Let's Play RPGs I Missed! [Now Playing: The Legend of Dragoon]

The Legend of Dragoon (Part 1) - Our Village Burns Down, Obviously (Disc 1: Start)
Hey, you know what I should do, I said? Intersperse a long game with a shorter one! Yeah! So let's... do a...

How many discs is this? HowLongToBeat says its longer? That can't be right. Right?

...Well, at least it's less dense on the text, so that should make it a bit more breezy to cover in LP form, at least. The time playing wasn't the bottleneck with Trails!

It's shorter, right?

Oh dear.

I have fond memories of playing this in the late 90's. And then never again. Beyond a vague concept that I never got past the first disc for one reason or another, possibly because I borrowed it and returned it before I got very far in, I basically remember none of this beyond a few moments. Notably, that does include what I think is a fairly significant twist relatively early on in the game. Beyond that... no idea. Saw a forum post about a new mod, of sorts, for this game - and before you know it I was two hours in and making LP plans. Like a day after I told myself I'd take a week off and do a Doctor Doom update or something instead.

I have no impulse control, clearly.

The Legend of Dragoon is an RPG developed and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation (1). It was released in December 1999 in Japan, June 2000 in North America, and January 2001 in Europe. Set in a world called Endiness, the game follows a group of warriors led by the protagonist, Dart, as they attempt to stop the destruction of the world... As usual. Notably, this game includes a quick time event called an 'addition' during many attacks, requiring the player to press a button when two squares converge to do significant damage.

Development began in 1996 and took three years with a production team of over one hundred, and cost $16 million, notably high for the time. The game's use of realistic CGI cutscenes drew attention from the press, though the game received mixed reviews, with critics comparing it unfavorably to the Final Fantasy series. Despite that, it has received a cult following over time, and sold more than one million copies worldwide, with most of those sales coming from North America. It was declared, at one point, an alleged 'FF7 Killer' and apparently had a killer marketing team, though some would say it ripped off a lot of the things Final Fantasy was doing without really innovating. I'd be interested to find out how true that is...

I'm not playing a fully vanilla game here, just to let you know. One of the more significant flaws of the original game is its rather atrocious localization, with plenty of stilted dialogue and crappy spelling and grammar, an issue which affects a lot of old JRPGs of its era - even the really expensive and popular ones. A script mod was released relatively recently which cleans up a lot of the dialogue and removes terribly stilted or out-of-place language, so I'm using that to make things a little smoother for myself. At least I'll be able to understand what people mean now, since it makes a lot of the dialogue more coherent! It keeps a lot of the questionable names from the original game, so not all of the jankiness is gone, but it's something!


Before the title screen even appears, the game opens with a cinematic of some kind of mural or inscription on stone, quickly followed by a barrage of some alien script that seems vaguely Arabic in design. We see images of armies in the background, and an engrish opening statement manifests in bits and pieces in the middle of the screen: 'When the clash of swords echo, the journey chasing the past ends and the journey to know today begins.' A definitely not Cloud Strife-like blond guy in a red bandana, presumably our player character, stares at us as the title of the game appears. It's stylized with a curved flaming sword as part of its design, which is pretty neat.

The music ramps up as we hear a woman sing: 'I had a dream that I could fly… I can feel each moment as time goes by... We'd never be too far away. You would always be here, I heard you say... I never thought, thought that it would be our last goodbye. I still can dream that one day love will come out from the sky…'

While that music plays, images from the game flash by amid all the weird magic letters, and yet more english text appears: 'One soul seeks another and pledges their sworn friendship to another. One mystery begets the next and the doors of fate are opened.' Crumbling buildings, giant dragons and enormous explosions flash across the screen next, with crystals, chains, and whole towns shattering everywhere while strange fleshy pods dangle into view. As we see the dragonfly-like wings of some huge creature open and the song fades out, a final quoted phrase in black flashes onto the screen:

"You are free to sever the chains of fate that bind you…."

We're left on the opening screen, where a mysterious mural with a single glowing green spot forms the backdrop for the title in blazing fiery yellows and reds: The Legend of Dragoon.

The actual opening of the game is another CG cutscene - this time opens on a village in complete darkness, deep in the night. After a few seconds a mote of fire passes by - and then more. They're fireballs! As several more flaming spheres land in town, fire starts to spread and in moments the whole place is an inferno. Well, looks like we're getting our hometown burned with efficiency this time! Soldiers on the backs of vaguely horse-like monsters rush through the streets, smashing everything in their way to smithereens as they spread more destruction while civilians flee from the violence.

We see soldiers armed with maces and other medieval weapons rush by on their mounts, chasing off small animals and people alike. The windows on a large tower blow out and smoke billows out, and we pass by more scenes of destruction - we see the smashed statues of robed women, a broken flower pot, a cracked fountain pouring water all over the street. In the background, soldiers keep rushing by in the firelight, barely in focus. We zoom out to reveal the town at large ablaze, a tall church-like structure highlighted as its spires loom in front of the distant greenish moon, wreathed in smoke.

More soldiers rush by, but one among them has a distinctive cloak which catches the eye. As smoke briefly covers our vision, we return to find the cloaked man slowing to a stop in front of a few soldiers holding torches. He dismounts from his 'horse' and is addressed as 'Great Commander' by the men and led along, with a couple of torch-wielding soldiers forming an honor guard. This guy is in full armor, by the way, with two feather-like protrusions on his helmet. They stop next to an unconscious brown-haired girl on the ground, and the armored man kneels. 'So, this is her…' he remarks.

The commander holds out his hand and one of the soldiers quickly gives him some materia - or a shiny sphere, at any rate. He maneuvers the girl so he can hold it directly in front of her forehead, and as we get more shots of the moon, some kind of magical reaction takes place - motes of energy start coalescing, and then a beam shoots out of her forehead and into the sphere, lighting it up. The commander removes the sphere and concludes that, indeed, this is the one they came for. He tells the men to put her in custody, then does a dramatic twirl with his cape before marching off.

Moments later we find him along with a guy in more classical magical robes, and he asks if this is really necessary…? The mage says it is His Majesty, Emperor Doel's command to take that girl into custody. Who is she, the commander asks? The mage just answers that's not his concern. With their job finished the soldiers mount up again and rush out of town, leaving it a smouldering mess behind them…

Meanwhile, elsewhere, we look over a verdant forest overgrowing tall hills, and spot a woman in purple-and-yellow armor looking out over the area from a vantage point on a rock formation. Curiously she's only got armor on one of her legs. She must get cold… Anyway, as she looks over the forest we hear a distant cry, and an enormous insect-monster breaches the canopy and roars as it waves its long segmented limbs. 'The Green Tusked Dragon, Feyrbrand,' the woman muses to herself.

She then flings herself off the cliff, bounding from rock to rock to get down towards the forest floor in the direction of the, uh, insectoid dragon…?

Chapter 1 - Serdian War

Seles - Our Village Burns Down, Obviously

Somewhere deep in the forest we watch light spilling down from the branches, illuminating a blond man in red armor that's hanging out on a rock. He's missing his armor on one arm - I guess he and the girl from before go to the same tailor? The guy is busy reading a letter, and muses to himself that apparently war is on the horizon… He hopes it's just another false alarm. Got bad news, son… He suddenly hears noise from the distance and quickly stands up in confusion, before rushing off to check out what's happening.

We soon discover that the noise is being caused by the mounted troops from the introduction rushing down one of the nearby forest paths. As one group of them passes, our red-armored hero arrives and watches them go, only to be surprised by the arrival of yet another contingent of soldiers. They stop dead as they spot the man in red in the street and demand to know if he is one of Basil's mercenaries?! Answer, now! Since they're poking at him with spears, our intrepid hero quickly draws his sword in response, much to the soldiers' shock. He dares to draw steel against them?!

The altercation is interrupted by the arrival of a rather… out-of-context problem, since a gigantic monstrous foot suddenly sets down right next to the group, and that chases off the soldiers in a hurry. The red-armored man squares off with the enormous monster that suddenly fills the screen - it's Feyrbrand the Dragon, of course, but this time the beast is a lot closer than before, and even more alien than it already seemed. It's got a bunch of insectoid legs, multiple mandibles that are presumably the 'tusks' in its description, and a huge mouth. Our hero is baffled - what the heck is this thing?!

After narrowly dodging an attack from the creature, our hero concludes he's gotta do something or he's dead for sure! What a monster! After dodging another blow he sets off running, holding off the monster as it chases him, but only just - he can't even get a proper hit in. As he dodges falling trees and enemy hits, he only barely manages to gets away. Urgh!

As we book it, the woman in armor that we saw before rushes in and grabs our hero, dragging him out of harm's way by quickly hiding behind a nearby rock and shushing him when he asks who she is?! Feyrbrand takes a few moments to try and seek out its prey, smacking its huge head into the nearby cliff and knocking some rocks loose, but it eventually backs away and disappears from view. The armored man sighs in relief and thanks the woman for the rescue. What the hell even was that thing?! The woman explains that it was a Dragon. And our hero is clearly baffled by this. Dragon?!

The woman, meanwhile, muses to herself that it's strange, though… That village could have easily been destroyed without a Dragon… The armored man, confused, repeats that line about 'the village'... Wait, is she talking about Seles!? Then those soldiers were…? Oh no! Our hero makes to leave, but the woman just tells him there won't be anything left by now. Our hero snaps that Seles is his village! With that, he sets off running again.

After he runs off, we linger with the woman for a moment, and she suddenly starts shining with light - or more specifically, something she's carrying with her starts to glow red. What…?! She wonders to herself if he could be…? No, there's no way…! (Are we a special child of destiny? Probably.) Our hero rushes out onto the edge of a cliff to look down towards his hometown of Seles, and he finally gets his name - he is Dart! My god, he mouths, as he beholds the flaming wreckage of his hometown. What have they done…!?

He careens down the slopes, slipping and sliding closer to town all the way, until we finally get control of our main character halfway down that slope. Dart starts at level 1, of course, and comes equipped with some leather gear and a broadsword. He also has the addition 'Double Slash' already - I'll get into what that means in a minute.

As we approach town there's a little pop-up [!] next to the fence, which means we can interact. Doing so launches us across said fence and straight into another cutscene. A couple of soldiers are terrorizing a surviving villager, who asks if the bastards haven't had enough killing yet?! One of these soldiers of 'Imperial Sandora' chuckles and says that maybe if he kills the villager, it'll be enough…! He goes over to kick the man while he's already down, but Dart can't bear to watch any longer. 'Stop!'

The soldiers quickly conclude Dart is a mercenary… but isn't it a little late for him to show up? Dart tells him to shut up, and demands to know what they're doing here?! The soldier sarcastically wonders what it looks like? They're occupying this area, and they're putting these worms in their proper place! Dart is affronted, and demands to know if they were sent here by the Emperor? The soldier answers that even if they were, it's not like it matters to a mercenary like us! We're dead already! With that, he attacks…

The battle system in this game is pretty classic for a JRPG - it's got a similar style to Final Fantasy or Wild Arms, with our party lining up and facing off against the enemy in a similar formation, while a little menu pops up so we can pick what we're going to do. One of the main differences with those other games becomes clear quite quickly, though - every normal attack that we do has a Quick Time Event attached, which turns it from a pretty pathetic slap into a proper attack. Just hitting this guy deals only 2 or 3 damage, but if we complete the rhythm-game style button prompt game, we perform a 'Double Slash' and do double damage. Suffice to say that regularly hitting the prompts is a must…

After handily defeating these soldiers, one survivor rushes off in a panic. Dart lets him go and makes his way over towards the villager the soldiers were harassing, but the man is clearly bleeding out from his wounds. Haltingly he wonders if it's really… Dart? We confirm it's us, and we ask why Seles is under attack?! The villager explains that Sandora soldiers suddenly attacked and destroyed everything! We ask what happened to the truce, but the villager doesn't know. He never imagined they would attack a village like this… It doesn't add up! Dart wishes he'd come back sooner, so he could have made a difference. The villager tells him there is something he can do - that he has to do. Shana! He has to rescue her, only he can…

The man finally keels over and dies, but a furious Dart demands to know what this is about Shana? Hey! Wait…! The man is gone, though, so we slowly stand up. Beating ourselves up over not coming earlier, we check on another nearby body to confirm it's also a corpse, then loot a Burn Out item from a nearby chest - this is a fire-type attack item, basically a grenade which works better for characters with high magic stats. We apologize to the dead for not being there sooner, then wander off to the west, towards the center of town.

We quickly spot another person on the floor in a puddle of blood - and Dart recognizes him as Plos! We rush over and tell the man to hang on, then help him over towards a nearby destroyed building so he can sit down against its walls to recover. As he comes to, Plos wonders if that's really Dart's voice he just heard? We just take a moment to look over the man's wounds, and conclude they're light. He got lucky. Plos guesses he did, but look at this village! If only Dart had come back earlier… It's about Shana, too. She was taken away, and it seems that she was the soldiers' primary purpose here. We ask the man if he knows where the soldiers went, but he admits he doesn't really know…

Before we can ask anything else, though, an armored soldier in silver and red rushes in from off-screen - he's got the same armor design as the man from the opening cinematic, just differently hued. Intent on making this guy talk, Dart raises his sword to face him. The Sandora Captain stops in front of us, joined by two subordinate soldiers, and remarks that besting a private like we did earlier is no reason to get cocky. It seems he was tipped off by the guy who fled!

We demand to know where Shana was taken, and the Captain tells us not to worry about her - she must be enjoying the luxuries of Hellena Prison right about now. Surprised, huh? This whole operation was simply an elaborate invitation! Dart is in disbelief - they destroyed the village just to kidnap Shana!? He can't be serious! The Captain says we're correct about this summation. Not to worry, though, we'll soon follow Shana… Not to Hellena, of course, but to Hell!

[Boss: Sandora Captain, Knight of Sandora*2]

Since this is the very first 'boss battle' and there's only one character we're controlling this is piss-easy, as you might expect. Double Slash is effective in dealing damage, but we've got a small stash of health potions to keep ourselves topped up in case the enemy gets too many hits in. Taking out the two random soldiers is easy - they each go down to one Double Slash, after which it's a matter of burning down the captain. This guy remarks 'That's awfully cheeky of you!' during battle, but I'm not sure what that's in response to. He can use 'Power Up' which increases his attack and defense, and can occasionally toss out a Burn Out which hurts more than his melee blows do.

After winning this tutorial fight we level up, and as a bonus we get a new addition - 'Volcano.' Essentially this serves as another combo similar to Double Slash, but instead of only one button press, you have to time three of them in a row. That said, in return for the higher difficulty this attack's maximum damage is also substantially higher, so if you can get the timing right, that's pretty sweet. Consistently hitting the combo is just free damage, really.

With the captain out of the picture we return to Plos' side, and he concludes Dart is going to go rescue Shana, isn't he? He won't stop us, but we should be careful. Wouldn't wanna die before we can get revenge, right? We warily agree. Plos tells us not to worry about Seles, since there should be enough of the people left who can still move. We thank him, then turn to leave - before that, though, we promise that after all this is over, we'll be back. With Shana. Plos just assures us that the people here can take care of the village, and we should just focus on Shana and ourselves!

If we enter the nearby house a couple of kids rush out, screaming 'Die, Imperial dog! This is for my mom!' We ward them off and tell them it's us, it's Dart! As the two pause in surprise, we observe that the two have really grown up. The girl, Isha, is happy to see Dart, and informs him that Sandora is here, and they got everybody… We reply that we 'got' them right back, so everything is okay now. The other kid, Lowe, mutters that everyone is dead. We correct that - not everybody was killed. There are still people who need his help. We're going to rescue Shana, meanwhile. Plos agrees that we should all do what we can. Isha just promises she'll get the plants that mom showed her and Lowe agrees. The two of them will take care of everyone, don't worry!

Across the blasted courtyard we find a well, and an injured man nearby says it was a nightmare… The fires scorched the entire village to the ground. Many tried to flee the village, and some of them were cut down. He doesn't know how many escaped, though. In the back of the village there's a small graveyard, where Dart prays for everyone… Inspecting one of the graves nets us an item, though, and it's a special one - it's Stardust. This is a collectible, and there's a whole lot of them scattered throughout the game. You can get some reward for collecting arbitrary amounts of them, I believe? There's guides online which tell you how many are in each town, so I'll try not to miss them if I can help it. Carnelia, here we go again…

A guy wandering the eastern road is rather disgusted by us - look who decided to finally show up! How shameless can we be…? Unlike us, he stayed by Shana's side, and yet… Ugh, forget it. Dart should have come back sooner! Shana deserves better! A man in blue tells us that they want to ask for aid from Indels Castle, but they say there's a creature living in the Limestone Cave on the way there, so they can't send anyone. If it weren't for that monster, he would send for help immediately! Looks like something we'll have to deal with later…

There is a man in armor up here, too - this is Master Tasman, and he is surprised to see Dart. Dart is rather relieved that his old teacher is still alive. Come on now, Tasman argues, he's the one who taught Dart how to swing a sword! He won't be taken down that easily! Despite that, however, he is but one man, and he couldn't stop them all. We've already heard about Shana, right? Dart confirms that he's heading to Hellena to save her.

In that case, Tasman says, he would like to have a quick match with us before we go. You know, to see if we even have what it takes to rescue Shana! We can incredulously ask if now is the best time, or agree by saying that it would be an honor… Tasman just tells us to show him our true power! We shouldn't even think about being easy on him! Shall we begin?!

Tutorial (Battle)
We transition to a battle screen, where Tasman says he'll give us a little refresher course about the ABC's of combat. This is a tutorial, of course, and he goes over Additions and how you have to hit the X button in the correct moment. If the button is gray then we were too fast, if it's blue we were too slow, but a white glow is perfect! He also mentions enemy counterattacks - if the normal blue color is interrupted by orange, you have to actually hit O instead or get blasted off your feet mid-combo by the enemy. You'll still do some damage from the hits you landed, but you'll take some damage yourself if you fail that input.

After going over attacks, Tasman points out that swinging our sword is not the only tactic we can use. During bad times we should defend and wait for a chance. Defending recovers HP a little, and also halves the damage we take. It completely protects against attacks which cause status ailments too, which is handy. We can learn more skills by gaining experience, and they can be selected on the 'Addition' screen in our menu. We can't actually change our chosen ability in-combat, though, so we should equip it beforehand like we would an item.

Some additions are easy to use, some are powerful, they're all unique. All of them look good, but we shouldn't be fooled - the secret of survival is to select the skill that suits us. Even the lowly Double Slash can be effective, it all depends on our skill… Basically, the more you use a given addition the more it levels up, increasing its damage over time, to a point.​

After we tell our teacher that we've learned enough, we leave combat and he informs us that he's going out on a journey of his own soon, so if we think we need to practice more, now's the time to ask him… With everything done, though, we head out of town and onto the world map…

Before we get there, though, we cut away to Hellena Prison, which is apparently located on a huge pillar of rock some distance away from the land, connected to the mainland with a drawbridge.

We cut to a dank cell inside, where a prison warden marches in and roughly dumps a girl onto the ground, telling her to be good in there. This must be Shana. We then cut again to the middle of the prison, which has a very rough aesthetic, with tunnels and chasms carved into the monolithic rock, and then covered over with layers upon layers of rough woodwork, including rickety bridges, rather unstable-looking roof supports, and thin walkways without balustrades next to deep pits. OSHA would have a field day. Besides a couple soldiers, we can spot two figures standing on a central wooden bridge - one very broad, very large guy with a blue-and-gold cloak and a spiked helmet, and a smaller guy in silver with a dark hooded cloak.

The giant man, Fruegel, wonders who the hell this girl is!? He has a right to know! The hooded man responds cryptically that the world's future rests on her… Fruegel wants more clarification than whatever that was, but the hooded man just reiterates that's all he needs to know. The rest exceeds his understanding. He should simply follow his orders like the rest. Fruegel insists he's not taking the hooded man's orders, though - only His Majesty Doel can order him around! The hooded man wonders if that is so…? Well, he should try to remember this…

The hooded man then lashes out, knocking Fruegel on his ass, and declares that if he lays a scratch on the girl, it'll cost him more than his head! This is a message from Emperor Doel himself! Fruegel gets up and curses out the hooded man, then turns around and fumes, lashing out in his anger and sending an unfortunate soldier screaming to his death as he knocks him into the nearby chasm. Ahhh!

Dart finally arrives on the world map, in a region known as 'South of Serdio.' I think Serdio is the name of the region, so 'South Serdio' could have worked too? The map has several zoom levels - the one where you walk around along predetermined routes is the one we're using now, but we can zoom out to both a regional map which depicts all of South (of) Serdio, and then a further level to depict all of the game world - it seems we're in the far southeast of the place. The only place on the full map I can really make out is the 'aquatic coral reef' in the ocean. Riveting.

It seems this game doesn't have an open world map, as such, but just a bunch of nodes connected to each other, each of which represents a particular location. We might get some form of fast travel down the line, but I imagine this makes long-distance travel a bit of a hassle…

Anyway, we leave the burned down Seles behind us, and now there's only one way to go… to the forest! So far, so cliché...
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The Legend of Dragoon (Part 2) - This Place Needs Safety Nets

Forest - Mandatory First JRPG Area

Instead of some fancy fantasy name, this place is just called… Forest. It's a forest. I like the quality of the pre-rendered backgrounds in this game - the nature really looks pretty great compared to some of its contemporaries, and clearly a bunch of time went into drawing and animating all this stuff you could walk by in seconds.

A little ways into the map we can find a merchant who has lost his squirrel - oh well! In these troubled times, you gotta protect yourself.. What do we think, do we want to buy anything from him? Regardless of if you buy anything, he wonders if we want to know how to use those items? Lessons are free!

Tutorial (Magic Items)
Amusingly, accepting this second tutorial also dumps us into a battle - against the shopkeeper! He explains 'attack items' like that Burn Out we got earlier. Their damage is determined by the magic attack power of the user and its attributes. Frankly an item is essentially magic given physical form, so if you have more magic of your own, the effect will be greater.

Next there's the eight elements to consider: fire, water, thunder, wind, earth, light, dark, thunder, and non-elemental. The first few are opposing elements - fire and water, wind and earth, and light and darkness each do double damage to each other, and half damage to themselves. It seems thunder and non-elemental fall outside of this scheme. We can check what element an enemy is when we select them - they'll have a different color text box depending on their element. Red for fire, blue for water, and so forth. The only ones that might trip you up are yellow for light and purple for thunder.

One last thing he covers is 'multiplying items', or items which you can amp up by spamming buttons, as shown with the 'multi' tag in their description. Burn Out, for example, allows you to hit the X button while the animation plays to add a bunch of damage to it - and if you can really mash that button, I can get it like 50% up from its base damage. That whole thing very much reminds me of a similar system in Final Fantasy VIII for boosting your GF damage.​

Anyway, we take our leave, and the merchant wishes us a good day. He'll teach us how to use the items any time we want! Naturally he also sells stuff - I grab a couple of those attack items for now, and then it's time to set off again.

This is one of the first places we can run into random encounters, and a lot of them can be taken care of pretty quickly with a competent mastery of basic additions. Using Volcano on most of them is good enough, especially after you level up and get a nice damage boost. Health also goes up pretty quickly - I get like 30 maximum HP every level, which means that the same attack effectively does half as much damage to me, and my defense has gone up to reduce that number further. Really makes things easier.

In terms of what we're fighting… Gotta love it when the very first enemy you run into is confidently titled an 'Assassin Cock'! Besides angry chickens we can also find berserk mice, goblins, and 'Trent' treants around the place - each of them is a different element, but they all have less than 5 HP, so they go down to a single Volcano addition when we reach level 3, which is pretty quickly. Healing Potions are common drops, and we find a Charm Potion in a chest - basically a Repel item from Pokémon.

After crossing a log to get over a chasm we get to a bit of a maze map - trees hem us in from progressing, but if we leave the side of the map we'll pop back up in various random locations around the edges, so we can get everywhere with a bit of creative exploration. Besides a few basic items and a bunch of enemies, though, there's not much to do here but find the exit. Eventually I leave southwards and walk towards the screen until we reach a branch dangling over a short cliff, where we climb down another log to get lower down. The moment we actually jump off, though, we're suddenly ambushed by a wild dog!

Amusingly, instead of actually fighting the thing, Dart just snaps that he has no time to deal with it and shoos it away. The moment does seem familiar to him, though, and the camera slowly pans up to reveal a slightly sepia-toned flashback in this exact location, where we see a much younger Dart - already in a red tank top, to keep the brand going - running alongside a young girl as they make their way across the fallen log. As they jump off the log they're ambushed by a wild dog, and the young Dart T-poses it for dominance, telling it to cut it out and to leave Shana alone! Dart remembers saying that, and tells Shana to hang in there. He'll get her out, it's a promise!

It's a short trip to the exit from here, though there is a side-path you can take at one point which Dart refuses to go down because it doesn't lead to Hellena Prison. Guess we'll be going there later, huh? The world map similarly has nodes along the way which only have a single direction to go right now - I assume that'll fill out later.

Just in case you didn't realize, by the way, there are random encounters on the world map! It's the same enemies as before, and usually in small numbers on account of our small party, but we can grind pretty much anywhere if necessary. Getting to level 4 before the prison would take a while, but it does increase Dart's damage substantially…

Hellena Prison - This Place Needs Safety Nets

As we enter the next area, we see some large winged creature flying over the prison before we arrive - I'm not sure if it's supposed to just be a bat or something, but it looked pretty large as it winged away there. Another Dragon...?

At any rate, Dart scoots closer to get a better look of the seaside fortress, and wonders how he can sneak in there…? Clearly someone heard him, because almost immediately a merchant's caravan rides up the path behind him, and Dart quickly hides behind some rocks as it passes. We chase after it, naturally, until it comes to a stop in front of the prison's drawbridge.

The gatekeeper concludes that the tradesman is delivering fresh meat and fish, right? Sir Fruegel will be pleased. The merchant muses that they've been stocking up, huh? Is there something going on? The gatekeeper snarls that it's definitely none of his business! Got that? The merchant quickly apologizes - sorry, sorry, he was just making conversation! The gatekeeper snaps that he'll just go inspect the load. We get a prompt to hit a button here, and Dart quickly dives into cover behind the wagon, allowing the gatekeeper to sniff around inside and declare that everything is in order. As he walks back to the bridge, though, Dart quickly sneaks into the back anyway, and gets carted inside…

The cart briefly drives through the main hallways of the fort before veering off, parking in a storage area to the side. Dart sighs in relief - he made it in! From here we're allowed to wander - there's a save point nearby, and we can loot some items from a couple boxes strewn about. To progress, though, we have to move past the merchant that brought the goods here… and he is shocked to see us, and wonders who we are?! Dart curses as the merchant's cries alert one of the guards, who comes swinging in to kill us. Thankfully Hellena Wardens are pushovers, so I quickly beat this one up. That was easy!

The merchant is panicking in the aftermath - we shouldn't kill him, please! He's just a delivery man! Dart tells him to be quiet, and assures him that he's not here to kill him. The merchant is relieved, and promises he won't make a noise. He'll pretend he didn't see us, and he'll just be unloading over here. Good luck! Oh, wait… If we're short on items, we should just tell him. Business is business, after all! Heh.

We can take a side-path to find an elevator that's out of service, which is kind of funny - elevators here are just baskets that someone (or something) pulls up by a long rope, so I'm not sure how that'd even work. Taking this elevator just causes it to drop halfway up, and we're back where we started.

There are no random encounters in the actual prison, but there are wardens walking around, and they'll charge you while screaming 'Bastard!' if you get too close, and they'll instigate a fight if they reach you. Going to another map or getting to a place they can't reach works wonders to lose them, though, so it's easy to avoid most fights here. If you want. I fought a bunch of them to get to level 4 so I could one-shot them. There are several side-passages to take to rooms with more guards - looting them nets us a Leather Jacket, though, our first equipment - and it's something our hero can't use. Figures. After exploring a little, I find an elevator that's actually functional, and use it to get to a new area.

Upon entering the next room, Dart overhears something just off-screen. Wardens are shouting at some people to hurry along - they should quit dragging their feet! The men they're escorting are knights of Basil, and one of the wardens tells them they've got some rotten luck to be captured alive. They'll regret that!

When they ask what that means, the warden wonders if they really think they're gonna live out their days in jail? Sir Fruegel is gonna feed them to the monster! One of the guards tries to escape but is pushed back. Feed them to the monster…? To hell with that! They won't be humiliated by scum like them! The warden says he's feisty… The worst kind of prisoner of war, but the best kind of pet food! The knight spits back that if they want to kill him, they should do it now!

'Oh, I don't think so!' a voice cries from off-screen. A helmetless knight wielding a spear arrives, and the knights recognize him immediately - he's Sir Lavitz! The wardens are upset - that bastard broke out of his cell!? What an idiot - does he think he can escape from here alone? As the wardens attack him, Lavitz tells the knights that he'll take care of this. They should just get back to Indels Castle alive! They should tell King Albert…!

The two run off across a nearby bridge and off-screen, but they run into a bunch more soldiers, and moments later both are yeeted off the edge into the nearby chasm. Nice try! Lavitz, aghast, takes down his enemy and moves on to the next, killing them too.

This is the moment Dart arrives, wondering if there is a prison riot…!? The wardens wonder who the hell he is - is he another dog of Basil? Lavitz is a little busy dramatically finishing off another guard to question the new arrival, while Dart faces off with his own foe. After all the wardens are down, though, Lavitz effortlessly shifts his attacks towards Dart, clashing blades with him and demanding to know who he is. Dart quickly introduces himself, and insists he's not the enemy. Lavitz, seeing the truth of this, backs away and returns the favor - he is Lavitz Slambert, leader of Basil's First Knighthood, at our service!

Before more can be said, a new group of wardens show up and start to surround us - looks like we don't have time for extended introductions! Dart agrees, and the two face off against these enemies back-to-back. As you may have guessed, Lavitz is our second party member - he wields a spear, and uses an addition called 'Harpoon' which is a little weaker than Dart's Volcano, mostly because he's level 3 when you get him. I dig him already, but a large part of that is the fact that having a spear-wielder along in a game about 'dragoons' just makes total sense in a Final Fantasy context, heh.

After the battle is over, Lavitz takes a moment to kneel on the bridge where his comrades fell, and promises he'll carry on in their stead. They should rest in peace. He then turns to us and recalls we introduced ourselves as 'Dart', right? He never imagined anyone would be crazy enough to break into Hellena Prison. What are we up to? Dart explains he's here to rescue someone important to him. Does he know anything about her?! Her name is Shana! Lavitz apologizes for not knowing anything about her, and Dart says he'll have to keep looking, then.

As we move away, though, Lavitz tells us to wait. He'll go with us. Dart wonders if he doesn't have to get back to his castle as soon as possible? Lavitz just asks about this girl he's looking for - she's important, right? Dart just says that's his problem to deal with, since it was his fault. Lavitz admits he's not sure what Dart's plan is here, but he won't make it out on his own… Not in one piece. That goes for himself, too. If we combine forces, though, he thinks we could make it…! With the girl, of course. Dart curiously wonders why Lavitz would trust him? We only just met! Lavitz just says we held our own back there, and he was honestly impressed. He trusted us to watch his back, and that's all he really needs to know. It's good enough for him. Dart finally agrees to go together, then…

We're left to explore again, and we can visit several cells here (which are unlocked, apparently) to speak to some prisoners. In one room we can find someone who just didn't want to enlist. Why did he have to get sent to this hellhole!? God, if only he had known, he would've just joined the army! Another person is more helpful, explaining that the wardens were talking about a girl locked in the second prison tower. Why were they making such a fuss over one girl? In the next cell over we find someone panicking about Fruegel… He's coming to kill them, and they don't want to die…! After looting a few stray items, it's time to move onwards and upwards…

Speaking of upwards, we beat up another soldier on the next map to use the elevator right behind him, riding it upwards until we reach a tower. The place is locked down, so we'll have to head the other direction, towards a more heavily guarded area of the prison. There's wardens everywhere, but we can't actually get into a fight because our characters just refuse to get near them. We can use the stairs to go up, though, and get an overview of the entire room. The room is tightly guarded, but it turns out the one place that isn't guarded is… the place where the key is to the next tower over. Doh! Lavitz tells Dart to take it along, as we'll definitely need it if the girl is being kept under high security. The item's name is 'Key to Shane's Cell', so I think he's on the money there.

As we grab the item, Lavitz wonders why exactly these people kidnapped this one girl to begin with, come to think of it…? Dart admits he intends to ask the head warden of the prison that same question, but that can wait until after we rescue Shana.

We quickly backtrack outside and towards the other tower, where we use the keys to get inside. The next map has a bunch of guards congregating near a cell - if we approach, they recognize Lavitz as someone from Basil, and Dart tells him we need to get these guys before they make a noise! Let's go! After another fight against a trio of regular guards, which goes by rather quickly, we come out victorious…

After the fight, a voice from inside the nearby cell asks who it is…!? Dart recognizes the voice and rushes over to the door. Shana, is that her? It's Dart! He's here to rescue her! Lavitz just tells Dart to hurry it up, since more guards are coming. Dart unlocks the door and heads inside, and he and Shana exchange awkward greetings for a moment. Dart says he can't believe it's her… it's been five years, hasn't it? He thought she would have forgotten about him by now… Shana wonders how she could forget? She turns to see Dart's face, and he argues he hasn't changed much. Shana disagrees, though - he looks much stronger, much more than the Dart she knew!

Lavitz yells from off-screen that he'd hate to ruin the moment, but the guards are coming! As Dart rushes out, Shana runs a hand through her hair and follows. Outside, a bunch more guards congregate on the cell. The girl is escaping, one declares! Not on his watch, another responds furiously. After beating up a bunch more regular mooks, Dart wonders if Shana is hurt? Shana says she's fine. Lavitz argues we can celebrate later, since we're still deep in the belly of the beast right now. Besides, it's a little too damp in here to have a party, isn't it?

Dart agrees we should go, and suggests that Shana follow behind him. Shana argues that she's eighteen years old now, and she can take care of herself! With that she pulls out a bow and declares he can fight too!

Dart isn't so sure about this, but Lavitz tells him that she's clearly grown up, man. She survived in the deepest hellhole in Serdio. If she was an ordinary weapon, she wouldn't have made it this far. Hell, Dart dove into that same hellhole to save her, so he thinks they're both made of tougher stuff than they realize. Dart admits that to him, Shana hasn't changed a bit… Lavitz suggests we can talk that out after we get out of this prison, all right?

Meanwhile, back on the bridge where we first met him, Fruegel is informed about the breakout by one of the wardens. What did he just say…!? The warden nervously repeats that the Knight from Basil he had captive broke out of his cell! Sorry, sir! Fruegel, annoyed, says that's not what he was talking about, idiot! The other thing! The warden nervously recalls that it was about the girl from Seles being taken by the 'red one', right? Fruegel demands he repeat that one more time, and the warden declares that the girl was taken by a man with red armor!

Naturally, Fruegel angrily tosses the messenger over the railing to his death, snarling that all his men are incompetent swine! They shouldn't let them get out alive! Wait! He almost forgot the most important thing - they shouldn't kill the girl, as that's an order from His Majesty Doel! If they fail, he'll behead every one of them, slowly! Muttering to himself, Fruegel wonders about this 'red one.' Oh, he'll show him red! He'll paint everything in this prison with his blood!

It's time to get out of here - which means backtracking! We have Shana in the party now, who is honestly underwhelming - she doesn't get any Additions, it seems, so her bow-shots just do a pretty basic amount of damage. That said, she'd got better magic stats than the boys, so she's a good pick for tossing those attack items at people, and for general support. Her biggest flaw is how frail she is at this point. Beating up a couple wardens will at least help her level up in due course, and get that damage up a little bit.

We can explore a few more cells in this section of the prison. In one of them there's a guy who mentions that when night falls, he hears an eerie voice coming from somewhere. It goes 'Arrrhhhh aaarrrhh….' That eerie voice must be the cry of the dead! Oh no, soon he will be…! Next door there's a couple locked up together - one of them is despondent, declaring that everything is over now - there is no way to get out of here alive! His life is ending here! His fellow inmate tells him not to give up - if they throw their hope away, they're just fools! He won't give up! He'll get out of here alive!

We make our way back almost to the start of the prison when we finally run into the merchant again - he recognizes us, and says he'll still offer us a good deal. He also tells us to be careful, since everybody's really on edge… While here I stock up on items, and also put that Leather Jacket on Shana. We climb down to get back to the main hall, and we learn why the merchant was up there, instead of where we left him - a certain giant spiky-helmeted warden with a club is standing in our way. Fruegel! As we approach the huge man, he concludes that Dart must be the red bastard that's acting like a prince, huh?

'What of it?' Dart wonders. Fruegel just laughs, and says it's obvious, isn't it? He isn't going to get out of here alive! He's gonna be food for his pet after he minces him up! Dart asks Lavitz if this is the Head Warden here, and Lavitz confirms that, explaining that his name is Fruegel, and he is such a monster that even his own countrymen fear and despise him. Fruegel notices we're calm in the face of that statement, and wonders if we're perhaps paralyzed with fear!?

Dart just demands to know if Fruegel attacked Seles, but he denies that… No, he just gave the order! Dart then inquires why he had Shana kidnapped, but Fruegel admits he has no clue there. Emperor Doel just said to bring the girl back, but how boring is that…? That's why he added a new order as well - to annihilate the village of Seles! Dart, furious at the warden's callousness, snarls that he is unforgivable filth! It's Boss Time…

[Boss: Fruegel, Hellena Warden*2, Senior Warden*2]

When we get into the fight, Fruegel first sends out a couple of ablative wardens - these are pretty much like the regular enemies we've faced in this dungeon, if slightly tankier. After killing them off, though, Fruegel says they were wimps, and summons a pair of more powerful Senior Wardens, and also becomes targetable himself. The biggest issue to deal with is that both Fruegel and the Senior Wardens can buff themselves with Power Up, and the latter enemies blow themselves up in a huge explosion when they die, trying to take us with them, though Dart will be fine due to elemental resistance. This is mostly an issue for Shana.

Fruegel is all about physical attacks, tossing huge boulders and occasionally bear-hugging people for significant damage. Oof. After killing the last of the enemies - probably Fruegel - we get a whole bunch of potions and a Knight Shield accessory for our trouble. A couple of my characters level up as well, with Lavitz learning his 'Spinning Cane' addition.

Fruegel falls backwards against the wall, but is still alive - Dart wonders how!? Anyway, let's just get out of here! Lavitz grabs a nearby monster 'horse' and tells the others to get on, hurry! Fruegel, meanwhile, slowly gets back up and curses us - damn it all! He shouts that his men should keep them from escaping even if it costs them their lives! Outside we see Dart and Shana share a horse as it dashes across the bridge, just as one of Fruegel's men calls out to raise it - there's a jailbreak! The bridge gets dragged up, and Lavitz only barely manages to jump the gap with his horse, which probably needs to go to the glue factory after landing that gigantic drop. Jeez. That was like twenty feet straight down! At least they're out, I suppose…

Back in the prison, Fruegel yells at his underlings to bring the girl back here, or they're dead! Understand!? The hooded man from before reappears at this point on a walkway above, and Fruegel nervously wonders when he snuck in…? The man wonders if he shall report this to His Majesty Doel? Fruegel begs him to wait - he'll bring back the girl! The hooded man is sure he will. Otherwise, he would be dead already… Fruegel angrily shouts at a nearby warden he should go too, dumbass! As he leaves to follows his men, the hooded man muses to himself that it doesn't matter. Everything is progressing just as he planned. More or less. We don't realize they're in the palm of his hand…

We return to the world map, where a new path has opened up for us from one of the previous nodes. If we head towards the Forest instead, though, Shana hears noises on the road, and we soon spot a bunch of people - more soldiers from Sandora. It seems that the Imperial army has camped here, so it would be unwise to go this way. Let's take another route! That route, naturally, leads towards the 'Prairie.' Descriptive…

Next: We cross the prairie, learn that our hero doubled up on tragic origin stories, and run into a big ol' snake...
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The Legend of Dragoon (Part 3) - Only Some of Our Hometowns Burn Down

Prairie - We've Got Hometown Burning Experience

We come running into the prairie, the outline of Hellena Prison still vaguely visible in the background, with Lavitz bringing up the rear. He's clearly the worst off among the three of us, presumably due to his extended prison stay, and Dart asks if he can keep going? Lavitz insists he can, but as we follow the path inland, an arrow launches down from on high and manages to tag Lavitz in the shin, sending him to the ground. Agh! Dart yells that we need to take cover! He quickly helps Lavitz out of the line of fire behind some rocks.

Shana looks over the wound, and wonders if it's bad? Lavitz insists it's just a scratch. Shana says we gotta cover the wound, but Lavitz says that can wait, and we have to escape first! Dart tells Shana he'll carry Lavitz, and she should go ahead, but she tells him not to treat her like a child. She's staying! Lavitz, gathering himself again, gets up and insists that he's fine - he can walk by himself! Just then, though, Shana warns the others that we're out of time - the wardens are here! We quickly head out, just as a pair of soldiers rush down the path we just left…

On the next map, Dart quickly notes a particularly overgrown patch in the treeline and jumps inside, with the others following him. The wardens arrive on screen moments later, and one of them insists they're her - he just knows it! As the two point their spears towards the same patch of grass we just entered, the second warden tells us to give up the woman - we have three seconds to get out here! Three, two… Just then a small woodland critter jumps out of the bush and onto the path, and the warden turns to his colleague and sarcastically comments that the fugitives are shorter than he remembers. Heh. The other, embarrassed, tells him to shut up! They should go look over there!

As the two rush off down the path, it's revealed that our party actually doubled back and left the bush on the far side, avoiding notice only narrowly. That was too close… While we could head towards Seles from here, Lavitz notes that Hellena is still on high alert, so it would probably be better to visit after the situation settles down a little. We can also head to the top of the leftmost path, but that just ends at a raging river with no way to safely pass it. Seems too far to jump over, at any rate.

There is one final path, though, heading southwest from where we started… The moment we enter this map, which contains a small building and a fenced off area with a horse, Lavitz loses his footing and crumples to the floor again. He snarls that it's just a flesh wound, and it's nothing to fret over. Shana asks if it still hurts, and he admits it does - a little bit. Shana notes that she learned first aid - she figured it would be useful, especially at times like this. Shana jokes that things really have changed if Shana is learning something new! She says she had to be ready - a certain dummy could have come back home injured at any moment! Anyway, she suggests using the nearby shack to patch Lavitz up, and he agrees that sounds pretty good.

One note before we move on - the enemies in this prairie area are pretty off the wall. While there are your giant bees and mantises, we can also fight moles here - but they're not so much moles as burrowing platypuses. There's also kiwis here - vampire kiwis. I must conclude we've found ourselves in fantasy Australia, so that giant bug-dragon suddenly doesn't seem too unusual anymore. Crikey!

Besides picking up a few items around here, like a 'Total Vanishing', we can also head up one more screen to find a tree that's been partially cut down and dangling over the edge of a cliff - Dart notes it's almost ready to fall, and it seems like we could use it to make a makeshift bridge to cross the river if we can carry it to the crossing point. His sword wouldn't work to cut it down, though…

After forcing Lavitz to go wounded through a few more fights just for the sake of exploration, I head into the shack, where Shana patches up his leg, and Lavitz admits it's already feeling better. Dart enters the room after doing some scouting, and says it looks like we've completely lost those idiots from Hellena. Shana hesitates, then tells Dart she actually needs to ask him something. What has he been doing these past five years, exactly…? If he doesn't want to talk about it, she'll understand - now's not the best time, anyway… Dart muses that it was a quest for… revenge. He wanted to find the man who took something from him, and make him pay. He didn't want to involve Shana in that. That's why he left by himself.

Shana guesses he means the Black Monster, doesn't he? She only knows the name. Nobody would ever tell her about it, because they said she was too young. Lavitz, confused, asks what the Black Monster is? What are we talking about here? Dart turns to him, and explains that he's only ever lived in two towns - one of them is Seles, where he met Shana. That's not where he was born, though - that place no longer exists. It was called Neet.

We flashback eighteen years to Dart's hometown of Neet. Which is… currently on fire. Well, not much has changed, clearly! A mysterious blacked-out figure with wings is seen killing a soldier, and Dart explains that when he was five years old, Neet was assaulted by the Black Monster.

He and his family were lucky. Only the three of them managed to escape the village. As we see the parents hug, though, Dart recalls that his father returned to the village to help other people, but didn't return. His mother follows after him, leaving her kid alone - but in town is where the Black Monster was waiting. Dart was left alone, shivering in the cold - and he waited for dawn out there. The sun revealed an unrecognizable landscape. There was absolutely nothing left of Neet…

He also found this. Dart reveals a shining bauble to the others, and explains that after the dust and ash settled, all he found was this memento, the only thing his father carried around all the time. Shana apologizes profusely - she didn't know! Dart argues he's the one who should feel sorry. He should have told her this before he left. Shana says it's okay, as she knows it must be hard to talk about this. He doesn't have to say any more. Lavitz muses that Dart only just got back from a journey to bring closure to the past, huh? Dart admits that, sadly, he's no closer now than when he started… Lavitz admits he hasn't heard about a place called Neet - he doesn't know any village in that country bearing that name. Dart explains that it was much farther north, and he doubts many people in Serdio would know about it.

Anyway, he asks Lavitz what's happening to this country? Lavitz explains that the Kingdom of Basil is at war with Imperial Sandora right now, and the war has spread all over Serdio. Dart asks why the truce was broken, and Lavitz admits it's because of the Dragon - that monster tipped the scales heavily in Sandora's favor. Emperor Doel wasted no time in throwing that weight around…

Dart is astounded - a Dragon? No way! How could a monster like that be used in war? Lavitz observes that Dart seems familiar with these creatures, and he admits he was attacked by a Dragon while returning to Seles. It was terrifying, and there was no way to escape from it. He was saved by a passing warrior, which is why he's still alive. Lavitz is worried as hears this - clearly the Dragon is advancing faster than they thought. They have to do something before it's too late! Dart concludes it's war then, huh? Lavitz is afraid so - it's already begun. Anyway, he has to get back to Indels Castle in Bale - there are too many things he has to report to King Albert!

He pauses and observes that, you know what? The two of us should come along with him, since Minister Noish might know something about this Black Monster. Dart notes that Indels does have a long history, so he might be able to find out some information. Lavitz declares it a done deal, then! Shana tells Lavitz that he still needs rest, since he's not completely healed! Lavitz condescendingly tells her she'll make a good wife someday, and Shana isn't quite sure how to take that - thanks…? Dart just says we should get going.

While here we can rest up to restore our health, and we can also approach an axe which is glinting away in the back of the room - it's pretty well-worn, but Dart concludes we can knock down aht tree on the cliff using this… Running back up the cliff, Dart explains his plan to put this tree across the river to work as a bridge - it could be worth trying. Dart takes a few swings and manages to cut down the tree, but the combined strength of him and Lavitz proves insufficient to drag it closer, and it goes tumbling off the edge. Oops! Disappointed, Dart concludes we'll have to think of another way…

It's time to backtrack - we can grab a hidden 100G chest back in the area where we first arrived, in the area where Lavitz was shot before, then head northwards to the raging river. Just as we arrive, as if by providence, that tree we knocked off the cliff washes downstream and lodges itself into our path, helpfully providing exactly the bridge we were looking for. Thanks God, or narrative convenience! Time to head out…

On the next screen we can find a family of three - two parents and their child. If we speak to them, Lavitz concludes they're civilians, and he wonders what the matter is? The father wonders what that question is about - what does he mean, 'What's the matter!?' It's our knights' fault! Lavitz tells him to hold on there - he is a Knight of Basil! We're on the same side! The father reveals that we're not, though - they're our enemies, they're from Sandora! The mother tells her husband that he shouldn't say that, or they're gonna get arrested! The father insists these knights destroyed their lives, though!

The mother approaches and explains to us that they had to flee from Kazas or starve, since all the money is going towards the war. She begs 'Sir Knight' to please excuse them. Lavitz assures them they don't need to excuse themselves, since King Albert always lends a helping hand to sufferers, even those from enemy countries. The father incredulously wonders if he's serious? To demonstrate, Lavitz asks the little girl with them if she's hungry, and she confirms she is, so Lavitz gives her a morsel of food. Lavitz then tells the parents that if they go through here, they'll find Bale - they can seek refuge there, if they'd like. The father points out that they don't know anybody there, so Lavitz offers temporary shelter at his own house. It's too big for just him and his mother anyway!

The father is amazed by how generous this enemy knight is towards them, and wonders what Sir Knight's name is? Lavitz introduces himself, and the three thanks him very much for his help. The mother says she'll never forget the kindness Lavitz showed, while the father announces that they're finally free - now he can raise his family without living under the emperor's thumb!

With that we leave the prairie behind, and exit out onto a new area - North of Serdio! The path leads northwards towards our current destination, the capital city of Bale, but we'll have to move through the Limestone Cave to get there. Remember how it was mentioned that some monster was preventing reinforcements from coming through to help out Seles? Seems like it's time to deal with that.

Limestone Cave - Bros Before Foes

I love the quality of the area design in this game - if they ever do a proper remake, I'd love to see how some of these places look if you can properly wander around. They're already pretty nice to look at! Anyway, after grabbing a Detonate Rock at the entrance - another attack item - I head down and jump across a well-concealed side-path to reach… a single Healing Potion? Okay. This place is infested with giant evil spiders, screaming bats, and pig-like orcs, among other things - but it looks pretty, so there is that.

The next screen includes an underground stream which you can voluntarily step into to get swept off to a couple of chests containing small amounts of money… and a Bastard Sword. The latter, of course, is a substantial upgrade over Dart's default Broad Sword, and I'd forgotten to put his Knight Shield on too from earlier, so he's buffed up quite a bit now. That's gonna help out! The next screen has a bunch more stepping stones that lead to various different chests, and Dart condescendingly warns Shana not to slip. Amusingly you can't actually go backwards here since you'll just run into your party members and nearly send each other splashing into the water below, but Dart goes off on his own down the side-routes to grab the chests while everyone else waits dutifully.

At the bottom of the long row of stepping stones both Dart and Shana manage to get to safety, but our boy Lavitz manages to bungle the second to last step and trips off, yelling: 'Crap!' With Lavitz dangling over the edge of a waterfall while holding on to the rock for dear life, Dart rushes back over and tries to drag him up, nearly getting pulled down with him into the depths while Shana cries out for the boys in horror. Dart painstakingly manages to drag Lavitz back to safety, though, and the two take a few moments to huff and puff in exhaustion and relief. That was close!

Lavitz mentions to Dart that this is the second time he's saved his life, but Dart quickly corrects him - that was the third time, actually. Lavitz pauses, confused, then concludes he's talking about the 'flesh wound' from before, huh? He's still counting that? In any case, he'd like to thank Dart and Shana both. When we get back to his house, there's two drinks on the house for us, on him! Dart dryly corrects him again: three drinks… so far. Dart and Lavitz then share a manly bro-hug and walk off together, the best of friends, while Shana lingers behind, confused. Um… guys? They shouldn't just leave her there! She then chases after them…

We enter the depths of the cave, and this place looks haunting - tall pillars of rock jut out over a huge fog-filled cavern. There's a side-path which gets you a bit of money, but it seems there's a lower level we can't get to from here. Further south we find another side-path, where our party stops to look at a bunch of pretty floating lights. Dart explains that they're actually Rock Fireflies. Shana asks how he knows that, and he explains that these little guys saved his life a few times. Lavitz pitches in that the same is true for him - lucy for him, some of them can be found near the battlefield! Shana is still unclear how any of this relates, and asks the boys not to just chat between themselves. What do they do…? It's at this moment that the fireflies grow brighter, suffusing the screen with light, and everyone gets healed! Dart points out that's what they do - these fireflies are filled with healing power. You learn lots of things when travelling the world!

Annoyed, Shana tells Mr. Smartypants that she knows something he doesn't know, but she's not telling…! Lavitz concludes that we have been apart for five years, so it's natural to keep some secrets from each other. Of course, he and his mother aren't like that at all. Every time he goes home to Bale, they share everything. When the other two stare at momma's boy over here, Lavitz wonders if he said something wrong? Dart just says we should get going. His mother is waiting for him in Bale, right? Right.

Heading further into the grotto, there's a path northwards which leads to the same screen I was on before, but on the lower level this time. It's an area composed of lots of rocky spires which serve as stepping stones, and besides a chest containing a basic attack item, this room also contains a hopping monster of some sort which keeps moving around in circles. There's a section where you can technically take a shortcut which the monster rarely does, so if you chase it down around that circle a bunch, you can catch up. The moment you do the creature departs while leaving some loot behind, and your reward for doing so is a Poison Guard accessory, which naturally prevents you from getting poisoned. Neat!

Backtracking a little and heading further east, we get to a very large and open area where we can loot a few minor items… and save our game. The conspicuous savepoint in the middle of a dungeon is enough warning to get ready for a bruising. Sure enough, when we head towards the distant illuminated exit of the cave, Dart warns the others that we're not alone in here, pulling out his sword. Lavitz wonders if it could be the dreaded guardian of the cave? Dart tells Shana to stay back, but she snaps that there's no way she's not going to help! Dart just warns the others that it's coming, as a huge snake-like creature slithers closer to face off with us, its enormous head dominating the screen for a moment before the battle starts…

[Boss: Ouroboros]

Ouroboros is an enormous segmented snake-centipede thing, eyeless and equipped with two enormous fangs, as well fins along its head segment which evoke axolotls. It also comes slithering out of the nearby rockface, which is an actual part of this boss fight, believe it or not. The thing spits poison at individuals or whole groups, as you might expect, and tends to lunge at people for significant damage. I put Shana on magic damage duty, and she's got the Poison Guard to avoid the worst side-effects these attacks might have.

After a few turns of wailing on the snake, it takes a refuge in audacity - it slithers into a hole in the rock wall beside it, then pops out of a higher entrance, suspended some distance in the air. Practically speaking, this means it's now out of reach of our melee attacks - Dart nor Lavitz can hit the snake up there, just ineffectually lunge at the air. They can still use their magic items, though, and Shana can hit it regardless because of her ranged weapon. Eventually the creature gets back down from there, and we can finish it off with a bunch more additions.

Instead of just vanishing, we get a dramatic in-battle animation of Dart lunging to finish the snake off, and it dramatically flops down, spewing poison all the while, while Dart cries in victory. Dart is glad that we've finished that, and Lavitz suggests hurrying onwards and getting to Indels Castle. He walks off, and Dart tells Shana we should get going. Shana, for some reason, decides to linger for a moment, taking one more look at the dead snake, before following… just as the giant snake's forked tongue flickers out of its mouth for a moment. Surprise, it's not dead! The snake rears up, ready for round 2, lunging at Shana while our boys are distracted. As they realize what's going on they rush back, but the snake is already nearly upon her - when she suddenly bursts into bright incandescent blue light which illuminates the whole cave and seems to pierce and finish off Ouroboros once and for all, causing it to shatter into crystalline chunks.

As the glow dies down, Dart and Lavitz look on, gobsmacked. What…? Shana herself is just as confused. What was that…? It's only here that the battle officially ends, and we get our experience, level ups, and a 'Wargod's Amulet.' Afterwards Dart leans next to Shana, who has sunk to her knees, and asks what on earth happened? Shana admits she doesn't know, and slowly gets back to her feet. Lavtiz figures that, anyway, we're safe now, so we should focus on getting out of here for the moment. It'll be fine when we get to Bale. Dart doesn't seem convinced, but off we go… We move on to the cavern exit, picking up a stray item or two on the way through the final segment of the cavern, before finally exiting out the far side of the mountain range, a stone's throw away from our destination.

Capital City of Bale - Foreshadowing in Fall Colors

The Capital City of Bale looks homely and very… autumny? The trees are all covered in orange-yellow leaves, and the thatched roofs of the buildings share the same color scheme, as do the walls of most of the buildings. Color variety is not of interest here, clearly. We open on a shot of a fountain near the village entrance, and pan down to reveal our party entering the place. We're free to wander as we please - our destination is the castle, with Lavitz's home as a second point of interest here, but beyond that it's time to just decompress.

If we enter the very first door we see, we find an artist's shop - the portraitist who lives here is amazed to see Sir Lavitz, oh my god! She begs him to please let her paint his portrait again! Lavitz readily agrees, and she tells him not to move, while Dart looks on in disbelief, tapping his foot and grumbling in boredom as Lavitz stands there in perfect silence while the girl does her artistic work. She promises she'll be done soon, so he shouldn't move! Finally, after a slightly uncomfortable amount of waiting, she announces it's perfect - here we go! We acquire the Portrait of Lavitz, which presumably has some relevance later? Dart thinks it seems a little too handsome, but the girl doesn't think so! Lavitz promises he'll treasure this. To Dart, she admits she loves painting… and Sir Lavitz too!

A person on the street gives us directions - the Castle of Indels is to the left, and it's truly a sight to behold and the pride of Serdio. We can find a drunk blocking a passage, begging for more drinks, and a nearby bar which offers us some good spirits - yeah, he's got the good stuff! 100G per bottle, what do we say? We'll get back to that in a bit. For now I talk to the bar patrons, and learn that every day has been tense ever since Doel broke the truce. Dragons? Civil War? He needs a drink! Life is too hectic these days, he just wants to relax. Give him a break… The world is cold, but so is the beer! An old man laments that his son fell in battle, and soon after his grandson fell as well. There's nothing left for him… Maybe he can drown out the memories. Oof. This is an actual inn, too, so we can heal up here for a pittance.

Outside, we get some straight lore from a wandering civilian - it turns out Basil and Sandora were originally one country, Serdio, but they've been at war for twenty years. He just hopes the war ends by the time his daughter gets married! A child recognizes Sir Lavitz, and asks how he's been? Auntie was worried about him! Does she know he's here? Another man is unconcerned with the prospect of war - King Albert will take care of it. Just relax and buy stuff at his item store!

In the northeast we get to a small courtyard with a couple of houses. A man here explains that this is Slambert Plaza, dedicated to Sir Lavitz's father, who some called the 'Lance of Slambert.' He thinks Lavitz has become a worthy knight, and if his father, Sir Servi, were alive.. he would be very proud of him. Another adds that Lavitz's father, Servi, was a man of integrity. Sadly, his trusting nature ultimately led to his betrayal at the hands of a friend… Servi's murder was a senseless betrayal, and he understands why Lavitz still holds a grudge. A third person mentions that before Serdio split up, there was a knight named Greham, and he thinks he's still alive in Sandora. He was the best friend of Lavitz's father. Wonder why he switched sides…?

If we try to head to the largest house here, Lavitz says we can't visit his home until after he's reported to King Albert - it would be highly improper! Dart isn't sure he buys that, but sure… In the water well we can pick up some more Stardust, and a man in one of the nearby houses informs us that Stardust are also known as Wishing Stones. As the name implies, they're believed to fulfill the wish of whoever finds them. They're scattered around the world, and are very small, so we'll have to feel around for them…

Back at the entrance to town, we take the passage to the northwest instead, towards the castle, and arrive at a market street of sorts. A man points out a house nearby and says that the woman who lives there has been waiting for her boyfriend for ten years. The Fifth Knighthood of Basil was annihilated in battle ten years ago, so there's no way he's still alive… Poor lady. The woman inside wonders if we know the vice commander of the Fifth Knighthood? He's her boyfriend! She's absolutely certain he's still alive! In her basement we can find a mouse hole in the wall and some kind of hidden passage behind it, but I can't seem to get through.

At the market, a few people try to get me to buy anything, but they don't seem hopeful - sales have been terrible! One person explains that Marsa Road leads to the Commercial City of Lohan, but it's blocked off. He's having a hard time getting the best merchandise! Anyway, here's some stuff he managed to acquire despite these pitiable circumstances… A guy here mentions that ever since the country split in two, both sides have been at each other's throats - but Bale has always been the true capital of Serdio, not Kazas! A man nearby mentions his granddaughter is a knight, and she's on a mission with her fiance to defend Hoax! We can visit the weapon shop to loot some Stardust from among the spears, then inspect the wares and upgrade our gear - for anyone except Dart, really, since he's rocking a great sword at the moment.

There's a back-alley we can visit too, where a woman is glad to see that Sir Lavitz is safe! They were worried because they heard the First Knighthood was annihilated! They think he looks tired, so they suggest he check out something from the used book store…? A little boy wielding a stick and a pot for a helmet declares that when he grows up he'll be a knight just like Sir Lavitz! It's good to see he's safe…!

The alley also leads to a clinic - they can treat three kinds of status ailments here, those being poison, fear, and dispiriting. They're dangerous to leave untreated, so it's better to see the clinic. A woman tells us that her baby sister is hospitalized upstairs, and sleeping. We should please keep our voices down! This clinic is very convenient, isn't it? A guy muses that the healing light they use is kinda mysterious, isn't it? It feels really good!

Upstairs in the clinic we can find a couple people in bed, with one kid complaining that they wanna get better already. They wanna go out and play! A woman tells us the nurse is cute but strict. Sneaking out to get fresh air isn't a big deal, right…? The nurse explains that this floor is for those who need long-term treatment. They need rest, so we should keep quiet.

The actual healing is pretty interesting - if we walk into the lower door, marked with elaborate symbols, we can see some kind of magical glowing stone suspended over the place for the person that is to be healed, and you need to pay 10G to get treatment. This involves getting blasted with healing light, much like how it worked with those bugs in the cave.

We can actually get to the doctor up above by taking another door, and he complains that this area is for employees only! For treatment, we should take the other door in the back. He then grumbles about when they're finally going to fix that damn lock on the door that leads in here…?

Across from the clinic is another significant building - the bookstore! There's a couple people wandering around looking for stuff to buy, with one of them really surprised you need to be equipped with weapons and armor to use them, not just have them in your inventory. Seems obvious to him… Another remarks that the stones called Stardust are said to bring happiness to whoever collects them. There's a man who knows a lot about them living in a house by Slambert Plaza, so if we're interested we should visit him! (Way ahead of you…)

The salesclerk tells us to take our time - they have a big selection. If we wanna know where a specific book is… Well, that's what he wants to know, too! A guy in the corner is chuckling over whatever book he found, declaring it's the good stuff - but he reflexively declares there's nothing lewd about this book - back off! As per every in-game library I've run across, there's lore here!

Geography of the Continent of Endiness: Endiness is a peninsula shaped continent between the Sea of Fortos and Sea of Alician Coral.
Serdio Region: Serdio Region is located in eastern Endiness, and is rich in resources. Thus, it has a variety of cultural exchanges.
Knights Code: Power without rationality is the same as a naked blade. A good sword requires a matching sheath.
Winglies: There was once a winged race on the continent of Endiness. Legends say that they once ruled the entire world.
Magical Power: With innate magic powers, Winglies ruled the world. Today, that kind of power is lost to time.
Dragon: There were once powerful creatures called Dragons. They died out at least ten thousand years ago.
Next: We hit up the castle, meet with royalty, then hit the hay at Lavitz's place...
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The Legend of Dragoon (Part 4) - Wars in Heaven and Hugs from Mom

Indels Castle - The War In Heaven

Once we're done with the town, we can wander up towards the actual castle, which is a fairly small freestanding structure surrounded by a wide moat, though it's pretty directly connected to the town on one side. It's also quite tall, with a steep staircase leading upwards and two open doors inviting us in on the ground floor. I assume our goal is way at the top, so let's start at the bottom, shall we…?

Indels Castle is interesting in its visual setup, in that every room is part of a single large image rather than lots of little rooms split up, very much reminding me of CRPGs, or something like Dungeon Keeper. The knights around here are enthusiastic to see that Sir Lavitz made it back alive, and can't wait to tell the others! There's also a chest with a Sparkle Arrow, a weapon upgrade for Shana, just across from the 'horses' that are stabled here. There's a small forge with another Stardust hidden inside the hot oven, which Dart apparently just sticks his hand into despite the heat. Ouch, hot! The forgemaster says he put his heart and soul into Sir Lavitz's armor, so of course he came back alive!

After inspecting a little alchemy station, which we know less than nothing about, we can also chat with a couple of knights who are busy training, and they're sorry to hear about what happened to the First Knighthood. They'll avenge them, they swear! King Albert will be happy to see Lavitz, they're sure. Taking the stairs up one level, a woman in the kitchen is very relieved to see Lavitz is alive - she heard about what happened, and feared the worst! Nearby we can also take a ladder down, down, down below even the ground level and reach the waterways the castle is built upon, where we can see a ship moored off across the way. There's a wheel we can turn right next to us which opens the door leading to that boat, so I assume we just unlocked something…

Back on the first floor we learn that the king has been worried about Sir Lavitz's fate, and we should hurry to him! A lot of the knights here say much the same thing, and if we head southwards we exit out onto the steep staircase outside, so I have to conclude that a single floor in this building is very tall indeed! Anyway, we go another level up and speak to another knight - he welcomes Lavitz back from hell. He's looking good! What happened to his men was not his fault, but a miscalculation by the bumbling tactician in black… Surely Lavitz's return will embolden the knights, and increase their morale tenfold! His safe return will be the stuff of legends! The late King Carlo is surely smiling at us right now… A lady in the observatory tells us that some good drink and music will do us much good, and we can loot some Stardust from her globe.

With our trip through the castle done, we head up to meet with the king at last. We kneel as Lavitz announces that the head of the First Knighthood, Lavitz Slambert, is reporting for duty! King Albert, a blond-haired man with a walking staff and a green robe steps forward - and behind him we can see an advisor n white and blue… and that same guy in silver and black from Hellena Prison, the one working with the enemy! Oh dear. King Albert tells Lavitz to please stop it with the formalities! He heard such terrible rumors… He can't even express his relief! His return calls for celebration! Lavitz says he flatters him far too much…

The advisor, Minister Noish, laughs and declares that Lavitz doesn't even know…! His Majesty was so dismayed that he couldn't see to his affairs of state! Albert, embarrassed, tells Noish to stop it, please… Lavitz is not only their greatest knight, but also his oldest friend. Such concern is entirely warranted!

Anyway, where has Lavitz been? Lavitz explains that after the First Knighthood was wiped out he was captured by Sondaora, and locked up in Hellena Prison. Albert is horrified to learn this, but Lavitz assures him that thanks to the bravery of the young man beside him, he managed to break out of there. With that, he goes to introduce us - Dart and Shana from the town of Seles!

King Albert thanks us for saving Lavitz, and says he appreciates it from the bottom of his heart! In gratitude for this, he will help us in any way that he can. Dart and Shana share a look, and the former says he does have a favor to ask… Would it be possible to take care of Shana in this castle…? Shana, shocked, turns back to Darth in disbelief. What?! Dart explains that it seems Sandora attacked Seles only to kidnap Shana, so they're sure to come after her again. Maybe she'll be safe here. Shan wonders if that's… the reason he brought her here? When Dart hesitates, Shana declares that she's already gotten much stronger! He doesn't have to worry about her like when they were kids! They can face things together!

King Albert comments that, unfortunately, leaving Shana here is not advisable. Imperial Sandora now wields the power of a Dragon, and they're on the offensive. Basil is holding the battle line at Hoax, but if the dragon can fly at low altitudes and directly attacks the castle, they cannot defend it even with all their high ramparts. He's afraid there's no safe place in Serdio right now.

Besides, one shouldn't be oblivious to a woman's feelings! Dart tells Shana that it may get even more dangerous from here on. Shana doesn't mind, as long as she's with him. Dart reluctantly goes along with this, and takes back his request to house her in the castle.

Still, there's one more thing - he would like to ask a question to Minister Noish. The Minister says to ask him anything - his head is filled with the legends and history of the Continent of Endiness! Dart explains that he's been on a journey pursuing the Black Monster. Noish repeats that phrase, and Dart explains it's the monster that attacked Neet 18 years ago, and the only thing he knows is that he took his parents and his hometown away from him. Noish concludes Dart is one of the many victims of that devil, huh? Dart says he wants to hear everything, so please tell him everything he can!

Noish admits there's hardly any information left, though - all books related to him have been lost or destroyed. The only thing he knows is that the Black Monster is also known as the 'God Eater' or 'Devourer of Light.' Dart is taken aback - God Eater? Noish confirms that's correct, and says that oddly enough this being first shows up in history around eleven thousand years ago. Albert recognizes that as the same time that the 'Dragon Campaign' ended, right? Noish confirms that His Majesty is exactly correct. Hm, how about instead of speculating about the Black Monster, he tells us the story of the Dragon Campaign?

Suddenly, we get CG cutscene with voiceover! Instead of actual animation of some long-forgotten conflict, though, we just pan across pictures - murals or drawings people made depicting this ancient war, lit by torchlight. There's a certain South-American style to this particular depiction, with shades of medieval artwork. We see a whole city built on top of a cloud, with angels sweeping through the air around it, and starving human beings chained to the cloud and forced to work the fields for their masters on high.

'As if they were gods, Winglies ruled over all living creatures… and used them as slaves. The enslaved suffered a terrible domination and injustice. Their anger turned to a flame of fury, and a gust of wind blew throughout the lands… spreading the flame to a blazing fire.The wind was Emperor Diaz.'

The scene switches to a small army of slaves rushing towards a castle, followed by an image of a mighty emperor flanked by men atop dragon steeds.

Armies of human beings are seen flying to war on the backs of dragons, taking the fight to the Winglies up in the air. We see people getting eviscerated, thrown from the sky, devoured by the dragons… and the sky palaces of the Winglies aflame…

'Seven incarnations of dragons served the Emperor. Their bravery inspired people to take up arms. Thus began the Dragon Campaign! It was a harsh war, and both people and Winglies suffered countless injuries and fatalities. After a long period of suffering, it was the humans who acquired the future, and the Age of Humans had begun!'

Dart muses that the Black Monster appeared after this Dragon Campaign, huh…?

Just then a knight rushes into the room - a Praetorian of Basil. He apologizes for the interruption, but he's here to alert the king that it's time for the war meeting! King Albert acknowledges this, and says he'll join them shortly. He then notes that this war has been particularly rough on both Dart and Shana, and they have tough decisions ahead. The castle is quiet for now, though, so it's a good place to think about our future. Shana admits it's the first time we're in a castle, and Albert says there's a balcony with a splendid view just outside, which has calmed his mind many a time. Shana is excited to go see it and quickly bows before rushing outside, with Dart commenting that she's really just a kid… Tch. Dart asks to be excused as well, and we're free to walk away…

Lavitz goes over to Albert, who assures Dart that he shouldn't worry - Lavitz is all ours after the war meeting is finished. If we go into a side door we can find the man in silver and black who's been looming over most of our meeting with the king - or someone very much like him, with a slightly more red cape. Regardless, he recognizes us as that 'brave man from Seles' but says this is His Majesty's chamber, and we should leave at once. Hold on, why are you here, then? Amusingly, it seems that the King has his very own emergency slide in case of disaster, and we can take it down to the first floor. Whee! We can't leave the castle until the military meeting is over, but I can explore a passage I missed to loot an Active Ring accessory, so that's nice.

Stepping onto the balcony, we get a nice look over the surrounding countryside and part of the city of Bale. Dart joins Shana at the balustrade and notes we can see for miles - we may even be able to see Seles! Shana points out it's over that mountain over there, and it's too far away to see it from here, anyway… She hopes everyone is safe. Dart is sure everyone's fine! Lavitz arrives to inform us that yes, they are! According to the intel brief, the village is recovering well, and most people survived the attack. Dart is relieved to hear that, though Lavtiz cautions that it'll take time to rebuild, of course. Shana thinks it's still good news - she can see everybody again!

Lavitz pauses, then mutters that it's time for the bad news… Sandora is preparing to attack us, he explains. They're planning to use the Dragon for the offensive on Hoax. Dart is incredulous - if they release that monster in battle, it will be total genocide! Lavitz declares that it's their job as knights to stop it, whatever the cost, so he's heading to Hoax now. The outcome of that battle may determine the future of Basil.

Dart takes this in, taking a few steps away from the others. He admits that up until now, he's lived only for himself. He had only one goal, and he was willing to sacrifice everything. Even if it meant abandoning Shana and the people of the village. And look what happened because of that! He almost lost his hometown all over again! Lavitz - he's going to Hoax alongside him! He's not gonna sit idly by while the empire destroys everything! Lavitz wonders about the Black Monster, but Dart figures he's waited for eleven thousand years, so he can wait a little longer.

Shana remarks that when Dart makes up his mind, he never changes it… She's coming along too, of course. She can't stand the war either, and she can fight! Lavitz is touched, and Dart figures that settles it. Now we have to prepare. Lavitz suggests heading back into town to visit the item and weapon shops… Oh, and we need to meet his mother! She'll be overjoyed, as she doesn't get guests that often.

We're free to wander again. If we speak to Albert on our way out, he questions why Doel would desire Shana? Why would he go so far to capture her? He can't think of a logical answer. Noish heard there is somebody manipulating Doel, but who could that be?! It's hardly likely to be their neighbouring country Tiberoa, and it certainly isn't themselves, so who…? Some of the knights insist they'll be sending reinforcements to Hoax soon, so we should stand firm until then. People are generally confused - some knights rushed out, and they wonder what happened?

One knight explains that the Capital, Seventh Fort, and Hoax are each defended by two Knighthoods. Would the force of two knighthoods be able to defeat a Dragon? Another informs us that the Emperor of Imperial Sandora is actually the younger brother of former king Carlo. In other words, he's the uncle of King Albert! Twenty years ago, Doel assassinated his own brother, the former king Carlo, to claim power for himself. Imperial Sandora is cruel but calculated - where will they strike? Hoax, or the Seventh Fort? They would wager that they'll concentrate on Hoax, because it's the most valuable tactical position in the region…

The woman in the observatory muses that we might wonder why she's playing music while others are fighting - have we never heard that music heals the tired heart, and is the 'medicine for the soul?' Another knight wonders if we've seen the tactician in black? He gives him strange vibes. There's something fishy about him. King Albert is relying on him a lot, but no one knows what his background is…

Capital City of Bale - Moms are the Best

It's time to head back to the northeast of Bale, where we can finally visit Lavitz's home. As we enter, Lavitz calls out to his mom, and she comes rushing out of the back - ah, it's him! She was so worried, since she didn't hear from him for so long!

Lavitz informs her that Sandora's resistance was tougher than he thought, but she shouldn't worry, they took care of them! She says his father would be so proud to hear that! Dart wonders why he's not mentioning Hellena, but Shana warns him not to mention that to his mother! Lavitz whispers that he'd rather not tell her such things, then clears his throat and pretends like Dart mentioned the prison because that's what we're going to be liberating next! Lavitz's mother says that's all well and good, but she's just happy that he's home… What's more, he brought a bride with him! Her big baby is all grown up!

Lavitz immediately declares that his mom has the wrong idea entirely! His mom tells him not to be shy, and asks Shana for her name. She admits that her son is a little awkward and stubborn, but he is very sweet natured! Dart interjects, and we can choose to argue it's not like that, or just wish Shana good luck on dealing with this. Either way, Lavitz immediately claims that Shana is Dart's sweetheart. Dart, affronted, wonders when he said that? Shana goes with it, and declares herself Dart's girlfriend, to his distress.

Lavitz's mom apologizes for getting this wrong, and tells Dart to be sure to take good care of this girl! Dart awkwardly promises to do so, and wonders what's going on here…? Lavitz whispers that once his mom gets an idea in her head, that's the end of it. That's just how she works… His mom tells Lavitz to please find a girl like Shana so that she can hold her grandchild in her arms. She's getting old, you know? Lavitz admits that he knows, he knows… His mom wonders if he's staying the night, then? Lavitz hesitates, and admits he was commanded to defend Hoax, so he has to leave as soon as possible. His mom is clearly disappointed, but she understands. But he can at least stay for lunch, right? It won't take long!

Shana immediately offers to give Lavitz's mom a hand with the cooking, and she says there's no need for that. Then again… Shana just says it's her pleasure, and the two duck into the back. Left standing there awkwardly, Lavitz wonders what he and Dart can do until lunch…? Dart can offer various suggestions, here:

He can suggest helping the women cook, and Lavitz is surprised to learn Dart can even do that. Dart, feeling insulted, points out that he's traveled alone for five years, so he needed to learn how to cook for himself. Lavitz thinks that's pretty nice, and wonders what dishes he's cooked up, then? Dart declares he can grill a thick piece of meat, and it's the best! …And that's it. Hm. Lavitz suggests leaving the cooking to Shana and Mom, then… Dart wonders if he really thinks so? But Shana was always a bad cook… Lavitz thinks to himself that she's probably better than Dart, caveman

Dart can suggest practising with their swords, and immediately pulls out his sword and starts brandishing it around the room. Lavitz tells him - woah, wait a minute - is this really the place? Dart wonders what's wrong? He's got such a big house! Lavitz insists that's not how that works, and Dart figures he'll think of something else, then. Dart chuckles, and Lavitz says he heard that! He's just mocking him, isn't he?! Dart assures him it's all in his head…

If Dart suggests they take a nap, Lavitz just stares. When Dart wonders what's wrong, Lavitz tells him to act like a man already. Dart argues that lack of sleep is bad for you, you know? There's nothing wrong with a nice power nap! …Fine. Sleep is for the weak, never mind.

The only actual valid option is to suggest a tour of the house - this is the first time Dart has been in such a huge place! Lavitz argues there's nothing interesting here, but we can at least kill some time that way. He suggests walking around wherever we like, and he'll narrate what we encounter along the way. The first place we can visit is the kitchen, but Lavitz doesn't want to interrupt the women cooking, so let's just move along. There's a storage area nearby which seems to have more odds and ends than the last time he was in there - and everything is covered in dust! There's a bit of money we can steal here, and there's some random clutter and a vintage ladder stored here. Wonder if it's okay to use?

Upstairs, Lavitz shows us his room, and Dart wonders about this slice in the pillar in his room? Was he swinging his sword around or something? Lavitz explains he was actually measuring his height, and Dart is weirded out that he was a kid once. Lavitz is not sure how to take that…

Next door, Lavitz says this is his parents' room - or his mom's room, since his father passed away in the war. Down below there's a library with many books on strategy. Is Dart interested in that? Nope! Lavitz walks over and grabs one of those stairs attached to a bookcase to reach the upper sections and moves it, and Dart wonders what he's doing there? Lavitz reorients the stairs and climbs up and out of the map, telling Dart to follow - he'll show him his favorite treasure. 'Treasure…?'

Following Lavitz up, it's revealed that he's climbed out onto the building's roof - here is his treasure! Take a good look, Dart! The camera pans to reveal a picturesque shot of the castle in the distance, and Dart realizes that the nice view from here is what he was talking about. Lavitz confirms that this is what he saw every day when he was young, and he grew up thinking that he'd be a brave knight just like his father, and protect this country! Dart concludes that his dream came true, and Lavitz acknowledges that. Still, the reality was much harder than he imagined back then, and he has even greater admiration for his father now. To protect this country he would tear the flesh from his body. It's the same feeling Dart has towards Shana.

Dart steps back and sits down, and reflects that he's just… reckless. Lavitz argues that he cherishes and values Shana's life so much that he's willing to risk his own. He didn't break into Hellena Prison just to be a daredevil. Serdio is a dangerous place these days, and Dart is the only person who can protect Shana. He knows that, doesn't he? Dart hesitantly agrees. Just then Shana yells from downstairs - dinner is ready! Lavitz concludes the princess needs us, and Dart isn't sure about that nickname. She's like a baby sister to him…

Later, we pick up after dinner is finished, and Lavitz declares that his mother's cooking is unrivaled as always. His mom is happy to hear that, but she'll be even happier if he settles down with a wife soon! Lavitz turns to Dart and Shana, clearly looking for a way out of the conversation, and suggests buying some things before we leave. Let's go! Lavitz's mom concludes we're leaving soon, then? Of course, we can stay here longer, if we need to… If we go back onto the roof, there's a secret passageway across a couple roofs leading to a balancing minigame - which basically amounts to spamming X until you manage to make your way across. This nets us a Healing Breeze, a powerful healing item.

We tell Lavitz's mom that we're heading out, and she wonders if we have medicinal herbs? And here, it's Lavitz's favorite jerky! She made too much, so why doesn't he take some? Lavitz assures her it's enough. How about this, his mom wonders? Her neighbour said she made too much pie! Lavitz tells his mom that please, we ought to get going! He hesitates, then says he did forget something… He quickly rushes over and gives his mom a tight hug. Can't forget that, for good luck! His mom is touched, and says he's grown up so much! If only his father could see him now. Lavitz hesitates, then says that on second thought, he's a little bit tired, so we might as well stay here for the night. Right…? He turns to us, and we agree it sounds good. Dart and Shana walk out, and Lavitz comments to his mom that he is actually running a bit low on jerky… She knew it! A mom always knows!

Later, after our rest, we can go back to her again, and she tells Lavitz that the next time he comes home, he should stay longer! She wants to make a pork roast! In the kitchen behind him, finally accessible, we can loot ourselves some Stardust.

Before leaving town, there's a couple of small things left to do - remember the drunkard guy near the entrance to town? If we buy the spirits from the bar nearby, the barman wonders about us drinking in the middle of the day. People these days… Well, guess he can't judge, since we're his loyal, paying customers! We can give that bottle to the drunkard, who tells us we're generous like a saint, then moves aside to feel the warm glow of spirits in his body… Passing him by, we pass through several long and dark tunnels to reach that screen with the little boat and spinning wheel we saw in the castle basement. We can loot an item by going up into a locked room in the castle, then take the boat for a looooong trip around the entire map, finally stopping next to the house with the lady whose boyfriend has been missing for a decade. From here we can get into that disused passage behind her basement, and loot another Stardust. That was convoluted! We can take the boat back to the start afterwards and return to the surface.

As we move to leave town, we're intercepted by a woman who bumps straight into us at full speed, then starts yelling at us to watch ourselves! Are we blind or what?! Dart, annoyed, tells her that she's the one who bumped into him! The woman, Martel, tells us not to make up excuses! We should own up to it like a man! Shana tells her to stop yelling, saying that Dart is right, and Martel immediately asks her to be quiet. The baby's crying! Shana quickly apologizes, while Martel wonders if the mean people scared her poor baby…? Anyway, gotta go, she's wanted enough time on us! As she rushes off to the northeast, Dart wonders what that was about…? Lavitz has no idea.

If we head after her, we can find Martel inside the home of the guy who was talking about Stardust earlier. She recognizes Dart as the guy who bumped into her at the entrance of town. Well… Perhaps she was a little careless, so how about we just forget about it? She was in a hurry because she had something to ask him about. The old geezer who lives here explains that Ms. Martel came to ask him about Stardust.

Lavitz heard of it once in a fairy tale, and Shana adds that supposedly your wish comes true if you collect them all! Martel insists it's not a fairy tale, and she believes it's true… and she really needs some! Why don't we give her any Stardust we happen to find? Not for free, of course - she'll give us some rare trinkets she found on her journey in return for any stardust we give her. Not bad, huh? We don't have to do this, but if we happen to find some, we should remember her, okay? (We can turn in our Stardust now, but you only get rewards for every tenth Stardust you gather.)

Next: We make for the beleaguered town of Hoax! Let's make Sandora pay!
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The Legend of Dragoon (Part 5) - The Title Finally Makes Sense Now

Town of Hoax - The Title Finally Makes Sense Now

Due west of Bale, a fair distance along the map, we can find the town of Hoax - it's a heavily fortified settlement with thick walls and lots of wooden ramparts everywhere, inhabited mostly by soldiers. As we enter, Lavitz suggests stopping by HQ first - Kaiser of the Eight Knighthood is probably waiting for us. Shan wonders if this is even really a town? It looks more like a fortress! Dart comments that it has definitely changed, and Lavitz admits it had to be done - no one wants to see their home turned into a warzone, but that's the way it is…

The town has an inn, where I can grab an Angel's Prayer recovery item, and speak to the locals - they tell me the wall of this town used to protect against animals, but now it's used to stop people. Isn't it sad? Even animals aren't this barbaric… A house to the west has a man declare that his house's defenses are top notch! He'll protect it no matter what! On the wall, a soldier remarks that if they allow the enemy to sneak up on them, they've already lost! Guards can't let their attention stray for a moment! Downstairs, his wife thinks they should really get out of town… Once her husband's mind is made up, though, he won't listen to her. Inspecting the fireplace, Dart remarks that somehow even his heart feels warmer. He also comments on all the supplies around - whoever brought them in hasn't organized them yet.

We can run along the top of the wall to get into some buildings from unexpected angles, and learn that Hoax and the Seventh Fort in the Marshland are the last lines of defense for the Kingdom of Basil… For our people, we must defend them to the last man! Another soldier scoffs at the thought of 'dragons' - that sounds like a diversion by Sandora! Such a legendary creature couldn't actually be alive… They went extinct eons ago, so they can't still be around.

We can look around the barracks too, and Dart remarks that the flames in the fireplace really get him pumped for some reason, and with all the supplies stocked here, we're looking good! Outside, one last soldier shows us a pendant, a lucky charm that his daughter gave to him. With this, he knows he'll come back alive! (Oh, poor sod…)

It's time to head inside the HQ - we walk over to a couple of soldiers flanking a guy in fancy gold armor behind a table, and Lavitz calls out to Kaiser - long time no see! Kaiser welcomes Lavitz, commenting that he heard about what happened to his knighthood. Lavitz acknowledges that he made a bad call… but he won't let their deaths be in vain. He's ready to push the Imperials all the way back to their nest! Kaiser is glad to see his friend is still as brash as ever. Lavitz agrees that he'll always be that way, and that he brought two powerful new allies along - Dart and Shana! Kaiser recognizes Dart as the famous guy who rescued Lavitz, and introduces himself - he is Kaiser, the head of the Eight Knighthood - nice to meet him! Dart wonders if Kaiser can get us up to date on the situation here in Hoax? Kaiser readily agrees, and explains that they're still preparing for Sandora's attack. What he's concerned about is the possibility that they are using a Dragon.

Lavitz figures that at least they have a fortified position here - it would still be better than fighting a dragon in an open field! Dart concludes we need to be absolutely ready for them, when the time comes. Kaiser agrees, and asks Dart and Lavitz to take guard duty tonight. He'd rather not put Shana on the front lines, however…

Shana suggests she could prepare some food - Dart is gonna love it! Dart says he's looking forward to it, though Lavitz seems a little concerned. Shana, upset, declares that his mother loved her cooking! Lavitz acknowledges that's true… but his mom's sense of taste isn't what it once was. Shana asks Dart to make Lavitz stop making fun of her, but Dart just tells her he'll eat just about anything. She should just make a lot, okay? Shana realizes he's patronizing her too! She sees how it is! Kaiser then adds that he doesn't care about the taste either, as long as it's edible. He smothers it in salt anyway! Shana is horrified that Mr. Kaiser is in this group too, and Lavitz remarks that the last bit was just overkill. Kaiser, amused, admits he just couldn't resist pouring oil on the fire…

With that settled, Kaiser says it would be a good idea for Dart and Shana to take a look around town and familiarize themselves with the layout of the place. Afterwards, we should come back here. Lavitz should stay here for the moment - he wants to go over battle plans with him. Dart seems fine with it, and Lavitz tells us to get along…

Back outside, one of the soldiers nearby notes that Emperor Doel is a tyrant who enjoys dominating his subjects, and they cannot hand over Serdio to a monster like him! King Albert is a great man, and the one and only true king! Another soldier says he heard that Sandora not only has a dragon, but also one of the legendary Gigantos. He heard he's a pretty strong bastard by the name of Kongo, apparently. Gigantos are powerful and fearless, so he's not looking forward to fighting him… A soldier in HQ appreciates the both of us assisting them, and decides the Empire won't take this base! He'll stake his life on it! A second one remarks that no army marches on an empty stomach, so they're counting on Shana too! By the way, he's not fussy about food… Nearby, we can loot another Stardust from a box.

Going for one more round of exploration, I stumble on a couple of windows I can enter by traversing the walls - one leads to an attic with 20G to loot, and a staircase leading down into a room that's hermetically sealed from the inside, as the door is boarded over. An elderly woman sits in a rocking chair here, Midwife Gilda, and is surprised to notice she's got guests. We introduce ourselves, and Gilda says she's glad to meet us. When are we having our baby? Dart flinches and wonders what she's talking about?! Shana immediately fibs that it'll be after the war! Right, Dart…? He tells her to stop messing around, while Gilda chuckles. She's a famous midwife, see, so she assumed we were seeking some advice about having a baby! Anyway, we should come back whenever we decide to have one.

She then informs us that she was the midwife for King Albert, you know… Dart concludes she's been serving the country since before the war, then? Gilda confirms that she's not nearly as young as she looks - she knew Albert's father and uncle well, and practically raised them. She remembers when… when Carlo died. Doel simply couldn't abide His Majesty Albert, who was only six, to be the king instead of himself. Doel and Carlo used to be very close, and she wonders what changed those boys… Dart says we should go now, evidently uncomfortable, and Gilda tells us to take care. When we need her, we can come back anytime! Need her…? Wait, as a midwife?! Shana quickly chops Dart in the stomach, bowling him over, and thanks Gilda profusely. How lucky for us, right, Dart?!

After inspecting another fireplace or two - Dart really appreciates those, it seems - it's time to head back to Kaiser. He wonders if we've seen enough? Are we ready to get to our stations? Dart confirms we're ready, and Kaiser mentions that they've just finished the strategic meeting, too. Now, he'll show us our positions. We follow him outside, and he informs us that he'd like both Dart and Lavitz to guard the front gate tonight - it's at the top of the stairs. We should hurry over there and relieve the guard!

We run up the walls to the lone guard and tell him we're there to replace him, and to leave it to us. As we take the soldier's place, Dart remarks that if Sandora does attack, it will definitely be a night raid. We can't relax at all tonight, so we'd better get some sleep now…

Later, after night has fallen, we see Lavitz and Dart still on the walls. Dart mentions it's strangely quiet tonight, so we should be able to easily tell if the Sandora approach. Lavitz wonders why he says that, and Dart asks if he can hear that sound in the distance? The night owls are hooting, which means there's nobody in the forest right now. As such, he's gonna go grab something - he'll be right back. Lavitz wonders if he's worried about Shana? Dart insists it's not that. Lavitz just asks him to bring back some of that stew and hurry back.

As we head down the stairs, though, Dart pauses when the sound of the owls suddenly cuts out - and then a scream cuts the air as flaming arrows start pelting the complete opposite side of town! The enemy is coming! Several soldiers come rushing out of HQ with their weapons ready, even as one gets shot up in his watchtower, and another quickly descends a ladder to ground level, only to nearly get hit by the body of the guy who was watching up above him. Kaiser comes running out and yells for the Knighthood to prepare for battle! Fortify the gate! He tells the man who just climbed down the stairs to take care of the casualties, and the guard hesitantly agrees.

Dart and Lavitz come running down the stairs too, and parts of the inn are already on fire from the fire arrows landing around town. The two face off with invading Sandora soldiers, and Lavitz asks Dart if he's ready for this!? Yeah!

We take on some of the invading forces and get thrust into a mandatory battle with some generic Sandora troops - they're pushovers, and we quickly take them out, even as other knights take on the enemy soldiers in various places around town. Up on the wall, one soldier is looking out from where we just where, only to get cut down by a new arrival - a Sandora Elite, who wonders if this is really Basil's battle HQ? It's so poorly guarded. What a pitiful display!

Dart yells at Lavitz that he'll cover the top, and Lavitz says he understands - just give him one second! Dart rushes up the stairs to face off with the Elite, who admires how much guts he has, to face him alone like this! That's when Lavitz comes running up from behind, apologizing for being late. Just had to clean up some trash… The Elite huffs and declares that one or two makes precious little difference! Dart scoffs, and says that big talkers are always the weakest…

[Boss: Sandora Elite]

This guy is basically an armored ninja, complete with black clothes, ninjutsu magic, and a crouching fighting stance. He shoots out chains which grab us and drag us around, tosses out kunai for single-target damage, and blasts people with Katon, a green fire attack which he slams into the ground to hit everyone. After dealing enough damage to him, he declares that he's taking the gloves off, and unleashes his ultimate move - this is called Utsusemi, and involves a blue kanji turning into a blue ball in hands, which he then twirls and splits into two copy-cat illusions of himself - they're literally just Shadow Clones. You have to just guess which one is real, and pick them off until you get it right. He only really does this when he's low on health, though.

After finishing off the Elite, our boys take a moment to breathe, only for a soldier's body to get flung across the street beneath them by… an absolutely enormous dude. Lavitz incredulously wonders if that's the Giganto?! The knight runs in a panic when he realizes it's… It's Kongol! Dart isn't sure what a Giganto even is, but he follows Lavitz down the stairs to face off with the giant, who is joined by several Sandora soldiers. Lavitz tells Dart that he heard rumors, but it looks like he's real! They say he's unstoppable! Dart figures that at least he's not a Dragon… Let's go! Back-to-back Bosses? Yup!

[Boss: Kongol]

As mentioned, Kongol is a huge imposing guy, and he wields a similarly enormous battle-axe. The actual damage he deals isn't too dramatic, really, but after a little while he ditches that weapon entirely - Kongol needs no weapon! He'll kill us with his bare hands! At this point he becomes a lot more dangerous, opening by rushing over to us, grabbing both Dart and Lavitz by the head, then smacking us together before finally yeeting us backwards into a wall, where we land in a heap. Ouch. He also does dramatic lariat moves which send us flying. Can you grab the axe back, man? He's also vicious if you aren't good at performing your additions, because he'll punish any missed button press with a strong counter-attack. If you're decent enough at hitting the prompts, he never gets to use those moves, though...

After we win this fight, Dart rushes over to do his dramatic finisher - only to get promptly clotheslined by Kongol, who then retrieves his giant axe and goes to finish Dart off while he's laying on the ground. As he raises the weapon, though, there's a sudden twinkle of blue light in the night sky… which quickly resolves into a winged figure wearing purple armor and wielding a sword. Kongol points his weapon in that direction, but the purple-armored woman descends towards him in a flash, then hovers nearby, looking over the battle for a moment before pointing her sword straight towards Dart. 'Awaken!' she commands. 'Dragoon of the Red-Eye Dragon!'

Dart, astounded, suddenly finds himself glowing red - a flicker of light bursts into existence in front of his chest, and soon engulfs him entirely, much to Lavitz's and Kongol's shock. Dart cries out in confusion as he bursts into flames and blasts up into the sky, manifesting red fiery wings on his way there, before swooping back down towards Kongol in a blazing rush, sending the Giganto flying, burying him neck-deep in the pavement. Ouch.

With Kongol unconscious, an incredulous Lavitz watches as the flaming projectile slowly fades to reveal Dart - but not as we know him. Instead of his usual outfit, he now wears an elaborate red armor, complete with translucent green wings. He looks at himself in disbelief. What on earth…?

The woman who 'awakened' Dart lands nearby, sans wings, and is revealed to be the same woman we saw in the introduction…

After gaining a (very nice) Power Wrist item from the fight, and getting Lavitz a new addition, one of the remaining Sandora soldiers declares that we aren't human before running off in terror. Lavitz turns to Dart and asks what happened to him!? Dart admits he has no idea what any of this is, but the woman does - now identified as Rose, she explains that a dragon knight, a Dragoon, has been born! (Oh hey, there's the title!) Kongol wakes up from his dirt-nap, and Rose admits she's surprised he didn't die. Kongol announces that Giganto don't die, and he'll pay us back! He then runs off, though, so that's dealt with for the moment…

Shana runs out of the HQ at this point, and Dart is glad to see her. Just then Dart's fancy new armor suddenly disintegrates, leaving him once again in his usual outfit - and then he crumples to his knees. Shana asks what happened, while Dart is just relieved she's safe, before succumbing to unconsciousness. As the screen fades to black we see Lavitz and Shana rush over, with the latter asking Rose what exactly she is to Dart? What did she do to him?! Rose tells her to watch her tone, while Lavitz asks both of them to quit bickering…

When the screen fades back in, we find that Dart has been moved to a bed in the inn to rest up. Rose says that they should be thanking her, so why is she just being yelled at? Dart slowly comes to, and Lavitz and Shana are glad to see he's back up. Dart rises from the bed and turns to Rose. She is… Rose says it's nice to see Dart again, too. Shana wonders how she knows Dart? Rose, annoyed, reminds her that she told her already - she saved his life once. Twice, now. Shana just wants to hear it from Dart's own mouth, though. Lavitz agrees that he'd like us to hurry and explain, too. He's already lost! At this point we can just tell the truth, or gaslight Shana into thinking there's more going on. Mean!

Dart explains that thanks to Rose, he was able to make it to Seles in the first place. Shana concludes she must have been the person who saved him from the Dragon, then, and Dart confirms it was her. Speaking of that, he never did thank her… Rose says she doesn't need any thanks, as she only did it out of curiosity. Dart dubiously wonders why she's even here, now? It's too fishy to be a coincidence. Rose confirms this, and says she followed him because she was fascinated by that stone that he carries… It's the Dragoon Spirit of the Red-Eyed Dragon! Dart retrieves the memento his father left him, and it shines with red light, just as Rose has one of her own which glows purple. This means Dart is worthy of ruling Dragons - when it shines like that, it means its found its true master. Like it or not, he is bound to his fate as a Dragoon, just like her… Dart admits he didn't know that there was such power concealed in his father's memento…

Shana concludes Rose saved Darth because she knew this from the beginning, then? Rose denies that - she didn't know for sure. Last night was a test to see if he really was a Dragoon. If he weren't, he'd be dead right now… Lavitz wonders how exactly Rose is privy to all this knowledge? She knows a lot of things nobody could know! Rose figures knowing too much is preferable to knowing too little, isn't it? Lavitz muses that's true, he supposes, but hers is not mere knowledge. She's talking about legends that disappeared thousands of years ago. Minister Noish once told him it was the Dragoons who led mankind to victory in the Dragon Campaign…

Dart wonders if this was the only reason Rose protected him? Just because he has a Dragoon Spirit? Rose admits that no, honestly, even she couldn't explain her own impulsiveness, but now she understands why. The three of us all remind her of some friends she once knew.

Our determination is the same as theirs. They always knew exactly where they had to go, what they had to do, who they had to kill… and who they had to protect. She sees that same passion in us, so she couldn't help interfering. Anyway, that's enough rambling… Shana has one more question to ask - what are they doing now, those people? Rose says it's in the past - they're gone. Shana quickly apologizes for not realizing that, and thinks he was wrong about Rose… Rose says it's quite alright. She's not known for being a 'people person.'

At this point we can hear a voice from outside - a soldier yells out, wondering if the head of the Knighthood, Sir Kaiser, is here? The Seventh Frt is under attack by the Sandora! Lavitz incredulously asks what?! Outside, the newly arrived knight explains that the Seventh Fort in the Marshlands is being ravaged by the Dragon! The Tenth and Thirteenth Knighthoods were completely overwhelmed, and survivors were barely able to relay a message! Lavitz wonders where the Dragon came from?! The knight actually knows this - it came from the forest over the Volcano Villude! The Dragon's nest must be somewhere deep in that forest…

Kaiser approaches, having overheard what's going on, and admits that this feels like an unfair fight - Gigantos and Dragons? If we don't defeat that Dragon, the kingdom is surely doomed! Lavitz tells him to summon the rest of the knights! We will assault the Dragon's Nest! Rose comments that while the Knighthood has the advantage of numbers, they are only human. Humans cannot defeat a Dragon - they'd only be throwing their lives away. Lavitz insists we won't know until we try, but Rose wonders if he thinks a pointless death is honorable or something? She'll just say this - only the Dragoons can defeat it… Dart should understand this. He's felt that power, hasn't he…? Dragoons are more than human.

Lavitz observes with some enthusiasm that she's right - the Dragoons! They were said to have defeated Dragons, and even tamed them! Dart still doesn't know anything about being a Dragoon, but Rose figures he can feel the power, can't he? It should be stirring right now. Dart agrees that this feeling is… it's hot… and burning… Yes, he'll do it, he'll trust in this power! Kaiser is relieved to hear that, since there's not anyone left who they could send on a mission like this. Dart and Rose, it looks like the future of all of Serdio rests on the two of us…

Kaiser suddenly falls to his knees, and Lavitz runs over - it seems Kaiser's wound opened up again. Kaiser argues that he's fine, though. The Kingdom of Basil is finished unless we defeat that Dragon, understood? Dart promises he can trust us. We won't let him down! Rose agrees to go too, of course. Everyone else would be woefully unprepared without her. Kaiser tells Shana that she should stay here, but she immediately snaps that she's going. She can help, and she's not afraid! Rose muses that the Green Tusked Dragon, Feyrbrand, is our target. Dart admits that just the name brings back the fear he felt before. Rose warily notes that the real fear hasn't even begun yet…

We're free to walk around the destroyed remnants of Hoax, and revisit Kaiser in the HQ to learn that the Dragon's Den is located somewhere past the Volcano Villude. Basil has no chance of winning unless we defeat that dragon, so they're putting all their hopes on us! A soldier next to him warns that there's lava flowing all over the surface of the Volcano Villude, and it's a dangerous place - we should watch our step! He heard there's a firebird living in that volcano, so if we encounter that, we should exploit its weakness to ice!

We can also return to the guy who was proud of his house's defenses, and he laments its broken state - he wanted to show it to his child! At least he protected the first floor - that's something, right? His wife, incensed, says he was far too reckless with his life! It's only sheer luck that he wasn't killed. She doesn't care about the house, since that can be replaced. Loved ones can't! Has her husband gone mad?! Up on the walls, a couple of soldiers say they wish they could have seen Mr. Dart kick Kongol's ass, and could have seen his legendary armor! With Mr. Dart, Imperial Sandora is no match for us! He is the messiah of the Kingdom of Basil!

Most of the map is off limits because the walkways have collapsed due to the fighting, but we can go to the inn and find a nurse looking over a wounded soldier. She insists that even if he fights with a brave face on, he'll just drag down everyone else! She can't let him out of bed if he can't even understand such a simple thing! The soldier argues the war isn't over yet! There's no time for him to just lie here… He cries out in pain as he tries to move, though, before panting that it's okay - he can still fight. Ngh…! Ow…

As we move to leave town, the two soldiers on the wall strike up a conversation - one of them says he couldn't believe his eyes last night - that Dart fella, he wore crazy armor and defeated Kongol! The other agrees that was amazing - with Dart on their side, the Imperials now have something to be terrified about! Dart is the messiah of the Kingdom of Basil! Rose repeats that word - messiah, huh? She scoffs, and says Dart can't be considered a true Dragoon if he can only last five minutes without fainting.

Dart asks her to teach him, then. How does he fight as a Dragoon? Rose is all too happy to explain… And you thought we were done with tutorials!

Tutorial (Dragoons)
We return to a battle scene, just like before, and Rose dons her Dragoon gear and floats a few inches off the ground. Now, what would we like to know about Dragoons? We can ask her about Dragoon Transformations first. Transforming requires gathering spiritual power, or Spirit Points (SP). This accumulates by attacking enemies - addition steps each give you some amount of SP, and finishing a full combo gives you a bonus. When you fill up the SP bar that is now visible in the battle screen, the transformation command appears and we can don our armor in battle. Nice!​
Transforming is… a whole thing. While the first time Dart turned into a Dragoon was a cutscene, the actual process in battle is similarly protracted, an elaborate show of Dart shining with light and a fiery blaze before the flames manifest into armor and flaming wings before he strikes a dramatic pose and we fade back into normal battle. Rose figures we've got the idea, now - if not, we're in trouble! She helpfully explains that if we want quicker transformations, there's an option to dramatically shorten the animation in the pause menu - which is probably a good thing, since I've seen it like twice, and it's already tedious. Cool the first few times, but repetitive.​
Next, the actual features of being in Dragoon form - firstly, Dragoon Additions! Rose has us manually transform again, complete with full animation, and then explains that as a Dragoon we have special additions for attacking which function differently from the one we use normally. Instead of a rhythm game system, here we see an arrow going around in circles, ever faster, and we have to hit the X button whenever it hits the top of the circle. It's honestly easier than it seems, and I get a perfect hit right away, which delivers a dramatic series of blows that does an impressive amount of damage to Rose. Sweet! Pretty intuitive, really, just amped up regular attacks.​
The other feature of Dragoon form is Dragoon Magic. Casting spells as a Dragoon requires Magic Points (MP) to use them, and the current spells we can use are highlighted - there's just one, right now. We can select that and then target an enemy, without any button mashing required to make it stronger, it's already at max. We open with only Flameshot, which deals fire damage to a single target. Just like transformations the animations are a bit extra, and Dart does a dramatic charge-up and flying twirl before launching a ball of supercharged plasma from his chest, dealing enough damage that Rose falters and admits that one kind of hurt… Are we finished?​
One more thing before we go - SP gained from attacking also acts as experience points for our Dragoon Level, and as we level up we'll have more spell choices as well. Upping our Dragoon Level will also allow us to remain in Dragoon form for more turns in battle, so we don't turn back into regular form after a single addition or spell. Got that? Other useful stuff to know is that transforming ups your defenses substantially, and also clears up most status effects, assuming you still have enough control to select the command and aren't asleep or something.​

With the tutorial done, Rose says she can teach us the basics, but we'll have to master our unique abilities on our own. She'll be around if we need her, so if we want help, we shouldn't be coy about it. Still, once we leave town, she'll consider us a mature Dragoon and won't hold our hand anymore. We acknowledge her words and choose to depart anyway - we've done her tutorials already, so it's time to be off. Dart figures we'll be alright… Out on the world map I quickly ditch Shana from the party and grab Rose for the party - why would I not bring both Dragoons? She has a very easy 1-hit addition named Whip Smack, so that helps…. With that, it's off to visit our next destination - the Marshland, and the Seventh Fort! Right…?

Next: We're off to the Marshlands to free the Seventh Fort, then move on towards Volcano Villude and the Dragon's Nest beyond to take care of the enemy's greatest weapon... I may or may not drop by Bale along the way to see how everyone's taking the fall of Hoax...
The Legend of Dragoon (Part 6) - Far Over the Mountains Tall

Capital City of Bale - Revisit

While we can head straight for the next destination, this is one of the few opportunities so far where we can decide to turn back and revisit a previous location in between missions...

The Capital City of Bale is still accessible, so we can go in there to learn that people are scared of the dragon attacking town - they'd be utterly screwed! The Dragon will gulp them all down! At the castle, the lady in the observatory heard both the Seventh Fort and Hoax are experiencing hard times, and says the only thing she can do right now is play a requiem for the dead. She feels helpless! A soldier muses that the Emperor of Sandora is full of ambition, and even killed his own brother to obtain power! The attack on Hoax is only the beginning. Doel will stop at nothing to achieve his ends!

Another soldier remarks that it's not practical for the enemy to advance through the Marshland all the way to Bale, so the empire will choose Hoax as their main target. The tactician says they should deploy the knighthood to Hoax now and prepare for battle, and he agrees! I wonder if we could have returned here even before heading for Hoax…? This seems slightly outdated already…

Minister Noish wonders how on earth Sandora obtained a Dragon? Even stranger, how did he obtain the power to control a Dragon? King Albert says he heard all the stories… We're going to vanquish it? Godspeed! It seems we are the only hope for Basil now. They're all counting on us! A guard remarks that there's only four knighthoods remaining, and they'll have to beat a Dragon and a Giganto with just that… Can they even possibly win? Of course! They have to! Even if all of the knights have to sacrifice their lives!

A few morose soldiers remark that the Seventh Fort was our only defense in the east, and if Hoax falls it's pretty much over for us. The Capital, the Seventh Fort, and Hoax are each defended by two knighthoods, but how many are left…? One of them also heard that the Giganto warrior Kongol has already healed. What a tough bastard! Down in the basement, the stable master says everything is under control in the castle, but how long will that last? The soldiers in the barracks say that no matter how much they hone their skills, humans are no match for a Dragon! Another argues that no matter what the odds, a knight mustn't retreat a single step! The Dragon is indeed terrifying, but the thought of giving into fear and losing everything you love is far worse!

In Bale itself, we can revisit the old man worrying about his granddaughter… to learn that she died in the defense of Hoax. Yikes. She was everything to him… The kid in the tin helmet is pretending to fight a dragon, while a nearby old lady sees this as charming - us grown-ups are frail in these situations, and think too much and make ourselves pessimistic. Another woman dreads checking the mail every day - she can't stand it! If her husband gets drafted, who will do the housekeeping?! Another woman notes that the Fort has fallen and Hoax is barely standing… Do we even have a chance anymore? (Wait, the Fort has what…!?)

At the library, one person tells us that fully levelling at least one addition is a good idea - he wishes he'd known that twenty years ago! New additions might not be great at first, but they'll be worth the effort? Why is he still reading this…? A lady tells us that Martel is looking for Stardust, and wonders why she would be so obsessed with a silly old legend. The shop owner suggests that especially in times like these we should heal our soul with reading. Books are medicine for the soul, and reading is a great escape… The guy in the corner chuckles as he'd found a magic book which he can use to go to the other side of the world! This 'Book of Secret Paths' allows you to flee to another country like Tiberoa! Oops, this is top secret info…

Next door, at the clinic, a lady observes that the war is becoming more serious, and if they receive too many casualties, the clinic could become overwhelmed. They heard a rumor that Sandora is on the offense. Wonder if Hoax was able to defend itself? And what about the Seventh Fort? If they get through Hoax and the Fort, they can march straight to Bale! The possibility scares him to death! Next door, a guy admits he's not sure why, but the healing light makes him feel excited… Upstairs, the old man complains that the lock on the door is broken again… He'll have to call for maintenance. Again. The nurse admits she'd lost track of how often the two nations in Serdio have clashed since their split, but no matter what happens, she'll protect her patients. That's her sworn duty!

The artist girl we met when we entered Bale declares that she hates wars, because she can't go out and paint! She asks Sir Lavitz to please, please end this war quickly! At the inn, one of the patrons laments that there's nothing they can do against a legendary Dragon! Fighting a beast straight out of legend? He needs a drink! Another remarks that apparently the rumor that the Empire has a Dragon on their side is true. Can they even be defeated by regular humans? God help us all. The old man who lost his family heard that the Seventh Fort was apparently devoured by the Dragon - those poor soldiers, torn to shreds by an unstoppable monster! He doesn't even want to think about it.

A little girl to the northwest tells us she's got a good hunch - we can trust her, right? Something good will happen, she can feel it! A woman nearby says she won't let anyone harm her daughter! Not even the Imperial Sandora! She can do anything if it's for her baby - parents are strong! A guy nearby declares that Dragons only live in fairy tales, and they don't actually exist in the real world. He's tired of all these conspiracy theorists! Dragons have been extinct for a long time, haven't they…?

Near Lavitz's house, an old man explains that he used to be deployed to the Tenth Knighthood at the Seventh Fort. He heard there is no hope of survivors at the Fort, and would at least like to bring their remains back. Another person admits he doubts the Dragon could be beaten, even by the great Lavitz. It's just too strong. Someone else mentions that despite his desperate attempts, Lavitz's father was unable to dissuade Greham from leaving and joining Imperial Sandora…

Inside Lavitz's home, we can actually discover that the family of Sandora deserters that we spotted on the road a while back made it here, and Lavitz's mom is taking care of them! The mother of the family is very thankful for the generosity, and she hopes her boy will adjust to this town soon… The husband enthusiastically tells us that he found a job here in town! During Lavitz's absence, he will protect the house and his mother! Lavitz's mom says that thanks to that family that moved in, the house has livened up. If only the boy was at ease around her… We can find the son up in the library, but he refuses to say a word to us…

Marshland - Gluttons for Punishment & Piggy-Back Rides

Southwest of Bale we can find the overgrown fort we're looking for, deep in the Marshland. The first couple maps are basically empty of content, just containing some stray enemies and a bunch of nondescript ruins, but the third screen up reveals a battle that's ongoing - four or five Basil troops are squaring off with various Sandora soldiers, pushing each other back and forth.

As we enter, one of the enemies jumps down behind us and asks if we're from Basil!? We can choose to fight or retreat, and obviously… we fight! Wanna find out if we're from Basil? Have at you! After a quick tussle against a couple regular Sandora Soldiers, the second enemy manages to kill our ally, and then comes to avenge his comrade. He curses us out as a bastard, and Dart chides him for name calling, before challenging him to a fight… After taking out these guys, another enemy approaches and says he won't leave us alive - Dart resents him implying we'd ever run from him!

The next one declares he'll dice us up, and Dart feigns fear of the killer chef! He's getting more and more done, isn't he? The last remaining foe says he'll take us out alone, and we tell him he'll try… He doesn't succeed. Somewhere in here I also transform Rose into a Dragoon for the first time and try out 'Astral Drain' which damages a single enemy and heals our side of the battle, which is just a pretty sweet utility move, isn't it?

After all of the regular troops are down, there's one more fight to deal with - a Sandora Captain in silver and blue armor comes rushing out of the fort and declares he won't let us go any further. Dart wonders if he's really all that's left? We're then thrust into battle against one Sandora Captain and two of his regular underlings. This isn't really a much harder fight - the Captain is stronger than his allies, but not by much. After taking him out in short order, Dart wonders if there's anyone still in the fortress…? We'd better check it out. I loot a Sun Rhapsody item outside, then head into the fortress proper.

Dart blurts out: 'Oh my god!' Corpses are scattered all over the place… There's a couple of stray items and some Stardust to loot in the first few chambers, but then we get to the bodies. Several Basil troops are lying around, some of them tinged in green, and Lavitz tells them to hang on - the battle is over! We won! The head of the Tenth Knighthood is pleased to see Sir Lavitz, but tells him to watch out for the Dragon's breath. This… is…

He dies, leaving his Wargod's Amulet behind, and Lavitz mourns for him for a moment, before swearing that he shall wreak his vengeance upon the Imperials! The knight should rest in peace. Dart looks at the bodies without injuries, and wonders if this was poison…? Some of these soldiers look like they're the same age as him… He even pays his respects to the Sandoran dead, noting there are no enemies in death, and he should rest in peace too.

After beating up a few random mermen that suddenly pop out to attack when I exit the building - random encounters are weird, as usual - I loot a Lance for Lavitz, a sizable upgrade over the Spear he's been using. It's now time to backtrack and see if we can find our way through to the Dragon's Nest, which is our real goal. Remember those screens I just ran through? One of them has a side-passage leading to an overgrown area with enormous roots and shallow rivers, and a small boat we can use to navigate the treacherous waters.

As far as I can tell it's entirely optional, but you can use the boat to net some nice items by heading down there and dodging some fish, looting a Stun Guard and a Magic Stone of Signet. The latter is cool - once per battle you can use it to stun a monster for a couple turns, and it doesn't get consumed. I also got a new addition for Dart here, Burning Rush, which is a nice and practical two-step move.

After sailing back to the starting spot we head along the north side of the screen on foot, only for Shana to stumble and shriek. Dart pauses and asks her what's wrong, and she insists she's fine… Her foot just got stuck in the mud, that's all! See? As she puts her foot down, though, she suddenly crumples to the ground. Oh crap… Dart wonders if she twisted her ankle, but Shana still plays it off. It's nothing! Dart concludes she can't actually walk right now, can she? Come on then, he'll give her a piggyback ride! Shana is embarrassed at the thought, but Dart wonders what she's talking about? She used to give her rides when they were little, remember? Shana definitely does…

As the screen turns dark and we see Dart carry Shana on his back, she muses that she's just trouble, isn't she? Dart says he doesn't think so. Shana guesses that she should have stayed in Hoax after all, and Dart wonders if she's serious? Shana admits she doesn't really mean that, no. Guess she's just upset. You know, she's got more confidence now - she's better at fighting, too! She doesn't like to think she's a burden, but she's still pathetic compared to Rose. Dart insists she's got things she's good at, right? She doesn't have to pretend to be strong. Besides, she can rely on him if she needs to, just like the old days… Lavitz wonders if Shana is okay, but she assures him she's okay now!

We reemerge on the next screen, where Shana quickly gets off Dart and announces that the pain wore off - she can walk on her own again! Let's go, everybody! Well, that was brief… So was this region, really, since we exit out onto the world map a stone's throw away from our next point of interest, a cluster of fiery volcanic peaks…

Volcano Villude - A Boss, A Bird, and a Weirdo

As you might expect from the name, Volcano Villude is a very volcanically active area full of rising smoke, blasted landscapes, and rivers of flowing lava. As we enter the outer reaches an earthquake suddenly rocks the landscape, and we all hunker down to wait it out. Lavitz warily wonders if the volcano is going to blow?! Rose says that's not it, and points into the distance, where a red fiery shape ascends into the sky, taking the form of a bird. That's the Fire Bird, she explains, and it's bad timing for it to show up now. We already have to deal with a Dragon! Dart wonders if we can just let it go, but Rose figures that's up to him. The Fire Bird soon swings in our direction, and everything starts to heat up. He saw us, run!

Our party rushes into an underground passage to wait things out, and the Fire Bird passes by overhead. After a few moments Shana says with some relief that it seems we've lost him. Dart argues we should just keep moving, then. Nearby I grab some Spear Frost, an ice-type attack item I'll be saving for when the bird is actually in our grasp, and we also beat up a whole bunch of fire elementals, fire oozes, and salamanders. Much of this area is pretty gorgeous but also pretty empty, with just a Panic Guard and some minor items as rewards for exploring. Notably, I see another human figure standing on a distant rock spire at one point, but we can't actually get to where he is, and he soon walks out of view…

We next arrive in a room filled with stepping stones - but these move over lava instead of water! Thankfully we can't actually dip into the fire, but it takes a bit of puzzling to get all the way to the south. There, Shana suddenly steps away from Dart and sinks to her knees. What… is this feeling? It's calling to her!

Before she can even explain herself Shana suddenly books it, jumping across the stepping stones and out of sight, with Dart calling after her to ask where she's going?! We follow her westwards onto the next map, to reveal that she's standing there watching an enormous partially submerged creature laying in the lava, one massive stone paw leaning onto solid land…

Our party approaches, and Dart wonders if Shana was being 'called' by this thing? Shana doesn't know, but when she got here she didn't hear the voice anymore! Dart wonders if the thing is alive, but Lavitz believes it looks more like a stone statue. As he steps closer, though, Shana shouts that we shouldn't get near it! She feels… something's wrong! Rose announces that Shana is right - this Virage is still alive! Dart is clueless, and Rose realizes that he probably doesn't know about them. She'll explain, then. We know about the Dragon Campaign, right? The Winglies were outnumbered, so they used these creatures known as 'Virage' to wage war on their enemies. Just as humans used Dragons, Winglies used the Virage!

Shana notes that the Dragon Campaign was some eleven thousand years ago, so how could it still be alive…? As the Virage's claw suddenly twitches and moves, much to Dart's consternation, Rose guesses it's fueled by its hatred of humans, or perhaps a vendetta against us Dragoons… We'll need to settle this. Dart asks if she's sure?! The Virage doesn't give us much choice, as it suddenly surges to life…

[Boss: Virage Head, Virage Torso, Virage Arm]

The Virage is a weird-looking creature, some sort of enormous stone golem with one giant arm, a relatively small head with lots of eyes, and a sort of double torso composed of a broad upper body and a bulbous green lower section. The backstory really reminds me of the golems in Wild Arms, honestly… Anyway, we don't actually need to kill off the arm or torso here, I believe - killing off the head is enough to finish off this boss, but we can take out some of its attacks by disabling its other body parts. The arm does ineffectual physical swipes, which is probably better than blasting us with magical beam attacks or status effects, so keeping the arm around is a good idea.

When we finish off the Virage it sinks back into the lava from whence it came, though explosions rock the place where it sank, nearly covering Lavitz in a splash of liquid rock. Whoa! Let's get back, it's dangerous here! Dart heads over to Shana to help her upright, and Lavitz does too - they wonder if she's alright? Rose just keeps an eye on the dying Virage, watching its slow Terminator 2-style destruction, one last claw slowly dipping down into the molten rock. As the others ask what she's doing, Rose finally turns and follows along. She also learns some new Dragoon magic at this point, 'Death Dimension.'

After backtracking a little in the direction we came, we suddenly hear a voice calling out to us - hey, is anybody there? Dart asks the others if they heard something just now…? 'Heeey, help!' the voice cries out again. Shana realizes where it's coming from - a rather fancily-dressed man is dangling from a cliff just across the chasm! The man cries out that he's in a bit of a situation here, and he could use some help! Dart jumps over towards him and says we've got him, and he and Shana help the unfortunate guy up from his predicament. As rather cheerful music starts up, the man thanks us profusely, and declares he may need new pants after this! It's a good thing we happened to be here. Please, take this!

When the man offers us an item, Shana immediately says he shouldn't - we can't accept such an expensive item! The stranger says we have to, though. We saved his life, and karma will really get him next time if he doesn't repay us in some way! Dart says she should take it. Once something's been offered, it's hard to take it back. It's a 'man' thing, you know? Shana thanks the stranger and accepts the Sapphire Pin. The man then introduces himself as Dabas of Lohan. He was told he could find a 'Burning Gem' around here, and lo and behold, he almost ended up as a 'Burning Jim!' That pun would have worked better if his name had actually been Jim… It's not. Anyway, if we're ever in the city of Lohan, we should look him up! He's got an antique shop there. Anyway, later! Dabas rushes off, and Shana remarks that he's a real odd one… but she likes him.

With that dealt with, we move to the next screen, which involves walking around a large circle of rocky spires with a lake of fire right in the middle. As you may guess, we're about three quarters of the way around when an enormous fiery creature suddenly blasts up from the lava beneath - it's the Fire Bird again! As it rises up to threaten us, setting fire to the area with its mere presence, Dart asks Shana if she can see any way to the exit? It's blocked by flames, though, so we'll have to fight… Time for the real boss fight!

[Boss: Fire Bird]

One big benefit of this fight is that our leading man Dart is a fire elemental himself, so all of the Fire Bird's attacks only deal half damage to him. Lavitz, though, is pretty weak to magical attacks, so he's going to be taken a beating here. Using ice-based items is a good way to get some serious damage in, but one tactic to be wary of is that the boss will dive down into the fire lake behind it and reemerge with four balls of fire which he tosses randomly at party members for extra attacks. Randomness means they could get punted at anyone, though, including just amassing them all on poor Lavitz and dealing tons of damage.

In this fight I used my Dragoon forms too, with Rose's draining attack dealing upwards of 120 damage while healing the entire crew at the same time, which is just pretty sweet. One downside of Dart's Dragoon stuff here is that much like the Fire Bird is weak against him, he's weak against it - his fire attacks all tend to do half damage. In the end, though, this is just a matter of doing a whole bunch of good additions while keeping everyone healed up enough to keep going, and the big avian will go down soon enough, disappearing back into the lava. We get a Red-Eye Stone accessory for our trouble. Dart huffs after the bird dies, stating that this place is too hot, even for him…

We traverse further down the path we were going and exit out onto a rocky outside area, where we see Dabas again. He's amazed to see that we are still here! Say, we look pretty worn out, do we maybe wanna buy something? He probably already told us, but he's a trader! We can stock up on items here, in case we used a lot in that last boss fight. Dabas tells us he's going back to Lohan soon, so now's our chance to buy something! We oblige, and then move onto the world map - and back into the South of Serdio!

It's been a while since we've been here, and we're slowly coming full circle…

Dragon's Nest - Curse You, Vague Backstory Villain! (The Dragon is an Afterthought.)

Entering Dragon's Nest, it very much seems a continuation of the dreary swamp we just left - plenty of trees are covered in sly mold and goop, and waterways make it hard to get anywhere. Heading along the path, though, Rose halts the party and wonders if everyone else isn't feeling that something's wrong, too? This forest… it's contaminated by the Dragon's poison! Lavitz concludes that's why the Sandora don't have any troops stationed in this forest. A normal person can't be exposed to this kind of poison for long, since it's extremely toxic!

Shana suddenly sways, and when Dart asks her what's wrong, she admits she felt a little dizzy, that's all… Lavtiz guesses that, like with alcohol, this toxin probably affects women faster than men. Rose points out she's a woman too, but Lavitz just tells her: 'Sort of…' Rose, affronted, repeats that phrase - and then says, fair enough, she never did lean too heavily on her femininity anyway… Shana tells the others she didn't want to worry them all, then works herself back to her feet - see? She's fine, just like Rose! Still, sorry, she needs to rest a little. She then suddenly runs off, again, with Dart calling after her. What's with this girl and running off…?!

Shana runs northwards to a more open area covered in white webbing and absolutely alien-looking bulbous plant-pods growing everywhere, one of which blocks the path (though it seems you could just easily walk around it…) She sinks to her knees, and the party catches up with her there. Dart asks if she's alright? Shana assures him she doesn't feel sick anymore, and she just needed to get used to the air in this place. Dart wonders if she's okay to come with us, then? Shana assures him she totally is! If she gave up here, there would be no point in coming with him at all! Lavitz confirms that like Kaiser said, the war is in our hands… We have too many people relying on us to turn back now. Dart tells Shana to refrain from running off like that again, please. We don't know what's waiting for us. For now, let's just move on…

As he and Shana walk off, Rose mentions to Lavitz that the two of them seem to be playing the roles of 'big brother' and 'little sister', and he confirms they're always like that… Back on the previous screen I cross the water via some stepping stones and double back to loot some Chain Mail, then head north towards the edge of the forest. We can actually see the exit, but the moment we step on this large web-covered chunk of forest floor, it gives way under our feet and the entire party gets dumped way down into the depths - whoa!

We wake up way down in the bowels of the earth, in a place straight from H.R. Giger's design studio - strange semi-organic pathways are spread out everywhere, with root-like protrusions poking down from the ceiling and connecting various glowing passageways in every direction. As Shana wakes up, Dart is relieved she's coming around, and the girl assures him she's fine. Dart wonders where we ended up, but Rose is quite certain where we are - this is the nest of the Dragon! Dart figures that's convenient, since it means our mission is almost finished. Rose wonders if such confidence comes from his newfound status as a Dragoon? Dart guesses that's the case…

Shana points out a nearby point of interest - a glowing pool of liquid which she identifies as pure water - there's still some left in this forest! At least the entire forest isn't spoiled. Dart suggests we should get going, though - if we defeat the monster, we can save the forest too. Drinking from the pure water spring, incidentally, heals you to full health - this is a good place to grind a bit to get ready for the inevitable boss fight.

Actually navigating this xenomorph nest is a bit convoluted - the various illuminated entrances lead to a second level of quite similar design which connects back downstairs via various paths, and you need to basically exclude each by elimination, looting whatever you can along the way. There's strange and creepy tendrils growing in various places, but if you can find the corresponding 'flower' then you can lower those creepy growth and pass, like a more organic version of a lever puzzle. Along the way you can loot stuff like Bravery Amulets, cures for mental status effects, and potions to buff up your SP - all to get you ready for the fight to come, I'm sure. After finding all three 'flowers' and opening the pass forward, we save and get ready for a beating…

Entering the final, web-covered room of the Dragon's Nest, we find not a Dragon… but a man! Standing in the middle of the nest's heart in resplendent golden armor and a red cloak, he wonders who has come now…? Is that you, Lavitz!? It's so ironic to find him venturing here! Lavitz steps forward, incredulous, and speaks the man's name - Greham!? Dart wonders if he knows this guy, and Lavitz declares that he could never forget him! He used to be the head of the Second Knighthood of Basil! That traitor was once his father's best man!

Greham looks over our party and welcomes Lavitz, noting that he's become a knight, fulfilling all the wishes Servi had for him. Lavitz snarls that Greham shouldn't dare mention his father's name! Graham wonders if he's still carrying that grudge after all this time, then? A dozen years after he and his father… parted ways? Lavitz snaps that Greham didn't just betray him, but King Albert too! He betrayed every single person he knew! Graham wonders if this is the wrath of a patriotic knight he faces, or a man bent on vengeance…? 'Both!' Today is the day he'll avenge his father, Lavitz declares, and he should prepare for his long overdue execution!

Graham contemplates this - so, it's revenge then, huh? We should go ahead and try! See if we can best him and this new power of his! He then begins to glow green as he calls upon his new power to emerge - the power of the Dragoon! To Lavitz's incredulous amazement Greham dons the winged armor of the Dragoons, though Rose thinks this shouldn't be a surprise. Only the Dragoons can manipulate Dragons, so there always had to be one behind the Dragon…

Graham tells us to behold the fruit of his ambition! He then calls out the massive form of Feyrbrand, the Green Tusked Dragon! As the beast looms overhead, Rose observes that obtaining such a power is not an easy feat. Where did he acquire the Dragoon Spirit? Graham responds that he's amazed that someone from Basil would even know about it! Fine, he can tell us before we die. His Majest Doel got all this power and intelligence from Emperor Diaz! Rose wonders if this is some kind of joke? Emperor Diaz died eleven thousand years ago, as the Holy Emperor of Glorioano! Graham says she can take it as a joke, if she wishes, but he can assure her that she won't be laughing long. Come, here's Lavitz's chance to avenge his father! If he has the courage to face the legendary Dragoon, that is…

[Boss: Feyrbrand, Greham]

We're facing both the dragon and its master in a single battle - and of the two, I think the Dragoon is the bigger problem. Feyrbrand is comparatively more squishy, but instead of just doing a lot of damage he tends to dole out poison and fear effects, so he's the priority to take out here. You can heal through straight damage, especially if there's only one enemy. Earth-based effects work better on both these guys, since they're wind-element, so tossing some earth-based attack items is a good way to get a lot of early damage, and Dragoon magic spells are pretty nasty against the Dragon in particular - he's kind of a huge target.

After a relatively quick pile-on against the dragon, which goes down a lot quicker than you'd expect, it's time to move on to the nastier problem - Graham. He's the one who deals out considerably more damage, and also likes to spam magical attacks - and though Lavitz is still kind of weak to those, at least he has an element in common with Greham, so he takes half damage from all of them. One of the freakier attacks Greham pulls off is to summon a giant pillar from beneath the party and essentially crucifying one of our party members on it, then tossing magical javelins at them like this is some demented circus performance. The last blast then shatters the pillar, sending our party member flying for a last bit of damage. Ouch. He also yeets people into the air with his spear and then slams them down again for significant single-target damage.

When Greham goes down at last, he curses that he's bleeding out… Damn… We celebrate and level up before all congregating around the dying form of our enemy, now without his Dragoon armor again. He tells Lavitz that he's got Servi's strength. Even after all this time, after all he's sacrificed… he's still second rate.

Lavitz admits he doesn't understand. Why did Greham betray his father? He was a good man, once! Graham says that nobody could ever surpass Lavitz's father - that was the only thing he could never conquer. He had an… admiration for Servi, as a knight, and as a friend. But as time went by, he could feel himself sinking into his shadow. It's a… scary thing, to realize your own limitations. The fear of failure… the fear of being forgotten. It overwhelmed him every time he looked at Servi… Lavitz wonders how betraying your country and defecting to Doel changed any of that!? Greham just says there was… an alternative. If only he could obtain more power, perhaps he could finally look him in the eye! When Doel offered it to him… he wasn't strong enough to refuse.

As he begins to glow green, his Dragoon Spirit shining, Greham tells Lavitz to live strong, and stand tall! Now… he can go… to apologize… to Servi. With a flash of green his whole body disintegrates into nothing. Rose scoffs - he lived a disgraceful life, but at least he had a modicum of honor in death. Lust for power eventually conquers you - it chips away until nothing is left. He should have known that. He's lucky to have died now, before sinking even deeper into madness…

At that very moment the discarded Dragoon Spirit, the magical stone that Greham possessed, begins shining again - and slowly lifts off the ground as it pulses green in front of Lavitz. Rose incredulously wonders at such a coincidence…! It can't be… Or is this just fate!? Dart guesses what's happening here. Lavitz, maybe he's…? Rose confirms that there's no mistaking it. The Dragoon Spirit of the Jade Dragon has recognized him as its next master!

Lavitz incredulously wonders if he's really a… Dragoon? Worthy to rule Dragons? Rose insists he's not just worthy, but obligated to accept his fate as a Dragoon! So, will he? Lavitz grabs the stone without a second thought, declaring that perhaps this is Greham's apology. He understands and accepts it! He'll accept his fate as a Dragoon and use this power for justice! Just like Dart and Rose do. Rose muses to herself that this 'for justice' talk is corny - as usual for Lavitz…

Shana runs over and says she's happy for Lavitz, only to suddenly crumple through her knees again with a cry of pain. Dart rushes over to check on her, and she admits she can't… breathe! Dart concludes it must be the poison, and Lavitz quickly decides we can't make it over Villude while carrying Shana, so we'll have to go to Lohan, the nearby commercial town! He heard there's a great doctor there who could take care of her. Dart confirms that seems a good plan, and insists we hurry. We're left standing in the boss room again, now free of enemies, and we can climb the webbing in the back of it to reach the place where we first fell down into the pit, and back onto the world map…

Next: We head for the commercial city of Lohan to save Shana, and go on a spirit quest...
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The Legend of Dragoon (Part 7) - Swindlers and Spirits and Rollercoasters New

Commercial City of Lohan - Barter and Bloom

Just a little way west of the nest we arrive at Lohan, which seems pretty ramshackle upon entering - a handful of flimsy buildings on a dirt floor that's covered in discarded garbage, with a few people milling about. As we see Dart arrive with Shana in his arms he nearly gets run over by an ox-drawn carriage. It's so busy here, even in the middle of a war! Shana groans that if she were better, ugh, it would be… fun… Dart promises she'll be better soon, then runs off down the street…

Later, we see our party gathered together inside a nice room, with a doctor looking over Shana. Dr. Sanator admits he couldn't believe it was Dragon's poison until he saw it with his own eyes! He's never seen such symptoms… There's nothing wrong with Shana's body - at least, that's how it seems. But her consciousness has closed inward since she arrived here, so it seems the mind is poisoned, not the body. Sanator doesn't think the clinic can help her. He's sorry, but in this condition she might only make it a week, if she's lucky… Dart desperately asks if he can't do something?! Sanator promises to do everything he can. …What was such a cute girl doing near a legendary monster, anyway?

Lavitz steps forward and snaps that she fought against it to save this country! He should think hard - is there anything he can do?! Sanator pauses, then tells him to hold on… If we could get a sample of the Dragoni Plant, she might survive… Dart asks if that's really true?! Sanator admits this is stepping out of medicine and into folklore… The problem is that, as with Dragons, Dragoni Plants are only written about in legends. He cannot say for sure if they still exist. Dart figures that we can't wait around and do nothing, so it's a lead… Let's find that plant ourselves! We might be able to find some information in this town!

Lavitz admits that Lohan is a massive hub of trade, with people from all over the world coming here, so there should be some information available. Sanator says that though it's temporary, he'll try to slow down Shana's poisoning while we work on this. He's not called the best doctor in Serdio for nothing! He'll rise to the occasion! With that we step away, to explore the commercial town of Lohan properly…

Much like the castle in Bale, the town of Lohan is divided up in unique ways - there's two tall rows of various shops and buildings stacked on top of each other, and the insides of these buildings all share the same map in common, with lots of entrances and exits leading in various directions. We start on the left side, towards the bottom of one of the shorter buildings - the medical center of this town, as you might imagine. From there we can exit and go in the next few doors to explore other sections of the block and talk to the townspeople, some of which actually respond! Miracle of miracles. There's also the usual shops here selling items, weapons, and allowing you to spend the night for a pittance.

In the inn I speak to a guy who's lost his son, explaining that he's wandering around by himself! He told him so many times not to wander away, and he can't believe it… Outside, a boy admits he lost his pa. Where did that old troublemaker go now…?

Elsewhere I speak to an old lady who suggests we have a drink - but we shouldn't get rowdy! No drinking under 21, of course. This town is a little too loud for old people, and some folks should be more considerate… A kid tells me he asked his dad to take care of the store, since he's gonna go take a look at the Arena! The slow economy is only in his dad's mind, he argues, and he can still make it rich - these market cycles always pass. Said father is hawking wares, offering us a pendant for our sweetheart!

On the other side of the road a guy admits that recently the war's been intensifying, and their business has declined as a result. It's hard to keep going. Even during a bad economy, though, they gotta look on the bright side. Struggling as a merchant is better than a sword in the gut! Someone else wonders where it is? Where?! Do we know how to get to Dabas' Antique Shop? He's lost! He heard it has a blue door… How does he get there?! Directly above the medical building I can actually find a gigantic bird of some kind just outside the window, and a kid just staring at it incredulously. It doesn't do anything - it's just… big? Wonder how many people it'll feed when they roast it…

I next find a small library which contains a secret passage leading to some Stardust and the owner of the bookstore, who explains that he grinded hard to save money and finally opened a bookstore! Living space is cramped in Lohan, but his dream is more important, so that's not a big deal. A guy visiting the store tells us he visited the city of Kazas the other day, and soldiers were saying the Sandoran army has a Dragon! He wouldn't be so quick to believe it, but when he looks at all the recent developments… maybe it's true? At a clothing store we're told that a big event is coming up, so why don't we dress up a little? They have a whole line of great clothes! Will we participate in the Hero Cup? How about this cloak, then? It would look fabulous with our armor…

In the streets outside I find a girl staring at a guy across the way and wondering why they feel so at ease while looking at them? Ah, they look just like that dog they used to have! Heh. Another guy mentions that Dabas' shop only has weird junk, so how does he get any business? It's the one with the stylish blue door across the bridge. A small girl tells us that every time a new store opens, they just add on another new building, so in the end this whole place becomes like a big maze… She bets if we played hide and seek, it would be really fun! In one of the houses I find the Merchant Guild, an organization where merchants can gather in Lohan. They work every day to maintain order under the guiding principle of neutrality and fairness.

One of the larger buildings at the far left is the weapon shop, where a guy up front is shouting about buying some equipment! If we want a Legend Casque, we should take the door to his left! It's the best armor in the world, and we won't believe our eyes! Sure enough, we can buy some insanely strong armor here, but it costs something like five times all the money I've acquired for just one of them - and it's not the only wildly overpriced item this guy offers aside from mundane gear. He's got a similarly expensive shield which cuts all damage in half, and a bunch of other accessories at 5000 gold each…. And then there's the Ultimate Wargod, an accessory which auto-completes additions. That's cheating! I imagine you can grind for this stuff somehow? Be back later, I guess.

Heading east towards Dabas' shop, which has been mentioned a few times, I pick up an Angel Robe from a chest just outside, then head in. Dabas has an absolutely massive building given how small all the various squashed-together-shops were, and the camera pans down to reveal us stepping inside just as Dabas approaches us. Welcome…? Hey, it's us! As cheerful music begins playing, Lavitz recognizes the goofy merchant we saw at the volcano the other day! Dabas says he's glad we got here. Thanks for our 'save' back at Villude! Anyway, he's back to business! So, what do we want? We can find anything in Dabas' Antiques! Everything from extremely rare medicines to secret magical remedies, we got it!

Dart inquires if Dabas has ever heard of the Dragoni Plant? It's a very rare herb. Dabas recognizes the name immediately, so Dart asks him if he has any of it!? Nope! Dart gets annoyed at his flippancy, but Dabas quickly asks him not to get mad - he was just kidding! Just let him think for a second… He remembers hearing about it somewhere, he believes... Bear with him, it should be in this traveller's diary… Yes, it's in there! It says: 'North of the poisoned forest, past the troublesome plant, I observed a Dragoni Plant at the shrine!' Lavitz is immediately reminded of the strange bulbous plants we saw at the edge of the forest, back where Shana first stumbled…

Rose confirms those plants had been mutated by the Dragon's poison… but you can't get past those unless you purify them with something first. Lavitz suggests the pure Spring Water we saw deep underground. That might do the trick! Dart concludes we've finally found a lead, then. Thanks, Dabas! Dabas is pleased, then pauses - wait, what about shopping? Aren't we gonna buy anything?!

If we talk to Dabas again, Dart remarks that he heard about these 'underground adventures' he goes on. What's the point in that? Dabas announces that of course it's all about treasure! Once you find something rare, you're hooked! Of course, he would enjoy it more if there weren't lots of nasty monsters. Why doesn't Dart try it out too? Dart just shrugs, to Dabas' dismay. While here, we can also climb all the way to the top of Dabas' shop to loot a glinting stone from a set of armor - it's some more Stardust, of course.

Leaving the center of the city behind we descend back to ground level, to the dirt streets we first arrived on. There, we're immediately accosted by a street vendor who calls out to Dart - that classy gentleman over there! He's got something we'll like! Lavitz remarks that this reminds him we do actually need to pick up something to carry that Spring Water. Let's have a look. The vendor is pleased, and says we have a sharp eye! He guarantees that all his goods will meet our needs. Dart points out we need a bottle to put some water in, and wonders if he's got something which would work? The vendor says he's got one that's durable, and the best quality you can get! When Dart asks him how much it is, though, the guy grins. Surprise - it's a super bargain! How about 100,000,000G?

Lavitz just deadpans that we should look somewhere else. As we go to walk off, though, the vendor rushes to head us off and tells us to wait a minute! He was just kidding, we shouldn't take him so seriously. Dart asks for the real price, and the vendor adjusts it down to only about 3000G! Why don't we buy it? Oof. We can take it, if we're idiots, or call him out on the price again - we do the latter, and he discounts it to 2200G. Dart says it's still too much, and he goes down to 1000G. Dart insists he can do better than that. Drop it once more! The guy complains that come on, he's practically giving it away! How about 100G? We can take it for cheap, now, or stay silent. If we do the latter, we stare the guy down until he starts giggling. He can't win! We should take it - it's free! If he insists, thanks…?

After that lucrative resolution, I talk to the other people in the street for some information, and one wonders if we've heard of the bandit called Drake? He was a great thief who could open any lock with a wire! He raised quite a ruckus a few years ago here in Lohan, but they haven't heard anything about him in a while. A kid tells us he visits this town a lot with his dad, because he's a merchant. Do we wanna know about a cool store? His favorite is Dabas' Antique Shop, since there's lots of old and rare stuff there! There's also a merchant here who complains that the Marsa Road which connects Hoax and Lohan has been blockaded by Sandrora, and it's ruining his sales! Not having any customers coming from Basil hurts the sales here, and the town is not doing very well…

We can head eastwards towards an Arena, and along the way we can loot some money and note that someone is selling squirrels here - Dart used to have one of those when he was little. A lady tells us you can find every pleasure imaginable here - if you go to the back of the Arena, there's a 'palace of leisure'! There's lot of games, so why don't we try some when we take a break? It'll be fun! Another man asks us if we've heard of Minintos? They're a really merry species, and just looking at them makes him happy. They're jovial and funny people!

The Arena is closed at the moment - the ticket vendor tells us we should drop by later. A guy nearby just wants to play minigames! There's a bunch of people racing pigs around a track here - one of them proudly proclaims he raised the pigs with all his heart, and their skin looks different, doesn't it? Perky pigs sell at good prices. Wanna know who buys them? The butchers, of course! Who else? Another guy tells us not to speak to him since he's appraising pigs right now. It seems everyone is anticipating this year's Hero Cup - the festival of the strong! Wonder what's gonna happen this year? Someone nearby worries the Hero Cup will be cancelled since they don't have enough participants yet, but there's still some time to go… (I sense tournament arc shenanigans… again.)

After looting some more Stardust from a nearby basket I backtrack towards the western entrance into town, where a woman says she wants to go back to the hotel, but how does she get back there? Another explains that this town is considered neutral in the war, since they don't favor Basil or Sandora - at least not militarily.

We're told that Marsa Road is currently blockaded, so nobody can come from Basil… A soldier mentions that there's not that many good merchants around anymore. We should be careful where we shop! If we're swindled, that's on us! He even heard some merchants are buying up common goods and selling them at outlandish prices… He can't stand scalpers!

The guy welcoming people to town admits that while Lohan is advertised as the place you can get anything, but he thinks it's an exaggeration. I loot some Stardust from his belongings, just for good measure. With that, our work here is done, for the moment - let's get back on the road! Our ultimate destination right now is a shrine in the mountains, but we'll have to quickly dip back into Dragon's Nest first to open up the way to get there.

Dragon's Nest II - Quick-Stop

Since we arrive from Lohan's direction, we're right next to the big pit where we climbed up before - dropping back down to where we first landed, it's a matter of mere moments to take a sample of that pure spring water - or Life Water, as the game puts it. The puzzle is already solved, so all we really have to deal with is some already familiar monsters on our way over. Dart hopes for the best with this water… Lavitz reminds us that according to Dabas we'll have to get rid of that strange plant in order to reach the shrine with the Dragoni Plants. Let's go!

From here it's just a matter of climbing back up the strange webbing in the Dragon's chamber, then taking the nearby solid path southwards and hopping across the stepping stones to get back on the forest road that originally brought us here. Backtracking to the map where Shana rested for a bit, with the freaky bulb-plants, it's time to put that Life Water to the test.

Pouring it directly on the bulbous flora the whole thing wilts in seconds, opening up the road for us. Rushing down the path we exit back onto the world map just a stone's throw away from a shrine high up in the mountains - the shrine of… Shirley? Surely...

Shrine of Shirley - Scoundrels and Specters

The Shrine of Shirley is more like an Ancient Greek ruin than anything else - bleached white remnants of bygone structures stick out from among lush vegetation under a blazing sun, with clear water all around, hiding yet more of the buildings that used to stand here deep below. It's almost idyllic? The moment we check up on a clearly visible chest perched on a nearby hill, though, we're told: 'Nope! Nothing here!" Cheeky.

Walking further in, we pass under an archway where Rose pauses as she recognizes an etching above it. Dart wonders what's up and follows her gaze, recognizing the distinctive carving of a dragon. Lavitz thinks that doesn't bode well… Rose suggests everyone take out their Dragoon Spirits and does so herself, and they each begin glowing brightly, followed shortly after by the carving. They're resonating with something! Lavitz wonders if that means there's a Dragoon in there?! Rose suggests we should go see for ourselves, and Dart agrees that we should move!

We enter into a hall that has seen better days - light spill in from the ceiling across numerous staircases and strange wooden additions that someone added much more recently - they're almost like mine tracks curling around parts of the room? There's also signs everywhere, and inspecting them reveals messages like: 'Don't mess with Sir Drake! Get out!' and 'I'm busy! Show yourself out!' or 'Okay, okay! Just go home!' Seems we're not particularly welcome here, huh?

Going through one side passage leads us back outside, to more signs telling us it's not worth continuing - so get out! The chests along the way are empty, all mocking us: 'You thought there would be treasure, huh!?' God, even outside Trails in the Sky the treasure chests are getting chatty! There are enemies around here, by the way - mostly of the 'Greek statue sprung to life', 'plague rate', and 'crystal golem' variety. Besides the warning messages, I also find a sign that says 'Statue Facing Left' which seems conspicuously different. There's also another etching of a dragon which resonates with us and heals us to full, removing our fatigue - so that's what the resonance does!

If we take another exit from the central hall we get to a different outdoor section with more of those mine tracks overhead, and a sign that congratulates us on getting this far - and now piss off! Turning a crank here also opens up a wall on a lower level, and we can reach more chests that don't contain anything. Don't we get it yet?! If we use the passage we previously opened up with that crank to get outside, we can reach another sign which says 'Statue Facing Front.' Fits with the other one, doesn't it?

Exiting through the very back of the main hall and ascending some stairs, we reach a strange mechanism. Dart wonders what it is, and Lavitz observes that there are three rotary plates, all with numbers from one to five. Some kind of numerical lock? He suggests Dart gives it a try. Inputting something random, nothing happens and Dart guesses that was wrong, then. Lavitz wonders if there's any way we can find the code…? There's another staircase nearby which leads to a final chest - which just says 'Bye bye.' What does that me- AAGH! Dart gets dropped through a false floor into a waiting mine cart which whisks him away on a wild tour - guess what those tracks were all for…? I knew I should have mistrusted every treasure chest after Elden Ring…!

As the mine cart careens wildly around the entire shrine, revisiting all those bits of tracks we came across, something spits numbers at us - 3, and 5, and 2! The traumatic ride ends when Dart gets summarily tossed into the clear waters at the very base of the temple in a huge plume of water. Wh-what was that?!

Making our way back up to the puzzle with the rotary plates, we put in those three numbers we received along the way to open up a secret drop-down staircase on the wall which leads further in. Well, at least it was good for something, right…?

The puzzles aren't quite down, as we arrive at those winged statues similar to the ones we saw in those outdoor paths down below. There's a gold and silver one, and pairing them with those instructions we got earlier, we know to point one of them left and the other forwards. If we don't we just get yeeted back down the stairs when it becomes more of a slide, but if the statues are correct we can ascend further to the very top of this dungeon, and get to its final screen. There's not much there beyond another bait-and-switch chest, and a save point. 'Really?' the chest asks us dubiously. It's time to save up and get ready for the inevitable bossfight…

As we step up, we see our three party members having a look around when, quite suddenly, a figure in a large brown hat lands in front of us and declares that he's amazed we've made it through the traps! It's Drake the Bandit who's been leaving all those messages and stealing all the treasure! He declares that our luck's run, because he won't let us any further! Come on, we should draw our swords! Dart tells the man to wait! We're just here to look for the Dragoni Plant! We don't want to fight! The man wonders if we really expect him to believe that!? We're after the treasure, aren't we?! Dart argues he's got it all wrong, but Rose figures it's quicker just to beat this guy. The man declares that he knew it! Now we reveal our true nature. We should prepare ourselves!

[Boss: Drake the Bandit]
The battle with Drake isn't particularly hard, but it does last a while - in keeping with the theme of his dungeon, he's all about being tricky rather than full-on powerful, so he introduces some new elements to the fight we haven't really seen before. Firstly, he sometimes summons three 'Bursting Balls' which are full-on cartoon bombs, complete with skulls on them. Each round they roll a little closer to the party, and after three rounds they explode to deal significant damage against whoever they're facing. They're like Tonberries-in-a-can!

You can attack the bombs to destroy them early, but that still means you're not fighting the boss himself. The most efficient here is to use an AOE item to destroy all the bombs at the same time instead of spending multiple attacks on them when the boss can just summon another volley right after.

Secondly, partway into the fight Drake starts setting up another type of trap - a wire barrier which prevents attacks on Drake altogether, so we need to beat up the wall first. It's just another enemy, really, and after the first time he does it, subsequent walls seem way less tanky, so they go down with only one or two attacks. Drake himself isn't that tough, especially since he's alone. He does pull out a healing potion to give himself a decent 300-ish hitpoints back near the end - hey, that's cheating! Only we are allowed to abuse items! It's in the JRPG rules! After Drake goes down to our onslaught, the bandit whispers that he has to protect Shirley or…

There's a flash of light… and then a ghost manifests near us, a hovering spirit of a woman in a blue dress with red hair. Everyone turns to her in shock as the spirit, Shirley, tells Drake that it's okay now. She asks us, Bearers of the Dragoon Spirits, why we have disturbed her quiet sanctuary? Lavitz demands to know what she is, while Dart is more diplomatic - we don't mean any harm, he explains, but we're here to save our friend's life! Shirley seems interested in this, while Rose just comments to Shirley that it's been a while. The ghost takes that in and flies circles around Rose to inspect her. She is…! Oh, she understands. Rose is still on that sad journey, then? It's good to see her. Rose agrees it's good to see Shirley too. (What's going on here…?)

Dart asks the spirit whether she can spare us some Dragoni Plant?! Shana is suffering from Dragon's poison Shirley muses that, huh, dragons are still clinging to life, then? …Unfortunately, she doesn't have any Dragoni Plant to give us. Dart wonders what we'll have to do about Shana's condition, then…? Shirley suggests there is one other way to save her… Dart says he'd do anything - so she should just tell him and he'll try it! With that Shirley reveals something which begins shining brightly - a Dragoon Spirit!? Shirley confirms that a Dragon's poison can be removed with the Dragoon Spirit of a White Silver Dragon, which is filled with healing magic. Now, she will challenge us to see if we are worthy of this Dragoon Spirit… Shall we begin? Rise to the challenge! If we cannot do this, then the girl's fate is to die!

[Boss: Shirley]
Back-to-back boss fights? Shirley you can't be serious!

No, this isn't really a boss fight, actually. While you can attack her and even get her to 'die', Shirley will just heal herself back up and continue the fight. In reality, you simply have to weather her (fairly weak) blows until she decides to get philosophical. She starts by asking Dart and Lavitz why they fight…? We can choose between 'to protect those we love' and 'for pride and honor', and it's pretty clear which answer is the correct one here. Picking wrong leads to her chiding us for not having our heads on straight, and she'll ask again. But thou must have moral clarity!

After the first answer Shirley tells Dart to bare his heart to her, before she takes on the very image of Shana to face off against him. Shana tells Dart that she's been waiting! Why did he leave without saying a word? We can choose to say it's none of her business, or fess up that it was to pursue the Black Monster. If we pick the latter, she asks what he's going to do after he finds this Black Monster? The choices are between 'getting revenge, what else?!' or admitting he doesn't know yet. Being honest again, she asks Dart to forget about revenge and stay with her. So, who will he pick, the Black Monster or her…? Naturally, Dart would choose Shana in that scenario… Shana proclaims to be so happy, before evaporating back into the form of Shirley…

Next, Shirley tells Lavitz to show her where his loyalty lies. She then takes on the form of King Albert, who asks Lavitz what he's doing here? His duty is to the knighthood! Lavitz can obey immediately, or say that this is not like Albert. When the King asks Lavitz if he's disobeying orders, choosing one life over many, Lavitz can say it's one worth fighting for, or just to tell the guy not to boss him around. If we pick the former, the king declares that Lavitz is correct - a knight must be prepared to lay down his life even to save just one person! Nothing is more honorable!

After Shirley reverts to her normal form, she tells Dart that his quest will bring truth, but also suffering. Does he still wish to continue? We can choose to declare that we'll do it no matter what, or that he'll save Shana and then go home. If we pick the former, Shana tells us we have such a brave spirit. Our resolve is unwavering and true. Perhaps we are indeed worthy to carry the future. She then asks Lavitz who the most important person is for him to protect? He can choose between King Albert… and his mother. If we pick the latter, she acknowledges that it's human to care for one's parents, and he is a man before he is a knight. Parents care for children and a child yearns for its parent. This bond gives us strength, so he shouldn't forget he has somebody waiting for him.

Lastly she turns to Rose, and says she must ask her… what does life mean to her? Rose can answer that she never thought about it… or that it's nothing but sacrifice. Oof. Shirley tells her that she foresees an end to Rose's painful journey. This young man, Dart, will awaken her old self, and lead her to a happier future. Now, illuminate the path with her Dragoon Spirit! The 'battle' ends with that, but we still get XP and loot anyway, so that's nothing to complain about…

In the aftermath of the fight Shirley hands over the White Silver Dragoon Spirit. She says that was beautiful - we should take this with us as promised. However, she has one favor to ask. Drake has protected her shrine from countless attempts by bandits and plunderers. He even stood up to us. Could we please save Drake? She has no physical form, so she cannot draw from the power of the spirit. Dart admits he can't feel any power holding the Dragoon Spirit like this, though. Rose suggests holding it up with the spirit of the Red-Eye Dragon he already has. Combining the two, they both begin to shine in his hands, healing Drake. Shirley explains that his own Dragoon Spirit is drawing the healing power of the White Silver Dragoon Spirit forth…

After a moment Drake wakes up, confused. He's… he's alive? Dart, cheered up by the successful healing, concludes we can save Shana with this! Shirley remarks that uncovering the truth sometimes brings pain, but he will be able to overcome it. Shirley then begins glowing brightly and slowly ascends into the sky, growing transparent. As she vanishes, she says farewell to Rose - she's looking forward to the day their roads cross again. As the light fades away, Dart incredulously asks where she went?! Rose muses that she's gone to where she belongs. Dart acknowledges this, then says we should go. Shana is waiting. As he runs off, Lavitz just shrugs at the one-track mind of the party leader…

After the fight is over we can find Drake still wandering around, asking desperately where Shirley went? Please come back! Inside the nearby building… is the jackpot! You remember all those treasure chests that were looted before we got there throughout this dungeon? Drake stashed all their contents inside here, along with some dragon statues, and there's no less than eight chests to loot!

Granted, most of them contained only small amounts of money, but there's a Demon Stiletto for Rose in here too, which is a pretty neat upgrade. Beyond that, we're done here, so it's time to backtrack and see about delivering the Dragoon Spirit we obtained in lieu of the healing plants we originally came for.
The Legend of Dragoon (Part 8) - Obligatory Tournament Arc! New

Commercial City of Lohan - Obligatory Tournament Arc!

As we return to Lohan, we visit the clinic right away - Sanator wonders if we found a Dragoni Plant!? Dart admits we didn't, but with this… He walks over to reveal the Dragoon Spirit he just obtained, and says we should be able to save her with that. As he puts the gem down and turns to the others, though, it starts shining on its own - what?! Confused, Lavitz says he thought the power can't be released without help from another spirit? Rose just stares silently. Shana suddenly wakes up and bolts upright, the shining Dragoon Spirit in her hands. What is this?! Dart explains what she's holding, and wonders if Shana could be…?! Lavitz agrees - she must be a Dragoon!

Rose comments that they're right - she must be one, otherwise this wouldn't be happening. Shana purged the poison using the spirit's power, herself. Sanatar approaches Shana and confirms it's true - Shana is completely healthy and there's no sight of the poison at all! Shana just asks what's going on, and in return he pulls out his own brightly shining Dragoon Spirit, followed by everyone else, turning the room into something of a rave party. Dart doesn't know if it's a coincidence or fate, but she was saved by this power. Does she feel it? It's the power of the Dragoon! Shana admits she does feel something. It feels… warm… not just powerful, but gentle!

Sanator cuts in and tells everyone that, excuse him, but it's too bright in here! He might go blind! Can we do something about it!? Shana quickly apologizes and puts away the bright gem, dimming its light again. (Heh, someone said it!)

Dart asks Shana if she can get up, and she easily jumps out of bed - she's just fine now! Dart tells the doctor that he's not sure how to explain all this, and Sanator admits he wouldn't understand it even if we told him. It's enough just seeing a miracle with his own eyes! It was well worth the wait. In addition we shouldn't worry about payment. Just end this war quickly - that'll do. Dart figures that with no more threat of a Dragon, King Albert should be able to take care of the rest.

Sanatar acknowledges that we did defeat that Dragon, didn't we? Hmm… We may want to try our hand at the local Arena! We might even win the title as the strongest in the world! When Dart admits his interest, Sanator explains that we're here just in time for the Hero Cup. Daredevils are coming from all over to compete with their brawn and brains. Mostly. Brawn. If we're interested, we should go to the Arena. Who knows? We might actually have fun! With that we're allowed to wander again… and get ready for our mandatory anime-game tournament arc. Didn't think we'd avoid one of those, did you?

We can talk to some of the people along the way to learn that the Hero Cup is an annual event where strong people get together to fight - but not to the death, of course. Just saying 'Hero Cup' gives them goosebumps! Another person mentions that this merchant called Dabas goes on underground adventures, right? He allegedly dug this huge hole underneath his shop. Why don't we go see it? (Guessing that'll come up later…?)

We can also find an 'uncanny Minintos' who wonders if we're just playing games in the arena, or participating? Take a look at this! Believe it or not, it's a ticket with the backside and frontside and everything! It's rare! Hard to come by! We're lucky he found us! How about it? Why don't we buy it for 50 bucks? Dart just has one question… How is this any different from a regular ticket we can buy at the stand? The guy pauses, thinks about it, then cries out - ugh, oh no! Damn, he knew he got ripped off! Anyway, he introduces himself as Pelpee before running off. Thanks anyway, brother! Dart shakes his head as the guy departs…

We can sign up in the back of the Arena, where 'Ginger' tells us that if any of us are 'live fast, die young' types and want to test our mettle, we should step up and fill out the application! His advice to those of us who are feeble, cowards, or have cold feet is not to register. They aren't responsible if we die. So, wanna register now? Dart volunteers, and Ginger is pleased, and wonders if any of the others are also in the running. Dart tells Lavitz not to go easy on him, but Lavitz bows out - he's a Knight of Basil, so he's not eligible to participate in these kinds of competitions. Rose won't fight either - she doesn't like being called a 'dude' by Ginger, and it'd spoil the competition since she's too good. Shana just cheers on Dart - good luck! Lavitz promises they'll all be watching from nearby. He tells Dart not to embarrass himself in front of Shana… (Also, don't turn into a Dragoon. It'll create a big mess.)

Ginger points us to a nearby waiting room, where we can get ready for the fights to come. Oh, he didn't tell us the rules for the Hero Cup, did he? Should he? When we tell him he should, Ginger explains that the first rule is that this isn't to the death! We shouldn't attack after our opponent has given up. 'Heroes' should be merciful, after all. Secondly, don't use poison! That's a tactic too cowardly for a hero. Thirdly, don't run away from the opponent! For a hero it's not over until it's over. Finally, give it your all! This is not so much a rule as a principle for this competition. That's all there is! We shouldn't forget it during the fight…

Descending to the waiting room, we overhear a wandering warrior ask an old man in purple to say that again - what's that, old geezer?! The stranger in purple declares that martial abilities mature along with the spirit, and he has such an immature spirit… He's afraid that the wanderer is no match for him. The warrior snarls that he should just shut up already! Let's settle this right here! The purple-clad warrior obliges and punches the wanderer right across the room. 'Gwa!' The man just says he told him so… He should respect his elders more.

'Haschel!' Dart announces as he ducks into the room. The purple-clad man, Haschel, is amazed to see it's him - it's Dart! Dart takes in the scene and remarks the old man will never change, huh? Haschel just says he taught the brat some courtesy, that's all. Hmmm, Dart looks tougher since the last time he saw him. Dart says the same is true in reverse - he looks stronger than ever! Haschel laughs and says that even if we flatter him, he won't go easy on us! Dart knows that, and says he missed the old man. Feels like their journey together was just yesterday. This reminds Haschel… whatever happened with… that black whatchamacallit…?

Before they can get into it, though, the announcer for the Arena arrives shouting 'Hey hey hey hey!' Ginger tells everyone in the room that the time has come to decide the strongest in Endiness! We should enter the Arena when ready! Haschel tells Dart not to lose before our match. This is it! Here we go! We're left by ourselves with an attendant, who asks if we're ready…? Are we tensed up? It's natural when it's our first time. We should take it easy!

Dart vs. Gorgaga

We rush into a really dramatic cage match with this big dude wearing a wolf's head for a helmet and wielding an axe. Instead of going in for a chop, though, he announces she's got a little welcoming gift. Take this! He tosses an item our way which is soon revealed to be poison - that's against the rules! Gorgaga giggles and says that winning is winning… This would be a problem if this guy was at all menacing, but he goes down in absolutely no time at all - even if this is a one-on-one match, Dart is strong enough to beat this guy with like three or four attacks. Boo. Amusingly, if you somehow manage to lose, Gorgaga gets himself disqualified for using poison, and we move on anyway…

In between matches we can exit the arena to talk to our party. Lavitz says it's a top notch match - he doesn't know if we're up for the next fight! Shana asks us to please not get hurt… If we try to leave, Lavitz asks us where we're going? The match will start soon! Dart says he was just taking a break, but Rose wonders if he was running away…? We should go back. The matches can't move forward with us fooling around here… Afterwards we get back to the attendant, who tells us that we seem more relaxed, but still stiff… We should take a deep breath. Ready to Go?

Dart vs. Serfius

Serfius is in full plate and is a fire element, which barely changes our strategy. After a few hits, though, he gets serious and declares we're powerful, just as he expected. Fine, the warmup is over! He then buffs himself with Power Up, and is considerably more dangerous. This is the same buff those guys at the prison used, if you recall. While it is tougher to damage the guy, he can be whittled down - eventually he announces he's at his limit, and the fight is finished.

The attendant concludes we're warmed up after beating up the famous Serfius, right? We should give it our best shout for our friends upstairs!

Dart vs. Danton

Danton is a big guy with red armor and a huge hammer, and he's all about defense - he's got a stance in which he is basically invulnerable, so our only openings are when he's not actively blocking us. As we get him down fairly low the guy snarls that we should make his day, kiddo! He then whips his hammer around for a massive 'All-out attack!' which automatically knocks us down to 1 HP - immediately healing is required, or we just die here no matter what. If we get through that, though, it's smooth sailing to the end…

After finishing off Danton, the attendant announces that we're already at the semifinals - our match is with last year's second place winner, Atlow! Even though he lost, he's extremely strong! The only thing he can say now is that it's anyone's game. Good luck!

Dart vs. Atlow

Atlow is a bare-chested archer, who declares that it's showtime! He has a very predictable sequence of attacks, in which he does a dramatic x-ray zoom-in on a particular body part and then does a critical attack on it. Knee first, then thigh, then chest, then head - and then the dramatic finisher, the secret 5-sense-blocker technique! He shoots an arrow which skewers several apples he tossed along the way before impacting every body part at once, somehow, and also causing fear. You know, unless we guard or are immune to that through items, in which case it's just a ton of damage. Yeouch. If we survive, he declares that we're a monster - nobody should be able to get up after that!

After finishing off Atlow, we get back to the waiting room to meet Haschel. Looks like we'll be facing off in the final match! Haschel hesitates and says that, actually, he's afraid the road is calling him, once again! Ha ha ha! Dart is dismayed to learn Haschel lost, and he admits that he did get defeated by a tremendous sword master. His name was Lloyd or something, he thinks. We should think of him as a test for ourselves, and just do it! Just then a white-haired guy in black walks in, and Haschel murmurs: 'Speak of the devil…' Dart introduces himself to the newcomer, and says we'll meet in the final match. Let's make it a good one! Lloyd nods and declares that he'll dedicate this match to whatever fate has in store for us.

Dart is confused at this ominous response, but the conversation is interrupted by the ever-intrusive Ginger, who declares that the next match will determine the strongest! No time for holding back anymore - the crowd is on the edge of their seats! Haschel tells us that all he can say is this… kick his rear, Dart! The attendant tells us he's a big fan of ours, now. Our way of fighting, our sword use, defense, charisma, everything is fabulous. The finals are next - are we ready!? He knew it would come to this. He's not going to stop us - for our friends, claim the title!

Dart vs. Lloyd
Hahaha, no. In the fight against emo-boy in black over here, we stand absolutely no chance. Our attacks just fail to connect entirely, and Dart concludes Lloyd's reflexes are too fast - he can't read the guy's moves! Eventually Lloyd gets tired of the charade and pulls out a Limit Break super-move and launches us off the ground into a series of sword slashes with spectral echoes before slamming us down into the ground again with another blow. What swordsmanship! It's humanly impossible! Lloyd says he's afraid there's no path of victory, then does a dramatic sword-lariat to finish us off. We crumple to the floor and the battle ends in a loss…

After our defeat, Haschel joins us in the arena for the victory ceremony - here are the results of the annual Endiness Hero Competition! The victor is the platinum-haired swordsman, Lloyd! The toughest and strongest man in all of Endiness! Second is Dart, the 'Young Flame!' Third place goes to Haschel, the 'Master of the Rouge Art!' As we all cheer, Lloyd makes his way out of the room and back to the waiting room, and he's soon followed by Dart and Haschel.

Dart tells Lloyd that that wasn't even a match - he totally destroyed him. Lloyd muses that Dart hasn't reached his limits yet, and he'll become stronger. He'll have to be. Haschel, too. He's yet to reach his true potential either. Haschel tells Lloyd he flatters him! Just then Lavitz runs in and tells Dart to come on - everybody is waiting for him, Shana in particular! He turns to Lloyd and says that he watched his match with Dart, and would love to have a match with him too if the rules allowed it. Lloyd apologizes, but says Lavitz wouldn't stand a chance. Lavitz winces, but says that's probably true. Someday, should they meet again, could he please accept the challenge? He'll be stronger then. Lloyd says he'll think about it, then leaves.

Dart tells Lavitz that it's not only him that's no match for Lloyd - he wasn't either! He couldn't keep up with that guy's movements. Haschel confirms it was the same with him, ha ha! Lavitz recognizes Master Haschel of the Rouge School, and Dart realizes he hasn't introduced him to everybody, yet. Why don't we go outside, so Haschel can meet his friends? Haschel is intrigued to learn the lone wolf has finally got a pack of his own? He'd love to meet Dart's friends!

Heading towards the exit of the arena, Shana calls out to Dart - congratulations on reaching second place! Dart thanks her, and wishes he could have won the first prize for her… Shana assures him it's okay, though. He looked very cool! Besides, just having him safe is enough for her… She notices the old guy Dart brought, and wonders who this is? Haschel concludes she only paid attention to Dart's matches, didn't she? Oh well. Ha ha, she shouldn't worry, it's universal! Girls in love are always blind! Dart insists it's not like that… Ah, he really hasn't changed, has he…? Haschel is never serious, he explains, except when he's fighting! Haschel is affronted at that, then admits he's actually right. But the goal of his journey is a serious one. He's looking for his runaway daughter…

Dart explains that he met Haschel four years ago, back when he was on his quest pursuing the Black Monster. Rose hears this phrase, the 'Black Monster', and seems to recognize it, but doesn't say anything. Haschel wonders if that cutie, Rose, is a friend of Dart's too? Rose snaps at him not to 'cutie' her! Her name is Rose. Dart looks between them, and wonders which one is Dart's sweetheart, then? Dart asks him what he's talking about now? He already told Haschel about Shana, many times! Haschel recalls that's true, and wonders if he still thinks of her as his baby sister, then? Dart tells Haschel to stop that!

Lavitz, seeing this devolving quickly, suggests that Dart take Shana to explore the Arena together? He can go with Rose. He goes to drag Rose away, but she trips him and snaps that she didn't volunteer for this! Lavitz begs her to just play along, please? Shana tells Dart that this sounds fun, so she would like to go with him! Haschel figures we should get going then and walks away with Shana, and Lavitz yells that Shana didn't mean him! Haschel figures that Dart couldn't seem to make up his find, so he thought he'd do it for him! Lavitz slips Dart a few tickets, and he finally says he wouldn't mind going with Shana - they haven't had any time to relax, after all. Let's go, Shana! Lavitz says we've got tickets now, right? Go have fun!

We're free to walk around again… and do minigames! Yeah, this is a JRPG tournament-arc and also a JRPG minigame carnival in one! The games are simplistic and distressingly difficult, especially if you're not particularly fast in your reaction speed. There's the Monster Conquest stand, which is a classic target shooting game where the targets shoot back - the first few shots are doable, but eventually the monsters just pelt you with so much stuff you can't win at all. There's also no prizes, so that's a bit lame. Dart gets really defensive about losing, saying that if he wasn't tired from the tournament he could have done it, but Shana clearly isn't buying that at all. She's Just happy to be with him. Besides, it's been a while since she's been to this kind of place…

There are a few other minigames - there's a shuffling hats game where you have to say under which of three people's hats the bird is hidden after they shuffle said hats around a bunch - it costs one ticket to play, and winning earns you three tickets. Shana gets dizzy from this game, but Dart says it's right up his alley - it's like a battle, but with your eyes! Shana is not impressed. Further along is 'What's Wrong With the Scene?' which is a difference-spotting game where you're shown a scene, and then the curtain drops while some stuff gets shuffled around, and you have to point out which items have changed. It's hard, and Dart admits he kind of sucks at these…

At the left side there's also an obstacle course, which is essentially a series of various traps that you have to duck under or past, but I suck at it and just get yeeted off the beam immediately. Great. The obstacle course guy says we're a real oaf! Hee hee! Shana asks if we hurt ourselves? Dart assures her he's fine, since he's got his armor. Back at the front we can also exchange any tickets we won for items - but it takes twenty tickets for the cheapest item, and 60 for the fairly powerful Healing Rain one, which is the top prize. Thankfully you can just buy tickets, so you don't have to do minigames to get these items if you want them, which is a relief.

Speaking to Lavitz, he asks us if we've had enough? Dart says yes, and Lavitz asks if we had a fun date? Shana confirms it was! Thanks, Lavitz. Dart just crosses his arms and says we've gotta get back to Bale - otherwise we'll be late with our report to King Albert. Lavitz hesitates, then asks Dart to have a moment alone with him… You know, let's go right outside and chat, okay?

Outside, Lavitz asks Dart straight-up if he finally did something? Dart cluelessly wonders what he means. About what? He didn't do anything. 'Anything?' Lavitz asks. He didn't even take her hand? Dart argues that Shana's not a baby anymore, so she doesn't need to go hand in hand with someone! As Dart looks in on some of the captive animals nearby, Lavitz wonders if they're even on the same page here…? Dart turns to him and says that they are, but… Shana is like a baby sister to him. He can't change that. Lavitz doesn't think Shana sees it that way, though. Dart argues that when the war is over, he's got to get back to his journey of pursuing the Black Monster… and he doesn't want her to be involved in that.

Lavitz points out that revenge is a waste of life - he learned that much from Greham's death. He has no idea how much he hated that man all these years… The person he should be focused on is not from his past - he should pay a little more attention to the present. Now, he'll accept a couple of drinks as payment for this life advice. When all this is over, let's have a few at his place. Lavitz walks away, and Dart calls out - hey, wait! Lavitz…

Back inside the Arena, everyone meets up again, and we're on our way…

As we reach the edge of town, there's a sudden scream from off-screen, and everyone turns to watch as a knight stumbles into town with half a dozen arrows and a whole freaking axe sticking out of his back. He collapses as we approach, falling into the dirt, and Lavitz rushes over in a panic - he's a Knight of Basil! What's happened!? The knight, still clinging to life, recognizes Sir Lavitz - he's glad… At least he won't die in vain… Sandora surprised them with an attack… His Majesty Albert is… in captivity! Lavitz is distraught as Dart rushes over to help, overhearing just a few words - about the King, and about a familiar place. Hellena Prison!

The knight dies, and Lavitz goes to rush out immediately to save his king, but Dart catches him by his arm and tells him to calm down and pull himself together! Lavitz tells him to let go - he's gotta go! King Albert! Haschel pulls an absolute Chad move by doing a dramatic frontflip over the entire party, neatly landing in front of Lavitz and launching a blow into the man's stomach, knocking him out. He immediately apologizes for that, but needs must…

Later, in the infirmary, Lavitz wakes up on the bed Shana previously occupied. He's confused for a moment, then cries out for King Albert and jumps out of bed - to be faced with the entire party. Haschel calls him a fool, and tells him that when knights lose their self-control, their lord is doomed! Does he understand that? He should get a hold of himself before he goes running off. While he was sleeping, he went to get a feel for the situation, and asked around. Bale is under occupation, so he doesn't think the remaining knights can do much. Lavitz asks after Albert, and Haschel explains that he offered himself up as a captive in exchange for the safety of his people…

Lavitz muses that he got complacent, just because he defeated a dragon…! Haschel warns him there's no time for self-flagellation now. Dart points out there's no other option now but to go back to Hellena and free Albert! Haschel agrees that we shouldn't keep Lavitz's king waiting, now should we? Shana agrees we can do this! Rose figures if we're going, we should make up our mind now. Lavitz says that of course he's on board with this plan. We already know our way around that hellhole, don't we?

Lavitz asks what Master Haschel is going to do, though? Haschel figures he's already involved with us, she he might as well just go too. Lavitz asks about his daughter, but Haschel tells him not to mind that - he's already been looking for her for twenty years, so going with us for a little while won't make any difference. Lavitz can't thank him enough, but Haschel tells him it's fine - just, can he drop the 'Master' bit? Haschel is enough. Being called 'Master' makes him feel uneasy. This goes for Shana too, by the way. It feels good to be called by his first ame by a young lady… Lavitz tells everyone that as soon as we're ready, it's time to head for Hellena! After we rush off, Sanator muses that we're really something else…

Back outside, we can talk to a lady near the entrance to learn that almost the entire knighthood of Sandora came out to occupy Bale, believe it or not. Sending almost all the knights at once… Emperor Doel is brave to make a move like that! Another remarks that the wounded knight we found made it all the way to Lohan by sheer force of will… What great bravery he had! Bravery is important, but it's important we know the value of one's own life as well…

We're now free to head eastwards and reach one of those nodes on the world map we saw when we first reached Hellena Prison - we can make a full circle around Serdio if we want, since it's all connected! Incidentally, that means this is our first opportunity for a long-awaited detour…

Next: We return to our hometown, then double back for a reprise of our first mission - to invade Hellena Prison!
The Legend of Dragoon (Part 9) - Big Star Wars Energy New

Seles - Revisit the Ashes

If we make our way backwards through the Forest we can now return to Seles, where our adventure began, with Shana tagging along with us! As we enter town, Shana immediately takes off, running deeper into the ruins of the village with Dart calling after her. He chases her down as she despondently looks at the burnt-out ruins of the village she knew. This is… Seles!? She cries in her hands at the sight, and Dart promises that after we finish our journey, we should come back here. We can rebuild the village together. Shana sniffles but agrees. Let's do that! It's short, but it's nice that they thought of this corner-case visit…

Talking with the villagers, we meet a kid who says his grandpa's dead - he'll never see him again… A nearby lady argues mourning won't bring anyone back. They have to take action, they owe it to those who died! A child in the main village is happy - daddy and mommy are both alive! She can't believe it, she's so happy! Yippee, she found them! She was so lonely for so long, but they'll be together forever now! An old man says everyone is looking, but they still don't know the whereabouts of the Mayor and his wife…

Another elderly man tells us that two countries which used to be the same are now killing, smashing and destroying each other. For what?! Why is this war necessary, and why has it dragged on for twenty years? A familiar boy up north announces he will find Shana's parents! He won't put up with being second to Dart, screw that! A lady tells us that Master Tasman left on a solemn journey to study swordsmanship. He regrets that he couldn't save Seles, but she doesn't think he should blame himself like that.

Hellena Prison - Big Star Wars Energy

It's time to come full circle, and return to the place where we rescued Shana and met Lavitz. We arrive at twilight and make our way to the drawbridge, which is just getting raised after a cart makes its way inside. Lavitz, in a true madlad moment, hangs onto the edge of the bridge as it gets levered upright, then jumps down the other side and makes his way inside. Though we yell after him, it's only moments later that the drawbridge drops down again. Lavitz just yells at us to get going already!

We switch over to another part of the prison, where we see the huge brute Fruegel laughing to himself as he watches over the stripped down and shackled form of King Albert. It'll be dawn soon, he announces. He's such a nice guy, isn't he? Letting him see the sun one last time before he dies! When Albert doesn't answer, Fruegel demands that he say something! Fruegel's subordinates warily tell Fruegel that his orders say to keep Albert alive, but Fruegel just tells them to shut up! When the sun rises, that's when he's gonna… kill this little… Seriously, is Albert just gonna sit there? Say something!

Albert finally breaks his silence, noting that he's not well versed in conversing with putrid, vulgar men. Fruegel snarls that, guess what, this 'vulgar man' is gonna kill him! But at least he's not alone. The people of Bale will be following him soon! Albert, furious, says that's monstrous! What about the agreement to not hurt his people? He didn't know Doel had lost all honor! Fruegel scoffs and says he just wants Albert's 'body.' He let Fruegel take over the rest. And Albert knows what Fruegel is like… Ha ha ha!

Suddenly a warden comes rushing in and warns Fruegel that intruders have arrived - they're coming this way, led by a Lavitz and a man in red armor! Fruegel cries out Lavitz' name in a rage, and concludes both the head of the knights and the 'red one' are back… That's interesting.

He turns around and muses that it looks like they're burning the midnight oil to reach Albert. Hmmm, there's an idea! Maybe he'll burn them alive. Make 'em nice and crispy for his pet! Ha ha ha!

At this point we're instructed to form a team to tackle the prison - both Dart and Lavitz are mandatory inclusions, but we can swap the last character out for anyone. I went with the old perennial Rose because her additions are just very simple to pull off, and she's pretty strong. As soon as we enter, a warden declares we'll never make it to the top floor alive! Guess we know where we're going, huh? Familiar wardens populate this place, but the old routes we used don't really lead anywhere new. Instead, it's time to take that lift that wasn't working the first time we were here.

Taking that lift up leads to a bit of a maze - there's a whole bunch of elevators, doors, sliding poles and staircases here which interconnect and lead to a variety of item rewards, including a Felt Hat, a Therapy Ring which regenerates HP, a Silver Embroidered Vest, several attack items, and some other minor things. We can even get to that chest that was maddeningly out of reach during our first visit and loot it! After finally getting all the items we can take the same elevator we arrived in and ride it to the top.

Walking into the next room, the place begins to look familiar - remember that room where we stole a key last time, the one filled with guards? Yeah, those guards are now aware of our presence, and we're outnumbered. Several of the guards herd us together with their weapons, and clearly none of our party recognizes the giant grate we're all standing on - and presumably none of them have seen Return of the Jedi. The wardens thank us for coming all the way here to fall into their ambush! Lavitz just snarls that they should take us to King Albert, or they'll meet the sharp end of his spear!

One of the wardens scoffs and says that Lavitz is brave, he'll give him that, but he still doesn't realize where he is, does he? Dart snaps that he'd rather not have a pointless battle, so he tells them all to get out of our way! The Warden acknowledges that he knows how strong we all are… but it doesn't make any difference, because we're still just pet food! With that he triggers the pitfall we're all standing on, and with a loud 'Crap!' we go tumbling down, down, down…

Everyone makes it down into the basement layers of the prison island in one piece, and Dart quickly checks up on everyone - we've landed in a rocky cavernous area littered with bones. Shana assures us she's fine, and Lavitz thinks this is just a minor setback. Haschel declares that those Sandora are such cowards, using a cheap trap instead of fighting like men! Rose muses that they'd be foolish not to use their environment to their advantage, and it's our fault for falling for it. Haschel thinks that's pretty harsh, and doesn't agree…

Wandering around the room I pick up an item in the lone chest here, a Sachet, and talk to everyone for their opinions. Rose just complains this place smells repulsive, while Lavitz insists that we need to get to the King as soon as possible! Haschel mutters that 'that woman', Rose, rubs him the wrong way. Shana, meanwhile, says she's found something - she can feel a draft from behind the nearby rock wall! Inspecting it, Dart confirms it's true - there's a draft coming from right there! Lavitz concludes that if we move those rocks, there should be a way out…!

Haschel suddenly warns everyone that we seem to be unwanted guests down here, and turns towards the corner of the room we can't see. Rose rushes up and concludes that, on the contrary, it seems this hungry beast is more than happy to see us! As everyone gets into combat stances, Dart warns that it's coming…!

[Boss: Jiango]

Let's fight the Rancor! Yeah, it's pretty much a straight reference, I think - or a reference to a similar critter from FF7. Jiango is a big monster with a huge spiky monster fist and shackles on a few of its limbs, on top of a fanged mouth full of yet more bony protrusions and a clubbed scorpion tail. Dart announces that this is Jiango - if we put him to sleep, we can beat him easily! This is a hint, of course, to one strategy of defeating his particular boss.

The Sachet that we literally just picked up can be used to put the Jiango to sleep for a while, which gives us all some time to pile on damage while it's napping. Dragoon attacks are obviously the go-to there, or just good additions or big magic. While he's mostly a big bruiser, the most dangerous ability Jiango sports (while awake, of course) is that he can spit yellowish fog which confuses people, causing them to attack allies. Naturally that can be back-breaking, particularly if multiple people are affected. Reminds me of the heady days of watching Captain Amalthea beat herself up…

As loot for the fight we get, fittingly, another Sachet! Dart cheerfully declares that we made it, and decides that if that's the best they can throw at us, King Albert is as good as saved! The others loudly agree with the sentiment, yeah! Haschel tells us that we should turn around and look - the wall broke away when the monster collapsed against it, and we can make our way through now! Helpfully, a staircase is visible just beyond. Convenient. Let's go!

Everyone rushes off, but Shana and Haschel stay behind for a moment. Haschel asks her if anything's wrong? Shana mutters to herself that guys have something special, don't they? Haschel concludes this is about Dart and Lavitz, right? Shana confirms that they seem to understand each other without a word… Men and women just aren't like that, and he envies them a little bit. Haschel wonders what she thinks about Dart, then? Shana admits she still doesn't know. After everything, he still just sees her as his little sister. Dart suddenly comes running back down the stairs looking for Shana, asking if something's wrong?! Shana assures him she's fine, she's coming…

The staircase leads to a lengthy spiraling path upwards, dotted with mandatory fights against senior prison wardens that are a lot easier to take down this go-around. At the top of the stairs we find ourselves back in the room where we fell down from, taking down a few more of the guards that dropped us in the first place. They can't believe it's us - how are we still alive?! No way, we beat the monster…? No, they have to stop us, or Fruegel will kill them! Curiously, some of these wardens bring big chicken-things into battle with them - are they pets…?

Anyway, fighting up another staircase we exit out onto the top of the fortress, which looks rather alien with all its rocky arches and stony spires. There's also a save point here with several treasure chests, which bodes ill - the chests contain a generic spear and broadsword, the base weapons that Lavtiz and Dart use. That's… kinda weird? I guess if you somehow lost all your items…? At any rate, it's time to gear up, because we're clearly getting to the end of this dungeon. Time to save the king's life!

The camera switches to Fruegel and Albert again, the latter still bound in a circle on the ground while Fruegel looms over him with an enormous club. The sun is rising, Fruegel observes, so Albert should be happy! He'll die, and the war ends! That was his wish, wasn't it? He wants the war to end, doesn't he? He'll make that dream come true very soon! Ha ha ha…

Albert curses to himself - agh, damn! Fruegel muses that it's unfortunate for Lord Doel, but he's not gonna wait for that jerk with the silver hair! He just really wants to kill something! When he sees the smallest glimpse of the sun, he's gonna crush the king's skull like a pumpkin! URGH!

At that very moment, as Fruegel lifts his maul up high, our party comes running into the picture, with Lavitz shouting King Albert's name. He snarls at Fruegel that it's over, fat man! Ha. Fruegel scoffs, and decides that rats have shown up right on time. It doesn't matter, though. We'll be a nice warmup before he butchers our precious king!

[Boss: Fruegel, Guftas, Rodriguez]

We're not facing off against Fruegel alone, but also two of his pets - these being Guftas, his pet dog wearing a helmet of some description with a spike on it, and Rodriguez, his pet bird. Guftas is annoying because his howls can confuse party members, while Rodriguez picks up people and tosses them around for significant damage. As a consequence, those two are our first targets - get rid of the annoying bird with the least HP, then focus on the dog.

After both of the pets are down, it's time to focus on the powerhouse - Fruegel himself. He's got easily double his pets' HP, but he's an Earth element user so Lavitz is king here, dealing considerably more damage than you'd think. If only his additions were a little easier… Dragoon attacks are, of course, the absolute king as usual, and they also come in handy earlier on to get rid of confusion. Fruegel eventually powers up, which just makes him tougher to deal with, so this is a matter of outlasting him. Doable, but it takes a while.

Just as Lavitz finishes off Fruegel with a stab of his spear, the camera shifts to the background, to a screaming King Albert - in all the confusion a familiar black-robed figure has snuck up on the king from behind and shoved his entire hand into the king's back, which erupts into a bright glow as the man retrieves an object from it. He knew it was here, he declares, the Moon Gem! He shows the iridescent glowing jewel in his palm as it slowly dims and reveals its green central gem surrounded by a purple and bands of silver. Albert looks over his shoulder, furious, but is still bound and can't actually move.

'Moon Gem!?' Dart demands, at the same time that Lavitz activates his Dragoon Armor and jumps into the fray with his wings spread, his spear aimed straight at the man in dark armor. We see the man prepare some kind of powerful spell with one hand, assembling some kind of Earth element power, which suddenly solidifies into a sword just as Lavitz attacks, and he deals a vicious counterstroke which skewers through Lavitz as if it's a lightsaber.

'LAVIIIITZ!' Dart cries as we slowly see him drop from the sky, unmoving, somehow hit straight through his supernatural armor. 'That sword…!' Rose murmurs to herself.

The dark-armored man, meanwhile, sheds his hood - to reveal that he is Lloyd! The very platinum-haired warrior we were effortlessly defeated by in the tournament in Lohan. Dart snarls his name in recognition, but he doesn't say anything - he simply turns away and flies off without any obvious means of doing so, and vanishes. Yeah, okay, Sephiroth...

Our party, meanwhile, rushes over to their fallen ally, who is still clothed in his Dragoon outfit. Dart begs him to hang on! Hey…! Lavitz just asks, with halting breath, whether His Majesty is alright? He reaches out to Dart, who assures him that yes, yes, Albert is fine! Lavitz says that's good… He can entrust us with the rest. Albert says Lavitz' name in anguish, while Lavitz tells us his last words - he tells Dart to survive, and… He never gets any further, as his hand falls away from Dart's and he goes still. Lavitz is gone. Albert turns his face away in grief as Shana searches for solace with Rose.

Suddenly there's a flash of green light, as Lavitz' Dragoon spirit departs him, shining like a green point of light in the air before slowly descending back down towards King Albert and landing in his hands. Albert grasps the spirit and thanks Lavitz for everything. Dart, finally grasping the finality of what has just happened, screams Lavitz' name to the sky…

The reward screen for the boss fight seems a bit naff after that, but we grab our Gravity Grabber and an extra addition for Rose…

Seles - Regroup, Refocus... Replace?

When we fade back in, we're now in the ruins of Seles. Our party arrives, bedraggled and tired, and Albert laments that he never saw this for himself. Such senseless destruction… Dart steps away and begins to unearth a hatch near one of the buildings, telling the others we can hide underneath there. Everyone else moves to help reveal the way, including Albert, but Dart tries to stop him, knowing that he is hurting. Albert insists, though - when he's moving like this, it hurts less…

Soon enough the party moves enough debris to uncover the way to a basement, where they quickly set up. Albert admits to everyone that he owes us and Lavitz a debt of gratitude. Dart darkly reflects that Lavitz is gone, but Shana reminds him that we're still alive! That means we still haven't lost, right? She thinks that's enough for now. Shana thinks that Lavitz would have agreed with her on that. Albert grins, and says that reminds him of what Lavitz told him about all of us. He said he'd met people he could finally rely on. Now he understands why. He looks to each of our party - Dart, Shana, Haschel, Rose - and explains that Lavitz was his strongest and most loyal knight, and at the same time, his closest friend. He would like to thank us for accompanying him and being there for him. He offers us his deepest gratitude.

Rose observes that Lavitz was monumentally unlucky… She had no idea that Lloyd carried the Dragon Buster! If she'd known that, she would have stopped him. Dart wonders what she's talking about? Dragon Buster? Rose explains that it's a weapon from the old world, designed for only one purpose - to kill dragons and their masters. Even the almighty Dragoon Armor is but a mere sheet of paper to the Dragon Buster. Dart wonders about Lloyd… What kind of plot is he concocting…?

As we wander the basement, Dart asks Albert what exactly Lloyd took from him back there? A Moon Gem? Albert admits he needs a little more time to think more on that… Dart also apologizes to Rose, saying he feels sorry for making her accompany us into such a mess like this. Rose assures us that she's the one following us. Anyway, Basil will be finished soon if we don't do something, so she looks forward to seeing what we do in this situation.

Shana hopes we're not gonna be like this forever. We won't, right…? Dart turns to Haschel and notes that things have gotten a lot more complicated than simply looking for his daughter… Haschel assures him it's fine, though, as he can go look for her some other time. We have something we have to do first, it seems… He observes that when we first saved Shana, we were running on instinct, right? Well, where are our instincts pointing us now? They're probably right. What could that silver-haired man be conspiring…?

Albert finally sighs and concludes that he'll have to share the truth with all of us. The truth about what Lloyd took from him. Everything about it… The story goes back 11,000 years… The Winglies who ruled the earth were crushed in the Dragon Campaign, and were never seen again. However, their sacred objects were scattered around the world. The Winglies contained their magic power within these objects, which only they could use, and one of them was handed down in Serdio. It's kept sealed inside the body of each new crown heir, the safest place it could possibly be hidden. This sacred crown treasure is known as the Moon Gem.

Rose wonders where Lloyd found out about that object, then? Albert admits he was foolish, as he employed Lloyd as his advisor. Perhaps he knew even before then, though. Regardless, it is clear that he's aligned himself with the Imperial Sandora. Rose acknowledges this, and muses that once he obtains the royal treasure, Doel will be the crown heir of Serdio in both name and reality. The birth of 'King Doel the Conqueror' will be the death of Basil…

Dart insists that can't be - King Albert is still alive! He's still the true king, and Basil isn't finished yet! Rose wonders what a king is who doesn't have a castle to go back to, and no troops under his command? Albert admits she's right - he's powerless by himself, and as mere human beings we can't hope to bring down an empire. However, as Dragoons… With that his Dragoon Spirit begins glowing, and those of the others follow suit. Perhaps we still have a chance to tip the odds in our favor with these…

We have only one target, now. Emperor Doel himself, in the Black Castle. Perhaps it's time we paid him a visit? Rose admits that's quite the daring strategy, but it's not a bad one. Shana agrees we should do it! Dart enthusiastically announces we'll take the fight directly to the emperor himself. We'll cut the head off the snake! Haschel muses that he's no Dragoon, but perhaps his iron fist can be of some assistance…

Now that we're all in agreement, Albert declares that Lavitz taught him everything he knew about wielding the lance, and he's been waiting for a chance to demonstrate! Dart yells to the skies, to Lavitz, that we won't let his death be in vain! We'll put an end to this war! With that, we fade to white…

As you may have guessed, Albert now becomes a playable character - a replacement for Lavitz in basically every respect, inheriting not just his Dragoon Spirit but also his choice of weapon and some of his additions. It seems to me the patterns and timing of Albert's strikes are a little different, probably because he's got his own animations for similar moves, and he's a little easier to control in my experience. This is a bit of a quick 'anyway have a xerox copy of the dead guy' character replacement, but at least it makes narrative sense for Albert to stick around…

Meanwhile, over in the Black Castle, we see Lloyd standing at the foot of Emperor Doel's throne. Doel muses that it seems Hellena has fallen… Lloyd tells him not to worry too much, though, since he already got what he needed. Doel wonders if leaving the girl at large is also part of his master plan…? Lloyd says that's none of Doel's business, who just huffs and says it doesn't really matter to him. He will soon control all of Serdio, and Lloyd's plan will be completed! Lloyd turns around and scoffs. No - no, he's just getting started. He wishes Doel luck, and warns him to be careful not to lose what he's worked so hard for… He shouldn't get burned by his own ambitions, friend…

As Lloyd walks off, Doel repeats those words: 'burned' by his own ambitions: Ha ha ha! To achieve his ambitions, he could walk barefoot into hell!

Afterwards we end up on the world map, but we can quickly reenter Seles for a few more lines. A guy there concludes the entire future of Serdio rests on us, huh? We really think we're cool, huh? Damn it! He'll restore Seles, as he won't put up with being second to Dart! An old man says they heard a rumor about a warrior in red armor - could that be Dart?! He knows that we can save the future of Basil!

One of the other men explains that they found out that the Mayor and his wife, Shana's parents, are in another village! They'll be back after this war is settled. He tells us they're all counting on us, and everything is riding on what we do… Some of the kids wish both Dart and Shana luck, and they ask that we come back alive, okay? Promise! Another asks us to avenge his grandpa for him, please… He deserves justice!

Next: Let's head for the Imperial Capital of Kazas and the Black Castle of Doel that lies within... It's time to finish this war!
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