Trails in the Sky (Part 37) - Ruan Sidequests III
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Ruan Sidequests III
We're done in Ruan City for now, but there's still several sidequests in the outlying areas of the region's map… We're heading up towards the north first, in the direction of Manoria Village and Krone Pass. For lack of anywhere else to put it, here's what people in that direction have to say:Creda says it's so good of us to come play with the kids at the orphanage. It's as if they've suddenly become everyone's grandchildren. She tends to prefer the quiet, but she doesn't mind that! Sadie explains the kids from the orphanage seem to be getting a bit of their old spirit back. She's glad the girls were able to come over and play.
At the inn, Alvin comments that the weather is perfect for scaling that mountain he'd had his sights set on… but he can't stop worrying about the kids from the orphanage. He still wants to watch out for them, at least for a little while. He knows he's not the most dependable person around, but he has to do something. Shelby figures they can go climbing as much as they want, now. Can't say either of them see that as a bad thing. Carla promises the orphans and Matron Theresa are being well looked after. They have to come together in times of trouble, you know! Rex mentions it's almost time for the campus festival, and he thinks the kids from the orphanage are going too. He just hopes they can forget about all this mess for a little while…
Upstairs, Matron Theresa says she's truly indebted to us for a multitude of reasons, and the Manorians greatly appreciate all that we've done. He's really grateful to everyone for what we've done. Outside we can find the children playing together - Polly is just glad to be 'playin' wif everyone', Daniel wonders what's for dinner, Clem is glad everyone seems to be doing better already, Lucia is sure glad to have lots of friends, and Mary thanks us for helping Clem - he can be a real pain sometimes.
Solomon morosely mentions there's nothing left of the orphanage but rubble and ashes. The first must have been burning super-hot. Many memories were made there… Elder Serge says it seems the orphaned children are recovering their spirit little by little, and they've settled in enough for him to hear them laughing from time to time…
At their northern home, Zack mentions that they're finally done with the first phase of cleaning up the site of the fire. More importantly, someone did this on purpose! They have to pay for what they did… and the only currency he'll accept is black eyes! Amelia mentions they used to have three people living under this roof, including Zack, but uncle Orvid moved out years ago. He does pop back in from wherever he goes on occasion. She wishes Zack would get along a little better with him, though. Maybe he'd come home more often…
At Krone Checkpoint, Private Usher mentions the Bose Region has been rather quiet since the sky bandits were apprehended. Guess it's better than a string of events… Warrant Officer Serose says they haven't seen any of those monsters after they attacked the other night. Any way he looks at it, it just seems like they weren't from around here. CWO Zelste says soldiers have been stationed at each checkpoint to protect them, but occasionally they have to rescue stranded hikers in the mountains. That's because they have a lot of hikers who find themselves in trouble here along the Krone Range…
Private Cutinger says that since this is the middle of the mountains, it's really inconvenient to get food brought up here. They usually get their stuff delivered from Bose or Ruan along the trail here. Along with the deliverer's own escort, they have to go and meet them along the way. Private Mikey mentions the Warrant Officer loves to cook. Even when it's not his turn, there are times when he still makes things in the kitchen.

At the inn, Alvin comments that the weather is perfect for scaling that mountain he'd had his sights set on… but he can't stop worrying about the kids from the orphanage. He still wants to watch out for them, at least for a little while. He knows he's not the most dependable person around, but he has to do something. Shelby figures they can go climbing as much as they want, now. Can't say either of them see that as a bad thing. Carla promises the orphans and Matron Theresa are being well looked after. They have to come together in times of trouble, you know! Rex mentions it's almost time for the campus festival, and he thinks the kids from the orphanage are going too. He just hopes they can forget about all this mess for a little while…
Upstairs, Matron Theresa says she's truly indebted to us for a multitude of reasons, and the Manorians greatly appreciate all that we've done. He's really grateful to everyone for what we've done. Outside we can find the children playing together - Polly is just glad to be 'playin' wif everyone', Daniel wonders what's for dinner, Clem is glad everyone seems to be doing better already, Lucia is sure glad to have lots of friends, and Mary thanks us for helping Clem - he can be a real pain sometimes.

Solomon morosely mentions there's nothing left of the orphanage but rubble and ashes. The first must have been burning super-hot. Many memories were made there… Elder Serge says it seems the orphaned children are recovering their spirit little by little, and they've settled in enough for him to hear them laughing from time to time…
At their northern home, Zack mentions that they're finally done with the first phase of cleaning up the site of the fire. More importantly, someone did this on purpose! They have to pay for what they did… and the only currency he'll accept is black eyes! Amelia mentions they used to have three people living under this roof, including Zack, but uncle Orvid moved out years ago. He does pop back in from wherever he goes on occasion. She wishes Zack would get along a little better with him, though. Maybe he'd come home more often…

At Krone Checkpoint, Private Usher mentions the Bose Region has been rather quiet since the sky bandits were apprehended. Guess it's better than a string of events… Warrant Officer Serose says they haven't seen any of those monsters after they attacked the other night. Any way he looks at it, it just seems like they weren't from around here. CWO Zelste says soldiers have been stationed at each checkpoint to protect them, but occasionally they have to rescue stranded hikers in the mountains. That's because they have a lot of hikers who find themselves in trouble here along the Krone Range…
Private Cutinger says that since this is the middle of the mountains, it's really inconvenient to get food brought up here. They usually get their stuff delivered from Bose or Ruan along the trail here. Along with the deliverer's own escort, they have to go and meet them along the way. Private Mikey mentions the Warrant Officer loves to cook. Even when it's not his turn, there are times when he still makes things in the kitchen.
We'll have to check in with some folks before we leave, though:
Side Job: Maintenance Delivery
Speaking to Tobias at the orbment factory, Estelle explains we're there about the guild request he left. He catches on - this is about the Maintenance Kit, isn't it? Our timing is exemplary! Will we be able to make the delivery post-haste? This is rather urgent business, after all! This brick of a thing is all ours! Estelle is confused by that phrasing, and Tobias asks if she's daft? He's telling her it's heavy! Very, very heavy. Here, we should feel for ourselves! As he hands it off, he wonders if we're okay with it? No bone fractures forming to our knowledge? The kit is filled to the brim with replacement parts and every tool you can imagine for replacing an orbment light the size of a lighthouse's.

Estelle notes that it's not a big deal at all - she's stronger than she looks. We just need to carry this over to the lighthouse along the coast, right? Tobias confirms it should go to Vogt, the lighthouse keeper, who is expecting it. The contents are quite valuable, so we should be as careful as we can. He still can't believe it… Such responsibility! Such strength! Such grace! Ah, youth… Estelle is confused, and Tobias explains that Jean told him about us, but seeing for himself just how peppy we are lifts his spirits to the sky. Estelle argues we're not peppy - we're professional! Tobias says we're young, that's what we are. Naturally he was worried about entrusting potentially reckless youths with something so valuable, but he worries no more. Estelle mutters that just because we're young doesn't automatically mean we're reckless…
Tobias argues she got it all wrong - he just meant that he wasn't sure how old man Vogt would take it. Estelle agrees that's a good point - we helped him out when he was in a bit of a pickle. Joshua agrees we should just leave it at that, yeah… Tobias laughs, and wonders if he left the door open again? Either way, we know what we're talking about, it seems! We should try to understand where he's coming from, though. Being a lighthouse keeper is lonely work, so a little eccentricity is to be expected. Kloe notes the lighthouse is crucial for ships to be able to navigate safely, so the work is a big responsibility. Estelle gets it - it's important work…
Tobias mentions that when he was still a fisherman, Tobius used to down plenty of drink at Lavantar. Now that he lives at that lighthouse though, he barely gets a chance to have his favorite drink. It's pretty sad, really. He'd like to go ahead with getting him what he wants, but… well, he's probably said too much. Either way, don't let the old man's unpleasantness get to us, okay? Estelle agrees, and wonders if there's anything else? Tobias says there's nothing in particular. Once we're done, he'd like us to return here. Take care!

If you recall that Vogt is incredibly into overdoing every request, and you picked up on Tobias' unsubtle reference to the Lavantar restaurant, you can swing by there before heading out of town and speak to Primo. He spots the toolbox and wonders if we're headed over to Varenne Lighthouse by any chance? Estelle confirms we have a delivery to make to Mr. Vogt, the lighthouse keeper. Primo muses that the old man went to the lighthouse a long time ago, but he guesses he's still doing okay… Estelle mentions that she heard he came here a lot in the past, and Primo confirms that - he's a fisherman, so he loves his drink and he loves to gamble. He especially loves a good Azelia Rose, which is a cocktail made with fruit juice. He's missed around this place… They'd love to see him again, but he never comes down to have a drink. It's a rough job he has…
Primo wonders, if it's no trouble, whether we would mind bringing one of them to him? 'One what?' Estelle asks cluelessly. Primo says he obviously meant one of those cocktails, seeing as we're headed over there anyway. He's not making a formal request or anything, so if it gets to be a pain to carry we can just dump it out on the way. Estelle figures this basically just means we're dropping off supplies, right? She asks if Joshua would mind, and he sees no problem with it. Estelle says he's such a gentleman, and Kloe agrees! Primo thinks this is great, and just tells it to get the Azelia Rose to the old man. Mind, it could really use something salty to go with it, but he doesn't have anything like that right now… This season's great for Manoria's specialty though, salted anchovies. Ah well, guess it's just the drink for right now. Good luck!

While I've already got a bunch of salted anchovies, you can stock up with Sadie in Manoria on the way to the lighthouse. Climbing all the way up, Estelle yells cheerfully that weeeee're back! Vogt recognizes us as those kids from before, and Estelle says it's been a while since we were last up this way. Today we're here on another job! Joshua explains that a request came in to the Bracer Guild, so we're here to deliver a Maintenance Kit. Estelle warns it's a little heavy, so he should be carefully carrying it… Vogt checks it over - yeah, everything is alright. He appreciates us bringing this all the way over here. Estelle assures him it's no worry - it's our job, after all.
On another note, Estelle adds, we actually have something else for him. Kloe hands over the bottle of Azelia Rose, explaining it was entrusted to our care by Primo, from Lavantar. Vogt is ecstatic - he used to drink this all the time while munching on anchovy dishes! We can then choose to hand over some of our food or withhold it. Naturally we give him anchovies, and Estelle laughs - we've got one of those for him too! Vogt is excited - we've even brought him some munchies to go with it! What thoughtful bracers we are! Man, this takes him back… How are Primo and the others? Are they doing well? Estelle assures him they are, but they're all worried about him. Work must be tough, so he should take care of himself, okay? Don't overexert those old bones!

Vogt haltingly promises that he, uh, won't? Well, blunt or not, he thanks Estelle for her concern. He values that even more than anchovies. …So does this mean she's starting to understand what it means to possess a caring soul? Estelle says she's just not good with those touchy-feely concepts. Vogt thinks she did a good job today, but she could of course always do better. Which reminds him… Wait right here a moment, okay? Vogt quickly fetches something from a nearby storage compartment - something he once used a long, long time ago. He'd be pleased as plum if we'd accept these for bringing all those things out here for him! They may be a little old, but like him they'll still do the job as surely as the day we were born! We then receive a Work Helmet and a Gladiator Headband. (The latter ups your CP recovery and boosts strength at the cost of defense.)
Joshua wonders if we can really have these? Vogt says we absolutely can - not like he'll be setting sail for wild, exotic lands again any time soon! Anyway, he thanks us for delivering that stuff all the way up here. Now, he'd best get back to work… He's basically been playing hooky this whole time we've been talking. If he stays here any longer, somebody is bound to notice! Kloe tells him to take care of himself, while Estelle tells the same to the old coot. Joshua just excuses himself as we set off for home…

Optionally we can check in with Tobias back in town, who's glad to learn that things went smoothly. Estelle tells him the old man was doing well, and Tobias is pleased about that. Later, then! He'll be in touch if anything comes up. If we speak to Primo at Lavantar again, he's glad we got the whole thing sorted out, and asks how the old salt is doing? Estelle assures him he's doing just fine, and that Vogt sends his regards. Primo is happy about that. Age eventually gets the best of us all, but it sounds like he's still hanging in there. He really appreciates this, and wishes us luck out there!
For this job we receive 1000 Mira and 4 BP on top of the items Vogt gave us.
Side Job: Escort Job
As we approach the far side of Manoria Village, Amelia steps out of a nearby house and wonders if we're with the Bracer Guild? She's been waiting for us. Joshua recalls the assignment had something to do with an escort mission? Guardian someone who's going into the mountains? Amelia confirms that's right - she wants us to protect her uncle who's going through the Krone Trail. Estelle guesses he's traveling to Bose, but Amelia says that's not it, exactly - he wants to specifically go to the Krone Trail. He said something about looking for some rare plants up there… She doesn't really know what he's talking about, sorry.

Estelle just sighs - okay then. Joshua suggests asking the man directly, and Amelia thinks that's reasonable - we should wait just a moment, she already called for him. As she heads back inside, Estelle mentions this already sounds more complicated than the bulletin board indicated - she's got a feeling this won't go well. Kloe agrees that the Krone Trail is an exceedingly dangerous place, so she can't imagine someone specifically wanting to go there. Joshua figures they'll never know if they don't ask the man… Just then the house's door opens again, so it looks like he's here!
When only Amelia steps outside, Estelle is rather confused. Where is her uncle? Amelia admits that, well, it appears he's already set out… Estelle is astounded - he's already set out?! Alone? Joshua assumes he means he's already going towards the Krone Trail, then. Amelia says she asked him to at least wait until we showed up, so she's not sure what made him decide to just leave on his own like this… Estelle says this is not good - not good at all. Why would he go alone? It's like asking for a monster to eat you! Joshua muses it'll be even more dangerous after dark, so he should really be off that pass by sundown. Amelia apologizes - we pretty much came here for nothing. Estelle tells her not to worry about us - we're fine. She promises she'll have a word with her uncle when he gets back…
Naturally, we trek up towards the Krone Trail to figure out what happened to the wayward uncle, using our haze quartz to avoid all the giant scorpions along the way. Finally, all the way up the trail near the checkpoint to Bose, we discover a wayward traveler running from a trio of slime monsters. He's surrounded! As he spots us, he calls out: 'Help!' Estelle just calls Joshua's name - let's go! With that, we throw ourselves into battle…!

The actual fight is pretty quick and easy, since we're just dealing with three weird slime monsters. After they go down, Kloe sighs in relief - looks like we made it just in time. Estelle agrees we made it by a hair's breadth. Joshua asks if the running man was hurt, but he assures us he's quite alright - thanks to us he came out with nothing more than a few scratches. He pauses and says he could almost swear he's seen us somewhere before… Estelle's homely face is especially familiar! Estelle isn't sure how to take the 'homely' comment, but the guy does seem familiar to her too…
Ah! The man remembers her now - she's that country girl from Rolent! Estelle also recognizes him - he's that conniving merchant who was searching for those toxic mushrooms, Orvid! Joshua tells Estelle that he was a client, remember? She should tone it down a bit. Orvid mutters that it looks like even now she still hasn't learned how to show the slightest courtesy. Exactly what he'd expect from someone raised in the boonies. Estelle asks him to just shut up, nasty food maniac! No doubt he was out here hunting for more bizarre ingredients, right?
Orvid argues that he already gathered the valuable wild vegetables he came here for, thank you! These delectables are far more unique than even that Firefly Fungus! Heh heh, with these in hand his next business deal is sure to be a success! Estelle asks him to back up there - what's this about his 'next business deal'? Hah, that Firefly Fungus didn't work out for him, did it?

Orvid blusters that he's not going to listen to any more of this pessimism! There just happened to be no demand for them at the time. That's all. End of story.
Kloe asks Estelle that when Orvid mentioned wild vegetables, did that bring anything to mind? Joshua gets it immediately - right, that's something that Amelia mentioned back at Manoria Village. Orvid recognizes this as his niece's name - but what does she have to do with any of this? Estelle belatedly realizes Orvid is her uncle, while Joshua explains that Amelia asked us to provide Orvid's escort, but when we arrived he'd already left. Orvid admits that it wasn't very nice of him to just take off like that, but it couldn't be helped. He had to come up with a real eye-catcher before his next business deal!
Estelle points out it nearly led to him ending up as some monster's next meal. She's pretty sure you can't do any business deals from inside the belly of a monster! Once he gets back to town he should apologize to Amelia, as she's sure she's worried sick about him. Orvid begrudgingly agrees. He promises to talk to her after his next business deal in Grancel is done. Joshua thinks that's a good move, and suggests we should get going back towards Manoria. The escorting job isn't done until he's back home.

Retracing our steps, we get back to Manoria where Orvid says this is splendid! He's greatly obliged to us for today, and he hopes that the matter from earlier can be forgiven and forgotten. It would seem we are united by fate. When we next meet, he hopes we can see one another as business associates, rather than mutual nuisances. Joshua is okay with it, and asks Estelle - she decides it's good with her too. At last we're on good terms again. To future successes! Orvid is glad to hear it, and says perhaps we'll meet again on the next job!
For this job we receive 1500 Mira and 5 BP.
With those two tasks finished, it's now time to venture south instead. This seemed an opportune time to visit the Sapphirl Tower - there's no quest that takes place there, so it's just a bunch of looting and a lot of backtracking while avoiding the many random encounters. There's also several chests full of the same set of mobs again and again - lots of Robber Trappers - which net us some Army Boots, a Flamberge for Kloe, a Battle Suit, and the recipe for Hot Fried Chicken. Also among the loot is the 'Scent' quartz - this is sort of the anti-Haze, since it lures all enemies directly towards you. It's kind of a horrible effect. The upside is that it gives you 3 Wind and 2 Space value, efficiently opening up several techniques. The trick is to have both Scent and Haze equipped at the same time, so the attraction effect of Scent is negated by Haze! Score.
I leave the loot tower behind and make my way to the checkpoint between Ruan and Zeiss, known as Air-Letten - the location of the last sidequest on the checklist.
Private Vernon at the entrance mentions it's been noisy inside for a while now. Wonder what's going on? Tia complains about 'that annoying guy', while Gary muses that there are selfish people in all walks of life. Private Orta complains about the noise outside. Is someone arguing or something? Lindsay says she wishes someone would do something about this already! Bartholomew guesses even a bracer is no match for an 'upper crust' jerk. The future looks bleak… Mikelson can't seem to see anything through the keyhole…!
Side Job: Make Him Leave!
As we arrive at Air-Letten, we can see several people gathered together in front of the door to the dinner hall. Mikelson mentions that he can't hear anything, and Lindsay asks what's going on. Bartholomew wonders if the Royal Army is really going to just roll over for some bigwig? Our party walks in at this point, and Estelle asks the three what they're doing? Joshua notes that by the looks of them he'd say they're just ordinary travelers… He has to wonder why there isn't a single guard here, though…? Kloe agrees that's strange, and Estelle asks if maybe something big is going on…? Joshua suggests asking a guard when we find one!

Heading upstairs onto the bridge, we see CWO Hahn speaking with a familiar butler… Oh no. Hahn asks him if His Grace has changed his mind? Butler Phillip admits that His Grace is not the sort to do so, once he has decided on something. In light of that, he believes he'll be staying here. Hahn says that in this case they'll just have to wait for the bracers to arrive before they can do anything more. Phillips agrees - if that's all, he shall take his leave. Hahn asks him to wish them luck…
Passing by Phillip as we head upstairs, Estelle is surprised - don't we know that guy? Before she can figure it out CWO Hahn calls out, saying he is glad to see us - we're bracers, aren't we? Thank Aidios we're here! He introduces himself as Chief Warrant Officer Hahn, and we quickly return the introductions. Joshua asks about this traveler who is a problem, and Hahn explains that they do have an unsavory character here… and dealing with him is proving most difficult. Do we have time to help out…?

We head back downstairs, and Hahn concludes that there's been little progress to speak of. Estelle asks what's up with the people gathered at the door, and Hahn explains they're the victims of this current little issue - the traveler, you see, is currently in the dining hall. They were hopeful food will persuade him, for the sake of the others here. Estelle wonders what he means, and asks who exactly this troublesome traveler is? Hahn is about to answer when the people at the door notice Hahn and rush over to him - Mikelson recalls he's the one in charge here, right? He has to do something! Bartholomew asks if he's just going to let this kind of bullying go on unchallenged? Lindsay argues the Royal Army is supposed to be on the side of the citizens, right? They should do something about this, then!
CWO Hahn tells everyone to hold on now, and Joshua also joins in trying to calm the people down. Mikelson is sick of being calm, though! Joshua says he understands but asks them to please just take a step back… The three aggrieved guests just start pesting him and Hahn, and Estelle worriedly wonders if he's okay? Joshua just tells Estelle that for now, she and Kloe just check on the dining hall by themselves. Estelle nervously agrees, and Kloe accepts as well. Joshua assures us that he will handle the crowd here. Onlooker Gary says it's no real surprise they'd attack the soldiers over this… Not that he blames them, but he really doesn't think that's going to help!
As we go to enter the cantina, we see that Caesar is facing off with an old frenemy - Duke Dunan. Caesar tells the man that if he reserves all the rooms as well as the dining hall, what will he tell the other guests? Why can't the duke see where he's coming from? Butler Phillip feels like he must agree with Caesar, and suggests that they should perhaps return to Ruan as originally planned? Dunan tells him to be quiet - he likes it here! Particularly since it has such a lovely view of Air-Letten's waterfall. Caesar just asks for some consideration here…

This is when Estelle and Kloe enter the room. Urk. It had to be him, didn't it? That self-centered duke guy from before! Warrant Officer Kientz is glad to see the bracers have shown up, though he says we're late - they've been waiting for us. Estelle narrows her eyes - don't tell her, this is the troublesome traveler they've been dealing with? Kientz wonders if she sees anyone else here? Estelle sighs. Fine. It's no wonder they recognized the guy who was talking to the CWO, then. Kientz explains that the duke says he wants to stay here, and insists that he has to rent all the rooms as well as the dining hall. Estelle concludes he really is as selfish as selfish gets, huh? Kloe sighs - oh dear, he is a troublesome fellow… Kientz notes that royalty or not, what exactly does he expect them to do about everyone else? Make them go camping?
That's where we come in, hopefully. Kientz asks us if we can do something to help? Ideally we should convince him to go back to Ruan. (Or give him a little nudge over the falls.) Estelle wonders if he really expects her to do it? Kientz points out that tactical negotiation is part of our job, right? They're just soldiers at this checkpoint, you know - they train with guns and swords. Negotiating with swords can be somewhat… messy. Estelle asks what makes him think she's any different? She's good at hitting stuff, not talking! They usually teach that stuff to someone with a knack for it. Joshua is the one with the silver tongue, not her…

Kloe argues we can't just stand by while this is going on, and Kientz begs for help - and if we can't convince him with words, there's always that staff! With a grumble, Estelle says that okay, okay, she'll give it a shot. She hates this kind of stuff! Kientz has faith in her, at least. Estelle tells it to him straight - he can have all the faith in the world, but she doesn't. He shouldn't get his hopes up. Kloe assures Estelle she'll do fine. Estelle thanks her - and here goes nothing!
Estelle walks up to Duke Dunan, and Butler Phillip recognizes her. Estelle greets him, and concludes where he goes, trouble soon follows, huh? The Duke asks who Phillip is talking to, and Estelle thinks to herself that she has to start this off right. With that we get two options - we can either casually greet the 'Duke-guy' or play up the official language, stating that she's here to 'collect His Grace.' The latter, of course, is the way to go to keep the duke from getting angry. Dunan doesn't remember needing 'collecting', though - where did we travel from?
We can now pick between the mayor's estate and Hotel Blanche. If you recall earlier dialogue, the estate was a possible location Dunan wanted to go, and he's already been at the hotel, so the estate is the option to go with there. Dunan says it's quite admirable of us to come fetch him on behalf of the mayor, but he has no desire to return to Ruan this evening. He's already decided on staying at Air-Letten.

Hearing this, Estelle muses to herself that it's double or nothing, now… She's got to change his mind, but make it feel like it's his own idea… We can then pick between calling the checkpoint a 'junky old place', or mentioning an impending dinner party at the mayor's estate.
Playing up how low-class the establishment is here seems logical - Estelle tells him to just look around. She doesn't think this place deserves the business of the next king! Dunan says she declares things he already knows to be true, as he never believed this place to be worthy of his presence. It is, however, occasionally interesting to live as the common folk do… briefly. Estelle gets that, but she doesn't think they even have a high-class chef here… Not to mention, she bets it may not be very sanitary. (In the background, Caesar angrily grumbles.) Dunan muses that yes, now that she brings it to his attention, this place does look a little on the filthy side. He supposes he simply cannot stay at such a place…
With that, Estelle thinks it's time for the sales pitch! We can pick between just offering to get him back to Ruan… or mentioning that there's something by his foot… Picking the latter option, Estelle calls out in warning that there's a huge cockroach! Dunan screeches in horror and yells at Phillip to find the roach! Where is it?! Hurry and kill it! Estelle sighs, a satisfied grin on her face, and says that surely he can expect no better from the common peasantry… Why, she'd wager they even have monsters infesting… Dunan screams again and declares that he's leaving! Phillip says they'll go immediately, but pauses for a moment to thank Estelle for her assistance. Estelle cheerfully tells him to think nothing of it!

Back outside the dining hall, Kientz explains everything to Hahn and notes that things were fixed because of one magic word… 'Cockroach!' Classic! And Estelle had the guts to say that to his face…! Hah! Yeah, he needed a good laugh… Hahn says it's a relief the matter is settled. He'd been worried that they might have to get rough with him. From what Kientz has told him, though, everything seems to have worked out. Caesar grumbles that speaking ill of his establishment certainly seemed to do the trick didn't it? Estelle apologizes, but she didn't see any other way to get him other than to tell a little white lie or two…
Joshua comments that this was unexpected, still. He didn't think she had it in her to be sneaky! Estelle says you never know what she's capable of when the situation calls for it. Honestly, she just tried to channel Joshua. Kloe laughs, and says it certainly seemed like that to her. Estelle agrees - if not, she'd neer have been able to lie with a straight face like that. Joshua just stares at the two with lidded eyes, while Kientz chuckles. Well, lies come in all shades! Estelle did it to help others, so he's sure Aidios will forgive her for it. Hahn greatly appreciates her help, and hopes she'll be equally as determined in her future duties. With that, we set off again…

If you're curious - screwing up the dialogue options intentionally means you miss out on some BP… but it also leads to Estelle calling Duke Dunan a spoiled brat and a big jackass, before lunging at him with her staff. He only barely avoids a righteous beating because Kloe intervenes and puts herself in the way. Hah! I almost prefer that series of events!
For completing this job we receive 1000 Mira and 5 BP - some of those are for peacefully resolving the situation, but you can threaten to beat up the duke and still get a few points. Heh.
Private Vernon mentions they had some rich guy come through with a regular laundry list of complaints. He doesn't know what his problem was… Private Cromwell is astounded that the man was actually Queen Alicia's nephew! His messenger certainly caused quite the stir this time… He's sure the deputy director will pick on him about that come dinnertime. CWO Hahn says we all did very well. This sure has turned into quite a day! Private Orta complains it's been noisy for a long time… If something happens, he wonders if he should let his commanding officer know?
In the dining hall, Warrant Officer Kientz declares that what we did was abso- frickin'-lutely awesome - he didn't know bracers had comedians in their ranks! Still, why does a jerk like that get the good luck to be born in the royal family? Couldn't the next king find a better hairdresser?
Caesar complains that that guy was a huge pain. This is a public place, so what's wrong with him that he couldn't understand that? Gary can't believe Duke Dunan is actually of royal blood. He certainly wouldn't want any foreign dignitaries seeing him!
Mikelson sighs in despair. He came here so he could have some space to think, but thanks to that stupid duke he's completely forgotten what it was he wanted to think about. Lindsay complains that she went through all that trouble to make this trip, and the mood's completely ruined. She's gonna sue that jerk! Bartholomew is relieved that bracers managed to get everything straightened out. He doesn't know how they got rid of that selfish bastard, but he's glad they were here. Tia recognizes that we took care of things, and muses that bracers really do live up to their reputation.
On the bridge, Private Nix says both of the higher ups were writing reports like crazy a little while ago. If there is any truth to the rumors he heard, that duke is one incredibly frustrating man to deal with! He's glad he's on inspection detail today…
In the dining hall, Warrant Officer Kientz declares that what we did was abso- frickin'-lutely awesome - he didn't know bracers had comedians in their ranks! Still, why does a jerk like that get the good luck to be born in the royal family? Couldn't the next king find a better hairdresser?

Caesar complains that that guy was a huge pain. This is a public place, so what's wrong with him that he couldn't understand that? Gary can't believe Duke Dunan is actually of royal blood. He certainly wouldn't want any foreign dignitaries seeing him!
Mikelson sighs in despair. He came here so he could have some space to think, but thanks to that stupid duke he's completely forgotten what it was he wanted to think about. Lindsay complains that she went through all that trouble to make this trip, and the mood's completely ruined. She's gonna sue that jerk! Bartholomew is relieved that bracers managed to get everything straightened out. He doesn't know how they got rid of that selfish bastard, but he's glad they were here. Tia recognizes that we took care of things, and muses that bracers really do live up to their reputation.
On the bridge, Private Nix says both of the higher ups were writing reports like crazy a little while ago. If there is any truth to the rumors he heard, that duke is one incredibly frustrating man to deal with! He's glad he's on inspection detail today…
Finally, we're now finished with this epic journey of miscellaneous sidequests, and it's about time to set off towards the academy for our next main task - which is to just attend a festival and be part of a school play. I assume things are going to go horribly, horribly wrong, if my experiences with Chrono Trigger and Wild Arms tell me anything… At least we got a decent amount of cash and whatnot from these sidequests to stock up on quartz and such for the future. Also having Estelle beat up the duke was cathartic.
Next: We return to our regularly scheduled main quest, to check out the Jenis Royal Academy, Kloe's school! Freakin' Agate stealing our job...