's not hopeless. Jill figures that settles it - she'll have a big sword fight with Kloe! Estelle is surprised, and Kloe quickly clarifies it's in the play, of course. Jill notes there's a fight between the two knights at the climax of the play. It's a really powerful scene, perfect for the final act. They don't have any girls who can use a sword well enough to compete with Kloe, though, much less make it look good… She beat every guy in the fencing tournament and took the top spot… She actually beat out Hans in the final match! Hans just thanks her for reminding him. It's not that he's not good, it's just that Kloe is way better.

Kloe argues that she's still just an amateur, and she doesn't think she'd be any match for a professional like Estelle… Estelle notes that here she goes again with the modesty! But hey, if they need her help, she's game. They can do it! Kloe is sure they will, too! Joshua, meanwhile, laughs nervously - you know, a duel between two female knights ought to be pretty unique. Hans, confused, wonders what this is about female knights? No, they're going to be playing the two male knights. Jill smiles and says this leaves them without a role for Joshua… Oh my, whatever shall they do? He deserves to play a 'crucial role' in this. Hans laughs along, and says they may just have the part for him…

Estelle and Joshua, still confused, wonder what kind of play this is, exactly? Jill explains it's called 'Madrigal of the White Magnolia' (title drop) - it's a famous story set in a time where there are nobles and commoners. A princess is courted by both a knight of royal blood and a commoner. In spite of their different social classes, the three have been friends since childhood. As we can imagine, this leads to complications between the nobles and the commoners. There's a great happy ending to the whole thing!

Estelle thinks it sounds like fun, but Joshua wonders why girls are playing the guy roles, then? Hans says it's just something to make the production more interesting this time, having girls and guys switch roles. Estelle asks if the teachers are okay with this, and Jill just says she brought up ending sexual discrimination, and being free of gender roles… Put in that light, the teachers loved the idea! Personally she thought people would get a kick out of it. Kloe calls her incorrigible, while Hans says she prefers the title 'Evil Genius.'

Estelle is totally up for this, but Joshua tells them to hold on a second - from what they're telling him, that crucial role they want him to play is…? Hans quickly confirms he's really doing them a massive favor here. Jill thanks Kloe for introducing them to such nice people, while Kloe apologizes to Joshua for all this…

The scene switches to the auditorium, where Kloe and Estelle are now dressed in blue and red respectively. Estelle concludes these will be their costumes for the play, and says she figured they'd be armored up given that they're playing knights. Jill says that armor and a helmet won't work so well if they want people to see them act, so that's why she decided to arrange things so they'd be dressed more like the Royal Guardsmen. Estelle thinks it looks great on Kloe - she's petite. Kloe thanks her, and says it suits Estelle as well. Estelle asks about the different colors, and Kloe explains it's because she'll be playing the Azure Knight Oscar, while Estelle is the Ruby Knight Julius. It makes the play more colorful!

Estelle asks after Joshua, which is when Hans shows up from backstage and says the object of their affection will be… the fair Princess Cecilia. (Wait, hold on, did I put in the wrong game?) Joshua is a bit hesitant to get on stage, and asks for another moment, but Hans gets him on screen… fully crossdressing in a flowing white-and-purple dress and with hair extensions and a tiara.

Joshua's expression is incredibly deadpan, but he actually pulls it off rather well? All the girls are dumbstruck, and Joshua just says that if they're going to say something, they should get it over with. Don't leave him in suspense… Estelle searches for a way to put it, then declares it's perfect! Kloe says she's shocked - he looks beautiful! Hans says he's got such poise - why, if he didn't know what's really going on under there, he'd be smitten at the very sight of him! Joshua thanks them for being honest about it, at least. He's not so thrilled himself, but...

Jill's eyes gleam as she chuckles to herself - this is just as she had hoped. She thinks everyone will be pretty pleased with the casting. Come on, everyone! Let's make this a play to remember! Everyone cheers, while Joshua pretends to sniffle. Afterwards, they all head their separate ways, and Joshua and Estelle head over to sleep in their respective dormitories…

At the girls' dormitory, we see Estelle in Kloe and Jill's room, where she's pointed to one of the beds. Estelle concludes that if they're sharing a room the two of them must be close, and Kloe agrees that they have been ever since they started going to school here. As schoolmates, they're pretty much inseparable! Jill proposes to Estelle that she could become an honorary best friend of hers, since they're going to be working together - she doesn't mind, right? Estelle is on board, and Kloe jokes that this doesn't supersede their own best friendship, right? They're a best friends trio. Estelle is on board, and Jill says it looks like it's just them girls in here, so this will be fun. No need to worry about boys' prying eyes while they're here. Kloe complains she makes them sound so dirty, and Jill just says she's so innocent, like a lamb! That's just mean… Just for that, Kloe isn't baking her any sweets! Jill quickly apologizes to 'Ma'amselle Kloe', but Kloe tells her to try that again…

Estelle is watching the interplay, and the girls notice - what's with the staring? Estelle laughs it off and says it's no big deal, but she's just got a little green monster on her shoulder. She's got some friends back in Rolent, but the most they ever did was have sleepovers. She thinks it must be nice to have someone close, living under the same roof with you...

Jill asks Kloe what she thinks about that, and Kloe doesn't really understand what would make her jealous. Jill agrees, and she almost wants to ask Estelle where she gets off saying something like that! Come on, she's got a traveling companion, doesn't she? A pretty nice looking one to boot… Who she also, you know, lived under the same roof with?

Estelle, baffled, asks if they're talking about Joshua? Kloe thinks that's rather a silly question. Jill points out she's got a hot guy with her all the time, but she's jealous of the two of them living in an all-girl household? She playing a tiny violin for Estelle, miniscule in size. Estelle just sighs and says Joshua is more like a big brother to her, so them living together is more like a family thing. Jill just smirks as she repeats 'family thing.' She wonders if Joshua feels the same way? She bets that's not what a guy his age would think! It's got to be tough for him to always be around a pretty girl like Estelle! Estelle stands there, mouth agape, as Kloe tells Jill that's enough. Kloe quickly apologizes for Jill's bad habit of picking on people. Jill just comments that if they're gonna start talking about bad habits… Kloe just stares at her, and Jill quickly backtracks. Nope, she's good!

Estelle gets herself together, blushing furiously, and tells them not to mess with her like that. And really… Joshua? Come on… no way!

Jill just sing-songs that someone's in denial… When Kloe calls her out again, Jill just quickly excuses herself, stating that she's got to give her daily report to the teacher before bed. Goodnight, ladies! As he rushes out, Estelle just stares after her silently. Kloe says that Estelle can borrow some pajamas if she'd like, but Estelle doesn't even hear her as she's blushing bright-red. Right… pajamas. Yeah, that sounds good… With that, night sets in and our unlikely life at the royal academy has begun…

What follows are several vignettes without much dialogue to depict time passing - a training montage! We see Kloe attempting to wake up Estelle and Jill in the morning, only for Estelle to fall back asleep the moment her back is turned to go wake the other. We see Estelle and Joshua join class like the students, where Estelle fails to answer a question correctly while Joshua solves it easily. We see the girls share food at the cafeteria until they're joined by the boys - most of their pleasant and silly conversation revolves around how Joshua might look in heels. We watch the actors in the play practice, including a mock sword fight between Kloe and Estelle, and Joshua in his dress. The rigorous rehearsals lasted into the night, and we're told that everyone was having such fun that time seemed to fly by. Thus, we arrive on the day before the festival…

On the stage once more, we see Kloe and Estelle square off…

Estelle - Ruby Knight Julius: 'My friend… I fear that this was inevitable. Perhaps fate always intended for us to meet in so base a fashion. Speak that we may both be unburdened!' She draws her sword. 'If nothing else, for our beloved princess!'​
Kloe - Azure Knight Oscar: 'We would cleave a path through fate with our own hands… But at this moment, my words and her smile seem lost…'​
Julius: 'Has fear clutched your heart, Oscar?'​
Oscar: 'But what is this passion that pierces me to the quick? Though I have no wish to fight you again, it would seem that I am left with little choice.'​
She draws her sword. 'Before this storm, by the name of revolution, should claim us both… Take up your sword, and we shall let fate decide!'​
Julius: 'Yes! And may the Goddess above see our spirits as they truly are! Come then, let it be done!'​
Oscar: 'Indeed!'​

The two actors pause for a moment, and let out a sigh. Woohoo! Estelle is ecstatic that she finally got through the scene with no mistakes! Kloe says it was a convincing performance, though Estelle argues she's got nothing on Kloe. She doesn't think she's flubbed a single line. Kloe says she's been familiar with this script for a long time. She learned it at about the same rate Estelle is going, though. She really appreciates her taking the trouble to rehearse. Estelle says it's no big deal - she's kind of been her guide through it all. Personally, she thinks Kloe would make a great bracer. Kloe is flattered by that suggestion…

Kloe turns to the empty auditorium, and muses that they'll finally do this for real tomorrow. She hopes Matron Theresa and the children will enjoy it. Estelle observes they really mean a lot to her, don't they? They're like her family! Kloe looks troubled at this, and Estelle wonders if she said something wrong? Kloe says that no… she was exactly right. They're the ones who taught her the real value of family. She explains that both of her parents died shortly after she was born, and she was left in the care of an affluent relative. She never wanted for anything, but she really had no idea what having a family was like.

Then, ten years ago, she met the matron… Estelle guesses that this was during the Hundred Days War, and Kloe confirms that's when she came to Ruan. Everyone she knew had scattered trying to escape the Imperial forces, so Matron Theresa and her husband Joseph took her in and cared for her. After the war ended they waited for several months for word to come of her relatives. Theresa and Joseph were so kind to her… That's when she first understood what it must like to have a mother and father, and how it must be to have a family to begin with. Kloe apologizes for rambling, and thinks Estelle must be bored to tears, but Estelle just tells her that's not true at all.

Getting back into the spirit of things a little, Estelle says they should really show everyone tomorrow how it's done! She was worried before, but she's really excited now. Jill and Hans sure have worked hard on this, haven't they? Kloe agrees, but says that she thinks Joshua has really been the biggest help. She never expected him to be such a good actor! Estelle stutters an agreement, and says that while he acted all uninterested, he sure plays the role of the spoiled princess well. Kloe says he definitely nailed the mannerisms, and he's seen professionals turn in worse performances. She wonders if he has any experience in theater, but Estelle admits she doesn't know much about his life before she met him. Whatever went on back then, he never wants to talk about it.

Kloe apologizes, and syas she didn't mean to pry, but Estelle says not to sweat it. He's always been the type to be good at whatever he does, always calm and collected. Sometimes he gets flustered, though, and that's when he's really cute… Kloe giggles, then glances at Estelle and thinks maybe their roles should have been reversed. Julius and Oscar. Somehow she thinks Estelle would have preferred playing Oscar…

Estelle wonders why? Well, maybe. Julius is the son of a noble, and she sure doesn't know anything about that… Kloe says that's not what she meant. It's more about, uh - you know - the ending. Estelle catches on - oh, it's about how Oscar gets… Blushing furiously, Estelle argues it's just Joshua. Hey, does Kloe mean she wouldn't like kissing Joshua? Kloe says she shouldn't be ridiculous - but it still does seem rather risque. Estelle tells her she's starting to sound like Jill. Besides, Joshua just sees her like a little sister… Kloe wonders if he does…? Estelle points out he's always treated her like a little kid, especially with her dad around. It drives her nuts! Anyway, there's absolutely nothing like that going on! Kloe haltingly accepts that statement for the moment.

This is, of course, the moment that the boys arrive. Estelle, flustered, calls out to Joshua, while Kloe mentions Hans. The latter says that rehearsal is over, but we're still practicing. That's some dedication we have! Joshua wonders if we're ready for the big duel scene, and Estelle says to just leave it to us! It'll be flawless! Joshua says he looks forward to seeing it! Kloe asks what the two boys are doing here. Were they looking for us? Hans confirms that yeah, today is the last day us bracers will be staying in the dorms, right? He was thinking we could all have a big dinner to pump ourselves up. We're up for that, sure! Joshua then asks about Jill, and Kloe explains she was called away by the dean some time ago, so she'll go check on her. Estelle volunteers to tag along while the boys head for the cafeteria.

After the boys leave, Estelle thinks Joshua and Hans really hit it off. Sometimes it worries her that he doesn't really let people get close. Kloe chuckles, and when a clueless Estelle wonders what she's on about, she just waves it off. Estelle suggests getting changed - it'll be embarrassing walking around in costume. After quickly doffing our costumes backstage, it's time to head for the dean's office again…

Before exploring all the new dialogue around or heading for the dean, there's a secret scene if you head to the clubhouse immediately. Upstairs, you can listen at the door to the Student Council room, where we can overhear Hans mentioning that Ms. Wiola is so damn hot! Plus he's really up-front about things and seems low-maintenance, which always scores big points with him. On the other hand, he doesn't get the feeling that there's a beating heart under Ms. Millia's chilly exterior. Man, there's something about a woman wearing a pair of glasses that suit her, though…

It turns out Hans is speaking to Joshua, who says that far be it for him to challenge a strongly-held opinion, but wouldn't that also apply to Jill? Hans stutters at that, and quickly argues it's not just about the glasses. Mature women just have this glamor to them! Joshua guesses Hans is feeling a bit anxious, but he denies it - never in his life! Estelle thinks to herself that the boys claimed they were going to their seats at the cafeteria, right? So what is this all about…? Boys can be so hopeless sometimes. Kloe notes that Joshua is in this conversation too… She's kind of surprised.

Hans suddenly asks Joshua how far he's gone with Estelle? He knows he's not going to tell him he hasn't done anything with her. Joshua responds that he's sorry to disappoint Hans, but he just has an overactive imagination. What is he supposed to say? Not that it would be any of his business, mind you.

Hans is surprised, and admits he just figured the two of them would make a good couple. So, if he's given up on that, what's his plan of attack on Kloe? He might have to practice, but if he'd straighten up a little, he could be a good match for her. Joshua wonders what that's supposed to mean? Outside, Estelle blushes and asks Kloe if she wants to get out of here too and get to the dean's office? Kloe quickly agrees.

We arrive at the dean's office just as Jill is speaking with Dean Collins, meaning that something is a great idea - that's the dean, always level-headed! Collins says she flatters him, and entrusts a list to her. Jill promises she'll take care of it. As we enter, we ask if we're interrupting anything? Collins assures us they were just finishing up. Actually… Jill immediately tells the dean not to say anything, as he'll spoil the fun tomorrow! Estelle wonders why she's acting all suspicious, and Kloe wonders what she's plotting this time. Jill just says we'll have to wait until tomorrow to find out… She wonders if we need her for anything, and Kloe confirms we do. She explains that an evening feast had been planned for the next day, in anticipation of the play's success, and Jill says that sounds fine. She just hopes and prays that the festival is a success. Let's give it all we've got! Collins says that barring any major complications, he thinks tomorrow will go just fine. Estelle suggests we all get over to the cafeteria, and she agrees.

With this, Jill is now a temporary party member... and while we're supposed to meet Joshua and Hans right now, there's other options...

Next: Let's do... sub-quests? Sidequests by another name? Let's get ready to partay!
Trails in the Sky (Part 39) - Festival Prep

Festival Prep

Before we're officially off to the races, we still have this final evening to spend - the last finishing touches, shall we say. We'll do it with an all-woman crew of Estelle, Kloe and Jill, this time around...

Dean Collins says he'd hate to get in the way of our fun tomorrow, so he hopes we enjoy ourselves. Next door in the faculty lounge, Mr. Ratio guesses we came from Rolent, right? He's actually from there, too. Speaking of which, his parents will be visiting to attend the festival. It's good that they were invited - such dedication from all the actors! He's quite looking forward to the performance. The, uh, princess is something else! Ah, yes, he had a chance to watch the rehearsals… Ms. Millia mentions the students will show everyone the fruits of their labors tomorrow. She'll do her best to keep her criticisms to herself… as valid as they may be.

At the reception desk, Fauna asks if we've finished getting ready? It looks like they'll have more attendees tomorrow than ever before…

The Humanities classroom has been transformed into the 'Fontana Tea House', a refreshment booth. Alice says that Kaden thought they had more time than they actually do. Thankfully, with enough coffee in him, they can still make the deadline. So worry not, they will be ready! She wants this to be the cutest little place ever!

Kaden, meanwhile, is in despair - he got cappuccino, but ordered an espresso. Noooo! He'll never finish in time at this rate. Maybe if he works all night? Yeah, that should give him enough time…

The Social Studies classroom is host to a demonstration on 'Ruanian History & Economy' - the whole place is full of blackboards covered in maps, graphs, and other information about the region of Ruan. Inside, Roy greets Kloe and says the class has finished up most of its setup duties. Logic is still at work in the reference room, though. Thelma mentions Logic is such a perfectionist, and personally she thinks they got plenty done!

The Natural Sciences classroom is host to a demonstration on 'Quartz Circuits & Orbal Arts' - it's got a bunch of complicated machines, several screens and a sizable computer of some description. Gerome wonders if this is good enough? He can put the finishing touches on tomorrow, when everyone will be around to help. Nikita complains that he never gets tired of passing work off on other people. Everyone still has work to do, too, so there's no telling if anyone else will even have time to help him! Gerome guesses she's probably right, but he's hungry… Patrick says those two must be childhood friends, as they both live in Ruan. He's kind of envious…

Outside the school, Richelle is at her ice cream stand and looking forward to tomorrow - though it'll be the last time she'll get to see Kloe in her Azure Knight costume. That's kind of a shame, if you think about it. Kloe hesitantly thanks her, and Richelle assures us that we'll all be great!

At the popcorn stand, Monika says that everything that's gone into making it is just right! She's put in some practice, not to worry… Rhody says they're all set, and all that's left is to wait for tomorrow. At a third food stand, Taylor is also finally done with all the setup, and says everyone in the club is switching off being a clerk…

At the girls' dormitory, Purity greets Kloe and Estelle and wishes them luck with the play tomorrow. She's working on the sets, since she's a big history buff. Ms. Wiola wonders if everyone is still practicing? We should go to bed and rest up for tomorrow. She wonders if everyone is still on campus… They've cleared out of the dorms, so she imagines they're all over the place.

Felicity sighs to herself and says it's been a full week of upheaval. Rehearsals for the play, setting up the Art Club's food stand, plus helping out with the class exhibition… Reina comments that she did a pretty good… check that, a great job! Felicity wonders where Reina was during all that work, huh? Felicity had been considering backing out of the play, too... Reina admits she didn't expect Felicity to volunteer for the role of the Archbishop! Felicity snarls that of course she did - did she think she'd really play as a commoner?! If she's going to do something, she's going to do it right. Unfortunately she had to give up the lead role… Reina says she's impressed, but Felicity gets the feeling that she's being led down this thorny path… Reina remarks that she likes to watch Felicity's development… You know, make sure that she's turning out to be a good person…

At the boys' dormitory, Argyle chuckles and says night is upon them… Just north of here is an old building that used to be part of the school. Way back when it was refitted to serve as a military stronghold. He bets we couldn't make it out of there… alive! Mr. Effort says that some of the kids came by earlier looking for the key to unlock the old building. They wanted materials for set dressing, they said. They went in some time ago, but he hasn't heard from them since… There's a lot of students who haven't come back to their dorm rooms yet, so he might go make his rounds before curfew… Dennis says it's almost time for bed… Oh, wait - the play…

At the clubhouse, Deborah says she bets we've been so involved with setting up that we haven't been eating so well. Kids like us need to eat right!

We could theoretically head out and meet up with the rest of our party right now, but there's a bunch of optional missable content in this brief window of time…

Festival Help Quest: Decorate the Campus
Just outside the entrance to the school you can find Janitor Parkes, who says he's bushed. At this rate he'll never finish getting these decorations up! All the students who were helping him are busy with other stuff. Just look around - there are still plenty of places that aren't decorated yet!​
Estelle looks up and notes there's no center curtain on the school building yet - that might not look so good. Parkes says that's what he means - if we see any other bare spots like that, we should let him know. He'll be over to get them fixed up in a jiffy! We should keep an eye out, and we should let him know if we see any empty spots.​
There are three locations where you can spot missing banners - the first is missing flags above the boys' dormitory. In a quick cutscene we call over Mr. Parkes and assist him in hanging up the flags, and in similar fashion we can spot a missing tapestry on the side of the auditorium, as well as a final missing row of flags that are sneakily hidden on the back side of the connection between the main building and the clubhouse. With the decorations finished, Parkes says we've been a great help, and Estelle says it was no prob. We all want the festival to go well, so helping out isn't a big deal. Kloe says it's our festival, after all, and Jill says that's the spirit! Parkes is looking forward to it himself, and we tell him to leave it to us…​
We get an actual message that this is a 'festival help quest' we completed - they might not be included on the job board, but these are essentially hidden quests which contribute to your final rewards for the festival main quest. BP and such.​

Festival Help Quest: Research Materials Hunt
If you listened in on conversations, you may have learned that Logic is still hard at work in the reference room. This is upstairs at the clubhouse, let's check up on him! Kloe asks him if he's still working on the research for his class presentation? Logic confirms he's almost finished, but he's still missing a few research materials needed to back up the points he made in the presentation. Specifically, he needs all three volumes of the 'Ruan Economics' series. It appears some miscreant has carried them out of the reference section. He doesn't suppose we've seen them anywhere around school, have we? Estelle doesn't remember seeing any, and Logic figures they must be around here somewhere. If we happen to find them, we should let him know!​
Looking for the three books is essentially just wandering the entire accessible map checking every book you can - the ones we need all look pretty distinctive and light up with an exclamation point if you get close. The first is actually in the next room over, in the Archery Club's room, while the second is in the Faculty Lounge, and the last can be found in the boys' dormitory.​
Since these are books you get in your inventory during the quest, you can actually read all of them to get some insight into the economics of this region:​
Ruan Economic History Volume 1
− Table of Contents −​
1. Ruan Economics Prior to the Orbal Revolution​
  • Urban Transfiguration Due to Developments in Nautical Technology
  • Developments in Industry and the Rise of the Working Class
2. Abolishment of the Aristocracy and Regional Economics​
  • Collapse of the Oligopolistic System
Economic history is a field of scholarship which looks back historically on economic activity, one of a number of actions carried out by people, and weighs its evolution in relation to the future.​
In fact, it would hardly be an overstatement to say that the state of the world following the Orbal Revolution was led by a series of economic dynamics. Dramatic progress in transit technology and improved productivity gave rise to a continental-scale flow of goods and people, which in turn resulted in a more explicit structure of interests making an appearance within governments among neighboring nations.​
This book aims to trace history sequentially from prior to the Orbal Revolution, and while setting Ruan apart from the rest of Liberl Kingdom, proceed to analyze the developments of regional economics.​

Ruan Economic History Volume 2
− Table of Contents −​
Preface: The World After the Orbal Revolution​
3. Ruan and the Orbal Revolution​
  • Advent of the Airship and the Maritime Industry
4. The Hundred Days War and the Empire​
  • The State of Commodity Distribution Before and After the War
  • Disparity, and the Shifting Empire
The benefits in connection with the Orbal Revolution wrought mighty change in both production and transportation; the foundational elements of economic activity.​
The introduction of orbal technology to the manual industry increased production without leading to a consolidation of the workforce and allowed outdated worker unions to commercialize and thereby erect a framework which supplied the market with a stable flow of diverse goods.​
On the downside, the progress of transit technology, beginning with the emergence of airships, internationalized economic competition in one fell swoop and created a situation which prompted a fierce utilitarian rivalry among nations. Economic rivalries such as these can be found skulking in the milieu of nearly all erupting strife in this present age, regardless of boundaries.​

Ruan Economic History Volume 3
− Table of Contents −​
Preface: The Hundred Days War and Ruan​
5. Ruan Economics After the War​
  • The Appearance of New Entrepreneurs
  • Contrasting Tourism Resource Development Policy
6. Challenges for the New Generation​
  • Internationalization of Airship Routes and Ruan
Though being in the midst of great advances with regards to transit technology following the Orbal Revolution, Ruan's economic epicenter remained as before, centered on the import and export of goods through its seaport, with the Erebonian Empire occupying a significant position as a strategic partner in trade.​
Consequently, at the conclusion of the Hundred Days War, cooling relations with the Empire meant serious repercussions for this seaport city. This situation forced merchants to tread new ground and, as a result, pioneered enterprise which created domestic demand and developed tourism resources.​
At present, though these measures and policies have finally begun to bear fruit, there still remain a number of issues which have yet to be resolved.​
Source: Ruan Economic History I-III

Heading back to Logic, he says it's as he suspected… The books in his room aren't going to be sufficient for his research. Did we have any luck finding those 'Ruan Economics' books, by any chance? Estelle barely pays attention at the best of times and isn't sure what he's talking about, but Kloe confirms that we seem to have the ones he needs and hands over all three volumes. Logic is delighted, and thanks us profusely. Now he finally has all of the books he needs for his research! Kloe says she's looking forward to reading his paper when it's done, and Logic says he looks forward to showing her his results. She'll be astounded! Thanks to our help he can make this paper the best it can be. Now he should really get started - time is short. He wishes us luck with our play, and we promise to do our best.​
Festival Help Quest: Clear Out the Old School Building
If you talked to some folks at the boys' dormitory, you'll have heard that there's something going on at the old schoolhouse building that's a ways behind the current one. If you head over, you're just in time to watch a boy - Mickey - rush out of the door in a panic, panting and wheezing as he slams it closed behind him. Holy… freaking… crap!​
Estelle wonders what's up, and Kloe agrees with that question - Mickey seems really, really scared! Estelle asks him what happened, and he says we shouldn't stand right in front of the door… Never know when a ghost or something might come flying out! Estelle wonders if he's saying there are monsters in this building, and Mickey confirms that's right. Enormous suckers, and swarms of them…​
Kloe explains this used to be one of the school buildings, but it's always locked up these days… Mickey admits he borrowed the key from Mr. Effort. The regular school buildings are all noisy lately, so he just wanted to find a quiet place to sleep… Estelle is astounded, while Jill figures that's just another way of saying that he was ditching. He's got some nerve! Mickey complains he never wanted anything to do with the festival in the first place. Why should he be forced to do anything for some lame play? It's boring, and he isn't messing with it any more. Estelle angrily wonders what's up with his attitude? Pretty arrogant of him, considering everyone else is pitching in!​
Kloe tells her to chill, and suggests we should focus on checking into these supposed monsters here. Estelle agrees that if there're really monsters, we can't just let them stay in there! Kloe agrees that we can't - the festival is tomorrow! Mickey isn't sure what we can do. He was planning to give the key back to Mr. Effort, tell him the place is haunted, and never speak of it again! It's really dangerous in there, so we shouldn't even get close to the door! With that he rushes off in a panic, leaving us to explore in peace…​
The actual building is pretty barren, but there are some really freaking huge spiders running around, so I guess Mickey's panic isn't entirely unjustified. While we have to deal with Jill tagging along as a helpless NPC, these mobs aren't exactly dangerous enough to need the big guns, and Kloe is more than capable of healing any scrapes we might get here. It's weird not to have Joshua along, though. Our actual goal here is to kill every monster - any loot we pick up along the way is a nice bonus. There's a weird room with a statue that we might get back to later, but it doesn't seem to do anything right now, and several mostly empty classrooms with the odd spider and mundane item.​
After slaying the last monster and getting back to the front door, we're met there by Mr. Effort, who wonders if we're alright? Mickey told him that monsters had shown up in the old school building. Estelle tells him not to worry, since we already wiped them all out. Mr. Effort is momentarily surprised, then remembers Estelle is a bracer - right. Well, he thanks us for our help, as we can't have anything happen to the festival. Jill muses that come to think of it, Mickey's laziness actually helped us out… In spite of his reasons, he did find those monsters. Mr. Effort says that just to be on the safe side, he'll lock the door again. Better safe than sorry, after all! Effort says he'll head back to his night duty room, then - it'll be closing time fairly soon. We should try not to stay up too late!​

With that, all our ancillary tasks are complete, and we can head over to the clubhouse to meet with Joshua and Hans. As if to maintain cohesion for people who haven't done any festival quests, Estelle immediately gets flustered again - but I assume this is just more of what appears to be the actual romantic subplot of the game. A romance between a brother and sister. Okay. Adoptive, I get it, but it's weird. It was hinted at early on, but it seems we're really going there! I'll try to not be weirdly prudish about it - at least they're not related. It's still weird.

Jill thanks everyone for their help, and Hans says they've been waiting for us - now, are we ready to order some food? Jill says her stomach cries out for nourishment! Finishing up the play and having to run hither and yon like a madman really works up an appetite.

Kloe says that all ends after today, right? Jill agrees that she's gotta get motivated, as she's got a new job to deal with, after all… Hans wonders what she means by that, but Jill tells him she'll tell him later. Let's go out there and stir things up! We're going to make the festival a huge success! She'll be counting on Estelle and Joshua as well. We promise to do our best! That evening, everyone spent a rather busy hour in the cafeteria, and at the end they all raised a toast (with soft drinks) to the success of the play. After that they returned to the dorm and went to bed early, in order to be prepared for the busy day ahead. The day of the festival has arrived…

We're once more back on the stage, and Jill says it's set perfectly… The lights are just right, too. Okay! Looks like they're ready to unleash their masterpiece! Hans says they'll be opening soon, but they've got some time before everything starts. We should go have some fun in the meantime!

Estelle declares that now he's talking! She's gonna go stuff her face with something from every food stand out there! Joshua warns her that looking is fine, but if she eats too much she'll be too full to move in the play… Estelle admits she probably shouldn't overdo it. She wonders if the others are going to join her, but Jill says they can't - she's still got student council business to deal with. We'll be fine on our own, go have fun!

Kloe wonders what student council business this would be? Didn't she say the same thing yesterday…? Kloe wonders if she can help, but Jill just winks at her and says they're fine, promise! All she needs to do is show Estelle and Joshua around. Besides, aren't the pipsqueaks gonna be showing up soon? Kloe admits she's right, yeah. Hans promises they'll have enough time to go out and enjoy the festival. Oh, and Joshua…? If he sees any hot girls out there, Hans expects him to beeline it right back here and tell him, got it? He wouldn't want any of them to miss out on the pleasure of his company! Joshua gets it already - tall, gorgeous, sensual, charming… Did he miss anything? Hans says he couldn't have said it better himself! Jill declares he's hopeless, while the other girls stare in disbelief.

Just then, there's a message on the intercom…

The time that we've all been waiting for has finally arrived: the 52nd Jenis Royal Academy campus festival has begun!

Next: Festival time!
Trails in the Sky (Part 40) - Festival Wanderings

Festival Wanderings

As the intercom message plays out, we see the gates of the academy swing open, and a rush of children enter alongside many other guests. The festival has begun! Estelle and the others have made their way outside to see the throng, and Joshua remarks this is the famed academy, after all… It's definitely not your average festival. Kloe says they're expecting a lot more visitors this year than usual. Jill tells Hans they should get going, and tells us they can be found in the student council office, so we should come see them if we need them. Joshua wishes them luck… Kloe, meanwhile, suggests we go have a look around.

At this point a whole lot of visitors have arrived at the school grounds, and many of them don't have unique names - they're just 'Visitor.' A young boy near the auditorium wonders where he should start, while a young girl says they come here every year. Another visitor is amazed at the size of the royal academy - it's huge! Another says it's a pretty building, and yet another visitor comments that she hasn't been back to her alma mater in a long time… Near the front gate we can spot Steward Gilbert, who wonders if all preparations have been completed? Estelle confirms that we practiced hard, learned our lines, and spent the afternoon waxing the hair off Joshua's face and arms! All that's left is the doing. Gilbert, a little flummoxed, says he's looking forward to seeing the, ah, results of our efforts. It's been some time since he was last here, but he still loves his old alma mater… He has fond memories of this place.

Near the clubhouse, a visitor is taking a load off - maybe he should take a breather before he walks around any more. Another kid mentions he came here to see his big sister. At the little sidewalk cafe in front of the cafeteria, a visitor mentions his daughter has been pestering him to let her show him around. This is his first time at the campus festival. A woman mentions she heard all the rumors, sure, but she loves the atmosphere here! At the food stands, Richelle wonders if we want to try some ice cream? It's pretty good! A visitor comments on the low prices, while another is getting hungry from all the good smells, and a third comments on there being so many shops here!

Noria says that the festival is nice and all, but she wants to see what a typical school day is like. As a parent, she'd like to see how her child is going to spend his time. Portos tells one of the kids selling popcorn not to get too excited - young folk certainly are energetic! Rhody welcomes us to the shop, and wonders if we would like some light, fluffy popcorn? It's a healthier option than, say, candy…

Across from him is the candy store, where a nervous Taylor tries to sell some food - it's super delicious, and better than popcorn! She admits she was told to say that… At the fourth stand we can find Reina, who says she's great at science and biology, but a novice in the kitchen. Oh well, she'll work on getting the basics! She sells crepes.

We can also find Nial at this last stand, and he is surprised to find us here. We are similarly surprised, and ask him if he's here for business or pleasure? Joshua points out lots of people in the entertainment industry were invited. He asks Nial if he ever found a link between all those bits of information he found. Nial stays mum about that, and says that before he gets into that, he's hungry. He'll go fetch some grub! If we head over to the gates, Estelle comments they're still open - are they expecting more guests? Joshua says there's still some time before the play starts, and Kloe agrees that a lot of people come specifically for that…

At the auditorium, Janitor Parkes says that until the big show, the building is not actually being used. Except by him, of course! Dean Collins asked him to do a safety check before the main event.

Inside the main building, we find a bunch more visitors - one says his daughter attends this academy, but this is his first time on campus. Another says that when they were students, this building wasn't even around yet! The building to the north used to be the main school building. Another visitor mentions Sunday School is nice and all, but this? This is real learning!

The Humanities Classroom is a tearoom now, and Kaden wonders if the guest at the table is a real maid? Ugh, standing up all night has left him completely drained… or is that caffeine withdrawal? Mr. Ratio recalls the lead roles in the play will be played by students, right? Everyone is more active than usual. Eva says that under normal circumstances she'd never be able to get in here, so it's exciting! Now, where is her little sister's classroom? Got to fulfill her obligations as her guardian! Purity says she's kind of embarrassed to be dressed like a maid, but it's for the festival… Alice thinks it's a cute outfit, and says Kaden's been making a lot of them. Monika says she'll be manning the club's food stand all afternoon, so she needs to have fun while she can. Rhody's in the same club, and he runs the stand in the morning. She thinks she'll get an idea of how annoying it can be soon…

In the back of the room, we spot a familiar face - it's Mayor Maybelle from back in Bose! Estelle wonders what she's doing here, and Maybelle says that truthfully she actually graduated from here. She always makes a point of going to the campus festival each year. Estelle thinks that's cool! Maybelle says that's enough about her - how have the two of us been doing? Are we here on guild business? Estelle chuckles and tells the mayor what's been going on, and she's surprised we're helping out with the play. She's always found them to be slightly tiresome, but if we're going to be on stage, she certainly doesn't want to miss it. Joshua muses to himself that he'd really rather not have anyone he knows in the audience for this… Lila says it's been a long time since she's sene us - we look as energetic as ever.

In the front hall of the school, Dean Collins is speaking with Mayor Dalmore, and tells him he hasn't seen the man since last year's Royal Council. Has much changed since then? Dalmore assures the dean he's feeling quite well, and the old man looks to be in good health, also. Today should be quite enjoyable! Dalmore notices us, and mentions that he comes to the campus festival every year at the invitation of the dean and the student council. Collins mentions he'd like the mayor's input on some of the school's affairs, if he has the time… Though they may be chartered by the monarchy, it's still important to hear local views. In the employee lounge, Mr. Effort thanks us for everything we did yesterday - he doesn't really have anything he needs to do, but he's just staying here in case he's needed.

Near the stairs we can find Carna, who says that Jean told her what's been going on. So, we're just helping out wherever we're needed? Estelle says that's more or less true, yeah. Joshua wonders if she's working here as security or something, and Carna confirms that's basically it. The alumni here tend to be Liberlian celebrities from all walks of life, and every year they're all invited back. Thus the need for heightened security. Joshua remarks we already saw Mayor Maybelle here earlier. Carna tells us to just leave security up to her, so we can focus on helping out with the festival. Fauna mentions the event is held on the grounds and in the main building, and the play is scheduled to be held in the auditorium this afternoon. The student council has set up the cafeteria as a rest area, so we should feel free to relax there.

Upstairs, a visitor wonders if it's just her, or are there more people here than usual? Another explains the natural science and social studies classes are up here - neat! A third visitor wasn't expecting to find so many buildings on campus, and a fourth is a bit lost - she's not sure where to go next. A kid asks if we attend classes here? Do we ever get to have any fun?

In the Social Studies classroom, Logic mentions that his class has been using various economic indicators to predict future trends and they're displaying the results here today. They also have a collection of materials summarizing the history and development of this region in a simple, easy to read format. If we're interested, we should take a look! Liz mentions she came here with her son to check out the campus. They've got to get him focused on passing next year's entrance exams! Antonia wonders what typical classes here are like… Thelma says that today they're on standby… They're like the information desk! They can explain the social studies periodical in plainer terms if anyone asks…

We can also find Duke Dunan in here - ugh. He muses that this is the campus which is funded through the royal coffers, huh? As the queen's nephew, he ought to give it a thorough inspection! Ha ha ha, he's sure the students will consider that a great honor! Estelle wonders if this old fart was even invited, but Joshua imagines not investing him would have just been asking for trouble. Dunan says he finds the campus somewhat lacking - they haven't even a single gilded bird feeder. Butler Phillip hates to say this once again to His Grace, but he should please consider his words when amongst the public…

Checking out some of the boards, we can find one summarizing trends in orbal arts usage, graphs depicting changes in the tourist industry's annual growth rate, a map concerning population growth and migration, the most important exports, and more. Roy explains that he's an exchange student from the Calvard Republic, and he's been busy with this year's research periodical. It's eaten up most of his time, actually. Ms. Wiola mentions this class is fairly low-key… Honestly, she thinks the research periodical is pretty plain. It's okay, she's just glad they've got readers. She doesn't want to lose to Millia's class. Argyle wonders if there's no haunted houses this year? Too cliché, he supposes.

In the Natural Sciences classroom, Ms. Millia asks if we've seen the size of the crowd?! She wonders if they're all on vacation… Nikita mentions that in the end they weren't able to finish setting up the displays yesterday. Somehow, though, it was all done when they came back in the morning. They were still in the middle of working when it was time to go home - they asked around, but no one knew who had done it. Gerome wonders what his mom and sister are doing here? He told them not to come… said he'd be busy. Ciel mentions she took a day off work to see how her son has matured. She says her daughter Eletta seems to be quite pleased as well. She needs to be a better mother from here on out. Gotta turn the doting up to 9! Eletta yells that she just wants to play!

Felicity remarks that Reina and her don't share any classes or clubs, but they still room together at the dorm. Phew, at this rate it's going to be difficult to breathe… She guesses she should take advantage of the freedom to enjoy it while she still can. Patrick laughs and says he knows all about it. Gerome did a bang-up job! Next to them stands an Orbal Compatibility Tester - a big machine which you can feed two inputs to get the compatibility between two people - and the result is entirely random and very horoscope-like. That said, all of our previous party members as well as Dorothy and Nial are options here, so we can learn all their days of birth:

Estelle Bright - Born 8-7-1186
Joshua Bright - Born 12-20-1185
Scherazard Harvey - Born 5-14-1179
Olivier Lenheim - Born 4-1-1177
Kloe Rinz - Born 10-11-1186
Nial Burns - Born 11-25-1172
Dorothy Hyatt - Born 1-22-1182

If you try and measure compatibility with the same person, the computer sends a few error messages, then crashes and resets, going through a memory check before bumping you back to the selection menu. It's pretty neat! A little sign in front of the machine promises that it's now working - and no more electric shocks, they promise!

At the clubhouse, Carla says she's amazed that the campus is so busy. Rex mentions he and his wife moved to Manoria years ago, but this is the first time they're visiting the royal academy. In the corner, Estelle spots someone and wonders where she's seen her before? Joshua recognizes her as the woman who was with Colonel Richards in the sky bandit hideout. Sure enough Captain Amalthea recognizes us, and says the Colonel often spoke of coming to visit, but he still has his hands full at the moment. She's sure he'll be free to drop by in a while.

We can also find Lucia here, who says she came here with Clem and the other kids. Seagaro says the school's really been shaping up lately. He's only ever been to Sunday School. Edel says she's always heard stories about how she should visit the academy if she ever traveled… Deborah says this place is open today as a rest area, but they've still got the same food as usual!

Upstairs we can visit the student council room again, where Jill is going over a projected budget with Hans. They should be okay, since it's not that much. Jill spots us, and asks what's up? Are we having fun? Hans comments that the documents are all set to go. Now they just have to get the dean to approve them! Next door, Mickey says he doesn't want to have anything to do with the festival, and he'd rather spend the time relaxing. Why should he have to get roped into this crap? Dennis is holed up in the research room, grumbling and wondering what we want? We shouldn't interrupt him, he's trying to study!

Regardless of what else is going on during the festival, the story-relevant bit is that we can find Professor Alba again - he's over in the clubhouse, where he's getting a bite to eat. He's pleasantly surprised to see us here, and trusts we've been doing well? Joshua wonders if he was invited to the festival, but Alba admits he wasn't, and he's here on other business related to a new discovery he made about Sapphirl Tower. He was hoping that the academy could provide him with some useful materials. Estelle admits he's really dedicated, and Alba says he has to be - research hasn't made him wealthy, so he's fueled by pure enthusiasm! On a related note, the academy's curriculum is divided into a few courses, right? Will there be any exhibitions?

Kloe confirms that although of the three available courses to study here, only the social studies class will have an exhibition. The students are displaying the results of an independent research project. Alba says he recalls his own days as a student, and wonders where this research publication is made? Estelle guesses this is his first time at the academy, and tries to explain directions, but gets a bit lost. Kloe admits the campus is fairly littered with buildings, and offers to just take him to the classroom. Alba admits that would be helpful, but he'd hate to spoil our fun here. Estelle argues it's fine - they're not doing anything major right now! In that case, Alba is happy to be shown the way to the exhibition hall whenever we have time.

After eating all we can to get some recipes and talking to everyone, we can return to Alba at any time to take him up to the social studies classroom, which moves time forward. As we arrive, Professor Alba remarks that they certainly pulled out all the stops, haven't they? So many areas of interest, from history to economics… Alba thanks us for taking him here - this looks like smashing fun! Kloe says it was our pleasure to help, and mentions social studies is her major, so she hopes he enjoys looking around. Estelle admits she's never been good at this academics thing, while Joshua sighs and says that one of these days she'll have to get over that. Being a bracer requires knowledge in many different areas of study. Estelle gulps, while Alba laughs - he's itching to start looking around, though, so he excuses himself.

We can look around, but the only thing that's changed at the moment is that Logic has been moved into the far corner of the room so he doesn't get in the way of the cutscene of us entering. Leaving the room and heading downstairs, though, leads to a new development - the orphans have arrived! Clem calls out to Kloe, and all the orphans quickly congregate around us in the front hall of the school building. Estelle says she's glad all the kiddos could make it, and Joshua asks if they're having fun? Polly says it's awesome, and Daniel says he ate so much candy he puked… Mary mutters she told him not to be such a pig… Kloe asks where Matron Theresa is, and Clem says she's talking to some people over there…

Moments later the matron enters and greets us, thanking us very much for inviting them over today. The children and her have enjoyed the festival immensely! Clem asks Kloe when the 'play thingy' is supposed to start, and Mary says they've all been looking forward to it! Kloe tells them they'll have to wait just a little bit longer. Oh, did they know that both Estelle and Joshua are going to be in the play with her? Daniel thinks that's really cool, and Polly wonders what part Mister Joshua is going to be playing? Joshua is not sure how to put it, but Estelle tells the kids to wait and see!

Estelle asks if they're all still staying in Manoria? Theresa confirms they are, through the continued good will of the innkeepers. That said, however… Estelle wonders what she's implying, but Joshua seems to get it. He asks the kids if they want to see the costumes that'll be used in the play? There are pretty dresses and suits of armor… Mary is interested in the dresses, while Clem is all in on the armor. Joshua figures he's got their attention, and says he'll give them an exclusive sneak peek before the play even starts. The rest of the orphans want to go too, so Joshua whispers to the rest of the party that he'll be backstage, and we should come there when we're ready. With that, he and the kids set off.

Matron Theresa chuckles, and says Joshua is such a thoughtful boy. She didn't want to speak of this in front of the children, but… yes, she's chosen to accept the mayor's offer. They'll impose upon the Manorians no longer. She'll tell the children today, after the festival. Kloe understands, and thinks it's sad - but she supposed that the matron has no choice. Theresa asks Kloe not to look at her like that - Grancel is easily reachable by airship - moreover, she can look for work while she's there. If she saves enough mira, she'll be able to rebuild the orphanage someday. Estelle and Kloe are saddened by the whole affair, but the matron tells them we should go find the children. She imagines that they're a bit much for Joshua to handle on his own…

Backstage at the auditorium, we see Clem and the other kids marveling over the suits of armor - whoa, this is so cool! Clem wonders if he could wear one. Mary thinks he can't, not with how short he is. She wishes she could try on that white dress! Estelle and Kloe enter, and say they look like they're having fun. Where did Joshua go, though? Clem turns around and admits Mr. Joshua left after he brought them here. He told them to 'wait here until the girls arrive.' Estelle is worried, and Kloe wonders if something's wrong? Polly giggles and says she knows! Mr. Joshua went lookin' for the guy with silver hair.' It's the guy who helped the kids out of the fire when the orphanage burned!

Estelle is baffled at what the kids are saying, and Kloe concludes the mysterious man with the silver hair was spotted on campus, then? Polly confirms he only showed for a second, though - Mr. Joshua was sure surprised! Clem calls Polly a dummy for not telling the rest of them about any of this! Polly just says she didn't because she was eating a crepe! Estelle tells Theresa she'll be right back, and she says it's fine - and she should take Kloe with her, too. She'll take care of the kids - go! Kloe promises she'll see all the kids at the play, and Estelle promises it'll knock their socks off!

Outside, Estelle decides we should go find Joshua - she's not sure who this guy with the silver hair is, but even without meeting him he totally creeps her out. Kloe asks for just a moment, then calls over her bird, Sieg. She asks if he knows where Joshua went, and through the magic of bird telepathy she gets an answer. Estelle admits she's not sure she'll ever get tired of that. Sieg flies off towards the old school building down the back road, and Kloe suggests we follow him there to find Joshua…!

Or… we could not do that, because it's only festival day once per year, right? Let's get some more crepes before doing mandatory stuff.

In the auditorium, Janitor Parkes says it's almost time for the play to start, so they'll be calling for the performers soon. Polly mentions that Joshua went off to look for the man with the pretty hair, while Mary sighs at the sight of the dress - she'd love something like that when she grows up. Daniel can't wait for the play to start, and Clem says Polly picks up on a lot of different things… but she always makes a beeline for everything she spots. Matron Theresa wonders if we've found Joshua yet…? Outside, a kid near the auditorium heard this is where they are holding the play, right? He hopes it starts soon. Another kid wonders if it's true they'll be able to see the princess this year?

Roaming the plaza, a visitor mentions she's just got to see the play! It's been a tradition ever since she was a student here. Another says the play ought to be fun! An older lady says this academy is in a nice quiet spot, so she bets studying would get you pretty far in a place like this. A man mentions it looks like it's tough to get into this school lately. He's still kind of jealous that he doesn't get to study here. At the boys' dormitory we can spot Steward Gilbert, who says this dorm is where he spent many a day as a student. Back then there were foolish rumors flying around about a ghost.

Near the clubhouse, a few exhausted people are talking a load off - one woman mentions all this walking's starting to wear her out. Another says that she'd want to attend here, too - maybe if she studies harder than ever from now on…? A kid says he just saw some guy with black hair go running past him. Maybe he saw something interesting in that direction? Another says the displays are interesting, but she's just waiting for the play. Another says that he eats one thing, and then gets hungry for the next… Carna wonders where the fire is? What's going on? Estelle avoids mentioning what's happening and just claims it's no big deal. Carna figures that we should be sure to let her know if anything pops up!

Near the food stands we can find Captain Amalthea who chuckles and says she hasn't had candy like this since she was a kid. She wonders where this stuff was made? Argyle asks us if we want some delicious candy? It's not as sweet as us ladies, but it's still pretty good. They have every size, shape, and flavor! That's way more variety than the popcorn stand! Rex mentions he's heard the festival is a great way to loosen your purse strings. Lucia asks for some snacks, and Carla says it looks good… Felicity mentions this is the Art Club, so she figured she'd get a chance to paint some portraits, but… Well, at least she's a good cook, so she can't complain too much.

Across the way, Patrick mentions he's running the Fencing Club's ice cream shop at the moment. It's surprisingly good, and they even made special scoops just for the festival! A visitor mentions that she's pretty surprised the food is so good, given it was set up by a fencing club… Nearby, a kid says she bought some ice cream with her own money. The guy at the store gave a discount! Monika welcomes us to the popcorn shop, and asks if we would care for some gourmet popcorn? It's made from the finest ingredients!

In the main building, a visitor notes that the highest final exam grade was from one… Kloe Rinz. Wow, she and Jill must be really smart! Eletta nearby wants some juice, and Ciel suggests maybe they can just rest here in the hallway? A man in a tophat says there was a time when all of the students' displays were research papers of some kind. Times change, he guesses… Another visitor says they must have something interesting up their sleeves for this afternoon's play. He asked his daughter about it, but she wouldn't tell him any details.

In the Social Studies classroom, Mr. Ratio mentions his class has done a fine job on the festival. They really put a lot of work into this set. Purity welcomes us to the Fontana Tea House, and Alice says she'd be glad to show us to our seats. Kaden, meanwhile, says that since he's working on the coffee house, he's got to push himself! And to do that… he needs more COFFEE! This is pretty tough… Rhody says he's been involved in the club's food stand the whole time, so he didn't have a chance to get involved in the class project. He's feeling good! Liz sighs, and says the festival is just perfect. Now she wants her son to enroll here more than ever. Antonio muses that his mom is really eager for him to get in here, so he's got to really bust his butt to pass the entrance exam… Richelle says she's tending the store in the morning so he she can have fun in the afternoon.

In the front hall of the school, Duke Dunan says he heard the play starts this afternoon. He can't imagine it will come anywhere near the splendor of Grancel's theater, but this is official business after all. He supposes he will go see it. If he must. Butler Phillip says that the Jenis Royal Academy is as magnificent as he'd expected. The campus festival is quite an event!

Dean Collins says everything's been quite a big success, and he's looking forward to seeing the play. He expects it will be a big hit for the festival. Fauna says that this festival has probably their best turnout yet. Success! Though she does always worry that the people with children will lose track of them in the crowd… But so far… no fatalities! In the employee lunge, Mr. Effort says he should make his rounds soon. The students are generally well-behaved enough to not require him to hover.

Upstairs, a visitor mentions the exhibitions will soon shut down - she'd better hurry. Another says all this walking has tired her out, and maybe she should take a rest at the coffee house. Nial is up here too, and he is just confirming when the play will start - ah, and it's based on the old classic 'Madrigal of the White Magnolia', huh? Sad to say, he's not so sure that a bunch of students can pull that one off…

Another visitor notes that there's displays everywhere, and you can see the students put a lot of work into them. Another is amazed at the natural sciences class - these students have really accomplished a lot! Another visitor says the displaye were fun, and the children seem to be having a great time, while another is psyched to go to the play later.

In the Social Studies classroom, Edel sighs and says she needs a break, while Logic says that being a senior is rough - he understands the need to enjoy oneself, but at the end of the day he still needs to hand in his research results, you know? Getting good grades is paramount. Noria says schoolwork is all well and good, but she'd like for her kid to be more thoughtful, first and foremost. Portos complains that he hates these writing assignments! Professor Alba observes that we're studying hard, while Thelma says Ms. Wiola has been yawning non-stop for a while. The pretty lady even came, too…

Taylor says everyone in the social studies class is working on the research periodical. His class is either doing a tea house or a haunted house. Not such which, though, and frankly he thinks there's cross-over potential. Roy says he's too busy with classes to do much with the club, lately. They've been switching off who's supervising the club shop, so he was thinking of checking in. In his case there's a lot of people to watch, but the more enthusiastic ones have some pretty sharp questions. Ms. Wiola is really bored, and wonders how much longer it will be until the play starts. Good thing we seem like the reliable sort! Seagaro is attentively reading the placards on the wall - okay, so the economic development after the Hundred Days War hinged upon these…

In the Natural Sciences classroom, Ms. Millia wonders why her class is doing fortune-telling and games? Wiola's kids are doing something far more direct. The students in that class are impressive… though the same can't be said for the teacher. Gerome admits he's having more fun than he expected, and says he had no idea how he'd get it all done when he came up with the plans for it. Mayor Maybelle is in here, and says it's rather fun! The play is this afternoon, right? She's looking forward to it. Lila mentions she saw Joshua running off earlier, looking quite serious. Has something happened?

Reina muses that general viewing is over, so she thinks she'll go see Felicity in the shop and torture her. Uh, she meant to encourage her. Nikita wonders if her sis shouldn't be working? Is the shop gonna be okay with her?! Eva chuckles and says she found her - thought she could get away from her big sister, did she? She seems pretty close to that Gerome fellow, she's noticed. Wonder if there's anything there…

Over in the clubhouse, Jill wonders if the kids of the orphanage have gotten here? Kloe confirms they are present and accounted for, and Jill is glad. Hopefully they'll be able to forget about all this nastiness, at least for a little while. Hans asks us what was so important that Joshua actually thought it was okay to leave us two cute girls on our own?

He also mentions that once the play starts up, everyone will be locked out of this building for a while, to keep anyone from coming in and stealing anything. Deborah recalls that we're in the play, right? She's planning to go see it, and hopes it'll be good. Upstairs, Dennis is talking to a wall, and it turns out he's reciting lines from the play. He's surprised when he notices there are other people present - how long have we been there? Please don't make this out to be something that it's not…! He just doesn't want to make any mistakes and look foolish…

With our curiosity and appetite sated, it's time to head north along the abandoned path to the old schoolhouse to find our wayward Joshua. The building is the same as last time, now utterly abandoned, and you can loot the chests you may have left behind if you didn't actually do the festival quest the first time around, since the door is wide open. I wonder if it would have enemies in it if you didn't finish the quest...? Anyway, our destination is surprisingly not the weird statue I noticed earlier, but the roof to the south-east - that's where we can spot Joshua looking out over the edge, musing to himself that it's strange… He could have sworn - but it couldn't be…!

Estelle and Kloe rush up to Joshua, and the former tells him he should stop making us worry about him! She almost had a heart attack when she heard that he went chasing after some guy with silver hair! Joshua asks how we know that, and Kloe explains Polly tattled on him. Joshua acknowledges she's a pretty sharp-eyed kid, and confirms that he did follow a man matching that description out this way, but he guesses he lost him. Estelle concludes he must have been pretty talented if he managed to give Joshua the slip. Any idea who he was? Joshua admits he doesn't know, but he doesn't think it was the arsonist. He tailed the guy as long as he could…

Estelle asks why Joshua ran off on his own, and Kloe says he could have at least left a message! Joshua apologizes for worrying us, and Estelle immediately snaps back that nobody said she was worried, she was just pointing out the importance of teamwork! Kloe laughs and says Estelle is a terrible lair. Not five minutes ago she was in a total panic! Estelle insists she was not, and anyway, Kloe was pretty concerned too! Joshua just thanks both the girls. Just then the intercom goes off in the distance, calling everyone to attention - the play is starting soon, and all performers are told to hurry back. That's us! Time to get into costume! Before we leave, Estelle asks Joshua what we should do about the guy with the silver hair, and he muses that all they can really do is to let Carna know and warn her to keep an eye out.

On the way back the three do that, and then leave for the auditorium immediately after to get ready for their starring roles…

Next: A cutscene so long it's gonna take up an entire post, I think. Let's go act in a play, shall we?
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Trails in the Sky (Part 41) - Madrigal of the White Magnolia

Madrigal of the White Magnolia

It's time for the play to begin, and the whole auditorium has filled with attendees - which means a few dozen sprites, so it's not exactly spectacular, but I guess there's a couple big names there. All the chairs are in use, at least, and Duke Dunan and Mayors Maybelle and Dalmore have front row seats. Estelle takes a quick look into the auditorium and quickly ducks backstage again - wow, look at all the people! Okay, now she's getting kinda nervous. Kloe assures her that she'll be fine - this is what all the rehearsals were for. Joshua notes that once we start up, she'll forget they're even there. She's the type who can only focus on one thing at a time, anyway. Estelle is a little peeved at that description, but guesses she'll just have to focus on the boy in the dress, then. That'll be easy! Joshua seems similarly peeved at that.

Jill warns the two they can have their little spat another time. Ahem! This year's campus festival is already a big success, so we should just remember the number one rule and we'll be fine. If we're gonna puke… do it off stage!

Hans says they've done a good job of keeping the festival lively so far, so let's close it out with a real bang! Jill notes that though we have many esteemed individuals here, such as the duke and the mayor, we can't afford to be intimidated! Without further ado, the Student Council proudly presents… 'Madrigal of the White Magnolia.'

We open on Jill, the narrator, who describes the year 1100 of the Septian Calendar, one hundred years ago. Liberl was still a land of nobles and aristocrats. But commoners, too, held some power, and they were prodigious traders that grew more influential with each passing year. During this period there was much friction between the classes, and the nobles and commoners clashed often. As time went on, these clashes intensified. The intercession of the royal family and the church failed to end their squabbling… As Joshua is brought into the light, Jill mentions that the stage was set for a final conflict… A year has passed since illness stole the king from his people. Our tale begins on an early spring evening, in the rooftop garden of Grancel Castle…

Princess Cecilia: 'The street lights shine on everyone… Each bright with their own happiness. And in spite of that…'
Maid Rainey: 'Ah, here you are, Princess.'
Maid Laurel: 'Please, don't you think you should be going to bed soon, Your Royal Highness? Staying up so late can surely do you no good.'
Cecilia: 'It's all right. If I should fall ill… If that happened, then perhaps I could avoid becoming the last ember in this dying flame we call Liberl…

Rainey: 'Please, do not speak of such things!'
Laurel: 'Your Highness, you are the most exalted individual in Liberl… If you were to take a husband, you could take control of the kingdom.'
Cecilia: 'I will not marry. Despite my father's wishes, I shall not consent to it.'
Rainey: 'But why, Your Highness? You have two fine men as suitors, after all…'
Laurel: 'One is Sir Julius, of the Chivalric Order of the Imperial Guards… and the eldest son of a duke.'
Rainey: 'And Sir Oscar. Commoner though he may be, he has been recognized often in his battles against the Empire.'
Rainey & Laurel: '*sigh* Both such fine men!'
Cecilia: '...No one knows better than I the quality of their characters… Oh Oscar, Julius… How am I to choose between you?'​

In the audience, Mayor Maybelle recognizes that, oh my, Joshua is playing the role of the princess! Ha ha, she supposes that Jill has put a great deal of thought into this reverse-casting business. Lila concurs - he plays his role well, but the two maids leave much to be desired.

Ruby Knight Julius: 'Do you remember, Oscar? How we spent our boyhood days in this alley, running about and pretending our sticks were swords?'
Azure Knight Oscar: 'I could never forget, Julius. In those days, it was all so simple. With you and with Cecilia alike. I treasure that time greatly.'
Julius: 'Ha ha… I recall how stunned I was. I would always conspire to play with her in secret, only to discover another had been doing the same…'

Oscar: 'She was as lovely as the sight of the falling petals in spring… Indeed, fair Cecilia was like unto our very own sun.'
Julius: 'But her light would dim with each day that passed. The nobles and the commoners… The fury of that conflict could never have been avoided. The princess' grief is easily understandable…'
Oscar: 'Cruel fate mocks us so… for it is our very existence that has brought her such sorrow.'​

In the audience, Mary comments that we're so cool! Clem hates to admit it, but the guy kinda looks cuter than the girls…! Theresa chuckles at that but hushes the two kids and tells them to watch the show…

Duke Radmont: 'Know this, Julius. The commoners' impudence can be tolerated no longer. If they should forget their place and no longer view us as their superiors… Liberl's power structure would surely fall into ruin.'
Julius: 'If I may, Father… It has been roughly ten years since the Eastern Republic was founded. Perhaps the eventual seizing of power by the common people is inevitable in any state.'
Radmont: 'Speak not of such repulsive events! What is freedom? What is equality? What is ANYTHING, if commoners and nobles alike should cast all traditions aside? Better we should fall to our knees before the Empire's military, and concede to their will!'
Julius: 'Father!'

In the audience, Duke Dunan is pretty sloshed, and says that's a damn fine duke up there… You let the commoners get all high and mighty, and your whole society collapses… Phillip the Butler whispers to him that perhaps it would be best to keep their voices down…?

Chairman Claude: 'Oscar, I am expecting great things from you. If you can get the royal family on our side, we will have a great advantage over the nobles. And that advantage would allow us to seize power.'
Oscar: 'But, Chairman… I cannot consent to this. I could never use Cecilia for political gain.'
Claude: 'Ha ha… Always putting others before yourself, I see. Even though you now have the chance to become a king, albeit only on paper. If you would refuse, it will lead only to a bloody uprising and subsequent revolution. The royal family, and surely the nobles as well, would disappear into the shadows of history.'
Oscar: 'Chairman!'

In the audience, Mayor Dalmore thinks this is impressive - they've really done their research. He had severe doubts about this, ever since he first heard about the reverse-role gimmick. Dean Collins chuckles and says the students have all put a great deal of work into this, it seems. The young bracers have had no small hand in this, either…

Oscar: 'I do not wish bloodshed on anyone, revolution or not. I cannot simply allow Julius and Cecilia to die… As for myself… I know not what I should do.'
Drunkard: 'Oouuughhh… Uhh. S'no good… I'm gonna be sick…'
Oscar: 'Are you all right? You must have had quite a bit more than you can handle. It may be spring, but you'll surely catch your death if you sleep out here.'
Drunkard: 'Urrr… Thank you… good sir knight…'
Oscar: 'It has nothing to do with being a knight, but rather simple concern. I would have to be quite the young fool not see what I must do…'
Drunkard: 'You've got that right.'
Oscar: 'What?'​

The drunkard lashes out with a knife, and red blood leaks onto the stage - he caught Oscar in the arm!

Oscar: 'Agh! My arm…'
Assassin: 'Heh heh heh… Just a touch of anesthetic on the blade. Now, if you'll be so kind as to sit still…'

Oscar: 'Curse you, assassin! Who sent you?!'
Assassin: 'Just a noble who wants you out of the picture. He wanted it badly enough to pay me up-front - and pretty well, at that. All you need to do is die!'​

In the audience, Nial says he gets it - not bad, not bad at all! So up next, they should have… Ah, whoops. Almost got so wrapped up that he forgot about his work!

Julius: 'Long has it been since you have entered my sight, fair princess.'
Cecilia: 'Yes, Julius… It truly has. I cannot help but notice that Oscar is not with you today… Back when my father yet breathed, the both of you were oft spoken of by the maids of the court.'
Julius: 'As you well know, Your Highness, the kingdom is in the midst of a crisis most dire… And as such, he and I may never be as close as once we were.'
Cecilia: '...'
Julius: 'I confess, I come to you today to ask a favor.'
Cecilia: 'What favor would that be?'
Julius: 'That you would allow he and I… head of the Chivalric Order of the High Guard and a young general, to engage in a duel of honor. And that the victor shall be granted the great honor of becoming your husband.'
Cecilia: '!!!'​

In the audience, Captain Amalthea thinks this is quite dramatic indeed!

Jill returns to narrate, explaining that caught up in the conflict between noble and commoner, these two close friends have finally decided on a duel. The princess now realizes their determination and keeps silent. And on the day of the duel, two knights step into the Grand Arena of the royal city. Many have come to witness it… Commoner, noble, and all social castes in between. Conspicuously absent from the proceedings is the one over whom they fight: Princess Cecilia herself.

Julius: 'My friend… I fear that this was inevitable. Perhaps fate always intended for us to meet in so base a fashion. Speak, that we may both be unburdened! If nothing else, for our beloved princess!'
Oscar: 'We would cleave a path through fate with our own hands… But at this moment, my words and her smile seem lost…'
Julius: 'Has fear clutched your heart, Oscar?!'
Oscar: 'Perhaps. But what is this passion that pierces me to the quick…? As I see you with blade drawn, I feel as though I've been waiting for this moment… Before this storm by the name of revolution should claim us both, we shall let fate decide our outcome!'
Julius: 'Yes! And may the Goddess above see our spirits as they truly are! Come then, let it be done!'
Oscar: 'En guarde!'​

Julius and Oscar clash, a dramatic sword duel that weaves across the stage, back and forth with no clear victor…

Oscar: 'Impressive, Julius…'
Julius: 'I should say the same of you. But still, you seem to hesitate!'​

The duel continues, and Oscar is driven back, away from Julius' furious advance.

Julius: 'What troubles you, Oscar?! Is this the extent of your skill? Perhaps the tales of your acts of valor against the Empire were grossly overstated!'
Oscar: '.... HAAAAAH!'​

The duel commences once more, with Oscar launching a counter-attack that drives Julius back across the stage again.

Oscar: 'Well done, Julius… Magnificent swordsmanship… Gah…'
Julius: 'Oscar… your arm..!'
Oscar: 'I've had worse. 'Tis but a scratch.'
Julius: 'Neither of our blades connected with flesh. Not even a glancing blow… Your wound… was struck prior!'
Claude: 'This is a tactic most low, Duke Radmont! Was this your intention from the start?!'
Radmont: 'Ha ha ha… I'll thank you to cease slanding my good name. Are you implying that I instigated this?'
Julius: 'Father… is it true…? Did you…?'
Oscar: 'It's all right, Julius. My own inexperience has brought this about. Besides, I've received far worse on the field of battle.'
Julius: '...'
Oscar: 'I will put everything I have behind my next strike. I intend… I intend to kill you.'
Julius: 'Oscar… Very well. I will wager it all on my next strike as well. For the fair princess, and the future of the very kingdom… He whol ives, when all is said and done, will inherit the responsibility for all.'
Oscar: 'And he who dies will watch over it all, from the realm of the spirits. Such is the pride of a knight.'
Julius: '...'
Oscar: '...'
Julius & Oscar: 'YAAAAAHHH!!'​

The two knights, their blades held high, charge each other with one final warcry - and then a girl's voice cries out in horror - NOOOO!!! We see the two knights across from each other, and between them is Princess Cecilia, crumpling to the floor as she was caught in the crossfire trying to stop the fatal duel. Oscar catches her, while both knights ask her why…? And why wasn't she there to witness the duel?

Cecilia: 'Oh, Oscar… Julius… I did not wish to observe a duel between the two of you. I felt I had to find a way to put a stop to this fight. Praise Aidios that I arrived in time…'
Oscar: 'Cecilia…'
Julius: 'Princess…'
Cecilia: 'Hear me, all in attendance… Dismiss me… and set aside your differences, please. Are we not all of Liberl? And do we not love this land? There is so little that separates us from one another… If you would but take your foe's hand, surely we could find a peaceful resolution.'
Radmont: 'Y-your Royal Highness…'
Claude: 'You need say no more…'
Cecilia: 'My vision fades… But what of you two…? Will you not do as I ask?'
Julius: 'Your will be done, my princess.'
Oscar: 'At your side…'
Cecilia: 'Strange… Everything is floating… When I was young, I would sneak out of the castle, down to the alley. Oscar… Julius… you both always… had smiles for me… I love your smiles, so… please… don't ever… stop.'

With that, Cecilia perishes…

Julius: 'No… This cannot be, Princess! I'll do anything! Please, no!!'
Oscar: 'Cecilia… you…'
Rainey: 'Our poor princess…'
Laurel: 'I just don't understand why she'd do such a thing…'
Radmont: 'Our princess gave her life, that we might stop this unending dispute… Compared to that sacrifice… what a trifle is the pride of a nobleman… Had we not been fighting, it would never have come to this.'
Claude: 'Only now, when it is too late, do I see our folly… Is this the fate of all men with their spirits still shackled to their flesh? Aidios, great Goddess of the skies… we now know of your great resentment…'​

To everyone's surprise, a new voice speaks up - a woman's voice, depicted in green text… and the sky comes alight with bright light, as if from the heavens themselves…

Aidios: 'There is much that you do not yet understand, it seems… I granted you flesh, to be your vessel. But your spirits still know more of freedom and nobility… Such contempt for it lies only within you, yourselves.
Commoner: 'S-so beautiful…'
Aristocrat: 'A more beautiful voice I have never heard…'
Royal Pontiff: 'It's amazing! Aidios Herself has graced us with Her presence…!'
Julius: 'The Goddess…'
Oscar: 'Incredible…'
Aidios: 'Hear me, young knights. I have observed your contest. You are both courageous and strong… yet something vital within you is broken.'

Julius: 'It is as you say…'
Oscar: 'Our own immaturity is what invited this fate upon us…'
Aidios: 'Chairman… Has your hate for the nobles and the monarchy blinded you to the fact that we are all but men?'
Claude: '...I am ashamed.'
Aidios: 'Duke… You know your sins better than anyone else could…'
Radmont: '...'
Aidios: 'And you… all the rest of you… who have simply watched these events unfold… There is something fundamental within you that is lost as well… Strike your hand upon your breast and think well upon this… [beat] Ha ha… and it now seems that you have each remembered your hearts. As such, perhaps hope yet remains for Liberl. So long as you never forget the lessons learned this day.'
Rainey: 'Oh…'
Laurel: 'She has vanished…'​

As the light fades, Princess Cecilia stirs - alive again, by the blessing of the Goddess.

Cecilia: 'Oh, where am I…?'
Julius: 'P-princess?!'
Oscar: 'Cecilia?!'
Cecilia: 'Oh, my… Julius… Oscar… Have you both been called up to heaven, as well?'

Oscar & Julius: '...'
Royal Pontiff: 'It's… It's a genuine miracle!'​

The lights come on, and everyone rushes over…

Rainey: 'Princeeeess!'
Laurel: 'Oh, praise Aidios!'
Cecilia: 'Wha…? Why are the two of you here…? And the duke, and the chairman… So then… I'm not dead…?'
Radmont: 'Almighty Aidios! Aidios has given Liberl back its beloved!'
Claude: 'Praise her for her benevolence!'
Cecilia: 'Oscar… Julius… Ummm, what happened?'
Oscar: 'Nothing that you need concern yourself over, Cecilia… The conflict is at an end… I believe that everything will be all right.'

Julius: 'You're being naive, Oscar. We still have a duel to finish, do we not?'
Oscar: 'Julius…'
Cecilia: 'No… You still intend to fight?'
Julius: 'On the contrary… This match is concluded. And besides, this fool managed to get hit on his sword arm. But it would not do for a duel such as this to not have a clear victor. Thus it stands to reason that the man who fought with a significant handicap, yet emerged undefeated, should be regarded as the victor!'
Oscar: 'Wait, Julius!'
Julius: 'Don't misunderstand me, Oscar. I have not given up on the princess. Once you are healed, our duel will continue, but with blades of wood. Just as when we were boys.'
Oscar: 'I see… Ha ha… Very well, then. I accept your challenge.'
Cecilia: 'Have neither of you any regard for my own wishes?'
Oscar: 'Y-you are mistaken…'
Julius: 'You, My Lady, shall judge today's match. And I think it's only fair for the victor to be granted a kiss. Surely, everyone waits with bated breath for it.'
Cecilia: '...Very well.'​

Cecilia turns to Oscar and kisses him, right then and there…

Rainey: 'Eeek!'
Laurel: 'Don't they look marvelous together?'
Julius: 'Almighty Aidios, look well upon this! And may this fine day extend unto eternity!'

Radmont: 'Eternal peace to Liberl!'
Claude: 'Eternal Glory to Liberl!'
As the play ends, we see a figure with silver hair watching from the back of the room. He says that it was quite the grand finale… But no matter…

The curtain quite literally falls on 'Madrigal of the White Magnolia', to grand fanfare and acclaim (and yeah, I did really enjoy this entire segment. Somehow these dramatic plays or operas or whatever just work in JRPGs, don't they?) With the play's conclusion, an announcement goes out that the campus festival has come to its end. The crowd begins to disperse and leave the campus, each person wearing a look of contentment. Backstage we see Jill cheering that that was brilliant, brilliant! That was one fine play, if the director is allowed to say so! Kloe says that at first she thought people would make fun of them with the roles switched around, but she's glad they took it seriously.

Joshua says the costumes worked out pretty well. He wouldn't want to have to wear his again, though. Corsets are like some form of torture… Hans says he's not kidding - well, it was all for a good cause! Just wait until he sees how many pictures the Photography Club took… The ones of Joshua ought to be particularly popular. Joshua tells him to give it a rest, but Jill figures the ones of Estelle and Kloe won't drive people away either. Guys always go nuts over junior girls - they're really going to rake in the mira! Uh, the proceeds will go to a good cause, of course!

Estelle is blushing, so Joshua asks her what's wrong? Estelle just goes 'huh, what where?!' What are they talking about? Joshua says it wasn't anything important, really. He notes that she's been spacing out ever since the play finished, so is she really okay? Hans figures that fight scene was pretty hard work, so it's no surprise that she's tired. Jill wonders if she feels sick? They could take her to the nurse's office. Estelle assures everyone she's fine - she deals with fatigue every day as a bracer. She's just trying to get her head back in order, that's all… Kloe asks if she doesn't mean…? Estelle seems to know what she's saying, and says it's nothing like that at all! Agh, she promises she's perfectly alright! Joshua is openly baffled.

Matron Theresa arrives and hopes she's not interrupting - she's brought the kids! All the orphans rush into the room, and Clem tells Kloe that Oscar was so cool! He wants to be that cool when he grows up! Kloe thanks him for the compliment. Mary tells Miss Estelle she was really great too, and sighs at the thought of Julius. Estelle blushes again - hey now, Mary… Polly dealers that Joshua was sooo cute! Daniel agrees that he couldn't stop looking, and Joshua hesitantly thanks them…? Theresa assures us it was great fun for them all. A play about love and friendship buffeted by the winds of a tumultuous era… it was so moving! The fight scene was intense, and though one could only expect it to end in tragedy, it has such a heart-warming conclusion! She thought it was splendid.

Jill says with praise like that, she'd have to say it was worth the effort. She turns to Hans, who perks up - oh, right. Almost forgot! Estelle wonders what's up, but Jill assures her it's nothing bad, don't worry. She'll be right back, so just… keep doing what we're doing! Estelle is a bit confused, and Theresa recalls the two who ran off were Jill and Hans, right? Kloe's friends are on the student council, then? She confirms that, and says they were in charge of the production of the play. Theresa figures she should thank them, then, as the children will have many fond memories of Ruan. Kloe and Joshua look sad at that, and Theresa says she made up her mind - she'll tell the kids her decision when they return to Manoria. Tomorrow they'll take the first steps.

Estelle wonders if it should really be so soon…? Clem just wonders what the grown-ups are talking about, but Mary tells him not to listen in. Theresa says it's okay - but she thinks they should probably return to the inn for now. They can have dinner there, and then continue the discussion. Clem agrees, still confused, while the matron tells us that she's afraid she has to take her leave - but she thanks us for today, as it was a lovely play. Estelle tells her to hold on a second - Jill's coming back any moment, and she'll probably want to say goodbye before they go…

Right at that moment Jill and Hans return - with Dean Collins! He says it's a pleasure to see Matron Theresa again, and must apologize for not coming by earlier to thank her for taking the time to visit. Theresa says he needn't thank her - the festival was magnificent, and she's grateful for the invitation. Collins agrees the students were magnificent, weren't they? Kloe told him about her current situation, and it's truly dreadful. He was trying to think of a way that they could help… He turns to Jill, and she offers a bulky envelope to Matron Theresa, sealed with the academy's crest. She explains that they took up a collection for the orphanage - in that envelope is one million mira to help rebuild the orphanage.

Everyone is shocked - a million? That's impressive! Theresa wonders how, and Collins explains that they have the duke, as well as the mayor of Bose… so there are some celebrities here. Thanks to them, they were able to collect far more than they would have, otherwise. Theresa immediately says no - she can't accept this! Hans doesn't see why not? The festival collects donations for charity every year. Jill notes that people donated specifically to help rebuild the orphanage! Theresa hesitates and says it's too much.

Kloe asks her to accept it. She knows the matron is overwhelmed, but she should think about it. With that much mira the rebuilding could start, and she wouldn't need to go to Grancel. She wouldn't have to give up the herb garden… Dean Collins confirms that Kloe speaks the truth, and muses that Joseph would want her to accept this… for the children. She needn't focus on the mount, just what can be done with it. Theresa finally admits he's right, and is not sure how to show her appreciation. She begins crying as she thanks us all so very much… Estelle begins sniffling too, since that's awesome. Joshua figures that should settle that. Clem is not sure what this 'going to Grancel' thing is about - did something happen? The matron tells him there's no need to worry - they've all been through so much. Clem wonders why, if it's not such a big deal, she is crying…? Mary tells him he shouldn't be silly - those are happy tears!

After the matron and the children leave to return to Manoria, Estelle and Joshua join the other students in cleaning up after the festival. By the time everything is done, the day has given way to evening… and it's time to head back to town, and to our actual jobs. Vacation is over!

Next: Incompetence and incredulity among some bracers, and incentivizing setting poor priorities among others.
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Trails in the Sky (Part 42) - An Embarrassment of Bracers

An Embarrassment of Bracers

At the gate of the school, Jill says they had everything set up for us to be able to stay. The festival just ended and everything… Estelle apologizes, but we can't stick around - since we're still apprentices, we can't go too long without checking in at the guild. Joshua says we'd like to give our report before the day's out, if we can. They'll have to excuse us… Hans figures that means he's on his own tonight. It sure is going to be lonely in bed without Joshua!

Estelle spit-takes and screams 'WHAT?!' while Joshua asks Hans to please give the tasteless jokes a rest already…? He tells Estelle not to listen to Hans, and she sputters that, oh, it was a joke - ha ha… Jill says it's never boring with us around, she'll give us that much! Hopefully we'll get the chance to come see them again. Hans agrees that he hopes we'll stay a few days - and nights. Estelle says that, er, sure - we will. Thanks. Kloe says we should get going - we'll lose the daylight if we don't hurry. Jill guesses she's headed for Manoria, and Kloe confirms that there's a lot she wants to talk to the matron about. She said it would be all right for her to stay over at the inn with her and the kids tonight. Jill hates she won't be here after the festival, but what can you do…? Hope she has a good time!

Hans muses that something bugs him about the matron and those kids - isn't it kind of risky for them to be carrying around that much money? Estelle tells him not to worry - one of the other bracers escorted the whole lot back to the village - her name is Carna. Joshua adds that the dean apparently made a special request, and Hans comments that Collins never misses a beat! Jill tells us to stay healthy, and here's to hoping we do great with our bracer studies! EShe can count on it according to Estelle, and Joshua wishes them the best of luck as well.

The three of us head down the forest trail towards town again, and Estelle says they only had a few days at the academy, but it was great fun! Well, other than class, anyway… Joshua wonders what she's talking about? Normally students spend most of their time attending classes. The school festival may have been fun, but it was just a special event. Estelle admits he's right, and figures being a student is tougher than she thought. Kloe laughs, before suddenly pausing. The others ask what's wrong, and she says it's nothing - it's just that she can't sense Sieg nearby. Wonder where he went…? Estelle guesses he may be looking for dinner, and Kloe goes with it. Sorry, she's just being silly. She asks to accompany us as far as the coastal road - from there we can split off towards Ruan City, while she heads for Manoria in the other direction.

First, though, let's backtrack a little…

Outside, Janitor Parkes thanks us for our help - they're finally done! He's still got a bit of cleaning up to do, though. In the main building, Fauna says the festival was a huge success, but she always worries people will lose their kids in the crowds… In his office, Dean Collins says they're greatly indebted to us for our help. He saw the play, and he thought it was magnificent! Joshua's portrayal of Princess Cecilia was particularly memorable, he thought. If we have the chance, he hopes we will come back to the school. At any rate, he's just glad that we were able to come to Matron Theresa's aid. This whole arson affair has simply been too much for her.

In the clubhouse, Deborah says he got to see the play earlier, and we did a really great job. To thank us all for our hard work on it, she asks us to take a gift from her - it's not much, but we might find some use for it. She cooked us a vegetable sandwich! (I think it's only one of two in the game, for getting the recipe?)

The motherload of people, though, are still in the auditorium - most of the audience is still there, spread around the dancefloor now that all the seats have been removed. Mickey says the festival is over, right? So why is everyone making so much noise? He wants to go home already… Mr. Effort says he's just glad that everything concluded without incident. Tomorrow the kids are going to have to work harder than ever at their lessons. Mr. Ratio says a lot of the teachers and students are really grateful to us. This year's festival was truly something that the royal academy can boast about. Ms. Viola thanks us all. She'd love to kick back with a good, stiff drink. Aidios knows she needs it after seeing Mr. Effort trying on that princess costume… When they're done here, she thinks she might hit town with Ms. Millia. Ms. Milia says we did a fantastic job - good enough for her to give us an 'A'!

Felicity says that it's because of Reina that she practically worked herself to death! She should send her off to the old man, or someone equally scary! Reina says she's honored by her kind words. Felicity knows she only pushed her because she knew she could handle it, right? And that it would make her a better person! What's with the sigh? If she needs someone to talk to, Felicity knows she's here for her… Felicity asks someone to shoot her, please. Reina laughs - she does love torturing Felicity… Nikita complains that Gerome is goofing off again, but Gerome just says he's beat, and he can't wait to get home and sleep. Dennis wonders if it's okay to take a break from studying for the day? It just had a tendency to pile up.

Patrick says the play was great, and thanks us all for our help. Thelma says there's nothing quite like participating in a big event - the important thing is to be there for everyone else. Monika says that was the best! She thinks the festival is enjoyable because it only happens once a year, and everyone puts so much work into it. If they tried to keep up that pace throughout the year, they'd all get seriously burnt out. Argyle says everything turned out okay. Darn. He was really hoping for a tragic ending… Richelle says the play and the ice cream shop were big hits, and she's so happy! Roy agrees the ice cream shop was super popular. He had no idea people would love the Pom-shaped scoops so much! He's glad the little kids had fun, too…

Logic remarks that he looks forward to going back home to Ruan… but days like today make the wait easier. Jill didn't know we were still here, and wonders why we didn't go back to Ruan like we said…? We're more than welcome to join in, though. Hans guesses we're planning to participate in the launch? The teachers are paying for all of it, so we might as well pinch 'em for what they're worth! Heh.

Kaden says he feels like they've really accomplished something today. He had the most fun while they were still setting up. Alice just giggles and says she loves launch parties! Taylor says she's been so busy lately, but she managed to pull it all off. She feels pretty good about it. Purity says they really didn't have much time, but barely squeaked by. All the guests seemed to enjoy it, though, so she had fun. Rhody declares that's a launch, folks! Time to party like it's 1499!

After saying our farewells at the school, we head back to the road and say our goodbyes to Kloe as well. She thanks us for the last few days, and Estelle says it was no problem - it's been fun! She should take care, and say hi to Matron Theresa and the kids for us. Kloe promises she will!

Just as she goes to leave, though, a man comes rushing down the road from the direction of Manoria and screeches to a halt in front of us, breathing heavily. Joshua recognizes him from Manoria, and Zack regains his breath just enough to confirm that we're bracers, right? There's big trouble! Estelle asks what happened, and Zack asks her to hang on a second while he catches his breath. After a few deep breaths, he explains that someone attacked Matron Theresa and the kids near Manoria!

Estelle is furious, while Kloe just whimpers 'No…' before crumpling to her knees. Estelle quickly rushes over to her and asks if she's alright, and Joshua tells Kloe to keep her cool - this is no time to go fainting on us. Kloe apologizes, then asks Zack to tell us whatever he can. Zack says that apparently they were assaulted by some strange group on the way back from the campus festival. The kids are okay, but Matron Theresa and the bracer lady that was with them both got knocked out. Estelle is amazed - they got Carna? No way! Joshua concludes these must have been highly trained people, then.

Zack explains that he would have contacted the guild, but communications are down at the inn. He didn't have much of a choice but to run all this way! Joshua thanks him for his help, and asks him to continue on to Ruan if he can manage it? We'll hurry to Magnolia in the meantime. Zack readily agrees and runs off. Joshua turns to Estelle and says we should go - there's no time to lose, and Kloe is in full agreement.

Which is, of course, when we head south instead and walk to town. Because this is actually required for a missable. The devs are cruel.

Sitting on the bridge as usual, Matilda says that settles it - she's going to have to give us this book. What do we mean, 'Why?' Because life is full of contradictions. The light from the sunset hurts her eyes.. We receive Carnelia - Chapter 5 from her.

[Carnelia - Chapter 5] - Emissary of the Sabbath
I sat staring at a partially-melted lump of butter on a stack of cold pancakes. Picking up a fork, I poked at them, and after turning the top one over, I daubed the milky yellow substance between the rubbery layers. In doing so, my interest in what sat atop my plate faded to nil.

A hanging lamp dangled overhead, making a sporadic buzzing sound as its honey-coloured light flickered, creating jittery shadows and distorting my vision within the inn. The pouring rain outside didn't appear as if it would let up anytime soon, either.

Bringing my face closer to the window, I peered through my film of water flowing down the outside of the glass as I tried to make out the dimly lit avenue. Although the station house sat right at the end of the road from where we were lodged, all that was visible was the side of the structure obscured by a shadow which prevented me from being able to see the platform.

'There's nothing to be worried about,' said Sister Carnelia as she returned wiping her hands with a handkerchief as white as the newly driven snow.

Stretching the square strip of cloth out, she sat down and placed it neatly on her lap like a napkin. Then, in a reassuring tone, she added, 'We've seen the last of them for a while.'

Watching the tips of her fingers move as she smoothed out the wrinkles in the piece of fabric resting on her legs, I was hit with a sudden flashback, reviving the awful sight and coppery scent of the sticky blood which had covered those hands not more than a few hours before.

'How can you be so certain?' I asked, still having more than a few reservations.

'Because that's how these types of crime syndicates work,' she replied, clearly seeming to know all the answers.

The waiter came and set a plate in front of Sister Carnelia with a soft clink as the base of the glassy dish tapped lightly against the hard surface of the table. After scooting the meat-laden porcelain plate closer to her, she licked off the sauce now covering the tips of her fingers in an almost sensual way. Sickened by the bloody image already in my mind and now the sauce, I tossed my fork aside and leaned heavily back in my chair.

The city outside began to fade into shades of gray and by the time Sister Carnelia was finished tucking away her steak, it had completely sunk into the darkness of night.

I questioned her again, 'How can you be so certain that no one will come after us?'

Using a piece of black-crusted bread to wipe up the last drops of sauce, she answered, 'Because that's how they function. One unit consists of three people.'

Then, as if remembering something else important, she added, 'That group that was after you. They're a jaeger corps.'

Upon hearing this, I recalled seeing some of those men at the landing port some time ago. Only the most renowned and killed of mercenary groups have the honour of calling themselves a jaeger corps. Or at least, that's what Micht had told me about them. They were soldiers of fortune who were said to relentlessly follow the flow of mira wherever that happened to lead, and they would stop at nothing to get at it, even if it meant spilling blood.

'War hawks, mercenaries without borders, and a group never to get involved with,' is what Micht often had a habit of saying about them.

Instinctively, I slid my foot forward and checked the location of my bag with the tip of it.

'It's quite simple, really,' Sister Carnelia explained as she reached for her dessert. 'You, Toby, are carrying something that's apparently got a lot of people on edge. And someone's hired a jaeger corps to take you out.'

'But it's not me they're after. It's what I'm carrying.'

'It's all the same,' she retorted as she gulped down her cup of tea in a single breath.

'They're going to kill the courier before they even think about searching the contents of his bag. A butcher kills a cow before someone grills the steak, not the other way around.'

Lecturing me all the while, Sister Carnelia took a glossy tallow-handled knife in hand and sliced it into her apple pie. The powdered sugar sprinkled on the flaky curst danced under the golden light.

I felt a stabbing pain of guilt race through me, just above my gut. Unexpectedly, I began to think about Micht could be doing at the moment, but my shot period of rumination was cut shot when I saw Sister Carnelia's hand stop cold.

Glaring into the darkness, eyes focused and intent like a hunting dog's she tossed something shiny onto the table and eventually rose to her feet.

There it was, my orbment.

'Where are you going?'

Without pausing to answer my question, Sister Carnelia expeditiously fastened the buckle of her coat.

'You've got good taste, Toby.'

One at a time she set her heels on the chair and tightening her boot laces.

'Using the full capabilities of that orbment is no small feat. I think even most bracers would be in for a real surprise if push came to shove with you in the ring.'

Growing ever more impatient, I asked again, 'So where is it exactly that you're going?'

'That's none of your concern,' came the answer. 'Suffice it to say, I will be seeing you again on the morrow.' And with that, Sister Carnelia disappeared through the door of the women's restroom.

As if exchanging places, two other men entered the restaurant. They walked directly to the table at which I sat and stood before me.

Flashing the emblem on his chest and without making any sort of eye contact, one of the men said, 'We're with the Bracer Guild. I apologize for disturbing you in the middle of your evening meal, but you'll need to come with us.'
Source: [Carnelia - Chapter 5] - Emissary of the Sabbath

Eva says she had a good time at her little sister's campus festival. She doesn't think she really wanted her to come checking on her, but… What kind of big sister would she be if she didn't look out for her, now? Phew! She really cleaned up at the game stalls. Just what is she going to do with all these Pom plushies she won?

Lytton just got back from the festival at his son's school too, and says it was an excellent break from work, and his daughter had a great time as well. Ciel says the play was really amazing - and what's more amazing is how they got that boy into a dress! She does kind of wish her son could have been in it… She's sure he would have made a great princess! Oh well, it'd be hard to find a corset his size, anyway. Eletta says she went to her brother's school and saw lots of stalls and the play was fun. She went to see her brother, but he got all embarrassed…

Renzo says that his wife strong-armed him into going to visit that place, but he has to admit that it seemed like a nice place to attend. He wouldn't mind eventually sending his kid there. If you're going to pursue a higher education, the Royal Academy isn't a bad place. Liz says she went to check out the academy, and it was just what you'd expect from such a famous school. She heard about the festival, but she was impressed with just how much thought went into it! She really wants to have Antonio get into that school - they just have such charming uniforms! Antonio says he didn't really go to check out the usual class routine, but he likes the feel of the place.

Near the church we can find Sylvie, who says the bridge here is just as impressive as she'd heard. So romantic… Legaro mentions a duke came to Ruan today, and he was really impressed with how composed and dignified he was. And to manage such poise with a bowl-cut like that! Incredible!

Father Theodore is glad the day is finally over - and as usual, the congregation was packed full with tourists. The mayor seems quite happy, but he can't shake the feeling that something isn't right… Sister Frieda says today's evening Mass was a success, but the head of the church seems a little tired…

At his shop, O'Neil says that even now his sailor's blood still stirs whenever he gets a look at the ocean. Nowadays, though, all the ships seem to be orbment-powered. He's sure it makes everything easier, but where's the effort? Where's the passion? Hmpf. Maybe he's just too old. At the restaurant, Nial says that this means he's got all the info he needs! This could be the scoop of a lifetime - now he just needs to get solid proof. Primo wonders when the remodeling upstairs is going to be done? A lot of traders come here specifically for the purpose of going to the casino. If they don't reopen soon, their sign outside will be a lie! Spiridon says the renovations are gradually coming along, and he looks forward to reopening…

In the streets, Ruvie mentions it's so late already - she should go home and get dinner started. Atget says she played a lot today! Tobias at the orbal factory says it's good that Mayor Dalmore has expanded tourism, but he's had to resort to coercing the ones that are against it. He just hopes everyone can come to an agreement. Here's hoping that tourism drives off the Ravens! Don't we agree that a gang like that is bad for a place's image?

Near the lighthouse, Edel says our play was a masterpiece - she had her doubts about casting the boys as girls and vice versa, but it gradually drew her in. Seagaro wasn't sure about the festival to begin with, but it turned out quite enjoyable. The food was really good, and not even overpriced! Percy the fisherman, meanwhile, just says no matter how good a fisherman you are, if they ain't bitin'... they just ain't bitin'.

At the hotel, Ernest says it seems that Duke Dunan is also visiting Ruan, and by all appearances he really likes it around here. Phew… Murray mentions the water is very mysterious… Any time you look at it, it always makes your face look different. In all his years, he's never gotten tired of it. In one of the hotel rooms, Simon says that hmmm, let's see, they have to get packed to go back to Bose soon…

At the Bracer's Guild, we can find Zack huffing and puffing from running here - trying to run all the way from Manoria without a break is exhausting…! Jean says that the director has already filled him in. Melvin has left on an assignment, but unfortunately Agate hasn't reported in yet. He knows we just finished up our business at the academy, but he needs us to go to Manoria as quickly as possible. Estelle assures him we'll get right on that - he doesn't have to persuade us! Joshua is worried about Carna…

Anyway, at the Landing Dock, Edwin says that back when this place was still in the planning stages, there was a lot of arguing about whether it should be in the north or south block. Since the north block has so many shops and tourist attractions, it initially seemed to be the obvious choice. On the other hand, the south block has the main city gates, but a lot of delinquent-types tend to hang out here. Todd says heis brother isn't here - he's off on some business trip. Samario mentions they may not have a maintenance chief, but that doesn't mean they can just leave it to die on them. They have to check things over more carefully than usual!

With our totally super-important business in town handled, we head towards Manoria Village - and run straight into a familiar enemy. In a similar place to where we last fought him when we headed towards Ruan City, that nasty Jabba has returned for revenge - and he brought a posse with him!

[Boss: Jabba x3, Crocodark x2, Stove Plant x2, Corn Mover]

This is essentially just a 'throw every enemy in the area at you all at once' fight, but that also means we know how to deal with them. Like before, the Crocodarks are hilariously slow, and the plants can confuse you. The Corn Mover can poison, and the Jabbas are just annoying and can gang up on someone. White Gehenna AOE's are a must here, and there's some items to negate those status effects to avoid the annoying possibilities of the fight. After finishing them off with relative ease, it turns out this is actually a mandatory sidequest - turning it in gets us a cool 2000 mira and 5 BP.

With that distraction taken care of, it's time to head for Manoria Village for real - and promptly ignore the people we're there to check up on, because talking to everyone else first is clearly a greater priority. Being a completionist in this game makes you seem like a complete lunatic, heh.

Creda laments that the children don't even have families, and to do this to them is just horrible… How can Aidios allow these things to happen? Sadie is aghast - Matron Theresa was injured in a mugging?! Almighty Aidios, what are they to do? She asks us bracers to catch whoever did this.

Solomon heard about the mugging too, and wonders if it was the same people that set the fire at the orphanage too? What in the world can they hope to gain besides the wrath of Aidios? Those kids have done nothing to deserve this! Elder Serge says he heard what happened. For such violence to be incurred not just once, but twice over… A case like this pains him greatly.

Amelia heard that all the kids were crying when they came back - that bothers her. What happened? Also, she wonders where Zack went off to…? At the inn, Alvin is horrified when he hears the kids were mugged. What the hell? When does it stop! Shelby wonders if the muggers and arsonists are the same people… There are some things that no sane person could ever do, and it makes her so angry! Rex says that if we're looking for the matron, she's resting upstairs. First the arson, now the mugging… poor kids. Upstairs, Lucia says all the orphans have been crying ever since they got back… Why? Why would anyone pick on them like that?

As we enter the room at the inn that houses the orphans, Clem and the rest of the orphans rush over to Kloe and burst into tears. It was so scary! Estelle is glad to see they're all safe!

Joshua asks after the others - how are Matron Theresa and Carna? Carla, the woman who runs the inn, says we shouldn't hurry - they're not hurt. They haven't woken up, though, which has her a little worried. Joshua asks for permission to see them, then walks over to inspect both unconscious figures. There's no doubt about it - someone used sleeping powder. There's still a faint hint of it in the air. It's probably the kind without side effects, so there's no real need for concern…

Estelle considers this for a moment, then asks Clem to tell us what happened. Clem is silent, so Mary offers to explain instead. They were walking along the coast road with the bracer lady when these strange guys in masks showed up out of nowhere. The bracer lady fought them for a while, but they surrounded her! She fought them to save the kids and Matron Theresa, that's why… Estelle says that must have been so scary, and tries to comfort the girl. Clem adds that the masked men took an envelope from the matron, and he really wanted to get it back. He looks at Joshua in tears and admits he couldn't help her. Joshua tells him not to think that way - he knows the matron would just be happy all of the orphans are safe. He mustn't blame himself! The kids just burst into tears again…

Estelle angrily snarls that she can't believe this! Who would do such a thing?! Kloe muses that whoever it is, they must certainly be skilled at hiding their presence. After all, Carna wasn't alerted, and Matron Theresa is unconscious… she's got the feeling that this was very deliberate. She'd say the criminals were probably targeting the donations that Matron Theresa had on her. If we find the money, we find the culprit. Joshua thinks she's right, and Estelle observes that Kloe seems a little calmer than earlier… Kloe confirms that in order to help the matron and the kids, she must compose herself. Regardless, we must find who did this as soon as possible!

'She's right, you know,' a man's voice speaks from just outside. Everyone turns to the door in surprise, just as that red-headed ass, Agate, enters. He explains that he heard what was going on at the guild. Looks like we've gotten wrapped up in one hell of a mess! Estelle tells him not to make light of the situation - Carna got hurt too! Agate says he knows that, and tells Estelle to quit her yapping. Carna is no amateur, and it'd take someone pretty skilled to beat her. He asks us to give him a quick rundown of what's been going on here? Joshua figures we might as well, and quickly relay everything about the donations for the orphanage. Agate concludes that there's definitely something weird going on here. Here's the thing… You know that Raven gang that was hanging out in the warehouse earlier? They're all gone - the warehouse is empty.

Estelle processes that for a moment, and concludes they must be the ones who assaulted the matron! Joshua is not so sure about that, as he really doubts they'd have what it takes to get the upper hand on Carna. Estelle admits he has a point - they talk a big game, but she doesn't think they could really back it up. Agate agrees that if you give them a single hard look, they shut right up. Still, today they're suddenly nowhere to be found. Couple that with the little incident with the matron, and what do you get? Like he said, there's something weird going on.

Joshua muses that even if the Ravens are not directly responsible for the fire, he does feel like they're involved somehow. Agate agrees, but this isn't the time to go checking that out. He asks us greenhorns to come along, and Estelle wonders what he's talking about? Where are we going? Agate wonders if she's slow in the head or something? Obviously we're going to the seaside path where the crime happened! How those idiots managed it doesn't matter right now, we just have to focus on finding some clues as to where they are! Estelle and Joshua agree that makes sense, and we set out to track down the culprits…

When we get outside, it's already dark - Estelle is surprised, and wonders how'd it get so late? Agate says it's not good - how are we supposed to search in the dark? There's a sudden screeching noise, which confuses Agate, but we already know that's the cry of Kloe's bird, Sieg. Kloe asks him where he's been, and Estelle explains to an utterly baffled Agate that it's Kloe's gyrfalcon companion. Agate figures as long as it's friendly, it's fine… As Kloe and her bird exchange a few words and screeches, Agate admits he's now seen everything! Kloe explains that her bird conveyed the whereabouts of the ruffians who assaulted Theresa - it seems Sieg saw the attack!

Agate chuckles nervously at the 'joke', but when the rest of us accept it as fact, he gets rather irritated. Kloe explains that she can communicate with the bird, which Agate doesn't believe at all! Joshua points out that we've already seen them do it a few times. Estelle figures that if he doesn't believe it, he doesn't have to come along. Kloe asks the bird to lead the way, and everyone rushes away from Agate, who asks them to wait up! As they rush down the path out of town, Agate admits the animal does seem to be homing in on something, but… c'mon, are we really following that thing? If this is our idea of a joke, it's not funny! Kloe assures him she wouldn't joke at a time like this, and Agate reluctantly accepts the explanation - he thought she was yanking his chain, but he'll tag along… Estelle tells him to say what he really thinks, sheesh…

Joshua says that all that aside, we need to get going after Sieg! With that we're left just north of Manoria Village, with our only real indication of where we're going that it's somewhere to the north. At this point we also get a new party member - Agate Crosner joins our party!

Obviously he wields greatswords, and he has 'Wild Rage' and 'Flame Smash' crafts, as well as an S-Craft called 'Beat Down.' Basically, he beats shit up. We'll get to that hobby next time!

Next: Time to chase Sieg to find the baddies, and take them down once and for all! Is it the Ravens after all? Who is pulling the strings? We're closing in on this chapter's finale.
Trails in the Sky (Part 43) - Curse Your Sudden and Predictable Betrayal

Curse Your Sudden and Predictable Betrayal

Last time, we were tasked to chase down Sieg and find out who mugged Matron Theresa and her bracer escort. Before heading out there, though…

Amelia mentions that Zack went to the Bracer Guild to tell them what he knows. Now he's back, and helping out at the inn. He's a good brother, always dependable when the chips are down. At the mill, Solomon says he was thinking he could at least get the children something to eat. Carla asked him to fetch her some ingredients to make them a hearty meal. Zack wonders if we found out the criminals' identities? They can't let anyone who would do something like this get away! We should make sure to catch them and show them the error of their ways… as politely as we can with our preferred weapon of choice.

Elder Serge says they simply cannot allow an atrocity like this to pass. All of the villagers are willing to help. We should catch whoever did this… for the children's sakes. At the inn, Alvin mentions the matron and kids are sleeping here, and he'll keep watch over them. We should find the scum that did this so they can all relax again! Shelby doesn't know if they can do much to help, but we should say the word and they'll be there for us. Carla wonders how this could have happened? She won't stand for this. Rex warns it's already pitch-black out there, so we should be careful on our way back. Lucia hopes she can cheer everyone up…

Upstairs, Daniel is coughing and sniffling at the bedsides of Theresa and Carna. Clem tells Mr. Joshua that he hopes to grow up to be as strong as him, someday. Polly says the matron's gonna be okay, right? Mary notes that everyone seems to have finally calmed down a little bit… Now if the matron could only wake up… Both Matron Theresa and Carna are still sleeping peacefully, however. Sadie mentions that once the store is cleaned up, she was thinking of going to check on the kids. Creda says her store is closed - but perhaps she could bring the children a treat?

As we reach the split in the road just north of Manoria Village, we can see Sieg take a left towards the lighthouse - Joshua thinks it seems a good location to check out. As we approach, we can see the lighthouse is actually on at the moment.

Agate introduces the place as Varenne Lighthouse, belonging to the city of Ruan, because technically this could be the first time you ever see this place if you ignore all sidequests and never explore. He recalls that there's a man who lives here alone… Kloe says this seems to be the place - she's almost positive that the ones who attacked Matron Theresa and the children are here in this building. Joshua concludes that there's a high chance that the perpetrators have taken over the lighthouse. Estelle notes that from the looks of it, there's only one entrance - all that's left to do is to check it out for ourselves…

As Kloe volunteers to help, Agate tells her to hold on a minute… Kloe insists she wants to see the truth with her own eyes. She wants to know why someone would do such a horrible thing like that… She asks to be taken along. Agate admits he can see where she's coming from, but… Estelle tells him not to be all stingy now - the only reason we even know about this place to begin with is because of Kloe. Joshua guarantees that Kloe can handle herself, too. He won't have to worry about her getting in the way. Kloe is touched by the support, while Agate decides that fine, we can have our way on this one. He just hopes we remember that these guys are the ones who put Carna out of commission. We shouldn't let down our guard! Kloe says she'll keep that in mind… Let's get started!

As we enter the front door of the lighthouse, we immediately spot a few familiar faces - it's the Ravens! Or three of them, at any rate. Estelle calls out that it's these guys again?! Kloe recognizes them too, and Agate swears that if he wasn't looking at them with his own eyes, he'd never believe it. He steps out and yells at the three, asking them what the hell they're doing here? The three turn to him, their eyes blank and emotionless. Suddenly one of them, Deen, lunges at Agate with a knife, who only narrowly blocks with his sword - but he's having trouble. Where are they getting this strength from…?! He curses at Deen, but he doesn't respond, and the other two Ravens now also pull their knives. Agate thinks this is just perfect - he doesn't know what kind of drugs they're smoking, but if he has to beat some sense back into them, he will!

[Boss: Deen, Raven Gang Member*2]

These dudes leveled up since we last saw them - Deen's got almost 3000 HP now! They use similar moves as the last time we fought them, when Kloe first joined the battle - to counteract that big health pool, we have Heavy Blade Agate as backup. Deen is a nuisance, since he keeps buffing, healing, and reviving the rando gang members that support him. Still, some AOE attacks combined with a few crafts are good enough to pass them by, assuming you've been keeping your quartz properly aligned. With four people, you can also pretty easily pen people in at this point. After a few rounds they'll go down for good…

After the battle, Estelle says she can't believe it - these guys are a hundred times stronger than when we dealt with them at the warehouse! Kloe agrees that they appear to be acting rather strange, and she wonders what's going on. Agate concludes that it looks like they're being controlled by someone. Joshua agrees, and suspects it's some sort of special hypnotic induction using a combination of drugs and suggestion. This allows the person controlling them to draw out their maximum physical potential… Estelle wonders if someone could really do that?! Agate says that of course they can - but they'd need to be pretty skilled to even attempt it. He can think of only one group that could pull off something like this… Kloe asks if he knows who's responsible, and Agate admits that he may know, but there's no time to talk about it now. Let's head upstairs! The real perpetrators should be up there! Estelle is pumped - let's go!

On the next floor, we discover a familiar pattern - Rais meets us alongside two flunkies. Here they come again… Joshua says it looks like we don't have any choice but to put them down the hard way.

[Boss: Rais, Raven Gang Member*2]

This is exactly the same fight as last time. Seriously, it's identical - they switched out the leader, but I don't think he fights any differently. After repeating the same strategy to take them out, we head up another floor and we meet another trio of enemies. Rinse and repeat. Kloe says she really doesn't want to fight with anyone being controlled, but… Agate just warns her this isn't the time to be holding back. We don't need to kill them, just knock them out! (Don't those kind of contradict?)

[Boss: Rocco, Raven Gang Member*2]

After finishing this battle a third time in a row, we head up one final staircase - but Estelle pauses on the way up to listen in. We see Vogt sitting on the floor next to a table, while two familiar figures in masks - those Ascian-esque dudes from the lakeside meeting - meet with another familiar figure. Isn't that…?

Sure enough, a suddenly rather more malicious-looking Stewart Gilbert chuckles to himself and tells the masked men that they did their job well. Now they'll be able to blame this mess on those punks and everything will work out perfectly! One of the black-clad men concludes that Gilbert's satisfied with their work, then? Gilbert agrees they handled matters nicely. Just to make sure, though, they haven't left any incriminating evidence, right? The black-clad man says he's got nothing to worry about. Even when those fools regain their senses, they won't remember a thing… The lighthouse keeper shouldn't wake up until morning either.

Gilbert is relieved to hear that. With this, he believes, the matron of that orphanage should give up her dreams of rebuilding it… This series of incidents along with the arson will end up looking like the work of those lowlifes. They can get two birds with one stone - it's perfect! One of the black-clad men says they're glad to see that their clients are happy with their work. Still, if he doesn't mind him asking, what's the benefit of destroying that orphanage? It's one thing he's had a hard time understanding…

Gilbert admits that if he really wants to know so badly, he'll let him in on the secret. (Villain speech time!) See, the mayor intends to transform that entire area into a series of very, very upscale vacation homes. A scenic seaside area not far from Ruan City… What more favorable conditions could there be than that for a vacation home? They'll build lavish estates there and sell them off to the highest bidders - that's been the mayor's plan all along. The black-clad man admits that's a ritzy plan if he's ever heard one. He still doesn't understand why it was necessary to burn the orphanage to the ground, though. Gilbert argues that's easy to figure out - imagine trying to sell a luxury estate to someone with a ramshackle place like that marring the view! Not to mention all the little brats running around close by and making a ruckus!

The black-clad man agrees that something like that would definitely cut their value in half… Instead of going to an extreme like burning it down, though, why did they not just buy up the place? Gilbert laughs at that idea. He didn't really think that stubborn woman would sell off the land left by her late husband, did he? But if they were to haul away the burned out remains while the orphans were away, and built something in its place, there's not much they could do about it, could they? Heh heh heh… And since they have no money to rebuild the place, they'll have no choice but to accept their fate!

'...That was your reasoning?' Kloe asks from the top of the staircase, in sheer disbelief. Gilbert and the two men startle and glance over to see us arrive, and the steward nervously wonders how long we've been standing there…?! Kloe again wonders if it's really just for that? He hurt Matron Theresa and the children and burned their memories to ashes, deprived those children of their smiles, for… that?

Gilbert demands to know how we knew he was here? Before that, what happened to those lowlifes downstairs?! Estelle explains that they're taking a long nap, unfortunately for him… Tsk. And to think that the mayor was behind it all… Some faces we've seen before seem to be involved too…

The black-clad men suspect we know who they are, huh? They've been briefly acquainted with that redheaded bracer before… Agate snaps that running off like dogs with their tails between their legs before siccing some monsters on him now means they're acquainted, does it? Still, he's finally got them where he wants them…! Gilbert just yells 'Kill them! Kill them all!' Now that we've seen his face, he can't let us walk out of here alive! Kloe says it's unfortunate he's fallen this far… The black-clad man admits that since this is a request from their client, they'll just have to comply… Let's see what we've got! Estelle was just thinking the same thing… Kloe muses that just because they're hired help, doesn't make them any less responsible, while Agate just yells that it's time to make them taste the power of the Heavy Blade!

[Boss: Black-Clad Soldier x2]

This is the proper boss-fight, I suppose? Both of these guys are pretty strong compared to the Ravens, since they lack weaknesses, are immune to a couple status effects, and have high speed to boot. They can do upwards of 600 damage with a hit, and with a crit that just gets even worse. They also dispense a variety of effects like delaying turns, poison, sealing, and deathblow. Helpfully, the enemy isn't immune to getting confused, so using Chaos Brand and having the enemies beat each other up is just pretty neat. White Gehenna is still pretty excellent against only two targets, and there's a few other abilities that can wreck house. Healing from Kloe with an Earth Wall defensive power-up clinches this.

After the fight ends, the two black-clad men are still standing, while Gilbert stutters that this can't be… Agate announces that in accordance with the laws of the Bracer Guild, they're hereby all placed under arrest. They should give it up and surrender! One of the black-clad men admits we're pretty tough, he'll give us that, and going toe-to-toe with us hasn't disappointed him at all. The lieutenant's going to be mad, though - he warned them about this. They shouldn't have been as careless as they were. Joshua wonders if they're talking about the guy wearing the red mask who was negotiating with the sky bandits? The black-clad man is surprised we know about that - looks like us dogs from the guild are better at sniffing things out than they thought! Estelle snaps that their insults are pretty funny considering we just gave them a serious beat-down! They should hurry up and throw down those weapons already, and surrender!

One of the black-clad man apologizes, but he can't do that. He suddenly lunges at Gilbert and puts his gun at the man's neck, telling everyone else not to move - if we come any closer, this guy's brains are going to be splattered all over this place. Gilbert incredulously demands to know what the meaning of this is?! What do they intend to do by threatening their employer?

The black-clad man points out he's not actually their employer - that would be the mayor. Whether it was him or the mayor here, though, the outcome would have been the same. They only cooperated with Gilbert because they shared a mutual interest, and couldn't care less if he lives or dies. Gilbert begs for his life, but Agate snaps that he should cut the tears and the crap. He won't get away by trying to fool us with a show like that! In response, the black-clad man pushes Gilbert away and then fires his gun into the man's leg, and he goes down screaming. Joshua, rather dryly, remarks that it looks like the men were serious about what they said.

The shooter figures if that's not enough of a show for us, how about they blow the brains out of the lighthouse keeper next? Estelle snarls that the old man has nothing to do with this! The shooter argues that if his life means anything to us, then he suggests we back up… like over by the stairs. Agate concludes we don't have much of a choice, and complies. The black-clad man laughs and says we do what we're told, like the dogs we are… Here, they'll say their farewell!

Suddenly the two men rush over towards the door that leads to the outside of the lighthouse, vaulting over the railings and departing from sight in seconds. Estelle yells after them, and Agate swears they won't get away from him this time! As we follow them outside, though, we see the two men make their way along the catwalk, quickly tossing down a rope attached to it and sliding down. As our party arrives at that location, Estelle concludes they were seriously prepared for anything! Agate just says he'll leave us to take care of that idiot steward and the rest. He's going after them! We should report in with Jean and ask him for further instructions. With that he also slides down, disappearing out of sight.

We get a prompt for Estelle to choose between following Agate or just expressing incredulity, but I'm pretty sure the choice doesn't matter. Either way, Joshua clarifies that we can't go after him - didn't we hear what Agate just said? We can't just forget about Gilbert and those guys from the Raven Gang! Kloe says that though she thinks Gilbert got what was coming to him, he's still hurt. Estelle hates to say it, but she guesses we'll have to leave the rest up to Agate. Again.

In a quick bit of narration, we're told Estelle and the others were able to take back the stolen money without further incident. By the time the steward and the group of Ravens were safely locked up in the Manoria windmill shed, morning had already broken. We see Carna standing guard at the windmill - she woke up from her extended nap, and promises she'll keep an eye on things here. She suggests we return to Ruan and report back to Jean about everything that happened. Estelle says that's fine with her, but is Carna sure she'll be okay? She scoffs and says she just got a whiff of sleeping powder is all. It all happened a little too fast for her to remember who attacked her, though… Pretty shameful, she knows that. Joshua figures she still managed to fend off four attackers, and Kloe adds that the children are safe due to her, so she can't thank her enough!

Carna admits there's that, at least. Still, will Agate be okay facing them on his own…? She knows he's tough and all, but it still worries her. Estelle admits that if they somehow manage to get the drop on him… Joshua thinks that for now we just have to trust that he knows what he's doing. Agate's been after these guys for a while now, and he knows how they work, so he thinks they'll have a tough time taking him on. Estelle agrees, and thinks we'll just have to focus on what we can do. Carna says we're exactly right. She'll hang on to the donated money until the matron wakes up. If those guys want it, they'll have to pry it from her cold, dead fingers! We can count on her, and go on ahead!

Anyone else feeling a little iffy about trusting the bracer who already failed at this exact job to just… do it again? Just me? Okay.

Alvin is glad the arsonist was caught. He'd like to take the bastard up into the mountains to teach him a lesson or two about survival! Shelby is just glad the culprits were caught, since that should help put her friend's mind a little more at ease. She feels pretty good about it too… Carla heard about our capture, and thinks the arsonist should experience some street justice before he's turned over to the Bracer Guild! Maybe a good stoning…? Rex says he thinks he's seen the person who did this before - he has to wonder if it was the mayor's personal steward? He must be mistaken though, as that's too crazy to be possible.

Upstairs, Matron Theresa greets us again - she heard from the innkeeper that the criminals have been arrested. We keep helping them so much, and she's got no way to properly repay us… Estelle assures her she really doesn't need to worry. It's nothing to be embarrassed over! To herself, Estelle muses that it's probably better not to tell her everything just yet… Joshua explains weré heading back to Ruan for a little bit so we can deliver our report. Carna's keeping an eye on the prisoners, so they can relax on that score. Daniel is so relieved… and starving. Mary says the matron finally woke up earlier in the morning, thank Aidios… Clem greets Estelle and asks if she really found those guys and beat them up? Awesome! Polly is also cheerful that Matron's 'uppy' again.

Sadie heard the arsonists were caught? It's a relief, but still sad. She doesn't think the kids will ever completely heal from the trauma of this. Creda has learned the suspect is at the Windmill Lodge, and says he should be made to personally apologize to the children before he's handed over to the guild. Don't we agree? Solomon is just glad the arsonists have been caught. He's impressed with us bracers, and says it's a good thing they had us to depend on. Elder Serge recognizes us as the bracers who apprehended the criminals, correct? If there is anything they can do for us, we shouldn't hesitate to ask. It is beyond reason - what could drive a man to commit such atrocities…? Amelia has learned the crooks were holed up in the Varenne Lighthouse, and she hopes Mr. Vogt is okay…

If we actually head back to the lighthouse to see, Vogt mentions the other night was pretty rough, wasn't it? After Estelle admits it was pretty crazy and asks how he's feeling, Vogt says he's doing okay, but he's still feeling a little light in the head. Joshua concludes the anesthetic hasn't completely worn off yet. Thankfully it's a pretty harmless drug, so he should be back to normal in a little while. Estelle thinks that's a relief to hear, and Vogt admits that maybe he should take a little break before getting back to work. Estelle agrees that seems like a good idea. Taking it easy is probably the best thing for him right now. Joshua asks him not to overdo it, and Vogt agrees to take that advice. He can't really remember last night - for one thing, it seems like the whole darn day passed in the blink of an eye! He's still a bit fuzzy around the edges…

At the Krone Checkpoint, Private Usher mentions it was his day to cook today - then the warrant officer came and told him to let him cook in his place! That guy really likes cooking! Warrant Officer Serose says it looks like they had some fish delivered from Ruan. He thinks he'll cook something a bit lavish this evening to help everyone recharge their batteries. CWO Zelste says these checkpoints around LIberl were useful in the war ten years ago to separate the various troops of the Imperial Army from each other. Even today they're still used as strategic points by the military. That's why they, as garrisons who oversee these places, can never let down their guard… Private Cutinger says he still has some time until he goes on duty, so maybe he should catch a few winks? Private Mikey mentions the wound he got from that monster has finally healed. Guess he's going to need to train harder to make sure that never happens again…

After we leave Manoria Village, Estelle complains angrily that Dalmore was behind everything… He was just pretending to be all kind and everything from the start! Kloe admits she's been kind of wondering whether we will be able to catch the mayor this time? Joshua says that's a good question - this may be difficult. The Bracer Guild has a non-interference policy when it comes to government affairs, and considering he has control over the whole Ruan region, arresting the mayor isn't going to be easy. Estelle wonders if nobody else thinks that's strange? Joshua agrees that it's funny, but the law is the law. That's why the guild can have branches everywhere, even in the Erebonian Empire… Estelle admits he's got a point, but still…

For now we should just get back to the guild and talk to Jean. He should have some useful advice for us. Kloe just listens in dismay, and Estelle assures her we'll be fine. We just need to make the man in charge pay his tab! We make our way closer to town, but as we reach the road to the academy, Kloe speaks up and says that the two of us should head on towards the guild - she just remembered there's something she needs to do. Can we go ahead without her? She'll catch up shortly. Joshua says that's fine, and wonders if she's going back to the campus? Kloe confirms she should report to the headmaster, and let him know what's happening. Estelle says she got it - we'll be waiting at the guild!

After Joshua and Estelle leave, Kloe apologizes to them, then pulls a notepad and pen from her pocket and begins scribbling furiously. She declares that this letter ought to do it, then calls over Sieg… (What are you up to, girl…?)

We switch to the Bracer Guild, where Joshua and Estelle have already told Jean everything, but he admits it's hard to believe that Mayor Dalmore is behind these recent events. This is certainly a major incident… Estelle asks him if he thinks the mayor can be caught? Jean notes the same difficulty Joshua mentioned earlier. The only way it'll really happen is if he can be caught in the act. Joshua figures as much, but Estelle isn't having it - he can't be serious! So we just have to allow a corrupt mayor to stay in power?! Jean tells her there's no need to panic! The Bracer Guild's hands may be tied, but the Royal Army can get him!

Jean does have a plan - he would like the two of us to go to the mayor's estate and question him. It doesn't matter if he gets angry - Jean just wants us to buy some time. Joshua concludes he'll be contacting the Royal Army in the meantime, then? Jean confirms that's precisely the case. Ha ha! He'll contact Leiston Fortress HQ with the orbal communications system to request assistance. Estelle admits she doesn't like having to rely on the army, but she doesn't see any other option. Okay, once Kloe catched up to us, we'll go see the mayor at once!

Right that moment is when Kloe comes rushing into the building, huffing and puffing - she made it! Sorry for the delay! Estelle sing-songs that she had perfect timing, in fact! Joshua muses that it was pretty quick for a run to the campus, and Kloe plays it off by claiming she's pretty fast on her feet. So, what's the plan? Estelle explains our intention to stall the mayor with an interview while the Royal Army is contacted, and Kloe muses that maybe 'that' wasn't so necessary after all… Estelle is not sure what that's about, but asks if Kloe is coming along? Kloe is glad to accompany us, of course! Jean promises we can count on him to do his part, so let's get to it!

Next: Let's take down that crooked mayor, and finish this chapter! (Probably.)
Trails in the Sky (Part 44) - What's Your Mayor Malfunction?

What's Your Mayor Malfunction?

Naturally, in the middle of a mission of keeping the mayor busy for a while, I'm gonna see what people have to say in town…

Melvin mentions that Carna was on assignment as security for that festival, but she hasn't come back yet. Maybe she's still busy with something? In the streets, Ruvie says that the harbormaster, Portos, is quite a popular fellow. Atget can't wait to go back to Sunday School. She gets to see her friends and the priest is funny! Matilda wonders why we have the fondest memories of times that we'll never see again…

Eva heard someone talking, and it was some weird guy with really weird hair - he looked like he had plenty of mira, but he was really self-important and rude! Definitely didn't measure up to your average Ruanian man. He must be a tourist. (Oh boy, the duke's around...)

Lytton says he used to be a fisherman, until the mayor pushed for the town's focus to change from fishing to tourism. His wife suggested he become a tour guide instead. Ciel says she's talking about Mr. Norman, the owner of the Hotel Blanche - he bought an old inn and turned it into the hotel we can see now. He apparently got along well with the mayor, since he helped them get their jobs as tour guides… Eletta says both her parents have today off from work. She's gonna play for as long as she can! Renzo muses that it costs a lot of mira to attend school at the Royal Academy, right? He doesn't know what his wife is thinking… Liz says that Nikita is also a student at the royal academy. Perhaps she should ask her what kinds of tests she's had to deal with? She'd hate to have to ask the lady next door. Antonio thinks that studying natural science has a lot to do with his dream of crewing a ship. He'd just got to try his hardest on the royal academy entrance exam!

Sylvie wonders, if she could just take out a boat, where would be the best place to go? She wonders if the Bracer Guild could recommend anything to see… Legaro says if anyone just goes and takes that boat, he's going to be so angry! Sister Frieda muses that the people living in Ruan seem to be quite busy, and that may be the sole reason Ruan still survives. Father Theodore says the mayor has been so busy that he hasn't even had time to appear at church…

At the orbment factory, Tobias says rumor has it that a duke is here to inspect the area. If he is, he hasn't seen the guy at all… He did see an old man in nice clothes who talks funny, though. Fisherman Percy says there ain't no such thing as a sure-fire fishing spot, where the fish will always bite without fail. Gotta see how the day looks and figure out how to handle it for yourself. Nobody's just going to hand you the answers, you got to find 'em on your own. That's what a good fishing spot is all about. Now, that doesn't mean that there's ever a good excuse for not fishing! O'Neil says this continent is a big place, with a lot of different countries and people. Perhaps we'll get the chance to travel the land someday. It's important to spend time with different cultures and learn about them. That is, if we want to be a well-rounded adult like him!

At the restaurant, Primo says his little brother didn't come home last night… Maybe he's just wandering around somewhere? Oh well, he'll turn up. …He's been making Primo worry ever since they were kids, he swears! Spiridon says the mayor's helped out the tourism industry a lot, but the budget for the port facilities has been gradually cut every year. The folks who aren't happy about that are getting more insistent…

At the hotel, Ernest mentions the current owner of the hotel is named Norman, and lives in a house on the southern block. He's put a lot of work into expanding the tourist trade. Murray says there's been boys running all over the place lately. He doesn't know what the world is coming to - he's been around for quite some time, so he knows what's what!

At the Landing Port, Edwin says the Liberl Orbalship Corporation has its headquarters in Grancel. He's been to the main office once, for training. Simon muses that if he goes back to Bose, he'll have a ton of work waiting for him. So much for his vacation… He'd better watch his tone, though. He doesn't want to make Mirano angry. Clive mentions he received a communique from the main office about R&D work. It was good news, but still… Todd says Clive hasn't said anything, but he heard about it from Edwin. Clive wants to develop a new Zeissian Orbal Engine model. He thinks that's pretty awesome, and Clive's a really amazing guy! Samario complains that he hates it when it's all gloomy like this. Clive's pretty good at designing stuff, but when it comes to the fixing part, well…

In the south, Brenda mentions some guy with a weird haircut and really ugly, gaudy clothes went into the mayor's estate. Which reminds her, she heard that some kind of bigwig is saying somewhere in Ruan. At the watering hole, Pesca says he noticed that the lighthouse was lit until this morning. What happened? He doubts that old Vogt was nodding off, like Pesca usually does! Squaro says the mayor gave the order to stop all work at the port - if Chief Portos can't talk him out of this, they're in trouble! Ruan still needs a port!

Zecalte mentions the next voyage is supposed to be a shipment of orbment goods to the Erebonian Empire. The port there is crowded with military ships, which makes it hard to concentrate. Even now, he still gets tense when he has to dock there. Bolle says way back when, the port had better government funding. It's been pretty gough lately, but Chief Portos never gives up.

At the port, Chief Portos says the crane is so old, and he'd love to be able to buy a replacement. Just one more thing he needs to take up with the mayor. It's getting to be a problem… Benoit mentions they haven't seen those delinquents around in the past few days. Maybe the mayor drove them out? Harg says Chief Portos may not look like much, but he's sharp and dependable. No matter what, he always looks out for them. However much they grumble sometimes, they really like the boss. Kuper says Chief Portos has something on his mind again… When something's bothering you, he thinks it's best to relax sometimes. It can help you come up with a solution.

Noria says her husband is constantly worried these days - if he doesn't do something about it soon, he'll wind up completely at his wit's end! She thinks her son should put a little more pressure on him… She doesn't think he knows what he really wants. This constant tug-of-war between the two of them is really getting on her nerves!

Louis says his brother is probably at the harbor, but his dad said not to go and see him. Hmpf - and his dad never plays with him. Bridget says she knows her husband is busy, but she wishes he'd spend more time with their children. Norman says the biggest source of the changes in Ruan has been the proliferation of airships - when they stopped flying the other day, a lot of folks canceled their travel plans. It's already reached a point where Ruan couldn't exist without those flying contraptions…

As we arrive at the mayor's estate, Estelle comments that this place is huge, as if she's never been there before… because I think it's technically possible to have never visited the building at all. She wonders if he's really doing all that nasty stuff from a place this nice? Joshua doesn't think that matters, but Kloe explains that the mayor is originally from a large family of nobles, and this estate has been passed down for generations. Estelle figures that the estate wasn't paid for in blood, at least, so that's something! Anyway, let's go find the mayor and question him!

As we enter, Flora the maid rushes over and welcomes us to the mayoral estate - she's terribly sorry, though, but the mayor is currently attending to some guests… Perhaps we could come back another time? Estelle insists that no, hold one just a second… Joshua can guess who the guest is, though - it's Duke Dunan, isn't it? Flora confirms that's exactly it, and wonders if we received an invitation as well? Joshua confirms it came directly from the mayor himself, and apologizes for the inconvenience, but would she mind…? Flora takes a closer look and realizes we're bracers, so she figures if the circumstances demand it, we should please go up… The mayor and duke are on the second floor. Joshua thanks Flora for her help, and she blushes, before rushing off to prepare tea for all the guests who are arriving…

After Flora leaves, Kloe admits how impressive it was that Joshua somehow knew the duke was here! Joshua says it's just a matter of asking the right questions. The mayor is planning to sell vacation homes to the rich, remember? Duke Dunan might as well have a bull's-eye target painted on his misshapen head… Estelle thinks that's smart thinking. Where did he come up with that line about the mayor inviting us, though? Joshua argues it wasn't a 'line' - he did invite us over, the first time we met him. 'If those Ravens start making trouble again, feel free to drop by and let me know,' or something like that.

Estelle remembers that, and Kloe chuckles - so he did invite us! Joshua smiles and suggests heading upstairs…

Gartner says there was a time when important people used to come here. Important or not, they sure did up their hair funny! Flora is humming and singing to herself in the kitchen, daydreaming about those piercing amber-colored eyes she could get lost in. (Joshua has an admirer!) Virgo wonders where that Gilbert lad is? Wasn't there an important guest coming in today? Dario wonders what's being discussed behind closed doors right now… The master is speaking with Duke Dunan, you see…

We see Duke Dunan pretty sloshed, admitting to the mayor that he likes the sound of what he just said! Ruan would be the perfect place for a vacation home. He might stay a while! Mayor Dalmore is pleased, and says he had a feeling he'd think so. He'll see to it that he gets the finest place available. He'll be quite satisfied! Dunan says the mayor is quite the smooth talker, but says that's good - money's no object. Dalmore should prepare an estate that is worthy of his future king! Make it as splendid as his own holdings here! Butler Philip tries to convince the duke to wait a moment. The Queen asked him to consult with her before spending such an amount of… Dunan snarls that he should be silent - he is to be the next king! Such purchases are everyday for a man of his standing! Dalmore just commends 'His Grace' on his words… They can get a written contract together shortly. First, though, one more drink. Dunan seems keen…

It's at that moment that Estelle announces the arrival of the Bracer Guild. Dalmore and Dunan wonder what we want, with the latter thinking we look kind of familiar… Estelle says hello to the butler, and explains they just dropped by the mayor - no biggie. Dalmore says this won't do - if we're here on guild business, then we should speak with some semblance of manners! He's in the middle of an important discussion, so why don't we come back later? Joshua apologizes for the rudeness, and says we didn't intend any disrespect, we've simply come to report that we've identified the arsonist. Dalmore, caught off guard, takes a moment to consider things, then asks the duke to excuse us for a moment. Dunan refuses, though - this sounds interesting, and he'd like to see what the bracers have to say! *hic*

Estelle assures everyone it's okay - maybe the duke will have something to add. It won't do any harm for him to hear it, right? Dalmore reluctantly says that if we must… While we're on the subject, though, it seems that Matron Theresa was attacked again last night. Could the arsonist be linked to that? Joshua confirms it's very likely, but says the attackers are unfortunately still at large. Dalmore notes that at least we say we know who they are now. So, who did it? Estelle says that it's exactly who the mayor thinks it is. Dalmore says that's a shame, as he was hoping that he could make them see the error of their ways before it was too late, but he supposes it was a vain hope on his part…

Estelle wonders who he's talking about? 'What do you mean, who?' Dalmore responds. He thought the answer was obvious - the Ravens, naturally! They've been in hiding ever since last night… Joshua says that unfortunately, they aren't responsible. This time, they claim to be victims themselves! Estelle announces, without further ado, that the real culprit is… Here we can choose between accusing Mayor Dalmore, Duke Dunan, and Stewart Gilbert. Naturally the second one is just being mean, and the third is just giving the mayor an easy out. 'You, Mayor Dalmore!' Estelle announces. Joshua explains we already have Gilbert in custody, and know everything. We also have proof that the mayor stole the money donated to restore the orphanage that his own lackey set on fire. Can he deny this charge?

Mayor Dalmore snarls that this is nonsense! Do we think he knows those people in the black clothes? Estelle dryly points out that's a little strange - because we didn't actually say anything about black clothes. Dalmore gulps, and says this is absolutely ridiculous. Gilbert was acting alone! Estelle figures he just doesn't know when to give up, does he? Joshua says we know that he was plotting to build vacation homes on the land the orphanage occupied. Does he still deny the charges laid against him? Dalmore just snarls that we're persistent little brats, but he's had those development plans in place for ages! They're just part of Ruan's city planning - what reason would he have to be so impatient that he'd resort to criminal acts?!

'How about a mountain of debts to pay off?' asks a man's voice from just off-screen. Nial walks in, much to our surprise, and explains that he'd come to the mayor's place to do some investigating, but then he noticed us enter. The whole thing smelled fishy, so he decided to sneak in. That's it in a nutshell! Dalmore demands to know who he is, and Nial explains he's a reporter with the Liberl News. He's been checking into the city's financial affairs recently, and what did he find? Mayor Dalmore here has been diverting funds from the city budget lately. Dalmore claims they're funds for the expansion project, but Nial isn't buying it. They haven't even started construction. He thought it was kind of strange, so he dug deeper, and found links to the airship company's services… Now that was quite a little surprise!

One year ago, Nial explains, the mayor took more than a few trips to the Calvard Republic… Dalmore claims he was just sightseeing, and Nial says that's a reasonable claim. The truth is, though, that he amassed a nice, big debt over there, isn't that right? Estelle admits he's losing her a little. How? Kloe guesses he was using town funds to speculate in risky commodities, in the hopes of cashing in. Buying goods when they're cheap, selling them when they're high, that kind of thing. Estelle wonders how much he lost, then? Nial says that from what his fellow reporters over there told him, something to the tune of a hundred million mira…

Estelle is astounded, and Joshua muses that's a hundred times the amount donated to the orphanage's rebuilding. He could certainly see why one might turn to crime over an amount that high… Duke Dunan notes that a hundred million mira is significant - he's pretty free with his spending, but he's got nothing on Mayor Dalmore!

Dalmore gulps, while Estelle says this isn't a competition, you know… Nial mentions that the mayor took funds from the city budget to pay off his debts and stave off any questions, but he can't understand why he would turn to arson and theft to build his vacation homes. It all just seems so… random! The mayor scoffs, and asks where the proof is for any of this? Go ahead and run this story, with all its wild speculations! He'll sue Nial and his newspaper for libel! Nial observes he's suddenly feeling confident, huh…? Dalmore then turns to the bracers and declares that they don't have the authority to arrest him, as he's the mayor! We have to get out of here, now!

While Estelle and Joshua begrudgingly prepare to leave, as the mayor knows his rights, Kloe pipes up and wonders if she may ask one question? Dalmore asks what a student of the royal academy is even doing, associating with such people? Disgraceful! She should return to the campus at once! Kloe just stares directly into the mayor's eyes, her expression cold and stern. She asks why the mayor didn't use his own assets to pay off his debt? One hundred million mira is certainly a lot of money, but she thinks that House Dalmore surely has enough assets to settle the matter. This estate, for instance? It would easily sell for at least that much. Dalmore snarls that she shouldn't be ridiculous - this estate has been handed down in the Dalmore family for generations! How could he ever simply let it go…?!

Kloe points out that the orphanage was no different. For many it was a place fondly remembered. No one has the right to destroy something like that. How could he do such a thing? Dalmore demands to know how she dares compare this estate to that dilapidated old hovel?! Kloe concludes Dalmore cares only for himself - more than being the mayor, or the head of House Dalmore. What a pitiful man… Dalmore is momentarily dumbstruck, then starts laughing. He says she has quite a way with words, but let's see if she'll change her tune in a few minutes! He suddenly runs over to a blank section of wall, and a secret door opens. Dalmore yells out for 'Fango' and 'Bronco' - it's dinner time!

Estelle is baffled, while Joshua recognizes the smell from that secret passage. Two large monsters suddenly dash into the room, and Nial wonders what the hell those are - Dunan is terrified and almost immediately faints from shock, collapsing onto the table. Kloe thinks this is unbelievable - he's actually keeping monsters as pets? The mayor chuckles and announces that everything we think we know will die here with us… We shouldn't worry, though, if there's anything left of us, he'll dump it in the river. HAA HA HA HA!

Nial stutters that the mayor has gone crazy! As the two monsters jump onto the dining table, Estelle wonders if fighting freaky monsters is part of the 'stalling' plan now? Joshua figures that at least now we can arrest the guy for trying to kill us! He's sure the other stuff will stick too, after this… Kloe tells the two monsters that he bears them no ill will, but he will not allow them to harm anyone!

[Boss: Fango, Bronco]

Despite both of these doggos looking very similar to each other, they're very different beasts. Fango is the bulkier of the two and has very high defense against arts, but is a paper tiger against physical attacks. Bronco, meanwhile, is an actual tank but a light arts breeze can blow him over. You'll need to be very particular with the type of attack you hit each with to get anywhere. To make things worse, they're both very fast. A final wrinkle is that they're like Ornstein and Smough - killing one will empower the other with higher defensive or offensive stats depending on which one you kill first. Having one more powerful monster is less annoying than a more evasive one, but both work. With one down, the other is easier to deal with, so ganging up on one is the best strategy.

After the second monstrous pooch goes down, Mayor Dalmore stutters that it can't be! His sweet babies… How could we do this?! Estelle, out of breath, says he's one to talk! Joshua, meanwhile, reads Dalmore his rights - he's under arrest! Surrender, and he won't be harmed. Dalmore grins, and declares that we leave him no choice… but to use his trump card! Dalmore pulls a wand out of his pocket and cries: 'Time-stop!' as a purple light gleams from it, blasting through the room and causing everyone to stop mid-movement.

They can still talk, though, and Joshua wonders if it's some kind of orbal art…? Kloe says that's not it - this has to be… an artifact! Nial wonders what the hell that is…?! Dalmore compliments Kloe for her impressive knowledge. Yes, this is the Chronos Rod, an artifact which happens to be a family heirloom. It can completely paralyze anyone within range in the blink of an eye. Estelle thinks that's crazy, while Joshua asks how the church doesn't know about such a powerful artifact? Dalmore says it's a tool crafted by the wise ancients themselves, so what else would one expect? Tactical orbments can't even begin to compare to this! Sadly, it only has that one function, which means he'll have to sully his hands and dispose of us himself. He pulls out a gun, and says we should consider this an honor! As he inches closer, he muses who to start with - ah, the smart-mouthed little brat first! Perhaps he'll save the intelligent girl for last…?

Dalmore finally turns to Joshua, and wonders what he was saying about his 'authority'? We could plead for our lives… It might help, but he doubts it. Estelle scoffs at that, while Joshua just coldly threatens that he should keep his filthy hands off Estelle. Don't harm a single hair on her head, or he'll use every technique he knows to cut his miserable carcass to pieces! Everyone is caught off guard by the violent threat, and Dalmore says he certainly talks big for someone who can't even wiggle his fingers! Fine, he'll be the first to go! The mayor puts his gun to Joshua's head, and Estelle yells out 'STOP!!' She'll lever let him get away with hurting Joshua! Dalmore just snaps: 'Die!' and goes to pull the trigger.

Estelle cries out in horror, 'Noooooo!' and in that moment a shining blue-white light emits from her which Kloe seems to recognize, and Dalmore flinches back from the light, while Nial curses that if he could just reach his camera…

With a snap both Estelle and the Chrono Rod stop shining, and everyone can move again. Dalmore demands to know what's going on, while Joshua asks what that strange 'black light' was? She's not sure, but quickly concludes it came from that orbment Dad sent us. Dalmore declares it's impossible - his family heirloom, his artifact, it's broken! Joshua figures that hardly matters, since he's played his last hand. Time to face reality. Estelle agrees, and snarls that she can't believe he'd really stoop this low. It's disgusting!

Dalmore proclaims that he will not be taken in, then rushes into the passage he opened to let his dog-monsters in. Everyone rushes after him, including Nial, who can't let a story like this get away! In the aftermath of our departure, Butler Phillip says that he believes he lost a few years off of what little remains to him. He tries to wake up the unconscious Duke Dunan, who is still muttering about the monsters, the monsters…! The rest of the crew, meanwhile, follow Dalmore through a room with a cell for his dogs, down a ladder and past a complicated machine, and then outside to the back of the estate, where we can see he has a couple of small boats waiting. Dalmore rushes on board the largest, which has a sail alongside a motor, and speeds off…

Our party arrives to see the mayor leave, and Kloe declares that the mayor used his yacht to get away! Estelle calls out that he should wait, while Joshua quickly commandeers the nearby boat, telling the other two to get on board. They set off, just as Nial comes running and angrily shouts that he wants to come too!

We switch over to a view of the Langland Bridge, where several tourists are watching when it unexpectedly opens with them on it, and they have to rush to safety real quick. The yacht speeds through with our party's boat in hot pursuit! Estelle cries that we're closing in, and Kloe mentions our craft is small and lightweight, so we have an edge!

Dalmore turns to see his pursuers and curses that we're damn stubborn. To get rid of us he opens fire with his machine gun, at which point Estelle stands up and starts deflecting bullets with her staff - sheesh, she's a Jedi! Dalmore is incredulous, and Estelle says that'll teach him not to underestimate a bracer! She tells Joshua to flank the mayor's yacht on the right, and he's all for that - but the other boat suddenly speeds up. How did it get so fast?! Kloe realizes the wind is blowing towards open water, and it's catching the yacht's sails and giving him a boost.

Joshua snarls that's not good - at this rate he has a clear advantage, and we won't be able to catch up again… Dalmore yells that it looks like Aidios smile on him today! Farewell, brats! Estelle curses as he sails out of reach - we were so close! You've got to be kidding! Joshua muses that there must be something we can do… Then Estelle hears something strange and looks behind us… what the?! Kloe just says that 'they're here.' A gigantic shadow passes overhead at that very moment, and passes us by…

On his yacht, Mayor Dalmore thinks that getting away is all well and good, but what now? Guess he has no choice but to head for the Empire… Or, if he lies low for a while, maybe 'he'... He pauses in horror when he realizes an enormous airship suddenly pulls alongside. 'Wha-wha-whaaa--?!' Is it the Royal Army's ship? No… the coat of arms is wrong. The airship turns and lands in the water directly in front of the mayor's yacht, and we get some glamor shots of the enormous vehicle. We did get a sneak preview in an earlier issue of the Liberl News, but here she is in her full glory - the Royal Guard's high-speed cruiser! Her name is the Arseille.

On board the airship, a green-haired female officer remarks that it looks like they got here just in time. Dalmore is incredulous, and asks if they, with that blue-and-white uniform, are Her Majesty's Royal Guard? The officer confirms that they are - she's the company commander, Julia Schwarz. She declares that he, Mayor Morris Dalmore of Ruan, is now placed under arrest for arson, robbery, and embezzlement among other charges. Dalmore declares this must be a dream, it's got to be - Nooo! No no no… The man then promptly faints.

The smaller ship containing our heroes arrives alongside the Arseille at this point. Estelle is not sure what's going on, and Joshua notes that while Jean called the Royal Army for reinforcements, he's not sure how they got here so fast… Kloe just laughs awkwardly… First Lieutenant Schwarz calls out to us bracers, and says our cooperation is greatly appreciated. Please, though, they should let them handle this matter!

Next: We'll have a little epilogue to this chapter to round it out - because I ran out of space - and then we'll be moving on to Zeiss!
Trails in the Sky (Part 45) - Epilogue & Interlude (Chapter 2: End)

Epilogue - Welcome Back, Main Plot!

After the Arseille picked us all up after our dramatic boat chase, we congregate back at the Landing Port, where the Arseille is now parked, and First Lieutenant Schwarz explains that she pressed Mayor Dalmore for information once he regained consciousness, but he claims he can't remember anything regarding the past few hours very well, if he remembers them at all. He's also drawing a complete blank about the arson and the robbery. Estelle is taken aback by this, and admits that's actually kinda similar to what happened with the leader of the sky bandits… Joshua guesses it may be related to those men in black from before…? Schwarz mentions that even if he really can't remember them, the crimes that the mayor committed are pretty clear-cut. It should go without saying that they'll be checking out his steward, too. If they uncover anything, they'll be sure to let the Bracer Guild know.

Nial has arrived back here as well, and has a favor to ask - would it be at all possible for him to get on board that ship as well? It's supposed to be the most advanced airship ever to come out of Zeiss. It'd make for a great story, and he really needs one! Schwarz apologizes, but that won't be possible. The Arseille was only just completed, and is still undergoing flight testing. She must ask that Nial won't comment on her at all until she's officially unveiled. Nial protests - come on, she's got to at least give him something about the mayor and his steward getting arrested! Schwarz assures him that the facts of the story will be given over to the royal news agency. Until then, he should refrain from reporting on this. Nial just sighs - what choice does he have? All right, he can do this! He can write a story with even the barest scrap of info! He's got to hurry back to the agency and put these events to paper! Later, everyone!

Nial rushes off, and Estelle chuckles - well, he's in his usual high spirits. Joshua wonders if you'd expect anything less? Schwarz muses that she's heard the Liberl News' circulation has increased dramatically of late, so she hopes he's not planning to write a big propaganda piece… Joshua wonders what she means, but Schwarz doesn't answer. Right then a man's voice comments that what Schwarz did was quite impressive! The camera turns to reveal that the new arrival is none other than Colonel Richard alongside Captain Amalthea! We recognize him from our earlier run-ins, and he knows us in turn - he presumes we are the new bracers that the guild spoke of, then?

Estelle takes a moment to parse that, and guesses Colonel Richards was the one that Jean got in touch with earlier. Richard confirms that he received word at Leiston Fortress where the royal forces are stationed, and got here as quickly as he could - only to find that the crisis had already passed.

He compliments Schwarz on her work, who haltingly says that's very kind of him, sir! Amalthe wonders, though, what would bring the guards from the Royal City all the way here? And so quickly, too! Perhaps they know of a route so secret that even the Intelligence Division is unaware of it? Schwarz says she must be joking, right? Kloe just closes her eyes.

Colonel Richard tells Amalthea that this is hardly the time to pick a fight. He was simply admiring the proactive stance of the Royal Guardsmen. It's good to have them on their side! If it pleases Lieutenant Schwarz, they'll take over the investigation from here, and move matters to Leiston Fortress. He believes the mayor will be well attended to there. Schwarz acknowledges the order, and Richard excuses himself. He says his farewell to us from the Bracer Guild and Royal Guard… and the young lady in the academy uniform. Staring at Kloe for a moment, he says that fate willing, I think we'll see each other again. Amalthrea wishes us safe travels.

After they leave, Estelle wonders if it was just her, or did it seem like the Colonel was eyeballing Kloe? Kloe plays dumb, while Joshua just pauses and thinks for a moment, before claiming he's sure it was just because he doesn't see students very often in his line of work. He wouldn't make much of it. Kloe grabs onto that excuse and laughs it off - yeah, she bets he's right. That's probably it. Estelle muses that's not the impression she got at all… Schwarz comments that he's surely just as surprised as we are. It's hard to believe that bracers so young would be so capable. He might be scouting us out to become part of the Royal Guard!

Estelle asks her not to flatter us - we had a lot of help on this case. Schwarz tells her she needn't be modest. We're not full-fledged bracers yet, but she presumes we wish to become so… Joshua confirms that we intend to travel all over the country before the queen's birthday celebration as part of our preparations. Schwarz concludes we're doing self-study, then… Suddenly a guardsman calls out to Schwarz that everything is ready for departure, and she acknowledges him. She turns back to us and explains they must be leaving soon, but she hopes that our paths will cross again. We tell her we'll be looking forward to it!

Lieutenant Schwarz boards the Arseille and the gangway retracts, after which she calls the troops to attention and asks them to salute, and with the fanfare of trumpet players the ship unfolds its maneuvering fins and slowly rises into the sky again. Wow, Estelle muses, they got a salute and fanfare to go with it - that's a little overwhelming! Joshua adds that it's a state-of-the-art ship to boot. Guess you'd expect as much from the defenders of Her Majesty the Queen!

Estelle notes that Lieutenant Schwarz sure is cool, though. She kind of reminds her of that character Kloe played, Oscar the Knight! Kloe agrees, and nervously remarks that it's an odd coincidence! (Hmm...) Sieg chimes in as well…

Later, our party return to the guild, where Jean is amazed to learn that the Royal Guardsmen showed up. And the Arseille was there too? She's supposed to be cutting-edge. It's too bad he just works the info desk, as he'd have liked to see that… Estelle says she never figured him for a military enthusiast. Still, didn't he end up speaking to Colonel Richard? Jean confirms he was on duty at Leiston HQ. He doesn't know how the Royal Guardsmen got there so quickly, though... Guess there's a lot more cross-communication in the military than he thought! Joshua says it's amazing they manage to communicate at all given how many agencies there are. Regular army, Border Patrol, Intelligence, the Royal Guard…

Kloe observes that cleaning up after an incident like this will be a major undertaking. What will happen to the administration of Ruan from now on?

Estelle agrees that with the mayor arrested, it'd be complicated… Juan says he imagines they'll be sending someone in as acting mayor. If Dalmore is found guilty, elections will have to be held. Plus, reparations will probably be made towards the orphanage. Kloe is pleased at the thought of that, and says it's all thanks to Estelle and Joshua. She thanks us, truly, and Estelle argues she doesn't have to be so formal. We just did what was right - and it wasn't just use, either. Agate played a big part too.

Speaking of… Estelle turns to Jean, and asks if he's received any word from him? Jean admits he did, but unfortunately it's not good news. Agate said he wasn't able to capture the men in the black uniforms - they weren't alone, apparently, and Agate was ambushed. He managed to defeat them, and he believes Agate gave chase afterward - they were on their way towards Zeiss. By now they're probably well outside Ruan. 'Talk about hardcore…' Estelle muses. Jean argues Agate's got plenty of experience, since he's been chasing these black-clad characters for a while. He actually thinks they're related to some job our father asked him to do.

Estelle is surprised our father's involved, while Joshua is surprised Agate would just do as he asked. Jean laughs and explains that the one who put Agate of the Ravens in his place was none other than Cassius himself! Whatever he might like to claim, Agate stood no chance against him! Cassius really beat some sense into him, and Agate's too stubborn to simply say thanks and leave it at that. Joshua gets it - maybe that's why he's so abrasive when it comes to us. Estelle mutters that 'abrasive' barely covers that guy's attitude… Guess he's not so high and mighty where Dad's involved, huh!

Kloe chuckles, and says that now that we're talking about our father… What about that black orbment that lit up and saved our lives at the mayor's estate? Estelle pulls it out - right, so much has been going on that she forgot all about it. What was that all about…? Joshua says that the orbment may have saved our skins, but it was still weird. Jean asks about this unusually-colored orbment. What can we tell him about it? Estelle quickly lays out that it, along with a memo, had been in a package addressed to Cassius. Kloe says that's quite a story, while Jean guesses at the names on the note - from 'K' asking about a 'Professor R'... Could it be…?

Estelle wonders if he knows what it means? Jean says he doesn't know specifics - he's got a hunch, but nothing to back it up. If we want to know more about its origin, though, he'd suggest going to Zeiss. As we should know, Zeiss is famous for the manufacture of orbments, and there must be someone there who might know something about our orbment. Joshua thinks that makes sense, and we may never learn more about the Black Orbment without consulting an expert. Estelle figures we still have more training here to finish, though…

Jean chuckles and says, well, about that… We may want to prepare ourselves. As he hands his recommendation, he laughs - we had to have seen this coming, right? We did get a recommendation from Bose after the sky bandit incident… Given our crucial roles in all the cases recently, he sees no reason not to award it. Our assessment and reward have been prepared! We receive 10 BP and 5000 mira for our contributions to the festival (half of which is due to our side quests there) and a further 10 BP and 10000 mira for resolving the entire affair with the mayor and the orphanage at last. With this we advance to Junior Bracer - 3rd Class and receive the Deathblow 1 quartz, which has a 10% chance of instant-killing an enemy, and doesn't break after use! Neat.

Estelle is amazed - all this on top of the pay for performing in the campus festival? Joshua thanks Jean for everything he's done for us, but he argues we've earned it. He confesses he'd also like to see us advance as quickly as possible. He believes they'll be able to make the best use of our talents that way. We thank him and promise we'll do our best to live up to his expectations. Kloe congratulates us both, but admits it'll be kind of lonely here without us.

Joshua admits she's right - it'll be tough to say goodbye. Kloe tells us not to mind her - she's just being selfish. Though she does ask us to tell her when we find out what day we're leaving. She'd like to see us off, at least as far as the Air-Letten checkpoint…

Interlude - Agate's Path

After finishing the chapter, we get an addtional scene taking place on a darkened road, where we see the black-clad men from the lighthouse huff and puff as they run away from Agate, calling him a stubborn bastard… The two men wonder how he's even keeping up with such a huge sword?! Agate just laughs, and yells that his training methods are a little different, before screaming as he jumps over a huge rock to take a shortcut and goes in for a swing of his enormous blade. The two men curse, as they realize they can't shake him! There's no choice - time to counter-attack! Agate smirks, and figures they're finally taking him seriously. Good! He was getting sick of playing tag with fools.

One of the black-clad men warily says Agate's not going to give up until he's dead… What a stubborn idiot! Does he really think he can beat two-to-one odds? Agate chuckles, and thinks he already has! Every fight takes spirit, and if you lose that, you've lost everything. He figured out exactly what kind of spirit these losers had when they took off with their tails between their legs! One of the men snarls that the 'guilder dog' should be silent, while the other boasts that they can handle him. He's in for a painful death! In response, Agate unleashes a special technique - probably his 'Flame Smash' Craft - and promptly sets both men on fire. Youch! One of the black-clad men curses again - they can't get caught now…!

Agate figures they should just surrender and give him their full confessions. Starting with who they are and what they're after! An off-screen voice tells him that he needn't concern himself about that… Agate swings around, surprised, and recognizes a third figure with a mask. It's the man with the red mask from the Valleria shoreline! Agate demands to know when he got here, while the two black-clad men are relieved - the Commander is here, he came to get them! The masked commander just scoffs at them - they're pitiful. They failed to report as appointed, and this is why? The two admit their failure - they have no excuse.

Agate gets it… So the red-masked man is in charge, is he? The man chuckles and says he's only in command of this scene - and he would like to apologize on behalf of his men. Could he perhaps persuade Agate to overlook this incident? Agate asks him to repeat that in disbelief, and the commander explains they never had any intention of running afoul of the Bracer Guild. Agate wonders if the guy really thinks he's just going to look the other way and let him get away with what he did? Don't make him laugh! The commander figures it was a generous offer, personally - and certainly a fairer price than death! He then commands the other masked men to stand down and they quickly depart while Agate is still busy with the commander…

The two face off, blade to blade, and Agate curses - well, fine. The target may have changed, but as long as he has one… Being the leader, he assumes that the commander has better information to offer him than his underlings anyway! The red-masked man wonders if Agate thinks it'll be that easy to make him talk? Agate sure wants to find out! With that battle begins, and after a few moments of clashing blades, Agate admits the other is not bad - not bad at all! The masked commander comments that Agate has an irrepressible passion, but a great weight bears down upon him… The two of them are not that different.

Agate, incredulous, wonders what he just said…? The commander muses that it's a painful thing to be powerless in a time of crisis, but Agate knows that feeling all too well, doesn't he? He can see it in his eyes. Agate blinks, then chuckles. Whoever the commander is, he thinks he likes him… The commander states that there is no shame in powerlessness - no shame in being outmatched. They both know that. Perhaps they could come to a mutually beneficial arrangement? Agate just yells 'SCREW YOU!' and charges up a technique - he shouldn't act like he knows anything about him! He's in for a hell of a beatdown! The commander chuckles, then charges up a technique of his own. The two rush at each other, yelling their battlecries, and for a moment both are frozen at the end of their attacks…

Then the commander crumples to his knees. Agate laughs - all talk, no shock! Bet the guild's going to love interrogating him, though. Suddenly, though, the commander starts fading out. Agate stares in disbelief as the man disappears, and he wonders to himself if that's the Body-Split Craft?

Agate suddenly senses something faint from the dark forest beyond, and a man's voice echoes, telling him that was a nice try… but Agate's got a heavy heart. A heavy heart makes for a light blade… Agate calls out whoever is speaking these words to tell them to his face, but the voice proclaims that when a warrior enters a skirmish, he must be prepared to lose everything. Otherwise, he can gain nothing. In order to live as a man, you must forgo all anger and grief.

With that, he bids Agate farewell… The presence vanishes. Now by himself, Agate wonders how the hell is he supposed to do that? He lets out a scream of rage as the screen fades to black… That's also when we get our graphic for the next chapter, so we'll get into that next time...

Next: Chapter 3! Let's say goodbye to Ruan with one last roundup, then set off for Zeiss...
Trails in the Sky (Part 46) - Farewell to Ruan (Chapter 3: Start)

Farewell to Ruan

Welcome to Chapter 3 of this game - ominously titled 'The Black Orbment.' A lot more straightforward than the rather opaque reference to the title of a play you eventually participate in, huh?

We start this chapter with Estelle and Joshua hanging out on the Langland Bridge. Estelle muses that Kloe isn't here yet - did they get here that early? Joshua admits they could be, and suggests killing some time at the tavern, but Estelle figures the weather is nice, so she'd rather just wait here. She doubts she could ever get tired of the view of the river. She turns to watch the water, and says she even gets the feeling that Ruan's finally back to normal. Pretty amazing, considering the uproar after Mayor Dalmore's arrest! Joshua points out a seated mayor has never been arrested before… Imagine if Mayor Klaus was arrested in Rolent!

Estelle agrees that would be a real shock. But when she thinks of it that way, the people of Ruan seem almost… cold. They were clearly surprised by what happened, but not a single person was truly shocked, as far as she could tell! Joshua reminds her that the mayor of Ruan has always been selected by bloodline alone, so he wasn't elected to his position by the Ruanians. That probably makes all the difference in the world. Estelle admits that's true - the people of Rolent appointed Klaus because they liked and trusted him. Dalmore is getting what he deserves, but she still feels kinda bad for him.

Joshua points something out to Estelle - it's Sieg! The bird lands on the railing of the bridge just as Kloe comes running over, calling out to Estelle and Joshua between labored breaths - she's sorry she's late! Joshua says it's no problem, since we just got here ourselves. Estelle wonders if she really ran all the way over here? She didn't need to rush! Kloe explains that she just couldn't let the two of us go without seeing us off, and thanks us for contacting her. Estelle blushes and repeats that as she keeps telling her, she really doesn't have to thank us! She thanks Sieg for coming too, and the bird cheerfully chirps back. Joshua suggests setting off, and Estelle agrees - we need to use the south exit to reach Zeiss, right? We need to get to Air-Letten and leave Ruan from there…

Before we leave, of course, there's one last round of exploration to tie up some loose ends. Since the entire zone is open to us, this means a whole bunch of backtracking - there's a couple missable books to grab along the way, of course.

Matilda says that if you've got a smile on your face all your life, it kinda loses its meaning, but the fact is… we're alive. Ruvie wonders if it's true, what the Liberl News wrote? It's just so hard to believe that the mayor was a criminal… Though she never liked him all that much. Atget asks if the mayor did something bad? He's not a nice man? Sylvie wonders if something major happened? Legaro just complains that the city sure is noisy… Tobias remarks that he's relieved to know the mayor's been arrested. Since House Dalmore has no more heirs, though, they'll have to elect a new mayor, won't they?

At the restaurant, Primo says the Ravens must have been hypnotized by the mayor to help him, or something. To tell the truth, his little brother is one of them. He doesn't always do the right thing, but he's not a bad person. Idiots… Guess now it's time to pay the piper. Jimmy is still obsessing over his pirate treasure, while Spiridon admits it's hard to believe the mayor's been arrested, but he supposes that means they'll be electing a new one. He'll be extremely interested in seeing who decides to run for office! O'Neil had never suspected Mayor Dalmore of such crimes, and muses that the position of mayor has been held by his house for generations. He suspects that one of them being arrested will be the end of that little tradition… For an old man like him, that's a genuine shock! Goodness, life certainly goes through its changes in the course of one man's life.

At the store we can also buy Liberl News - Issue 6, which covers recent events:

[Liberl News - Issue 6]
[Breaking Story] Ruan Mayor Arrested

A Sudden Arrest

Yesterday afternoon, Ruan's mayor, Morris Dalmore (48), was arrested by the Royal Guard on suspicion of arson and intent to commit other crimes. His steward, Gilbert Stein (25), was arrested on the same charges. Both are in the custody of the Intelligence Division and have been transferred to Leiston Fortress.

A Horrifying Rampage by the Incumbent Mayor

Mayor Dalmore is suspected of ordering the arson carried out on the Mercia Orphanage and plotting the theft of donations, as well. Although those responsible for committing the acts have not yet been caught, the mayor's steward, Gilbert, was seized at the scene, suggesting his involvement.

Arseille Aids in Arrest

Mayor Dalmore abruptly fled his residence during questioning by the Bracer Guild and attempted to flee down the Roubine River in his personal yacht. The bracers reacted quickly and alerted the Royal Guard, who rushed to the scene in the high-speed cruiser, Arseille, and used its hill as a barrier to thwart the escape. After his apprehension, the suspect appeared to have a temporary lapse of memory, possible due to chocks, but has since regained his composure.

What Motivated Such a Despicable Act?

A figure born into privilege and wealth who, for years, managed the affairs of the municipal government, has fallen from grace—all for what in the end was nothing more than an enormous debt borne from insatiable, personal greed.

In an investigation conducted by the Liberl News, it was uncovered that Morris Dalmore had been engaged in a number of speculative market transactions. However, a year prior, these deals in the Republic fell through, and he was left with a substantial debt. In order to cover his losses, Dalmore diverted money from the city's budget and attempted to develop a number of resort homes to be built somewhere within the region, perhaps reasoning that the profit gained from some prime real estate would hide his pilfering from the city coffers and restore his prior wealth.

Unfortunately, the key to his plan, the Mercia Orphanage, declined an offer to sell the land upon which it stood. The desperate suspect then resorted to arson and slipped into a heinous spree of crime.

[Society] Ruan Awaits a Speedy Election

With the incumbent mayor under arrest and incapable of fulfilling his duties, Ruan's succeeding municipal government is expected to endure an extended period of confusion. However, through the abolishment of the aristocracy and simultaneous enactment of a royal charter, in an instance such as this one, the law stipulates that an election must be held at the earliest possible date and a new mayor selected. Therefore, in the interest of public stability, a prompt and nonpartisan election is awaited by all.

[Technology] The Orbal Calculator, Capel - No. 1 in Processing Ability Worldwide

Mechanical computation through the application of orbments has been used in a vast range of fields beginning with navigational equipment aboard airships. However, the Capel, which is located in the Zeiss Central Factory, reigns supreme in this department. The Capel has the ability to instantly locate information from within its databanks, which currently store an amount equal to that of numerous encyclopedias. Its inventor, Professor Russell, is presently researching further possible applications for this technology.
Source: [Liberl News - Issue 6]

Fisherman Percy remarks that he thinks he'll go to Zeiss for some fishing next - he's never been there before, but heard it's a fisherman's dream. Ernest at the hotel says the arrest of the mayor is going to cause some big trouble for government proceedings. It'll probably also impact tourism! Murray says that war, or the mayor getting arrested, they don't matter - he's still always working. He doesn't know what's going on right now, but there's no point in getting worked up over it.

Weapon saleswoman Eva comments that Mayor Dalmore was always one to put on airs, but never in a million years did she think he'd put them on that thick! Tourguide Lytton says that since the mayor was the face of Ruan's tourism industry, his arrest will really ruin the town's image. They're already seeing a drop in the number of visitors and hotel reservations. Ciel says that if they really do elect a new mayor, he'd prefer it to be Mr. Norman. He'd do a lot to help build up the tourism industry. Eletta thinks her mom and dad are both home today, so she hopes she still gets to play… Renzo says it's just amazing to him that the mayor was responsible for all this trouble - he'd always thought he was a good man, and boy was he wrong! Liz says this whole mess has caused quite a stir, and it's making it difficult to study what with all the noise.

Antonio wonders what all the dads were making so much noise about? At the church, Sister Frieda says it's heartbreaking that children should be drawn into such terrible events. The head of the church is planning on visiting, and she intends to go with him, if he'll allow her. Father Theodore concludes that the love of money claimed the mayor, as it has done with so many others… Care must be taken to ensure that the region doesn't fall into chaos and disorder…

At the Bracer Guild we can find Carna, and ask her if she's feeling any better? Carna assures us she's fit as a fiddle again, and back at work as of today. She wishes she had some way to pay us back for all the trouble she put us through. She tells us that once we've become full-fledged bracers, we should come back to Ruan. She'll be waiting for us. Jean wonders if we're planning to go to Zeiss next? There may be clues about the Black Orbment there. It'll be a real load off his mind when we get promoted to full-fledged bracers. Melvin incredulously says the mayor's been arrested. He just doesn't… What's going on?

At the Landing Port, Edwin says that all this talk of the mayor doing terrible things is quite unsettling. Even so, it's a good thing that he's been arrested. Someone like that would, no doubt, only get into more trouble if he were allowed to run free. The Bracer Guild is to be commended!

Samario says they care about each other here, so they try to take care of each other. It's not always easy, that's for sure! Clive admits he's been invited to Zeiss as a guest engineer, but in the end he turned down the invitation. It was very flattering to him as an engineer, but he's Todd's brother first and foremost. He's got his own reasons for not wanting to leave Ruan. Todd laments that if not for him, his brother would probably be researching new kinds of engines…

In southern Ruan we visit the bar, where Pesca wonders if the mayor was really arrested? He doesn't know the whole story, but it must have been something major. Squaro doesn't care how much money you've got or who you are… if you start attacking orphans, you're scum. It's a nasty enough story to shock the foulest of scoundrels! If he had his druthers, come the next election he'd pick Portos as the new mayor! He'd bet his last mira that he's the sort who'd always put the good of Ruan first. Zecalte says he'll be off at sea, so he won't get a chance to vote. Whoever the next mayor is, though, he hopes he'll keep the dock hands and sailors in mind. Bolle says the guys in the north block want Norman to be the new mayor, while the south block prefer Portos…

Over at the docks, Portos says it's hard to believe what the mayor has let himself become. He'd been hoping to discuss the condition of the harbor's equipment with him… Now what do they do? Benoit thinks the mayor took tourism way too seriously, and he knew he'd never buy replacements for the harbor equipment. A real mayor would do what's best for his citizens, not what makes him the most money! If the boss got elected as mayor, it'd make things a lot less stressful around here… Kuper remarks that it looks like the Ravens are coming back. Maybe it's just him, but they seem pretty out of sorts… Could just be the gravity of everything that happened, though. Harg says it's hard to look at Chief Portos and not feel a little sorry for how stressed out the man is all the time. Still, when the chips are down, he's a boss they can rely on.

At the Ravens' warehouse, Terence says he could have sworn that Gilbert was coming here, but they can't remember a damn thing about this while to-do. Rais says there's no need to get all pissy about it - it's not like that soldier chick isn't already riding his ass! Guess it's his famous luck with women at work again… Rocco says that if they spot you, you'll get locked up in a naval airship… this girl in a blue and white uniform told him so! Deen can't believe he got controlled by the mayor like that - all those things he made them do… like friggin' puppets! And by him of all people! How pathetic is that?

Jabu notes that it looks like the mayor was nastier than any of them! Belden points out a cut he got, and says it came from Agate's sword. Ouchiwawa… Bargo explains that Rais challenged this chick with a military haircut to a duel. We should have seen it - she beat him down so fast that he barely even knew what hit him! They've seen a lot of cute chicks lately, but do they all have to be such badasses? Burt explains that Gilbert was taken away in a different airship than them, and wonders where they're taking him…? Picaro says that if Agate finds out about this, he's going to start hitting them again… He doesn't think his head can take any more trauma. Brrr…

Near the bridge, Brenda says the Dalmores have truly fallen far, if the mayor really had a hand in those crimes. He'll never seem like a real mayor again. More importantly, she just worries about those poor kids from the orphanage… She can't do much of anything to help, but she can at least dote on them a little. Noria says nobody except Dalmores have ever been elected as mayor before, but the next election will change all of that, unpleasant though it will be. She guesses that if anyone else wants to be mayor, now's the time to go after it. She wishes her husband had a little more drive…

Louis explains that his brother hasn't come home yet, and his dad said he's not welcome here. How come dad is always so cold to his big brother? Bridget is in shock that the mayor was involved in such a scandal! She thought him to be such a fine man when she spoke to him… Norman says that what's happened is truly a shame, but they can't afford to sit and puzzle over it. The mayor made a grave mistake, but he's the reason that Ruan has been so successful in its expansion… Hmm…

At the mayor's estate, Gartner says he's been working here for a long time, but… what should he do about his pay? Flora wonders who would have believed that the mayor would be arrested? What's to become of the estate now? Dominique says she's gotten wrapped up in this whole mess… She thinks that Dario and her are going to leave soon and go find new jobs. Maybe she could become a tour guide…?

Cook Viego says he'd always thought the mayor to be a fine man, and he was proud to prepare his meals. They've come to a sorry state, more's the pity. Dario says he served House Dalmore for over thirty years. That such a distinguished family, with a long history of dedicated service to Ruan, should come to this…

We can reenter the secret passage to study that weird machine back there, and discover it's a secret remote control for the bridge - that's why it suddenly opened up to let the mayor through during our chase!
At the academy we run into Mr. Effort almost immediately, who says gym class just finished up. You need more than studying to succeed in life - it also takes physical fitness. A beautiful body complements a beautiful mind! A few of his classes will put you on the right track for that. In the girls' dormitory, Alice is relieved that one more day of classes is over. What to do next…? Reina tells Felicity that everyone forgets a few things from time to time… If she doesn't hurry, the time for activities will be over! Felicity explains they're working on art class assignments, and just came back to get some supplies. Not that they forgot them. They, uh, just need more! Yeah.

At the boys' dormitory, Argyle chuckles - he wishes evening would come sooner. He finds the dark very soothing, so he enjoys it. He especially likes taking baths in absolutely pitch black… We should try it, if we get the chance. It's incredibly relaxing. Dennis says that in his experience, reviewing the class lessons really makes a difference. She reviews for three hours and does prep work for another two, every day. Outside, Janitor Parkes remarks that the plants are getting overgrown, and he'll have to prune them back soon. At the clubhouse, Mickey says it's finally over - he thinks he's going home and getting some rest!

Upstairs we can talk to Jill, who wonders if we came here especially to see her? It hasn't been so long, but there's been a lot going on, both good and bad. It's good to see us, though. Once everything really settles down for good, they can all focus on their futures! She hopes we have fun in Zeiss!

Hans read in the Liberl News about Mayor Dalmore and his dirty little schemes, and guesses that's why he acted all innocent and benevolent when he gave his donation at the festival. He was even nasty enough to attack the matron afterwards! He must really be rotten to the core… Anyway, this really is goodbye then, at least for now. But if we all live our lives to the fullest, there's no way this will be the last time we'll meet! For now, he just wishes us the best of luck in becoming full-fledged bracers.

Patrick is excited for club activities - if they rest, they'll lose their edge! Of course, they have to have some rest, no matter how much they practice… Purity is over in the research room, and is clearly searching for something - maybe around here…? She's looking around for stuff to help her with the novel she's writing. All the books she's been reading lately have really inspired her to write something of her own! She offers us one of her favorites - she found it really moving! Naturally, this nets us Carnelia - Chapter 6. Reading is food for the brain!

[Carnelia - Chapter 6] - Ascertaining the Inner Workings
My orbment, emptied bag and package wrapped in old magazine paper were laid out neatly on the table in front of me. The bracer sitting opposite me gazed alternately at my face and the items on the table as if trying to gauge my reaction to them. Constantly rubbing his chin between his fingers, it appeared to me as though he were making an effort to display his right hand, snugly fit within a leather gauntlet.
I had been led to the second floor of the lodge by the two men, and then, after they had painstakingly checked the layout of the floor, I was taken to the farthest room from the stairs. It occurred to me that the reason for the use of the makeshift space was due to there being no guild branch nearby.

The first man to sit in front of me was the lanky one. He told me his name, but I soon forgot which one was Clayton and which one was Pavel. About the time I had finished being frisked, the bracer wearing the gauntlets, Clayton or Pavel, whoever it was, returned and whispered something in his partner's ear. It seemd as though they were trying to locate Sister Carnelia, but having no luck.

After much probing on the subject of her and the Jaeger Corps, and after relating everything I had heard from her on the train, I turned the conversation around and, playing the role of the victim, inquired into her past history. (Though strictly speaking, I guess I was, in fact, a victim.)

'Her name is Selnate. Ein Selnate,' read aloud the lanky bracer from a pocket book he held just below eye level. 'Originally a constituent member of the Jaeger Corps, her present affiliation and activities are unknown.'

'In short,' added his partner pompously, 'she's not the type of person any upstanding citizen should be getting involved with.'

He reached out his gauntlet-clad hand and picked up the object bundled in scrap paper. Checking my reaction all the while, he unwrapped the paper, laying it out flat in the center of the table. Its contents turned out to be a lump of metal ingrained with a sort of clay-like substance.

I blurted out, 'I was on my way to a research institute with the item when everything happened,' and then threw in the address of some non-existent client for good measure.

The bracers took notes, making sure not to leave out any of the details of our conversation. Then, to dispel any lingering suspicions, I agreed to stay with them under their watchful eyes for the night.

The next day, I also found myself inclined to go along with them to the nearest guild branch in order to file a report about the events that happened back at the station, but I had no qualms over the matter. My greatest concern at the moment, after all, was not running into any more trouble.

I awoke as the sun came up over the horizon and day broke. With the advent of a peaceful morning, I sat up in bed and breathed a sigh of relief. The bracers who had stood guard the previous night were no longer present in the room, but the sound of their voices could be heard echoing out in the hallway beyond the closed door.

Slipping my arms through the sleeves of my jacket, I felt a sharp pain in my right elbow which brought back vivid memories of the woman from the day before.

Suddenly, a feeling of uneasiness came over me and still half-undressed, I began adjusting my orbment. After opening its back cover, I used a thin piece of tanned doeskin and started plucking out the quartz installed in each slot. It didn't take but five minutes to insert them each into different slots and rearrange their configuration with a set of light magic as my base. One by one, I replaced each screw until finally the metallic panel was back in place, and as a feeling of calmness set in, I rolled back over in bed.

It was at that time that a tall woman appearing to be a maid opened the door carrying a basin of hot water for the sink, with which guests could shave and wash their faces. After placing the small steaming tub on the table, the woman went quietly about her daily task of removing the bed linen.

Finding myself shooed from my own bed, I reluctantly headed toward the basin when just beyond the open door, I caught sight of two shadows cutting across the hallway in succession.

'They're here,' I heard myself mutter as the low tone of my suppressed voice reached my ears.

With only a bar of soap in hand, I remained unbelievably calm as I quickly shut and bolted the door. Then, pondering my next move, I stood still with my back pressed up against the wall.

On the other side of the hardened clay wall, the brief clamor of fighting ensued. Fumbling with the chain attached to my hip pocket I grabbed hold of the orbment I had adjusted just barely moments before.

It was two bracers versus the two others I had seen moments ago. Throwing myself into the mix with the two men from the Guild would definitely put us at an advantage from a numbers standpoint. However, when I turned again to face the door, the voice of self-doubt came percolating through my closed lips in the form of a distant mutter.

'There were only two of them?' I murmured to myself.

If Sister Carnelia's words were to be believed, then one unit consisted of three people, not two. Again, I questioned myself inwardly, 'Then where's the third?'

The hair on the back of my neck stood on end as I realized my plight.

Something swung down over the top of my head, catching me around the neck, and the next instant I was flung to the ground. From the corner of my blurred and spotty vision came the inexplicable view of a woman with demonic blood- shot eyes standing over me, trying to wrench the very life out of me with every twist of the sheet she had wrapped tightly around my throat.

Clutching my orbment in hand, I activated it and fired off a burst of magic while lying half- asphyxiated on the wooden planks of the room floor. The destructive vortex of compressed air sliced deeply into my hip, but at the same time, caused the woman to double over before forcefully blowing her to another part of the room. Shreds of whirling linen flecked and sprayed with fresh blood blasted out through a gaping hole in the wall where a closed window once stood, leaving nothing behind but shards of broken glass and a frame rent beyond all repair.
Source: [Carnelia - Chapter 6] - Ascertaining the Inner Workings

At the school building, Mr. Ratio says class may be over, but he still gets questions from his students. Taylor admits she didn't really understand the lesson in her last class… Rhody is just relieved classes are done for the day - afternoon classes always make him want to nap.

Kaden is getting ready for club activities - he's got to finish his painting today! Ms. Millia says he's been put in charge of writing up the entrance examinations for this year. She looks forward to the challenge, ha ha… Dean Collins has known Dalmore for so long that it's difficult to contain his shock at what he's been doing. It's not so much that his crimes are unforgivable, but he thinks he might be, too… He prays that the man will come to regret straying from the path.

Monika is presenting an assignment to a teacher, pointing out that right here is where she started to get lost. Ms. Wiola looks it over, then full-on anime sweatdrops and wonders how she does it…? To us, she remarks that the students here are really dedicated. Roy says that rumor has it the queen's birthday celebration is going to feature the biggest competition yet this year! He'd love for his Fencing Club to participate. (I'm gonna guess we'll be the ones taking part…)

Thelma is getting ready for archery practice today. It's been a while since she'd had a break from working on the festival! Logic says that today's lesson was very worthwhile. Nikita complains that she wanted to ask Ms. Millia about the staff she didn't understand, but she always leaves the classroom in such a hurry that she never gets a chance! She promised her sister she'd help out with her shop, too, so she has to get back… Gerome is glad he's done with classes, and is ready for club activities. His club is the 'lounge around at home club', so he's quite excited!
Creda says her back's been feeling better ever since those children came. Maybe some of their energy is rubbing off on her? Sadie says the kids finally seem happy again, but she's still having a tough time dealing with Mayor Dalmore being a criminal… There's no telling what the kids will think once they figure it all out.

At the inn, Alvin is ready to get back to climbing, as the peaks of Krone are calling for him!

Shelby remarks that there's too much snow on the south face for it to be safe. Guess they'll have to plan a new route… Carla says she asked everyone from the orphanage to stay here until they can rebuild - they've had a good bit of fun! Rex says he's not surprised Steward Gilbert is a criminal, but even so, it's hard to believe that the mayor would be involved in something that terrible. Guess he'll have the rest of his life to pay for what he's done.

Outside we can find the orphans and the matron - the kids are playing tag, and Clem complains it's no fun when Polly is 'it'... Daniel wonders what snacks there are today…? Mary is relieved that the matron is there, but knows that she has to learn to be more grown up! Someday they can pay the matron back for all that she's done for them… Theresa wonders if we're leaving? When Estelle confirms we're headed for Zeiss, she says they're all greatly indebted to us for all that we've done, and it pains her that she can't repay our kindness like we deserve. Estelle assures her it's fine - she's really just glad that all those kids are happy again! Theresa hopes Estelle will be safe on the journey to Zeiss, and Joshua thanks her on behalf of both of us.

Zack is in shock that the mayor was involved in those crimes, but at least the matron will get some kind of reparations if proof can be established. If the orphanage gets rebuilt, he'd be glad to help. Solomon can hear the voices of the kids from here, Aidios be praised! Elder Serge says it's hard to believe the mayor as capable of such vile acts… Whether one can believe it or not, though, what puzzles him most is why he would do such things. Amelia wonders where Zack has run off this time? She was hoping to get him to run to Ruan for her…

Over at the lighthouse, Vogt is surprised to see us again. He explains that the stuff they used on him has finally worn off. He was downright fuzzy before, but now he feels like his old self again. Guess it's about time to return to work! At Krone Pass, Private Usher says everybody up here in the fort is talking about the mayor being arrested. Belying that, Warrant Officer Serose wonders if maybe he should try making a dish using wild vegetables today…? CWO Zelste says it's really unfortunate to hear what the mayor was involved in. Politician or not, those types of actions are unforgivable.

Private Cutinger tells us that despite the season, it still gets freezing cold in these mountains. Private Mikey wonders if it's true that the mayor of Ruan was arrested? Who knew that could happen?

With our final exploration round-up of Ruan mostly finished, we stock up on items and eat something before setting off to the south for our last point of interest - the checkpoint at Air-Letten! We get a cinematic shot from high-up which is probably incorrectly scaled because you can straight up see the map's edge.

The camera slowly descends to showcase the large aqueducts and waterfalls converging here. Estelle comments that she'd been here before, but it's a nice little spot. The view is breathtaking, and it certainly doesn't feel like a checkpoint - that's for sure! Kloe mentions that a lot of visitors come here to see the waterfall, and Estelle admits Ruan has a lot of nice places, huh? She can understand why the duke would want to live here. Kloe thinks Rolent is also a nice, relaxing place to live…

Estelle is surprised that Kloe has been to Rolent, but she explains that she's actually been to all five of the great cities. Zeiss is right up ahead - we'll be surprised how charming it is. Estelle thinks it sounds like we're in for some fun, and Joshua figures we might as well get the paperwork started, then. Let's go see what everyone at the checkpoint is up to!

Private Vernon welcomes us to the Air-Letten checkpoint. If we want to get set up to go through, we should head to the counter inside. Inside, Caesar greets us - we're back! He thanks us for what we did before, and wonders what brings us back today? We should feel free to stop by if we have the chance. Private Nix stands at the gate to Zeiss, but warns that the Kaldia Tunnel up here isn't quite the same as it used to be. Anyone who travels through it is going to find a new experience, newcomer or not.

Warrant Officer Kientz remarks that we did them a solid by dealing with the duke. Bracers and the Royal Army have never really gotten along well, but he thinks they'll be a little more willing to help each other out in the future. Scratching each others' backs - everybody's specialty is different, y'know? Point is, everything worked out in the end.

CWO Hahn says he's still in our debt for our actions when His Grace arrived. Thanks to us, he's not causing any more trouble for the other customers. Though he still has his doubts, he'd be happy to cooperate with the Bracer Guild in the future. If anything comes up, he hopes we'll be willing to help!

We approach Private Cromwell at his desk, and he wonders how he may be of assistance? Joshua explains that we're seeking permission to enter Zeiss, and Cromwell says we should step right up - he'll take care of it for us. We should be aware, though, that once these procedures have begun we won't be allowed to leave the checkpoint. Are we okay with that? This is the cut-off point - if you answer yes here, you're cut off from heading back to the rest of the Ruan region. Naturally, since we're pretty much done, we say yes and sign the papers. (Fun fact: if you haven't returned that fishing rod you could get for a sidequest, you're actually forced to return to town and do so before you can leave!)

After everything is finished, Cromwell asks if the young lady with us isn't coming along? Kloe explains she only came to see us off, and he's content with that explanation. She'll be able to accompany us as far as the mouth of the Kaldia Tunnel. Kloe thanks him, while Estelle cluelessly wonders about this tunnel…? Cromwell explains it's the main road that joins this checkpoint to Zeiss - the path is a long tunnel that passes directly through Kaldia Hill. Estelle is amazed at the thought of an underground road, and Joshua admits it'll definitely be a first for him, too.

Heading outside, we get another glamor shot of the AIr-Letten waterfalls - Estelle thinks they're amazing! Huh, so the waterfall comes from a man-made river, huh? Joshua recalls that it's called the Lhotse Waterway, and was made a very long time ago. Kloe adds that it's directly linked to the Valleria Lakeshore. Estelle is impressed - especially since they did all this without any help from orbments! Estelle turns to the tunnel, and Joshua concludes that'll be the entrance - and Kloe can't go any further. Guess this is goodbye…

Kloe figures that we'll be traveling around the kingdom, right? We may be able to meet again in Grancel. She'll be going back there when the queen's birthday celebration starts since some of her relatives will be there, so she has to join them. Joshua recalls that's a month away, right? Yeah, we might actually be in Grancel around that time. Estelle proposes that when she's done with her family stuff, Kloe should contact the Grancel guild branch, and we can try and meet up. Kloe promises she'll do that, then tells us she can't thank us enough. She won't ever forget everything that we've done for her. Estelle asks her not to be so formal, while Joshua points out we're in her debt as well, for many reasons. He'd say we're pretty even.

Kloe looks away, pained, and says that when we confronted the mayor, she said some terrible things. 'You care for no one but yourself'... She admits she's been running away from the reality of her own situation for a while now. To the orphanage, and to the academy… but the two of us taught her something. We helped her find the courage to hold her head high and find the strength to protect what matters. Because of us, she knows how to be brave! Estelle doesn't really get it, but says that if we were able to help her, she is happy. She asks Kloe to cheer up, okay? We'll see each other again in Grancel!

Sieg screeches, and Estelle jokingly figures we'll get to see him again, too. When the bird screeches for confirmation, Estelle admits that it was a joke. Grancel's pretty far away, so she doesn't think those wings would hold… Besides, his home is here! Sieg screeches in confusion, while Kloe remarks that Sieg isn't just any bird, you know! She thinks he'll be there. Joshua thinks that bird is just full of surprises, isn't he? Well then… shall we be off? Kloe wishes us luck on our journey, and prays we'll find our father. Estelle and Joshua both thank her, then stride into the dark Kaldia Tunnel as the gates swing closed behind them.

The camera remains focused on Kloe, who stares after them. Sieg screeches, and Kloe agrees with what he just said - they'll see them again. Just then, a woman's voice speaks up from behind her, apologizing for keeping her waiting. She turns and greets 'Miss Julia', and wonders if she'd done with her duties at Leiston Fortress? First Lieutenant Schwarz appears and says things took longer than she had anticipated. Pardon her rudeness, but she'd come to get her report on the incident. Kloe thanks her for her service.

Sieg enthusiastically starts circling the lieutenant, and Schwarz tells him to settle down - has he been fulfilling his duty as escort? The bird screeches, and Kloe says he's always been very helpful. Isn't that right, Sieg? The bird screeches again, and Schwarz thinks he's certainly chipper. She then tells Kloe that the Arseille is stopped at the end of the highway, and she's to report there. Kloe nods that she understands, but says that since she's leaving school for a while, she needs to say goodbye to her teachers before returning to Grancel.

As she turns back towards the Kaldia Tunnel entrance, she muses that she'll take what Joshua and Estelle taught her and show them that she can be strong… Stronger even than the two of them! She'll do everything in her power to see to that!

Next: Zeiss awaits! Or, you know, a dank tunnel with flickering lights where little children carry cannons.
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